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Profit Stepper
September 2018
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Copyright 2018 - Honeywell International Sàrl

Contents 3
Chapter 1 - Introduction to Profit Stepper 7
1.1 Profit Stepper Overview 7
1.1.1 What is Profit Stepper? 7
1.1.2 Functions of Profit Stepper 7
1.1.3 Benefits of Profit Stepper 8

1.2 Working of Profit Stepper 8

1.2.1 Tight integration with Profit Controller for closed loop testing 9
1.2.2 Flexibility of controlling the testing signal 10

1.3 Profit Stepper Concepts 12

1.3.1 Open Loop versus Closed Loop Identification 13
1.3.2 Combining Open Loop and Closed Loop Testing 13
1.3.3 Univariate versus Multivariate Testing 13

1.3.4 Global ID Algorithm 13

1.3.5 Closed-loop Identification Structure 14
1.3.6 Approach 14
1.3.7 Operation 15
1.3.8 Frequency Adaptive Algorithm 17
1.3.9 Gain Adaptive Algorithm 17

Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper 19

2.1 Profit Suite Runtime Studio User Interface — Configuration
Window 19
2.2 Profit Suite Runtime Studio User Interface — Runtime
Window 20
2.2.1 Profit Suite Runtime Studio User Interface — Runtime Window 20
2.2.2 MV Stepping Control 26
2.2.3 Key Model Selections 28
2.2.4 Integrator Model Selections 29
2.2.5 Model Highlights 29
2.2.6 Variable Overview 31
2.2.7 History Configuration 32
2.2.8 Customize the columns to be displayed 33

2.3 Profit Design Studio User Interface 33

2.4 Configuring Profit Stepper from Profit Suite Runtime Studio 34
2.4.1 Configuring Profit Stepper for closed loop identification 34
2.4.2 Configuring Profit Stepper for open loop identification 42
2.4.3 Configuring Profit Stepper for mixed loop identification 49

2.4.4 Modifying point detail 49

2.5 Configuring Profit Data Collector Application 50

2.6 Performing Step Testing 51
2.6.1 Profit Stepper Workflow 51
2.6.2 Verifying the Status and Mode of Profit Controller for Closed/Mixed Loop
Testing 52
2.6.3 Verifying Open Loop MVs’ PID Mode 53
2.6.4 Indications for Different States of Stepper 53
2.6.5 Collecting Data 54
2.6.6 Sequential testing 55
2.6.7 Viewing Trends 60
2.6.8 Reverting back to previous models 61
2.6.9 Stopping Data Collection 62

2.7 Configuring Runtime Parameters 63

2.7.1 Defining MV Parameters 63
2.7.2 Selecting Key Models 66
2.7.3 Selecting Integrator Models 68

2.8 Starting Step Testing 68

2.8.1 Starting Step Testing 68
2.8.2 Pausing/Resuming Step Testing 70
2.8.3 Holding/Unholding an MV 71
2.8.4 Automatic Holding/Unholding an MV due to MV Windup 73
2.8.5 Automatic MV Hold Range Exclusion 73
2.8.6 Mixing Manual Testing with Automatic Testing in Closed Loop Step Testing 74
2.8.7 Step Now 75

2.9 Identifying Models 76

2.9.1 Automatic Model Identification 76
2.9.2 ID Now 76
2.9.3 Model Matrix Highlights 77
2.9.4 Viewing Model Detail in PDS 78
2.9.5 Annotation of Test Results 79

2.10 Adding new variables 79

2.10.1 Adding new variables on the fly 79
2.10.2 Updating the stepper variables in PSOS 83

2.11 Analyzing the Data and Models 84

2.11.1 Monitoring and Measuring Step Progress 84
2.11.2 Mutiple Response Curves 85
2.11.3 Manually setting High and Low Limits 86

2.11.4 Manually Locking Models 86
2.11.5 Automatic Model Locking 87
2.11.6 Excluding Data from Identification 87
2.11.7 Automatic Per MV Data Exclusion in Sequential Testing 88

2.12 Viewing Profit Stepper Logs and Messages 89

2.12.1 Viewing Logs and Messages 89
2.12.2 Log Test Information 89

2.13 Quitting Profit Stepper 89

2.13.1 Stopping Profit Stepper and Data Collection 89
2.13.2 Closing Stepper Application 91
2.13.3 Leaving Stepper Running While PSRS Is Closed 91
2.13.4 Saving Stepper Data File 91
2.13.5 Saving Model Files 92
2.13.6 Deleting Intermediate Files 92

2.13.7 Quitting Profit Design Studio 92

2.14 Start a Previously Built Profit Stepper 92

2.14.1 Steps to Start a Previously Built Profit Stepper 92

2.15 Profit Stepper and Profit Controller Interaction 93

2.15.1 Profit Controller Status Affects Profit Stepper 93

2.16 Running Multiple Profit Steppers Simultaneously 95

Chapter 3 - Maximizing Profit Stepper and Identification Performance 97
3.1 Overview 97
3.1.1 Objective 97

3.2 Best Practices 98

3.2.1 Guidelines 98
3.2.2 Support Functions 99
3.2.3 Resource Utilization for Open Loop Identification 104

Chapter 4 - Appendix – About Open Process Point File 106

4.1 Sample Process Point File 106
4.1.1 SampleOpenProcessPoints.xop 106

4.2 Open Process Point File Format 107

4.3 How to Edit 108
Chapter 5 - Appendix — BLC templates for non-Honeywell DCS 110
5.1 Creating BLC templates for Profit Stepper 110
5.2 BLC Templates for URT to URT Connections 117

5.2.1 Selecting the target on a URT Platform 117



1.1 Profit Stepper Overview

1.1.1 What is Profit Stepper? 7

1.1.2 Functions of Profit Stepper 7
1.1.3 Benefits of Profit Stepper 8

1.1.1 What is Profit Stepper?

Profit Stepper is a part of Honeywell’s Profit Suite products. Profit Stepper is used for process
stepping, data collection and model identification to produce better models.

1.1.2 Functions of Profit Stepper

Profit Stepper performs the following three functions:

• Data Collection
• Process Stepping
• Model Identification
The output files from Profit Stepper can be directly read into Profit Design Studio for quick
controller builds. The three functions are explained below in detail.

Data Collection

The Data Collection tool collects data from process points for open loop testing or from a running
Profit Controller for closed loop testing. The collected data is saved to the .XTP file. This data file is
used by Profit Design Studio for model identification. The collection rate of the data is configured
through the Profit Stepper graphical user interface (Profit Suite Runtime Studio).

Process Stepping

The Profit Stepper variables are manipulated variables (MV), controlled variables (CV) and
disturbance variables (DV). These can be selected in the following ways:

• Select from an existing Profit Controller.

• Select open process point in PID controls.
• Select any other measurement (PV), valve output (OP) or setpoint (SP).

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Profit Stepper

Model Identification

Profit Stepper has the online model identification capability. It generates the testing signal, sends
it to the process or Profit Controller, collects back the input and output data, performs online model
identification based on schedule, and automatically redesigns the stepper testing signal based on
the intermediate updated models.
Profit Stepper uses Profit Design Studio (PDS) to generate models. PDS is a Windows based
environment that allows many advanced process control and modeling problems to be addressed
through a common interface. PDS facilitates empirical and statistical modeling and it supports
Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) dynamic modeling functions and analysis.

1.1.3 Benefits of Profit Stepper

Profit Stepper reduces step testing and commissioning time through tight integration of re-
iterative testing signal design and model identification. It can be used for step testing against a
running Profit Controller or open process points or the combination of the two. In addition, Profit
Stepper can work on signal generated from both open loop testing and closed loop testing.

1.2 Working of Profit Stepper

1.2.1 Tight integration with Profit Controller for closed loop testing 9
1.2.2 Flexibility of controlling the testing signal 10
The following diagram illustrates the Profit Stepper Workflow.

If MVs to be tested are in Profit Controller control, the excitation sequence is sent from the Profit
Stepper to the Profit Controller. The Profit Controller engine superimposes the excitation signal
with its normal MV moves and sends those MV values to the process as represented by the
following equation:

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Profit Stepper

If MVs to be tested are in PID control (OP point of PID loop), define the PID setpoints as the
excitation points. Profit Stepper sends the excitation signal to the PID setpoints instead of the OP
point. However, the OP value must be collected by the Profit Stepper for identification of models. In
this case, the MV is indirectly excited by the Profit Stepper through the setpoint excitation as
represented by the following equation.

If MVs to be tested are in Manual mode (SP point of PID not cascaded by other controllers, or OP
point of PID in manual), Profit Stepper sends the excitation sequences directly to the MV point as
represented by the following equation:

The Profit Stepper tests all types of MVs at any time simultaneously. The excitation signals of the
multiple MVs are independent of each other.
An example of three MVs testing signals generated by the Profit Stepper is illustrated.

An example of closed loop testing signals is illustrated.

1.2.1 Tight integration with Profit Controller for closed loop testing
Profit Stepper sends the excitation signal to Profit Controller when the MVs are controlled by Profit
Controller. While operating in closed loop step testing, Profit Controller calculates the normal MV

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Profit Stepper

movement value first. It superimposes the MV excitation signal with its normal MV movement as
the new MV movement. The new MV movement is compared to the MV high and low limits. If the
new MV movement causes the MV to be outside the limits, the new MV movement value is
modified to ensure the final MV value is within the bounds.
Profit Stepper collects the MV values directly from the Profit Controller if these variables are part of
the Profit Controller. There is no guarantee that the Profit Stepper excitation signal can be fully
executed by Profit Controller due to the MV constraints. Therefore, Profit Controller provides the
real executed excitation signal to Profit Stepper.
Profit Stepper collects the CV values directly from the Profit Controller if these variables are part of
the Profit Controller. In addition, CV high and low limits, CV unforced future predictions are also
provided to Profit Stepper automatically for better constraint.

1.2.2 Flexibility of controlling the testing signal

For each MV, the excitation signal generated by Profit Stepper is generalized binary noise (GBN)
signal proposed by Tulleken. GBN signal takes two values m and –m. The GBN signal looks like the
pseudo-random binary signal (PRBS). However, they have different theoretical properties. At each
candidate time interval KTsw, the GBN signal switches based on the following probability rule:

The physical meaning is that at every Tsw interval, the GBN signal has a chance to change the sign
of its magnitude with probability of p. Therefore, the average holding time for each step change in
GBN signal is easily calculated as represented by the following equation:

The GBN signal power distribution in the frequency domain is totally decided by Tsw and p. The
asymptotic discrete GBN power spectrum is (assuming m=1) as represented by the following

Even with the same averaging hold time Thold, different combination of Tsw and p are possible. For
example, the step is required to be held at an average of 40 intervals and the following three
combinations are used: Tsw= 10, p = 0.25, Tsw= 20, p = 0.5, Tsw= 30, p = 0.75.
The asymptotic power distributions of the three signals are illustrated.

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Chapter 1 - Introduction to Profit Stepper

It is clear that more signal energy is put in the low frequency region with than

In Profit Stepper, the settling time for each MV is denoted as: MV_st_user. This is interpreted as the

average holding time for GBN signal design. is used as default value so that more

energy is put at low frequency range and is calculated correspondingly as represented by the

following equation: .
The excitation magnitude always has a direct impact on the energy contained in the testing signal.
In Profit Stepper, the excitation magnitude is defined as the distance between the signal upper
level and lower level.
The GBN signal is designed to be zero-meaned. It has to be shifted, so that the base (mean) value
is the required MV operating point. The following is a GBN signal example with average holding
time 100, excitation magnitude 10, and base value 575:

Profit Stepper provides a flexibility of manipulating the testing signal by using the following tuning
handles through the Profit Stepper graphical user interface (referred to as Profit Stepper GUI):

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Chapter 1 - Introduction to Profit Stepper

Tuning What it does

Magnitude Decides the strength of the excitation signal.
MV Settling Indicates the time for switching.
Enter the value in minutes. For closed loop MV, a default MV Settling Time is
calculated from the model file (.xm) for the controller, during stepper configuration.
Base Adjusts the base value of the signal at any time.
Applicable for open loop variables only. The base value is changed to maintain a
desired operating condition during step testing. The signal will be set to the new MV
base value in the next interval. The user entered filter time will also be applied to the
MV base value change.
The base value can also be changed in the following cases. But the signal will only
move after stepping is resumed and MV is unheld:

• The stepper is paused.

• The MV is on hold.
Filter Time Filters the step signal.
Enter the value in minutes. The step signal reaches the desired value in the time
designated by this value.
Minimum Prevents short steps.
Holding Time
Enter the value in minutes. The value must be lesser than the MV settling time value;
else it is read as the MV settling time.
Maximum Prevents long steps.
Holding Time
Enter the value in minutes. The value must be greater than the MV settling time
value; else it is read as the MV settling time.
First Step Determines the first step direction.
Default value is obtained from the algorithm, Positive or Negative.
Step Now Forces the next step to happen for the selected MVs.
A new stepping sequence is generated. The next step will happen immediately.
Step Hold Forces the current step to hold for the selected MVs.
Pause/Resume Pauses and resumes the complete step testing for all MVs.

1.3 Profit Stepper Concepts

1.3.1 Open Loop versus Closed Loop Identification 13

1.3.2 Combining Open Loop and Closed Loop Testing 13
1.3.3 Univariate versus Multivariate Testing 13
1.3.4 Global ID Algorithm 13
1.3.5 Closed-loop Identification Structure 14
1.3.6 Approach 14
1.3.7 Operation 15
1.3.8 Frequency Adaptive Algorithm 17
1.3.9 Gain Adaptive Algorithm 17

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Chapter 1 - Introduction to Profit Stepper

1.3.1 Open Loop versus Closed Loop Identification

Open loop testing is performed in advanced process control projects traditionally. In open loop
testing, the process is tested without control. The process can be excited well. On the other hand,
the process can easily move to unwanted operating conditions. In closed loop testing, the process
is tested when it is fully or partially controlled by a controller. Closed loop testing is often preferred
from operational point of view. However, closed loop identification is known to be difficult due to
the correlation between the input and disturbance. In addition, the controller tends to reduce the
process excitation, especially within the controller’s bandwidth. A traditional identification method,
such as the FIR model identification, can fail on closed loop testing data due to the input
disturbance correlation.
The Global Identification Algorithm works well with closed loop testing data. However, you cannot
expect the algorithm to identify good models with natural closed loop normal operating data. It
simply does not contain enough information about the model in most cases. Consistent and
unbiased model can be obtained from the Global Identification Algorithm only when persistent
external excitation is satisfied. Signal to noise ratio must also be high enough in the control
relevant frequency region to produce reliable estimates.

1.3.2 Combining Open Loop and Closed Loop Testing

With Profit Stepper, you can do the testing in a mixed mode, testing some MVs in open loop
condition and some MVs in closed loop condition. In addition, you can add an additional MV to an
existing controller by performing open loop testing on the MV, while the CVs are still actively
controlled by the controller.

1.3.3 Univariate versus Multivariate Testing

In the traditional step testing, only one MV is stepped at a time, which is known as univariate MV
testing. To save testing time, multiple MVs can be stepped together. In Profit Stepper, you can do
the testing either way. While the multivariate testing does have a potential to save testing time, the
CV responses are difficult to be verified by the engineer. Univariate testing still has the advantage
that the engineer can learn about the process during testing. Unfortunately, the advantages of
univariate testing in the open loop do not all map to the closed loop due to feedback. Moving a
single MV will in general result in all MVs moving.

Sequential Testing

Sequential Testing is a form of Univariate testing, for open loop. During Sequential Testing, you
can select only one MV at a time. When you are completed with testing one MV, you can lock the
good models for that MV, either manually or automatically, and move to test another MV. You can
repeat these steps until all MVs are tested.

1.3.4 Global ID Algorithm

A Global Multi-Stage Method for Fully Automated Closed-Loop Identification has been developed
as the ID engine for Profit Stepper. The ultimate goal here is to have an automated closed and/or
open-loop identification approach that is 98% reliable. That is, 98% of the time, no other single
method will give statistically superior results, within the confidence envelope, on a given set of
data. Conversely, this implies that 98% of the time this approach will correctly identify where
models don’t exist.
A comprehensive set of algorithms, described in section 3 of the “Identifier User’s Guide”, have
been developed to accomplish this goal. In essence the idea is to use not one but a family of
different approaches to determine the most reliable answer. The set of approaches is based on
implementation experience and current academic advances. Hence, this approach utilizes a family
of Prediction Error Model derived structures and consequently a family of model orders for each

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Chapter 1 - Introduction to Profit Stepper

structure. These families are then searched for the most effective model for the given application.
Key in this search is the definition of metrics not exclusively dependent on asymptotic theory.
Extensive plant data have been used to validate this approach. All methods are based on the
structure defined in the following section.

1.3.5 Closed-loop Identification Structure

A very general identification structure is assumed as illustrated. All inputs and outputs are
assumed to be multidimensional vectors.

