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Below is a schedule of topics to be discussed during the daily pre-shift “safety talk”

The Monthly safety theme is Near-miss reporting and the monthly Think Fatal Danger is(TFD) 6 -
1 Report all near-misses to your immediate supervisors.
2 Don't take shortcuts. Follow safety rules and procedures to help prevent near misses.
3 Store hazardous materials correctly
4 Understand the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) before handling any Hazardous Materials
5 Always report near misses as soon as possible. A near miss one time could be an injury incident
the next time.
6 Wear the correct Personal Protective Equipment when handling Hazardous Materials.
7 Near misses should always be reported and recorded
8 Dispose of all used hazardous material containers or bags in designated areas.
9 Don’t take a near miss lightly taken action.
10 Ensure that all hazardous substances are well labeled.
11 Do not consume any food while handling Hazardous Materials.
12 Investigate all near misses reported and take necessary actions.
13 Always wash your hands after handling Hazardous Materials.
14 Emphasize to employees that they will not be punished for reporting near misses, and that their
names will not be included in any “lessons learned” reports or training materials.
15 Educate employees on why near miss reporting is necessary, the important role that workers play
in reporting events, and the process for reporting.
16 Identify areas with Hazardous Materials in the workplace.
17 All containers and bags containing Hazardous Materials must be labeled and sealed.
18 Clean all Hazardous Materials spillage in your workplace.
19 Do not consume any food while handling Hazardous Materials.
20 Always report near misses as soon as possible
21 Dispose of all used hazardous material containers or bags in designated areas.
22 Wear the recommended PPE when handling Hazardous Materials.
23 Don’t take shortcuts. Follow safety rules and procedures to help prevent near misses
24 Ensure all requirements for working in acidic areas are met before commencing work.
25 If you are not sure about any chemical, ask your supervisors.
26 Return containers with chemicals to their designated storage location.
27 Inform supervisors of unsafe acts or unsafe conditions immediately.
28 Clean all Hazardous Materials spillage in your workplace.
29 Rinse off and neutralize any Hazardous Material contamination on your PPE.
30 Avoid touching hazardous materials without the recommended PPE.

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