Activity 6 - Gualon, Carlo N.

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Carlo N.

Activity 6

Give at least 3 products that you bought and reflect on whether it is buying on motivation &
emotion, perception, or prior influences.
Shopping is one of my favorite pastimes, especially online. Fortunately, my girlfriend is
someone who enjoys the same things I do. She consistently checks to make sure that the items
we purchase are high-quality and long-lasting. Because of this, they always ask for my assistance
and knowledge to evaluate the products anytime she wants to order something. I've developed a
horrible habit of using Shopee to fill the gap left by emptiness or grief ever since the pandemic
started. Here are my top three purchases.
I started by buying a phone online, despite the fact that it was a risky decision to spend a
huge amount of money. My partner assisted me in selecting the appropriate store and in
obtaining several discount coupons. Because I managed to balance employment and school, I
was able to purchase my own phone. My selection was affected by motivation and emotion, if I
had to pick two factors. I'll classify it under physiological demands in Abraham Maslow's
Hierarchy of Needs. It became necessary for me in these difficult times when learning is being
applied online. It will be difficult for me to complete all of my academic work without my
Secondly, just recently I bought an AquaFlask. I know it is a trend right now, however, I
have my personal reasons why I bought the item. First, the face-to-face class is getting closer and
I need lots of water to sustain the thirst I feel most of the time. Next, I’m not familiar with other
brands that offers cheaper price than AquaFlask. So, I decided to stick with it because I’m afraid
that the quality might change. This might be a small thing with others but I really have a problem
with water because I’m thirsty most of the time. In addition, in campus, it’s quite hot so I need to
drink cold water and AquaFlask will the the job to keep my water cold. I would say this decision
also affected by influence.
The most recent thing I purchased was a shirt from Oxygn. Due to my earlier usage of the
product, I decided to purchase it. My friend suggested the product, so I only tried it once. But
after I showed that the product was very wonderful, I trusted the brand and got another shirt. I
spent less time buying it because I didn't have to reassess the product description since I already
knew it.

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