1.3.6 Approach
The approach taken here is driven primarily by the need for multiple model structures and multiple
orders for each structure. Clearly, the arbitrary selection of model types would be ill-advised. As
such, the family proposed in this approach is limited to those deemed to be the most promising
based on experience and on academic merit. All models are derived from the PEM paradigm put
forth in the pioneering work of Ljung. Both direct and joint input-output techniques are used.
Any empirical based technique must give some indication as to the quality of the computed results.
Identification is no exception. To be practical, model quality must be unambiguous. This implies
that the information must not only indicate the “goodness” or lack thereof but also indicate the
validity of the model. This last point is often ignored but is critical in practical applications since in
most cases there is not a causal relationship for each input and output. Model quality metrics are
established for each identified model. As many of the models will be over parameterized to satisfy
the asymptotic theory and provide sufficient structure, quality may be compromised due to the
increased variance of the higher order models. To obviate this problem, a model reduction step is
always implemented during the identification procedure. Since model quality is not based on
asymptotic theory alone, quality is updated in at least two distinct phases of the procedure; one
before the model reduction step and one after.
Multiple model structures and subsequently multiple orders for each structure are used to
establish a population of candidate models. The existence of multiple models requires a search
procedure to establish which model structure/order combination yields the “best overall” or global
performance. Implicit in this statement is the definition of a meaningful performance metric.
Rather than use only the model quality metric to define performance, here the performance is
defined by combining both the model quality and a prediction metric based on the output error
generated via simulation. Inputs and outputs for the simulation are first transformed by a band
pass filter whose breakpoints are defined by the candidate models.
While a sequential calculation sequence is used in this approach, there are a few “boot strap”
elements where certain calculations are not strictly sequential and where the results of prior
calculations are used to precondition only some of the future calculations. The basic sequential
scheme is shown below:

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Chapter 1 - Introduction to Profit Stepper

1.3.7 Operation
While the Global CLid solution is fully integrated into the PDS, its design was predicated on
providing run-time identification engines for Profit Stepper, hence the need for automation and
reliability. During step testing, Profit Stepper injects signals directly into Profit Controller (closed-
loop mode) and/or to auxiliary DCS elements (open-loop mode). Periodically, Profit Stepper will
invoke the PDS to perform identification on the currently available data set. For reliability purposes,
the optimization level (to be described shortly) is set high. Computation time is typically small
relative to stepping time as stepping can span from a few days to several weeks.
Models created by Profit Stepper can be exactly reproduced in the PDS by simply running the CLid
algorithm from the Load & Go dialog box on the .mdl files provided by Profit Stepper.
CLid model structures considered are:
l hIX
l hPX
l lPE
l iBJ
l hBP
l tSP
l DIx

For more information on the description of CLid model structures, refer the section 3 in Identifier
User’s Help.

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Chapter 1 - Introduction to Profit Stepper

When Profit Stepper invokes an identification session, all computations are performed
automatically using the PDS Load & Go function. The load & Go function shown below, allows the
user to specify the level of optimization used by the global search.

The default optimization level used by Profit Stepper is High. You can change the optimization
level when the stepper is running in the Profit Suite Runtime Studio. To generate identical results
in the PDS, the same level of optimization must be used. Optimization levels and their
corresponding impact on the global search used in the identification are as follows:

Level Impact Description

0 No search is performed, no delay estimation is done.
1 Lowest level of optimization. Search is performed on delay estimation, hIX and DIx
2 Medium level of optimization. Search is performed on delay estimation, hIX, DIx,
and hPX models. This is the minimum level of optimization acceptable for strong

feedback correlation. i.e. . Algorithm will report this condition irrespective of

the search level.
3 Default level of optimization and the level used by Profit Stepper. Search is
performed on delay estimation, hIX, DIx, hPX, lPE, and iBJ models with full band
pass filtering.
4 Global search is invoked. Target level is 98% reliability. Search is performed on
delay estimation, hIX, DIx, hPX, lPE, iBJ, hBP and tSP models with full band pass

In all cases models are automatically reduced to the extent possible insuring unbiased low
frequency (gain) characteristics. Models metrics are updated based on the reduced order results.
There is a clear tradeoff between optimization level, reliability and time. The relationship is shown
in the following table:

Optimization Level Reliability % Relative Time Normalized Time

75 7 1

80 15 2.10

90 30 4.25

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Chapter 1 - Introduction to Profit Stepper

95 42 6

98 60 8.66

1.3.8 Frequency Adaptive Algorithm

Profit Stepper actively uses the intermediate online identified model information to automatically
update the frequency distribution of the testing signal. More energy is automatically focused on
the frequency part that is more important for the Profit Controller.
The true advantage of the online model identification is that the testing signal can be redesigned
based on available model information, such that the testing can be performed more efficiently. For
Profit Controller, the middle to low frequency part of model information is used more actively and
thus it is important that this part of model information is to be captured more accurately to improve
the control behavior.
When new intermediate online identified models are available, the average settling time of each

testing MV, denoted as , is calculated by averaging the settling time of all

the corresponding CV sub models that satisfy the following two conditions at the same time:

• Have a key relationship with the MV

• Have a current model rank better than 3.
The generalized binary (GBN) signal is generated by using the average of the current updated MV

settling time and the calculated MV settling time as

In the beginning is the user-entered settling time. is updated every time

schedule identification is performed and new models are available. If the identification is

scheduled to run faster, the will be updated faster and vice versa.

1.3.9 Gain Adaptive Algorithm

The GBN signal is a two-level excitation signal. If the previous step is switched up, at next switching
interval the step can only be switched down, and vice versa. This type of signal moving pattern
makes it ideal from signal design point of view. However, it is not always good from the operational
point of view.
Gain Adaptation option is added to the Profit Stepper. With this option, the GBN signal can have
multiple levels. The step-up is not necessarily followed by a step-down. This option is added to
address the following operational problem:
l Better MV excitation management: If MV is in Profit Controller, the MV movement from the
Profit Controller is the combination of the effect of the normal Profit Controller move and the
MV external excitation. Suppose the previous MV external excitation is a step-up. However, the
MV may already be at or close to its low limit at the next switching interval because of the
normal Profit Controller moves. In this case, a step-down MV excitation is not run by the Profit
Controller because of constraint violation.
l Better CV constraint management: Suppose the MV has a positive relationship with the CV and
the previous MV excitation is a step-up. At the next switching interval, the CV maybe at or close
to its low limit because of some disturbances. In this case, a step-down MV excitation causes
further CV constraints violation. The more operational friendly move is to move the MV up
again instead of moving down as scheduled.

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Chapter 1 - Introduction to Profit Stepper

The Gain Adaptation option is available for each MV in Profit Controller. With this option selected,
the conventional two-level GBN signal is generated at the beginning. However, the direction of the
next MV move is flipped if it results in less relative MV/CV limits violation.
The MV/CV limit violations are both calculated as a relative value. The relative MV violation is
calculated as the MV violation value divided by the MV move magnitude. Apparently models are
needed to predict the future CV limit violations. At present, only the steady state CV limit violations
are calculated and only steady state models are used for prediction purpose. The relative violation
for each CV is defined as the predicted CV violation divided by the absolute value of the predicted
CV move due to the MV excitation.
If the original MV move causes a relative CV limit violation greater than 0.5 and the flipped MV
move causes no CV violation, the MV move is flipped in addition to all the rest of the pre-generated
moves. Relative CV limit violation less than 0.5 is considered as no violation. As each MV may have
effects on multiple CVs, the cumulative CV relative violations are calculated in such a case. Only
the CVs with one of the following properties are used in the cumulative violation calculation:
l Have a key relationship with the MV and a current model rank better than 3.
l Have a locked model relationship with the MV.

The MV move direction is only flipped when a significant less CV violations is predicted by the
flipped step.
If the original MV move causes a relative MV limit violation greater than 0.5 and the flipped MV
move causes no MV violation, the MV move is flipped in addition to all the rest of the pre-generated
moves. Relative MV limit violation less than 0.5 is treated as no violation. In that case, only part of
the MV step is implemented by the controller in the original step direction.
In the situation that CV and MV has violation in different directions, the original MV step direction
is used.

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2.1 Profit Suite Runtime Studio User Interface — Configuration

In the Configuration window, you can configure the stepper for closed loop identification or open
loop identification. When you select a controller for closed-loop identification, the bottom pane is
populated with the variables.

The following table provides a description of the grids and what you can do there:

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

The grid What you can do

General Stepper Modify general information of the configured Profit Stepper Application such as
Application name and description.
Note : When you create a Stepper application for the Profit Controller
application, the default Stepper application name is shortened if it exceeds 15
For example if the name of the application is B103_CTL_Stepper then this is
shortened to B103_CTL_Steppe.
A message is displayed indicating the file name is more than 15 characters and
will be shortened

Configuration Select Profit Controller for closed loop testing and identification.
for closed-loop
Configure Profit After you have added a controller in the Select a Profit Controller section, this
Controllers list and the controller interval is automatically populated. If you do not want the
selected controller, you can remove the selected controller by clicking the
remove button.
Variable List View the variables after selecting the controller for closed loop identification
and open process points for open loop identification.
Export open Selected by default. All the open points are exported to ***_exported.xop file in
points to xop file the urt platform directory. *** is the stepper platform name.
in the platform
directory. The exported xop file can be used later when you need to recreate the stepper
platform so that you do not have to re-enter all the open points.
Step ID Options Define the Stepper Data Collection and Step Test Execution interval and the
Automatic ID Update Frequency.

• For closed loop testing, Stepper Data Collection and Step Test Execution
Interval is automatically set to be the same as the controller execution interval
and it cannot be changed.

• For open loop testing, you can specify this interval. By default, this
interval is 1 minute.
Browse for Open Browse to a tag file (*.xop) for open process points.
Process Point
Configuration Select open process points for open loop testing and identification.
for open-loop

You can resize the dialog box, as desired depending on the size of your stepper case.

2.2 Profit Suite Runtime Studio User Interface — Runtime Window

2.2.1 Profit Suite Runtime Studio User Interface — Runtime Window

In the Runtime window, you can initiate data collection, step testing and identification. In addition,
you can set the MV parameters, select the key models and integrator models, and see the model

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

Sections What you can do

Data Start and Stop Data Collection.


After couple of executions, the Data File box is updated and the trend icon ( ) is
enabled. Click the icon to view the trend display in PDS. Note that the trend display is
available only after three intervals.
Step Testing Start and Stop Step Testing.

Identification Initiate Model Identification. You can perform the following:

l Change optimization level and automatic ID update frequency for Identification.

l You can use the Lock button ( ) to lock models automatically. Every time
after running an ID, PSRS checks which models have good rankings, are
statistically stable and are ready to be locked. If the list is not empty, PSRS displays
the Automatic Model Locking dialog box to allow you to view the list and lock them.
At any other point during stepping, you can click this button to review whether
there are any good models that are ready to be locked. If there are, then the
Automatic Model Locking dialog box appears giving you an option to lock the
models. If there are no unlocked models that satisfy the auto lock criteria, then the
following message is displayed.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

l You can still go ahead and manually lock any model even when PSRS does not
recommend that a model satisfies the auto model lock criteria.
l You can use the Opt level list to select the optimization level for Global ID in PDS.
Refer to Global ID Algorithm section for detailed information about optimization
levels. You can select any of the following options:

- Low
- Medium
- High
- Maximum
- None

l Click the Modify button to modify the Auto ID Interval.

l After an ID run is completed, the Model File box is updated and the Model icon (

) is enabled. Click the icon to view the model display in PDS.

l Click the Advancedbutton to choose the MV selection mode and to configure
Automatic Model Locking Options.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

l You can choose one of the following MV selection modes:

l Default Mode: When stepper ID runs, PDS examines the standard deviation
of the dithering signal of an open loop or a closed loop MV to determine
whether this MV needs to be selected in Identification. If the standard
deviation is too small, the MV is not actively tested by stepper and thus the
MV will not be selected for Identification. However, you can override this
behavior by choosing Always Selected.
l Always Selected: Select this mode to force an MV to be always selected in
Identification. For instance, if you want to test an MV through some other
means outside Profit Stepper or if no dithering signal exists. If you still want
the MV to be included in stepper Identification, you need to select Always
Selected mode for the MV.

This MV Selection Mode only applies to non-sequential testing.

l Under Automatic Model Locking Options, select theNumber of History

Models to Comparefrom the list.

Note: You can select a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 history models to compare.
Detail Step Set the MV parameters, select key models, manually lock models, set integrator flags and
Testing view model highlights.
Logs/Msgs View information like the time of data collection, messages from the urt platforms.

Scheduler Main stepper scheduler’s interval count, time to next run and Interval Offset are
displayed in the scheduler group.
Interval Offset displays the current offset.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

To change the interval offset at runtime, click Modify. In the Stepper Interval Offset
dialog box, modify the Interval Offset values.

These values are added to the running platform immediately.

You can use this to check whether the stepper platform is successfully activated.
Note that when you start a stepper platform, it should be automatically activated.

Export or You can export the stepping parameters from an existing stepper application to an xml
Import file and import them to a new stepper platform without retyping the parameter
Settings information. After you import the information, you can make the necessary changes
without altering much of the content.
For example, if the stepper is created and the stepping parameters are entered and step
testing is done. In order to add, remove or arrange variables, you can create a new
stepper with new or rearranged variables and import the previously saved stepping
parameter xml file without having to enter them again

l Export Settings

To Export settings, click Export. Stepping parameter information is saved in “*_stepping_

parameters.xml” under the platform directory where * indicates the stepper platform
name. This xml file contains CV/MV/DV names, MV’s StepMag, BaseValue, Hi/Lo Limits,
Filter, Min/MaxHold, FAdptive, GAdaptive, Key model type selection and integrator flag
for each sub model.

l Import Settings

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

To Import settings, click Import and select the xml file that has been exported before.
PSRS compares the variables names in the xml file and the current stepper platform and
matches the variables and sub models based on the variable names and imports the
matching parameters.

Multi This option is available for open loop testing only.

Variable /
Sequential You can select to either do a multi variable or a sequential step testing.

2.2.2 MV Stepping Control

The MV Stepping Control tab and the field description are illustrated.

Here you can set the stepping parameters for the manipulated variable. The following table
provides the description of the various parameters:

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

Field Field Type Default Description

UseForID Read- No Indicates that the MV is used for ID, if the UseForId box is selected
Only access
Index Read- No The index of the manipulated variable.
Only access
Name Read- No The name of the manipulated variable.
Only access
Desc Read- No A description that characterizes the variable’s function or location.
Only access It comes from the profit controller which this MV belongs to for a
closed loop testing MV. For an open process point, this value is
always empty.
Unit Read- No The unit of the manipulated variable. It comes from the profit
Only access controller which this MV belongs to for a closed loop testing MV. For
an open process point, this value is always empty.
Mode Read- No The mode of step testing. It is either Closed or Open.
Only access
Step Mag Editable ENG The magnitude of step test. This can be changed in the MV
Stepping Parameters dialog box.
TSettle Editable ENG The settling time. This can be changed in the MV Stepping
(min) Parameters dialog box.
Base Value Editable ENG Applicable for open loop variables only. Adjusts the base value of the
for open- signal at any time. This can be changed in the MV Stepping
loop MVs Parameters dialog box. The signal will be set to the new MV base
value in the next interval. The user entered filter time will also be
applied to the MV base value change. The base value can also be
changed when the stepper is paused and when the MV is on hold.
But the signal will only move after stepping is resumed and MV is
Filter Editable ENG Filters the step signal. This can be changed in the MV Stepping
Parameters dialog box.
MaxHold Editable ENG Prevents long steps. This value can be modified in the MV Stepping
(min) Parameters dialog box. The value should be greater than the MV
settling time; else it is internally read as the MV settling time.
MinHold Editable ENG Prevents short steps. This can be changed in the MV Stepping
(min) Parameters dialog box. The value should be lesser than the MV
settling time; else it is internally read as the MV settling time.
FirstStep Editable ENG Determines the first step direction. Default value is obtained from
Direction before the algorithm, Positive or Negative. The value can be modified in
step the MV Stepping Parameters dialog box at any time. However, it
testing is takes effect only if the first step is not implemented. When the MV
started base value is reset or MV testing is stopped and restarted, this
parameter also takes effect to determine the next step direction.
Current Non- No The present value of the manipulated variable.
Value editable Access
NextStep Non- No It represents the time in minute for the next step to come. While
(min) editable Access step testing is Paused or an MV is on “Hold”, this value does not
change and is displayed in gray background. When step testing is
yet to start, “---“ is displayed.
Held Editable ENG Forces the current step to hold for the selected MVs. This can be
changed in the pop-up that appears when you right-click the first
column of the MV Stepping Control tab.
This column is color coded. When it is selected, the check box
background automatically changes to yellow.
HeldBy Non- No It shows whether the controller operator has held all the
Operator editable Access controller’s MVs from being stepped by stepper.
Only This column is color coded. When it is selected, the check box
applicable background changes to yellow.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

when an
MV is a
loop MV
GAdaptive Editable ENG Allow the MV stepping signal to change directions that cause less
CV/MV limit violations. This can be changed in the MV Stepping
Parameters dialog box.
FAdaptive Editable ENG Automatically adjust the stepping signal excitation frequency based
on the updated model information. This can be changed in the MV
Stepping Parameters dialog box.
Controller Non- No The name of the controller that is selected for closed-loop testing.
editable Access
when an
MV is a
loop MV
PIDMod Non- No If an MV is a closed loop MV and the controller it belongs to is a
editable Access R300 or later non-simulated controller, this field shows the
controllable state of the MV in the controller. If an MV is an open
process point, this field shows the mode and mode attribute of the
PID point. For other cases, this field is not applicable.
Windup Non- No It shows the Windup status of the MV. It can be NORMAL, HI, LO or
Status editable Access HILO.

