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PRR or trvoduston. ¥ Contibusiiny Pisaplines to-ers yy 4 ' holoyy Manin, < oyjenisationsl behavions 15 the Bye Stusty human behaviows 1m Croanisations 5 cocial feycholoyy $ Make Mort active human perfananie 4) Arntno polo ' AO Aehieve Orgamisahonal Objtctivel v5 5) poubial Science wetlas human objectives. 4) Eeonomucs Ocaniton: D Engineering a aciadliny (O° CU Lattons.— SN aia “Organicational behovious is olivectty H Formal am| Tnzasmal Organisution concerned with the uncle stanciny, preicion 1) Formal Sra sation. A yasraal Ovgand- ad conto! ef human behaviors in SaHOn with @ fined set Cf ules Of mAva- are Ovqunisuution procecases cual SIUCIES. AS Nature “ organo Behaviows ae eu en a D Mathdisci plinesy study eave tit dil evetion jor iis pret 3) Syyrematic Appwch 3) Behaviowal Apprech 4 Foutuses 4) Science aie Aric Dwell Argitne| goals 5) Human Teo! Sct OF THles amsl vequlrsionn ©) Graf Oviewtee| HTL IS bere on division + Work D Thiee level aneclysic ALES dutiborately Cvrattel 5) Tt iS Pure Sable: H Lmpastance of Organisational Pe hayidws LEIS impersonal Y Moximi zation oy Hurwan yesonaces YEYECIVE Communicenon, w Advantages » 4) Hovel human veleution i) Achioamena of Organisational Objectives A) Grea tes better envivonmment im Orgensation. Y No overlapping oy WK, 5) Optimum ane better Utibizaution ey wiowtes —-) SYMEMALtC Working Hi mpoving quality emf Productivity 4) Moe emphasis e¢ work DLemproviny Customer sevice 3) Creation ef Chain of Commanet 3) Tempoviny peeple skill 6) Co- ovdination AP Scope oy Cvgmnisational behavious . 4 Disdalventajes : The Cope Of OB involves Htnee i) Delay in ‘ACO buuels 64 behaviows 1m ovganisctionys : DY LORS Flexi bili Y Thdividual behaviow, Steer cow Cation Y Group behaviows A) Toners Soci Mew of employes Y Organisational behavions . ee : *) Lasso Ovgenitetion + c+ Organisational beh MyAmel Orjanisation iS H Tnterlocking Re thet pat now people Warr, together in. ® features: _W Concept of Organisational Behauio ay YN spees fie goalc I Basel on native 0 peo xg Yule ave Wulations 1) Individual li ea DTH Mot cletiberatery creaurd 4 thal poron (pe A) Tt tacks stability SY) Cayrd behoions 5) Leis persona ) diqnt © tajatehat eas, 4) Human dignity : 2) Basel Or heuture of Ovgarusenonal. W Advantages : a Y Jab Sorivycrion #2) OPN Syvem 2) Meet the pesonel Nee ss aes hase D Eppective wars system, ) w 4) Lighten ramayemout wah lode} F Ytrdividuol cltfzevences + ee ancaam y Differences in Lhteltigente eo Ratarercencyeiwns oli iy 2 Pifpererces 1 Leterest 4 Ditadvantayes : 3) Diypermnces in Ppevinalit Y No syrematic Wasking A) Ditprences In Perception A) May briny Negative esucts 5) Diffrrences in Mehvahon, 3) Moe emphasis to individual interey i vidlusl 4Mtereyp 4) Spredl xemouss, 5) Tt resists Change . Forme(_vjs Tnyarmal Ovjanisenon ~ Fovmel Ovqenisanon 5 te Basic Tesms | Tnyjasrual O14 anisaeon Faxrmaion Actount fy delegation of Account for Soe interaction) Authonty of the pesple Fruphasis on Perera an | people anc their velachen chips Creation De libereutety Spontaneously Authority Poshons e Hicrarchica( Athonty| From top to bottom Grae rune YUE MLLe, ve guUlcctions, vighty and dunes fevcons. Fleurs upwasdl or herrea Hes Unwritten -youles nevWs, cue bay Comparatively smal( Fan propit Soul Satie facton — Exists pevmanentiy unviable ule -02 Founiations piven envivonmun. H Detaminamis