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EDMXXX10.1177/1555343415572631Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision MakingSA Misconceptions and Misunderstandings

Special Issue

Situation Awareness Misconceptions and

Mica R. Endsley, United States Air Force

Situation awareness (SA) has become a widely used were on SA, and one received 50% more cita-
construct within the human factors community, the tions in the 5 years following its publication
focus of considerable research over the past 25 years. than any other paper published in the 30-year
This research has been used to drive the development of time period of the review. Patrick and Morgan
advanced information displays, the design of automated
(2010) found some 17,500 articles discussing
systems, information fusion algorithms, and new training
approaches for improving SA in individuals and teams. In
SA in a Google Scholar search, with almost all
recent years, a number of papers criticized the Endsley of the papers falling after 1988 and a sharp
model of SA on various grounds. I review those criticisms increase following the 1995 special issue of
here and show them to be based on misunderstandings Human Factors on SA. The interest in SA grew
of the model. I also review several new models of SA, quickly from its initial start in aviation to many
including situated SA, distributed SA, and sensemaking, in disparate fields including air traffic control,
light of this discussion and show how they compare to military operations, transportation, power sys-
existing models of SA in individuals and teams. tems, law enforcement, emergency manage-
ment, health care, space, transportation,
Keywords: situation awareness, sensemaking, working education, mining, and oil and gas operations.
memory, situation assessment, team situation awareness Wickens (2008) provides an overview of sig-
nificant research on SA and its progress in areas
Situation awareness (SA) theory, design, train- of measurement, training, error analysis, team
ing, and measurement have formed a substan- work, automation, and workload, finding that its
tive portion of the human factors research field increased use in both theory and applications is
over the past 25 years. Although the SA con- testimony to its viability as a construct. Tenney
struct was initially met with skepticism by some and Pew (2006) and Durso and Gronlund (1999)
(Flach, 1995), the intervening years have found also provide reviews of this popular construct.
that SA research has taken hold in the cognitive In addition, Endsley and Jones (2012) review
psychology and human factors fields, forming a much of the extensive research in the field and
fundamental paradigm shift. For example, Lee, use this as a basis for a detailed process and
Cassano-Pinche, and Vicente (2005) examined guidelines for the design of systems to support
the impact of papers published in Human SA and for the development of advanced train-
Factors between 1970 and 2000. Four of the top ing programs to enhance the cognitive processes
10 cited papers published from 1990 to 1995 and mechanisms that underlie high levels of SA.
The construct is not without its detractors,
Address correspondence to Mica R. Endsley, United States however. For example, Dekker and Hollnagel
Air Force, Pentagon, 4E130, Washington, DC 20330, USA, (2004) have complained that SA is a “folk model” without detail or scientific basis. Para-
Author(s) Note: The author(s) of this article are U.S. suraman, Sheridan, and Wickens (2008) soundly
government employees and created the article within the discredited that argument, showing a strong
scope of their employment. As a work of the U.S. federal body of empirical research on the topic, its diag-
government, the content of the article is in the public domain. nosticity with regard to human states, its pre-
Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making scriptive usefulness, and its theoretical and
2015, Volume 9, Number 1, March 2015, pp. 4­–32 empirical distinction from performance and
DOI: 10.1177/1555343415572631 other mental constructs.
SA Misconceptions and Misunderstandings 5

Figure 1. Model of SA in dynamic decision making (Endsley, 1995).

Despite such reassuring conclusions, the Wickens, 2008). As portrayed in Figure 1, this
research literature has recently seen new cri- model consists of several key factors:
tiques of the prominent theoretical models of SA
that are unfortunately largely based on misun- •• perception, comprehension, and projection as
derstandings or misconceptions regarding these three levels of SA;
models and the research that supports them. •• the role of goals and goal-directed processing in
First, I will briefly review the Endsley (1995) directing attention and interpreting the signifi-
model of SA (hereafter referred to as the Ends- cance of perceived information;
ley 1995 Model) at which much of that criticism •• the simultaneous role of information salience in
has been directed, discussing points of confu- “grabbing” attention in a data-driven fashion;
sion that have emerged. Following this, I will •• the importance of alternating goal-driven and
review several new models that have been data-driven processing in processing information
offered to overcome the stated limitations. in the environment;
•• the role of expectations (fed by the current model
Endsley 1995 Model of SA of the situation and by long-term memory stores)
Several models of SA have been introduced in directing attention and interpreting information;
(Adams, Tenney, & Pew, 1995; Durso & Gron- •• the heavy demands on limited working memory
lund, 1999; Smith & Hancock, 1995), each restricting SA for novices and for those in novel
with many similarities in terms of their focus situations, but the tremendous advantages of men-
on the importance of goals, memory structures, tal models and pattern matching to prototypical
mental models, and attention (see Endsley, schema that largely circumvent these limits;
2000b, for a detailed review). The Endsley 1995 •• the use of mental models for directing attention to
Model has generally been considered one of the relevant information, providing a means for inte-
most extensive and highly cited models of SA grating different bits of information and compre-
(Golightly, Wilson, Lowe, & Sharples, 2010; hending its meaning (as relevant to current goals),
6 March 2015 - Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

Directs selection
of model

Directs change based

on situation model

Match of plan
projections to desired
goals directs selection

Match of desired plan

Directs to existing scripts
Actions devised
through projection
when no scripts exist

Directs selection comprehension,
and revision of projection
system model & expectations
to key


Figure 2. Relationship of goals and mental models to SA (Endsley, 1995).

and allowing people to make useful projections of attention, communicate with team mates, and
likely future events and states; manipulate their tools to search for desired infor-
•• the use of Q-morphisms in mental models to pro- mation;
vide defaults, providing reasonable SA with even •• an ongoing dynamic process of gathering and
limited and missing information, and a context interpreting information to update the situation
model providing for the representation of uncer- model and using that situation model to search for
tainty in the situation representation; information until decisions can be made;
•• a process for building and updating mental models •• a linkage between goals and mental models that
over time; drives the development or selection of plans
•• pattern matching to schema, prototypical states of and scripts for directing actions, the use of the
the mental model, that provide rapid retrieval of activated mental model to direct attention to the
comprehension and projection for the recognized environment to feed into the constantly updated
situation through critical cues and, in many cases, situation model, and use of the situation model in
providing single-step retrieval of appropriate updating the selection of the mental model to be
actions for the situation; active (Figure 2);
•• the role of automaticity on SA; •• the role of environmental, task, and system fac-
•• people as active participants in the development tors in SA, including the capability of systems
of their own SA, based on how they direct their for deriving needed information; the effect of
SA Misconceptions and Misunderstandings 7

system complexity on SA; the effectiveness of Although it may be difficult to test the model
the user interface for providing rapid access and as a whole, excellent research has been con-
understandability of needed information; the role ducted to test and extend various aspects of it,
of stressors, workload, and fatigue on SA mecha- including:
nisms and processes; and the effect of automation
on SA; and •• the roles of working memory and long-term
•• an error taxonomy, based on this model, that char- memory (Endsley & Bolstad, 1994; Gonzalez
acterizes the underlying factors that can lead to SA & Wimisberg, 2007; Gutzwiller & Clegg, 2012;
errors in perception, comprehension and projection. Sohn & Doane, 2004; Sulistayawati, Wickens, &
Chui, 2011),
Some early general (and reasonable) criti- •• the mechanisms behind projection (Horswill &
cisms of the model concerned its overall breadth, McKenna, 2004; Jones, Quoetone, Ferree, Mag-
the degree to which its constituent components sig, & Bunting, 2003),
are well understood, and its testability. It should •• individual characteristics affecting SA abilities
be noted that this is a framework model, built on (Caretta, Perry, & Ree, 1996; Durso, Bleckley, &
the foundation of many well-researched con- Dattel, 2006; Endsley & Bolstad, 1994; Gugerty
structs in the field of cognitive psychology. & Tirre, 2000; O’Brien & O’Hare, 2007; Sulistay-
Given the critical evolutionary importance of awati et al., 2011),
SA for surviving in a hostile environment and •• the role of automation on SA (Carmody & Gluck-
for finding food and game, I think it unsurpris- man, 1993; Endsley & Kiris, 1995; Jones, Strater,
ing that so many cognitive mechanisms and Riley, Connors, & Endsley, 2009; Kaber & End-
complex interactions would underlie such a fun- sley, 1997a, 2004; Riley et al., 2008; Sarter &
damental precursor to decision making. Woods, 1995), and
Although some people have felt this to be a dis- •• the relationship between SA and workload (Bols-
advantage of the model, I actually think it is a tad & Endsley, 2000; Endsley, 1993a; Endsley &
strength. The considerable detail in the model Rodgers, 1998; Wickens, 1992).
makes it possible to leverage existing research to
provide a great deal of understanding and guid- This research has served to confirm many
ance regarding this complex process. aspects of the model and to extend our under-
The criticism has also been made that some standing of it. More importantly, the model has
of the underlying constructs in the model are provided a rich set of guidelines for improving
themselves not well understood (e.g., mental the design of systems to support SA in indi-
models and schema) (Smith & Hancock, 1995). viduals and teams and to improve programs to
The original 1995 paper, and subsequent articles enhance SA through training, which is what it
that provided additional clarification on it (End- was intended to do (Endsley & Jones, 2012).
sley, 2000b, 2004), endeavored to provide clear
definitions of these constructs, to discuss how SA Fallacies
the mental models form and evolve and how Several recent publications have lodged a
they work within the SA process, and how they number of criticisms of the model based on
relate to each other (e.g., how goals and mental certain fallacies or misunderstandings of it. This
models interact in directing attention and form- has created some unnecessary confusion. I will
ing action selection). In addition, by drawing on discuss each of these claims and show why they
these constructs, new insights have been cre- are inaccurate in their representation of the End-
ated, allowing SA research to provide an opera- sley 1995 Model of SA.
tional mechanism for better defining the mental
model itself (Endsley, 2000a; Zhang, Kaber, &
Hsiang, 2010). As research in cognitive science Fallacy 1: The Three Levels of
progresses and such constructs become even SA Are Linear
better understood, this will in turn better inform In some cases, the three levels of SA in the
our understanding of SA. model have been characterized as strictly linear.
8 March 2015 - Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

For example, Sorensen, Stanton, and Banks fill in where Level 1 data are not known, based
(2010) incorrectly state that the Endsley model on current comprehensions or projections (Level
requires a person to have Level 1 and 2 SA in 2 and 3 SA):
order to have Level 3: “Endsley et al. (2003)
argue that without a sound development of lev- Default values for certain features of a
els 1 and 2, the individual cannot achieve level system can be used if exact current values
3 SA” (p. 453). Salmon, Stanton, and Young are not known. Fighter pilots, for example,
(2012) and Dekker and Lutzhoft (2004) simi- usually get only limited information about
larly claim that it is a strictly linear model, and other aircraft. They therefore must operate
Chiappe, Strybel, and Vu (2011) characterize on default information (e.g. it is probably
the model as serial. a MIG-29 and therefore likely travel-
This characterization is unfortunately inaccu- ing at certain approximate speed). When
rate and misunderstands the model. The three more details become available, their SA
levels of SA represent ascending levels of SA, becomes more accurate (e.g. knowledge
not linear stages. A person who understands the of the exact airspeed), possibly leading to
current situation has better SA than one who can better decisions, but they are still able to
read the data on a screen but does not know what make reasonable decisions without perfect
it means. Similarly, a person who can project the information. (Endsley, 1995, p. 45)
likely future events and states of the system and
environment has better SA than one who cannot: That is they use their level 2/3 SA to gen-
erate assumptions regarding level 1 rep-
resentations (either rightly or wrongly).
This does not mean that projection, com- In this way people can have level 2 and 3
prehension and projection necessarily SA, even when they do not have complete
occur in linear discrete stages. In fact, or accurate level 1 SA, and can use the
the model clearly states that this is not higher levels of SA to drive the search for
necessarily the case. … The reality, how- and acquisition of level 1 SA. (Endsley,
ever, is that a simple 1-2-3 progression 2004, p. 318)
(data driven) is not an efficient processing
mechanism in a complex and dynamic As shown in Figure 3, the model is in no way
system, which is where expertise and goal strictly linear with regard to the three levels of SA.
driven processing come into play. (Ends- As a corollary to this assertion, Salmon et al.
ley, 2004, p. 319) (2012) also state the following: “Further, little
consideration is given to the links and interactions
The Endsley 1995 Model shows that, in addi- between SA elements and the individual’s cogni-
tion to a strictly forward, data-driven perception zance of them. The linkage between elements
to comprehension to projection flow, people also could conceivably determine the character of SA
make heavy use of goal-driven processing. as much as the elements themselves” (p. 484).
Based on their goals and current understanding This also is an inaccurate representation of the
and projections (Level 2 and 3 SA), they may model. “Based on knowledge of Level 1 ele-
look for data to either confirm or deny their ments, particularly when put together to form pat-
assessments or to fill in gaps (i.e., search for rel- terns with the other elements (gestalt), the deci-
evant Level 1 data). “This is an iterative process, sion maker forms a holistic picture of the environ-
with understanding driving the search for new ment, comprehending the significance of objects
data and new data coming together to feed and events” (Endsley, 1995, p. 37). Comprehen-
understanding, as represented by the feedback sion (Level 2 SA) is all about the meaningful inte-
arrow in the model in Figure 1” (Endsley, 2004, gration (i.e., linkages) of the disparate data taken
p. 319). in from the environment, as filtered though their
The Endsley 1995 Model also specifies relevant goals. Comprehension is formed by
“defaults” in the mental models that are used to putting two and two together to get four. It is
SA Misconceptions and Misunderstandings 9

