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Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 2015, 22, 515–523 doi:10.1111/jvh.


Clinical course and management of acute and chronic viral

hepatitis during pregnancy
El acceso y uso a este artículo se limita exclusivamente al alumno del "Máster de Hepatología" y para los fines no lucrativos docentes y científicos del propio curso, que incluyen su análisis o comentario. Prohibida la reproducción, en cualquier formato, para otros fines o personas.

A. Licata, D. Ingrassia, A. Serruto, M. Soresi, L. Giannitrapani, G. Montalto, A. Craxı and

P. L. Almasio Sezione di Gastroenterologia & Epatologia, Sezione di Medicina Interna, Di.Bi.M.I.S., Universita di Palermo, Palermo, Italy
Received June 2014; accepted for publication August 2014

SUMMARY. Pregnancy is a para-physiologic condition, ease, and cirrhosis of different aetiologies may cause liver
which usually evolves without any complications in the damage, independently from pregnancy. In this review we
majority of women, even if in some circumstances moder- will also comment the clinical implications of pregnancies
ate or severe clinical problems can also occur. Among occurring in women who received a orthotopic liver trans-
complications occurring during the second and the third plantation (OLT) Therefore, the management of immuno-
trimester very important are those considered as concur- suppressive therapy before and after the delivery in women
rent to pregnancy such as hyperemesis gravidarum, intra- who received liver transplant is becoming a relevant clini-
hepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, HELLP syndrome and cal issue. Finally, we will focus on acute and chronic viral
acute fatty liver of pregnancy. The liver diseases concur- hepatitis occurring during pregnancy, on management of
rent to pregnancy typically occur at specific times during advanced liver disease and we will review the literature on
the gestation and they may lead to significant maternal the challenging issue regarding pregnancy and OLT.
and foetal morbidity and mortality. Commonly, delivery of
the foetus, even preterm, usually terminates the progres- Keywords: anti-viral therapy, liver disease, liver transplant,
sion of these disorders. All chronic liver diseases, such as pregnancy.
chronic viral hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis, Wilson’s dis-

acute fatty liver of pregnancy [1,2]. However, the majority

of liver disease pre-exist to pregnancy (Table 1) [1].
Pregnancy is a paraphysiologic condition, which usually The liver diseases concurrent to pregnancy typically
evolves without any complications in the majority of occur at specific times during the gestation and they may
women, even if in some circumstances moderate or severe lead to significant maternal and foetal morbidity and mor-
clinical problems can also occur. Concerning the complica- tality. Usually, most of the drugs are forbidden in preg-
tions occurring during the second and the third trimester nancy, due to their teratogenicity, but the risks and
of pregnancy, a peculiar attention should be paid to those benefits of their use must be considered case by case. Com-
involving the liver, commonly referred as concurrent to monly, delivery of the foetus, even preterm, usually termi-
pregnancy. Among these, we can found liver diseases nates the progression of these disorders [2].
unique to pregnancy, such as hyperemesis gravidarum, int- All chronic liver diseases, such as chronic viral hepatitis,
rahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, HELLP syndrome and autoimmune hepatitis, Wilson’s disease and cirrhosis of dif-
ferent aetiologies may cause liver damage, independently
from pregnancy [3]. On the other hand, the first group is
comprehensive of liver diseases that can occur during preg-
Abbreviations: CHB, chronic hepatitis B; CMV, Cytomegalovirus;
nancy, but not expressly related to it (such as acute viral
HAV, hepatitis A virus; HBIG, hepatitis B immunoglobulin; HBV,
hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HDV, hepatitis D virus;
hepatitis sustained by both major and minor hepatotropic
HEV, hepatitis E virus; HSV, Herpes simplex virus; IFN, interferon; virus) [3]. Furthermore, in this review, we will also com-
MTCT, mother-to-child transmission; NA, Nucleos(t)ides ana- ment the clinical implications of pregnancies occurring in
logues; OLT, orthotopic liver transplantation; PEG-IFN, pegylated women who received a orthotopic liver transplantation
interferon. (OLT) [4]. In fact, it has recently been reported a signifi-
Correspondence: Piero Luigi Almasio, MD, Gastroenterology & cant increase of women that become pregnant after OLT.
Hepatology Section, Di.Bi.M.I.S., University of Palermo, Piazza delle In United States, more than 3000 females of childbearing
Cliniche 2, 90127-Palermo, Italy. age have undergone OLT. Therefore, the management of
E-mail: immunosuppressive therapy before and after the delivery

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516 A. Licata et al.

