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Methods 23

TABLE 2.15
Subjective Scoring of Filament Abundancea,b
Numerical Value Abundance Explanation
0 None No Þlaments observed
1 Few Filaments present, but only observed in an occasional ßoc
2 Some Filaments commonly observed, but not present in all ßocs
3 Common Filaments observed in all ßocs, but at low density (1 to 5 Þlaments per ßoc)
4 Very common Filaments observed in all ßocs at medium density (5 to 20 per ßoc)
5 Abundant Filaments observed in all ßocs at high density (>20 per ßoc)
6 Excessive Filaments observed in all ßocs (more Þlaments than ßoc and/or Þlaments
growing in high abundance in bulk solution)
a This 0 to 6 scale represents a 100- to 1000-fold range of total extended Þlament length.
b See Figure 2.8 for examples of Þlament abundance scores.

from a common origin (Figure 2.19a and Figure 2.19b). organism. If the characteristics cited in Table 2.18 or
Gonidia are oval- or rod-shaped cells present at the Þla- shown in the photographs do not correspond to the Þla-
ment tip that are distinctively different in appearance from ment type determined by using the key, carefully reexam-
the rest of the vegetative cells further down the Þlament ine the characteristics used in the key. For example, Type
(Figure 2.19c and Figure 2.19d). Rosettes and gonidia 0041 usually produces a weak Gram-positive or Gram-
indicate that the organisms are growing rapidly. variable reaction and may be correctly identiÞed from the
dichotomous key. However, if strongly Gram-positive, it
11. Filamentous Organism Identification would be keyed as N. limicola II. Table 2.18 shows that
N. limicola II is coiled and free of attached growth, while
a. Using the Dichotomous Key Type 0041 is straight or smoothly curved and most often
Characterize the Þlamentous organisms to genus or to a has substantial attached growth. The Gram stained slide
numbered “type” using the dichotomous key shown in should be re-examined.
Figure 2.20. This procedure is simpliÞed in two ways. Occasionally, a Þlamentous organism observed cannot
First, only a limited number of characteristics are used to be placed in a type or genus designated in the key.
describe the organisms (Figure 2.20 and Table 2.18). Sec- Describe the organism characteristics and report it as “not
ond, only the 23 Þlamentous bacteria most commonly identiÞed.” Do not try to “force Þt” an organism into
observed in activated sludge are listed. The infrequently existing Þlament types.
observed Types 1702 and 1852 are omitted. b. Building Your Skills
To further simplify the key, several Þlamentous organ-
One of the hardest parts of Þlamentous organism identiÞ-
isms having readily identiÞable speciÞc characteristics are
cation is building the conÞdence to make an identiÞcation.
not included and are described separately. These include
To develop this conÞdence (1) characterize the Þlamen-
fungi, Cyanophyceae, Flexibacter spp., Bacillus spp., and
tous organisms in a sample and send the same sample to
someone skilled in the technique (some treatment plants
This dichotomous key is a modiÞcation of the Þla- in a particular area established round-robin Þlament iden-
mentous organism identiÞcation key of Eikelboom and tiÞcation procedures to assist each other); and (2) take a
van Buijsen (1981). Changes have been made to de-empha- course on microscopic characterization of activated sludge
size the need for the observation of cell septa (cross-walls), and Þlamentous organism identiÞcation.
which can depend on the quality and adjustment of the The task is not as daunting as it might at Þrst appear
microscope used, and to include some Þlamentous organ- to someone assigned to a particular treatment plant. It is
isms in the key twice where an important characteristic is doubtful that someone in such a situation would encounter
variable, e.g., the Gram stain reaction for N. limicola II all the Þlamentous organism types listed in Table 2.18. It
and the observation of intracellular sulfur granules for is common to deal with about half a dozen that eventually
Types 0914 and 021N. can be recognized easily.
Using this key is not without risk because some Þla-
mentous organism characteristics vary and the key cannot 12. Filamentous Organism Descriptions
always address all variables. Carefully check all the Þla-
ment types found by using the key (Figure 2.20) against The individual Þlamentous organism descriptions presented
the typical organism characteristics listed in Table 2.18 here are based on our experience with characteristics of
and presented in the descriptions and photographs of each Þlamentous organisms found in activated sludges all over

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24 Manual on Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking, Foaming, and Other Solids Separation Problems

FIGURE 2.8 Phase contrast micrographs of Þlament abundance categories using the subjective scoring system: (a) few, (b) some,
(c) common, (d) very common, (e) abundant, and (f) excessive. (Original magniÞcation 100¥.)

the world. Data from Eikelboom and van Buijsen (1981) growth is generally absent, but may be present if the
and Eikelboom (2000) on samples from northern Europe Þlament is not growing. Not motile.
are also incorporated. Staining Reactions — Gram-negative and Neisser-
a. Sphaerotilus natans (Figures 2.9c, 2.13b,
SulÞde Oxidation — Negative.
2.14f, and 2.21a)
Key Characteristics — Large size, false branching,
Filament Description — Straight or smoothly curved and sheath.
Þlament that extends from the ßoc surface. Filaments are
generally 100 to ≥500 mm in length. Cells are sausage- b. Type 1701 (Figure 2.21b)
shaped with indentations at the cell septa and typically Filament Description — Straight, smoothly curved, or
1.6 ¥ 2.5 mm in dimension. Cell shape can be rectangular bent Þlament commonly found within the ßoc or can
when cells are packed tightly within the sheath. A sheath extend from the ßoc surface. Filaments are generally 10 to
is present; false branching is usually present. Attached 150 mm in length. Cells are sausage-shaped and typically

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Methods 25

TABLE 2.16
Floc Characterization/Filamentous Organism Identification Worksheet

Sample number ___________________ Sample location ___________________

Sample date ______/______/______ Observation date ______/______/______


Observations of:
Wet mount observation: 1000¥ phase contrast for Þlament characteristics
1000¥ direct illumination for stains

Filament number 1 2 3 4 5


Filament shape

Filament location

Attached growth


Cross walls

Filament diameter, mm

Filament length, mm

Cell shape

Cell size, mm

Sulfur deposits

Other granules

Gram stain

Neisser stain




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26 Manual on Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking, Foaming, and Other Solids Separation Problems

TABLE 2.17
Floc Characterization/Filamentous Organism Identification Worksheet (Page 2)

Sample number ___________________ Sample location ___________________

Sample date ______/______/______ Observation date ______/______/______

Filament Abundance:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
None Few Some Common Very Common Abundant Excessive

Little or Bridging Open Floc

Filament Effect on Floc Structure: None Structure

Morphology of Floc:

Firm Weak Round Irregular Compact Diffuse

Free cells in suspension Neisser positive cell clumps

Zoogloeas India ink test
Spirochaetes Chlorine damage to Þlaments
Inorganic/organic particles

Filamentous Microorganism Summary:

Rank Abundance Rank Abundance

Nocardioforms M. parvicella

Type 1701 Type 0581

S. natans Type 0092

Type 021N Type 0803

Thiothrix spp. Type 1851

Type 0041 Type 0691

H. hydrossis Type 0675

N. limicola Other

Fungus Other

Remarks: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Methods 27

FIGURE 2.9 Phase contrast micrographs of branching of

Þlamentous organisms in activated sludge: (a) and (b) true
branching (fungus and nocardioform organism), (c) false
branching (Sphaerotilus natans). (Original magniÞcation

