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Prajwal P Prabhu

ƒ 9591051503 # ï §

Manipal Institute of Technology August 2020 – August 2024 in Electronics and Communication Manipal, Karnataka

Relevant Coursework
• Data Structures and • Database Systems • Web Development • Computer Networks
Algorithms • Operating Systems • Machine Learning • OOPs
Moback Technology June 2023 – August 2023
Backend Web Developer Intern Bangalore, Karnataka
• Implemented role-based access control (admin, superadmin) in secure RESTful APIs

• Optimized API Performance: Implemented API rate limiting, caching with Redis, and secure HTTP headers setup to

enhance performance and security.

• Developed API endpoints with pagination.

• Implemented middleware for email notifications using Nodemailer.

• Asynchronous Task Management: Utilized BullMQ for managing background tasks and job queues, improving the

efficiency and reliability of the application.

Authentication API: A backend project leveraging JWT authentication, developed with Node.js, Express.js, Mongodb and
various standard libraries. Implemented industry-standard security measures like JSON Web Tokens (JWT) which Offers
robust user authentication functionalities, enhancing security and scalability.
MERN Stack-Blog-App : Developed a full-stack blog application utilizing the MERN stack (React, React Router, Redux,
Material-UI, Node.js, Express,MongoDB).
• Front-end: Built a user-friendly and responsive user interface (UI) using React and Material-UI, enabling features like
post creation, editing, and deletion,Utilized Redux for centralized state management, ensuring data consistency across
the application.Implemented smooth navigation between different sections of the blog using React Router..
• Back-end: Implemented a robust API using Node.js and Express to handle user authentication, data persistence using
MongoDB, and efficient content retrieval.

Video-Hosting-Website: A Backend project where I’ve delved into various technologies and frameworks to build a
comprehensive video hosting website enriched with User Authentication,Video Management,Subscription System,Tweet
Functionalities and Tweet Interaction Using Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, JWT, Multer, Bcrypt, Cloudinary, and
many more.

MERN Stack Book Store Application:Developed a basic Book Store application using the MERN (MongoDB, Express,
React, Node.js) stack, implementing full CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality. Created the backend services
and APIs, and designed a responsive front-end interface. Ensured smooth interaction between components and optimized
performance. Followed best practices for secure and efficient application development

Technical Skills
Languages: Java, C++, javascript.
Backend: Node.js , Express.js , JWT , Prisma-ORM.
Database: MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis.

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