Act: Directed

Decide: Need
more info

Levels 2 & 3 SA
can be used
to drive the search
Perception Comprehension Projection for Level 1 info

Default values from the mental model can provide

reasonable Level 1 SA values, even when no info has
been directly perceived on an element

Figure 3. Higher level SA can be used to drive the search for data and to provide default values when information
is not available.

understanding that if pressure and volume change, will not be possible” (Endsley, Bolte, & Jones,
then so would temperature, based on the dynam- 2003). The definition of SA is descriptive of the
ics of the system that dictates the relationships types of information contained within the con-
between these variables, for example. struct. Neither it nor the more detailed model of
Salmon et al.’s criticism may be related to the SA claim that such information is mentally seg-
degree to which the Situation Awareness Global regated into such categories.
Assessment Technique (SAGAT) measures SA
of the various elements, without specifying the Fallacy 2: The Model Is a Data-Driven
linkages between them. However, because such Information-Processing Model
linkages are generally determined through deeply Other critiques characterize the Endsley 1995
imbedded mental models and schema, people Model as being a linear, data-driven informa-
would be very poor at articulating the detailed tion-processing model. Salmon et al. (2012)
nature of those links (Nisbett & Wilson, 1977), state the following: “A linear feedback model,
and that is not the point of such a measure. the three-level model does not deal with the
Sorensen et al. (2010) further state that the notion that SA can be as much a feed-forward
three levels of SA in the model are somehow phenomena as a feedback one” (p. 483). Chi-
highly separated: “For these experts, it is not appe et al. (2011), characterizing the Ends-
possible to divide their SA into the three levels ley 1995 Model as an information-processing
in a meaningful way. The model does not explain model, reject it as an example of “linear appli-
situations where SA is a continuous process” cations of the information-processing approach,
(p. 453). This is also a mischaracterization of the which hold that perception precedes cognition
model. Experts do not necessarily divide up and action follows it, making perception and
their understanding of the world into these neat action peripheral processes that are not essential
and tidy categories. In fact, most of my experi- to understanding cognition” (p. 629).
ence in working with experts in a wide variety of These characterizations are also inaccurate.
fields shows that their perceptions, comprehen- “SA presents a level of focus that goes beyond
sions, and projections are fairly tightly inte- traditional information-processing approaches
grated, as would be predicted by the mental in attempting to explain human behavior in
models that underlay them. “While the three lev- operating complex systems” (Endsley, 1995, p.
els of SA are general descriptions that aid in 32). Although the model incorporates many of
thinking about SA, at times, definitively catego- the same cognitive processes and mechanisms
rizing an SA requirement into a particular level as traditional information-processing models, it
10 March 2015 - Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

very clearly features the importance of goal- provide (a) for the dynamic direction of
driven processing in understanding the pro- attention to critical cues, (b) expectations
cesses by which SA occurs: “In what Casson regarding future states of the environment
(1983) has termed a top-down decision process, (including what to expect as well as what
a person’s goals and plans direct which aspects not to expect) based on the projection
of the environment are attended to in the devel- mechanisms of the model, and (c) a direct,
opment of SA” (p. 47). A detailed process is single-step link between recognized situ-
described, linking the individual’s goals to the ation classifications and typical actions.
activation of mental models for guiding the (Endsley, 1995, p. 44)
search for and interpretation of information and
to plans for achieving those goals. Different problem framings can induce
The model also describes how changes in the different information integration (situa-
environment (bottom-up processing) can affect tion comprehension), and this determines
a switch in active goal states. “SA is largely the selection of a mental model to use for
affected by a person’s goals and expectations solving the problem. Thus it is not only
which will influence how attention is directed, the detailed situational information (Level
how information is perceived, and how it is 1 SA) but also the way the pieces are put
interpreted. This top-down processing will oper- together (Level 2 SA) that direct decision
ate in tandem with bottom-up processing in strategy selection. (Endsley, 1995, p. 40)
which salient cues will activate appropriate
goals and models” (Endsley, 1995, p. 49). Thus, it can be seen that the Endsley 1995 Model
The Endsley 1995 Model of SA is neither also emphasizes the active role that people play
limited to data-driven processing nor is it strictly in obtaining their own SA.
It is critical to note that this is not a
Essentially, human information process- passive process of receiving displayed
ing in operating complex systems is seen information, but one in which the opera-
as alternating between data driven (bot- tor may be very actively involved. For
tom-up) and goal driven (top-down) pro- instance, the operator in many systems can
cessing. This process is viewed as critical control which information is displayed
in the formation of SA (Endsley, 1988, (e.g. through menu selection) and which
1995). … Dynamic switching between information is attended to. They may also
these two processing modes is important be able to control which information the
for successful performance in many envi- system collects by sending out commands
ronments. (Endsley, 2000b, p. 15) to get certain information from linked sys-
tems or by setting the direction and cover-
In a related critique, Klein, Phillips, Rall, and age of the sensors, for example. People
Peluso (2007) state that “our approach differs are therefore very active participants in
from Endsley in that she is describing how people the situation assessment process, with SA
notice and make inferences about data, whereas guiding the process and the process result-
we assert that people use their frames to define ing in the SA. (Endsley, 2000b, p. 8)
what counts as data in the first place” (p. 120).
They make the point that people are active in The Endsley 1995 Model shows a very
determining what is relevant. This too is not differ- dynamic process, with goals, activated mental
ent than the Endsley 1995 Model, which describes models, and current situation representations driv-
the important role of the mental model in directing ing the active search for information, operating in
attention to gather the needed information. conjunction with an alternating bottom-up data-
driven process. People are active participants in
When an individual has a well-developed the search for information in terms of how they
mental model of the behavior of par- allocate their attention and in terms of how they set
ticular systems or domains, the model will up the environment, systems, and communications
SA Misconceptions and Misunderstandings 11

mechanisms to form information flows from their strategies, and the barriers encountered” (Klein,
systems and their teammates. Moon, & Hoffman, 2006b, p. 71). Chiappe et al.
(2011) also criticize the Endsley 1995 Model,
Fallacy 3: The Product Versus Process claiming it is not possible to distinguish process
Distinction from product.
Much has been made of a false dichotomy Given the detailed descriptions of the pro-
between SA as a process and SA as a product. cesses involved in getting and maintaining SA
In the early days of discussion on SA, it became provided in the Endsley 1995 Model and the
evident that researchers were miscommunicating extensive descriptions on how the current situa-
with each other on what they meant when they tion representation guides the search for and
used the term SA. Some used it to mean the pro- interpretation of information to integrate into
cesses that people were using to gather and under- that representation, it is inaccurate to claim that
stand their world, and some were using the term this model does not address SA processes or that
to describe the resultant, constantly evolving situ- it does not show the two as being clearly inter-
ation model that was derived from that process. twined. “A person’s SA will in turn have an
Accordingly, the editors of the special issue of effect on what information is searched out and
Human Factors in 1995 on SA asked its authors attended to, with product affecting process in a
to disambiguate the terms in their discussions in circular fashion” (Endsley et al., 2003, p. 25)
order to provide better clarity for the readers. As As stated originally, “I am full in agreement
a result, I distinguished to two in accordance with with Adams, Tenney and Pew … that there is
common usage in the aviation community. “As a great benefit from examining the interdepen-
matter of consistent terminology, it is first neces- dence of the processes and the resultant state of
sary to distinguish the term situation awareness, knowledge, however, in order to clarify dis-
as a state of knowledge, from the processes used course on SA, it is important to keep the termi-
to achieve that state. These processes, which may nology straight” (Endsley, 1995, p. 36). In fact,
vary widely among individuals and contexts, will both of these models (Adams et al., 1995; Ends-
be referred to as situation assessment or as the ley, 1988, 1995) discuss the processes involved
process of achieving, acquiring, or maintaining in achieving and maintaining SA as a state of
SA” (Endsley, 1995, p. 36). I continue to use this knowledge (as a product of those processes) and
terminology today. the ways in which the current product affects
Surprisingly, some people have used this those processes in turn.
statement to claim that the Endsley 1995 Model
only addresses SA as a state and not as a process, Fallacy 4: The Model of SA Is Not
even though there are 24 journal pages describ- Cyclical or Dynamic
ing in detail the various processes and cognitive Related to the process versus product dis-
mechanisms used to arrive at SA. Salmon et al. tinction, some critiques have characterized the
(2008), for example, state that “the three level Endsley 1995 Model as not dynamic (Salmon et
model depicts SA as a product separate from the al., 2008). Salmon et al. (2008) write that “the
processes used to achieve it” (p. 303). Klein et al model has also been criticized for its inability
(2007) state that their model of sensemaking is to cope with the dynamic nature of SA. Uhlarik
different from the SA model because they are and Comerford (2002) state that the process of
“interested in sensemaking as a process and not achieving SA presented by the three-level model
just a state of knowledge” (p. 116). They assert is both static and finite … the description of the
that “Mica Endsley’s work on situation aware- way in which SA dynamically modifies interac-
ness is about the knowledge state that’s tion with the world and then interaction with
achieved—either knowledge of current data ele- the world dynamically modifies SA is logical
ments, or inferences drawn from these data, or and goes beyond the static perspective taken by
predictions that can be made using these infer- Endsley’s model” (pp. 305-306).
ences. In contrast, sensemaking is about the pro- In contrast, however, the Endsley 1995 Model
cess of achieving these kinds of outcomes, the shows a dynamic feedback loop for gathering
12 March 2015 - Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