0.8 mm to 1.0 ¥ 1.5 mm in dimension with indentations at are present at the cell septa. Cell shape is quite variable
the cell septa. A sheath is present and attached growth gen- (rectangular, oval, barrel-shaped). Individual cell dimen-
erally is present. False branching occurs rarely. Not motile. sions are typically 2.0 ¥ 1.5–2.0 mm. Filaments often taper
Staining Reactions — Gram-negative and Neisser- from a thicker basal region with an inconspicuous holdfast
negative. cell to a thinner apical region, often terminating in loosely
SulÞde Oxidation — Negative. attached gonidia (sausage-shaped) cells. Rosettes (many
Key Characteristics — Small size, usually sausage- Þlaments radiating outward from a common ßoc) may
shaped cells; usually inside ßocs with ßocs formed around occur. A sheath is absent and attached growth does not
Þlaments. occur. No branching and not motile.
c. Haliscomenobacter hydrossis (Figure 2.21c) Staining Reactions — Gram-negative and Neisser-
Filament Description — A rigidly straight or bent Þla-
ment that extends from the ßoc surface; may be found SulÞde Oxidation — Positive but variable. Intracel-
within the ßoc or free in suspension. Filaments are 10 to lular spherically shaped sulfur granules may be present in
100 mm in length and 0.5 mm in diameter. Cell septa are situ or after performing the S test.
not present; however, empty spaces in the Þlament may Key Characteristics — One of the largest and longest
appear as cells. A sheath is present and attached growth Þlaments. Indentations at cell septa. Cell shape varies from
can be present. False branching occurs rarely. Not motile. rectangular to oval or barrel-shaped. Rosettes and gonidia
Staining Reactions — Gram-negative and Neisser- may occur. If growing on sulÞde, intracellular sulfur gran-
negative. ules are usually present and the S test will be positive.
SulÞde Oxidation — Negative. e. Thiothrix I (Figures 2.14b, 2.15a, 2.19c,
Key Characteristics — A very thin, small Þlament
and 2.23a)
that can be overlooked if not examined at magniÞcations
greater than 100¥; has “pins in a pincushion” appearance. Filament Description — A straight or smoothly curved
Þlament that extends from the ßoc surface. Filaments are
d. Type 021N (Figures 2.11b, 2.13d, 2.14d, 100 to 500 mm in length and 1.6 to 2.5 mm in diameter.
2.14e, 2.15c, 2.18a, 2.19b, and 2.22a) The cell shape is rectangular and cells are 1.6 to 2.5 mm ¥
Filament Description — A smoothly curved Þlament that 2.0 to 4.0 mm in dimension. There are no indentations at
extends from the ßoc surface. Filaments are 50 to the cell septa. Filaments often taper from a thicker basal
≥500 mm long and 1.6 to 2.5 mm in diameter. Indentations region with an inconspicuous holdfast cell to a thinner

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28 Manual on Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking, Foaming, and Other Solids Separation Problems

FIGURE 2.10 Phase contrast micrographs of Þlament shapes: (a) straight, (b) smoothly curved, (c) bent, (d) irregularly shaped chain
of cells, (e) coiled, and (f) mycelial. (Original magniÞcation 1000¥.)

apical region, often terminating in loosely attached Key Characteristics — One of the thickest Þlaments,
gonidia (sausage-shaped) cells. Rosettes (many Þlaments typically 2.0 to 2.5 mm, but sometimes as large as 4 mm
radiating outward from a common ßoc) may occur. A in diameter. Intracellular sulfur granules are usually
relatively thick sheath is present generally without present and the S test is positive if growing on sulÞde.
attached growth. Attached growth only occurs if this Þla-
ment is not growing. No branching and not motile. f. Thiothrix II (Figures 2.19d, 2.23c, and 2.23d)
Staining Reactions — Generally Gram-negative and Filament Description — A straight or smoothly curved
Neisser-negative; may stain Gram-positive when growing Þlament that extends from the ßoc surface. Filaments are
on sulÞde. typically 50 to 200 mm in length and 0.8 to 1.4 mm in
SulÞde Oxidation — Positive but variable. Intracel- diameter. The cell shape is rectangular and cells are 0.8 to
lular spherically shaped sulfur granules may be present in 1.4 mm ¥ 1.5 to 3.0 mm in dimension. There are no inden-
situ or after performing the S test. tations at the cell septa. Filaments often taper from a thicker

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Methods 29

FIGURE 2.11 Phase contrast micrographs showing loca-

tions of Þlamentous organisms: (a) free ßoating (dispersed),
(b) extending from ßoc surface, (c) within ßoc. (Original
magniÞcations 1000¥, (a); 1000¥, (b) and (c).)

FIGURE 2.12 Phase contrast micrographs showing attached growth of bacteria on Þlamentous organisms: (a) heavy, (b) incidental.
(Original magniÞcation 1000¥.)

basal region with an inconspicuous holdfast cell to a thin- Key Characteristics — Thiothrix II is generally about
ner apical region, often terminating in loosely attached 1.0 mm in diameter and can be confused with several other
gonidia (sausage-shaped) cells. Rosettes (many Þlaments Þlaments of the same diameter. It differs from other sim-
radiating outward from a common ßoc) may occur. A rel- ilarly sized Þlaments in that it is straight or smoothly
atively thin (hard to observe) sheath is present, generally curved and extends away from the ßoc surface. Intracel-
without attached growth. Attached growth may occur when lular sulfur granules are usually present and the S test is
the Þlament is not growing. No branching and not motile. positive if growing on sulÞde.
Staining Reactions — Generally Gram-negative and
Neisser-negative; may stain Gram-positive when growing g. Type 0914 (Figures 2.15d, 2.24a, and 2.24b)
on sulÞde. Filament Description — A straight or smoothly curved
SulÞde Oxidation — Positive but variable. Intracel- Þlament that extends from the ßoc surface, is inside the
lular spherically shaped sulfur granules may be present in ßoc or is dispersed in suspension. Filaments are typically
situ or after performing the S test. 50 to 200 mm in length and 1.0 to 1.2 mm in diameter.

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30 Manual on Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking, Foaming, and Other Solids Separation Problems

FIGURE 2.13 Phase contrast micrographs showing appearances of sheaths: (a) and (b) Sphaerotilus natans, (c) Type 0041, and (d)
empty cells in Type 021N. (Original magniÞcation 1000¥.)

The cell shape is square without indentations at the septa in suspension. Filaments are typically 100 to >500 mm in
and cells are 0.8 to 1.2 mm ¥ 1.0 mm in dimension. A length and 2.0 to 4.0 mm in diameter. The cell shape is
relatively thin (hard to observe) sheath is present. Attached rectangular without indentations at the septa; however, the
growth is common but may be absent, particularly when cell shape is masked when intracellular sulfur granules
growing dispersed. No branching and not motile. are present. The cells are 2.0 to 4.0 mm ¥ 6.0 to 8.0 mm
Staining Reactions — Generally Gram-negative and in dimension. Sheath, attached growth, and branching are
Neisser-negative; may stain Gram-positive when growing absent. Beggiatoa spp. are usually motile and exert ßexing
in the presence of sulÞde. and gliding motions.
SulÞde Oxidation — Positive but variable. Square- Staining Reactions — Generally Gram-negative and
shaped intracellular sulfur granules may be present in situ. Neisser-negative; may stain Gram-positive when contain-
This Þlament does not respond to the S test. ing many intracellular sulfur granules.
Key Characteristics — Square-shaped irregular sul- SulÞde Oxidation — Generally positive. Intracellular
fur granules. Type 0914 can be confused with several spherically shaped sulfur granules may be present in situ
Þlaments of similar size if attached growth is present and or after performing the S test.
sulfur granules are absent. Its sheath is difÞcult to observe Key Characteristics — Gliding, ßexing motility and
but is indicated by the presence of attached growth. Eikel- large size.
boom (2000) noted that Types 0914 and 0803 are often
i. Nostocoida limicola I (Figure 2.25a)
complementary, i.e., when Type 0914 disappears, type
0803 appears, and vice versa. Based on this observation, Filament Description — An irregularly curved Þlament
he suggests that Types 0914 and 0803 may be two forms intertwined within the ßocs. Filaments are typically 40 to
of the same organism. 100 mm in length and 0.8 to 1.0 mm in diameter. The cell
shape is oval and cells are 0.8 to 1.0 mm ¥ 0.8 mm in
h. Beggiatoa sp. (Figures 2.15b, 2.22c, and 2.22d) dimension. Indentations occur at the cell septa. No sheath
Filament Description — A straight or smoothly curved is present and no attached growth occurs. No branching
Þlament that extends from the ßoc surface or is dispersed and not motile.