Table 1 Liver diseases concurrent or related to pregnancy, to diagnose the CMV infection. Prevention is difficult
according to trimester of gestation and liver involvement because the virus is ubiquitous and the contact is frequent.
Although controversial, some practices might minimize the
Pre-existing or Viral Hepatitis risk for congenital infection [5]. The saliva and urine of
concurrent liver
El acceso y uso a este artículo se limita exclusivamente al alumno del "Máster de Hepatología" y para los fines no lucrativos docentes y científicos del propio curso, que incluyen su análisis o comentario. Prohibida la reproducción, en cualquier formato, para otros fines o personas.

infected children are significant sources of CMV infection.

disease 1. Acute (HAV, HBV, HCV,HEV, CMV,
HSV) Preventive measures such as frequent hand washing,
2. Chronic (HBV,HCV) avoiding to share drinking glasses or eating with utensils
Autoimmune hepatitis of young children, and further stay away from them
Wilson’s disease (avoiding kissing mouth or cheek) appear to be generally
Cirrhosis (different aetiology) acceptable [5,6].
Pregnancy-related 1st Trimester: Now, no therapeutic options during pregnancy are
diseases Hyperemesis gravidarum available. Recent data obtained from literature have
2nd Trimester: focused the efficacy of preventive administration of CMV
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
immunoglobulins or antiviral drugs (Valacyclovir) to preg-
3rd Trimester:
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
nant women with primary CMV infection to reduce the
Eclampsia rate of vertical transmission and improve neonatal out-
HELLP syndrome come [7]. The risk of mother-to-foetus transmission is
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
higher when infection is acquired in the first trimester. On
the contrary, risk of foetal damages is higher for infections
in women who received liver transplant is becoming a rele- acquired during the last trimester. For this reason, CMV
vant clinical issue [4]. seronegative women must be screened along the preg-
In our review, we will focus on acute and chronic viral nancy with serological tests. CMV infection of the mother
hepatitis occurring during pregnancy, on management of does not involve any risk. No therapeutic options aimed to
advanced liver disease and we will review the literature on protect the foetus are available for women infected during
the challenging issue regarding pregnancy and OLT. pregnancy, but new strategies are still ongoing. Until
now, the only option to evaluate together with the mother
in case of foetal infection is the termination of pregnancy,
considering the high probability of foetal abnormalities
Acute viral hepatitis can be acquired during pregnancy [7].
(concurrent disease). If we refer only to hepatotropic
viruses, the incidence during of pregnancy is almost the Herpes simplex virus
same as compared to the general population. Less common Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection is rare, but potentially
during pregnancy is the occurrence of viral hepatitis due lethal because it may cause fulminant hepatitis, with acute
to nonhepatotropic viruses. liver failure, especially if it occurs in the third trimester.
Acute viral hepatitis is responsible of most of cases of The rate of mortality in untreated individuals is more than
jaundice in pregnant women [1]. In the majority of cases, 80% [8]. Moreover, the hepatitis is anicteric in 90% of
the clinical course is benign but sometimes cholestasis is cases, so that the clinical suspicion arises in mostly asymp-
manifest and can be prolonged up to puerperium. The tomatic patients with elevated transaminases (more than 3
major concern is the risk of infection to the foetus (vertical times u.l.n.) and normal or mildly elevated bilirubin, often
transmission). There is no clear evidence of teratogenic without the typical mucocutaneous lesions [8,9]. Serologi-
effect of hepatitis viruses in the first trimester [2]. Acute cal tests to confirm diagnosis include HSV-IgM and HSV-
hepatitis acquired during pregnancy does not involve the PCR. It has been shown that viral load and transaminases
risk of foetal congenital anomalies, except for Cytomegalo- levels are related to disease severity [9]. During pregnancy,
virus (CMV) infection, and the only complication is related the seroconversion rate is about 2% of women susceptible
to an increase of preterm delivery [2]. to HSV [9,10]. The serotypes that may cause of hepatitis
are HSV-1 and HSV-2 in both primary and latent infec-
tions [9].
Nonhepatotropic viruses
The premature delivery is not indicated in these cases,
Cytomegalovirus as the therapy with acyclovir or vidarabine is effective. The
Cytomegalovirus infection, which usually evolves asymp- treatment must be started immediately because is life sav-
tomatically, has a high risk of vertical transmission and is ing for the mother and the foetus [9–11]. Acyclovir is a
responsible for major foetal abnormalities (Table 2) [5]. nucleoside analogue antiviral agent, which is active, and it
Commonly, pregnancy is not affected by the clinical course is recommended for use only when the potential benefit
of infection, which is indolent in immunocompetent outweighs the potential risks to the foetus [12]. Moreover,
subjects [5]. Laboratory serological tests are the main clues in the case of suspected herpes simplex dissemination and

