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. DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY NORTH DELHI MUNICIPAL CORPORATION MEDICAL COLLEGE HINDU RAO HOSPITAL, DELHI-110007 SENTUP PAPER ~1 (NEW CBME CURRICULUM) MBBS Batch 2019 Date: 24 Feb 2021 Total marks: 100 Time allowed: 3 hours PART- 1 Q.1. MCQ’s (2X 10=20) 1) A 19-year-old boy came to the OPD with chief complains of pain inthe right arm and the right "upper limb was hanging by the side of the body. He was giving history of fall from the back of a hhorse on his right shoulder. On examination the right upper limb was adducted, medially rotated, extended and pronated, What is the probable diagnosis according to you? a) Erb's paralysis ) Tennis elbow ©) Klumpke’s paralysis 4) Cole's fracture 11) A 24-year-old male presented to the emergency with swelling and black dis the left eye. He gave a history of participating in a boxing match on the previous: most possible diagnosis in this case? 8) Cephalhaematoma b) Cephalohydrocele c) Black eye 4) Ectropion II) Which of the following long bone does not have a medullary cavity: a) 1* metacarpal b) Clavicle ae ) Body of cervical vertebra d) Ulna IV) A 65-year-old male with sto« iscolouration around day. What is the OPD. On examination he was ‘untary movements like tremors. ‘V) A 40 years old trumpet player came to surgical OPD with a paramedian neck swelling which ‘exaggerated on playing his trumpet. What is the most probable diagnosis on inspection? a) Thyroglossal cyst b) Laryngocele ©) Cervical cyst 4) Lipoma V1) All of the following structures pierce the clavipectoral fascia, except: a) Cephali b) Medial pectoral nerve ¢) Thoraco-acromial vessels d) Lymphaties VII) As @ medical student you went to the Medi ‘was found to have bilateral loss of fine couch, vibration. Which of the following tract appears a) Lateral spinothalamic tract. ) Anterior corticospinal tract ©) Posterior column 4d) Dorsal Spinocerebellar tract icine ward to see « patient of syphilis. The patient ‘tactile discrimination, joint positon and sense of to be involved in this patient? DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY NORTH DELHI MUNICIPAL CORPORATION MEDICAL COLLEGE HINDU RAO HOSPITAL, DELHI-110007 SENTUP PAPER ~ I (NEW CBME CURRICULUM) MBBS Batch 2019 VIII) Which of the following endodermal pouch gives rise to palatine tonsil? a) 1* endodermal pouch b)_ 24 endodermal pouch ©) 3% endodermal pouch d) 4" endodermal pouch 1X) Which structure has bone regenerative capacity, Sharpey’s fibers and is pain sensitive? a) Osteoblast b) Petiosteum. ©) Osteoclast 4) Bone marrow A couple came to the ENT OPD with a 3year old child who was having difficulty in breathing and was breathing through mouth. On examination, a swelling was visible in the nasopharynx. ‘What could be the probable cause for this condition? a) Adenoids b) _Retropharyngeal abscess ©) Enlarged lingual tonsil 4) Craniopharyngioma QUL Enumerate the following: a) Structures passing beneath the flexor retinaculum of the wrist. b) Functional components of Glossopharyngeal Nerve ©) Fibers passing in the inferior cerebellar peduncle. 4) Derivatives of 2%4 pharyngeal arch ©) Types of epiphysis with examples QUI. Draw Labelled diagrams to show: a) Microscopic structure of Lymph node , ») Transverse section of midbrain atthe level of superior colliculus ©) Microscopic structure of Tongue PART- It Q-4. A 50-year-old female who is a chronic tobacco chewer came to surgery OPD with a nonhealing ulcer on one side of tongue and submandibular lymph node enlargement. On further investigation the lesion was found to be cancerous. (Gx5=15) a) Discuss the muscles of tongue with their motor nerve supply. b) Explain the correlation ofthe nerve supply of tongue with its development ©) Discuss the lymphatic drainage of tongue. xX) @X5=15) (6X3-15) QV. Write short notes on the. following: (SX5=25) 4) Classify joints according to the degree of mobility. ») Explain the lymphatic drainage of mammary gland. ¢) Prepare a Flow Char of lateral spinothalamic pathway. #) Explain the embryological basis of cleft palate. ©) Describe the blood supply of long bone. QVL Write briefly on the following: (5X2=10) 2) Apply your knowledge of anatomy to explain torticolis, coe renee i pres 11812 the latest guidelines issued, what category of biomedical waste is disposed in