og inclividuel behawiouy « Y Bios yaphicet files DAs a) SEK 3) Masital status | 4) No. Deperlesrts 5) Trteliectun) Abilities 8) Physical Abilities 2) Peycholojitas Factors DPrsna YX Paccption 3) Attilutes A) Valure X Ovganisational Factors A) Envivonnvunial Facioys. Y Posonality : The tum personality has been adsived prom the Latin wl I fensong Which Hous to" Speak, tmough ; Parsonality lunates the psgcholo gical Characteristics of & parson that Aarts his brhavicw towreds goal ivement. Th Other Waiels, pasonali iS a wi things wat We Comiltent- Tn nt influences thelivi buhavions sonality + hoi individu behave © fosonatity Theories: : orcs ee “ eae ee WER uae ne 3) Type Theory O Type A Pewsenaiy 2) Psy choahalyjhical Theory’ - Sigmund Freud. 40 W4pond people, situations an Wf Favors infiuenciny pov morality the Pyychatomea| (actor that ee una codel! ro O© Type G Personality. Acending to Sigmun( Freud the wun iS Lomporee| Gi tine Clements. }) Precocious a Y CONCIOUS (guided by Yeasoned venti 4 enices En hedonistic Ponsg Sigmund freuel cleveloge] Oveuiri section 67 Potonality Cons sting of 3 yruutses within) the Wuman Wit Vid, a) £90, 3 SUperego J Wait Theories - Atiport Cettett and shelelen. 2 Percephon Perception is an intellectual process of hans yormuny sensory Ainauti {to Meany ful INPwmection. # Charatreniiics Of perception Y Perception 1S 4 Selective process Y perception vequires. (emsasion 3) paception involves Organisation A) paception involves past experiences sy pocephon 1 Objechve as well ax Subjecive, 1) fattors IM the purcrives (Atlitucles, Motives, intevests, eExpenence ) a) Falters iM the perceived Cage, genclin, facial Xpresiions, poxi 3) faitors IM the Gitunton, 1 Ciime » Woy sulting , soca setting 3B) Attitude An autituele can be ¢ as a preclispositien to Of UNfovoniable Way to ” Wet experience with the Objeer , Poe ons meas ts Jy operant crettioniny Theery( BF sk 4) Family an} Per groups 3 Cognitive Theory Cabowt atrely exiiiny fn 5) Neighbowshoad. fy Socicul Leastinyy Theory (obsesvetional (carniny 9 Fononaiy Matus and Occupation oy We tncludles 4 processes + © Type of Joh alate Mites 3 teaunn ats : a a evel ek 3) Motos Yeproctuctian process 9 Orpamisational Commitment A) Rein goverment process 4) Values : Values represen stele, Len - lasing beliezs about what is imper tant they me Waluote Wandarels that help us 40 determine What iS ght oy Abeny good ex bad in the World He Nature of Values Y Values ase prsonal Values give Ws Ow pucephon 3) Values Chane aS Expevicnces Chats Ay Ous autons point to Wheat We Ially Value A Somces, Of Values: 1) Fannily Factors 4) Souiall Fauutors 3 Personal Factors ec. Wrillar by, Raju G Aragenji, P.Ne. 8494906092, Safe Oxperierces Dkole Demands 8) Holo effert- ining: — Ltownan, is @ Change in bebavitw yeoult Of Oxpevience- Learning isthe ef yAseniny thinkin, Th Jaynaetion cand peeption, Des inv commerce Manasagangelri Mysere f Niduteos Motivator i Motivation Con be cescribeel as the antennal that Lmyaus the civcction, intensity and endlusance Of 4 Perion's Voluntary Choice ef behavions. Edwih & flippo" Motivanon 164 process o4 er Mee to inyzluence Others to do thay Wask though the possibility o¢ getting # Characivrtstis 6/ Motivation « D Incentive ¥Y Vaneneliny process 3) Poychstopical Concert A Inoraie in Cppicicney 5) Incase 19 morale © power to Act He Aime oy Objectives of Motwation « Myo maaate The