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Viral hepatitis during pregnancy 517

Table 2 Clinical features of acute hepatitis due to hepatotropic and nonhepatotropic viruses in pregnancy


Latency Yes Yes No Yes No No

El acceso y uso a este artículo se limita exclusivamente al alumno del "Máster de Hepatología" y para los fines no lucrativos docentes y científicos del propio curso, que incluyen su análisis o comentario. Prohibida la reproducción, en cualquier formato, para otros fines o personas.

Symptoms Asymptomatic or Potentially Mild, rarely Usually Usually Lethal

flu-likeYes, if lethal lethal asymptomatic asymptomatic
Foetal Abnormalities Contracted as primary Yes, but rare No Yes rare,preterm No No
infectionYes delivery
Vertical transmission Yes Probable Yes Yes Yes

hepatic failure, this therapeutic approach is mandatory that malnutrition and poor social conditions are the
[9,11]. main co-factors promoting this evolution [18,19]. The
reason to explain the greater susceptibility to HEV infec-
tion in pregnant women is still not known. The hypoth-
Hepatotropic viruses
esis of the reduced immunological activity and hormonal
Hepatitis A virus factors could be considered [20]. Acute HEV infection
Hepatitis A virus (HAV) can cause clinical complications if carries high mortality rates (15–25%) in pregnant
it occurs during the second/third trimester of pregnancy. women, especially in the third trimester, in association
Most of the cases are anicteric and usually mild; fulminant with acute liver failure, eclampsia and haemorrhages
hepatitis is rare [1]. It has been generally accepted that [21]. This is very common in developing countries, due
pregnancy itself does not show a negative impact on the to the emergence of genotype 3 [22]; the level of vire-
course of hepatitis A infection. However, acute HAV hepa- mia seems to be likely associated with the severity of
titis during pregnancy may be associated with a higher the disease during pregnancy [23]. The effect of acute
risk of maternal complications and therefore early delivery HEV infection on clinical course of pregnancy in Western
is indicated only in cases with severe liver dysfunction at countries is still not known [22]. Vertical transmission
the third trimester of gestation [13]. In Western countries, occurs in 50% of cases and the infection is always
HAV is not frequent. However, in developing countries, symptomatic with high rates of morbidity (hepatitis, pre-
there is a high incidence of fulminant hepatitis, probably maturity, hypothermia and hypoglycaemia) and mortality
favoured by a concomitant condition of malnutrition. In in the newborns [21].
serious cases, hospitalization is required especially when No data are available on antiviral drugs for HEV. Treat-
nausea and vomiting are severe in the last quarter and ment is only supportive. There are some reports concern-
induction of premature labour may be occur. However, ing ribavirin-based treatment, but the teratogenic effect
commonly HAV hepatitis does not represent an indication excludes any potential use in pregnant women. In case of
for Caesarean section, or early termination of pregnancy life-threatening condition of the mother, termination of
[14]. Although intrauterine transmission is rare, it has pregnancy is the rule [20–22]. Researches to develop an
been described in the presence of high levels of viral load anti-HEV vaccine are underway [2,21].
at delivery [15]. When HAV infection is diagnosed in the
third trimester, the foetus must be protected against the Hepatitis B virus
virus by administration of immune globulin within 48 h All pregnant women are routinely tested for HBsAg at first
before the birth. Breastfeeding is not contraindicated [16]. visit during gestation to screen hepatitis B virus (HBV)
infection. Acute HBV hepatitis is characterized by the
Hepatitis E virus absence of clinical complications during the course of preg-
Hepatitis E virus (HEV) hepatitis is rare in Western countries, nancy, but it carries high risk of mother-to-foetus viral
but it is endemic in several areas of Africa, Asia and Central transmission. This is particularly frequent if the mother is
America, where, if acquired during pregnancy, may show a HBeAg positive and has been infected during the third
fulminant course with a mortality rate in one of six pregnan- trimester of gestation (50–80%), but the risk of transmis-
cies [17]. Although in Western countries this is not a sion is lower when mother is anti-HBe positive (25%), or if
frequent occurrence, the HEV incidence is increased in she is asymptomatic carrier (5%) [1]. The risk of transmis-
Europe as well, especially for genotype 3 [1]. A recent sion is very low in case of maternal infection during the
French study has reported that 90% of acute hepatitis E first or second trimester of pregnancy, but increases up to
acquired in the indigenous route, so that it looks like that 50–70% if hepatitis occurs in the third trimester of preg-
current HEV epidemiology is going to change [17]. nancy or soon after birth. The main risk factor for trans-
The severe clinical course of HEV infection in preg- mission is the high viral load [24]. Consequently, antiviral
nancy differs among different Countries. It is conceivable therapy during the third trimester has the goal to reduce