information and acting on the environment. A also how soon that element will have an impact
person’s SA is updated on an almost ongoing on the operator’s goals and tasks. Time and sys-
basis in most dynamic environments (unless tem changes over time are strong parts of Level
they are asleep or unvigilant): 2 SA (comprehension) and Level 3 SA (projec-
tion of future events).
The dynamic aspect of real-world situa- Thus, the Endsley model incorporates the
tions is a third important temporal aspect importance of a dynamic ongoing cycle of gath-
of SA. The rate at which information is ering, interpreting, and projecting information.
changing is a part of SA regarding the It depicts a very dynamic process employed
current situation, which also allows for within very dynamic worlds, forcing SA to be
projection of future situations (Endsley, constantly changing as well in order to stay
1988, 1995c). The dynamic nature of accurate and up-to-date.
situations dictates that as the situation is
always changing, so the person’s situation Fallacy 5: The SA Model Fails to Take
awareness must constantly change or be Into Account Meaning
rendered outdated and thus inaccurate. Dekker and Lutzhoft (2004) describe the
(Endsley, 2000b, p. 6) Endsley SA model as only dealing with mere
low-level stimuli: “Information processing the-
The Endsley 1995 Model focuses on the role ories begin with the primitive, meaningless
of time and the temporal aspects of the situation nature of stimuli in the world (they are ‘ele-
as important to SA, reflecting substantially on ments’ in the words of one SA theory)” (p. 25).
dynamics: On the contrary, there is nothing primitive or
meaningless about even Level 1 SA, much less
First, although SA has been discussed as a the higher levels. The elements of SA in the
person’s knowledge of the environment at definition are analyzed in detail for each domain
a given point in time, it is highly temporal as a critical research step (Bolstad, Riley, Jones,
in nature. That is, SA is not necessarily & Endsley, 2002; Connors, Endsley, & Jones,
acquired instantaneously but is built up 2007; Endsley, 1993b, 1999; Endsley, Farley,
over time. Thus it takes into account the Jones, Midkiff, & Hansman, 1998; Endsley &
dynamics of the situation that are acquir- Robertson, 1996; Endsley & Rodgers, 1994;
able only over time and that are used to Matthews, Strater, & Endsley, 2004). Such
project the state of the environment in the analyses are conducted with subject matter
near future. So although SA consists of experts in the domain, who provide a clear
an operator’s knowledge of the state of indication of what they consider meaningful.
the environment at any point in time, this Even Level 1 data tend to consist of clearly
knowledge includes temporal aspects of observable, meaningful pieces of information,
that environment, relating to both the past and higher level comprehension and projection
and the future. (Endsley, 1995, p. 38) are certainly higher order assessments that are
a deep reflection of “meaning” for that person.
The effects of the situation dynamics (e.g., cur- For examples, see Table 1.
rent rate of change, projections of future It should be noted that the elements defined for
changes) are an integral part of their SA. a given domain and operational role take into
Often a critical part of SA lies in understand- account the full range of the aspects of the situa-
ing how much time is available until some event tion that are relevant to the decision maker—the
occurs or some action must be taken. The “within technical system, the outside environment (e.g.,
a volume of space and time” contained in the weather, terrain), the state of other actors (e.g.,
definition of SA pertains to the fact that opera- location of other aircraft, actions of enemies and
tors constrain the parts of the world (or situa- civilians in a military action), and the state and sta-
tion) that are of interest to them based on not tus of teammate activities (e.g., the level of work-
only space (how far away some element is), but load and abilities of one’s co-pilot, the location
SA Misconceptions and Misunderstandings 13

Table 1: Examples of Perception, Comprehension, and Projection Elements for Different Domains
Domain Perception Comprehension Projection

Commercial Airport location, altitude Impact of aircraft malfunction on Projected trajectory own aircraft
Aviation Pilot aircraft performance and others
Approach in use Impact of weather on flight plan Predicted wind sheer
NOTAMS Time available to perform tasks Predicted changes in visibility
Taxiway width and conditions Risk of hazard to passengers/ Projected separation
Traffic on taxiway/runway Effectiveness of anti-ice Projected schedule deviation
System failures/degrades Ability to reach alternate airport Projected impact of changes on
safety of flight
Heading, altitude Compliance with requirements Projected fuel requirements
Airspeed, pitch and roll attitude Taxiway suitability Projected time available on fuel
Terrain location, height Ability to reach destination Projected areas of severe
Weather, areas and altitudes Validity of indications Projected schedule deviation
Special use airspace activation Confidence in crew members Predicted duration of hold
Clearances Cost/benefit of change Projected areas of turbulence
Military Enemy disposition Advantages/disadvantages of Projected ability of plan to meet
Commander course of action (COA) mission objectives
Weather Areas of cover and concealment Projected time required to carry
out COA
Terrain Impact of weather on plan Projected risk/safety of troops
Type/capabilities of threats Impact of weather on visibility/ Projected ability to obtain
weapons information
Resources available Available fields of fire Projected ability to
Experience level of troops Ability to support plan Projected help needed by
adjacent brigades
Readiness level of troops Risk of mission failure/success Projected impact of weather on
planned COA
Friendly losses Risk of casualties/loss of Projected ability to support plan
Civilian disposition Ability to counteract enemy Projected actions of enemy
Friendly location and status Ability to mitigate risk Projected actions of civilians
Weapons and ammo Impact of deviations on mission Projected impact of enemy COA
Power Grid Elements out of service Cause of limit violation Projected impact on system of
Operator adjusting reactive power
Changes in flow Amount of load shed needed Projected loads
Line voltage Time available to solve problem Projected impact of problem on
other utilities
Direction of flows Imbalance in loads between Credibility of projected
regions violations
Load levels Confidence level in parameter Potential for voltage collapse
Available generator units and Cause of variations in load Most likely projected violations
Temperature at element Cause of variations in output Most significant projected
Current limits Confidence in problem Solution with projected minimal
identification impact
Scheduled outages Effected organizations Projected impact on system of
adding/removing element
Linkages between systems Exceedence of normal/ Projected distance to voltage
emergency limits collapse
Current system topography Options available Projected change in voltage on
lines with drop at location

Note. NOTAMS = Notices to Airmen.

14 March 2015 - Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

and plans of other team members). It is not con- of SA), even on the basis of incomplete informa-
strained to any one subset of this information. tion and under uncertainty” (Endsley, 1995, p.
The elements to be perceived, the compre- 49). The Endsley 1995 Model depicts a more
hensions that are needed, and the projections to integrated relationship between the sort-term
be made can be carefully defined with subject working memory and long-term memory sys-
matter experts in the domain who provide a clear tems on which SA relies. “To view SA as either
indication of what they consider meaningful a function of working memory or long-term
using a goal-directed task analysis (GDTA) pro- memory would probably be erroneous” (Ends-
cess (Endsley & Jones, 2012). Such analyses ley 2000b, p. 11).
form a strong foundation for subsequent research To investigate the possible dependence of SA
in each domain, for developing valid metrics of on working memory, Endsley (1990) provided
SA, and for designing improved systems and pilots with SAGAT queries in random order fol-
training programs. Thus, the concept of meaning lowing multiple freezes in the simulation to
is foundational to SA. The Endsley 1995 Model, determine whether accuracy on a given SA
coupled with a methodology to determine what query declined as a function of time, as would be
is meaningful for a given operational role, pro- predicted if SA were held strictly in working
vides a valuable contribution beyond mere dis- memory. The study showed that pilots were as
cussions of meaning that do not also provide accurate in answering SAGAT queries 5 to 6
needed structures for researchers and designers minutes following the freeze, as compared to
to determine what is meaningful as a key input right after the freeze, showing no memory decay
to the design process. as would be expected with information stored
solely in working memory.
Fallacy 6: SA Is All Contained in Endsley (1990, 2000b) concluded that this
Working Memory result supported a model of cognition that shows
In some cases, the Endsley 1995 Model working memory to be an activated subset of
has been characterized as representing SA as long-term memory (Cowan, 1988), as shown in
exclusively held in working memory (Chiappe, Figure 4. In this model, information proceeds
Rorie, Moran, & Vu, 2012; Chiappe et al., 2011; directly from sensory memory to long-term
Chiappe, Vu, & Strybel, 2012). “According to memory, which is necessary for pattern recogni-
Endsley et al. (2003), mental models differ from tion and coding. Those portions of the environ-
situation models. The former are held in long- ment that are salient remain in working memory
term memory and are relatively static, whereas as a highlighted subset of long-term memory
the latter constitute our SA and are held in WM” through either localized attention or automatic
(Chiappe, Rorie et al., 2012, p. 3). “SA includes activation. In this way, information from the
information at three different levels—percep- environment may be processed and stored in
tion, comprehension, and projection—that is terms of the activated mental model or schema
synthesized into a detailed, stable, situation (i.e., it provides the current situation values of
model consciously held in WM (Endsley et al. these more abstract models). Thus activated,
2003)” (Chiappe, Rorie et al., 2012). these schema provide a rich source of data for
This is an incorrect representation of the End- bringing to bear on the situation including mech-
sley 1995 Model, which describes working anisms for processing the data (i.e., forming
memory as a bottleneck only for novices and Level 2 and Level 3 SA) and default values for
those in novel situations and that in practice filling in missing information.
long-term memory structures obviate such limi- This is consistent with many other research-
tations. “Where they have been developed, long- ers. Durso and Gronlund (1999) came to a simi-
term memory stores, most likely in the form of lar conclusion, drawing on a model by Ericsson
schemata and mental models, can largely cir- and Kintsch (1995) in which pointers in working
cumvent these limits by providing for the inte- memory point to information stored in long-
gration and comprehension of information and term memory. Adams et al. (1995) also discuss
the projection of future events (the higher levels pointers from working memory to long-term
SA Misconceptions and Misunderstandings 15


Sensory Long-term
Input Working Memory

Figure 4. Working memory as an activated subset of long-term memory (Endsley, 2000b).

memory, and Sarter and Woods (1991) empha- used to generate the latter from the former, and
size the importance of information that can be actions that are appropriate to the future condi-
activated from long-term memory to support tions” (Endsley, 1995, p. 43). These studies all
limited working memory. support the Endsley 1995 Model, which states
Additional research supports the position that for experienced operators SA is not constrained
SA is not contained in nor constrained by work- by working memory (nor uniquely contained in
ing memory for those with experience. Sohn and it), but rather draws on long-term memory as
Doane (2004) found that expert pilots rely more well for its representation.
on long-term memory for SA than on working
memory, and only their novice pilots were work- Fallacy 7: The SA Model Only
ing memory constrained. Sulistayawati et al. Represents a Cartesian “In-the-Head”
(2011) showed that experienced pilots with View of the World and Does Not
lower working memory spans were able to per- Encompass the Wider Sociotechnical
form just as well as those with better working Environment
memories on SAGAT questions in their study. Dekker, Hummerdal, and Smith (2010) states
Endsley and Bolstad (1994) also found that that “situation awareness research typically fol-
working memory ability did not predict SA lows the Cartesian tradition that sets the mind
scores in experienced pilots, and Gonzalez and against the world and that maintains that it is
Wimisberg (2007) showed that Level 1 SA meaningful to examine a mind independently of
improved over time with experience on a task, that world (e.g. Endsley 1995)” (p. 132). This
and its relationship to working memory view is echoed by Salmon, Stanton, and their
decreased accordingly. colleagues, who maintain that the Endsley 1995
Gutzwiller and Clegg (2012) examined the Model (as well as most other SA research) can
role of working memory on SA, using a simu- be characterized as an “in the mind” view point
lated task with student subjects, and found no (Salmon et al., 2008; Sorensen et al., 2010;
relationship between working memory and Level Stanton, Salmon, Walker, & Jenkins, 2010;
1 SA, but a positive relationship with Level 3 Stanton et al., 2006). They contrast this with
SA, which the Endsley 1995 Model states is engineering approaches that represent SA as all
highly demanding, even for experts, unless such in the systems, and a third approach that consid-
predictions can be automatically accessed from ers SA to be a function of both the human and
schema. “Prediction of future states (the culmi- the system.
nation of good SA) imposes a heavy load on The Endsley 1995 Model, however, describes
working memory by requiring the maintenance the contribution of both characteristics and
of present conditions, future conditions, rules mechanisms of both the individual and of task
16 March 2015 - Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

