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BUS O1 Environmental Coniert Ne Edoriomic policy 1991 The New economic policy é on IMportant landmark in the Clonomic histey Post independence Trdig THIS WAS MELE itorted by the wlerst cononwnic Guisic witnessed by the Country afyer tmdlependence. The main objective ¢ NEP ic Urtating moe Cor “mend jn the eonowy, Economic crisis ° Y Low yoveign exchange payment Situakon ¥Yy National cebt The isis was Converted into 0 nities 10 mtyoduce come Changes im the Context a: economic policy [suiow balance % ppertu und aimewta Gpproch to Byanches e¢ NEP (L1G) Y Libwalisation: Libevalisation means making Clonomics fi to entey Mthe musket aud establish theiy verse in the Countsy 4) Pyivitisation > Privitisation means when the Cory! at coonomy 4846 the 18 Shifted FrOM public 10 4 private hewf 3) Globaliserhon: 1+ in teqrate the natione| ani im.t0 the inter hetional econons) £5, MEEMS Open Up OW Cronemy with global economy. P fh Measures taken for Libualisation : Y Libevalisation for ihdushiat NiGensing 4) Freedom to import techno loyy. 3) CONLESGION FIM Monopolies Act 4) Fretclom to Import ef Capitey goods aec{ yaw materials CAPOrt are] IMPOR tren 5) Libevallsation a 6) Libevatisation I taxation polics Trevose inthe invent Tina cy the smatt radustiies a 4 Measuses taken for Privatisation: Y) @htrvactoh public Sectore 9) Clove SiUK public Seetor industnes y Sales of Shares Nic Sector pee eer, eure or petitive environ, + Measuses actopted for_(plobali setion ) Thorae the foreign investments % Pastial Conyersibility of Thdion vupee 3) Foreign" 47lte poli A) Reduction tyari fy, 5) Export promotion tt Main objectives VY To pramote Creativity A) To mevemre the size oF private sector 3) To genevate venue fey the jovernment A) To Inevease the Nae Ive stents 5) To facilitate pee flow ef Capital f Repovms o¢ NEP A444 Y Trdusrsiant policy (44) 2) Monitor policy | Finance policy 3) Fiscal policy A) Trade policy 5) Agricultural policy 4) WK policy EP -1991 2) Environment Context | HRM Ehvnonmert Uma Yecousce envisonment 16 4 puto social cnvironmect which inciucec the CONcere SKINS. productivity , NAHE ancl behavidur cf LR, eraployces, Clemen{ an Supply, MOnVaHON COPE, Comper methods and inoliusrial veution cermin Of HR practices. Envivonmert Content: inetucles ar those ; tors which fue yelation sti With the function o¢ HR department Those alien ton t celine intivo COACGOVIES 1: INIHel Factor nat Howes gma cata ce T) Internat Facto y Objective of he fim 9) Organisational srracting YY) Mamagemurt Contre) oye 4) (ovporate Cuttine 5) Human Resource Manayement- T) External Factors + A) Mio tAvivonmeat ) suppliers ayomers 3) Mowtsetiny inctermediaties A) Compititors 5) pablic. rT » Macro Environment : 4 J environment ii i a ea: environment : ‘ "1 3) Socio — CaLtuse envi ae tints) Technological Cavironmens f ' » eee apm eav . eM OFTaphiC environment ty ed i wa 4 Natise( envisonmens. \ og ’ | [2 Structmel Reqorme: 5, | | | rf fest alas opment ‘Strucesal reforms 16 a nee : { ies rhes recy pan, Wi ape vet! Lal Lith abel PEPIN | parte ' brah f jaisier f ' ‘ eit ¢ Aplaat se 19h se hag b ; oa ahh ut Mes oth Cpe sipind MORI PO bee mal eid wD pe Mpscteabboen. faced peativene Me (Ah bi epal oe 27 28 . pe rads shiotiorems PE bil (e pera ligt sk Hii pan fo) ite) o is) < x a % ° Medute-o2 4) Job Specification a na Kesowte planning aw procedise A Job

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