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viremia and so lowering the risk of perinatal transmission tion of HBIG, approximately 70–90% of infants born to
[24–26]. HBeAg-positive mothers may became chronically infected
Both telbivudine and tenofovir can be taken to prevent by HBV [26]. HBV infection does not significantly modify
intrauterine and perinatal HBV transmission during the the clinical course of pregnancy either fertility or concep-
El acceso y uso a este artículo se limita exclusivamente al alumno del "Máster de Hepatología" y para los fines no lucrativos docentes y científicos del propio curso, que incluyen su análisis o comentario. Prohibida la reproducción, en cualquier formato, para otros fines o personas.

last trimester of pregnancy in HBsAg-positive mother with tion unless the woman has liver cirrhosis or liver failure
high levels of viremia (serum HBV-DNA ≥ 106 copies/mL) [28–30]. Moreover, chronic HBV infection does not
but without significant ALT increase. The drug can be dis- increase maternal or foetal morbidity and mortality,
continued soon after the delivery if breastfeeding is planned although a recent study has shown an increased risk of
or within 3 months. diabetes mellitus, ante-partum haemorrhages and life-
Infected newborns may become chronic HBsAg carriers threatening preterm labour [30]. On the other hand, in
in 80–90% of cases together with subclinical hepatic dys- the presence of cirrhosis, the risk to develop significant
function, although they rarely will develop neonatal hepati- perinatal complications and poor pregnancy outcome is
tis. Perinatal transmission can be prevented with the use of higher [31]. Moreover, cirrhotic pregnant women have
anti-HBV vaccine and in association with hepatitis B immu- usually higher spontaneous rates of maternal complica-
noglobulin (HBIG) at birth with a percentage of success of tions such as placental abruption, gestational hypertension
about 95%. Patients at high risk of infection can be immu- and peripartum haemorrhages [1]. By the contrary, preg-
nized before or during pregnancy by HBV vaccination nancy does not influence the course of chronic HBV infec-
without any risk for the foetus [2,24]. As regard HBV/HDV tion and usually it is not considered as a possible
co-infection in pregnancy, there are very few data in worsening factor [24].
literature. Nowadays, the risk of perinatal transmission, which rep-
resents in many areas of the world the primary source of
Hepatitis C virus persistence of HBV chronic infection, has focused the atten-
The frequency of acute hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection tion to the management of HBV infection during preg-
during pregnancy is approximately calculated 0.4–6.0% nancy. The risk is very high in HBeAg-positive patients
[1]. These percentages increase in groups at high risk of with high viral load, but conflicting data exist about the
infection (like anti-HIV positive, intravenous drug users). potential role of different HBV genotypes in influencing
HCV infection can be acquired during pregnancy, but it transmission [24,32].
does not affect the course of the pregnancy. The risk of Among maternal risk factors affecting vertical or perina-
vertical transmission is very low (3–10%) and it is deter- tal transmission, we also mention placental diseases or
mined by the same risk factors of chronic hepatitis but no complications appearing during labour and breastfeeding,
therapy is available so far to avoid the contagion [27]. which is another major source of infection [24].
Routine screening is not recommended for HCV infection, Together with the immunoprophylaxis, the choice of
but it should be useful at least in ‘at risk’ groups to start correct antiviral therapy plays a major role in chronic
immediately after delivery the therapy [1]. Risk of vertical HBV-infected women. Not all available drugs for treatment
transmission is higher during delivery, due to contamina- of chronic HBV infection can be used during pregnancy,
tion with blood fluid, but it can also occur by transplacen- and they have an important role to avoid an exacerbation
tal crossing. After the delivery, maternal breastfeeding is of disease that can occur in case of drug discontinuation,
not absolutely contraindicated because risk of viral trans- especially soon after the delivery, with high risk of occur-
mission is very low during lactation and it is recommended rence of fulminant hepatitis causing a life-threatening con-
to pay attention to nipple abrasions [1,27] (http://www. dition both for mother and foetus [1,25]. Drugs used for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B
(CHB) include recombinant interferon (IFN), pegylated
interferon (PEG-IFN) and Nucleos(t)ides analogues (NAs).
NAs are classified as nucleosides (lamivudine, telbivudine,
Chronic viral hepatitis does not adversely affect the course emtricitabine and entecavir) or nucleotides (adefovir and
of pregnancy, but it carries the risk of vertical transmission tenofovir). All these drugs have been approved in Europe
of the virus. Overall, chronic viral hepatitis is the most fre- for CHB treatment, while PEG-IFN and emtricitabine are
quent pre-existing liver disease and they need to be fol- not licensed for HBV treatment in most European coun-
lowed through the whole period of pregnancy and overall tries. Because of their possible teratogenicity, only drugs
after delivery. classified in category C or B can be used during gestation.
According to FDA classification, lamivudine, entecavir and
adefovir are classified as ‘C’, while telbivudine and tenofo-
HBV infection
vir are classified as drugs of category B (Table 3). Until
HBV is an important global health problem, because of now, the more appropriate drug is tenofovir because many
high risk of perinatal viral transmission. Before the adop- data are available about the safety profile in pregnancy.