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Methods 31

FIGURE 2.14 Phase contrast micrographs of Þlamentous

organism cell shapes: (a) square, (b) rectangular, (c) oval,
(d) barrel, (e) discoid, (f) sausage, and (g) irregular. (Orig-
inal magniÞcation 1000¥.)

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32 Manual on Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking, Foaming, and Other Solids Separation Problems

FIGURE 2.15 Phase contrast micrographs of intracellular sulfur granules: (a) Thiothrix sp., (b) Beggiatoa sp., (c) Type 021N, and
(d) Type 0914. (Original magniÞcation 1000¥.) (See color insert following page 70.)

but N. limicola I has individual cells that are not observed

for these other Þlaments.
j. Nostocoida limicola II (Figures 2.10e, 2.11c,
2.17b, 2.18e, and 2.25b)
Filament Description — An irregularly curved Þlament
that extends from the ßoc surface and is present within
the ßoc. Filaments are typically 50 to 200 mm in length
and 1.4 mm in diameter. The cell shape is oval and cells
are 1.4 ¥ 1.0 mm to 1.5 mm in dimension. Indentations
occur at the cell septa. No sheath is present and no attached
growth occurs. No branching and not motile.
Staining Reactions — Gram-positive or -negative and
FIGURE 2.16 Direct illumination micrograph of PHA staining. Neisser-positive; generally Gram-positive in municipal
PHA granules are dark blue/black. (Original magniÞcation wastewater activated sludge but often Gram-negative in
1000¥.) (See color insert following page 70.)
industrial wastewater activated sludge (especially in pulp
and paper wastewater activated sludge); is occasionally
Staining Reactions — Gram-positive and Neisser- Neisser-negative in industrial wastewater activated sludge.
positive; may be Gram-negative and Neisser-negative in SulÞde Oxidation — Negative.
activated sludge treating some industrial wastewaters. Key Characteristics — Neisser-positive staining
SulÞde Oxidation — Negative. reaction and the presence of individual cells. If Neisser-
Key Characteristics — Typically intertwined within negative, its cell structure is usually sufÞcient for identi-
the ßocs; readily identiÞed by its Neisser-positive staining Þcation. In stained preparations, the structures appear like
reaction and the presence of individual cells. This Þlament “runs” in nylon stockings. Branching does not occur. An
can be confused with Type 0092 because both are Neisser- actinomycete may be confused with this Þlament, but the
positive and M. parvicella because both are Gram-positive, branching of the actinomycete separates these Þlaments.

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Methods 33

FIGURE 2.17 Direct illumination micrographs of Gram staining of Þlamentous organisms: (a) improperly decolorized ßoc retaining
Crystal Violet, (b) Gram-negative Nostocoida limicola II, (c) Gram-variable Type 0041, (d) Gram-variable Type 1851, (e) Gram-
positive nocardioform organism, and (f) Gram-positive Microthrix parvicella. (Original magniÞcation 1000¥.) (See color insert
following page 70.)

k. Nostocoida limicola III (Figure 2.25c) wastewater activated sludge and generally Gram-negative
Filament Description — An irregularly curved Þlament in industrial wastewater activated sludge (especially pulp
that extends from the ßoc surface. Filaments are typically and paper wastewater activated sludge); is occasionally
100 to 300 mm in length and 2.0 mm in diameter. Cell Neisser-negative in industrial wastewater activated sludge.
shape is oval to discoid and cells are 2.0 mm ¥ 1.5 mm in SulÞde Oxidation — Negative.
dimension. Indentations occur at the cell septa. No sheath Key Characteristics — Neisser-positive staining
is present and attached growth does not occur. No branch- reaction, large size and individual discoid-shaped cells. If
ing and not motile. Neisser-negative, its cell structure is usually sufÞcient for
Staining Reactions — Gram-positive or -negative and identiÞcation. Eikelboom (2000) no longer recognizes
Neisser-positive; is generally Gram-positive in municipal N. limicola II as separate from N. limicola III.

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34 Manual on Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking, Foaming, and Other Solids Separation Problems

FIGURE 2.18 Direct illumination micrographs of Neisser staining of Þlamentous organisms. (a) Neisser-negative Type 021N, (b)
and (c) Neisser-negative with positive granules (nocardioform organisms and Microthrix parvicella, respectively), (d) and (e) Neisser-
positive (Type 0092 and Nostocoida limicola II, respectively), (f) false Neisser-positive stain covering Þlament, Type 0041. (Original
magniÞcation 1000¥.) (See color insert following page 70.)

l. Type 0411 (Figure 2.26a) SulÞde Oxidation — Negative.

Filament Description — An irregularly curved Þlament Key Characteristics — Long sausage-shaped cells;
that extends from the ßoc surface. Filaments are typically irregular Þlament shapes.
50 to 150 mm in length and 1.0 mm in diameter. The cells
are shaped like elongated rods and are 0.8 to 1.2 mm ¥ m. Type 0961 (Figure 2.26b)
2.0 to 5.0 mm in dimension. Indentations occur at the cell Filament Description — A straight or smoothly-curved
septa. No sheath is present and attached growth does not Þlament that extends from the ßoc surface. Filaments are
occur. No branching and not motile. typically 40 to 150 mm in length and 1.0 to 1.4 mm in
Staining Reactions — Gram-negative and Neisser- diameter. The cell shape is rectangular and cells are 1.0 to
negative. 1.4 mm ¥ 2.0 to 4.0 mm in dimension. No indentations

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Methods 35

FIGURE 2.19 Phase contrast micrographs of rosettes and gonidia: (a) rosette, (b) Type 021N rosette, (c) Thiothrix I gonidia, (d)
Thiothrix II gonidia. (Original magniÞcations 100¥, (a); 1000¥, (b), (c), and (d).)

appear at the cell septa. No sheath is present but a slime dried Gram- and Neisser-stained preparations than in wet
covering on the Þlament that looks like an empty “cuff” mounts.
may be present at the Þlament tip. No attached growth;
no branching; not motile. o. Type 0581 (Figure 2.26d)
Staining Reactions — Gram-negative and Neisser- Filament Description — Curved or coiled Þlament inside
negative. the ßoc. Filaments are typically 100 to 200 mm in length
SulÞde Oxidation — Negative. and 0.5 to 0.8 mm in width. Individual cells cannot be seen
Key Characteristics — Long rectangular cells; within the Þlament. No sheath is present and attached
“transparent” appearance; no cell inclusions. growth does not occur. No branching and not motile.
Staining Reactions — Gram-negative and Neisser-
n. Type 0092 (Figures 2.18d and 2.26c) negative.
Filament Description — A straight or bent Þlament SulÞde Oxidation — Negative.
always inside the ßoc. Filaments are typically 10 to 80 mm Key Characteristics — Location within the ßoc and
in length and 0.8 to 1.0 mm in diameter. Individual cells Gram-negative staining reaction. This Þlament can be con-
usually cannot be seen within the Þlament. No sheath is fused with M. parvicella but has a Gram-negative staining
present and no attached growth occurs. No branching and reaction; M. parvicella is Gram-positive.
not motile.
Staining Reactions — Gram-negative and Neisser- p. Type 0041 (Figures 2.10a, 2.12a, 2.13c, 2.14a,
positive. 2.17c, 2.18f, and 2.27a)
SulÞde Oxidation — Negative. Filament Description — A straight Þlament usually
Key Characteristics — Location inside the ßoc and inside the ßoc. Filaments are typically 100 to 500 mm in
Neisser-positive staining reaction. Filament is often over- length and 1.8 to 2.0 mm in width. Individual cells are
looked in a microscopic examination of a wet mount but square-shaped and 1.8 to 2.0 mm ¥ 2.0 to 3.0 mm in
becomes recognizable when a Neisser-stained preparation dimension. A heavy sheath is present; branching is absent.
is examined. Filaments appear wider (1.0 to 1.2 mm) in Large amounts of attached growth are present. The