This column is color coded. When it is not NORMAL, the column

changes to red.
High Limit Non- No Only applicable for closed loop testing. It shows the MV High Limit
editable Access in the controller.
Low Limit Non- No Only applicable for closed loop testing. It shows the MV Low Limit in
editable Access the controller.
Sequential Non- No Only applicable for open loop Sequential Testing.
Status editable Access
For … The status is…
MV currently selected for testing INPROGRESS (in Blue)
Tested MVs COMPLETE (in Green)
Rest of MVs that have not yet Empty
been tested

2.2.3 Key Model Selections

The Key Model Selections tab is illustrated.
In stepper configuration, for closed loop, all the models from the Profit Controller application are
initially LOCKED by default. You must manually select which models must be identified by the
stepper and make them MODEL or KEY. You can change the model types from Model Highlights
tab also.

Here you can describe the relationship between the controlled variable and the
manipulated/disturbance variable. You can also manually lock models here. The following table
provides the description of various relations and when to choose each of them:

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

Field When to choose

Locked When no improvement is needed for the current existing sub model (either identified or from
current controller). If Locked, no new sub model is identified. The corresponding locked sub
model is only used for de-convolving the data.
You can lock a model manually here, or the model can be automatically locked. When a model
is locked, the text appears with a gray background.
Key When there is a strong model between the controlled variable and the tested manipulated
variable/disturbance variable or a good model is needed for the controller design. When
selected, the text is displayed in bold.
Model When there is a model but it is unimportant for the controller design or it is unknown whether
there is a model between this CV and the tested MV/DV.
Null When there is no model between the CV and the tested MV/DV. When selected, the text is
displayed in a lighter color.

2.2.4 Integrator Model Selections

The Integrator Model Selections tab is illustrated.

Here you can select the integrating models between the controlled variable and the
manipulated/disturbance variable. Select the check box to indicate that the particular controlled
variable has an integrating type model relation with the manipulated/disturbance variable. When a
model is integrator, the check box is highlighted in yellow. When creating a closed loop stepper,
this tab is automatically populated based on the information from controller.

2.2.5 Model Highlights

The Model Highlights tab is illustrated.

The overview of the model between the controlled variable and the manipulated/disturbance
variable is displayed here.
The grid in this tab is color coded based on the model rank and model type.
l For a Null model, the text is displayed in a lighter color, with the background in white.
l For a locked model, the text is displayed in bold.
l For models with rank 1 or 2, the background color is green.
l For models with rank 3, the background color is yellow.
l For models rank 4 and above, the background color is red.
l When no model is found by ID because of insufficient data, the background color is white and
the text, No Model, is displayed in red.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

Field Description
G The Gain for the CV-MV/DV pair.
SettlingT The Settling time
DeadT The Dead time for the CV-MV/DV pair.
Rank The Rank of CV-MV/DV pair.
Model Type Indicates model type: LOCKED/KEY/MODEL/NULL.

The grid in this tab displays the model type (MODEL/NULL/LOCKED/KEY). You can also change
model type here.
To change the model type, perform the following steps:
1. Select one or more sub models.
2. Right-click the sub model. The lists of model types appear.

3. Select the desired model type to change the model type for all the selected sub models.


The selections menu in the Model Highlightstab is similar to the selections inKey
Model Selectionstab.


You can resize the runtime window to suit your work area. However, there is a minimum
size to which you can reduce the window to. The minimum size that you can reduce the
window to is illustrated.

The Runtime window at its minimum size always displays Data Collection and Step Testing.

UpdateController Model file with new Stepper models

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

When Stepper is running, you can select to update the controller model with the current stepper
model only when one ID is completed and stepper model mdl file exists. You can update the
controller model using two options:
1. Update all sub models without init
2. Update selected sub models without init


Ensure you PAUSE testing before initiating model update. This prevents the stepper from
sending testing signal to the controller when the controller model is updated.
Update all sub models with Init and Update selected sub models with Init options that were
in R400 release were removed in R410. They are no longer needed with the enhancements
in the controller engine.

To update the Controller model, perform the following steps

1. Select one or more sub models.
2. Right-click the sub model and select Update Controller Model>All sub Model>Without Init

The option Update Controller Model is unavailable if Profit Stepper is configured

for Open Loop or Mixed Loop. When you select Update all sub models without init
option, the most current mdl file in stepper is used and PDS automatically builds
the xm file. The mdl file and xm file is automatically copied to the controller platform
directory where the controller is running. Stepper notifies the controller that the
new xm file is ready, along with the new xm /mdl file names with NO INIT option.
After receiving the message from the stepper, the controller starts a new xm file
read accordingly.

3. For Selected Sub Models Without Init When you select Update selected sub models without
init, Stepper first gets the controller xm file and allows PDS to build back an mdl file from it.
Later, PDS merges the mdl file and the most current stepper mdl file while overwriting the
sub-models that are selected by the stepper. PDS then automatically builds the xm file from
the merged mdl file. The rest is the same as in the option 1 case.
4. When a selected stepper sub model’s rank is 4 or above and user chooses to update controller
model with it, PSRS will pop up a warning message and prompt user whether they want to use
this sub-model. If user selects not to use it, correspondent sub model in controller will not be
updated. Otherwise, controller sub model will be updated.

2.2.6 Variable Overview

The Variable Overview tab is illustrated.
It displays all the variables in the stepper platform. A column Signal-to-Noise Ratio is provided
which displays the Signal-to-Noise ratio value for each CV. For other variables, this field is empty.

Signal-to-Noise ratio color codes

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

SNR Value Status Color

>= 3 GOOD Green
>=2 MARGINAL Yellow
<2 BAD Red


The SignalToNoise ratio values are also displayed in the Model Highlights display for the CV

The following table provides the description of the various parameters:

Field Description
UseForId Indicates that the variable is used for ID, if the UseForId box is selected
Index Index of the variable
Name Name of the variable
Desc A description for the variable
Unit Unit in which the variable is measured
Current Value The present value of the variable.
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Signal-to-Noise ratio value for each CV

2.2.7 History Configuration

The History Configuration tab is illustrated.

It displays all the history parameters in the stepper platform. You can add or remove the history
parameters. You can select or clear Support History for PSOS Trending option to automatically add
or remove necessary history parameters to support history trending in PSOS.

History List

The list on the right-hand side of the “Add” and “Remove” buttons is the list of all data items currently
selected for historization. Each item is the full URT data item path starting from the platform level.
It also has the columns of “Suggested History Tag Name” and “Actual History Tag Name”. By default,
these two columns should both be empty. At runtime, History Function block will generate a default
history tag name for each data item that needs to be historized. The “Suggested History Tag Name”
column is editable and it allows user to enter a suggested history tag name for the selected data item.
At runtime, history function block will try to use the user entered name first. If user entered name
cause any conflict with existing history tag names, it will try to generate another name based on the
user entered name. Once the hisrtoy function block is executed, the actual history tag name column
will be filled with the actual histry tag names. The “Actual History Tag Name” column is view only.

Exporting To / Importing From Excel

When the number of history tag names that need to be modified is large, user can export the list to an
Excel file, edit them in Excel and import them back to PSRS.
To do this, right click anywhere in the History List, a pop-up menu will show up:

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

Selecting menu “Export To Excel …” will open a file open dialog to allow user to enter an Excel file name.
The file can be either *.xls or *.xlsx file. When no row is selected in the History List, all tags will be
exported to the Excel file. When some rows are selected in the History List, all the selected tags will be
exported to the Excel file.
The generated Excel file has three columns that are correspondent to the three columns in the History

User can open the generated Excel file using Excel outside of PSRS and edit the Suggested History Tag
Name column as needed and save the file. There is no need to edit the “Actual History Tag Name”
column because this information will not be imported. They are here just for comparison purpose.
In PSRS, right click on the History List and select menu “Import From Excel …”. A file open dialog box
will show up. Select the exported and modified Excel file. The Suggested Tag Name information will be
imported to PSRS and History List will be updated.

2.2.8 Customize the columns to be displayed

The columns displayed in the step testing grid are the default columns. You can customize the
columns displayed by performing the following steps:
1. Open the MV Stepping Control grid.
2. Double-click the header row to view the Select Columns to Display dialog box.

The selected columns are the ones that are displayed currently in the grid.
3. You can either –
l Select to view the column in the grid.
l Or, clear to hide the column in the grid.

4. Click OK.

2.3 Profit Design Studio User Interface

You can view the details of models generated by the step test in the PDS user interface.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

The grid What you can do here

Menu bar Click the menu items to see the options.
Project Create, modify, and delete application based projects. Every time you start data collection
Explorer for step testing, a new project will be created by PDS to save all the data and model files
generated during the step testing session.
Workspace Manage multiple windows/documents within the PDS environment.
Views View the selected files.

Studio workbench

Studio Workbench is a cross-functional tool of Profit Design Studio. The Studio Workbench
provides both a project explorer and a workspace assistant. For more information on Studio
Workbench and its two primary functions – Workspace and Project Explorer, refer to Studio
Workbench in PDS User’s Help.

2.4 Configuring Profit Stepper from Profit Suite Runtime Studio

2.4.1 Configuring Profit Stepper for closed loop identification

Profit Stepper can perform closed loop testing for Profit Controller and Profit Controller Express.

Profit Controller

1. In the Create a New Profit Stepper Open Loop/Closed Loop Identifier dialog box, type the
name of the Profit Stepper application. This is the name that is used as the main scheduler’s
name for the stepper. You can leave this field empty. By default, this field is populated with
ControllerName_Stepper when you select the controller. For example, if the name of the
application is B103_CTL_Stepper, then it is shortened to B103_CTL_Stepper. A message is
displayed indicating that the file name exceeds 15 characters and is shortened.

Type the description of the Profit Stepper in the Desc field. You can leave this filed empty, By
default, this field will be populated when you select the controller if you leave this filed empty.
In the Area field, specify the Experion area for the platform. The default Area is defined by the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Honeywell\URT\DefaultArea registry value. When URT is
installed, this registry value is set to URT. The key use of area is to set the Areas attribute of
OPC Events sent by URT function blocks. Events generated by URT platforms may be
processed by a properly configured Experion Server. For Experion Server to receive URT
events, the areas configured in URT must be configured in the EPKS server. Often, URT areas
are set to the existing EPKS areas. Alternately, the URT areas may be added to the EPKS
server. For details about area, refer to URT User’s Guide.
2. In Select a Profit Controller box, select from two versions of the Profit Controller: HsOpen
R205.3 or URT R300and Later. Select HsOpen R205.3 version of the controller. The following
Select a Profit Controller grid appears:

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

To select a controller on the same node as the Profit Stepper, leave the Controller Machine
field empty. Otherwise, browse to a remote node or type the remote node name in the
Controller Machine field. Browse to and select the .CFG and the .XM file for the controller from
the following default path: C:\Users\Hispec\Config for local controller or shared drive “Model”
for a controller on a remote node.

After a .cfg file selected, a default xm file with the same name as cfg file is automatically
selected from the same directory. If it is not the correct xm file path for the controller, browse
to and select the correct xm file. An example is illustrated.

After both the files are selected, click to add the controller.


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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

If you browse to and select a .cfg file from a remote node but did not enter the node
name in the Controller Machine field, PSRS prompts a warning message asking you
whether the controller runs on the remote node where the cfg file is located. In
most cases, controller runs on the same node as where the cfg file is located. You
should select Yes in the warning dialog box. When you select Yes, which is the
default, PSRS fills in the Controller Machine field with the machine name where cfg
file is located. Only in rare situations, controller may be registered and run on a
different node. In this situation, you may select No and PSRS will not fill in
Controller Machine field. For example, after selecting a .cfg file, the Select a Profit
Controller box appears as follows:

The following warning dialog box appears:

If the controller machine is empty when button“+” is clicked, stepper will assume the
controller runs on the same local system as the stepper.

3. If using the R300 and Later. version of controller, the following Select a Profit Controller grid

If the controller is running on the same local machine as stepper, leave the Controller
Machine text box empty. Otherwise, browse or type the remote machine name. Click the

ellipsis button of the Controller Platform box to select the Profit Controller application.
The following dialog box appears.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

All the running and non-running controller platforms on the selected remote machine or the
local machine are displayed.

l Select the Profit Controller. The selected controller is highlighted.

l Click Select. All the fields mentioned previously are populated.

Only one controller can be selected at a time for closed loop testing. If you have already

selected a controller, click the ellipsis button in the Controller Platform again. The
following error message is displayed:

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

4. In case you have chosen a wrong controller, click to remove the Controller.
5. After adding a R205.3 controller or selecting the R300 and Later Controller Platform, the
Controller Interval field is populated.
6. After adding a R205.3 controller or selecting the R300 and Later Controller Platform, the lower
pane of the Create a New Profit Stepper Open/Closed Loop Identifier dialog box displays the
variable lists (CV List, MV List, DV List) associated with the controller. An example follows:

After selecting the controller, the Name, Description, Area, Controllers used by
Stepper and the Controller Interval boxes are populated with default values.

7. Use the UseForID option to include or exclude a variable for the model identification.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

l Select the check box to include the variable in identification.

l Or, clear the check box to exclude it from identification. When a variable is excluded
from identification, it is still part of the step testing and you can still test against it if it is
an MV. It is still part of the final model matrix. But during model identification in PDS,
the variable is not selected.

8. The Step/ID Options displays the Step Interval and ID Update. These fields are populated
when the R205.3 Controller is added or R300 and Later Controller Platform is selected. The
Step Interval is the time interval for conducting data collection and step test. The ID Update is
the time between each automatic ID run. Specify Step Interval and ID Update interval.

Ensure that you enter a positive value for the Step Interval. The Step Interval must be the
same as the Controller Interval. When a controller is selected, the step test interval is set to be
the same as the controller interval. You cannot change it. In case a different value is entered,
Profit Stepper modifies the Step Interval to the same value as the Controller Interval. For open
loop testing, you must specify a step testing interval in the Step Interval field. By default, the
automatic ID update interval is 60 * Step Interval. You can change the ID update interval if you
want automatic ID more or less frequently. This interval can be changed after starting the step
9. Click OK to view the runtime user configuration where the stepper operations like data
collection, step testing and identification can be initiated. If you have entered incorrect
information, click Cancel to return to the Profit Suite Runtime Studio configuration user
10. After you click OK in the Create a New Profit Stepper Open Loop/Closed Loop Identifier dialog
box, the following Save URT Platform As dialog box appears:

Accept the default stepper platform file name or change it if you need and click Save. The
configuration file is saved in the C:/Program Files/Honeywell/URT/Platforms folder.

- 39 -
Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

Do not change the default URT platform folder path. If stepper platform is not saved
in the default URT platform folder, URT service will not be able to recognize it
properly and may cause further runtime errors.

Stepper platform must be saved before starting data collection and step testing. If you click
the start data collection or start step testing buttons before saving the stepper platform, the
following warning message appears.

Profit Controller Express

1. In the Create a New Profit Stepper dialog box, click the Select a Profit Controller Express tab.

2. Click the ellipsis button of PCEPlatform box. The Select a Profit Controller Express
Application dialog box appears. This lists the running and not running PCE applications.

3. From the running or non-running PCE applications, select the desired application and click
Select.Create a New Profit StepperApplication dialog box appears.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

The name and desc of PCE is displayed by default. A list of CVs, MVs and DVs that are
associated to PCE are displayed in the lower pane. Click Remove to remove PCE.

All other options are similar to configuring controller options.

4. Use the UseForID option to include or exclude a variable for the model identification.

l Select the check box to include the variable in identification.

l Clear the check box to exclude it from identification.
When a variable is excluded from identification, it is still part of step testing and you can still
test against it if it is an MV. It is still part of the final model matrix. But during model
identification in PDS, the variable is not selected.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

5. Click OK.Save URT Platform As dialog box appears.

You can retain the default stepper platform file name or change the name. The file is saved in
the C:/Program Files/Honeywell/URT/Platforms folder. Click Save. Runtime Configuration
window appears.

There are no models for a PCE application when a closed loop stepper is created.
Therefore, the Model highlights tab is empty for a PCE application.

2.4.2 Configuring Profit Stepper for open loop identification

You can add open process points for step testing in two ways:

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

l If you have less number of points, you can browse to select them or type them.
l If you have more number of points, you must perform the following:
l Create an open process point’s tag file.
l Allow the Profit Suite Runtime Studio to read it and add all the points automatically.

Browse or type the open process points

1. In the Create a New Profit Stepper Open Loop/Closed Loop Identifier dialog box, select DCS
Box from the Select a Process Point (CV/MV/DV) drop-down list.

For R300 versions and later, six DCS box types are supported: The DCS Box types and
associated OPC servers are defined in the DCSInfo.xml file, which is installed in the default
URT platform directory when PSRS is installed. This file defines all DCS box types supported by
PSRS, the associated OPC server for each DCS box type, formatting information for tag names
and default Base Level Control templates. The DisplayName for each DCS box in the
DCSInfo.xml file is displayed here in the drop-down list. By default, the Experion PKS C-Series
is used.

2. Click on the right of the OPC Server list to browse for data from a remote OPC server or
type in the following format:\\RemoteNodeName \ OPCServerName. For example:
\\APCSVR1\HWHsc.OPCServer. The Select an OPC Server dialog box appears.

