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Once children start school, teachers have more influence on their intellectual and social development

than parents do.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Before the age of five or six, parents play a dominant role in supporting the development of their
children’s intelligence and social skills. However, I strongly believe that once children begin to
receive formal school education, they will be more influenced by teachers in terms of intellectual
and social growth.

Through a variety of courses, teachers can greatly improve students’ mental abilities. For
example, math teachers guide students to become logical by analyzing the theory of various
formulas. The ability to express opinions can be fostered by art teachers who invite students to
praise and criticize artworks. What parents can do at home, in comparison with teachers, is rather
limited as most of them have little time and lack the ability to academically guide their children.
This is particularly true as their children move to higher grades at school.

With regard to helping students develop faster socially, teachers still outdo parents. This is
because teachers organize various activities at school to make students good at socializing. For
example, in the P.E. class, pupils are required to engage in competitive sports which help them to
learn important social lessons about winning and losing. Also, required to team up with others for
discussions or presentations, students may be easily able to cultivate the quality of listening and
understanding. This is impossible at home because most working parents can hardly provide
such an opportunity.

In conclusion,...

air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution
global warming/ climate change, extreme weather
lang degradation, deforestation, desertification
acid rain, flood, draught, endangered animals
1. population growth
2. industrial development
3. human activities
应对环境问题的措施 joint effort 合力
1. 个 人 daily actions: reduce the use of plastic bags; low-carbon travel; plant more trees; recycle and
reuse; garbage sorting; do not purchase fur and animal products
2. 企 业 tech & products: research and development of energy-saving and environmentally friendly
technology, produce green products, such as biodegradable bags
3. 政府 introduce policies(tax reduction, subsidy); laws and regulations;
education (start from children); publicity campaign 宣传活动;facilities 设施

Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because everyone can see
historical objects and works of art by using a computer. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this
同学一 不同意 5.5
1. 博物馆画廊储藏文物和艺术品
2. 博物馆画廊研究文物和艺术品
3. 博物馆画廊现场参观的体验无法取代
问题:a.未对因进行讨论 b.前两个论点比较牵强
同学二 部分同意 6
1. 电脑看确实方便,省时省力省钱(5 句话);但是,博物馆画廊现场参观的体验无法取代
2. 博物馆画廊 文化象征 标志建筑 旅游
问题:a.对于因讨论不充分 b. everyone 讨论到

everyone, every, the best, the most important, all, only, never, none, must, any ...

1. 倾向一方
2. 两方共存 a.辩证共存(老建筑拆 or 保) b.和谐共存(博物馆趣味 or 教育)

People have different opinions about + 疑问词引导宾语从句(whether,how, what, which 等)
While some people argue that...., I believe that....

主体段 1: On the one hand, there are some reasons why people might think that....
语气弱化:may, might, could, be likely to, probably
主体段 2: On the other hand, I tend to side with the opinion that....
语气肯定:can, will, 一般现在时

In conclusion, it seems to me that.... because....

People have different opinions about + 疑问词引导宾语从句(whether,how, what, which 等)
辩证共存--I believe we should give different treatment in different situations.
和谐共存--I believe A and B are equally important/ both A and B are needed/ if A and B are combined, it
would be ideal.
主体段 1: On the one hand, some people argue that...
主体段 2: On the other hand, others believe that...

结尾段:In conclusion, it seems to me that.... because....

Some people believe that school children should not be given homework by their teachers, whereas
others argue that homework plays an important role in the education of children.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
1. 作业形式统一,没有针对性,孩子自己找作业
2. 更重要的事情:陪伴家人,运动,兴趣爱好,玩耍社交等
1. 复习巩固知识,检验自己的学习效果,有利于踏实掌握
2. 提升能力:时间管理能力 time management,独立学习能力 independent learning,问题解决能力
problem-solving skills

Some people believe that it is no longer necessary to use animals for food, or for animal products, such
as clothes and medicine. 同意与否?
替代品 alternative

1. 生物多样性 biodiversity,生态平衡 ecological balance,生物链 chain effect 连锁效应
2. 不可估量的价值 value that is not able to be predicted/ calculated

