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Fluid Mechanics “THE ESTABLISHED LEADER IN EE REVIEW” LEGIT MULTIVECTOR Review and Training Center Ground Floor, Cuevasville Tower F. Cayco corner Earnshaw St. Sampaloc, Manila Tel. No. (02) 8731-7423 LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER FLUID MECHANICS Hydraulics — a branch of science deals with the mechanical properties of liquids, as water and their application in engineering Hydrostaties —a branch of physics which deals with Muids at rest. Hydrodynamics or Fluid Dynamics ~ branch of mechanics which deals with uids in motion Fluids ~ are substances capable of flowing and having particle that easily move and change their relative direction without separation of mass. Liquid and gas es are classified as fluids. Density: Specific Gravity or Relative Dens panne en sean eomyeccncenn = Sayama in symbols, es ven Paes St jel sity = Weight Piso bo — ‘Youn @4°Cand | atm, in symbols, = 1 g/ oc = 1000 kg/m? = 1.94 slugs/f 3: ve Sie 981 ayneter “9810 Nin = 624 lot? =9.81kNim? oe oan Hence, Y= yo S=o8 Hydrostatic Pressure: FE Pea. whereF LA ‘The pressure ata depth in aliquid of density p due to the weight of the uid above is; P=peh= Sh b =a where P= pressure atthe bottom = pressure due tothe fluid alone Ww ms Ve _ pAhg EAM =e woe OE we Xb Derivation: P= f= = Note: ‘ If their is extemal pressure exerted on a fluid which is transmitted uniformly throughout the uid, ‘the total pressure at that depth is P= Pesena+ PBh ; Where Pegg = Pressure on the surface ofthe fluid Fluid Weohanics Page| 1 LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER FLUID MECHANICS when a body of fd is in an open container, he amosphee exes an exer pesur on P= Pan * Ph or P= Pn Bh Atmospheric Pressure (Py) ~is the pressure of the earth's atmosphere, the pressure atthe bottom of this sea of air in which we live. This pressure varies with weather changes and with elevation. Normal atmospheric pressure at sea level (an average value) is | atmosphere (atm) defined to be exactly 101,325 Pa. atm = 101,325 Pa = 14.7 psi Note: 1 bar = 10° dynes/em* = 760 mam Hg, bar 10° Pa = 760m Hg. = 29.921 in. Hg = 1.01325 bar = 760 tor Fluid Pressure Variation with Depth: Pie P+ pg 02-1) re Pi Pa pe O2-y) Re y2-¥1 or = : n # P-P.=pah pes 4 . ‘Common Devices for Measuring Pressure: Open tube Manometer Case I: P> Pree P= Pay + pgh P Pau ™ pal P—Poin™ Poe P= Peat Poe Pag =P + pgh P=Py™=peh PP" Page ™ Pras where P= absolute pressure PP ™ gauge pressure Poa = Poe ooh Fluid Mechanics Page |2 LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER FLUID MECHANICS 5. Mercury Baromger is a devie used to mesure atmosphere pressure» fa 7 b Pam pub ‘Note: at standard condition I atm pressure; °C Pug 13.6 ghee = 13.600 kp? ~ 850 Ib Specific Gravity of Mercury (Hg) = 13.6 Buoyancy: Archimedes Principle ~ states that any body submerged or immersed ina Mid i subjected vo a bucyant force equal othe weight ofthe fd displaced For body that floats, For body Submerges, FBD Reading of scale W,= Reading of scale v wiBe. Brno BF.=W~ We War where: B.F.~ Buoyant Force but War™ Varoue W= Weight of object in air or the true weight ‘ or W, ~ Weight of object in fluid or the apparent weight BE.=W-W.= Vecu Wae= Weight of displaced fluid or 4g" density of fluid BF.=W~W,= Vou V= Volume of object Fluid Weohanies Page |3 LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER FLUID MECHANICS Bernoulli Principle: states that “Ina streamline flow, the pressure ofa fluid, either lic increases and the pressure increases asthe velocity decreases”. Venturi Meter: APA: Py>Pz oF PL

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