The associated OPC Server for Experion PKS C-Series is HWHsc.OPCServer.

3. Perform the following:

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

l Select a server type which matches the default OPC server.

l Click OKto close the dialog box.
l The Select a Process Point (CV/MV/DV) grid appears.

4. Type or browse for a target process point and parameter for the specified OPC server. The
Select an Item dialog box appears.

5. Select the process point and target parameter.

l If the point is going to be used as an MV in the stepper, then the stepper sends the
excitation signals to the target parameter.
l If the point is going to be used as CV or DV in the stepper, then the stepper gets its
ReadValue from the target parameter.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

For more information on testing an open MV, refer Overview.Use of filter in OPC Point Browser:
Many parameters are associated with a point. To make the selection list shorter, you can specify

a filter string and click and reselect the desired point. The list will display the parameters
that are listed in the filter string only. Multiple parameters can be listed in the filter with, as
separator and no space between them. Filter string is case insensitive. The default filter string is
SP,PV,OP,and CS. You can change it based on your specific DCS system.

6. Type the Eng Units and the Description.

7. Type a variable name in the Var Name box.

If you do not enter a variable name then, a default variable name is created by
PSRS based on the tag information. Click the Default button to display the default
variable name. This default variable name is used as the variable name in the
generated stepper platform.

8. Select the variable type that is going to be used in step testing and identification.

A default BLC template is selected automatically based on the DCS system and parameter in
the target. If the default BLC template is not desired, proceed to step 7.
9. Select the BLC template for the target process point from the dropdown list.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

In the case of MVs indirect excitation, select the appropriate BLC template. The BLC template
name must end with _Stepper_Indirect. In the above example, the stepper sends step
excitation signal to MV001A.PIDA.SP and gets read value from MV001A.PIDA.OP. For more
information refer Overview.

10. Click for BLC template configuration. Refer to the Profit Suite Runtime Studio User’s Guide
for more information on setting the values for BLC template configuration.
11. To check if the tag names are valid, click Validate. The current OPC Server and the target are
validated to see if the target exists on the OPC Server. You can validate this only when the
OPC Server is running and is accessible from the local machine. If the name of target exists
on the OPC Server then, a message is displayed that the tag exists on the OPC Server.

If the name of the target does not exist on the OPC Server then, a message is displayed that
the tag does not exist on the OPC Server.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

If the name of the OPC Server entered is not valid then, a message is displayed that the OPC
server is not available for validating the tag.

To add the variable to the

corresponding variable list, click Add. To remove the variable from the variables list, click

Add open variables through open process points tag file

1. Click and select a file with extension xop. If the points are defined in multiple xop files, you
can select xop files one after another. All the points are added subsequently.

For more information on the file format, Refer Appendix A About Open Process Point File.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

2. Click Open to add all the points to the stepper platform. After an xop file is selected, the
following are populated:
l If the Name box in the General Info section is empty, it is populated with the xop file name
as the default stepper name.
l If the Desc box is empty, it is populated with default description.
l If the Step Interval box in the Step/ID Options section is empty, it is populated with default
values of 1 minute for Step Test Execution Interval and 60 minutes for Automatic ID
Update Frequency.
l The grid in the MVs, CVs and DVs tabs.

3. Use the UseForID option to include or exclude a variable for the model identification.

l Select the check box to include the variable in identification.

l Or, clear the check box to exclude it from identification.

When a variable is excluded from identification, it is still part of the step testing and you can still
test against it if it is an MV. It is still part of the final model matrix. But during model identification
in PDS, the variable is not selected.
4. By default, the name of the Profit Stepper application is populated. You can modify the name,
if required. This name is used as the main scheduler’s name for the stepper.
5. By default, the description of the Profit Stepper is populated. You can modify in Desc box, if
6. Type the Experion area for the platform in the Area text box. The default Area is defined by the
registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Honeywell\URT\DefaultArea When URT is

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

installed, the registry value is set to URT. The key use of area is to set the Areas attribute of
OPC Events sent by URT function blocks. Events generated by URT platforms may be
processed by a properly configured Experion Server. The areas configured in URT must be
configured in the EPKS Server to receive URT events in the Experion Server. Often, URT areas
are set to the existing EPKS areas. Alternately, the URT areas may be added to the EPKS
server. For details about the area, refer URT User Help. The Step/ID Options displays the

l Step Interval: The Step Interval is the time interval for conducting data collection and
step test.
l ID Update: The ID Update is the time between each automatic ID run.

7. Type Step Interval and ID Update interval.

Ensure that you type a positive number for the Step Interval. For open loop testing, you must
enter a step testing interval in the Step Interval text box. By default, the automatic ID update
interval is 60 * Step Interval. You can change the ID update interval if you want to change the
frequency of automatic ID. This interval can be changed after starting the step testing.
8. Click OKto create the stepper platform and view the runtime configuration where stepper
operations like data collection, step testing and identification can be initiated

Six DCS Box Types

DCS Box Type Default OPC Server

Experion PKS C-Series HWHsc.OPCServer
TPS TPN Server Hci.TPNServer
TPS TPN Server Via Interface Points Hci.TPNServer

2.4.3 Configuring Profit Stepper for mixed loop identification

1. Select a controller as provided in Configuring Profit Stepper for closed loop identification.
2. Select the open process points as provided in Configuring Profit Stepper for open loop
identification. The Create a New Profit Stepper Open/Closed Loop Identifier dialog box appears.
The Mode column in the variable list at the bottom of the Create a New Profit Stepper
Open/Closed Loop Identifier dialog box displays the mode of testing. All the open variables are
listed after the closed loop variables.

2.4.4 Modifying point detail

1. Open the Create a New Profit Stepper Open/Closed Loop Identifier dialog box.
2. Load the XOP file that has the desired point or add open variables manually.
3. Select MVs or CVs or DVs variable type tab.
4. Select any of the listed point in the grid. The point detail is populated in the Select an Open

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

Process Point (MV/CV/DV) section.

5. Modify the point details, as desired.
6. Click Update.

You cannot modify the variable type for a selected point.
However, you can create a new point of a different variable type using the details of
an existing point. For example, if you already have a point configured with the
following details, for the variable type CV.

Then, you can create a point for the variable type MV with similar details, except
the template.
To create a new point of a different variable using the details of an existing point:
1. Select the point whose detail you want to use.
2. In the Select an Open Process Point (MV/CV/DV) section:
i. Select the new variable Type.
ii. Select the BLC Template from the list.
3. Click Add.

2.5 Configuring Profit Data Collector Application

Profit Data Collector is hosted in PSRS. The functionality of Profit Data Collector application is the
same as Profit Stepper open loop identification. The Profit Data Collector application only supports
data collection. However, stepping and model identification are not available.
Creating a New Profit Data Collector application
1. From the PSRS window, click File, and then click New.
2. Select Profit Data Collector.

For detailed instructions on how to configure profit data collector refer to Configuring Profit
Stepper for open loop identification.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

2.6 Performing Step Testing

2.6.1 Profit Stepper Workflow

The workflow for Profit Stepper is as follows:
l Generate the testing signal based on initial user input or existing model information.
l Send the generated signal to the process and collect both the input and output values.
l Using the collected data, identify the models based on the identification schedule while
performing the step testing.
l Based on the identified model, redesign testing signal to focus the testing signal energy at the
important control relevant frequency range.
l Use the currently identified model to arrive at an automatic constraint management.
l Repeat this process until all the important relationships have a good model rank.

The user operational workflow for step testing and identification is as follows:
1. Configuration:

l Select profit controller to be maintained if closed loop or mixed loop testing is to be done
l Define additional collection list if any open loop variables are needed
l Specify stepper interval, ID interval
l Define data connection to DCS for each open loop variable
l Define model relationships (key, model, null, integrator)

2. Save stepper platform

3. Select whether to use a previously collected data set and start data collection
4. For open-loop testing, select either Multi Variable or Sequential testing type.
5. Specify stepper parameters for each MV:

l Define independent step progression

l Define estimated settling times
l Define maximum step sizes
l Define MV filtering, first step direction, Maximum/Minimum Hold time and whether to
use Gain Adaptive and Frequency Adaptive features.

For Open Loop testing, the following parameters are not applicable:
l Hi Limit
l Lo limit
l Gain Adaptive

l Define MV base value for open loop MVs

6. Start stepping

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

l Review data and testing progress

l Review model results and ranking
l StepNow for individual MVs
l Hold/Unhold stepping for individual MVs
l Pause/Resume whole step testing for all MVs
l Adjust stepper parameters while stepping is going on
l Lock/Unlock models either manually or by using auto lock feature
l Automatic/manual excluding of data ranges from ID
l ID Now
l For sequential open loop testing, select one MV to test at a time. After you have
completed testing one MV, you can manually or automatically lock good models for that
MV and stop stepping that particular MV.
l Select another MV to test. Repeat these steps until you have completed testing all MVs.

7. Stop step testing .

8. Stop data collection
9. Accept model results, build/rebuild and commission /re-commission controller if necessary.

2.6.2 Verifying the Status and Mode of Profit Controller for

Closed/Mixed Loop Testing
Before starting data collection, the Profit Stepper GUI displays the status and mode of the Profit
Controller. If the controller is not in proper status and mode, you cannot start step testing. You can
only start data collection. In addition, if the status or mode of the controller changes from ON to
WARM/OFF/Deactivate during step testing; the Profit Stepper goes into PAUSE mode. During
PAUSE mode, stepper continues generating future excitation signal sequence but excitation signal
is not sent out to controller or process points.
To resume step testing, perform the following steps:

1. Change the status of the Profit Controller to ON outside the Profit Stepper.
2. Click the Resume button in the Profit Stepper graphical user interface.


To see the controller status correctly in the stepper, main stepper scheduler must
be active. When stepper scheduler is active, the time to next run in the “Scheduler”
group should be counting down every 2 secs. Interval count in “Scheduler” group
should be increasing at every stepper interval.
In some abnormal situations, for example if an exception occurs during step testing
and main stepper scheduler becomes inactive automatically; then the controller
status is BAD even though controller is running and active.
You must start data collection, which makes the main stepper scheduler active
again and controller status shows good values.
Another way to view the stepper main scheduler’s status is to click the urt tree icon
in the PSRS tool bar. The embedded urt platform tree appears. Look at the parent
scheduler of the ProfStepper function block. If the color of the scheduler icon is
grey, it is inactive; if the color of the scheduler icon is green, it is active.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

2.6.3 Verifying Open Loop MVs’ PID Mode

For Open Loop MVs, their PID mode must be in controllable state so that Profit Stepper can send
step testing signals. How the controllable state is determined differs for different types of DCS
systems. The BLC Template that was selected for the open loop MV has this information. For
example, on EPKS system, when a point’s Mode Attribute is PROGRAM and its Mode is AUTO, the
point is controllable. Stepper does not do automatic mode switching if an open loop MV is not in a
controllable state. User must manually switch the MV’s mode outside of stepper before trying to
step that MV. If an open MV’s is not in a controllable state, stepper message window at the bottom
of the PSRS will show the error of “MV NOT CONTROLLABLE”.

2.6.4 Indications for Different States of Stepper

After Stepper is loaded, when you start collecting data and start step testing, there will be different
icons displayed in the status bar for different states of the stepper. These icons indicate what the
stepper is performing, that is RUNNING vs. PAUSED vs. STOPPED.
The following table displays the icons for the following states.

State of Stepper Icons

Stepper platform is loaded but data collection not yet started. No Icon
Data collection started but no step testing yet.
Step testing in progress and not in PAUSE
Step testing is in PAUSE

When multiple stepper platforms are loaded in PSRS, there will be many such icons displayed in
the status bar. Each icon represents a stepper and will change accordingly for different states. The
following figure displays the icons when multiple stepper platforms are loaded. When you put the
mouse over the icon, it will show the correspondent stepper platform name for the icon along with
a descriptive info about its state.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

2.6.5 Collecting Data

Before you start step testing, you can decide whether to collect data from scratch and use all the
new data for ID or use a previously collected data and add them to the newly collected data and
use merged data for ID.

For sequential testing, only the newly collected data is used in ID for MVs.
It is recommended that you do not select previously collected data when doing a sequential

If you are collecting data from scratch, perform the following steps:

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

1. Click the Start Data Collection button.

2. The Data Collection grid appears. The Data File text box is populated with the name of the file.

3. In case you are reusing the data from an existing file, select the Reuse Previous Data File.

4. Click the button. The Select an Existing Stepper Data File dialog box appears.

5. Select an existing Stepper Data Collector Files (.xtp), or a .mdl file If you select an .mdl file,
PSRS will automatically convert the .mdl file to an .xtp file and import the data from the
converted xtp file.
6. Click Open. The data from this file will be merged with the newly collected data. You need to
make sure that the variables in this file and the intervals match the current stepper variables.

2.6.6 Sequential testing

For open loop testing, after you have started data collection, you can select either to do a
Sequential or a Multi Variable testing. Note that once you have selected Sequential testing, you
cannot revert back to Multi Variable testing for that particular data collection session and vice
versa. To switch testing mode, you have to stop data collection first and start another data
collection session again.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

To do a sequential testing, you must select one MV at a time, specify the step size for the selected
MV and proceed with the step testing. After you are satisfied with the model generated for that
particular MV, you may stop the step testing for that MV and start step testing for the next MV. After
all the MVs are step tested, PSRS prompts if you want to run a last DV ID run. If you select Yes,
then PDS runs an ID to generate models for all the DVs automatically.
Perform the following steps to do a sequential testing:

1. Select the Sequential option.

2. From the drop-down list, select the desired MV.

Note that you can test MVs in any order. You do not have to follow the MV order as presented
in the drop-down list.
3. After you have selected the MV, the MV Stepping Parameters dialog box appears.

4. Set the Step Mag,Settling Time, and the Base Value and any other advanced options, as

You can specify the Step Mag value for only one MV at a time. Automatically, the
Step Mag value of the other MVs are defaulted to zero.

If the current value is less than or equal to the low limit value and the first step
option is NEGATIVE then, a message is displayed.
Similarly, If the current value is greater than or equal to the high limit and the first
step option is POSITIVE then, a message is displayed.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

5. Click the Start Step Testing button. A Sequential Status column appears in the grid and is
populated as IN PROGRESS.

You may run several IDs until you are satisfied with the models generated for all the Key and
Model type of sub models for that MV. You can either manually lock good models or let PSRS
automatically lock good models. It is very important that you lock good models before moving
to test the next MV. Every time after an ID run, PSRS compares the new models identified with
the model history and decides if a model can be locked. If at least one model is found to satisfy
auto lock criteria, the Stepper Auto Model Locking Options dialog box appears with options to
lock the models automatically. The Stepper Auto Model Locking Options dialog box :

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

6. Select any of the following:

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

Options When Selected

By default, this is selected.
During the subsequent ID runs, if a set of
models that satisfy the criteria are
generated, then this dialog box appears
again giving you an option to lock the
Automatically Lock Checked Suggested When you click OK, the selected sub models
Model at This Time are automatically locked.

During the subsequent ID runs, if a set of

models that satisfy the criteria are
generated, then the models are locked
automatically without your intervention.
When you click OK, the selected sub models
Always Lock Suggested Models and Do Not are automatically locked.
Show This Dialog Box Again

No models are locked. However, during the

subsequent ID runs, if a set of models that
satisfy the criteria are generated, then this
dialog box appears and you have the option
to lock the models.

Do Not Automatically Lock Any Suggested When you click OK, the selected sub models
Models at This Time are not automatically locked.

No models are automatically locked. And,

Do Not Show This Dialog Box Again and during any of the subsequent ID runs, even
Never Automatically Lock Models if a set of models that satisfy the criteria are
generated, this dialog box does not appear.

7. Click OKorCancel to close the dialog box. If you click OK, the selected option is stored, and the
selected models are automatically locked when either option 1 or 2 is selected. If you click
Cancel, the selected option is not remembered and no model is automatically locked.


The Stepper Auto Model Locking Options dialog box is displayed only for 30 seconds. After 30
seconds, the dialog box automatically closes without any action. This is identical to clicking

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

If you require retaining the display of the dialog box, click Pause. The dialog box is displayed
until you click either OK or Cancel. The PAUSE gives you more time to examine the details
about each sub model in PDS before you decide whether to lock the selected models.



The Stepper Auto Model Locking Options dialog box can be accessed at any time while step
testing is in progress.

Click the button in the Identification section.

If there is no unlocked model that satisfy auto lock criteria, the following dialog box is

7. If you are satisfied with the model generated, click the Stop Testing button to stop the
Sequential testing for that particular MV. For the MV that you have stopped the step testing,
the status in the Sequential Status column automatically changes from IN PROGRESS to
8. Start the sequential testing for the next MV by selecting an MV from the drop-down list. An MV
can be tested more than once in one data collection session. So you can select any MV from
the list even the one that was tested earlier.
9. Repeat steps 3 through 8.
10. After all the MV run is completed, the following message is displayed.

