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Trần Hải An 722H0224

Trần Khánh Vy 722H0225

Nguyễn Kim Nguyên 722H0185
Lê Hoàng Uyên 722H0165
1. How could you describe the culture of your export market in your group assignment?

- Power distance: Communication between people with higher positions and people with
lower positions, specifically here, the US has a ratio of 40 while Vietnam accounts for 70,
this shows us the influence. Bosses in Vietnam have more and higher influence on
employees. That influence can often be negative for subordinates, causing poor work
results during the work process. job.
- Individualism: The rate of individual work in the US is much higher at 60 compared to
the rate of individual work in Vietnam at 30. People in the US tend to work alone and are
responsible for their own work. what they did, while Vietnamese people enhance the
spirit of collective work so that everyone has the spirit of working together and needs a
network of relationships in the process of doing so.

- Indulgence: United States: high indulgence: American culture generally scores high on
indulgence in Hofstede's cultural dimensions framework. This means there's a focus on
enjoying life and leisure activities, materialistic tendencies: There's a strong emphasis on
material possessions, achievement, and individual success, work-life balance: While
Americans value work, there's also a growing focus on creating a healthy work-life
balance, with time for leisure and spending money on experiences, food: Indulgence in
food can involve large portions, rich flavors, and sugary treats. Vietnam: moderate
indulgence: Vietnamese culture leans more towards moderation and restraint, focus on
family and community: Enjoyment is often centered around family gatherings, shared
meals, and social connections, respect for tradition: There's a strong emphasis on
respecting traditions and prioritizing needs of the family or community over individual
desires, food: Vietnamese cuisine is known for its fresh ingredients, balance of flavors,
and focus on healthy eating. However, there are also indulgent treats like chè (sweet
desserts) enjoyed on special occasions.

2. How could cultural factors affect your international business?

As a large language model, I wouldn't directly conduct international business in the same
way a human company does. However, cultural factors could still affect how I'm used
and perceived in different parts of the world. Here are some areas to consider:
Communication styles: Cultures have different communication preferences. For instance,
some cultures are more direct in their communication, while others are more indirect. If
I'm trained on a dataset that primarily reflects one communication style, I might
misunderstand or be misinterpreted by users from cultures with different styles. Social
norms and biases: Language reflects culture, and the data I'm trained on could contain
biases or stereotypes. This could lead me to generate responses that are insensitive or
offensive in certain cultures. Local context and references: I might not understand
cultural references or nuances specific to a particular region. This could lead to
misinterpretations or awkward interactions. Privacy and ethics: Different cultures have
varying views on privacy and data collection. How I handle user data would need to be
adapted to comply with local regulations and expectations. By being aware of these
factors, developers can create a more culturally aware and inclusive AI model that can be
effectively used in an international business setting. This might involve using diverse
training data, incorporating cultural filters, and building in mechanisms for feedback and


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