and system factors on SA. In particular, the research has studied not only awareness but also
capabilities of the system for gathering needed the factors of the situations that are embodied in
information, of the system interface for present- SA and the characteristics of those environments
ing that information effectively, the effects of that affect it. A significant body of research find-
stress and workload, the complexity of the sys- ings leading to improved design of those sys-
tem, and the characteristics of automation are all tems has resulted from this work (Endsley &
significant factors affecting SA that are dis- Jones, 2012).
cussed in detail in the model. In addition, the
model emphasizes the importance of context to
Recent Models of SA
decision making:
Recently, a few newer models related to SA
The situation parameters or context of a have been published in the literature, presented
problem largely determines the ability of as remedies for the above fallacies. In some
individuals to adopt an effective problem- cases, the new models provide a characteriza-
solving strategy. It is the situation spe- tion of SA that is different than existing models,
cifics that determine the adoption of an but in many cases, they also provide explana-
appropriate mental model, leading to the tions that are quite similar, confusing the situ-
selection of problem-solving strategies. In ation. I will address these models individually.
the absence of an appropriate model, peo-
ple will often fail to solve a new problem, Situated SA
even though they would have to apply Chiappe and colleagues have promoted a
the same logic as that used for a familiar model they call “Situated SA” (Chiappe, Rorie
problem. (Endsley, 1995, p. 39) et al., 2012; Chiappe et al., 2011; Chiappe, Vu
et al., 2012).
Thus, it is not strictly an “in the head” model,
divorced from the situations and contexts in The situated SA approach holds that
which people find themselves. On the contrary, operators maintain their understanding of
the Endsley 1995 Model argues that context dynamic situations by relying on minimal
matters a great deal for human decision-making internal representations and engaging in
and provides a detailed discussion of the ways in frequent interactions with a structured
which that occurs. environment. Operators sample limited
The extant research on SA over the past 25 amounts of information from the environ-
years has devoted considerable attention to ment in cycles, and extract its relevance
studying many of these sociotechnical factors by combining it with an easily accessible
and to testing and examining how they affect SA context, as per RT [relevance theory].
and how they can be improved. Likewise, most (Chiappe et al., 2011, p. 18)
SA research has been conducted in highly realis-
tic and rich simulation environments or in actual They propose this theory based on several of the
domain settings with experienced decision mak- previously discussed fallacies, most notably that
ers. This has included research with pilots, air established models of SA are “Cartesian” in-the-
traffic controllers, military commanders, sol- head models; are limited by linear, information-
diers, and power plant operators, to name a few. processing theory (Fallacies 1, 2, and 7); and
Characterizations that the Endsley 1995 provide a false distinction between process and
Model (and most other research in the domain) product (Fallacy 3). Their primary rationale for
focuses only on what is going on in the head or the Situated SA model, however, is that they feel
is divorced from the “situations” it seeks to it is necessary in order to represent how people
study fail to recognize the degree to which SA overcome the limitations of working memory.
research considers tasks and context as it focuses This overarching premise, that SA must be lim-
on experts working within complex, dynamic, ited by working memory, is not supported, how-
and realistic settings. The vast majority of SA ever, as was demonstrated in Fallacy 6.
SA Misconceptions and Misunderstandings 17

Although working memory is a bottleneck 2004; Sulistayawati et al., 2011). The Cowan
for novices or those in novel situations, as shown (1988) model, which integrates working memory
in the earlier discussion of Fallacy 6, numerous and LTM structures, provides for such a finding.
studies support the Endsley 1995 Model in If SA is thought of as a highlighted current state
showing that SA is not limited by working mem- of the mental model, it makes mentally retaining
ory in most cases involving skilled performance SA of complex systems and situations feasible,
and most likely benefits from an integrated as observed in many expert performers.
working memory and long-term memory sys- This actually is the primary limitation of the
tem. Thus, the Situated SA model, which stipu- Situated SA model. Information that exists in the
lates that only limited information constituting environment (in displays, the natural world, or
SA is held in working memory at any one time, other artifacts) but of which the operator is not
separated from long-term memory that cannot aware (due to other attentional demands, out-of-
hold SA in their view, fails to accurately repre- the-loop problems, poor interfaces, hidden
sent cognitive performance in the majority of screens, interference effects, etc.) does not con-
experts on which SA research is focused. (Note, stitute SA. It is by definition information of
this does not mean that I am saying that people which he or she is not aware (hence the opposite
incorporate all information into their situation of SA).
representation, just that which is relevant to The constraint to hold all SA in working
maintaining their model of what is happening in memory imposed by the Situated SA model
the situation.) more closely represents the performance seen of
Therefore, the need for the Situated SA model novices who have no mental models in long-
that keeps most SA “off-board” becomes negated term memory to rely upon, which has been
in practice. Chiappe, Rorie et al. (2012) note that shown to result in very poor SA (Endsley, 2006).
“for off-loading to be a reliable cognitive strat- If people actually could hold only very limited
egy, individuals must incorporate the external amounts of information in their internal situa-
representations into their operations in a way tion model, they would need to exercise exces-
that increases the likelihood of successful per- sive rates of information sampling and still
formance” (p. 7). Although operators can and would fail, as working memory would be inad-
often do create heuristics and reminders in their equate for holding and integrating all the rele-
work environment to assist them in keeping up vant information in the dynamic and complex
with information and their task status, in my domains where SA is important. The Endsley
view these work methods and cues do not con- 1995 Model provides a detailed discussion of
stitute SA nor substitute for it. The sheer volume how mental models and goals direct effective
of information to be acquired and the mental information sampling and attention in the face of
processing associated with higher levels of SA, heavy data overload, overcoming working
requiring accesses to deeper mental constructs, memory limitations that would exist without
could not be adequately explained by the limited such mental models, and provide mechanisms
numbers of off-loading techniques available. for determining relevance and the meaning of
Chiappe, Rorie et al. (2012) dismiss the role information. It shows that expert SA has access
of mental models, schemata, and scripts for min- to long-term memory stores in an integrated
imizing working memory load because they feel working memory and long-term memory system
the dynamic information comprising SA could that overcomes working memory limitations.
not be a part of long-term memory (LTM). How- Chaippe et al. (2011) also propose that Rele-
ever, the research cited here disputes that view. vance Theory (RT) is needed because they claim
SA of dynamic information by experts is clearly other models fail to describe how information
available far beyond the time limits associated relevance for guiding attention is determined.
with working memory without typical decay The Endsley 1995 Model, however, provides a
effects (Endsley, 1990). And expert SA in a large detailed discussion on how mental models and
number of studies is found to diverge from work- goals serve the function of defining relevance.
ing memory capacity (Gonzalez & Wimisberg, Whether or not RT provides additional explana-
2007; Gutzwiller & Clegg, 2012; Sohn & Doane, tory power to the issue of information relevance
18 March 2015 - Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

is open to debate. Although the logic provided make sense of the information and situations in
(i.e., relevant information is that which is bene- which they find themselves, largely at the orga-
ficial and yields conclusions that matter to the nizational level with respect to explaining orga-
individual) is certainly inarguable, I am not sure nizational accidents or unusual events. Thus, it
that it provides additional benefits to our under- is largely retrospective in nature. Although some
standing of SA. First, it does not provide an a people have tried to claim that sensemaking is
priori way to determine what will be relevant for different than SA, Weick actually references the
a given individual. In contrast, users of the End- Endsley 1995 Model for his description of how SA
sley 1995 Model have been able to use GDTAs functions at the individual cognitive level, focus-
to determine in advance what types of informa- ing more at the organizational level in his work.
tion are relevant for any given operator and Sensemaking is basically “the process of
apply that to better design information systems forming level 2 SA from level 1 data through
for providing it in useful ways. The goal-driven effortful processes of gathering and synthesizing
behaviors, and the mental models that serve information, using story building and mental
them, provide the structures for determining a models to find some representation that accounts
priori what will be relevant and useful for for and explains the disparate data” (Endsley,
addressing the various goals and decisions for 2004, p. 324). There are some similarities and
which a given operational role is responsible. some differences between SA and sensemaking.
Thus, although RT states a definition for what is (1) Although SA is sometimes derived
relevant, it does not clarify the cognitive mecha- through a conscious deliberative process to form
nisms used to determine relevance, nor does it an understanding of what is going on, it is also
provide the means to determine a priori what often based on a highly automatic process of
will be relevant to decision makers to better situation recognition, using schema of prototyp-
design the systems they need. ical situations, that is dynamic and ongoing,
The second aspect of RT theory states that whereas sensemaking is characterized as pri-
people will use minimal effort to acquire and marily of the conscious deliberative type. For
process information. This may be true in gen- instance, Kaempf, Klein, Thordsen, and Wolf
eral, although there are also many instances (1996) found 87% of decision cases involving
where people will exert extra effort to obtain tactical commanders were characterized by fast,
additional confidence in some piece of informa- reflective situation recognition, as opposed to
tion. That is, they may double-check informa- deliberative storybuilding. In this sense, the
tion, acquire a second source to cross-check it, Endsley 1995 Model captures the deliberative
or confer with others to raise their confidence or sensemaking processes, as well as additional
trust in some piece of information, all of which processes that are used in more fluid decision
require additional effort. How confident people making. “A combination of pattern-matching,
are in their SA has consistently turned out to be conscious analysis, story building, mental simu-
important in many operational domains (from lation, and meta-cognitive processes all may be
aviation to military commanders to power grid used by operators at various times to form SA”
operators). If one assumes that the degree of (Endsley, 2000b, p. 15).
information reliability is a part of relevance, (2) Sensemaking is generally backward look-
then one can certainly make the case that this ing, whereas SA is forward looking. Sensemak-
supports taking extra effort to obtain that infor- ing focuses on forming reasons for past events
mation. At this point, it is unclear how much and diagnosing the causative factors for observed
additional predictive power RT provides for faults, which is certainly important given Weick’s
determining information relevance for SA. focus on understanding problems in organiza-
tions. Although SA incorporates such assess-
Sensemaking ments as a part of comprehension (e.g., alarm
Sensemaking is a term popularized by Weick diagnosis and the cause of perceived cues are
(Weick, 1995; Weick, Sutcliffe, & Obstfeld, examples captured as Level 2 SA requirements in
1999) that is focused on how people work to analyses), it also focuses on understanding how
SA Misconceptions and Misunderstandings 19

these factors influence other aspects of the situa- knowledge” (Klein et al., 2007, p. 120). This has
tion and projections of the future. been shown to be a false distinction in Fallacy
For example, a doctor would determine that 3—the Endsley 1995 Model deals extensively
anaphylactic shock (comprehension) is the with the processes involved in developing SA.
underlying cause of observed low blood pressure Second, they state the following: “Our approach
and urticaria (perceptions), possibly due to expo- differs from Endsley in that she is describing
sure to a previously administered drug to which how people notice and make inferences about
the patient was unknowing allergic (Schulz, End- data, whereas we assert that people use their
sley, Kochs, Gelb, & Wagner, 2013). She might frames to define what counts as data in the first
make this assessment using a deliberative pro- place” (Klein et al., 2007, p. 120). This also is a
cess where multiple possibilities are considered, false distinction, as demonstrated in Fallacy:
or she might immediately leap to this conclusion The Endsley 1995 Model describes extensively
based on pattern matching the cues perceived how mental models, goals, and schema drive the
with prototypical situations involving anaphylac- search for data and the integration of that data
tic shock from memory. Whether or not a con- into meaningful assessments. Klein et al.’s use
scious deliberative process is used depends of frames to organize and direct attention to crit-
largely upon whether a successful pattern match ical information provides essentially the same
that satisfies the individual is made quickly the role as the mental models in the Endsley
(based on the presence and mental availability of 1995 Model, inducing information search, inter-
sufficiently similar schema). Whereas sensemak- pretation, and integration. Thus, the sensemak-
ing focuses on only the more deliberative of ing model is not different from the Endsley 1995
these two possibilities, SA theory includes both SA Model in these two respects.
the deliberative and reflexive, automatic case. Third, Klein et al. (2007) claim their model is
(3) Although sensemaking ends with what- different in that “sensemaking is more than an
ever explanations it derives, SA theory also accurate retrieval of information and inferences.
includes how people use those diagnoses and Sensemaking is directed at performing functions
explanations to inform their fuller understanding such as … problem detection, problem identifi-
of the situation (e.g., how the anaphylactic shock cation, anticipatory thinking, forming explana-
is likely to be affecting other organs and vital tions, seeing relationships as well as projecting
signs, such as heart rate and respiration) and the future (which is level 3 of Endsley’s model)”
their projections of likely future events, such as (p. 119). However, the Endsley 1995 Model
the potential for respiratory failure and circula- deals extensively with these issues as well.
tion failure unless an epinephrine injection is Problem detection and identification are often a
provided immediately. Thus, SA is also focused significant part of situation comprehension. Klein
on the effects of events on the rest of the system et al. (2007) use the example of weather forecast-
and the ongoing projection and decision cycle ers needing to determine which are the significant
that occurs in dynamic decision making. storms they need to track for the day. Similarly,
Sensemaking therefore focuses on a subset of Endsley (1995) shows that comprehension and
the processes involved in SA. It does not present projection often focus on detecting and identifying
any unique cognitive processes or aspects from critical problems: “An air traffic controller needs
the perspective of cognitive psychology. Klein to put together information on various traffic pat-
and his colleagues (Klein, Moon, & Hoffman, terns to determine which runways will be free and
2006a; Klein et al., 2007), however, have where there is a potential for collisions. An auto-
recently introduced a Data-Frame model of sen- mobile driver also needs to detect possible future
semaking. Klein et al. (2007) claim that this collisions in order to act effectively, and a flexible
model is different from the Endsley 1995 Model manufacturing system operator needs to predict
of SA on several dimensions. future bottlenecks and unused machines for effec-
First, in comparison to the Endsley 1995 SA tive scheduling” (p. 37).
model, they state that they are interested in “sen- Such problem identification and detection
semaking as a process and not just a state of assessments frequently come up in analyses of
20 March 2015 - Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