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Cell dia. 1.6-2.5 µm Thiothrix I
Filaments contain sulfur Sulfur granules "square" Type 0914 Sheath
granules in situ or after Cell dia. 0.8-1.4 µm Thiothrix II

Manual on Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking, Foaming, and Other Solids Separation Problems
applying the S test Sulfur granules "spherical"
Not motile Type 021N
True branching Nocardioforms No sheath
Strongly Gram Motile Beggiatoa spp.
Cell dia. 0.8-1.0 µm N. limicola I
Cell septa present
No branching Cell dia. 1.4 µm N. limicola II
Filaments do not contain
sulfur granules
Cell dia. 1.8-2.0 µm; Cell dia. 2.0 µm N. limicola III
Gram variable or
weakly Gram positive
usually heavy Type 0041
attached growth No cell septa M. parvicella
Attached growth;
cells square
Type 0675
Cell dia. ≤ 1.0 µm
Attached growth;
cells rectangular; Type 1851
trichome bundles
Cell dia. 1.4 µm N. limicola II
Trichome coiled
Cell dia. >1.0 µm;
cell septa present Cell dia. 2.0 µm N. limicola III
Gram negative

Cell dia. ≤ 1.0 µm Cell dia. 1.6 µm;

usually false branching
S. natans
Trichome straight or
smoothly curved
No sheath Cell dia. 0.8-1.2 µm;
usually attached growth
Type 0914
Neisser positive;
Neisser negative Cells barrel, rectangular or
inside floc Cells rectangular;
"transparent" discoid; cell dia. 2.0-3.0 µm;
Type 0092 indentations at septa
Type 0961
Type 021N

Trichome straight, Trichome irregularly bent No cell septa;

smoothly curved or bent "chain of cells" trichome coiled
Type 0581

Cell dia. 0.5 µm; Cell septa present

no cell septa Cells oval; Cells elongated sausages; Cells oval;
H. hydrossis 0.8-1.0 x 1.0-1.5 µm 0.8-1.2 x 2.0-5.0 µm cell dia. 0.4-0.6 µm;
free in suspension
Sheath; usually No sheath; no Type 1863 Type 0411
attached growth attached growth Type 0211
Type 1701 Type 0803

FIGURE 2.20 Dichotomous key for the identiÞcation of Þlamentous organisms in activated sludge.

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Methods 37

absence of attached growth suggests a rapid growth rate. SulÞde Oxidation — Negative.
No branching and not motile. Key Characteristics — Dispersed growth. This Þla-
Staining Reactions — Gram-variable (usually ment resembles Type 0675 but has neither sheath nor
weakly Gram-positive) and Neisser-negative, sometimes attached growth. It stains Gram-negative, while 0675
with rows of round Neisser-positive granules. Occasion- stains weakly Gram-positive. Eikelboom (2000) suggests
ally stains lightly Neisser-positive in industrial wastewater that Types 0914 and 0803 may be the same organism.
activated sludge — a false reaction caused by precipitation
of Neisser stain on the surface of the Þlament. t. Microthrix parvicella (Figures 2.17e, 2.18c,
SulÞde Oxidation — Negative. 2.28a, 5.1e, and 5.1f)
Key Characteristics — Large size, Gram-variable Filament Description — An irregularly coiled Þlament
(weakly Gram-positive) staining reaction, attached found inside the ßoc, surrounding the ßoc, and dispersed.
growth, and location within the ßoc. Filaments are typically 50 to 200 mm in length and 0.8 mm
in width. Individual cells cannot be seen. Sheath and
q. Type 0675 (Figure 2.27b) attached growth are absent. No branching and not motile.
Staining Reactions — Strongly Gram-positive and
Filament Description — A straight Þlament usually
Neisser-negative. Neisser-positive intracellular granules
inside the ßoc. Filaments are typically 50 to 150 mm in
are commonly observed.
length and 1.0 mm in width. Individual cells have a square
shape and are 1.0 mm ¥ 1.0 mm in dimension. A thin sheath SulÞde Oxidation — Negative.
is present. Branching is absent; heavy amounts of attached Key Characteristics — Strongly Gram-positive
growth are usually present. No branching and not motile. staining reaction; Neisser-positive granules; coiled
Staining Reactions — Gram-variable (usually growth; inability to see individual cells; “beaded” effect
weakly Gram-positive) and Neisser-negative. caused by intracellular granules. No branching and not
SulÞde Oxidation — Negative. motile.
Key Characteristics — Gram-variable (usually weakly
u. Nocardioforms (Figures 2.9b, 2.10f, 2.14g,
Gram-positive) staining reaction, attached growth and loca-
tion inside ßocs. The Þlament is similar to but smaller than 2.17f, 2.18b, 2.28b, 5.1a, 5.1b, 5.1c and 5.1d)
Type 0041. Eikelboom (2000) no longer differentiates Types Filament Description — Irregularly shaped true-branch-
0041 and 0675 and combines them as Type 0041/0675. ing Þlaments occurring inside the ßoc and dispersed in
the bulk solution. Filaments are typically 5 to 30 mm in
r. Type 1851 (Figures 2.17d and 2.27c)
length and 1.0 mm in width. Individual cells are present
Filament Description — A straight or smoothly curved and shape is irregular. Sheath and attached growth are
Þlament usually inside the ßoc. Filaments are typically absent. Not motile.
50 to 200 mm in length and 0.8 mm in width. They may
Staining Reactions — Strongly Gram-positive and
intertwine to form twisted “ropes” or “bundles”. Individ-
Neisser-negative. Neisser-positive intracellular granules
ual cells are rectangular and 0.8 mm ¥ 1.5 to 2.0 mm in
are commonly observed.
dimension. A thin sheath is present and extensive attached
SulÞde Oxidation — Negative.
growth is usually present. The attached growth is typically
orientated perpendicularly to the cell surfaces of the Þla- Key Characteristics — True branching and strongly
ment. No branching and not motile. Gram-positive staining reaction. The true abundance in
Staining Reactions — Gram-variable (usually activated sludge can only be assessed after examining a
weakly Gram-positive) and Neisser-negative. Gram-stained preparation. Because nocardioforms com-
SulÞde Oxidation — Negative. prise many genera (e.g., Nocardia, Gordona and Skerma-
Key Characteristics — Formation of twisted Þlament nia), characteristics described can vary considerably. One
“ropes” or “bundles” by intertwined Þlaments; perpendic- type, Skermania pinensis (the pine-tree-like-organism or
ular attached growth and Gram-variable staining reaction. PTLO) is distinguishable by its characteristic branching
(see Figure 5.1c and Figure 5.1d). Many nocardioforms
s. Type 0803 (Figure 2.27d) can grow in a fragmented or single cell form.
Filament Description — A straight Þlament that may
extend from the ßoc surface and be dispersed in the bulk v. Type 1863 (Figures 2.10c, 2.14c, and 2.28c)
solution. Filaments are typically 50 to 150 mm in length Filament Description — An irregularly shaped Þlament
and 0.8 mm in width. Individual cells are square with no dispersed in the bulk solution. Filaments are typically
indentations at the septa and 0.8 ¥ 1.0 mm in dimension. 10 to 50 mm in length and 0.8 to 1.0 mm in width. Indi-
No sheath; no attached growth; no branching; not motile. vidual cells are present, and the cell shape is oval, 0.8 to
Staining Reactions — Gram-negative and Neisser- 1.0 mm ¥ 1.0 to 1.5 mm in dimension. No sheath; no
negative. attached growth. No branching and not motile.