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Viral hepatitis during pregnancy 519

Table 3 Drugs for liver diseases and their use in women during pregnancy and after delivery

FDA Effect on
Class Drug pregnancy conception Effect on foetus Breastfeeding
El acceso y uso a este artículo se limita exclusivamente al alumno del "Máster de Hepatología" y para los fines no lucrativos docentes y científicos del propio curso, que incluyen su análisis o comentario. Prohibida la reproducción, en cualquier formato, para otros fines o personas.

Antiviral drugs Acyclovir B Unknown No Unsafe

Boceprevir B No data No data No data
Entecavir C Unknown No data Unsafe
Lamivudine C Unknown No increases in birth Unsafe
defects overall
Peg-IFN C Teratogenic Malformation Unsafe
Ribavirin X Teratogenic Teratogenic Unsafe
Telaprevir B No data No data Unsafe
Telbivudine B Unknown No adverse effects in Possibly unsafe, excreted
animals at doses as into the milk of lactating rat
high as 37 times
human dose
Tenofovir B Unknown No data Unsafe
Valacyclovir B Unknown No teratogenicity but Unsafe
limited data
Diuretics Spironolactone C No Unknown Unsafe
Furosemide C No No Unknown
b-blockers Propranolol C Unknown IUGR, bradycardia, Unknown
hypoglycaemia, Distress
neonatal distress during
Nadolol C No Unknown Possible unsafe (mainly
at high dose)
Vasoactive Vasopressin C Unknown Unknown Unknown
Immunosuppressive Azathioprine D Unknown 22% malformations, 45% Unsafe
drugs first trimester abortion
Cyclosporine C Unknown Prematurity risk Unsafe
Tacrolimus C Probable Respiratory, renal Possible unsafe, very low
dysfunction, birth defects rate excreted in milk
Prednisone B No Very low rate of Safe
malformation (4%)
Mycofenolate D Yes Birth defects Unknown