Level 2 and 3 SA requirements, which include items on other aspects of the system or relevant
things like (1) infantry platoon leaders—likeli- goals (e.g., impact of weather on terrain pass-
hood of enemy and attack, vulnerability to ability, impact of event on mission, impact of
enemy fire, and impact of weather on ability to hazard on safety, airworthiness of aircraft).
carry out a mission (Matthews et al., 2004); (2) These types of elements are detailed in the spe-
pilots—impact of malfunctions on safety of cific GDTA analyses of SA requirements in each
flight, deviation of altitude from terrain, and suf- domain.
ficiency of fuel to reach destination (Endsley, Anticipatory thinking is also discussed in the
Farley et al., 1998); (3) air traffic controllers— Endsley 1995 Model in numerous ways. It
impact of weather on flight safety, impact of includes preconceptions and expectations as a
malfunctions on communications, impact of air- significant factor in the model that influence (1)
craft requests on separation and safety, amount how attention is directed, (2) speed and accuracy
of separation between aircraft (Endsley & Rodg- of perception, (3) the role of expectations in
ers, 1994); (4) power grid operators—areas of interpreting perceived information, and (4) the
load imbalance, system limit violations, need for role of violated expectations in selecting new
load shedding (Connors et al., 2007); and (5) mental models and in modifying mental models,
weather forecasters—level of threat associated goals, and plans.
with weather conditions (Jones et al., 2003).
These assessments are clearly the key indicators The main clue to erroneous SA will occur
for problem identification and detection, which when a person perceives some new piece
constitute many of the key decisions that show of data that does not fit with expectations
up in GDTA analyses of SA requirements. based on his or her internal model. When
Forming explanations and seeing relation- a person’s expectations do not match with
ships is of course much of what comprehension what is perceived, this conflict can be
(Level 2 SA) is all about. “Comprehension of resolved by adopting a new model, revis-
the situation is based on a synthesis of disjointed ing the existing model, or changing one’s
Level l elements. … Based on knowledge of goals and plans to accommodate the new
Level 1 elements, particularly when put together situation classification. If the new data can
to form patterns with the other elements (gestalt), be incorporated into the model, this may
the decision maker forms a holistic picture of the merely indicate that a new prototypical
environment, comprehending the significance of situation (state of the model) is present
objects and events” (Endsley, 1995, p. 37). that calls up different goals and plans
Comprehension requirements in a given accordingly. If the new data cannot easily
domain are based on the integrated lower level fit into the existing model, the model may
data, showing the “so what” of the information be revised. A common problem is whether
that determines its relevance. Relationships and to continue to revise the existing model
explanations within the data form a key compo- to account for the new data or choose an
nent of these comprehensions. Common com- alternate model that is more appropriate.
prehension items (1) directly compare Level 1 For the latter to occur, something about
elements (e.g., deviation from planned, devia- the data must flag that a different situation
tion from limits, conformance to clearances, is present. (Endsley, 1995, p. 57)
deviations from correct system settings), (2)
form assessments based on integrations of Level The model also includes a discussion of how
1 elements (e.g., distance available on fuel, dis- such expectations are formed, including mental
tance to next turn on route, immediacy of threat, models, prior experiences, instructions, or other
vulnerable areas, confidence level in informa- communications.
tion, coverage areas), (3) determine priorities Other types of anticipatory thinking are also a
(e.g., highest priority threat, highest priority part of Level 3 SA. The importance of projecting
alarm, highest priority weather events), and (4) the future is emphasized throughout the model,
form an understanding of the impact of Level 1 providing a means for proactive decision making.
SA Misconceptions and Misunderstandings 21

I have also emphasized the importance of con- of system functioning and observed system
tingency planning for forming high levels of SA states, and predictions of future states” (Rouse
in a wide variety of domains, including aviation, & Morris, 1985, p. 7). The mental model pro-
driving, medicine, and military operations (End- vides “(a) knowledge of the relevant elements of
sley, 1993b, 1995, 2006; Endsley et al., 2003; the system that can be used in directing attention
Endsley & Robertson, 2000b). “Contingency process, (b) a means of integrating the elements
planning greatly contributes to high levels of SA to form an understanding of their meaning (level
projection (the highest level of SA) and the abil- 2 SA), and (c) a mechanism for projecting future
ity to quickly detect and comprehend events. states of the system based on its current state and
Pilots who do not actively engage in contin- an understanding of its dynamics (level 3 SA)”
gency planning are far more likely to be over- (Endsley, 1995, p. 43). The model also provides
loaded by events in high workload periods” for “schemata linked to the mental model which
(Bolstad, Endsley, Howell, & Costello, 2002, p. are coherent frameworks for understanding
22). information, encompassing highly complex sys-
Therefore, “problem detection, problem iden- tem components, states and functioning” (Ends-
tification, anticipatory thinking, forming expla- ley, 1995, p. 43), and scripts as special cases of
nations, seeing relationships, as well as project- schemata. In this regard, it too is an explanatory
ing the future” are all heavily incorporated structure that defines the relationships between
within the Endsley 1995 Model and research elements.
based upon it. Although I certainly believe there In viewing Table 2, it is apparent that the idea
is ample room for increased research and of a frame is analogous to the concept of a men-
expanded models on these topics, SA clearly tal model in explaining sensemaking behaviors
plays a role in them, and claims that the SA and provides no new or conflicting views of this
model does not address them are overstated. process compared to the Endsley 1995 Model.
So how then is the Klein et al. Data-Frame The Data-Frame model of sensemaking, how-
model of sensemaking actually different than the ever, does not explain many aspects of cognition
Endsley 1995 Model of SA? First, they clearly that the Endsley 1995 Model does, including
state that their sensemaking model is only how such mental models or frames are devel-
focused on deliberate efforts to understand oped and modified, how they are linked to goals
events. It therefore does not apply to the more and plans, how they support active replanning,
dynamic, rapid, and automatic situation assess- how expectations or preconceptions are devel-
ment type behavior associated with dynamic oped and affect the process, and the many task,
systems that the Endsley 1995 Model also cov- system, and environmental factors that can
ers. affect the process.
Table 2 provides a side-by-side comparison Most importantly, however, this model of
of various features of the two models. Although sensemaking tries to separate the conscious
Klein et al. (2007) discuss their model in terms deliberative type of situation understanding
of frames rather than mental models, these two from that which happens rapidly and automati-
concepts are really analogous. They denote a cally in so many cases. Although that might
frame as “an explanatory structure that defines make sense at one level, the reality is that, in
entities by describing their relationship to each many situations, the recognition of when one
other” (Klein et al., 2007, p. 118). They define needs to use a more deliberative process to
stories, maps, scripts, and plans as types of understand the situation is in itself a significant
frames, in the sense that these types of structures part of the process. That is, most of the time
can be used to think about and organize informa- people are using the rapid situation recognition
tion. pattern matching type process that characterizes
In comparison, the Endsley 1995 Model recognition-primed decision making (Klein,
describes mental models as “mechanisms 1993). This is seen in experts of many types—
whereby humans are able to generate descrip- pilots, air traffic controllers, drivers, system
tions of system purpose and form, explanations operators, power grid operators, managers, and
22 March 2015 - Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

Table 2: Comparison of Endsley 1995 Model of SA to Data-Frame Model of Sensemaking

Klein et al. 2006a Model of

Model Components Endsley 1995 Model of SA Sensemaking

Attention to data Mental models determine what data are Frames determine what are
attended to, how they are combined, how meaningful data, shape
they are integrated and interpreted how data are acquired and
Integration of data Mental models determine information Elaborating the frame—process
integration to provide meaning; defaults in involves adding to the frame,
the mental model are used to fill in missing relationship among data
data and direct the search for more details
Misrepresentations Representational errors can occur in which Preserving the frame—people
of data people stick with inaccurate mental models, may try to explain away data
explaining away data that do not fit to fit the frame
Data fitting Pattern matching of data to available models Questioning the frame—detect
used to select model, switch models inconsistencies, anomalies,
judge plausibility, data quality;
selecting new frames that
better fit the data
Mental models for The use of mental models to interpret and The use of mental models
processing integrate the data to form understanding (backward looking) to process
beyond what is presented
Model selection Selection of appropriate mental model or Frame may be inferred from a
schema based on a few critical cues, also few key features (anchoring)
may be goal driven
Mental simulation The use of mental simulation as well as Mental simulation (forward
for projections pattern matching to schema for future looking)
Expertise Novices lack mental models and schema that Experts and novices reason the
are used by experts same way, but experts have
more frames
Development of Based on training and experience; learning Not described
models of categorization and transition functions,
model refinement process for developing
mental models and creating new ones;
Q-morphisms for defaults; inclusion of
confidence levels and uncertainty
Link to goals Goals can drive mental model selection, Not described
information integration, and interpretation;
linkage between goals and mental models
Link to plans Role of goals, SA, and mental models in Not described
development and modification of plans
Expectations Formation of expectations and their effect on Not described
information interpretation
Task/system effects Includes stressors, fatigue, workload, system Not described
design, interface design, and automation
Types of decision Both automatic pattern matching for SA and Conscious deliberative situation
processes conscious deliberative situation assessment assessment only
are considered; role of automaticity
Dynamic Role of top-down and data-driven processing, Not described
processing and attention switching
SA Misconceptions and Misunderstandings 23

physicians. A key activity is recognizing that the be shared among any two or more team members
situation cues presented do not really match well through a comparison of the GDTAs that lay out
or clearly to existing schema or models and that their individual SA requirements.
the person needs to consider alternate possibili- Bolstad et al. (2002), for example, show how
ties for what is going on or may happen. By try- shared SA requirements are determined by com-
ing to divorce the deliberative process from the paring the different SA requirements of two dif-
more automatic process, this key aspect of ferent military staff officers (intelligence and
skilled decision making is lost. logistics). They show that although many Level
The Endsley 1995 Model of SA provides for 1 SA elements needed by these two roles are the
SA as it exists in dynamic decision making, with same, they actually have very different compre-
the full range of mechanisms used for situation hension needs associated with the data. They also
assessment, interpretation (sensemaking), and have many Level 1 SA requirements that are dif-
projection as well as the linkage between situa- ferent from each other. Some of their Level 3 SA
tion representation and plans and actions, and projection needs are the same and some are dif-
addresses how the situation representation ferent. Therefore, supporting shared SA in such a
directs the attention and interpretation processes. team would require ensuring that the correct
A more complete representation of sensemaking Level 1 information is provided to each team
is provided in the Endsley 1995 Model, includ- member and that shared SA information pro-
ing how the underlying mental models and sche- vided across team members includes not only
mata are developed and modified and the ways consistent and correct information on the Level 1
in which the automatic and deliberative types of SA items in common but also many shared pro-
processes fit together. jections that would affect their decision making,
helping to keep them on the same page.
Team SA Salas, Prince, Baker, and Shrestha (1995)
Thus far, the discussion has focused almost provided a model of team SA that shows it as
exclusively on cognitive models of SA at the comprised of both individual SA and team pro-
individual level. Much work over the past 20 cesses. Endsley and Jones (2001) developed a
years also has been conducted on the SA of more detailed model of Team SA, Figure 5, that
teams. Team SA has been defined as “the degree depicts the critical factors that will impact the
to which every team member possess the SA quality of Team SA. This model includes:
needed for his or her job” (Endsley, 1995,
p. 39). In this sense, it means that each member (1) Team SA Requirements—including sharing of
of a team needs to have the SA he or she need the Level 1, 2, and 3 SA elements that are in
for his or her specific duties in order for the common across team members, the status of
team to be successful. It is not sufficient if one other team members’ tasks on oneself, the sta-
person in the team has the needed SA, but that tus of own tasks on others, the impact of one’s
information is not successfully transmitted to actions on others and vice versa, and projec-
another team member who needs it, as a critical tions of the actions of other team members. This
error can result. information is all pertinent to the ability of the
A related concept, shared SA, is defined as team to coordinate its actions.
“the degree to which team members have the (2) Team SA Devices—The model lays out many
same SA on shared SA requirements” (Endsley devices that may be used by teams to form
& Jones, 2001, p. 48). In this definition, team Team SA. This includes communications (both
members do not need to share everything they verbal and nonverbal), shared displays (visual
know, which would constitute overload, but only displays, auditory or other displays), and infor-
those informational needs that they have in com- mation perceived directly by the individuals by
mon, as a function of their overlapping goals. being in a shared environment. In many cases,
Endsley and Jones (2001) and Endsley and Jones only a subset of these devices may be pres-
(2012) describe a detailed process for determin- ent, funneling information sharing into a nar-
ing the overlapping SA requirements that need to row bandwidth (e.g., verbal communications).
24 March 2015 - Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