deena eee eeentene Tet eteensseeneensentenssesserneeetssseentstenenes DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY NORTH DELHI MUNICIPAL CORPORATION MEDICAL COLLEGE HINDU RAO HOSPITAL, DELHI-110007 SENTUP PAPER ~II (NEW CBME CURRICULUM) MBBS Batch 2019 Date: 38 Feb 2021 Total Marks: 100. Time allowed: 3 hours PART-1 QL. MCQ's \ (2X 10=20) 1, A 40-year-old fat lady comes to the OPD complaining of pain in right hypochondriac region which is also referred to the right shoulder blade. She was giving a history of fever, vomiting and pain while ine ‘breathing, for 1 week. On examination she also complained of pain on deep inspiration and tenderness inright hypochondrium and epigastrium. What could be the possible reason? = a) Ureteric calculi b) Appendicitis ©) Cholecystitis 4) Hepatitis L.A patient comes with chief complaint of vague pain inthe periumbilical region. On examination, the ‘McBurney’s point was tender. What is the most likely clinical condition? a) Renal calculi ») Appencici ©) Cholecystitis 4) Colitis’ MIL, A newborn infant suffers from cyanotic heart disease caused by transposition of the great arteries (TGA). In this situation, the aorta. ‘from which of the following structures? a) leftatrin +b) left ventricle ¢) right atrium 4) right ventricle 1V, A 37-year-old rural female patent developed pain in the lower abdomen ic regi Bsn apes roped cope pregany. Hower, cau ofa ee is He pero areca imaging or lnoraory procedures available and the share es Far culdocentesis. In the later procedure, the ned wil aspirate fron wt following which of the following a) Rectouterine pouch nas b) Uterine body ©) Uterine cervix 4) Vesicouterine pouch V. A 15-year-old high school football player is brought tothe emergen er "ght ower limb is deformed and shollen around the knee. Pala, of the donate aa reveals anormal pulse, However, neurological examination revealsimpsreddorsifexion ofthe ey, atescay et Sst in te space between digs I and 2: Which af the flog eo 4) Deep peroneal nerve b) Femoral nerve ©) Saphenous nerve 4) Superficial peroneal nerve VL. A 70-year-old patient with a history of chronic bronchitis and con pia eae ie bronel stipation complai trent llng in his right groin and fel dragging sensation. On examiner lisp te, ight pubic tubercle was noticed, which expands on coughing. What on a swelling above 4) Femoral hernia Shing. What isthe possible diagnosis? b) Inguinal hernia ©) Undescended testes d) Cyst in the groin DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY NORTH DELHI MUNICIPAL CORPORATION MEDICAL COLLEGE ; HINDU RAO HOSPITAL, DELHI-110007 SENTUP PAPER — II (NEW CBME CURRICULUM) VIL. All of the following are the aes oe ean eines ths of superior mesenteric artery, except: b) Left Colic artery ©) Heocolic arte d) Middle colic artery VIII. Which muscle is regarded as the peripheral heart? a) Soleus b) Popliteus ©) Gastrocnemius 4) Plantaris IX. Bronchopulmonary segment is aerated by a) Secondary bronchus b) Primary bronchus ©) Tertiary bronchus 4) Respiratory bronchiole X. Karyotype of Klinefelter syndrome is: a) XO b) XXY ©) XYY d) XY Q2. Enumerate the following: @XS5=15) a) Branches of internal iliac artery. b) Layers of placental barrier. ©) Supports of uterus d) Derivatives of mesonephric duct. e) Contents of spermatic cord Q3. Draw labelled diagrams to show: (SX3=15) a) Microscopic structure of Spleen 'b) Microscopic structure of Prostate ) Boundaries and walls of femoral triangle PART-II se as also feling 4. A. 60-year-old man came to emergency with severe pan inthe ee ain his was tightness in the chest and the pain was radiating tothe left jaw. Papers found to be a case of angina pectoris. 1) Describe the blood supply of the involved organ. involved organ. b) Describe the internal structure of any one a ad left jaw? ©) Explain the anatomical basis of pain felt in eal ite short notes on the following: cciccalculi- Oe abet ‘Anatomical basis of ‘Join to groin pai th i b) Explain the different types of arc ign prost ic hypertrophy. ¢) Explain difficulty in micturition in pt Treas. 4) Explain the embryological bass in x2=10) ) Formation and tributaries of .