Furthermore, several data above safety of tenofovir are the delivery; in women with an advanced fibrosis or cir-
reported in HIV patients showing very low rate of congeni- rhosis, therapy is mandatory [25]. During pregnancy, ther-
tal abnormalities [33]. By contrast, PEG-IFN is absolutely apy must be based on a NA of category B, possibly
contraindicated because of high teratogenicity risk. In fact, tenofovir. If pregnancy is accidental and not planned, ther-
women or partners of patients treated with PEG-IFN or in apy should be adjusted and modified with a NA of cate-
childbearing age should use a good contraception system gory B [1].
until three to 6 months after stopping antiviral therapy HBV infection can be transmitted from mother-to-foetus
[34]. at delivery. This risk, as mentioned before, correlates with
Regarding to the different pharmacological features and viral load and HBeAg positivity. The prevention of HBV
teratogenicity risks of drugs for treating a young woman perinatal transmission is traditionally based on the combi-
chronically HBV infected that wish to become pregnant nation of passive and active immunization with HBIG and
should dispose her pregnancy and should be educated HBV vaccination. Such a strategy, however, may not be
about safety profile of drugs during pregnancy. According effective in a proportion of newborns from highly viremic
to the last EASL guidelines, the therapeutic approach may women (serum HBV-DNA >106–7 copies/mL), which carry
be different based on the severity of liver damage: in a risk of vertical HBV transmission more than 10% despite
women that want to become pregnant and do not have administration of HBIG and vaccination. In these cases,
an advanced fibrosis, it is advisable to delay therapy after the use of NAs before delivery may reduce viral loads and

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520 A. Licata et al.

therefore improve the effectiveness of HBIG and vaccina- to observe during pregnancy a decrease of aminotransfe-
tion [35]. rases and an increase of HCV viral load, followed by an
Therapy with lamivudine and, more recently, with tel- inversion of parameters during the postpartum period
bivudine [36] during the last trimester in HBsAg-positive [1,43]. It has also been observed an increase of cases
El acceso y uso a este artículo se limita exclusivamente al alumno del "Máster de Hepatología" y para los fines no lucrativos docentes y científicos del propio curso, que incluyen su análisis o comentario. Prohibida la reproducción, en cualquier formato, para otros fines o personas.

women with high viral load has been shown to be safe with cholestasis of pregnancy in anti-HCV-positive women
and to reduce the risk of intrauterine and perinatal trans- [44]. The benign course of disease observed during preg-
mission of HBV if given in addition to passive and active nancy is attributed to the production of endogenous IFN
vaccination by HBIG and HBV vaccination after delivery. by foetus and placenta [45]. The ALT levels decrease in
No controlled clinical trial of tenofovir to prevent perinatal association with viral load increase observed during the
transmission has been carried out until now. third trimester of pregnancy in women chronically
There is not contraindication of breastfeeding for HBsAg- infected by HCV could conceivably be explained by a
positive mother, even if HBV-DNA has been found in pregnancy-associated decline in immune-mediated hepato-
maternal milk [37]. No studies are available about safety cellular destruction and change of immunological state
of NAs use during the breastfeeding. For mothers on antiv- [40,46].
iral therapy with lamivudine or tenofovir, breastfeeding is Multiple host factors have been shown to increase the
not recommended because few data are available about risk of HCV MTCT; some of them are unchangeable, such
the safety of antiviral exposure during breastfeeding as elevated viral load, co-infection with HIV, abuse of