Team SA Requirements
 Data Team SA Devices
• System
• Environment  Communications
• Other team members • Verbal
 Comprehension • Non-verbal
• Status relevant to own goals/ requirements  Shared Displays
• Status relevant to otherbs goals/requirements • Visual
• Impact of own actions/changes on others • Audio
• Impact of otherbs actions on self & mission • Other
 Projection  Shared Environment
• Actions of team members

Team SA Mechanisms Team SA Processes

DATA DATA • Checked against others at each step
Mental Mental Mental • To get information from each other
Model Model Model
A B  Prioritized
SA SA SA • Set-up contingencies
• Re-joining
SHARED MENTAL  Questioning
• As a group

Figure 5. Model of Team SA (Endsley & Jones, 2001).

Bolstad and Endsley (2000) found that when (4) Team SA processes—a great deal of research
new devices are introduced (e.g., shared visual has been done to describe the effective (and
displays), there can be a significant shift in ineffective) processes used by teams to form
reliance on other devices, showing that people SA (Chidester, Kanki, Foushee, Dickinson,
make tradeoffs between them. & Bowles, 1990; Cooke et al., 2003; Endsley
(3) Team SA Mechanisms—Teams are not solely & Robertson, 2000a; Orasanu, 1990, 1995;
reliant on direct information sharing through Orasanu & Salas, 1993; Prince & Salas, 1993,
SA devices, however, but also can benefit from 1998; Prince, Salas, & Stout, 1995; Taylor, End-
the presence of certain mechanisms that facili- sley, & Henderson, 1996). Although this litera-
tate the development of shared SA. Specifi- ture base is too extensive to summarize here,
cally, shared mental models have been shown to it is important to point out that the processes
improve the degree of shared SA in teams (Bol- teams use to interact and share information are
stad & Endsley, 1999; Cannon-Bowers, Salas, critical to the development of good individual
& Converse, 1993; Stout, Cannon-Bowers, & SA and shared SA within teams.
Salas, 1996). Orasanu and Salas (1993) describe
the ways in which shared mental models can Over the past 20 years, a substantial body of
be developed. Jones (1997) found that 44% of research has investigated how SA is formed (or
aircraft accidents happen on the first leg of the not formed) in teams, methods for determining
first day when a captain and first officer initially shared SA requirements across team members,
fly together as a team, when good shared men- and a determination of how to best support SA in
tal models may have not yet been developed. team operations through the design of shared
Mosier and Chidester (1991) found that teams displays and their features (Endsley et al., 2003;
with shared mental models needed less verbal Endsley & Jones, 2012). This work has been
communications. Thus, shared mental models, applied to aviation, maintenance, military, and
when they exist and are accurate, can facili- power grid operations teams who are co-located
tate the development of shared SA in teams, and many who are distributed. Endsley and
reducing dependence communication and other Jones (2001) define Distributed SA (DSA) as
shared SA devices. “SA in teams in which members are separated
SA Misconceptions and Misunderstandings 25

by distance, time and/or obstacles.” They point •• Fallacy 7: The model only represents an “in the
out that, despite these challenges, the SA needs head” view of the world and does not encompass
of the team members are the same as when they the wider sociotechnical environment.
are collocated, but are made much more difficult
to achieve as many shared SA devices (e.g., non- Each of these claims has already been shown
verbal communications, shared displays, shared to be incorrect. In addition, while primarily
mental models) may not be present. discussing a model of SA that occurs among
distributed teams, these statements refer almost
DSA exclusively to models of individual SA for
The Endsley and Jones 2001 Team SA Model comparison and mostly ignore existing team SA
needs to be contrasted with another recent models and the extensive research on team SA
theory called DSA being promoted by Salmon, conducted by myself and others.
Stanton, and colleagues (Salmon et al., 2008; After discounting their basis for the DSA
Salmon et al., 2012; Sorensen et al., 2010; Stan- model, the question may be asked, What is new
ton et al., 2010; Stanton et al., 2006; Stanton, and how does it compare? There are several
Harrison, Taylor-Burge, & Porter, 2000). This potential differences between the DSA model
model is quite different than the DSA described and the Endsley and Jones 2001 Team SA
above in that it depicts SA as being distributed Model.
in the world. That is: (1) First, the implication of describing SA as
“an emergent system property” that is distrib-
in looking at the construct of SA in this uted across the system is that it essentially is
manner, it is assumed that the team’s viewed as sufficient as long as the needed SA is
awareness of the situation is distributed distributed somewhere in the system (with
throughout the joint system comprising another team member, on a display, in a report).
team members and the artifacts that they The Endsley and Jones 2001 Team SA Model,
are using. No one member has the over- on the other hand, says it is not sufficient that
all SA, rather it is distributed around the information is out there somewhere if the person
system. The main difference between indi- who needs it is not aware of it. This is a funda-
vidual and team models of SA and DSA mental difference between the two models.
approaches relate to the treatment of SA “It does not matter if the individual human
as a cognitive construct or as a systems agents do not know everything, provided that
construct. Individual and team models the system has the information” (Stanton et al.,
suggest that SA exists in the mind of indi- 2010, p. 34). They provide the example of a pilot
viduals, whereas DSA approaches view who presets 4 speed bugs to show the required
SA as an emergent property or a product speed of the aircraft at different points along the
of the system itself. (Salmon et al., 2008, approach. “Clearly, the pilots are no longer
p. 313) required to remember the speed settings of the
aircraft and, if asked via SAGAT or any other
The rationale provided for the DSA model is means, they would be unable to report the set-
largely pinned on an inaccurate understanding of tings” (p. 35). I believe this example is seriously
the Endsley 1995 Model of SA, as discussed flawed and is not supported by research. Pilots
earlier, including: will tell you that they do indeed need to know
their approximate speed and further are able to
•• Fallacy 1: The three levels of SA are linear. do so quite accurately via SAGAT (Endsley,
•• Fallacy 2: The model is a data-driven information- 1989; Endsley, Farley et al., 1998). The fact that
processing model. they have aids that assist them with determining
•• Fallacy 3: The product versus process distinction. their desired speed does not obviate this need.
•• Fallacy 4: The model of SA is not cyclical or To the larger point, Stanton et al. (2010) state
dynamic. that “the concern is that by focusing solely in the
•• Fallacy 6: SA is all contained in working memory. individual mind or solely on the environment,
26 March 2015 - Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

much is missed in the understanding of the dis- failed to monitor their altitude due to attentional
tributed and dynamic nature of SA in socio-tech- narrowing on a warning light, the critical loss of
nical systems. Even Endsley and colleagues do SA resulted in a fatal crash for all aboard
not object to the idea that SA can be distributed (National Transportation Safety Board, 1984).
amongst human agents, so why not technologi- Just knowing where the altimeter was located
cal agents?” (p. 37). I have no problem in recog- and that they could look at any time was clearly
nizing that data reside throughout the system, in not sufficient.
both human and technological artifacts, and that Many failures of SA are described in Jones
an interesting set of processes occurs in gather- and Endsley (1996). In all of these cases, the
ing and using that information. Studies of scan problem was not that the individual did not
patterns and communications, for instance, have know where to find the needed information
long examined just that. However, I do not call amongst his fellow teammates or systems, it is
such data, residing in a report or a display or an that the information failed to be known by the
electronic system, “situation awareness.” Inani- person who needed it, resulting in a significant
mate objects do not have “awareness” of the performance problem or accident. Challenges
situation or of anything else. They are simply such as task-related distractions, overreliance on
repositories from which human decision makers automation, vigilance failures, forgetting key
may gather information of various types, through information, and poorly presented information
various means at various times. caused SA failures, as did the lack of good men-
Salmon et al. confuse sources of SA (dis- tal models for correctly interpreting and project-
plays, computers, and other artifacts) with SA ing based on data that were perceived. The prob-
itself, stating that the SA is in the artifact. This lem and challenges that serve to prevent suc-
would only hold true if the artifact were itself a cessful information sharing in teams (both
cognizant and independent decision maker. collocated and distributed teams) need to be
Information that exists in the environment, but dealt with to provide effective SA in teams,
which the decision maker is not aware of is by which the DSA model fails to accomplish with
definition not SA. In a study of SA errors, Jones this view point.
and Endsley (1996) found that 30% of Level 1 Even where automated systems are present
SA errors were in cases where all the informa- that ostensibly have the responsibility for SA
tion was present in their displays, but the opera- and decision making involving the tasks under
tor failed to detect it for one reason or another. their purview, operators still need to have high-
(This was the single highest causal factor associ- level SA of the state of the automation and the
ated with SA errors.) The ability to dynamically systems under its control in order to know
gather and update mentally one’s understanding whether they need to intervene or not (Endsley,
of the world and the system one is operating, 1996; Endsley & Kiris, 1995; Sarter, 2008; Sar-
particularly in worlds where information over- ter & Woods, 1995; Wiener & Curry, 1980).
load is a primary challenge, is critical and funda- Out-of-the-loop performance problems that
mental to having good SA and being able to leave operators with poor SA, slow to detect and
make accurate, timely decisions. Simply relegat- to diagnose automation problems and failures,
ing parts of the problem to “external resources” have been highly documented as a critical per-
that have to get sampled appropriately fails to formance problem in many systems (Endsley &
create a model that accounts for this critical Kaber, 1996; Kaber & Endsley, 1997b, 2004;
aspect of successful SA. Parasuraman & Riley, 1997; Wiener & Curry,
Although certainly one does need to know 1980; Young, 1969). A model that holds that
where to find information to be successful, that some of the SA is in the automation fails to
knowledge alone is not sufficient in dynamic account for the very real SA needs of the opera-
systems. For example, I know exactly where my tors and the difficulties in obtaining it in modern
speedometer is, but if I fail to monitor it I will systems. With most automated systems, the indi-
still get a ticket when the police officer stops me vidual operator must have sufficient SA to over-
for speeding. When the flight crew of an L1011 see and intervene when needed.
SA Misconceptions and Misunderstandings 27