11. Click Yes to run a last ID for all the DVs.

2.6.7 Viewing Trends

After starting data collection, collected data is sent from stepper to Profit Design Studio through
the stepper data collector file (*.xtp). Profit Design Studio creates a trend view for the data. The
trend is refreshed with a new set of data at each data collection interval.
The trends are displayed in the Profit Design Studio automatically after three intervals.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

2.6.8 Reverting back to previous models

Reverting back to previous models is used, when the current model is degenerated due to
unmeasured disturbances or due to a process upset.
To revert back to previous models, perform the following steps:

1. In the Detail Step Testing section, click the Model Highlights tab.
2. Right-click the model and then click Use Prior Models.
3. Click the Select Previous Models list, and then click the mdl file to which you want to revert to.
Selecting the mdl file will list all the sub-models at the bottom of the Model Highlights tab as

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper


If the model matrix size is big and has scroll bars, then select theSync Scrollcheck box. This
synchronizes the top and the bottom views and helps you to compare the sub-models easily.

4. Perform any one of the following;

i. If you want to replace the whole model matrix, then click Revert All Sub models.
ii. If you want to replace only a few sub models, then select the submodels in the bottom
model view and click Revert Selected Submodels.

5. Click OK to apply the changes permanently. Click “Cancel” will discard the change.

2.6.9 Stopping Data Collection

After good models are identified, the data collection can be stopped. To stop data collection,
perform the following steps:

1. Click the Stop Data Collection button.Stop Data Collection button changes to Start Data
Collection button. The Logs pane displays the message data collection has stopped.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

2.7 Configuring Runtime Parameters

2.7.1 Defining MV Parameters

1. Before starting the step testing, define the parameters of the manipulated variables. To define
the MV parameters, perform the following steps:After configuring open loop identification or
closed loop identification, the Profit Suite Runtime Studio User Interface is displayed.

2. Perform the following:

l In the Detail Step Testing Control pane, click the MV Stepping Control tab.
l Double-click the first column in the MV List.

3. The MV Stepping Parameters dialog box appears.

4. Type the magnitude of the step signal in the Step Mag box. The unit of the manipulated
variable depends on the manipulated variables selected for step testing. You can type only
positive numbers. For the closed loop MV, the step magnitude must be less than the difference
between the High Limit and the Low Limit.
5. Type the time for switching in the Settling Time box. The unit of the settling time is minutes.
You can type only positive numbers. For Profit Controller a default settling time is calculated
based on the existing models in the xml file using the average settling time of all the non-null,
non-integrator sub models for the given MV. You can modify the value. The Base Value text
box is enabled only if an open manipulated variable is selected. The default Base Value is the
current read value of the open MV. You can modify the value. If you change the base value
during the step testing, the signal will be reset to the new MV base value. The base value is

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

changed to maintain a desired operating condition during step testing. Base value can also be
changed during stepper pause or MV hold. However, the signal will only move after the testing
is resumed and the MV is unheld.
6. Click the Advanced button to modify the following advanced tuning parameters:
l Filter
l MaxHold
l MinHold
l First Step
l Gain Adaptive/ Frequency Adaptive

7. Type the filters for the step signal in the Filter box. The unit of the Filter is minutes. You can
type only positive numbers.
8. Type the tuning parameter that prevents long steps in Max Hold and the tuning parameter
that prevents short steps in Min Hold. The unit of MaxHold and MinHold is minutes. You can
type only positive numbers. Ensure that the maximum holding time is greater than the
settling time and the minimum holding time is lesser than the settling time.
9. Select the value for First Step from the following options:
l Default: Select Default if both CV, MV directions have no violations. The first step is made
in the direction such that the predicted MV, CV limit violation is lesser. The MV violation
has high priority than CV violations.
l Positive: Select Positive to step up from the set point value.

10. Negative: Select Negative to step down from the present value.

The first step value can be changed at any time. However, it will only take effect before
implementing the first step. First Step parameter determines the next step value every time
the MV testing is stopped and restarted.

l If the current value is less than or equal to the low limit and the first step option
is NEGATIVE then, a message is displayed.
l If the current value is greater than or equal to the high limit and the first step
option is POSITIVE then, a message is displayed.

11. Select Gain Adaptive or Frequency Adaptive. These parameters are used to determine
whether these features are used by stepper while generating excitation signals for the

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

selected MV.

2. Stepper only looks at KEY models for Frequency Adaptive feature and KEY or
LOCKED models for Gain Adaptive feature. So if you select any of these two
features for an MV, you need to specify KEY or LOCKED sub model for the MV

12. Click the first column in the MV Stepping Control tab to select an MV. Right-click the selected
MV to display the following:
l Step Now: Forces the next step for the selected MVs. A new stepping sequence will also be
generated. The next step will happen immediately. The step direction is pre-determined by
l Step Up Now and Step Down Now: If you want the next step to occur immediately and
follow the selected step direction then, you can select Step Up Now or Step Down Now. For
closed loop MVs, when you click Step Up Now or Step Down Now and confirm the selection
then, PSRS sets the StepNow flag to 2 or -2 respectively. Based on the StepNow flag value,
stepper steps in the specified direction. For open loop MVs, a message whether to change
the base value to the current value appears. Select Yes to reset the base value and then
set the StepNow flag to 2 or -2. Select No to set the Step Now flag without changing the
base value.

Based on the StepNow flag value, stepper steps accordingly in the specified direction.

l Hold: Holds the step for the selected MVs. When an MV is on Hold, step signals are not sent to
the MV. The Held column in the MV Stepping Control appears with yellow checks. The value in
the Next Step (m) column does not change.
l Unhold: Unholds the selected MVs. This ensures that step signal will be sent to the selected
MVs. You can view these options after starting the step testing. Also, you can select multiple
MVs and apply these operations on multiple MVs simultaneously.

Defined MV parameter is illustrated.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

2.7.2 Selecting Key Models

Criteria for selecting key models

You may select any of the following for MV (DV)–CV model relationships:

Model When to select

Key (K) When there is a strong model between the controlled variable and the tested
manipulated variable/disturbance variable or a good model is needed for the
controller design.
Model (M) When there is a model but it is unimportant for the controller design or it is
unknown whether there is a model between this CV and the tested MV/DV.
Null (N) When there is no model between the CV and the tested MV/DV.
Locked (L) When no improvement is needed for the current existing sub model (either
identified or from current controller). If Locked, no new sub model is identified.
The corresponding locked sub model is only used for de-convolving the data.

Stepper only looks at the KEY models for Frequency Adaptive feature and KEY or LOCKED
models for Gain Adaptive feature. So if you select any of these two features for an MV, you
need to specify KEY or LOCKED sub model for the MV appropriately.

Modifying the sub-model type

From the Key Model Selections tab, you can describe the relationship between the controlled
variable and the manipulated/disturbance variable. By default, note that all the sub-models are of
Null type for open loop testing. For ID to generate any result, you must select at least one Key or
Model type of sub model.
Perform the following steps to select the key models:
1. Click the Key Model Selections tab. The Key Model Selection grid appears.

2. Click the drop-down arrow next to the key models.

The following options appear:

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper


3. Select an option based on the criteria for selecting key models provided in Criteria for selecting
key models. The selected option is displayed for the CV-MV/DV relationship.



l You can also select the sub model and type in letter K for Key, M for Model, N for
NULL, or L for Locked.
l You may select multiple CVs and change the sub models for the selected CVs

4. To modify sub-model type for multiple CVs:

a. Select multiple cells using the Shift or Ctrl key, or multiple rows, or columns.
b. Right-click the grid to view the Change All Selected to selection item.
c. Choose a sub-model type.

The key models for all the selected models are changed.
5. The rules for generating default model types during stepper configuration are as follows:

Case 1 Case 2
A sub model between MV/DV and CV A sub model between MV/DV and a CV is
is not selected for ID in stepper selected for ID in stepper configuration.
If the CV and MV/DV belong to the If the CV and MV/DV are closed loop variables
same controller, the sub model type and they belong to the same controller, the
will be determined based on the sub model type will be determined based on
original model information from the the original model information from the
controller’s xm file. controller’s xm file.
l If the original model is not l If the original model is not NULL, the
NULL, the sub model is sub model is LOCKED.
LOCKED. l If the original model is NULL, the sub
lIf the original model is NULL, model is NULL.
the sub model is NULL.
If the CV and the MV/DV does not If the CV and MV/DV do not belong to the
belong to the same controller, the same controller, the sub model is NULL.
sub model is NULL.
If the MV/DV is an open MV/DV, sub model is

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

You can change the model types from their default values if necessary. No key model will be
selected by default.
Model types can also be changed from Model Highlights tab. For more details on how to modify
model types in the Model Highlights tab.

Stepper looks at KEY models for Frequency Adaptive feature and KEY or LOCKED models for
Gain Adaptive feature. So if you select any of these two features for an MV, you need to
specify KEY or LOCKED sub model for the MV properly.

2.7.3 Selecting Integrator Models

During configuration time, default integrator flags are set up based on the original model
information from the controller’s xm file for closed loop testing. You can change them if necessary.
For open loop testing, no integrator flag is set by default. You must manually select integrator
flags, if necessary.

In the Detail Step Testing Control box, perform the following steps to select the integrating models:
1. Click the Integrator Model Selections tab. The following grid appears.

2. Select the MVs with which the chosen ramp variable has integrating type model relation. For
example, CV2 is the chosen Ramp variable with Integrating type model relation with MV1, MV2
& MV3.

2.8 Starting Step Testing

2.8.1 Starting Step Testing

Before step testing starts, ensure that the Profit Controller is started and in ON mode for closed
loop or mixed loop testing. The Profit Stepper GUI displays the status of the associated controllers
and mode.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

When you start Step Testing when the Profit Controller is not running the following error
message appears.

Selecting the Proper Sub model to lock before starting Closed Loop Testing

To select the proper sub model to lock, perform the following steps:

1. Click Key Model Selection in the Detail Step Testing Control box.
2. Select the relationship between the controlled variable and the manipulated variable for a
particular CV.

Refer Criteria for selecting key models to know the criteria for selecting the relationship
between the controlled variable and the manipulated variable.

You can apply a particular model type to multiple cells simultaneously.

3. Lock the sub model for that particular CV/MV relationship. The existing model information is
used in the subsequent closed loop identification runs. The existing model is locked until you
change the lock option for the sub model.

To start step testing in the Profit Stepper GUI, perform the following steps:

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

1. Click the Start Step Testing icon in the Step Testing grid. The Step Testing is started if the
controller is ON. The Logs/Msgs pane at the bottom of the GUI displays the message with the
date and time.

Profit Stepper data in PSES project is saved to PSES DatWarehouse every time the model
identification is run. However, if PSES crashes during stepping, the data collection continues in
background and the collected data is stored in the stepper data file (XTP file). Once you re-open
the project in PSES, and restart stepping, the data that is there in the stepper data file and the
data that was there in PSES DataWarehouse before PSES crashed, are merged and used for next
model identification. This happens only if you have selected the Reuse previous data option is
If the Reuse Previous Data 0ption is not checked then, the data from the PSES DataWarehouse
and the data from the XTP file are not used (i.e. the data is excluded from model identification) for
identification. Only the newly collected data is used.

2.8.2 Pausing/Resuming Step Testing

You can pause step testing during the following conditions:
l There is an abnormal condition in the plant.
l The Stepper is not in the correct performing condition.
l Absence of the supervisor.

To pause or resume step testing, perform the following steps:

1. Click the Pause icon in the Step Testing grid of the Profit Suite Runtime Studio user
interface. The Step Testing grid displays the message Paused.

To resume step testing

2. Click the Pause/Resume button in the Step Testing grid of the Profit Suite Runtime
Studio user interface. Upon resuming testing, the data ranges during the PUASE period
usually need to be excluded from all the future model ID runs. But user has different options.
By default, upon resuming testing, a confirming dialog box appears to prompt user whether
they want to exclude the data during PAUSE from ID.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

3. Click Yes to exclude data during the paused period from ID or Click No to include the data
during the paused period for ID.
4. User can also specify an advanced application level option to always exclude or always include
data during PAUSE upon resuming testing without prompting the above dialog box.
a. On the Runtime window, click Advanced. Advanced Stepper Options dialog box appears.
b. In the Manual Pause Range Exclusion section, select the required option and click OK.

l Prompt for Option Upon Resume:PSRS prompts whether you want to exclude the data
ranges. This is the default option.
l Always Exclude: Always excludes the data ranges automatically from ID without
prompting when you resume testing.
l Always Not Exclude: Always does not exclude the data ranges from ID and does not
prompt when you resume testing.


l These options are applicable for the manual PAUSE only

l For automatic PAUSE caused by controller mode change, data ranges during PAUSE
are always excluded from ID. Therefore you are not prompted with the message when
you resume testing.

2.8.3 Holding/Unholding an MV
An MV is set to Hold for the following reasons:

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

l MV PID loop is saturated.

l Input for the PID loop is bad.
l The control valve is stuck.
l The current step is too short.

Select Unhold to release an MV from Hold position in the Profit Stepper GUI.

To hold or unhold an MV, perform the following steps:

1. Click the MV Stepping Control button to select the variable from the list.
2. Right-click the desired MV. The following options appears:
l Step Now
l Step Up Now
l Step Down Now
l Hold
l Unhold

3. Select Hold. The Held column in the MV Stepping Control tab is selected and changed to

To unhold an MV
1. Click the MV Stepping Control button to select the variable from the list.
2. Right-click the desired MV. The following options appears:

l Step Now
l Step Up Now
l Step Down Now
l Hold
l Unhold

3. Select Unhold.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

2.8.4 Automatic Holding/Unholding an MV due to MV Windup

In R320 and earlier releases, when an actively tested MV (step magnitude is non-zero) goes into
Windup, the whole stepper automatically goes into PAUSE. MV windup can be caused by MV
process limits violations or MV being dropped from controller in closed loop testing. In R400 and
later releases of Profit Stepper, when an actively tested MV(step magnitude is non-zero) goes into
Windup, stepper automatically puts that MV in HOLD. By default, when this MV comes out of
windup status, stepper automatically UNHOLD the MV. You can also manually UNHOLD the MV
when MV comes out of WINDUP.
To set this option, perform the following steps.

1. On the Runtime window, Click Advanced.Advanced Stepper Options dialog box is displayed.

2. Under MV Windup Unhold section, select Manual to manually UNHOLD the MV. Click OK

l Stepper does not automatically UNHOLD the MV when you select manual. You
need to unhold this by right-clicking on a MV and selecting Unhold.
l If you select Automatic,Stepper automatically UNHOLD the MV when it comes out
of WINDUP status. This is the default option.

2.8.5 Automatic MV Hold Range Exclusion

When an MV goes into automatic HOLD due to Windup, the data ranges during the HOLD period
will be excluded from all future model ID runs automatically. This is the default behavior. But user
can change this behavior to not to exclude ranges for future ID runs using the “Advanced Stepper
Options” dialog box.
To set this option, perform the following steps.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

1. On the Runtime window, Click Advanced.Advanced Stepper Options dialog box is displayed.

2. Under MV Auto Hold Range Exclusion section, select “Not Exclude”. Click OK

2.8.6 Mixing Manual Testing with Automatic Testing in Closed Loop

Step Testing
Sometimes, maual stepping is needed for certain MVs. During stepping; some of the MV’s could
not be put in prog-auto mode due to configuration problems on the DCS. So the engineers used to
ask the the operator to put the MV in OPER mode and then step them manually. For these
manually tested MVs, the step magnitude is zero. For rest of the MVs, automatic stepping is
By default, in closed loop stepper, if step magnitude for an MV is zero, the MV will not have
dithering signal sent from stepper, mode ID will exclude this MV and no models will be generated
for the MV.
To handle this special situation and let model ID still include the manually tested MVs and
generate models for them, the following steps must be followed.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

1. On the Runtime window, “Identification” group, Click Advanced ….Advanced ID Options dialog

box is displayed.


For the manually tested MVs, select “Always Selected” as the MV Selection Mode instead of the
“Default Mode”. For the automatic tested MVs, leave the Selection Mode as “Default Mode”.
When the “Always Selected” selection mode is selected for an MV, PDS ID will change the aux
variable for that MV, which represents the stepper dithering signal, to have the same value as the
MV value instead of zero. This will make ID to include the MV and generate models for it.

2.8.7 Step Now

To step now, perform the following steps:
1. Click the MV Stepping Control button to select the variable from the list.
2. Right-click the desired MV. The following options appears:
l Step Now
l Step Up Now
l Step Down Now
l Hold
l Unhold

3. Select StepNow. The next step occurs immediately.

4. Select Step Up Now or Step Down Now. Step Up Now and Step Down Now: If you want the next
step to occur immediately and follow the selected step direction then, you can select Step Up
Now or Step Down Now. For more details, refer to Configuring Runtime Parameters.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

2.9 Identifying Models

2.9.1 Automatic Model Identification

The first automatic model identification occurs after ID interval has passed since data collection
has started if step testing has started and is not in PAUSE. Time between subsequent ID runs will
be ID interval. This ID interval is specified in the Profit Suite Runtime Studio configuration user
An example of the Step/ID Options in the Profit Suite Runtime Studio configuration user interface
is illustrated.

In the example, the value of ID Update is 12 minutes. Therefore, the automatic model identification
happens 12 minutes after data collection has started.

