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Karmata Rua Indigenous Reserve Reservation [Community Embera Chamí Tribe Community Jardín -

Antioquia - Colombia]

Located in the Municipality of Jardín - Antioquia. Crossing the reserve The passes the Troncal del Café
(Coffee Belt) crosses the reservation. It is located , that places it at a distance of 120 km (74.5 miles)
from Medellín, 5 km (3 miles) from the Municipality of Andes and 12 km (7.4 miles) from the urban
area of Jardín. Area: 600 Ha. Population: 1700 inhabitants aprox. They earn their livelihood from
“jornaleo” (wage day labor in farms), and the “barequeo” (artisanal river gold mining in rivers). In
During their free time they produce fabrics, play soccer and work their lands planting yucca, beans,
corn, fruits, vegetables and other produces. The eEconomy is based mainly on the cultivation of coffee,
bananas and sugarcane plantations. They also farm In smaller numbers they have cchicken, cows,
horses and pigs in smaller numbers.

Embera: is means “the a person whose body comes from corn, inside a basket”
Chamí means: “here, water bi rthspring”
EMBERA CHAMÍ means “Corn People from the Basket here at the Water Spring”

Women’s Association Imagining with Hands
Indigenous Association of Coffee Producers (ASOPICK)
Seniors Association
Association Cañeros Association (Ssugar cCane productorsProducers)
Soccer group
Group of musicians
In it’s tTerritorial jurisdiction, the laws, administration of justice administration, and political
organization are different from those that govern the rest across the rest of the Colombian territory. The
pLaw enforcement olice and guards function within the community’s land, are exercised managed by
the Indigenous Guard, who do not carry any type of weapons. The Karmata Rua Educational Institution
and the Wawade Nursery School have an ethno-ethnic educational system in which where the Chamí
language is taught. There is a public radio station called Chamí Estereo. They also have a The Health
Post, named “Aníbal Tascón” Aníbal Tascón; this a name that pays tribute to an indigenous leader
killed in 1981 in the Land Liberation process, during in which the community regained its current

Dojura Warrana: Sons of the Water Spi rit

Turismo Tourism In the reserve there are cultural groups seeking to reproduce regain and update pass
their ancestral knowledge to new generations, including the Dojura Warrana group. Through the ethnic Formatted: Font: Italic
art, this group reflects the mystical universe of the ancestral Embera worldview Embera;, it’s Formatted: Font: Not Italic
connection with nature, represents it’s myths, and gods, it’s thought and it’s emotions. The group is
made up of children, youth and adults, who based on a research process, along with the knowledge of
their community, advance a process of formation training and projection imaging in with arts such as
theater, music, dance, facial painting and poetry. This group has presented featured this this unique
legacy of their own, in different scenariosstages, as a sign of their resistance, survival and vindication;
towards the reconstruction of the social fabric of his people, whom they recognize as their blood

Currently, the community is offering a tour to discover the magic of Mother Earth and its sacred sites:
Dojura Wera (Lagoon House Of of tThe Great Protector Of of Rivers, Springs aAnd Oceans) and Iuma Formatted: Font: Italic
de (Wwaterfall, Hhouse of the rRainbow Pprotector of Mmountains and Vvalleys). There is no Formatted: Font: Italic
permission for tTourists are not allowed to arrive unannounced at the shelter;, no nor are authorized
external operators have been authorized. This The offer of ethnic tourism offer also includes acts of
reception, tributes to Mother Earth tribute events, use of symbolic objects, rituals of purifi cation rituals
and other activities that highlight the cultural particularof uniqueness of this community. NOTE: They
only answer cCalls are answered in Spanish only. For more information, please contact:, and to the or the following telephone numbers: 311 701 8823 - 322
504 6627 - 304 352 8400

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