Although one could postulate that one day we ber SA acquisition at a basic level, but it is debat-
may have computer systems that are intelligent able whether it fully supports team SA acquisi-
enough to have “situation models” analogous to tion. It is the contention of our DSA model that
human SA, as long as a human being has the presenting it in a manner that supports different
requirement to have overall responsibility for team member views goes further to support DSA
the performance of the system, he or she will across the collaborative system” (p. 77). They
need to have the SA required to insure that the make much of the fact that people need the indi-
computer models are performing correctly. vidual SA required for their jobs as well as
When a human no longer has that responsibility, shared SA, and that people will draw different
then human SA will be moot and the automatons projections and understandings from even the
can take over. But I do not think this will be hap- same Level 1 data, saying this is an important
pening any time in the near future in most com- difference, yet this is exactly what the Endsley
plex and safety-critical systems. and Jones 2001 Team SA model also prescribe,
Despite an extensive discussion focused on and what was empirically demonstrated by Bol-
how they believe SA is distributed across the stad and Endsley (1999).
system, they also state that “viewing the system For example, Bolstad, Riley et al. (2002)
as a whole, it does not matter if humans or tech- show in detail the ways in which different team
nology own this information, just that the right members have unique SA needs, some portion
information is activated and passed to the right of which are in common, and the ways in which
agent at the right time” (Stanton et al., 2010, p. team members need to draw different Level 2
34). This statement then does agree with the and 3 SA, from even the same basic data. The
Endsley 1995 Model. So what is really different Team SA model also shows how people can be
then? In my view, the DSA model fails to pro- consistent and inconsistent on those shared SA
vide information on the cognitive mechanisms requirements and the ways in which displays
(or team mechanism) that are important in assur- need to be tailored to support both individual
ing that the needed information does get to the and shared SA. “The analyses also indicate that
person who needs it (making sure the appropri- a single display will not meet the needs of all the
ate agent has the information when he or she brigade officers and therefore such displays
needs it). need to be tailored to each officer, yet provide a
(2) Second, the DSA model tries to differenti- window into the relevant SA of other officers in
ate the types of SA that may or may not be shared the team” (Bolstad, Riley et al., 2002, p. 474).
in the system. “Agents therefore have different Salmon et al.’s (2010) statements that the DSA
SA for the same situation, but their SA can be model is unique in this respect are inaccurate.
overlapping, compatible and complementary (3) Third, the DSA model emphasizes that
and deficiencies in one agent’s SA can be com- transactions are needed for one agent to update
pensated by another agent” (Salmon et al., 2008, his or her SA with other agents. “Transactions
p. 313). Although Salmon et al. claim this is as a are used to explain the information exchange
unique aspect of the model, in fact the Endsley between two agents in a system, one agent
and Jones 2001 Team SA Model describes in requesting information and the other agent sup-
detail the ways in which SA in teams needs to be plying information to meet that request” (Stan-
shared and consistent for overlapping SA ton, 2010, p. 3). This, however, is also not novel.
requirements, and the ways in which it can be The Endsley and Jones 2001Team SA Model
different (complementary) on other SA require- details the many ways in which such transac-
ments, and provide methods for making that tions can be made, through team SA devices,
determination (Bolstad, Riley et al., 2002; Ends- team SA mechanisms, and effective team SA
ley, Hansman, & Farley, 1998). processes, and they and other authors provide
Salmon, Stanton, Walker, Jenkins, and Raf- detailed examples of such transactions (Chute &
ferty (2010) state that “merely presenting this Wiener, 1996; Gorman, Cooke, Pederson, Con-
information in the same manner (as advocated nor, & DeJoode, 2005; McDermott, Luck, Allen-
by the shared SA view) may enable team mem- der, & Fisher, 2005). Although there is nothing
28 March 2015 - Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

wrong with examining such interactions, they to “possessing part of the SA” such issues would
provide only a limited depiction of the processes become unimportant. In my opinion, the DSA
involved. DSA also does not account for much model fails to provide guidance on making
of SA that occurs silently—viewing, listening, information presentation more effective for
and perceiving within the workspace—without building individual or team SA.
observable or explicit communications or The Endsley 1995 Model of SA, in contrast,
interactions. provides a detailed model of the cognitive pro-
So many of the features that DSA claims are cesses involved in SA that have led to some 50
new, corrections for the failure of previous mod- design guidelines for improving information
els of SA, do not appear to be unique at all. Fur- presentation in systems to support SA, including
ther, the DSA model fails to deal with many fac- six directed specifically at improving SA in team
tors relevant to SA in teams. It provides no operations based on the Endsley and Jones 2001
description or mechanisms for how team mem- Team SA Model. Based on these models,
bers share relevant information in complex detailed procedures for objectively measuring
domains. How do they know who needs what individual and shared SA in teams have been
information when and at what level to share that developed. In addition, others have provided
information? How do people derive higher level extensive research designed to measure individ-
SA from the data they share, and how can this be ual and team SA processes (Bolstad et al., 2007;
improved across teams? How do they know Cannon-Bowers et al., 1993; Chute & Wiener,
when to get information from the various sources 1996; Cooke et al., 2003; Cuevas, Jones, &
in which it resides? The DSA model does not Mossey, 2011; Gorman et al., 2005; Jones &
provide insight on such processes used in teams. Endsley, 2002; Mosier & Chidester, 1991;
How to insure that the right information does Orasanu, 1990; Salas et al., 1995; Scielzo,
get to the right agent at the right time is not Strater, Tinsley, Ungvarsky, & Endsley, 2009).
addressed. Describing the physical actions it This literature base provides a detailed and use-
takes to push the sequence of buttons to bring up ful understanding of team SA and how to sup-
the right displays (an example of a DSA analy- port it.
sis, Sorenson et al., 2010) does not address the
fundamental challenges associated with multi- Conclusion
tasking across competing goals, recognizing the Over the past 25 years, the construct of
significance of a piece of data, combining infor- SA has moved from revolutionary newcomer
mation across multiple sources, or knowing to the mainstream. Numerous articles have
which displays to access upon receipt of a new been written on what it is and how it works
piece of information. It does not address the fun- cognitively, based primarily on research in
damental challenges of arriving at an under- ecologically valid settings with experts. The SA
standing of the significance of a piece of data or construct evolved in real-world environments
the processes by which projections of the near where pilots struggled to keep up with the rap-
future are made to enable proactive decision idly changing information provided by a myriad
making. of sensors, displays, and new technologies and
In the DSA model, as long as the data are the complexity and challenges of the flight
there somewhere, that is sufficient, no matter environment, and has spread to a wide variety
how they are displayed or presented. Yet some of domains that struggle with many of the same
60 years of research in the human factors field challenges. Initial questions about SA have been
shows this not to be true. How information is largely laid to rest, and substantive research has
presented is highly critical to its readability, been conducted in the intervening years. Recent
understandability, and accessibility, thus affect- attempts to provide new models of SA provide
ing human perception, cognition, and perfor- a number of misconceptions regarding the Ends-
mance. The authors do not deny this fact, yet the ley 1995 Model of SA. These inaccuracies have
model itself also does not effectively account for been addressed here. Although valid disagree-
its importance. By relegating external artifacts ments will continue to exist on how various
SA Misconceptions and Misunderstandings 29

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Bolstad, C. A., Riley, J. M., Jones, D. G., & Endsley, M. R. (2002). In S. Banbury & S. Tremblay (Eds.), A cognitive approach to
Using goal directed task analysis with Army brigade officer situation awareness: Theory, measurement and application.
teams. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 46th Annual Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing.
Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Santa Durso, F. T., Bleckley, M. K., & Dattel, A. R. (2006). Does situa-
Monica, CA. tion awareness add to the validity of cognitive tests? Human
Cannon-Bowers, J. A., Salas, E., & Converse, S. (1993). Shared Factors, 48(4), 721-733.
mental models in expert team decision making. In N. J. Castel- Durso, F. T., & Gronlund, S. D. (1999). Situation awareness. In F.
lan (Ed.), Current issues in individual and group decision mak- T. Durso, R. Nickerson, R. Schvaneveldt, S. Dumais, S. Lind-
ing (pp. 221-247). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum. say, & M. Chi (Eds.), Handbook of applied cognition (pp. 284-
Caretta, T. S., Perry, D. C., & Ree, M. J. (1996). Prediction of situ- 314). New York: Wiley.
ational awareness in F-15 pilots. International Journal of Avia- Endsley, M. R. (1988). Design and evaluation for situation awareness
tion Psychology, 6(1), 21-41. enhancement. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Human
Carmody, M. A., & Gluckman, J. P. (1993). Task specific effects of Factors Society 32nd Annual Meeting, Santa Monica, CA.
automation and automation failure on performance, workload Endsley, M. R. (1989). Tactical simulation 3 test report: Addendum
and situational awareness. Paper presented at the Proceedings 1 situation awareness evaluations (81203033R). Hawthorne,
of the Seventh International Symposium on Aviation Psychol- CA: Northrop Corporation.
ogy, Columbus, OH. Endsley, M. R. (1990). A methodology for the objective measure-
Casson, R. W. (1983). Schema in cognitive anthropology. Annual ment of situation awareness Situational Awareness in Aero-
Review of Anthropology, 12, 429-462. space Operations (AGARD-CP-478) (pp. 1/1-1/9). Neuilly
Chiappe, D. L., Rorie, R. C., Moran, C. A., & Vu, K. P. L. (2012). A Sur Seine, France: NATO–AGARD.
situated approach to the acquisition of shared SA in team con- Endsley, M. R. (1993a). Situation awareness and workload: Flip
texts. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, iFirst, 1-19. sides of the same coin. Paper presented at the Proceedings of
Chiappe, D. L., Strybel, T. Z., & Vu, K. P. L. (2011). Mechanisms the Seventh International Symposium on Aviation Psychology,
for the acquistion of situation awareness in situated agents. Columbus, OH.
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 13(6), 625-647. Endsley, M. R. (1993b). A survey of situation awareness require-
Chiappe, D. L., Vu, K. P. L., & Strybel, T. Z. (2012). Situation ments in air-to-air combat fighters. International Journal of
awareness in the NextGen air traffic management system. Aviation Psychology, 3(2), 157-168.
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 28(2), Endsley, M. R. (1995). Toward a theory of situation awareness in
140-151. dynamic systems. Human Factors, 37(1), 32-64.
Chidester, T. R., Kanki, B. G., Foushee, H. C., Dickinson, C. L., & Endsley, M. R. (1996). Automation and situation awareness. In R.
Bowles, S. V. (1990). Personality factors in flight operations: Parasuraman & M. Mouloua (Eds.), Automation and human
30 March 2015 - Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