If step testing is not started or has been stopped or step testing is in PAUSE, automatic model ID
will not run.
The progress bar in the Model Identification box of the Profit Stepper GUI displays when the next
identification is to happen. An example follows:

00:10:00 shows the total time of 10 minutes and progress bar shows1/6th of the time. When
progress bar is filled up, that means automatic ID run will start now if step testing has started and
is not paused. If step testing is not started or stopped or is in PAUSE, ID timer and progress bar will
restart. During ID run, the ID timer and progress bar will be disabled. When ID run finishes, ID
timer and progress bar will restart. When an ID interval passed, another automatic ID run will start.

2.9.2 ID Now
Profit Stepper provides you an immediate identification run, in case you do not want to wait for the
next automatic identification run.
To get an immediate identification, perform the following steps:

1. Click in the Model Identification grid of the Profit Suite Runtime Studio User
Interface. Profit Design Studio uses the currently collected data immediately and starts an
identification run. It generates a new .mdl file and the final models are communicated back to
Profit Suite Runtime Studio User Interface.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

l ID Now button is disabled if the data collection is not started.

l ID Now button is enabled for any of the following conditions:
l Step testing is started.
l Step testing is paused.
l Step testing is not started.
l Step testing is stopped

2.9.3 Model Matrix Highlights

To view the Model Matrix Highlights, perform the following steps:

1. Click the Model Highlights tab in the Profit Suite Runtime Studio.
2. The Model Highlights grid is illustrated.

The Model Highlights tab displays the Gain, the Settling Time, the Dead Time and the Rank of
the current models, and model type about whether a model is LOCKED, KEY, MODEL or
NULL. During stepper configuration, original models from controller’s xm file are imported.
The rank is displayed as – because the ranking information is not available in xm file; which
means not available. After each successful ID run, this tab will be updated with the newly
generated models.

The following are the color convention for the Model Highlights:

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

Background Text color Text What it

Model –
has been
White Red No Model
yet for a
type of
Model or
Model –
White Light gray Null Model
type is
rank is
Light Gray Black rank shown as “---“
rank is
Green Black Model details
either 1
or 2
It is a
Green Black (Bold) Model details with
rank 1 or
Yellow Black Model details
rank is 3
ran is
Red Black Model details either 4
or 5

In addition, the logs file displays the following message:

As can be seen from the previous screen capture, the date, time, the number of the identification
run, and the status of the generated model is displayed.

2.9.4 Viewing Model Detail in PDS

To view the model detail in Profit Design Studio (PDS), click the icon next to the model file
name in the Profit Stepper GUI. PDS appears with the mdl file opened in the final model view.
Refer to Final Model View in the Identifier User’s Help for details.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

2.9.5 Annotation of Test Results

To annotate the test results in the generated mdl file, refer to Annotation in the Identifier User’s

2.10 Adding new variables

2.10.1 Adding new variables on the fly

1. In the PSRS Stepper Runtime application, click Add Vars…

If data collection is under way, PSRS prompts you to stop the data collection. All the
collected data is preserved and merged once you re-start the data collection, after
adding the variables. Click OK to stop the data collection.

The Stepper Add Variables dialog box appears. If this dialog box does not appear, click Add Vars
again, after the data collection is stopped.


You can add open process points for step testing in two ways:

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

l If you have less number of points, you can browse to select them or type them.
l If you have more number of points, you should perform the following:
o Create an open process point’s tag file.
o Allow the Profit Suite Runtime Studio to read it and add all the points

1. Under Select an Open Process Point (MV/CV/DV), click the DCS Box list, and then select the
associated OPC server.
2. Click the ellipsis button, next to the OPC Server box, to browse for data from a remote OPC
server. You can even type the url in the following format.\\RemoteNodeName \
3. Select the associated OPC server, and then click OK.
4. Type or browse for a target process point and parameter for the specified OPC server. The
Select an Item dialog box appears.

5. Select the process point and target parameter.

l If the point is going to be used as an MV in the stepper, then the stepper sends the
excitation signals to the target parameter.
l If the point is going to be used as CV or DV in the stepper, then the stepper gets its
ReadValue from the target parameter. For more information on testing an open MV,
refer Overview.Use of filter in OPC Point Browser: Many parameters are associated
with a point. To make the selection list shorter, you can specify a filter string and click

and reselect the desired point. The list will display the parameters that are listed
in the filter string only. Multiple parameters can be listed in the filter with, as
separator and no space between them. Filter string is case insensitive. The default

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

. You can change it based on your specific DCS system.

7. Type the Eng Units and the Description.

8. In the MDLVar Namebox, type the variable name.

If you do not type the variable name, a default variable name is created by PSRS
based on the tag information. Click Default to display the default variable name. The
default variable name is used as the variable name in the generated stepper

9. Select the type of variable that is going to be used in step testing and identification.

For more details on how to add open process points, refer to the section, Configuring Profit
Stepper for open loop identification.
10. Click OK to add the variables to the stepper application.



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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

The newly added variables are highlighted, and includes an astrix (*) symbol next to

11. The Variable Overview tab in the Profit Stepper Runtime window, lists all the variables in the
stepper application in the order of CVs, MVs, and DVs.

l All the tabs, including the Key Model Selections, Integrator Model Selections,
and the History Configuration tabs are updated to reflect the new structure.
l The Model Highlights tab will not change because it reflects the last IDed mdl
file. The Model Highlight tab is updated after the next id runs.
l The default key model type is null for all the newly added variables

l Default integrator flag for the new variables is set to non-integrator

l Under Data Collection, the Reuse Previous Data File box is automatically
selected. The data file path is automatically populated from the last collected
data file path. This helps to prepare the data collection to preserve and merge
all the previous collected data when data collection restarts.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

l After restarting the data collection, the new variables are marked as NaN for
the time before they were added. All previous data including exclusion ranges
are preserved.

2.10.2 Updating the stepper variables in PSOS

1. PSOS prompts a message indicating that the stepper variables have been changed.

2. Click the CLICK HERE TO REFRESH THE DISPLAY link. The Profit Suite Operator Station
message appears.

3. Click Yes to refresh the PSOS display. Newly added stepper variables are added to the PSOS

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

2.11 Analyzing the Data and Models

2.11.1 Monitoring and Measuring Step Progress

Profit Design Studio displays stepper data trend three intervals after starting data collection for
step testing. After a successful ID run, the current model file is displayed in the Profit Design
Studio. You can save the range selections used in subsequent ID runs in the trend display.

Toolbar Description
Change the view to descriptive info view.
In this view, you can select different variables to be displayed in the trend.
Change the view back to the single graph trending view from descriptive info view

Pin down the current data trend view window in PDS to prevent the trend refresh at every data
collection interval for this stepper. You can select data range, exclude data from ID using this
button. For more information, refer Excluding Data from Identification. After the trend is

pinned, the toolbar button changes to . Click the button to unpin the current trend.
After starting data collection, when data size increases and each trending refresh takes longer
than half of the stepper interval, trend is pinned automatically to save CPU for critical stepper
runtime use; you can unpin the trend occasionally to view the stepper progress.
Exclude data ranges for ID.
After selecting the exclusion ranges on the trend, click this button to save the ranges. The
ranges are used in the subsequent ID runs. For more information, refer to Manual Block Data

Every time an ID run generates a new mdl file, the previous mdl file will be closed and the new mdl
file is opened in PDS workspace. But all the generated mdl files will be present in the stepper
project. To view an old mdl file, click Project Explorer tab in PDS Studio Workbench and select the
mdl file from the Design folder under the stepper project.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

2.11.2 Mutiple Response Curves

After each Model Identification run, the following files are created by the Profit Stepper application:
l .stp: Multiple Point Data File
l .mdl: Model File
l .mcv: Multiple Response Curves

For more details on viewing multiple response curves in Profit Design Studio, refer PDS Users Help.

Naming convention for the mcv file

The default name of the newly created multiple curves file will be same as the controller model file

Creating and updating of MCV file

During each Model Identification run, a new .mdl file is generated. If the .mdl file contains at least
one non-null model then one .mcv file will be created and the new .mcv file will be opened in PDS
workspace. At the same time the new .mcv file will be added to the PDS project explorer under
MultipleCurve folder. During next identification if one valid model exists in the newly created .mdl
file, then the .mdl file information is updated in the existing .mcv file. During every ID run, the .mcv
file will be updated. To check the .mdl files that are added in current .mcv file, select Add/remove
model files from the Edit menu. The list of all the .mdl files that are added in the current .mcv file
project appears.

For null models, .mcv files are not generated. .mcv files are generated after a Model
Identification run if the .mdl files have at least one response.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

2.11.3 Manually setting High and Low Limits

By default, high and low limits are calculated at every update automatically. To manually set the
high and low limits, select Set Hi Lo Limits Manually from theTools menu.

When you select this option, it is applied to all the variables.

2.11.4 Manually Locking Models

Manually Lock Models before and during Step Testing

For close loop testing, the models from the original controller’s xm file are automatically imported
to stepper during configuration time. You can review these models by selecting Model Highlights
tab in the Detail Step Testing control grid after configuration is done. In addition, you can review
the model in Profit Design Studio. The model is converted from the original xm file to “*_xm.mdl”
file. As .xm file does not have ranking information for each sub model, there is no ranking
information in stepper initially for the imported models. You can select any sub models to
lock/unlock or to Null before start testing.
In addition, during testing, you have the option of locking/unlocking any sub model or setting any
sub model to Null.
To select the proper sub model to lock or to set it to Null, perform the following steps:

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

1. Click Key Model Selection in the Detail Step Testing Control grid.
2. Select Locked or Null for a desired sub model. If you select Locked, the sub model that was
imported from the original xm file or the sub model that was identified last is locked. These sub
models are not identified in the subsequent Model Identification runs. If you select Null, the
sub model is forced to be Null in the subsequent ID runs.

You must lock any desired model from the original controller xm file before starting
the Model Identification run.
If you lock a sub model after an ID run, the sub model information from the original
xm file is lost.
By default, when a closed loop stepper platform is first configured, all models from
the controller xm file will be LOCKED. You need to manually unlock the models that
needs to be identified by stepper, by changing them to either MODEL or KEY.
You can change the model types either in Key Model Selection tab or Key Model
Highlights tab.


When a model is locked, the effect of this model is deconvolved.

2.11.5 Automatic Model Locking

Automatically Lock Models during Step Testing

Besides manual model locking, PSRS also provides automatic model locking capability. Refer to the
Sequential testing section for detailed description about automatic model locking. Automatic model
locking works the same for either multi variable testing or sequential testing.

2.11.6 Excluding Data from Identification

You have the option of excluding data from model identification. One way of excluding data from
identification is pausing the step testing. During pause, the MV steps are not executed. Upon
resume testing, you choose the option of excluding the data during the Pause period.
Another way of excluding data from identification is manually excluding data. Both these options
are explained in detail in the following sections.

Automatic Block Data Exclusion

If there is an upset in the plant, pause step testing.

To exclude the data for model identification, perform the steps in the Pausing/Resuming Step
Testing section.
You may view the excluded range from the Stepper Trend view; the excluded ranges are painted in
grey. For a detailed explanation of the Stepper Trend view see Monitoring and Measuring Step

Manual Block Data Exclusion

To exclude bad data manually, perform the following steps:

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

Step Action
Click in the toolbar to freeze the trend view and prevent refresh at each
data collection interval.
2 Perform the following:
a) Place the mouse cursor on the starting point of the range that has to be
excluded on the x-axis in the stepper trend display.
b) Click and drag the mouse to the end of the range.
The range selected is grayed.
3 Repeat the step 2 to select a different range.
After all the ranges have been selected, click .
The selected data ranges will be excluded from the subsequent identification

For more details on excluding data from identification, refer PDS User Help.

Deselect a Range

Step Action
1 Pause the data stream in the trend.
2 Hold the Ctrl key, and then click the ranges that have to be deselected.
3 Click Store Excluded Data Ranges.

2.11.7 Automatic Per MV Data Exclusion in Sequential Testing

Besides block data exclusion, for sequential testing, PSRS automatically performs per MV data
range exclusion for every ID run based on when the step test starts and ends, for each MV. The
automatic per MV ranges are consolidated with the block ranges to be used as the regression
ranges in the MV ID run for sequential testing. For the last DV ID run for sequential testing, only
block ranges are used.
To review the regression ranges used in an ID run, go to PDS and select the *.mdl file generated
by the ID run. Select from PDS menu, View > Regression Ranges. In this view, the block ranges are
indicated by gray area. The per MV ranges are indicated by the hatched area.
l For sequential testing, only the currently tested MV and all DVs with moves are selected in the
MV ID run, and only all DVs with moves are selected for last DV ID run.
l For multi variable testing, all MVs and DVs with moves are selected in ID.

The following table shows the regression range type and variable selection for the different testing

Testing and ID Type Regression Range Type Variable Selection

Multi Variable Block Range All MVs and DVs with moves
Sequential Testing MV ID run Per MV Range Currently tested MV and all DVs with moves
Sequential Testing DV ID run Block Range All DVs with moves

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

For more details on excluding data from identification, refer PDS User’s Help.

2.12 Viewing Profit Stepper Logs and Messages

2.12.1 Viewing Logs and Messages

At the bottom of the stepper runtime GUI, there is a Logs/Msgs window that displays both logs and
messages from stepper platform.
Logs are used for logging major user operations such as starting or stopping of data collection,
starting, pausing or stopping of step testing, start and finishing of ID run, whether good models are
generated after an ID run.
While stepper platform is running, some detailed URT messages are generated by the platform.
They are displayed at the bottom part of the Logs/Msgs window.

2.12.2 Log Test Information

During step testing, when the values of step size, base value and filter value are changed, both the
new values and the old values appears in message logs. These message logs are not only used as
a record to view the current changes, but are also used to verify the new values entered.

For example, if the magnitude is greater than 10% of the base value or if the base value is
significantly far from the current value, a message is displayed for confirmation.

2.13 Quitting Profit Stepper

2.13.1 Stopping Profit Stepper and Data Collection

You can stop step testing and data collection either after the message appears or before the
message appears.
After the message appears
Confirmation message appears after good models are identified.

1. Click Yes to stop the step testing and data collection. Click No to continue step testing.

Before the message appears

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

1. Click the Stop Step Testing icon in the Step Testing grid in Profit Suite Runtime Studio.
2. Click the Stop Data Collection icon in the Data Collection grid in Profit Suite Runtime Studio.

If you stop Data Collection before stopping Step Testing, then step testing is
stopped automatically.
Data Collection and Step Testing can continue to run even if the:
l PSRS/PDS application is closed
l Windows session is logged off

In both the scenarios the Model Identification will not occur. User needs to restart
PSRS and reconnect to the running stepper. Then automatic model ID will
resume. To leave stepper data collecting and step testing continue to run in the
background and close PSRS, do the following:
Select menu File>Exit. PSRS will warn user that stepper is still running and ask if
you want to disconnect from it. Select “Yes” will close PSRS but leave stepper
running. Select “No” or “Cancel” will not close PSRS.

While PSRS is closed and stepper is still running, PSOS can be used to monitor the
step testing status.

While stepper is running in the background, to reconnect to it from PSRS, do the

Start PSRS, from PSRS AppMenu, select the stepper platform under running
platform list. Right click and select “Start…/ReConnect…”. PSRS will open the
stepper platform and restore the current data collection and step testing status in
PSRS. Automatic ID will be resumed.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

2.13.2 Closing Stepper Application

Select File>Close or click to close the stepper application. The Stepper Platform is terminated
without exiting Profit Suite Runtime Studio. You can close the Profit Suite Runtime Studio to
terminate the stepper application.

2.13.3 Leaving Stepper Running While PSRS Is Closed

To leave stepper data collecting and step testing continue to run in the background the user must
disconnect the stepper platform in PSRS before logging off. This is done by selecting File>Close or
File>Exit. PSRS will warn user that stepper is still running and ask if you want to disconnect from it.
Select “Yes” to disconnect or select “No” or “Cancel” to remain connected. Selecting File>Close>Yes
disconnects the platform and leaves PSRS open. Selecting File>Exit>Yes disconnects the platform
and closes PSRS.

If the Windows session is logged off while PSRS is connected to the stepper platform, then
the stepper platform may terminate. At some sites, there may be a policy that forces a logoff
after a specified time, so the user should make sure to disconnect the stepper platform from
PSRS before this occurs.

2.13.4 Saving Stepper Data File

During step testing, collected data is saved in a StepperAppName.xtp file in the default stepper
results directory: C: \Program Files\Honeywell\URT\StepperResults. Next time if you run the same
stepper case and you do not select to reuse previous data file, a new data file with the same file
path will be generated and overwrite the existing one. The old data will be lost. So if you want to
ensure the collected data will not be overwritten, you can copy the data file to another file path
using Windows File Explorer. Next time you want to run the same stepper case and want to reuse
the existing data, you can pick the saved data file.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

2.13.5 Saving Model Files

After every ID run, a new mdl file is generated and stored in the following path: Program Files
\Honeywell\URT \ StepperResults directory.
The model file is stored in the following format: StepperAppNamer<number_of_
The Date is in yy-mm-dd format while the time is in hr_min_sec formats.
An example follows: cdu2_Stepper_1_2007-01-18T10_25_47.mdl
After you finish step testing and you are satisfied with models generated in one of the mdl files,
you can either rename or copy the good mdl file to a mdl file name that is appropriate for building
your controller with.
In the above example, you can rename or copy the cdu2_Stepper_1_2007-01-18T10_25_47.mdl to

2.13.6 Deleting Intermediate Files

For each ID run, there is a new mdl file generated for the comparison and analysis purpose.
Hence, there might be too many intermediate .mdl files. If you do not need them, you can delete
them. The intermediate files are created in the following path: Program Files \Honeywell\URT \
StepperResults directory.
Browse to the following path: Program Files \Honeywell\URT \ StepperResults directory. Select the
intermediate .mdl files and delete the file.

