Cs ZOO Management

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This is to certify that SriRaj Sunil Pillai of class Xll – A has

worked successfully under the supervision of Mrs. Kajal Rai
during academic year 2022 – 23 on the project “Hospital
Management System” as per the guidelines issued by Central
Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).

Signature of Subject Signature of

External Teacher Examiner

Signature of Principal
I am thankful to my Cs teacher Mrs. Kajal Rai who helped
and guided me while making this project.

Without her guidance my project would have been incomplete

and imperfect.

The guidance and support received from all the members

who contributed and who contributed and who are contributing
to this project, was vital for the success of the project.
Input/Output Requirement
The Existing System
The Proposed System
Similar Softwares
Future Scope of the Project
Source Code
The Zoo Management System facilitates the Customer to enquire about the
wild life and visiting details available on the basis of location and timings,
Booking and Cancellation of tickets, enquire about the status of the booked
ticket, etc. Online booking has made the process for the reservation of tickets
very much easier than ever before. It’s a system of managing the duties and
status of all kind of worker and employees. Here animal loving people search
for an animal and get the whole info, they can even search with their
availability at the zoo.
The objective of this project is to let the students apply the
programming knowledge into a real-world situation/problem
and exposed the students how programming skills helps in
developing a good software.
Input/Output Requirement

❖Operating System: - Windows 10 or above
❖Processor: - Pentium (Any) or AMD Athlon
(3800+ - 4200 + Dual Core)
❖RAM: - 512 MB+
❖Hard Disk: - SATA 40GB Or Above
❖Motherboard: - 1.845 Or 915,995 For Pentium or MSI K9MM-V VIA
K8M800+8237R Plus Chipset for AMD Athlon

Software Requirements

❖Windows OS
❖Python Programming Language
❖MySQL Database Management System
The Existing System

 The present software are obsolete, sluggish, unorganised and

are only accessible by either the staffs or the visitor.
 Most of the work is done manually which increases the chances
of human error.

The Proposed System

 It’s an age of computers and automating of such an organisation

gives the better look.
 The work becomes fully automated and any information regarding
the organisation can be obtained by clicking the button.

Similar Softwares

Some of the pre-existing similar software are shown below

Future Scope of the Project
Our project has a large scope in the future as it is easy to use it, understand it and
modify it.
 In this age of evolving technologies, our software aims
to modernize Data Storing which were not able to stand
the test of time, either because of superior competition
or due to heavy storing of data in the system.

 Our software helps the management department to

manage and maintain the records of doctors, patients
and the other staff workers of the hospital much easier
and effective method from virtually anywhere in the

 Our software is a paperless software which makes it

easy to sustain and aids the environment.

 Our software increases the precision and efficiently by

eliminating the humanchance of error.

 Our software is laidback and can be accessed by

employees and users.
Output Set :
Output= {Ticket_Allotment , Booking_confirmation, Logout }
Customers search for the zoo and Ticket details and access information
regarding the bookings after login.
Customers and Employee add and update the information and details.
Customers can make reservation by checking zoo timing details.
Zoo management system keeps the track of bookings and
manage/update the bookings and detail information about Zoo.

 Customers can confirm tickets online instead of traditional method of
ticket confirmation.
 User ,visitors as well as Zoo Employee is able to keep the details of visits.
 This system can be used in order to minimize waiting times, prioritize
icket confirmation.
 This allows individuals to conveniently and securely reserve their entries
to zoo online. Compared to the usual traditional method, queuing
method, the web-based management system could significantly increase
customer and visitor satisfaction and reduce total waiting time and
efforts effectively of visitors as well as the employees.

Source Code

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