CENG 101A-17 Course Ouline

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D. Miller

TEXT: “A Brief Introduction to Fluid Mechanics” by Young, Munson, Okiishi, and Huebsch; Wiley, 5th ed ; Chap 1-9
(selected topics from each chapter will be assigned).

Lectures: Tu and Th : 9:30 – 10:50 am in 106 PCYNH and Friday : 12-12:50 pm in 109 PCYNH
Lectures will be available via Podcast (http://podcast.ucsd.edu)

PRE-REQS: Phy 2A , Math 20D (diff. eqns), Math 20 E (vector calculus); familiarity with MatLab

EXAMS: Three exams will be given in class on: Thurs, 10/19; Thurs 11/9 ; and Thurs , 11/30 . There will be no
make-up exams for any reason.! You may drop one of the exams (see grading below). Exams are CLOSED BOOK – no
notes or other papers. Bring pencils and hand calculators (no computers) to all exams.

FINAL: The final exam is Thursday, December 14, 8 – 11 am, A make-up exam will be provided only for a medical
reason with proper documentation from a physician.

HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned and posted on Triton Ed (TED) each week and due by a specific time during
the following week. Homework can be turned in at class or at 380 EBUII (slip papers under door). Late homework will
not be accepted for any reason ! Solutions must be neatly presented, with a box around the answer, to receive credit.
Although you may discuss the general approach to problems amongst yourselves, the actual computations are to be done
independently. No credit may be given for simply copying the answer without showing details of the correct method. One
homework will be dropped (see grading below).

CHEATING: Academic integrity is taken seriously. While you are encouraged to form study groups, all exams and
homework are to be done independently. The penalty for cheating shall be an F grade in the course, and referral to your
college Provost for disciplinary action. Our UCSD Policy on Integrity of Scholarship can be found at


(1) 8 best of 9 Homework 15% ; 3 Exams 45 % ; Final Exam 40 %
(2) 8 best of 9 Homework 15% ; 2 best of 3 Exams 30% ; Final Exam : 55%

COMMENTS: If you miss a class it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and if any changes were made to
assignments or scheduling. Once a homework assignment or an exam is graded you have one week from the time it is
available to request any reconsideration of the score. When you believe an error has been made, write your case onto
the paper and return it to Professor Miller within the one week.

Course information, assignments, homework solutions, grades, etc., will be posted on TritonEd (Ted ) at
“http://tritoned.ucsd.edu”, or “http://ted.ucsd.edu”, which uses your UCSD email user name and password. For help
contact Academic Computing & Media Services at “acms-help@ucsd.edu” ;or call 858/534-2267.
The following are on library reserve for supplemental reading: “ Fluid Mechanics” by Frank White ; “ Fundamentals of
Fluid Mechanics” by Bruce Munson et al; “ Introduction to Fluid Mechanics” by Fox & McDonald; + the course text.

Office Hours/ TA Sessions (subject to change - announced when necessary and posted on Triton Ed/TED) :
Miller Office Hours (380 EBUII) : Tu, Wed, Th 12-1 pm
TA Sessions (room 105 EBUII ) : M: 1 -2 pm, 3 – 5pm ; Tu & Th : 2 - 3 pm ; and W : 2 -3 pm ; 5 -7pm

Note: Miller will arrange individual meetings as necessary for administrative matters.
Prof. Miller’s office : 380 EBUII; e-mail : “dmiller@ucsd.edu”

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