1. 缺乏自控 lack self-control
2. 容易冲动 impulsive
3. 无法明辨是非 unable to distinguish between right and wrong
4. 无法预测自己行为的后果 unable to predict the consequences of their actions
5. 喜欢模仿 like to imitate 学得快 fast learner
6. 容易受消极影响 vulnerable to negative influence
7. in a critical stage of physical and psychological development
8. need the guidance and supervision of parents and teachers

old people elderly people the elderly the older generation senior citizens
1. the lack of young labor force -- slow down economic growth
2. pension -- financial burden on the government
3. be prone to diseases --put a strain on medical resources
4. young people -- spend time and money to take care of older parents -- heavy pressure
1. 鼓励生育 encourage child birth
2. 延迟退休 increase retirement age
3. 建设养老设施 build more nursing homes
老年员工 vs 年轻员工

1. work experience -- provide guidance for young employees
2. stable work force
3. figure of authority 权威角色
4. reduce the risk of making mistakes
5. 人脉 personal resources/ personal connections

1. 效率低 -- 体力差
2. 缺乏创新 lack innovation
3. 年轻员工缺少晋升机会 less likely to get promoted

男 vs 女 men and women; males and females

1. focus on detail
2. more understanding good at communication
3. more patient
4. know how to look after younger children and older people
physically strong


1. 工作效率提高
2. 家庭生活质量提升
3. 社会生活便利
4. 获得更多信息--教育

1. 隐私泄露 loss of privacy
2. 网络暴力 cyber bullying
3. 网络诈骗 online fraud
4. 工作压力很大 work pressure
5. 身体影响
6. 心理影响
7. 失业

commit a crime commit crimes break the law
offend against the law become involved in crime
criminal offender lawbreaker culprit wrongdoer 囚犯 prisoner
1. 穷 2. 傻 3. 性格缺陷(家庭背景)
以教育为主, 以惩罚为辅


1. 复习课上补充的话题词汇

2. 复习两方观点题型的文章框架

3. 完成以下题目
Several languages are in danger of extinction because they are spoken by very small numbers of
people. Some people say that governments should spend public money on saving these languages,
while others believe that would be a waste of money. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they
should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science
and technology. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
范文 People have different views about how much choice students should have with regard to what
they can study at university. While some argue that it would be better for students to be forced into
certain key subject areas, I believe that everyone should be able to study the course of their choice.
On the one hand, there are various reasons why people might argue that universities should
only offer subjects that will be useful in the future. They may assert that university courses like
medicine, engineering and information technology are more likely to be beneficial than certain art
degrees. From a personal perspective, it can be said that these courses could provide more job
opportunities, better salaries, and therefore an improved quality of life for students who take them.
On the societal level, by forcing people to choose particular university subjects, governments can
probably ensure that any knowledge and skill gaps in the economy are covered.
On the other hand, I believe that university students should be free to choose their preferred
areas of study. In my opinion, society will benefit more if our students are passionate about what
they are learning. They can gain more knowledge about the subject they love, which makes it easier
to get a job and indulge in a career that will bring the best positive changes in their life. Besides,
nobody can really predict which areas of knowledge will be most useful to society in the future. If
employers begin to value creative thinking skills above technical skills, we would need more
students of art and philosophy than of science or technology.
In conclusion, although it might seem sensible for universities to focus only on the most useful
subjects, I personally prefer the current system in which people have the right to study whatever
they like because it can support the all-around development of society.

Some people believe that school children should not be given homework by their teachers, whereas
others argue that homework plays an important role in the education of children.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
People’s opinions differ as to whether or not school children should be given homework. While
there are some strong arguments against the setting of homework, I still believe that it is a
necessary aspect of education.
On the one hand, there are several reasons why people might argue that homework is an
unnecessary burden on children. Firstly, there is evidence to support the idea that homework does
nothing to improve educational outcomes. Countries such as Finland, where school children are
not given homework, regularly top international educational league tables and outperform nations
where setting homework is the norm. Secondly, many parents would agree that the school day is
already long enough, and leaves their children too tired to do further study when they return home.
Finally, it is recognised that play time is just as beneficial as study time from the perspective of
brain development.
On the other hand, I support the view that homework has an important role to play in the schooling
of children. The main benefit of homework is that it encourages independent learning and problem
solving, as children are challenged to work through tasks alone and at their own pace. In doing so,
students must apply the knowledge that they have learnt in the classroom. For example, by doing
mathematics exercises at home, students consolidate their understanding of the concepts taught
by their teacher at school. In my view, it is important for children to develop an independent study
habit because this prepares them to work alone as adults.
In conclusion, homework certainly has its drawbacks, but I believe that it brings more benefits in
the long term.