[33,37]; however, due to low oral bioavailability of tenofo- drugs and alcohol, other are mainly related to delivery
vir in maternal milk, the newborn should not considered management including amniocentesis and prolonged rup-
to be at risk [33,38,39]. ture of membranes [42]. Viral transmission can occur both
As regarding to HBV/HDV co-infection, clinical course of in the uterus and during delivery. Indeed, perinatal HCV
HDV infection in pregnancy is similar in pregnant and transmission is almost restricted to women with detectable
nonpregnant women, although the clinical suspicion of HCV-RNA in the peripheral blood and MTCT rarely occurs
this possible disease should arise in pregnant women with if the maternal viral load remains below 100 000 HCV-
acute or chronic hepatitis B with a reactivation or hyper- RNA IU/mL [47]. However, there is a broad overlap in the
transaminasemia, testing for anti-HDV. This is extremely levels of plasma HCV-RNA between transmitting and non-
uncommon; however, because the vaccination for hepatitis transmitting mothers [48].
B, when given to newborns infants, is almost uniformly The risk of vertical transmission is related to viral load.
effective against hepatitis D. Vertical transmission has not Hence, the achievement of viral clearance would be desir-
been shown, so early delivery is not necessary. Breastfeed- able before pregnancy because there are no drugs for HCV
ing is safe, and vertical transmission can be avoided using infection usable during gestation to reduce the risk of
HBV immunoprophylaxis [38]. transmission.
Women with HCV infection can plan a pregnancy, and
they must be educated about high teratogenicity risks of
HCV infection
therapy during pregnancy. HCV-infected women, treated
Prevalence of HCV infection in pregnant women ranges with standard therapeutic approach, must attend at least
between 1% and 2% in the United States and Europe, but 6 months before becoming pregnant. If they accidentally
it could increase up to 8% in some developing countries. become pregnant, therapy must be stopped and the mother
HCV mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) has been clearly should be informed for the risks of teratogenicity
documented, with reported rates of about 5–10% [1,40]. [1,49,50].
Pathogenesis of HCV infection in pregnancy and during HCV-infected pregnant women do not need special moni-
the neonatal period remains poorly understood. During toring, but only prenatal routine care as noninfected preg-
gestation, a modulation of immune responses differs nant women. Delivery modalities usually do not influence
between the different stages of pregnancy [41,42]. In fact, vertical transmission, and Caesarean section is not consid-
at the same time, the maternal immune system must ered a modality to prevent vertical transmission [43].
develop tolerance to paternal alloantigens to prevent Data on transmission of HCV during lactation are con-
maternal immune aggression against the foetus and main- tradictory. It has been suggested a correlation between dis-
tain active immunity against HCV to protect both mother ease activity (raised transaminases and HCV-RNA positive)
and foetus from the infection [41]. and detection of HCV-RNA in breast milk resulting a
Although HCV affects a significant number of women chance of increased disease transmission by this route
of reproductive age, few studies have examined the [42,49]. On the other hand, in several studies, transmis-
impact of chronic HCV infection on pregnancy outcomes. sion of HCV by breastfeeding has not been demonstrated,
Pregnancy does not seem to adversely affect the clinical so there are no specific contraindications of breastfeeding
course of HCV infection [43]. The majority of pregnant in HCV-infected women [1,50]. Infected children can be
anti-HCV-positive women are asymptomatic. It is possible treated with the available options but usually they can be

