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Teaching Series: My Destiny is in God’s Word
Pillar: THE WORD
Reference Books: Born to Win - Bishop David Oyedepo
AGES 8-9
Did you know that the Bible is a special Book that tells us who we are and what we
have in God? God has a glorious, royal and mountain-top destiny for all His children,
no matter who their parents are and where they come from. Therefore, this month
we will be looking at how to discover what the Bible says about your glorious
TOPIC: My Destiny is in God’s Word
Bible Text: Acts 20:29-32
Bible Characters: Paul and the disciples
Memory Verse: Acts 20:32 MSG
“Now, I’m turning you over to God, our marvelous God whose gracious Word can
make you into what he wants you to be…….”
OBJECTIVE: At the end of the Bible lesson, children should be able to say:
i What the Word of God is
ii Why do they need to read the Bible
iii How to receive God’s Word
What is God’s Word?
■ God’s Word is the Bible. 2 Timothy 3:16
Why Should I Read God’s Word?
■ The Bible reveals to me who I am and what I have in Christ. Acts 20:32
■ God’s Word gives us access to God’s blessings – Deuteronomy 28:1-2
How to Receive God’s Word
■ You must be Born Again and remain so. John 3:8
■ You should pray for the right word. Job 6:25, Psalm 119:18
■ You should read your Bible daily. 1 Peter 2:2
QUESTION: Why do we say the Bible is God’s Word? Did God write it with His
ANSWER: See the breakdown under the Teacher’s Activity section.
Instructional material: The Bible.
Action point: Plan to read the story of a hero of the Bible that you like this month
of June.
Faith talk: God’s Word shapes my life; I am a child of destiny.
Evaluation: How can I access God’s Word?
Activity: Understanding the Inspiration of the Bible
Objective: Help students understand that God gave the Bible's words to the
Materials Needed:
● Paper

● Pens or pencils

● Bibles
1. Introduction (2 minutes): Start by explaining that the Bible is a special
book because its words came from God, even though it was written by
different people like Isaiah, Jeremiah, John, and Paul. Mention that 2 Peter
1:20-21 and 2 Timothy 3:16 explain how God inspired these authors.
2. Activity (5 minutes):
o Step 1: Ask the students to take out a piece of paper and a pen or
o Step 2: Dictate a few simple sentences to the class. For example,
"The sky is blue. Birds can fly. Trees are tall."
o Step 3: After they have written down the sentences, ask the
students where the words came from. They will respond that the
words came from you, the teacher, even though they wrote them
3. Discussion (2 minutes):
o Explain to the students that just as they wrote down the words you
spoke, the authors of the Bible wrote down the words that God told
o Read aloud 2 Peter 1:20-21 and 2 Timothy 3:16, and discuss briefly
how these verses show that all Scripture is inspired by God.
4. Conclusion (1 minutes):
o Summarise by emphasising that the Bible is God's message to us,
given through different people, and that's what makes it so special
and important.
This activity will help students understand the concept of divine inspiration in
a practical and memorable way.

WEEK TWO. 9th JUNE, 2024

TOPIC: My Destiny is in God’s Word
Bible Text: Joshua 1:1-8
Bible Character: Joshua
Memory Verse: Joshua 1:8
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate
therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written
therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good
OBJECTIVE: At the end of the Bible lesson, children should be able to say:
i What the Word of God is
ii Why do they need to read the Bible
iii How to receive God’s Word

What is God’s Word?
■ The Bible is God’s Word that gives light to my path, so I do not fail in life.
Psalm 119:105
Why Should I Read God’s Word?
■ God's Word guides my steps and makes me succeed. Psalm 119:105
■ God’s Word leads me to the right path in life. – Psalm 23:1-6
How to Receive God’s Word
■ You must be Born Again and remain so. John 3:8
■ Always pray for the spirit of understanding. Colossians 1:9-10
■ Memorise and continue thinking about the Word you read or heard.
Joshua 1:8
QUESTION: What if I don’t understand what I read from the Bible?
ANSWER: The first thing is to make sure you are a child of God. 1 Corinthians 2:14
The next thing is to ensure you always ask for the help of your Helper (The Holy
Spirit) to explain the scriptures you are about to read or have read to you. John 16:13,
Ephesians 1:17-19
Then use a Bible version you understand the language in which it was written.
Instructional material: The Bible.
Action point: As you are reading the story of your Bible Hero, highlight and write
out the scriptures verses that you find interesting. (Remember last week’s action
Faith talk: God’s Word shapes my life; I am a child of destiny.
Evaluation: Why should we read God’s Word?

WEEK THREE. 16th JUNE, 2024

TOPIC: My Destiny is in God's Word
Bible Text: Luke 4:16-21
Bible Character: Jesus
Memory Verse: Hebrews 10:7 NLT
“Then I said, ‘Look, I have come to do your will, O God— as is written about me in
the Scriptures.’” "
OBJECTIVE: At the end of the Bible lesson, children should be able to say:
i What the Word of God is
ii Why do they need to read the Bible
iii How to receive God’s Word
What is God’s Word?
■ The Bible is the Word of God that helps me to discover and fulfil the plans
of God for my life. Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 40:7-8
Why Should I Read God’s Word?
■ God’s Word helps me live a life that is pleasing to God. Psalm 119:9-11
■ It is the carrier of God’s power that gives victory in life. Romans 1:16
How to Receive God’s Word
■ You must be Born Again. 1 Corinthians 2:14.
■ Store up Bible Verses in your heart. Deuteronomy 6:6
QUESTION: Are there mistakes in the Bible?
ANSWER: No!!! There are no errors in the Bible, that is why the word of God is
called the truth. John 17:17, Psalm 12:6. Note that God is the ever reliable and
dependable and His word is not different from Him. John 1:1.
Instructional material: The Bible.
Action point: Learn the Bible Books of the Old Testament in a song this week.
Faith talk: My Destiny is in God's Word, so I will read my Bible every day.
Evaluation: What is the Word of God?

WEEK FOUR. 22nd JUNE, 2024

Bible Text: Matthew 4:1-11
Bible Character: Jesus
Bible verse: Ephesians 6:17
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of
OBJECTIVE: At the end of the Bible lesson, children should be able to say:
i What the Word of God is
ii Why do they need to read the Bible
iii How to receive God’s Word

What is God’s Word?
■ The Bible is the Word of God that is the weapon of our warfare . Ephesians
Why Should I Read God’s Word?

 The word of God is the key to living a life of victory. John 1:4-5

 God’s Word helps me live a life that is pleasing to God. Psalm 119:9-11
How to Receive God’s Word
■ You must be Born Again. 1 Corinthians 2:14
■ You must obey God’s word. James 1:22
QUESTION: What are some things the Bible has shown me about my destiny?
ANSWER: The Bible has shown you that this is the kind of life God has for you:
A wonderful destiny – Romans 8:29-30
A life that makes other people jealous– Genesis 26:12-14/ Galatians 4:28
A victorious destiny – 1 John 5:4
A holy destiny – 1 Peter 1:15-17
A royal destiny – Revelation 5:10
Instructional material: The Bible.
Action point: Learn the Bible Books of the New Testament this week. They are
encouraged to use a song.
Faith talk: My Destiny is in God's Word, so I will read my Bible daily.
Evaluation: How can I receive God’s Word?

WEEK FIVE: Sunday 30th JUNE 2024

ACTIVITY SUNDAY – Revision of the previous week’s teaching.
Book Review: General review of the book of the month
N.B.: As much as possible, do an activity that the children can relate to,
considering the peculiarity of your locality

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