Nowadays animal experiments are widely used to develop new medicines and to test the safety of other
products. Some people argue that these experiments should be banned because it is morally wrong to
cause animals to suffer, while others are in favour of them because of their benefits to humanity. Discuss
both views and give your own opinion.
It is true that medicines and other products are routinely tested on animals before they are cleared
for human use. While I tend towards the viewpoint that animal testing is morally wrong, I would
have to support a limited amount of animal experimentation for the development of medicines.
On the one hand, there are clear ethical arguments against animal experimentation. To use a
common example of this practice, laboratory mice may be given an illness so that the effectiveness
of a new drug can be measured. Opponents of such research argue that humans have no right to
subject animals to this kind of trauma, and that the lives of all creatures should be respected. They
believe that the benefits to humans do not justify the suffering caused, and that scientists should
use alternative methods of research.
On the other hand, reliable alternatives to animal experimentation may not always be available.
Supporters of the use of animals in medical research believe that a certain amount of suffering on
the part of mice or rats can be justified if human lives are saved. They argue that opponents of such
research might feel differently if a member of their own families needed a medical treatment that
had been developed through the use of animal experimentation. Personally, I agree with the
banning of animal testing for non-medical products, but I feel that it may be a necessary evil where
new drugs and medical procedures are concerned.
In conclusion, it seems to me that it would be wrong to ban testing on animals for vital medical
research until equally effective alternatives have been developed.

Some people think that museums should be enjoyable places to entertain people, while others believe
that the purpose of museums is to educate.
Discuss both views and give you own opinion.
There is no doubt that museums occupy an essential role in our cultural lives. However, people
have different views about the appropriate role and function of museums. In my opinion,
museums can and should be both entertaining and educational.

On the one hand, it can be argued that the main role of a museum is to entertain. Museums are
tourist attractions, and their aim is to exhibit a collection of interesting objects that many people
will want to see. (解释)The average visitor may become bored if he or she has to read or listen to
too much educational content, so museums often put more of an emphasis on enjoyment rather
than learning. ( 因 果 )This type of museum is designed to be visually spectacular, and may have
interactive activities or even games as part of its exhibitions.

On the other hand, other people believe that museums should focus on education. The aim of any
exhibition should be to teach visitors something that they did not previously know. Usually this
means that the history behind the museum's exhibits needs to be explained, and this can be done
in various ways. ( 解释) Some museums, for example, employ professional guides to talk to their
visitors, while other museums offer headsets so that visitors can listen to detailed commentary
about the exhibition. (举例) In this way, museums can play an important role in teaching people
about history, culture, science and many other aspects of life.

In conclusion, it seems to me that a good museum should be able to offer an interesting, enjoyable
and educational experience so that people can have fun and learn something at the same time.

Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that
children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Competition and cooperation are important parts of children's growth, yet people have differing
views about which sense should be encouraged to better prepare young people for their future. From
my perspective, I believe that these two skills are equally important, and for children with different
personalities, we should adopt different approaches.
On the one hand, children with a sense of competition tend to be more active and motivated in
their study. They are expected to set high goals and study hard to achieve these goals. When meeting
with the difficulty, they would have the determination to overcome it. Therefore, they are likely to
perform better in their study. In addition, when such children grow up, they have an advantage in
adapting to society. As the competition is becoming increasingly fierce in the job market, those who
are brave to take up challenges have more opportunities to get better jobs.
On the other hand, some people argue that what children need is cooperation. Those who are
willing to cooperate always enjoy good relationship with people around them. They are more likely to
draw on other people's strengths and overcome their weaknesses 取长补短. When encountering/run
into any difficult problem in their study, they can discuss with their classmates and work together to
find a solution. In this process, they can develop team spirit, which is an important factor in their
future development.
In my point of view, as children are different in terms of their personalities, parents and teachers
should adopt different teaching methods.因材施教 For those children who are aggressive, they should
be encouraged to listen to other people’s opinions and work with others. However, for those who are
less active, parents and teachers should foster their sense of competition.

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