Year 7 Algebra Test

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Mathematics Department
Y7 Set 1: Chapter 9 Test – Algebra

1. Write down the short form of these rules. Use the letters and numbers in bold type.
a The total money raised in a sponsored swim at £3 for each
b The total length of a car 4m long and a caravan.

c The sale price of a camera with £15 off the normal price.

d The amount received by 6 children when a prize is shared

equally between them.

2. The formula for the length left on a 40m roll of carpet is R = 40 – C. Use this formula to
work out R when

a C=12

b C=19

c C=21.7

3. Collect these terms:

a 3t + 2s + t + 5s

b 6y +4 – 2y – 1

c 7t +5d – 3t – d

4. Using a = 2, b = 4, c=10 and d = 12 work out

a 4 cd

b b2

c d

5. Advertisements in a magazine Cost £4 for each Line, plus £10.

a Use the bold numbers and letters to write a formula for C.

b Find the cost of an advertisement with 12 lines

c How many lines are there in an advertisement costing £42?

6. Look at these tiling patterns.

a Complete this table

Black 1 2 3 4 5
b Complete this word formula: To work out the number of white tiles you…

c Write this formula using the letters W and B

7. Multiply out these brackets

a 5(2 x−7 )

b 4 (6 t−12)

c 2(3 f + 5 g )

d x ( x+2 y )

8. The formula for a sequence is T =7 n−3

Write down

a The first four terms

b The 100th term

a Find the formula for the sequence 4, 9, 14, 19, 24…

b Find the formula for the sequence 8, 11, 14, 17, 20…

10 Solve the following equations

a x +13=27 b x

c 3 x−5=28 d 5 x+ 2=3 x+ 14

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