Copyright 2004 by CRC Press LLC.

Manual on Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking, Foaming, and Other Solids Separation Problems
TABLE 2.18
Summary of Typical Morphological and Staining Characteristics of Filamentous Organisms Commonly Observed in Activated Sludge
AT 1000¥ ¥
Neisser Stain Sulfur Granules Filament Filament Cell Septa
Gram Other Cell Diameter, Length, Filament Filament Clearly Indentations Attached Cell Shape
Filament Type Stain Filament Granules In situ S test Inclusions mm mm Shape Location Observed at Cell Septa Sheath Growth and Size, mm Notes

S. natans – – – – – PHA 1.4–1.6 100–>500 St E + + + – Sausage-shaped False branching

1.6 ¥ 2.5
Type 1701 – – – – – PHA 0.8–1.0 20–80 St, B I,E + + + ++ Sausage-shaped Cell septa sometimes
1.0 ¥ 1.5 hard to see
H. hydrossis – – – – – – 0.5 10–100 St, B E,F – – + –,+ – Rigidly straight
Type 021N – – –,+ –,+ + PHA 1.6–2.5 50–1000 St, SC E + + – – Barrels, Rosettes, gonidia
1.6–2.5 ¥ 2.0
Thiothrix I –,+ – –,+ +,– + PHA 1.6–2.5 100–>500 St, SC E + – + – Rectangles Rosettes, gonidia
0.8–1.4 ¥ 1.5–3.0
Thiothrix II –,+ – –,+ +,– + PHA 0.8–1.4 50–200 St, SC E + – + – Rectangles Rosettes, gonidia
0.8–1.2 ¥ 1.0
Type 0914 –,+ – –,+ –,+ – PHA 1.0–1.2 50–200 St E,F + – + –,+ Squares Sulfur granules, square
1.0 ¥ 1.0
Beggiatoa spp. –,+ – –,+ +,– + PHA 3.0–4.0 100–>500 St F –,+ – – – Rectangles Motile: ßexing and
2.0–4.0 ¥ 6.0–8.0 gliding
N. limicola I + + – – – PHA 0.8–1.0 40–100 C I,E + + – – Ovals _
0.8–1.0 ¥ 0.8
N. limicola II –,+ +,– – – – PHA 1.4 50–200 C I,E + + – – Discs, ovals Incidental branching;
1.4 ¥ 1.0–1.5 Gram- and Neisser-

Copyright 2004 by CRC Press LLC.

AT 1000¥ ¥
Neisser Stain Sulfur Granules Filament Filament Cell Septa
Gram Other Cell Diameter, Length, Filament Filament Clearly Indentations Attached Cell Shape
Filament Type Stain Filament Granules In situ S test Inclusions mm mm Shape Location Observed at Cell Septa Sheath Growth and Size, mm Notes

N. limicola III –,+ + – – – PHA 2.0 100–300 C I,E + + – – Discs, ovals _

2.0 ¥ 1.5
Type 0411 – – – – – – 0.8–1.2 50–150 B,I E + + – – Elongated rods Chain of cells
0.8–1.2 ¥ 2.0–5.0
Type 0961 – – – – – – 1.0–1.4 40–150 St E + – – – Rectangles Transparent
1.0–1.4 ¥ 2.0–4.0
Type 0092 – + – – – + 0.8–1.0 10–80 St, B I –,+ – – – Rectangles Wider when Neisser
0.8–1.0 ¥ 1.0 stained
Type 0581 – – – – – – 0.5–0.8 100–200 C I – – – – – Coiled in ßoc
Type 0041 +,V – –,+ – – – 1.8–2.0 100–500 St, SC I,E + – + ++,– Squares Neisser-positive
1.8–2.0 ¥ 2.0–3.0 reaction occurs
Type 0675 +,V – –,+ – – – 1.0 50–150 St, SC I + – + ++,– Squares Neisser-positive
1.0 ¥ 1.0 reaction occurs
Type 1851 + weak – – – – – 0.8 50–200 St, SC E +,– – + –,+ Rectangles Filament bundles
0.8 ¥ 1.5–2.0
Type 0803 – – – – – – 0.8–1.0 50–150 St E,F + – – – Squares –
0.8 ¥ 1.0
M. parvicella + – + – – PHA 0.8 50–200 C I – – – – – Large patches
Nocardioforms + – + – – PHA 1.0 5–30 I I + – – – Variable
1.0 ¥ 1.0–2.0 True branching
Type 1863 – – –,+ – – PHA 0.8–1.0 10–50 B,I E,F + + – – Oval rods Chain of cells
0.8–1.0 ¥ 1.0–1.5 Usually free in bulk

LEGEND: + Positive Filament Shape Filament Location

– Negative St Straight C Coiled E Extends from ßoc surface
V Variable B Bent I Irregularly shaped I Mostly within the ßoc
+,- or -,+ Variable; Þrst is most observed SC Smoothly curved F Free in liquid between the ßocs
Single symbol Invariant

Copyright 2004 by CRC Press LLC.
40 Manual on Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking, Foaming, and Other Solids Separation Problems

FIGURE 2.21 Phase contrast micrographs of: (a) Sphaero-

tilus natans, (b) Type 1701, (c) Haliscomenobacter hydros-
sis. (Original magniÞcation 1000¥.) (See color insert
following page 70.)

FIGURE 2.22 Phase contrast micrographs of: (a) Type 021N, (b) Type 021N with sulfur granules, (c) Beggiatoa sp., (d) Beggiatoa
sp. with sulfur granules. (Original magniÞcation 1000¥.) (See color insert following page 70.)

Copyright 2004 by CRC Press LLC.

Methods 41

FIGURE 2.23 Phase contrast micrographs of: (a) Thiothrix I, (b) Thiothrix I with sulfur granules, (c) Thiothrix II, and (d) Thiothrix II
with sulfur granules. (Original magniÞcation 1000¥.) (See color insert following page 70.)

FIGURE 2.24 Phase contrast micrographs of: (a) Type 0914, (b) Type 0914 with sulfur granules. (Original magniÞcation 1000¥.)
(See color insert following page 70.)

Staining Reactions — Gram-negative and Neisser- 50 mm in length and 0.4 mm in width. Individual cells are
negative with Neisser-positive intracellular granules. present, and the cell shape is oval, 0.4 mm ¥ 0.6 mm in
SulÞde Oxidation — Negative. dimension. Sheath and attached growth are absent. No
Key Characteristics — A ßexible chain of irregular- branching and not motile.
shaped cells often containing Neisser-positive granules. Staining Reactions — Gram-negative and Neisser-
w. Type 0211 (Figure 2.28d) SulÞde Oxidation — Negative.
Filament Description — An irregularly shaped Þla- Key Characteristics — A very thin ßexible chain of
ment that occurs dispersed. Filaments are typically 10 to cells; the thinnest Þlament found in activated sludge.

Copyright 2004 by CRC Press LLC.

42 Manual on Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking, Foaming, and Other Solids Separation Problems

FIGURE 2.25 Phase contrast micrographs of: (a) Nosto-

coida limicola I, (b) Nostocoida limicola II, (c) Nostocoida
limicola III. (Original magniÞcation 1000¥.)

FIGURE 2.26 Phase contrast micrographs of: (a) Type 0411, (b) Type 0961, (c) Type 0092, and (d) Type 0581. (Original magniÞcation

Copyright 2004 by CRC Press LLC.