eft To deartop fuumuch relationship ih the enter prise ¥ To inarase morale of the enyloyces Ho increase the eypiliency ef the eryleyees 5) To Mtt the Co-Ordination of camployers He Types 6 Motivators © Y) Monetary n Cen tives 3) Non- Menetoy Tecentives fr Theories of Motyaron » VY) Maslow's Need Hievarchey Theory : 1943 Masiow idenificl 5 levels ih His Mecel hievowchy” i Physiological Neccls Y Phy et ©) Re, Medlels “(Clayton Ans) 190) Dhysine theory (Tho factor theory) (hderich Woz, 1959) employers Serirfaceion has 100 cLimmenson leuhnicag SUpOViHon, quality Ordimctes Cf SUpUidys Calady job Ae Gaess Poa a groups Cf y Exinience Needs Yy Relatedness Needs 3) Growth Neds Fort huzbug theonied thar hygiene on Mmofvisen Hygiene Jautoss includes Company policies ancl adoalrishetion , qualityoy Inter rensona| YeLhons amony peeis, Sub Geewnityy, povonal Ife, wOrbiney “Condiners an Yates ANUS 16 GRY ONOMCAL bho mality ay the snuctnal oy biO “Chemilel (evel Carre, by Overload iny CKPOVLENCES Stress isan ot yesporice to ay exteynes Sunion that yeswlts in PhugsiCal) Peycho tomer ane OY behaviowal keviahons. Cause ne 1) Extya - Orga nahowel MEVOK ay souat at{ fechnoloscal Changes 3) Finnie problem A) Fansily packieins 5) Rate, Religien WX OF 4 Civic eal pale” TY OcLuparcne, Pemaneds Carney Concer, 4) Rote complica Kole Anagya Gualitati \) A group who ac Misaiting with One another i 40 oF more payors fry Sach a Mnnney that au, Posen Hyzluennecs Cthol i 1N fluence by teh othey paren We Lecteres ef 4 Group Y Two or more persons A) Cottective Tolentity 3) Tntevacaon hare Goal thives) fb Types ef Groupe: » pony are Secondary yeu 2) Member chip Ghoups avef Ket Brenic Greup 3) Enyvouy aud Quigrouy 4) Lninen tv etn Friets| Group 5) Feuma( asd iv ( qpoup : H Sages inthe -fasmason et (mrovig ¥ forming ay NoTMINy 2) Noyminy 4) pe orminy y Ad jowrninyy # fartos Ayjecnny Group Behevions YW Group membey resouces 2) yup Marte 3) (noug ze AY Qoup wes tUhwuereriner ef Leaolersaip * 1) Feflowers a 2» A personal aualtty ~ | 3 K Common joa( A) Athen Yuasen 5) pracacal Apprech 6) THis a proves 4p Timpotance Leackesship. Deanne = Yy Organisation ef ACI FES, d Kepeseriafion of Wor kes A) providing guidance sy Tnspivanon ef Employees 6) Buiteliny employees morale D Faciltiating Change eaship Syle ¢ The fom Aeockerthip stybe / cto The pattun behaviowy lich Qtadey acopts 1M athe behawit of the Tollowes towards the @tainmes oF anisafitnal Zoals. V) Awtonatic cr Autheritanian styles 2) Pemwcraéic cr participative Styler 3) POMS VE Myle or free Teindtyte 3) Commuuni@ion Commun) Cafion mS fhe thang fer | © infasmanen fom 2 cendey fe Yeceiey with the Infesmaton being Uncostood by fhe veceiver tr Featwires of Communi ceson: VY) Two way “(process Basis for planniny “Moetivahon {0 work, Tob (ahi Faction o Perce 40 Objtctives X) @-Ordi nection ©) Facilijates [eadeachip. a) Facititetes Conte) 8) Tyaining arf oleve(optnens 9) Adoplability to external environs, Ht Process of Communica sion i) Sender 4) Message X Eneding A) Transmiion 5) Receivey §) Detecting » Noite §) Feedba; H chomnals ¢4 Commun(coy 1) formas Communicase AY Tn formal Commusnice ) Channe( 1 Chanel tr taevits Of faim Conmnunicinon Y Authentic inyasmasor AY Large gtopaphical cree X Co-ovdinahon A) Conto| S) Filtering OF infection + Se Jorrmal Communication io {mil distortion ree Consuumin:

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