2.13.7 Quitting Profit Design Studio

1. After exiting PSRS, choose File > Exit in the PDS user interface. Every time a data collection is
started for stepper, a new stepper project is created in PDS to organize all the files generated
during data collection and step testing. In case, you have not saved the project in PDS, upon
exiting PDS the following dialog box appears:

2. Click Yes to save the project file or click No not to save the project file. The project file contains
the model files, the stepper data file and the stepper urt platform file. PDS will then be closed.

2.14 Start a Previously Built Profit Stepper

2.14.1 Steps to Start a Previously Built Profit Stepper

Sometimes, you configure and run a step testing at some point time and later after operating
condition changes, you need to run the same step testing again. For this situation, you do not
want to reconfigure a same stepper case from scratch again. You can simply start the previously
configured stepper case.
To start a previously built Profit Stepper, perform the following:

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

1. In the Profit Suite Runtime Studio configuration interface, select the previously built Profit
Stepper displayed in the App Menu as follows:

2. Double-click the selected application or right click and select “Start” from the pop up menu.
After the stepper application is successfully loaded, the following window appears:

3. Follow the steps detailed in Working with Profit Stepper.

2.15 Profit Stepper and Profit Controller Interaction

2.15.1 Profit Controller Status Affects Profit Stepper

For a closed loop or mixed loop step testing, the associated profit controller’s status and mode and
MVs’ windup status affects step testing. Also controller operator has some level of control over step
testing of their controller’s MVs.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

In stepper runtime GUI (PSRS), the status of all the controllers that are associated with the current
stepper is displayed in a grid view. You can monitor the controllers’ status before and during step


In order for stepper to see the controller status correctly, main stepper scheduler must be
active which is always true during normal situation. In some abnormal situation, such as an
exception happens during step testing and main stepper scheduler becomes inactive
automatically. Then controller status will shows as BAD values even though controller is
running and active. For this situation, you can simply starts data collection and it will make
main stepper scheduler become active again and controller status will show as good values.
When stepper scheduler is active, the time to next run in the “Scheduler” group should be
counting down every 2 secs. Interval count in “Scheduler” group should be increasing at
every stepper interval.
Another way to view the stepper main scheduler’s status is to click on the urt tree icon in the
PSRS tool bar to open the embedded urt platform tree and look at the parent scheduler of
the “ProfStepper” function block. If the color of the scheduler’s icon is grey, it is inactive. If
it’s green, it is active.

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

Controller Stepper
ACTIVE Step testing can start
and ON
INACTIVE Step testing cannot start
or OFF If during step testing, controller status changes from ACTIVE and ON to this, stepper will
automatically go to PAUSE. The stepper log shows the stepper is in PAUSE and detailed
stepper platform msg pane shows why stepper goes into PAUSE.

To resume testing, you need to first make sure controller goes back to ACTIVE and ON
mode. Otherwise, if you click pause/resume button in PSRS, PSRS will pop up an error msg
and not allow stepper to resume.
Once controller goes back to ACTIVE and ON, you need to click pause/resume button in
stepper to resume step testing. PSRS will ask you whether to exclude data during the
PAUSE period from ID.
Operator A controller operator can either allow or disallow step testing for all the MVs for their
Hold Step controller through one of the operator GUIs such as PSOS, HMIWEB or Profit Viewer
Testing R205.2. If operator disallows step testing for their MVs, the “Held By Operator” flag for the
MVs will be checked in stepper GUI. The Mvs are in HOLD and no step signal is sent to
them. Stepper engineer cannot unhold these MVs. Only when controller operator unholds
the step testing for their MVs, these flags will be cleared and step signals will be sent out to
the MVs normally.

For more details on how operator interacts with the Profit Stepper, see the Profit Suite
Visualization User Help.

2.16 Running Multiple Profit Steppers Simultaneously

In some situations, you may want to run multiple step tests simultaneously on the same machine.
For example, you have two controllers running and you want to run closed loop testing for both of
them, simultaneously, and you only have one machine with Profit Stepper installed. As one closed
loop testing can only test against one Profit Controller, you must run two separate Profit Steppers
on the same machine.
To run multiple Profit Steppers simultaneously, perform the following steps:

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Chapter 2 - Working with Profit Stepper

1. Start Profit Suite Runtime Studio (PSRS) by clicking the icon on your desktop.
2. Configure and start a Profit Stepper or start a previously configured Profit Stepper.
3. Start another instance of Profit Suite Runtime Studio.
4. Configure and start another Profit Stepper or start a previously configured Profit Stepper that
has not been started yet.
5. Repeat step 2 and 3 if you have more steppers that need to be run simultaneously.
6. Only one instance of Profit Design Studio (PDS) is going to be opened. All the Stepper trends
go to the same PDS. Under certain condition, one of the faster Stepper’s trend refreshing
might starve the other Stepper’s chance to refresh the trends. If that happens, you must

select the trend from the faster Stepper and pin it using the icon on the toolbar in PDS to
let the other Stepper instance to have a chance to refresh the trends. Follow this with

unpinning by clicking the icon.


You can pin and unpin each Stepper trend individually while multiple trends are
open in PDS. When you need to pin or unpin a certain trend, you need to select
that trend first, then pin or unpin it.
When you need to concentrate on one stepper in PDS, such as to examine its trend
or its mdl file from the last ID, you may want to pin all the other trends first.

7. For Stepper ID runs, when ID is running in PDS for one Stepper, other ID requests from other
Steppers are not executed. In order for all the Steppers to have a chance to run ID, you may
want to stagger the start testing time for all Steppers. For example, the ID update frequency is
60 minutes for both Steppers. You may want to start testing the second Stepper 30 minutes
later than the first stepper. You may still need to do an ID Now occasionally for the Stepper
that did not get enough chance for an automatic ID runs. You can always find when the last
ID run happened for a Stepper by looking at the Stepper log or msg window in PSRS or the
mdl file name displayed in PDS. The mdl file name has the Stepper name plus date and time
stamp when the ID happened in it.

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3.1 Overview
Profit Stepper provides a fully automated method for closed- and/or open-loop testing and model
identification. Once the procedure is started very little user interaction is required to generate
and/or update models to be used for Profit Controller and Profit Optimizer. As with any powerful
tool, the potential for misuse however, is large. Read the remainder of this section for some tips
on helping to prevent misuse and thereby facilitate as much of the intended benefits as possible.

3.1.1 Objective
As one might expect, the intention of this tool is to greatly reduce the effort of step testing and
consequently model identification. In addition to this, the design directly supports the need to
keep existing controllers up and performing. To this end it is worthwhile to understand a few basic
l Identifiability conditions under linear feedback control require signal injection.
l Closed-loop identification is not data mining. Performing identification (closed- or open-loop)
on historical data is perilous at best.
l Closed-loop identification is most effective in determining models for an existing controller
when applied only to a subset of the model matrix. If control performance is already so poor
that the controller is turned off, then open-loop testing is recommended. Similarly, if most of
the models are of poor quality, then open-loop testing is recommended.
l Sequential testing, which can be very effective in the open-loop, can be much less effective in
the closed-loop. Due to feedback, movement of a single MV can induce some or all of the other
MV’s to move depending on the control structure. Hence, in effect, MVs are moving in a
simultaneous fashion even if signals are only injected to a single MV.
l Conventional residual analysis can be problematic in closed-loop operation due to feedback
cross-correlations between disturbances and inputs.
l Good models require good information content in the data.

In light of these observations, there are techniques that can be used to enhance the likelihood of
an efficient and successful project. These techniques are discussed in the next section.

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Chapter 3 - Maximizing Profit Stepper and Identification Performance

3.2 Best Practices

3.2.1 Guidelines
In this section, a few guidelines are presented that will help with the success of a project. In
addition there are support functions within Stepper and the PDS that will further facilitate an
effective undertaking. While there are no guarantees, the following recommendations should be
considered at the onset of any project.
l Determine if open- or closed-loop testing is appropriate. As a rule of thumb, if 2/3 to 3/4 of the
controller model matrix is of reasonable quality, then closed-loop step testing and identification
are recommended. Otherwise, open-loop may be a better alternative.
l Only inject signals to the MVs that correspond to the sub-models that need to be identified. Set
the step amplitude for these injected signals to a value that moves the corresponding CV out of
the noise band if possible. In general, larger the signal shorter the test. Set the step amplitude
for all other signals to zero. See the following section for some guidelines.
l Default values for the MV response time (used to determine the frequency band) are initialized
based on the existing controller model matrix. Always check these values to make sure they are
reasonable. The response time for an MV should span the maximum expected response time
for any sub-model associated with this MV.
l Do not modify any other parameters besides the amplitude and response time unless there is
an overwhelming need to do so. Several parameters, provided for high flexibility for the “Super
User”, can in fact have a severe impact on performance in spite of the seemingly benign
nature of the parameter. A parameter that can have devastating effects is the filter that can be
applied to any signal. This parameter has a intricate effect on the frequency distribution and
can render the identification useless.
l Lock all models that don’t need to be identified. See the following section for a discussion on
this topic.
l If possible review identification results after each scheduled run. If model rank is 1 or 2, then
the likelihood is that this is a reasonable model. If it makes physical sense (it should), lock this
l If significant process upsets or problems have occurred since the last identification session,
exclude this data. It is far better to exclude anomalous data than to wait for subsequent data to
attenuate the deleterious effects of the poor data. Visually inspect data for obvious anomalous
behavior. Check to see if rank quality is deteriorating between identification sessions. This may
indicate a problem with the data.
l Watch for windup conditions on any MV. Profit Stepper will automatically pause during these
conditions. Make sure this data is excluded during identification. Windup conditions are
particularly insidious when identifying linear models.
l Never use data from a paused state. This is equivalent to using historical data. Always exclude
this data from the identification. Remember, once exclusion ranges are set, they remain set for
all subsequent identification calculations unless reset manually.
l Avoid setting any MV step amplitude to zero if searching for any sub-models corresponding to
this MV.
l When stepping in a sequential fashion, make sure all relevant sub-models are locked before
moving on to the next MV.

While these recommendations are not a comprehensive list, they should prove to be a good
reference and help avoid many problematic situations.


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Chapter 3 - Maximizing Profit Stepper and Identification Performance

Proper use of the “Lock Model” feature is critical to maximizing Profit Stepper and
identification performance. This feature allows effort to be directly focused only on the
models of interest. By design it insures the most effective use of the information content in a
given set of data.
While full MIMO stepping and identification are accommodated without the use of the “Lock
Model” feature, it is seldom as effective in closed-loop operation due to the increased time
required to re-identify known models. The “Lock Model” feature is described in the following
section and in detail in section 9 of the Identifier User’s Guide.

3.2.2 Support Functions

Four functions are outlined here. They are:
1. Statistical Operations – for estimating move size.
2. Excluding Data – for removing anomalous data.
3. Locking Models – for improving performance.
4. Reviewing Model Quality – for determining model quality and acceptance.

These functions are only briefly discussed here. For a complete description see the PDS and
Identifier Users’ manuals.
Statistical Operations – Before the onset of a project do the following:
l Check and tune all regulatory loops that will affect the controller/models.
l Load a month or so of historical uncompressed data at one minute intervals for each variable
of interest into the PDS.
l From the main menu in the PDS select Data Operations > Statistical Operations. Do this with
only the variables of interest selected.
l Locate the obvious outliers, mark these as bad values (NaN) and repeat the data operations
l Rank all the variables by standard deviation (Std. Dev.). Then plot the variables with highest
variance such as shown in the figure below.
l Multiply this number by 2. Deviation values greater than this number occurs under normal
plant operation approximately 5% of the time. For MVs this is a tentative maximum value for
the step amplitude.
l Do the same for CVs. This is the ideal amount of deviation that would be desirable for each of
the CVs.
l Question severely, variables with high variance that move very slowly. Likelihood of getting any
quality model in these cases is low. See for example the backwash variables in the figure below.

Remember, these are only guidelines and each application will have its own specific requirements.

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Chapter 3 - Maximizing Profit Stepper and Identification Performance

Excluding Data – Anomalous data can have a drastic and long last impact on identification. The
importance of removing this data can not be over emphasized.
l Data exclusion is best performed while Stepper is running.
l Data should be excluded as soon as it is observed. Observe the data in the stepper
trend view and make sure it is the current view.

l Click from the toolbar to freeze the data streaming from Profit Stepper. Analyze the data
using all the options available in the PDS (see the PDS User’s Manual for a complete description
of all the options available in the PDS.)
l Select for exclusion all data ranges corresponding to any anomalous behavior. Here it is best to
be conservative. If in doubt, exclude the data.

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Chapter 3 - Maximizing Profit Stepper and Identification Performance

l Finally, store the data ranges by clicking “save ranges” toolbar button. It is important to
exclude data ranges in this fashion because in each subsequent identification cycle, these
ranges will be automatically excluded.
l Check the message window in the PDS after each identification pass. Wavelet
decomposition is used to detect anomalous data. The message will have the
following form:

At every
identification cycle new data is appended to the existing data and stored in a freshly created .mdl
file. The most current .mdl file will have all data; all pertinent user options specified in Stepper and
updated models consistent with all the latest information.
Locking Models – This option allows the user to ‘lock’ any combination of sub-models. When one or
more sub-models are locked and identification is invoked, the following occurs:
a. Effects of the locked models are deconvolved from the raw data by using predictions based on
the transfer functions corresponding to the locked models and measured inputs.
b. Deconvolved data and inputs corresponding to all non-locked models are then used during
the identification procedure.

There is a three-fold benefit to the lock model operation under closed loop conditions.
a. Locked models are “frozen”. That is they are never re-identified unless they are
unlocked. This means that no matter what happens to the data, the models will never
be degraded. In addition, it also means the there are fewer parameters to identify. The
direct implication of his is lower parameter variance on a given set of data and hence
better model quality.
b. Feedback effects due to movement of MVs not directly correlated to the sub-models of
interest are directly accounted for. When identifying subsets of a control model matrix,

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Chapter 3 - Maximizing Profit Stepper and Identification Performance

signal injection to those inputs corresponding to the desired models will in general
excite all controller MVs. This induced MV movement will be reflected as an implicit
unmeasured disturbance. With the lock model feature these effects are numerically
removed from the problem. If this is not done, then the only reliable recourse if full
matrix identification.
c. Computational effort is significantly reduced as locked models are not re-identified.

Since this feature is significant, the following guidelines are recommended.

l Check the model quality (described in the following section).
l If any model has a rank of 1 or 2 it probably should be locked. If possible, check if
models are consistent with engineering intuition.
l Lock models using the Stepper interface shown below:

This information will be automatically passed to the PDS and used in all subsequent identification.
l After identification, view the Model Matrix Highlights in Profit Stepper.
l View models in PDS. Locked models will have the following format.

Reviewing Model Quality – Certainly the most important information for the user is the quality of
the models. The primary quality indicator is the model rank. See section 3 of the Identifier User’s
Guide for a complete discussion on this topic. In essence models are ranked 1 through 5. One is
the best and five is the worst. A great deal of effort has been put into the rank metric and the global
approach used in the identifier provides the means necessary to do this reliably. In fact, under
closed-loop operation, this metric may be the only reliable indicator of model quality.
The following guidelines apply to the rank metric.
l Rank 4 or 5 models should never be used for control.
l Persistent rank 5 models indicate a lack of causal effect between input and output and indicate
a lack of a physical model for this input/output pair. Likelihood is that these sub-models should
be treated as null.

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Chapter 3 - Maximizing Profit Stepper and Identification Performance

l Rank 1 or 2 models can always be used for control and if persistent should be locked during

Rank 3 models are border-line. They usually can be used for control but the recommendation
is to continue step testing if possible to enhance the rank.
To view the rank using Profit Stepper view the Model Matrix Highlights form described in section 2.

To view detailed rank information use the PDS. Select or on the toolbar to see the
confidence/null hypothesis or statistical summary view respectively.
Sub-models in the confidence view will have the following appearance.

Similarly, sub-models in the statistical summary views will have the following appearance.

Many control engineers have historically relied on predictive performance or residual analysis for a
qualitative measure of model quality. This is certainly effective under open-loop conditions when a
single MV is moving over the prediction period. Hoverer it is in general far less effective under
closed-loop conditions and can even give misleading results. While prediction
performance/residual analysis is fully supported in the PDS, high feedback conditions can render
results meaningless. Predictive results for such a case are shown below.

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Chapter 3 - Maximizing Profit Stepper and Identification Performance

In this test case a rank 1 model was identified from the data set. The input data was then used to
evaluate the model. The plot above shows both the predicted and actual value. In this case the
model is known to be very close to the correct answer; however the prediction is obviously terrible.
The reason is due to feedback cross-correlations induced by closed-loop operation.
With this information, the natural question arises. “When can residual analysis be used under
closed-loop conditions?” Guidance to the answer can be obtained from the message window that
is generated during identification. The identifier always calculated a feedback cross-correlation
factor for each input/output pair (sub-model). An example of this information is shown below.