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Viral hepatitis during pregnancy 521

treated only after the third year of age because of the routine practice. If possible, a vaginal delivery is desirable
adverse effects of treatment on growth [51]. However, [1].
spontaneous resolution of infection has been observed both As regard to other sequelae related to cirrhosis (ascites,
in mother during the postpartum period and in foetus spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, portosystemic encepha-
El acceso y uso a este artículo se limita exclusivamente al alumno del "Máster de Hepatología" y para los fines no lucrativos docentes y científicos del propio curso, que incluyen su análisis o comentario. Prohibida la reproducción, en cualquier formato, para otros fines o personas.

[45]. lopathy), they rarely occur during pregnancy. Ascites is a

No data have been published about safety of boceprevir very rare event; however, if necessary, depletive therapy is
and telaprevir in pregnant women. Their use is actually based on sodium restriction and diuretics, as for nonpreg-
contraindicated in patients taking oral contraceptive con- nant women with cirrhosis [28]. Hepatic encephalopathy
taining ethinylestradiol and norethindrone so that alterna- can be caused by particular conditions like hypoxia, infec-
tive methods of nonhormonal contraception should be tions and gastrointestinal haemorrhages; in these cases,
used [52]. spinal and general anaesthesia during delivery should be
avoided for the risk of hypotension and worsening of
encephalopathy [28].
Advanced chronic liver diseases, irrespectively of their aeti-
ology, involve sexual dysfunctions with amenorrhoea and
infertility because of hormonal alterations [3,53]. In fact, Pregnancy is a real opportunity for women recipients of
most women with decompensated cirrhosis are infertile orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). Although a success-
and have menstrual abnormalities, caused by hypotha- ful pregnancy is possible, it must be considered at risk.
lamic-pituitary dysfunction due to reduced level of gonado- Maternal and foetal complications can occur, such as pre-
tropin-releasing hormone and reduced sex circulating eclampsia, hypertension, anaemia, renal dysfunction, dia-
steroid hormones [2]. Moreover, when portosystemic betes, infections, prematurity, low weight at birth and mis-
shunts are present, oestradiol and testosterone levels are carriage [2].
increased [1]. Obstetrical syndrome associated with OLT may depend by
Once pregnancy has initiated, high risks for mother and several factors such as defective deep placentation, uterine
baby, such as prematurity, pulmonary hypertension, rup- vascular bed and side effects of immunosuppressive therapy
ture of varices and bleeding may occur. A study carried on uteroplacental arteries, as reported in National Trans-
out in a large cohort of pregnant women with cirrhosis plantation Pregnancy Registry (NTPR), likewise immunosup-
reported a rate of decompensation of 15% [54]. pressive therapy can carry risk of miscarriage, prematurity,
However, if liver function is in the normal range and intrauterine growth retardation and low birth rate [58].
there is no clinically relevant portal hypertension, preg- Studies have been performed to compare clinical courses
nancy can be carried out. Nevertheless, all these pregnan- of pregnancies in recipients of liver and renal transplanta-
cies should be considered ‘at risk’, especially for the tion, showing that outcomes of pregnancy after OLT are
mothers that can develop variceal bleeding, hepatic failure, better than those after renal transplantation [59].
jaundice, thrombocytopenia and lineal aneurysm rupture Vaginal delivery is possible but, because of high incidence
[55]. Foetal loss is also possible. The more dreadful compli- of complications, the practice of Caesarean section is high,
cation is variceal bleeding (20–25%) [1], especially during about 40%. Similarly, as there is a high incidence of prema-
the second and third trimester when maternal blood vol- ture delivery, in particular due to significant risk of prema-
ume is expanded and foetus and uterus dimension are ture membrane rupture (40%), pregnancy course must be
increased, causing compression on inferior cava vein and closely monitored by a team of transplant hepatologists and
collateral vessels [56]. For this reason, it is desirable to experienced obstetrics [2]. Female liver transplant recipients
check each patient at early second trimester with an upper who are planning a pregnancy should be adequately coun-
endoscopy and, in case of positive finding, to start prophy- selled about the optimal timing of become pregnant, mode of
lactic treatment with beta-blockers [1]. If oesophageal vari- delivery and risks associated with immunosuppressive ther-
ces are known before pregnancy, they should be treated apy. Furthermore, they should also be recommended on
endoscopically by band ligation. In case of acute bleeding methods of contraception if pregnancy is not planned [59].
during pregnancy, the approach is also endoscopic [57]. As clinical effect of immunosuppressive drugs reaches the
Use of vasopressin is contraindicated in pregnancy [1]. peak 1 year after transplant reducing the risk of allograft
Sclerotherapy seems effective and safe for both, mother rejection, it is advised to plan pregnancy about 18 months
and foetus. Variceal band ligation and butyl-cyanoacrylate up to 2 years after transplantation to minimize foetal expo-
injection have been executed and resulted safe. Proprano- sure to high doses of immunosuppressant drugs [2,59]. The
lol, which is safe in pregnancy, may be a better option use of immunosuppressive therapy after liver transplanta-
once acute bleeding has been controlled [57]. Caesarean tion is unavoidable. All immunosuppressive agents cross the
section may reduce the risk of bleeding in patients with placenta and enter into foetal circulation with potentially
large oesophageal varices, but it is not recommended as a dangerous effects in utero. The immunosuppressive agents

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

522 A. Licata et al.

such as azathioprine, cyclosporine and mycophenolic acid As regard to breastfeeding mothers with OLT can safely
have been shown to be teratogenic in animals. The risk of use prednisone or other glucocorticoids. The infant expo-
birth defects is almost similar for all agents; some drugs, like sure of tacrolimus with milk is very low, and therefore, its
calcineurin inhibitors can lead to prematurity risk and oth- administration may be compatible with breastfeeding. Data
El acceso y uso a este artículo se limita exclusivamente al alumno del "Máster de Hepatología" y para los fines no lucrativos docentes y científicos del propio curso, que incluyen su análisis o comentario. Prohibida la reproducción, en cualquier formato, para otros fines o personas.

ers (like cyclosporine) could have their effect on renal func- collected from the NTPR indicate no adverse outcomes in
tion increasing the risk of pre-eclampsia [58]. Tacrolimus infants who were breastfed during maternal cyclosporine
seems to give lower incidence of complications gaining a bet- use; insufficient evidence is present in the literature about
ter control of hepatic function [60]. Obviously, hepatic func- azathioprine’s teratogenicity [2]. Nevertheless, it is advised
tion must be strictly checked along the whole pregnancy to avoid breast feed in the first few months post-transplan-
and every abnormalities should be managed in the same tation where immunosuppressive therapy is at high serum
way as in nonpregnant women [2]. level.

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