Bonku Babu Friend

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Bonku Babu's Friend

The story begins with Bonkubihari Dutta, commonly known

as Bonku Babu, a school teacher in a primary school in
Kankurgachhi village. For last 22 years, he taught both
Geography and Bengali. Everyone around him, be it his
students or his associates enjoyed teasing him. But he was a
calm, composed man who was never seen annoyed or angry.
If he got angry with his students he would say “Shame on
you, Boys !”. He never got upset by his students' act of
teasing him for two reasons as it was difficult to get job at
that age and he was satisfied to teach some handful of good
students. In fact, he enjoyed teaching and telling tales about
adventures to a handful of good students. He was a good
storyteller and always had his audience enthralled.

During the weekends, he spent his evenings in the company

of lawyer Sripati Babu, Nidhu Babu, Ramkanai, Chandi Babu
and other regulars who visited the meetings hosted by
Sripati Babu. Nearly everyone poked fun at Bonku Babu,
sometimes bringing his endurance almost to breaking point.

Once when Bonku Babu declared that he was not afraid of

ghosts, it offered a golden opportunity to the others to make
fun of him. On his way back home later that night, Bonku
Babu was attacked by a 'spook'. As he was passing under a
tamarind tree, a tall, thin figure leapt down and landed on his
back. As it happened, this apparition had smeared black ink
all over itself, as suggested by someone at the meeting.
Bonku Babu was not frightened. But he was injured. For
three days, his neck hurt. Worst of all his new kurta was torn
and it had black stains all over.
Unwillingly he came to these meetings as Sripati Babu was
an important man in the school committee as well as in the
On one particular day the associates were talking about
spaceships and space- travel. They were discussing about a
moving point of light which was a Russian satellite. Bonku
Babu noticed a strange light and on further discussion,
people started making fun of him. Nidhu Babu claimed that
he had seen the strange light first. They all gave their views
about the satellite. Nidhu babu explained that a satellite is a
machine that move round the earth like a spinning top or
fan. Chandi Babu said if an Indian rocket is take off from the
maidan of Calcutta they would buy tickets and watch it go.
Ramkanai said that a rocket has no meaning for us here.
Bonku Babu said that suppose some creature from another
planet came there. Bhairav patted on his back and
questioning why an alien would not land Moscow, London,
New York or even Calcutta. Why in there village ?
Sripati Babu said that an alien would not come to there
village rather they are not fools. They are sahibs and will
land in western country where sahibs live. Everyone agreed
except BanKu Babu.
Chandi Babu called him a human specimen to be taken away.
Ramkanai said Banku would be kept in museum or the zoo.
At this time he felt all others were like animals. Sripati –
Camel, Bhairav – Tortoise, Nidhu Babu – Rat and Ramkanai-
Bonku Babu left the place quite disturbed. Ramkanai warned
him, it was moonless Saturday night time apt for ghost.

On the way, Bonku Babu noticed that things were different.

Through the shortcut he went without a torch or lantern as
he knew the way. It was strangely silent. Middle of the
Poncha Ghosh bamboo grove, a dull light shone on every
branch and leaf. The pond was lit by a much stronger pink
light. He kept moving and all at once, his ears began ringing.
As if someone was humming loudly. He broke out into
goose pimples but his irrepressible curiosity drove him
further forward. He saw an object that looked like a giant
glass bowl turned upside down which covered the pond
completely. The strong yet gentle pink light was shining
through this translucent shade. On moving forward, he
discovered an alien.

Not even in his wildest dreams had Bonku Babu witnessed

such a strange scene. He felt his hands and feet tied up and
saw an object in the glass mould. From the spaceship
emerges an alien, by the name Ang from the planet Craneus,
with slender legs and arms, and a disproportionately large
head, wearing a pink outfit covering everything but its face.
Ang informed that instruments are not working properly as
they were to land at Pluto.
Bonku Babu realised that the alien was a far superior being
than man. Ang proved him so by telling he knew 14000
languages and has visited 25 planets. His age was 833 while
Bonku’s age 50. He showed him a small object that can make
anyone immobile and powerless. He asked Bonku what he
wanted to see. Bonku asked him to take North Pole as he
came from arm country. Ang took out a small tube through
which he saw natural beauty of North Pole and Brazil . He
advised Bonku Babu to give up his meekness and stand up
for himself and speak up against injustice. This made him
realise self-worth.
Next day everyone was waiting for Bonku at Sripati Babu's
house. He entered like a small hurricane. He was laughing a
loud for a minute. He told it was his last meeting at this
place because they speak a lot of absolute rubbish and he
asked Chandi Babu to return his canvas shoes and umbrella.
To Nidhu Babu he said not to call him Bunkum or else he will
call him Nitwit. To Sripati Babu he said he is not his
chamchas better he will send his cat to lick his feet. To
Poncha Babu he informed about Ang. To Bhairav he strongly
patted on his back, that he choked. The tea cup fell from
Ramkanai hand and shattered into pieces and hot tea
splattering on most of others. He left the group that made fun
of him with his head held high and shocked everyone.

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