If the message indicates that the feedback correlation information will be used for at least 1 input,
then there is a high likelihood that the residual analysis will be ineffective for this CV. This message
is only displayed under strong feedback conditions.

3.2.3 Resource Utilization for Open Loop Identification

Profit Stepper is very resource intensive due to the real-time data transfers and automated
identification runs. When you collect large numbers of parameters (200 or more) there is the
possibility of system resources becoming limited as test lengths exceed 2 to 3 days at 1 minute
interval. This circumstance mostly occurs when you perform open-loop identification. In these
cases it is typical that a large number of extra parameters are collected to insure all possible data is
collected during plant testing. In such cases, follow these general guidelines:
1. Determine the first tier or Key model variables or parameters and second tier or Maybe model
variables or parameters as a part of the design phase of the project. Include these variables as
part of the Profit Stepper data collection and identification.
2. Segment the open-loop variables according to test plan.
a. If parallel (multivariate) testing is planned, segment the variables into groups and test
these variables simultaneously. When testing of that particular group is completed,
evaluate the performance of the system by checking available resources, file sizes and
so on. Determine whether it is prudent to stop the current Profit Stepper platform and
begin a new Profit Stepper platform or restart the current platform without importing
previous results with the next group.
b. If sequential (univariate) testing is planned, consider decoupled MVs that can be stepped
simultaneously to shorten step time. Evaluate the performance of the system by
checking available resources, file sizes, and so on after testing is completed for each
variable. Determine whether it is prudent to stop the current Profit Stepper platform and
begin a new Profit Stepper platform or restart the current platform without importing
previous results with the next variable.
3. Collect third and subsequent tier variables less likely to be part of the matrix in a secondary
data collection technology. Suitable technologies include:
a. Loop Scout data collector (available at
b. Experion History.
c. Process Historian including Honeywell PHD, OSI PI, AspenTech IP21, and so on
(parameters must have compression or exception turned OFF).
d. Honeywell AM Data collector (TPS systems only)

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Chapter 3 - Maximizing Profit Stepper and Identification Performance

Data from the Loop Scout data collector and the Honeywell AM data collector are provided in the
native collection file format (.mpt) for Profit Suite products and is readily imported into the resulting
Profit Design Studio model files (.mdl). Profit Design Studio also has the capability to directly import
data from Honeywell’s PHD Historian using native PHD API’s. You can also import data from non-
Honeywell historians or data collection technologies, but this must be done through a Microsoft
Excel spreadsheet or ASCII text file.

l For smaller cases with less than 50 variables, after continuously running for 4 days with 1
minute interval, stop and restart testing from fresh new data.
l With faster intervals such as 15 seconds, restart testing after 2 days regardless of the amount
of variables.
l After long period of testing, if ID causes Stepper to overrun but data collection and step testing
needs to continue, you can restart data collection and step testing by reusing previously
collected data and set the automatic ID frequency to be very long time so that automatic ID will
not occur during testing. At the end of the testing, do an ID Now.
l If a testing is expected to continuously run for over 4 days without interrupting, such as testing
multiple MVs in parallel and stopping and restarting testing is not desired, to prevent potential
overrun caused by ID, you can wait until testing go on for about 3 days and then change the
automatic ID frequency to be very long so that automatic ID will not occur afterwards. Then you
can do ID Now occasionally.

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4.1 Sample Process Point File

When Profit Stepper is installed, a sample open process point file SampleOpenProcessPoints.xop
is installed in the default URT platform directory.

4.1.1 SampleOpenProcessPoints.xop
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<!-- "VarName", "Units", "Desc" and "BLCTemplate" attributea are optional, all other attributes are mandatory -->

<!-- When "VarName" attribute is missing, PSRS will create a default one based on "Target" -->

<!-- When "BLCTemplate" attribute is missing, PSRS will figure out a good default one based on DCSInfo.xml file from
specified "DCSType", "Target" and "VarType" -->

<!-- "DCSType" must match the DCS "DisplayName" defined in the DCSInfo.xml file -->

<!-- Following are the "DCSType" defined in the default installed DCSInfo.xml file -->

<!-- "Experion PKS C-Series" -->

<!-- "TPS TPN Server" -->

<!-- "TPS TPN Server Via Interface Points" -->

<!-- "TPS Via ESVT" -->

<!-- "TDC Hiway EC (EPKS SCADA)" -->

<!-- "PHD OPC Serve" -->

<!-- If you have added more DCS Types into DCSInfo.xml file, you can use them, too -->


<Var DCSType="Experion PKS C-Series" MachineName="" Target="MV101A.PIDA.SP" VarType="MV"

VarName="MV101A.SP" Units="PSI" Desc="My first MV for stepper" BLCTemplate="HW_EPKS_Ctrl-PAuto_Shed-

<Var DCSType="Experion PKS C-Series" MachineName="" Target="CV101A.PIDA.PV" VarType="CV" Units="DEG"

Desc="My first CV for stepper" BLCTemplate="HW_EPKS_CV_PV"/>

<Var DCSType="Experion PKS C-Series" MachineName="APCEAS04" Target="DV101A.DACA.PV" VarType="DV"

Units="METER" Desc="My first DV for stepper" BLCTemplate="HW_EPKS_DV_PV"/>

<Var DCSType="TPS TPN Server" MachineName="APCAPP03" Target="TC101.SP" VarType="MV"


<Var DCSType="TPS TPN Server" MachineName="APCAPP03" Target="TC103.PV" VarType="CV"


<Var DCSType="TPS TPN Server" MachineName="APCAPP03" Target="TC105.PV" VarType="DV"


<Var DCSType="TDC Hiway EC (EPKS SCADA)" MachineName="APCAPP01" Target="DU101.SP"


- 106 -
Chapter 4 - Appendix – About Open Process Point File

<Var DCSType="TDC Hiway EC (EPKS SCADA)" MachineName="APCAPP01" Target="DU103.PV" VarType="CV"/>

<Var DCSType="TDC Hiway EC (EPKS SCADA)" MachineName="APCAPP01" Target="DU105.PV" VarType="DV"/>


4.2 Open Process Point File Format

An open process point file is a text based xml file with extension xop. Each variable is defined as
one element of Var. with eight attributes. DCSType, MachineName, Target and VarType attributes
are mandatory. VarName, Units, Desc and BLCTemplate attributes are optional.
DCSType defines the DCS box type that the point resides on, it must be one of the predefined types
existing in the DCSInfo.xml file and match the unique DCS DisplayName populated in the
DCSInfo.xml file. The DCS box types in the default DCSInfo.xml file for R310 or later versions are as
l ExperionPKSC-Series
l TPSTPNServer
l TPSTPNServerViaInterfacePoints
l PHDOPCServe.

If you have added more DCS Types into CustomDCSInfo.xml file, you can use them.
MachineName defines which node the point resides on. If it resides on the local machine where
the stepper platform is going to run on, this attribute can be left empty. Otherwise, specify the
machine name.
Target defines the point and parameter that is going to be used in the step testing and model ID.
VarType defines the variable type that the target is going to be used as in the step testing and
model ID. It can only be CV, MV or DV.
VarName is optional. It defines the variable name that the point is to create in the platform. The
maximum length of the variable name is 16 characters. If the VarName is not specified, PSRS uses
the OPC tag name to create a default variable name. If the OPC tag name is more than 16
characters, PSRS truncates the tag name when creating the default variable name.
Units is optional. It defines the variable’s engineering units. If it is not specified, Engineering Units
is empty.
Desc is optional. It defines the variable’s description. If it is not specified, variable’s description is
BLCTemplate is optional. It defines the BLC template to be used for the variable. If a BLC template
is not specified for a point, PSRS will figure out a default BLC template to use based on the target
parameter name, DCS type and installed DCSInfo.xml file and CustomDCSInfo.xml file.
For more information on DCSInfo.xml file, refer to Profit Suite Runtime Studio User Help.

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Chapter 4 - Appendix – About Open Process Point File

4.3 How to Edit

You can edit SampleOpenProcessPoint.xop using any text editor like Notepad and save it in your
To edit the file from Microsoft Excel, perform the following steps:

1. Click File>Open from the menu bar in Microsoft Excel. The Open Window appears.

2. Perform the following:

a. Select SampleOpenProcessPoint.xop.
b. ClickOpen. The Open XML dialog box appears.

3. Perform the following:

a. Select As an XML list.
b. ClickOK to close the dialog box. A confirmation message appears.

4. Click OK to confirm and close the dialog box. The file is then read and displayed in excel.

- 108 -
Chapter 4 - Appendix – About Open Process Point File

5. Use the tools in excel to edit the contents.

6. Select File>Save As from the menu bar in excel. The Save As window appears.

7. Perform the following:

a. Type the desired file name with extension xop.
b. Save as type XML Data (*.xml).
8. Click Save to display the confirmation message.

9. Click Continue to save the file and close the dialog box.

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5.1 Creating BLC templates for Profit Stepper

To create Profit Stepper BLC templates for a non-Honeywell DCS system, perform the following
l Create Stepper MV templates: For a detailed procedure, refer To create Stepper MV templates.
l Create Stepper CV/DV templates: For the CV/DV, the Controller and the Stepper templates are
the same.
l If you have created CV/DV BLC templates for Profit Controller for your non-Honeywell
DCS system, you can use them for Profit Stepper also.
l If you have not created a CV/DV BLC template for Profit Controller running on your
non-Honeywell DCS system, then you must create the template. For a detailed
procedure, refer To create Stepper CV/DV templates.
l Modify the CustomDCS Info XML file: For a detailed procedure, refer To modify the
CustomDCSInfo.xml file.
l Verify if the templates you have created are added to the BLC template list. For a detailed
procedure, refer To verify if the new templates are added to the BLC Templates list.
l For a detailed description on Base Level Control (BLC) templates, and how to use PSRS to
create and edit BLC templates, refer to the PSRS User Help.

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Chapter 5 - Appendix — BLC templates for non-Honeywell DCS

To create Stepper MV templates

1. Launch Profit Stepper in Profit Suite Runtime Studio (PSRS).

2. Select Tools > Base Level Control Template Configuration to open the Base Level Control
Template Configuration dialog box.

BLC Templates for Honeywell DCS using PHD OPC Server is the starting point for creating
new templates for a non-Honeywell DCS system. You can use the following three Stepper MV
templates as a starting point.

Template Remarks
HW_PHD_Ctrl-PAuto_Shed- Use SP for both MV Read Value and MV Sent
OAuto_Stepper Value.
HW_PHD_Ctrl-PAuto_Shed- Use OP for MV Read Value and SP for MV
OAuto_Stepper_Indirect Sent Value, indirect stepping.
HW_PHD_Ctrl-PMan_Shed- Use OP for both MV Read Value and MV Sent
OMan_Stepper Value.

3. Open one of the three templates. To open a template, in the Base Level Control Template
Configuration dialog box, double-click the template in the template tree pane.

4. Click Save As to save the file with another name.

5. Modify the following to match your DCS system.

- 111 -
Chapter 5 - Appendix — BLC templates for non-Honeywell DCS

Item Action
Change from Honeywell to your vendor’s
DCS Vendor
Change from PHD to an appropriate
DCS Type
name for your system.
Change from HW_PHD_****** to
ABC_XYZ_******”, where ABC is
File Name
your DCS Vendor, XYZ is your DCS
Change from “.” to an appropriate
Param Delimiter
character for your system.
Change from “/” to an appropriate
Enum Delimiter
character for your system.


The Stepper MV BLC templates file name must end with _stepper or _ stepper_indirect.

6. Modify the contents in the following tabs, as necessary, to match your DCS system.

l Mode
l Execution
l Windup Status
l Sent Value/Read Value

7. Ensure the following Set rows are empty.

Tab Items that must be empty
l Set PID Controllable
l Set Downstream PID(s) Controllable.
l Set PID to Shed
l Set Downstream PID(s) to Shed.

In the case of Stepper MV BLC, you must do these mode changes manually as Profit Stepper
does not make these mode changes automatically.
This is the difference between Stepper MV BLC and Profit Controller MV BLC.

- 112 -
Chapter 5 - Appendix — BLC templates for non-Honeywell DCS

8. Click Save to save the changes. A sample modified Stepper MV template for non-Honeywell
DCS is illustrated.

9. Repeat steps 3 through 8 for the remaining two Stepper MV templates.

10. Click Close to save and close the dialog box. The new MV template is added to the BLC
Templates list.

To create Stepper CV/DV templates

1. Launch Profit Stepper in Profit Suite Runtime Studio (PSRS).

2. Select Tools > Base Level Control Template Configuration to open theBase Level Control
Template Configuration dialog box.

CV/DV BLC Templates for Honeywell DCS using PHD OPC Server is the starting point for
creating new CV/DV templates for a non-Honeywell DCS system. You can use the following
CV/DV templates.

- 113 -
Chapter 5 - Appendix — BLC templates for non-Honeywell DCS

Variable Type Template



The CV/DV BLC template file names do not have any special naming convention as the
Stepper MV BLC templates.

4. Open one of the templates. To open a template, in the Base Level Control Template
Configuration dialog box, double-click the template in the template tree pane.

Click Save As to save the file with another name.

5. Modify the following to match your DCS system.

Item Action
Change from Honeywell to your vendor’s
DCS Vendor
Change from PHD to an appropriate
DCS Type
name for your system.
Change from HW_PHD_******
to ABC_XYZ_******”, where
File Name
ABC is your DCS Vendor, XYZ is
your DCS Type.
Change from “.” to an appropriate
Param Delimiter
character for your system.
Change from “/” to an appropriate
Enum Delimiter
character for your system.

- 114 -
Chapter 5 - Appendix — BLC templates for non-Honeywell DCS

6. Modify the contents in the following tabs, as necessary, to match your DCS system.
l Execution
l Windup Status
l Sent Value/Read Value

7. Click Save to save the changes.

8. Repeat steps 3 through 7 for the remaining Stepper CV/DV templates.
9. Click Close to save and close the dialog box. The new CV/DV template is added to the BLC
Templates list.

To modify the CustomDCSInfo.xml file

1. Modify the CustomDCSInfo.xml file to enable Profit Suite Runtime Studio to choose a good
default template and default OPC server name based on the tag name and DCS type.
2. Copy the session for Honeywell PHD OPC Server and modify it to match the OPC server for
your system and the template names of Stepper MV template and CV/DV templates.
l The Display Name in this file is used in PSRS to be displayed in the BLC Template drop-
down list during a new Stepper Configuration. It must be unique for each DCS type.
l The Delimiter must be changed from “.” to an appropriate character that matches your
DCS system. This information is also in the individual BLC templates that you have
created for your DCS system as Param Delimiter. They must match each other.
l The NumFields defines how many fields are in a tag name for your DCS system. It needs
to be changed from 2 to match your system.
l The OPCServer and the DefaultBLC section must also be changed accordingly, to match
your system. A sample section in the modified CustomDCSInfo.xml for non-Honeywell
DCS is illustrated.

For a detailed description on DCSInfo.xml file, refer to the following section in the PSRS Users
Guide: DCSInfo.xml File and Default BLC Template Selection.

- 115 -
Chapter 5 - Appendix — BLC templates for non-Honeywell DCS

To verify if the new templates are added to the BLC Templates list

1. Launch PSRS.

2. Click the Create New Application icon on the toolbar. ( ) In the Create A New Application
dialog box, select Profit Stepper.

3. Click OK. The Create New Profit Stepper Open/Closed Loop Identifier dialog box appears. You
can view the newly added Stepper MV templates and CV/DV templates from the BLC
Templates drop-down list.

You can view the DCS DisplayName defined in the DCSInfo.xml from the DCS Box drop-down

- 116 -
Chapter 5 - Appendix — BLC templates for non-Honeywell DCS

5.2 BLC Templates for URT to URT Connections

When using Profit Stepper for step testing in either open loop or mixed mode, you must add CV or
DV by specifying BLC template assuming that the CV or DV read value is originating from the DCS.
However, the CV or DV may originate from another Profit Suite application such as inferential
model that is running in a URT platform or a custom URT platform. You can select a generic URT to
URT connection BLC template that specifies the use of the URT OPC Server. The generic URT to
URT connection BLC templates are developed and used by Profit Controller and Profit Stepper.
They are used with PSRS to specify CV or DV read value coming from another URT Platform.
The following BLC templates get installed for supporting generic URT connections, from either
Stepper or Profit Controllers CV/DV to another URT platform data items:

From the DCS Boxlist, selectURT OPC Server Generic to use new BLC templates as the default
templates to create URT connections.

Note that DCSInfo.xml file is updated with a new DCS Box type URT OPC Server Generic.

5.2.1 Selecting the target on a URT Platform

To select the target on a URT platform, perform the following steps:

- 117 -
Chapter 5 - Appendix — BLC templates for non-Honeywell DCS

1. Type or browse a data item and click OK.

2. Perform the following:

a. Select the type: CV or DV
b. Type Engineering Units

- 118 -
Chapter 5 - Appendix — BLC templates for non-Honeywell DCS

c. Type the Description

d. Type the Variable name.
e. Click Add to add the point to the stepper variable list.

If the variable name is not typed, then PSRS generates a default name based on the target.
It is recommended to type a variable name because the target is long and the generated
variable name is not user friendly.

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- 120 -
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