Methods 43

FIGURE 2.27 Phase contrast micrographs of: (a) Type 0041, (b) Type 0675, (c) Type 1851, and (d) Type 0803. (Original magniÞcation

x. Flexibacter sp. (Figure 2.29a) z. Cyanophyceae (Figure 2.29c)

Filament Description — An elongated, rod-shaped bac- Filament Description — Large, straight Þlamentous
terium rather than a true Þlament. Straight or smoothly blue-green photosynthetic bacteria (often called blue-
curved and 1.0 mm ¥ 20 to 40 mm in dimension. It occurs green algae), 2.0 to 5.0 mm wide and 100 to 500 mm long.
dispersed. No sheath; no attached growth; no branching. They occur dispersed. No sheath; no attached growth; no
Motile with a ßexing and gliding motion. branching. May have slow gliding motility.
Staining Reactions — Gram-negative and Neisser- Staining Reactions — Gram-positive or -negative
negative. and Neisser-negative.
SulÞde Oxidation — Negative. SulÞde Oxidation — Negative.
Key Characteristics — Flexing and gliding motility. Key Characteristics — Large size and a distinct
green color when viewed under direct illumination.
y. Bacillus sp. (Figure 2.29b) aa. Fungi (Figures 2.9a and 2.29d)
Filament Description — A long chain of rod-shaped cells Filament Description — Large, truly branched Þlaments,
rather than a true Þlament. Straight or irregularly curved 5.0 to 10 mm wide and 100 to 1000 mm long, usually
and 1.0 mm ¥ 20 to 50 mm in dimension. Occurs dispersed inside the ßocs. A sheath is absent; however, a heavy
or attached to the ßoc. A sheath may be present but cellulose cell wall is usually present. Attached growth is
attached growth is absent. No branching and not motile. absent. True branching occurs. Intracellular vacuoles,
Staining Reactions — Gram-positive and Neisser- organelles and granules are present and internal cytoplas-
negative. mic streaming occurs. Not motile.
SulÞde Oxidation — Negative. Staining Reactions — Gram-positive or -negative
Key Characteristics — Gram-positive staining reac- and Neisser-negative.
tion; “chain of cells” appearance. SulÞde Oxidation — Negative.

Copyright 2004 by CRC Press LLC.

44 Manual on Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking, Foaming, and Other Solids Separation Problems

FIGURE 2.28 Phase contrast micrographs of: (a) Microthrix parvicella, (b) Nocardioforms, (c) Type 1863, and (d) Type 0211.
(Original magniÞcation 1000¥.) (See color insert following page 70.)

Key Characteristics — Very large, true branching can be visualized. When the probe is added to a sample,
Þlaments containing vacuoles, organelles, and granules it will bind only to the 16SrRNA to which it is comple-
and exhibiting cytoplasmic streaming. mentary. The extent and location of the probe binding can
be detected by observing the sample through a microscope
C. PROGRESS IN IDENTIFYING with UV illumination. FISH probes have been used exten-
sively in the characterization and identiÞcation of activated
sludge Þlamentous organisms. Other examples of their use
Table 2.19 is a summary of the status of identifying and in activated sludge are described below.
classifying the Þlamentous organisms found in activated Bouchez et al. (2000) showed that bacteria used to
sludge. More information about the identities of Þlaments “bioaugment” a laboratory sequencing batch reactor (SBR)
and types of organisms in activated sludge continuously activated sludge system (with the objective of increasing
becomes available through the application of genetic its denitrifying capacity) was very rapidly eaten by stalked
methods. Indeed, it is not beyond the realm of possibility ciliated protozoa.
that by the time the next edition of this manual is written, For many years, Nitrosomonas (ammonia oxidized to
rapid test kits for identifying Þlamentous organisms in nitrite) and Nitrobacter (nitrite oxidized to nitrate) micro-
activated sludge will replace the microscopic methods organisms were credited with nitriÞcation in activated
described this chapter. sludge. Several workers recently called these assumptions
An especially promising genetic method for detecting into question. For example, Wagner et al. (1998) found
Þlamentous (and other) microorganisms in activated that in an activated sludge treating an industrial waste-
sludge is ßuorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). A gene water with very high ammonia content, the predominant
probe (a fragment of genetic material approximately 15 to ammonia oxidizer was an organism resembling Nitroso-
30 bases in length) complementary to (binds speciÞcally coccus mobilis. They were unable to Þnd signiÞcant num-
with) a unique portion of one of the RNA molecules in a bers of Nitrobacter spp., leading them to believe that
cell's ribosomes (usually the 16SrRNA molecule) is nitrite oxidation was carried out by another organism.
prepared. The probe is then reacted with a ßuorescent mol- FISH studies by Juretschko et al. (1998) and Mobarry
ecule that, when illuminated with ultraviolet (UV) light, et al. (1996) demonstrated that the nitriÞers did not grow

Copyright 2004 by CRC Press LLC.

Methods 45

FIGURE 2.29 Phase contrast micrographs of: (a) Flexibacter sp., (b) Bacillus sp., (c) Oscillatoria sp. (cyanophyceae), and (d)
fungus. (Original magniÞcation 1000¥.) (See color insert following page 70.)

in dispersed form and were not distributed evenly throughout D. PROTOZOA AND METAZOA
the activated sludge ßoc. Rather they grew as dense col-
1. General
onies (Figure 2.30a) and the ammonia oxidizer colonies
were surrounded by the nitrite oxidizer colonies Microscopic observation of protozoa and other higher life
(Figure 2.30b). These Þndings have signiÞcant implica- forms in activated sludge is a common and widespread
tions, both for bioaugmentation and for the modeling of practice. In a very general way, the types of these organisms
nitriÞcation in activated sludge. present can be related to plant performance and efßuent
The discrepancy between these Þndings and those from quality. They are useful for toxicity assessment but they
previous work in which Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter spp. are of little or no value for determining the properties of
were identiÞed as the principal nitrifying organisms in activated sludge that inßuence its behavior in solids sep-
activated sludge results from the bias introduced by cul- aration processes.
turing microorganisms from environmental samples. From a morphological view, activated sludge is a rel-
Because many environmental microorganisms will not atively simple microbial community consisting of free and
grow on laboratory culture media, the only way to be ßocculated bacteria (and at times Þlamentous bacteria),
certain whether an organism is important in an environment protozoa, rotifers, nematodes, and a few other inverte-
such as activated sludge is to demonstrate its presence by brates. Protozoa and other higher life forms are usually
in situ methods that do not involve culturing and isolation. aerobic and bacteriovorous (they eat bacteria). A few anaer-
An excellent example of mistaken identity caused by obic ßagellates and a number of saprophytic ßagellates
the bias introduced by culture and isolation methods was occur in activated sludge. The saprophytic ßagellates use
the conclusion that organisms of the Acinetobacter genus soluble organic matter for growth. Carnivorous free ciliates
were largely responsible for the phenomenon of enhanced and attached ciliates (suctorians) feed on other protozoa.
biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) in activated sludge Chlorophyll-bearing ßagellates are incidentally observed
systems with initial anaerobic zones. Recent work has and are usually derived from aeration basin walls.
clearly shown that this is not so. Microorganisms that are Protozoa and other higher life forms may constitute
not closely related to Acinetobacter spp. are important in approximately 5% by weight of the activated sludge biomass
this role (Hesselmann et al., 1999; Crocetti et al., 2000). and are represented by about 200 species (Curds, 1973;

Copyright 2004 by CRC Press LLC.