¢ briefly on the following: 6 we Anatomia bass oF ethods of Bitiescssseseees 'b) Discuss the various: oe aeeenenee Department of physiology NDMC medical college, Hindu Rao Hospital ND Sentup Examination ~ PAPER I ate: §.02.2021 ime: 9:30 am to 12:30 pm OTE:- 1, Attempt Part | and Part 11 in separate answer sheets, 2. Attempt questions in serial order. M.M=100 PART 1 (50 MARKS) * 1. MCQs:Tick (9) the most appropriate answer out of the 4 choices given (question paper attached); time allowed 10 minutes (1x10=10) 2. Name the type of blood vessels with examples in the vascular system. Give their functions. Add a noté on clinical significance of each type of the blood vessel (3+4+3=10) 3. Write short notes on: (4x5=20) a) Mechanism of diapedes ») Draw well labelled diagram of juxta glomerular apparatus (JGA) ©) Give derivation of Nest equation. 4) Phases of migrating motor complexes (MMC) 4 What surfactant? How isi produced? Deseribe the factors affecting it. Give its action and physiological ificance. (14144+4=10) PART II (50 MARKS) 5. Explain the following J (4x5-20) ) What will happen if pH of saliva becomes acidic? 5) Angiotensin 11 plays important role in the body response to hypovolemia in the body. ©) Dehydration develops rapidly and often more severe in children, 4) IV calcium gluconate is given with citrated blood transfusion. al case study exercises (4x5=20) ®) A bronchial asthma patient is regularly taking treatment but he feels discomfort in breathing during the early morning hours. However, he gets relieved of his symptoms by late evening, Comment on such variation in his symptoms. b) A lady has been using aspirin off and on for her recurrent headache from last many years. While slicing vegetables, she cut herself and had difficulty in stopping the bleeding, How could the aspirin have played a role in her bleeding, Explain, © In high altitude native, blood examination of a person showed decrease in plasma volume, increase RBC count: 8 million/jL and haemoglobit ‘on body? Explain, ‘) Compare the changes in kidney function in response to kidney bacterial infection in two individuals; in one it had largely destroyed the cortex and in the other the juxtamedullary region. ‘In which individual the kidneys will be more adversely affected and why? 1 etal +) Depict diagrammatically diseases due to free radical erie} ? Give responsibilty of doctors to each other. Department f physigiogy’ NDMC medical college, Hind yo Hospital ND Sentup Examination - pareR It Min separate answer sheet 2. Attempt questions in serial order, “ TIME- 3HRS ee PART 1 (50 MARKS) 1. MCQs¢Tick (9) the most appropriate answer out of the 4 choices given (1X10=10) (question paper attached); time allowed 10 minutes 2. Give distribution of a and B- receptors in the body. How do these receptors respond to catecholamines? How is catecholamine sereretion regulated? (4+442=10) 3. Write short notes on: (4x5=20) a) Factors affecting membrane potential on intestinal smooth muscles. bd) Reproductive functions of oestrogen, ©) Neural connection within the cerebellar cortex 4) Maximum audibility curve 4. Name brain areas concerned with somatic sensations. Give their characteristic features. What will happen ifthese areas get damaged? (2+3+5=10) f PART II (50 MARKS) 5. Explain the folowing: (4x5=20) 4) Saltatory conduction is a more energy- efficient mode of conduction b)-Hfeorticosteroide-are-given io- person suiTeringsiom-epitepay ——— Sue ©) How polyspermy is prevented inside the uterus? 4) Central part of lens has the maximum refractive power. 6. Clinical case study exercise (4x5-20) 3) AS year old child finds difficuy orse to an erect postion and uses his hand to climb up himself. There appears to be pscudohypertophy of his calves muscles, Give the most probable diagnosis. Explain its physiological basis. Give other clinical menifestation ofthis disorder b)_Ifa7 month pregnant woman is found to have a marked decrease in plasma oestrogen level but normal plasma progesterone level during that time of pregnancy, what would you conclude? ¢) Sunil has developed an infection that is destroying cells in the anterior grey horn in the Cy, region of the spinal cord. What kind of symptoms would you expect to occur? 