Chapter - 5 "Parts of Plants"

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Class – IV

EVS SA-1 Syllabus Q/Ans

Chapter – 5 “Parts of Plants”

D. Answer the following questions: -
1. What is root system?
Ans. A root system is a plant’s underground support system. It helps plants stay
in place and sucks up water and nutrients from soil.

2. What is the difference between Taproot and Fibrous root.

Ans. Taproots are like one big root that goes straight down, ex- Radish, carrot
while fibrous roots are like a bunch of thin roots spreading out in Wheat, Maize.

3. What are the functions of the stem in plants?

Ans. Stems help plants stand up straight, carry food and water around and grow

4. What are the functions of roots?

Ans. Roots hold the plant in the ground, absorbs water and food and store extra
nutrients. They also bind the soil and prevent soil erosion.

5. Write some uses of flowers.

Ans. Flowers have many uses:
 Decoration: Garlands of marigolds and roses for festivals.

 Gifts: Bouquets for anniversaries and birthdays.

 Perfumes and Soaps: Making perfumes, soaps, shampoos and lotions.

 Cooking: Saffron for flavour and vanilla essence for cakes.

 Colours: Petals from Marigold and Tesu for dry colours.

 Cooking Oil: Sunflower and Safflower

6. What do you understand by germination of a seed.

Ans. Germination is when a seed starts to grow into a plant. The seed takes in
water, breaks open, and a small root grows down into the soil while a tiny shoot

grows up toward the light.

7. Draw a labelled diagram of the parts of a flower.

Ans. (Draw a diagram on page 33 on left (white) side of the notebook)

* Do not required to label the receptacle in the figure.

8. Name any plant having

a) Water Storing Roots: Pumpkin, Gourd

b) Propagating Roots: Cherries, Strawberries

c) Aerial Roots: Banyan Tree

d) Food Storage Roots: Carrot, Radish, Turnip, etc.

9. What are the functions of leaves.

Ans. Leaves make food for the plant, help it breathe, and keep it cool by
releasing water.

10. In which direction did the roots and the stems grow?

Ans. The roots grow in the downward direction and the stem grows in the
upward direction.
Chapter – 6 “How We Get Our Food”

D. Answer the following questions: -

1. Why do we need food?

Ans. We need food because it gives us energy, helps us grow, keeps us healthy
and helps us fight illnesses.

2. What are the different foods we get from plants?

Ans. We get many food items from plants-

 Cereals like rice, wheat

 Pulses like beans, peas

 Fruits and Vegetables

 Spices (cloves, chillies) and Oils (sunflower oil, olive oil)

 Beverages like tea, coffee

3. What are spices? Why are they added to food?

Ans. Spices are plant parts that smell strong and make food taste better. We
use them, like cloves and chillies to add flavour to our food.

4. Define Community Eating.

Ans. Community Eating is when we share meals with family and friends on special
days like weddings and birthdays.

5. What is a langar?

Ans. A langar is a place in a Gurudwara where free vegetarian food is served to

everyone. Volunteers cook, serve, and clean up together.
6. How do children get benefit from the mid-day meal scheme of the

Ans. Children benefit from the government’s mid-day meal scheme by receiving
free, nutritious meals at school which improves their health, encourages school

attendance and teaches them good manners.

7. How does the crop go from being grown by farmers to consumers?

Ans. Farmers grow crops, harvest them, separate the grains from the plants
(threshing), remove the husk (winnowing). Then the crops are sold to wholesalers

and retailers who sell them to consumers for eating.

Chapter – 7 “Tasting to Eating Food”

D. Answer the following questions: -

1. How does our tongue helps us to taste food?

Ans. Our tongue has taste buds that tell our brain if food is sweet, sour, salty,
or bitter. Different parts of the tongue sense different tastes.

2. Why are teeth important for us?

Ans. Teeth are important because they shape our face, help us chew food and
speak clearly.

3. How do you take care of your teeth?

Ans. To care for my teeth, I brush them twice a day, rinse after meals, use
floss, eat fruits and veggies, use a good toothbrush and toothpaste and visit the

dentist every six months.

4. What is the difference between the teeth of herbivores and carnivores?

Ans. Herbivores like cows, deer have flat front teeth for biting grass and
leaves and broad back teeth for chewing and grinding whereas Carnivores like

lions, tigers have long pointed canines to cut flesh and strong back teeth for

crushing bones and flesh.

5. What is tooth decay?

Ans. Tooth decay is when your teeth get damaged because germs make acids
that eat away at them. This can cause holes called cavities.
6. What are the types of teeth in humans?

Ans. Humans have 4 types of teeth-

1. Incisors - Also known as Cutting teeth and 8 in number.

2. Canines – Also known as Tearing teeth and 8 in number.

3. Premolars – Also known as Cracking Teeth and 8 in number.

4. Molars – Also known as Grinding teeth and 12 in number.

7. What are the different ways in which the elephant uses its tusks? Why?

Ans. Elephants uses its tusks as a weapon, for digging, peeling bark, as well as
moving things out of the way.

8. Which animals swallow the food and don’t use teeth for chewing?

Ans. Snakes and Lizards.

9. Explain the eating habit of Cows and Buffaloes?

Ans. Cows and Buffaloes first swallow the food without chewing it and bring it
back to the mouth for chewing.

10. What kind of Teeth do rats and squirrels have?

Ans. They have sharp razor like teeth to chew nuts and berries.
Chapter – 8 “Beaks and Claws”

D. Answer the following questions: -

1. Why do birds have different types of beaks?

Ans. This is so because different birds have different food habits.

2. Why do ducks have a strong and spoon-shaped beak?

Ans. This is so because spoon-shaped beaks help ducks to take out the insects,
worms from the muddy water.

3. How are the claws of birds useful to them? Give any two examples.

Ans. Claws of birds help birds to hold the branches of a tree and climbing up.
Ex- Crow and Sparrow uses claws for holding whereas Parrot and Woodpecker

uses it for climbing the bark of a tree.

4. What type of claws do the woodpeckers have? How do they help them?

Ans. Woodpeckers have pointing toes in upward and downward direction which
helps them to climb the tree.

5. Name any three birds that hold the branch of a tree very firmly? What
are these birds called?

Ans. Crow, Sparrow and Pigeon. These birds are known as Perching birds.

6. Name any 2 birds having-

a) Cracker beak- Sparrows and Pigeons

b) Shredder beak- Hawks and Owls

c) Spear-shaped beak- Herons and Kingfishers

7. Name any 2 birds that are-

a) Birds of prey – Eagles and Vultures

b) Wading Birds – Cranes and Herons

c) Water Birds – Ducks and Swans

d) Scratching Birds – Hens and Quails

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