46 Manual on Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking, Foaming, and Other Solids Separation Problems

TABLE 2.19
Status of Activated Sludge Filamentous Organism Taxonomy
Name in Key FISH Current Name and
(Table 2.18) Pure Culture Probe Taxonomic Position References

S. natans Yes Yes Sphaerotilus natans Richard et al. (1982); Williams and Unz (1985a, 1985b); Ziegler et al.
(1990); Corstjens and Muyzer (1993); Wagner et al. (1994)
Type 1701 Yes No Sphaerotilus spp. Richard et al. (1982); Williams and Unz (1985a); Kämpfer et al. (1995);
Howarth et al. (1998)
H. hydrossis Yes Yes Haliscomenobacter van Veen (1973); van Veen et al. (1982); Ziegler et al. (1990); Wagner
hydrossis et al. (1994)
Type 021N Yes Yes Several Thiothrix spp. Howarth et al. (1999); Wagner et al. (1994); Ziegler et al. (1990);
Kanagawa et al. (2000); Aruga et al. (2002)
Thiothrix I and II Yes Yes Thiothrix spp. Howarth et al. (1999); Richard et al. (1982); Williams and Unz (1985a,
1985b, 1989); Tandoi et al. (1994); Kanagawa et al. (2000); Aruga et al.
Type 0914 No No Unknown —
Beggiatoa Yes ? Beggiatoa spp. Williams and Unz (1985a, 1985b)
N. limicola I Yes Yes? Tricococcus spp. Liu et al. (2000, 2002); Scheff et al. (1984)
N. limicola II Yes Yes New genus, high GC van Veen (1973); Eikelboom (1975); Nowak and Brown (1990); Blackall
bacterium et al. (2000)
N. limicola II Yes Yes New genus, Snaidr et al. (2002)
Alisphaeira europa
N. limicola II Yes Yes New genus, green sulfur Schade et al. (2002)
N. limicola III Yes Yes? Isosphaera spp. Seviour et al. (2002)
Type 0961 No No Unknown Richard et al. (1982)
Type 0092 No No Unknown Bradford et al. (1996)
Type 0581 No No Unknown —
Type 0041 No Yes Member of TM7 group; Thomsen et al. (2002); Hugenholtz et al. (2001); Richard et al. (1982);
Bacterial domain Williams and Unz (1985a, 1985b)
Type 0675 No No New genus Hugenholtz et al. (2001)
Type 1851 Yes ? New genus; Beer et al. (2002); Kohno et al. (2002); Bjornsson et al. (2002)
Chloroßexus group
Type 0803 Yes Yes New genus, b Blackall et al. (1996); Bradford et al. (1996); Williams and Unz (1985a)
M. parvicella Yes Yes New genus, Microthrix Slijkhuis (1983a, 1983b); Slijkhuis and Deinema (1982, 1988); Slijkhuis
parvicella et al. (1984); Blackall et al. (1994b, 1996); Rossetti et al. (1997a)
Nocardioforms Yes Yes for Many genera Goodfellow et al. (1998); Soddell et al. (1998)
Type 1863 Yes Yes Acinetobacter spp., Rosetti et al. (1997); Seviour et al. (1997)
Moraxella spp.

Curds, 1975). Total numbers range from 100 to 2. Microscopic Evaluation

>100,000/mL. Protozoa are generally dominant, with 500 to
To observe these organisms, place one drop (0.05 mL) of
several thousand/mL observed commonly. These organisms
activated sludge on a microscope slide, add a cover slip,
perform several important functions in activated sludge, the
and examine it at 100¥ using phase contrast illumination.
most important of which is the removal of nonßocculated
Count all protozoa and other higher life forms present by
and loosely ßocculated bacteria from wastewater to produce
scanning the entire cover slip area using the mechanical
a clariÞed efßuent (Curds et al., 1968; Curds and Fey, 1969).
stage of the microscope. Average the results of 4 to 5
Additionally, these organisms may contribute to biomass
separate preparations.
ßocculation through production of fecal pellets and mucus
(Curds, 1975) and may function to break up large ßoc Total number of organisms present
masses and encourage a more active biomass through their per mL activated sludge culture =
motility (Javornicky and Prokesova, 1963). average count per cover glass area ¥ 20

Copyright 2004 by CRC Press LLC.

Methods 47

FIGURE 2.30 In situ identiÞcation of nitrifying bacteria in activated sludge: (a) simultaneous in situ hybridization with Cy3-labelled
probe NmV and FLUOS-labelled probe NEU. Nitrosococcus mobilis cells appear yellow; (b) simultaneous in situ identiÞcation of
Nitrosococcus mobilis and Nitrospora-like bacteria after in situ hybridization with FLUOS-labelled probe NmV (green) and Cy3-
labelled probe S-*-Ntspa-1026-a-A18 (red). (From Juretschko, S. et al. (1998), Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 64, 3042. With permission.)
(See color insert following page 70.)

If a large number of organisms are present (at times The major groups of protozoa and higher life forms
observed for ßagellates), count the number present in each found in activated sludge are described below.
Þeld of view (at 100¥) for 10 to 20 Þelds of view, calculate
an average number per Þeld of view, and multiply this a. Flagellates
number by the number of Þelds of view for the cover slip These are small (5 to 20 mm), oval or elongated forms
area (this is typically about 300 at 100¥ magniÞcation for actively motile via one or more long, whip-like ßagellae.
a 22 mm ¥ 22 mm cover slip). Follow this procedure Many species found in activated sludge feed on soluble
frequently (several times a week or even daily) because organic matter and their presence can indicate signiÞcant
protozoan populations in activated sludge can change rap- soluble biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) levels. Many
idly in certain circumstances (e.g., an upset caused by of these occur at low dissolved oxygen (DO) and high
toxicity). organic load.

3. Taxonomic Classification b. Amoebae

These vary in shape and size (10 to 200 mm) and are motile
Taxonomic classiÞcation of these organisms is based pri- via pseudopodia (“false feet”). Some species have a hard,
marily on motility. The six basic groups observed in acti- ornate shell called a test (and the organisms are known as
vated sludge are ßagellates, amoebae, free-swimming cil- testate amoebae, e.g., Arcella). Amoebae grow well on
iates, attached (stalked) ciliates, rotifers, and a few other particulate organic matter and are able to tolerate low DO
invertebrates. IdentiÞcation to species is not necessary, but
environments. A bloom of amoebae can indicate a high
recognition of the major groups of protozoa and higher life
amount of particulate organic matter such as starch (pulp
forms can be useful in activated sludge operation. The most
and paper wastewater), yeast (brewery wastewater), and
common protozoan and higher life forms observed in acti-
septage (municipal wastewater).
vated sludge are shown in Figure 2.31 through Figure 2.33.
These photos can be used as simpliÞed identiÞcation keys. c. Free-Swimming Ciliates
More detailed taxonomic identiÞcation keys can be
These are round to oval in shape (20 to 400 mm) and are
found as follows:
actively motile via rows of short, hair-like cilia. Some
species (“crawlers”) have cilia fused into spikes that aid
Protozoa Curds (1969 and 1975); Jahn et al. (1980);
them in crawling on the surfaces of activated sludge ßocs.
Mudrack and Kunst (1986)
Rotifers Calaway (1968); Doohan (1975); Gerardi (1987a) Ciliates are usually found under conditions of good ßoc
Nematodes Calaway (1963); Schiemer (1975); Tarjan (1977); formation and generally indicate satisfactory activated
Gerardi (1987b) sludge operation. Ciliates are sensitive and their presence
Annelids De L. G. Solbe (1975) or absence can indicate toxicity.

Copyright 2004 by CRC Press LLC.