4) A 12 year old boy presented with complains of sre throat for days with pain, ringing in ears and loss of hearing. What could be the cause of hearing loss? What type of hearing loss will it produce and why? How will you confirm the degree of hearing loss? 7a). What determines physical performance (ines) in an individual? @xs-10) b). Give duties of physician in consultation, Biochemistry Department , North DMC Medical College, New Delhi 110007. _ Sent up examination (batch 2019) Biochemistry Theory February 2021 Paper! Attempt all questions Maximum time =3 hours Max.Marks 100 Part A Q1 Multiple choice questions -Seperate 10 Q2 Briefly answer the following: 5x6=30 a) Define neonatal Jaundice and tabulate the differences between its two main types. b) Explain competitive inhibition of enzyme and mention its cliniclal significance ©) Define folding of proteins and the Law postulated to govern it. Mention the diseases resulting from its abnormality giving example. 4d) Define and name essential fatty acids . Mention their clinical importance. Why fish oil is considered beneficial to CAD patients.? e) Briefly explain how kidneys compensate metabolic acidosis.? f) Briefly outline the principles of managing stress as a medical student. Q3. Define gluconeogenesis and mention its metabolic significance. Enumerate the common 10 gluconeogenic substrates and outline how the lactate undergoes gluconeogenesis giving the key reactions of gluconeogenesis. Parte Q4 Write short answers of the following 5xS=25 a) Explain secondary active transport and give one clinical example based on it. b) Define oxidative phosphorylation and highlight the role of uncouplers. Mention the role of physiological uncoupler in our body. ©) Name the enzyme defects seen in galactosemia. Mention the characteristic presentations and approach to management. 1d) Write the fuel souces of energy during starvation and how they are made available? e) Name lung surfactant and its chemical nature. How its deficiency leads to Respiratory distress syndrome?. ‘05 Explain the various levels of protein structure and differentiate them. Describe the 10 two common structures seen in secondary levels of structure Q6 A SSyear old male presented in medical OPD with complaints of mild pain in BxS=15 right hypochondrium, distension of abdomen, jaundice and marked loss of appetite ‘and weight. He gave a history of chronic alcohol consumption for the last 10 t0 12 years. He was not a smoker and did not have diabetes mellitus . Answer the following giving reasons. a) What is the probable diagnosis and the relationship of alcohol with it? b) Why there is jaundice and distension of abdomen? ©) List five relavent biochemical test you would like to do in this patient and give their normal values with likely change in them, Biochemistr Sent up exam 22, North p Bic Paper i) i 110007, Medical College, New Deli 110007 Attempt all questions Part A Q1 Multiple choice Westions SxImUm time = 3 hours Max, Marks 100 Separate 10 Q2 Briefly answer the follow a) Define tumor suppress M88: 5x6=30 action. Name one e, ange and MEYMe anda hortv® °*Mles? Explain their molecular mechanism of b) What are G- proteins? Explain thei rome used as tumor marker. ae 5 any one disorder due to defective 2" prov ctl signaling givin : in functions <1 rey write the regulation of de nae Ws sicteyeline etc SSsociated with defect in purine mets synthesis? Mention olism al ir biochemical defects. 4) rec SFA te pep en he esse rst ree technique. 1B ONe Suitable example. Mention ®) Differentiate between glycoprote; Blycosaminoglycans. ee 11 Explain how gene expression is regulatey at the level of DNA Biving-suitable-examples, Q4 Write short answers of the following: 2) Write tests to assess the glomerular and tubular fun 5) Enlist various causes for nutritional anemias. Explain wi may not improve when treated with folic acid alone? ©) Mention the raw material required for DNA amplification in a thermocycler indic: each. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of this technique 4) What are non- coding RNAs? Explain the role of any two ncRNA, £) Describe post translational modifications in collagen Synthesis. Mention two collagen disorders along with their defect? i Q5 Define Monoclonal antibodies. Describe the technique of their Production, Mention their uses with example, ead rae a cu weakness, loss of appetite. On examination pé Answer the following giving questions. ; ble diagnosis, cause and treatment in this case? ae 5x3=15 7 wane il atin le diag n be done in this patient to confirm the diagnosis? ‘at biochemical tests ca isorder? ©) What are the other variants of this di

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