48 Manual on Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking, Foaming, and Other Solids Separation Problems

FIGURE 2.31 Phase contrast micrographs of common ßagellates and amoebae found in activated sludge: (a) Monas sp., (b) Bodo
sp., (c) Polychaos sp., and (d) Arcella sp. (Original magniÞcations 1000¥, (a) and (b); 400¥, (c), and (d).) (See color insert following
page 70.)

d. Attached Ciliates to activated sludge due to their red- or orange-colored

These appear under conditions similar to those producing “eyespots.” Because of their low growth rates, nematodes
free-swimming ciliates but are found attached to ßocs by are generally observed only at higher MCRTs. Tardi-
stalks that may be either rigid or contractile. Some species grades, gasterotrichs and annelids appear to occur only in
have one organism per stalk (e.g., Vorticella spp.) while nitrifying activated sludge systems, probably due to their
others are colonial (e.g., Epistylis spp. and Opercularia susceptibility to ammonia toxicity.
spp.). Stalked ciliates generally occur at low organic load
(high MCRT). Individual species can be used as indicators 4. Use of Protozoa and Metazoa
of approximate MCRT. The colonial forms occur at higher as Indicator Organisms
MCRTs with more “heads” per colony as the MCRT
increases. Various protozoan and invertebrate groups develop in acti-
vated sludge according to growth conditions. Protozoa
e. Rotifers have maximum growth rates of ≥1 d-1 at 20∞C (Curds,
These have a variety of shapes and are much larger (50 to 1975) and rotifers have growth rates of 1 to 2 d-1 at 20∞C
500 mm) and have more complex structures than protozoa (Doohan, 1975). Thus, the activated sludge growth rate
(Figure 2.34). Most are motile and attach to activated (or MCRT) rarely limits the development of these organ-
sludge ßocs with contractile “feet.” These organisms occur isms in most activated sludge systems. Nematodes have a
over a wide range of MCRT; some species are indicative lower maximum growth rate and generally develop only
of high MCRT. in high MCRT systems (Water Pollution Control Federa-
tion, 1990). Food availability principally through freely
f. Higher Invertebrates dispersed bacteria or turbidity is the primary determinant
These include nematodes (Figure 2.35d), tardigrades such of which group predominates.
as Macrobiotus sp. (Figure 2.35b), gasterotrichs Flagellates, amoebae, and small, free-swimming cili-
(Figure 2.35c), and annelids such as Nais sp. and Aeleo- ates require high prey densities (>106 to 107 bacteria/L)
soma sp. (Figure 2.35a) which can impart a reddish color because their chase and capture feeding mechanisms are

Copyright 2004 by CRC Press LLC.

Methods 49

FIGURE 2.32 Phase contrast micrographs of free and stalked ciliates: (a) Aspidisca sp., (b) Paramecium sp., (c) Tokophyra sp., and
(d) Podophyra sp. (Original magniÞcations 400¥, (a); 200¥, (b), (c), and (d).) (See color insert following page 70.)

inefÞcient. These groups appear during plant startup and One of the most valuable uses of microscopic observa-
at low MCRT (high organic load) conditions. Attached tion of these organisms is toxicity assessment. These organ-
ciliates, rotifers, and other invertebrates develop at lower isms, particularly the ciliates and rotifers, are generally the
prey densities because of their attachment to the activated Þrst to be impacted by toxic materials and can serve as in
sludge ßoc and their ability to feed by ciliary action (Þlter situ biomonitoring indicators for toxicants and other adverse
feeding). These organism groups are selected for at high stresses on the activated sludge process. The Þrst noticeable
MCRT (low organic load). These factors lead to marked sign of toxicity or stress is usually the slowing or cessation
differences in the populations of various protozoa and of cilia movement in the ciliates. Next, the predominant
other higher life forms as activated sludge process oper- protozoan groups shift toward ßagellates and small, free-
ating parameters change (Table 2.20). swimming ciliates that often “bloom” to high numbers
Satisfactory activated sludge performance occurs (>10,000/mL). This is an indication of activated sludge ßoc
when there is a balance among free-swimming and breakup and the production of large numbers of dispersed
attached ciliates and rotifers. An overabundance of ßagel- bacteria (turbidity) utilized as a food source by the ßagellates
lates, amoebae, or free-swimming ciliates is an indication and free-swimming ciliates. Finally, in severe cases, these
of high F /M (low MCRT) while an overabundance of protozoa die, lyse, and release their cell contents, sometimes
attached ciliates, rotifers, and other higher life forms, producing a white foam that contains dead protozoans and
especially nematodes, is an indication of low F/M (high protozoan fragments. Stresses other than toxicity that induce
MCRT). See Table 2.20. Because sludge settling often these responses include low DO, pH outside the range of
deteriorates at organic loading extremes, many plants 6.5 to 8.5, and high temperatures. Protozoa and other higher
attempt to adjust process parameters based on the types life forms are generally absent from activated sludge systems
of protozoa and other higher life forms observed in the operated at temperatures above 37 to 40∞C.
activated sludge. This is not a very sophisticated approach
to activated sludge settleability control, because many
other factors besides organic loading contribute to the In this section, we present specialized methods for mea-
growth of the Þlamentous organisms that cause deteriora- suring the physical properties of activated sludge related
tion of activated sludge settling. to solids separation.

Copyright 2004 by CRC Press LLC.

50 Manual on Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking, Foaming, and Other Solids Separation Problems

FIGURE 2.33 Phase contrast micrographs of stalked ciliates: (a) Opercularia sp., (b) Vaginicola sp., (c) Vorticella sp., and (d)
Epistylis sp. (Original magniÞcations 100¥, (a); 200¥, (b), (c), and (d).) (See color insert following page 70.)

FIGURE 2.34 Phase contrast micrographs of rotifers. (Original magniÞcation 100¥.) (See color insert following page 70.)

1. Settling Tests 2. Foaming Tests

Three activated sludge settling tests are presented: (1) the Two foaming tests are presented. The Þrst test (Table 2.24)
standard unstirred sludge volume index (SVI), (2) the is suitable for activated sludge mixed liquor samples and
stirred SVI at a standard initial SS concentration (SSVI aerobic and anaerobic digester contents. The Alka-Seltzer®
or SVI3.5) (in this case, 3.5 g SS/L), and (3) the diluted (Bayer Corporation, Morristown, NJ) test (Table 2.25) is
SVI (DSVI). The relative merits of these methods are designed to determine the foaming potential of inßuent
discussed in Chapter 3. The SVI method is detailed in and efßuent streams. It is not suitable for use with samples
Table 2.21, the SSVI method is found in Table 2.22, and containing high SS levels (such as mixed liquor and
the DSVI technique is shown in Table 2.23. digester contents).

Copyright 2004 by CRC Press LLC.

Methods 51

FIGURE 2.35 Phase contrast micrographs of invertebrates: (a) bristle worm (Aeleosoma sp.), (b) tardigrade (water bear, Macrobiotus
sp.), (c) gasterotrich (Chaetonotus sp.), and (d) hydrachnid nematode. (Original magniÞcations 100¥, (a); 200¥, (b) and (d); 400¥,
(c).) (See color insert following page 70.)

TABLE 2.20
Predominant Higher Life Forms Observed at Various Activated Sludge Organic
Loading Levels
Condition Predominant Groups
Organic Loading MCRT

High Low Flagellates, amoebae and small free-swimming ciliates

Moderate Moderate High diversity of organisms, dominated by free-swimming ciliates
Low High Stalked ciliates, rotifers, and higher invertebrates, especially nematodes

Sources: From Reynoldson, T.B. (1942), Nature, 149, 608; Baines, S. et al. (1953), Sewage Industr. Wastes,
25, 1923; Curds, C.R. and Cockburn, A. (1970a), Water Res., 4, 225; Curds, C.R. and Cockburn, A. (1970b),
Water Res., 4, 237; Curds, C.R. (1975), in Ecological Aspects of Used Water Treatment: The Organisms and
Their Ecology, Academic Press, New York, Chap. 5; and Mudrack, K. and Kunst, S. (1986), Biology of
Sewage Treatment and Water Pollution Control, John Wiley & Sons, New York. With permission.

3. Methods for Differentiating Microbiological 30 min in the container used to take the sample. This
and Process-Related Solids Separation Problems avoids any changes in ßoc structure that could be caused
by sample transfers. This test indicates the state of ßoc-
The methods described in the following section were culation existing at the location in the treatment train from
developed by Wahlberg et al. (2001). which the sample is taken (Table 2.26).
a. Dispersed SS (DSS) b. Flocculated SS (FSS)
DSS are the SS remaining in the supernatant of an acti- FSS are the SS remaining in the supernatant of an activated
vated sludge sample that has been settled quiescently for sludge sample that has been stirred with rotating paddles

Copyright 2004 by CRC Press LLC.

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