performance: Theory and applications (pp. 163-181). Mah- Endsley, M. R., & Rodgers, M. D. (1994). Situation awareness
wah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. information requirements for en route air traffic control. Paper
Endsley, M. R. (1999). Situation awareness in aviation systems. In presented at the Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergo-
D. J. Garland, J. A. Wise, & V. D. Hopkin (Eds.), Human fac- nomics Society 38th Annual Meeting, Santa Monica, CA.
tors in aviation systems (pp. 257-276). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Endsley, M. R., & Rodgers, M. D. (1998). Distribution of attention,
Erlbaum. situation awareness, and workload in a passive air traffic con-
Endsley, M. R. (2000a). Situation models: An avenue to the model- trol task: Implications for operational errors and automation.
ing of mental models. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Air Traffic Control Quarterly, 6(1), 21-44.
14th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Asso- Ericsson, K. A., & Kintsch, W. (1995). Long term working mem-
ciation and the 44th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and ory. Psychological Review, 102, 211-245.
Ergonomics Society, Santa Monica, CA. Flach, J. M. (1995). Situation awareness: Proceed with caution.
Endsley, M. R. (2000b). Theoretical underpinnings of situation Human Factors, 37(1), 149-157.
awareness: A critical review. In M. R. Endsley & D. J. Garland Golightly, D., Wilson, J. R., Lowe, E., & Sharples, S. (2010). The
(Eds.), Situation awareness analysis and measurement (pp. 3- role of situation awareness for understanding signalling and
32). Mahwah, NJ: LEA. control in rail operations. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics
Endsley, M. R. (2004). Situation awareness: Progress and direc- Science, 11(1-2), 84-98.
tions. In S. Banbury & S. Tremblay (Eds.), A cognitive Gonzalez, C., & Wimisberg, J. (2007). Sitaution awareness in
approach to situation awareness: Theory, measurement and dynamic decision making: Effects of practice and working
application (pp. 317-341). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing. memory. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Mak-
Endsley, M. R. (2006). Expertise and situation awareness. In K. A. ing, 1(1), 56-74.
Ericsson, N. Charness, P. J. Feltovich, & R. R. Hoffman (Eds.), Gorman, J. C., Cooke, N. J., Pederson, H. K., Connor, O. O., &
The Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance DeJoode, J. A. (2005). Coordinated awareness of situation by
(pp. 633-651). New York: Cambridge University Press. teams (CAST): Measuring team situation awareness of a com-
Endsley, M. R., & Bolstad, C. A. (1994). Individual differences munications glitch. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the
in pilot situation awareness. International Journal of Aviation Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 49th Annual Meeting,
Psychology, 4(3), 241-264. Santa Monica, CA.
Endsley, M. R., Bolte, B., & Jones, D. G. (2003). Designing for Gugerty, L. J., & Tirre, W. C. (2000). Individual differences in
situation awareness: An approach to human-centered design. situation awareness. In M. R. Endsley & D. J. Garland (Eds.),
London: Taylor & Francis. Situation awareness analysis and measurement (pp. 249-276).
Endsley, M. R., Farley, T. C., Jones, W. M., Midkiff, A. H., & Hans- Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
man, R. J. (1998). Situation awareness information require- Gutzwiller, R. S., & Clegg, B. A. (2012). The role of working
ments for commercial airline pilots (ICAT-98-1). Cambridge, memory in levels of situation awareness. Journal of Cognitive
MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology International Cen- Engineering and Decision Making, 7(2), 141-154.
ter for Air Transportation. Horswill, M. S., & McKenna, F. P. (2004). Drivers hazard percep-
Endsley, M. R., Hansman, R. J., & Farley, T. C. (1998). Shared tion ability: Situation awareness on the road. In S. Banbury &
situation awareness in the flight deck—ATC system. Paper pre- S. Tremblay (Eds.), A cognitive approach to situation aware-
sented at the Proceedings of the AIAA/IEEE/SAE 17th Digital ness: Theory, measurement and application (pp. 155-174).
Avionics Systems Conference, Bellevue, WA. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing.
Endsley, M. R., & Jones, D. G. (2012). Designing for situation Jones, D. G., & Endsley, M. R. (1996). Sources of situation aware-
awareness: An approach to human-centered design (2nd ed.). ness errors in aviation. Aviation, Space and Environmental
London: Taylor & Francis. Medicine, 67(6), 507-512.
Endsley, M. R., & Jones, W. M. (2001). A model of inter- and Jones, D. G., & Endsley, M. R. (2002). Measurement of shared
intrateam situation awareness: Implications for design, train- SA in teams: In initial investigation (SATech-02-05). Marietta,
ing and measurement. In M. McNeese, E. Salas, & M. Endsley GA: SA Technologies.
(Eds.), New trends in cooperative activities: Understanding Jones, D. G., Quoetone, E. M., Ferree, J. T., Magsig, M. A., &
system dynamics in complex environments (pp. 46-67). Santa Bunting, W. F. (2003). An initial investigation into the cogni-
Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. tive processes underlying mental projection. Paper presented at
Endsley, M. R., & Kaber, D. K. (1996). Level of automation the Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
effects on peformance, situation awareness and workload in 47th Annual Meeting, Santa Monica, CA.
a dynamic control task. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University. Jones, R. E. T., Strater, L. D., Riley, J. M., Connors, E. S., & Ends-
Endsley, M. R., & Kiris, E. O. (1995). The out-of-the-loop per- ley, M. R. (2009). Assessing automation for aviation personnel
formance problem and level of control in automation. Human using a predictive model of SA. Paper presented at the AIAA
Factors, 37(2), 381-394. Space 2009 Conference and Exposition, Reston, VA.
Endsley, M. R., & Robertson, M. M. (1996). Team situation aware- Jones, W. M. (1997). Enhancing team situation awareness: Aiding
ness in aviation maintenance. Paper presented at the Proceed- pilots in forming initial mental models of team members. Paper
ings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and presented at the Proceedings of the Ninth International Sympo-
Ergonomics Society, Santa Monica, CA. sium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH.
Endsley, M. R., & Robertson, M. M. (2000a). Situation awareness Kaber, D. B., & Endsley, M. R. (1997a). The combined effect of
in aircraft maintenance teams. International Journal of Indus- level of automation and adaptive automation on human perfor-
trial Ergonomics, 26, 301-325. mance with complex, dynamic control systems. Paper presented
Endsley, M. R., & Robertson, M. M. (2000b). Training for situation at the Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Soci-
awareness in individuals and teams. In M. R. Endsley & D. ety 41st Annual Meeting, Santa Monica, CA.
J. Garland (Eds.), Situation awareness analysis and measure- Kaber, D. B., & Endsley, M. R. (1997b). Out-of-the-loop per-
ment. Mahwah, NJ: LEA. formance problems and the use of intermediate levels of
SA Misconceptions and Misunderstandings 31

automation for improved control system functioning and Viable empirically supported cognitive engineering constructs.
safety. Process Safety Progress, 16(3), 126-131. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 2(2),
Kaber, D. B., & Endsley, M. R. (2004). The effects of level of 140-160.
automation and adaptive automation on human performance, Patrick, J., & Morgan, P. L. (2010). Approaches to understand-
situation awareness and workload in a dynamic control task. ing, analysis and developing situation awareness. Theoretical
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomic Science, 5(2), 113-153. Issues in Ergonomics Science, 11(1-2), 41-57.
Kaempf, G. L., Klein, G. A., Thordsen, M. L., & Wolf, S. (1996). Prince, C., & Salas, E. (1993). Training and research for teamwork
Decision making in complex naval command and control envi- in the military aircrew. In E. Wiener, B. Kannki, & R. Helm-
ronments. Human Factors, 38(2), 220-231. reich (Eds.), Cockpit resource management (pp. 337-365). San
Klein, G. A. (1993). A recognition primed decision (RPD) model Diego, CA: Academic Press.
of rapid decision making. In G. A. Klein, J. Orasanu, R. Calde- Prince, C., & Salas, E. (1998). Situation assessment for routine
rwood, & C. E. Zsambok (Eds.), Decision making in action: flight and decision making. International Journal of Cognitive
Models and methods (pp. 138-147). Norwood, NJ: Ablex. Ergonomics, 1(4), 315-324.
Klein, G. A., Moon, B., & Hoffman, R. R. (2006a). Making sense Prince, C., Salas, E., & Stout, R. (1995). Situation awareness:
of sensemaking 2: A macrocognitive model. IEEE Intelligent Team measures, training methods. In D. J. Garland & M. R.
Systems, 21(5), 88-92. Endsley (Eds.), Experimental analysis and measurement of
Klein, G. A., Moon, B., & Hoffman, R. T. (2006b). Making sense situation awareness. Daytona Beach, FL: Embry-Riddle Uni-
of sensemaking 1: Alternative perspectives. IEEE Intelligent versity Press.
Systems, 21(4), 70-73. Riley, J. M., Strater, L. D., Sethumadhavan, A., Davis, F., Tharana-
Klein, G. A., Phillips, J. K., Rall, E. L., & Peluso, D. A. (2007). than, A., & Kokini, C. (2008). Performance and situation aware-
A data-frame theory of sensemaking. In R. T. Hoffman (Ed.), ness effects in collaborative robot control with automation. Paper
Expertise out of context: Proceedings of the 6th International presented at the Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonom-
Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making (pp. 113-156). ics Society 52nd Annual Meeting, Santa Monica, CA.
New York: Psychology Press. Rouse, W. B., & Morris, N. M. (1985). On looking into the black
Lee, J. D., Cassano-Pinche, A., & Vicente, K. J. (2005). Biometric box: Prospects and limits in the search for mental models
analysis of Human Factors (1970-2000): A quantitative descrip- (DTIC #AD-A159080). Atlanta, GA: Center for Man-Machine
tion of scientific impact. Human Factors, 47(4), 753-766. Systems Research, Georgia Institute of Technology.
Matthews, M. D., Strater, L. D., & Endsley, M. R. (2004). Situation Salas, E., Prince, C., Baker, D. P., & Shrestha, L. (1995). Sitaution
awareness requirements for infantry platoon leaders. Military awareness in team performance: Implications for measurement
Psychology, 16(3), 149-161. and training. Human Factors, 37(1), 123-136.
McDermott, P., Luck, J., Allender, L., & Fisher, A. (2005). Effec- Salmon, P., Stanton, N., Walker, G., Baber, C., Jenkins, D., McMas-
tive human to human communication of information provided ter, R., & Young, M. (2008). What is really going on? Review
by an unmanned vehicle. Paper presented at the Proceedings of situation awareness models for individuals and teams. Theo-
of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 49th Annual retical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 9(4), 297-323.
Meeting, Santa Monica, CA. Salmon, P., Stanton, N., & Young, M. (2012). Situation awareness
Mosier, K. L., & Chidester, T. R. (1991). Situation assessment and on the road: Review, theoretical and methodological issues,
situation awareness in a team setting. In Y. Queinnec & F. Dan- and future directions. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Sci-
iellou (Eds.), Designing for everyone (pp. 798-800). London: ence, 13(4), 472-492.
Taylor and Francis. Salmon, P. M., Stanton, N. A., Walker, G. H., Jenkins, D. P., &
National Transportation Safety Board. (1984). Aircraft Accidents Rafferty, L. (2010). Is it really better to share? Distributed situ-
Report, Eastern Air Lines, Inc., L-1011, Miami, Florida, May ation awareness and its implications for collaborative system
5, 1983. Washington, DC: Author. design. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 11(1-2), 58-83.
Nisbett, R. E., & Wilson, T. D. (1977). Telling more than we can Sarter, N. (2008). Investigating mode errors on automated flight
know: Verbal reports on mental processes. Psychological decks: Illustrating the problem-driven, cumulative, and inter-
Review, 84(3), 231-259. disciplinary nature of human factors research. Human Factors,
O’Brien, K. S., & O’Hare, D. (2007). Situational awareness abil- 50(3), 506-510.
ity and cognitive skills training in a complex real-world task. Sarter, N. B., & Woods, D. D. (1991). Situation awareness: A criti-
Ergonomics, 50(7), 1064-1091. cal but ill-defined phenomenon. The International Journal of
Orasanu, J. (1990, July). Shared mental models and crew decision Aviation Psychology, 1(1), 45-57.
making. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 12th Annual Sarter, N. B., & Woods, D. D. (1995). "How in the world did I ever
Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Cambridge, MA. get into that mode": Mode error and awareness in supervisory
Orasanu, J. (1995). Situation awareness: Its role in flight crew control. Human Factors, 37(1), 5-19.
decision making. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Schulz, C. M., Endsley, M. R., Kochs, E. F., Gelb, A. W., & Wag-
Eigth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, ner, K. J. (2013). Situation awareness in anesthesia. Anesthesi-
Columbus, OH. ology, 118(3), 729-742.
Orasanu, J., & Salas, E. (1993). Team decision making in complex Scielzo, S., Strater, L. D., Tinsley, M. L., Ungvarsky, D. M., &
environments. In G. A. Klein, J. Orasanu, R. Calderwood, & Endsley, M. R. (2009). Developng a subjective shared situa-
C. E. Zsambok (Eds.), Decision making in action: Models and tion awareness inventory for teams. Paper presented at the Pro-
methods (pp. 327-345). Norwood, NJ: Ablex. ceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 53rd
Parasuraman, R., & Riley, V. (1997). Humans and automation: Use, Annual Meeting, Santa Monica, CA.
misuse, disuse and abuse. Human Factors, 39(2), 230-253. Smith, K., & Hancock, P. A. (1995). Situation awareness is adap-
Parasuraman, R., Sheridan, T. B., & Wickens, C. D. (2008). Situ- tive, externally directed consciousness. Human Factors, 37(1),
ation awareness, mental workload and trust in automation: 137-148.
32 March 2015 - Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

Sohn, Y. W., & Doane, S. M. (2004). Memory processes of flight Uhlarik, J., & Comerford, D. A. (2002). A review of situation
situation awareness: Interactive roles of working memory awareness literature relevant to pilot surveillance functions
capacity, long-term working memory and expertise. Human (DOT/FAA/AM-02/3). Washington, DC: Federal Aviation
Factors, 46(3), 461-475. Administration.
Sorensen, L. J., Stanton, N., & Banks, A. P. (2010). Back to SA school: Weick, K. E. (1995). Sensemaking in organizations. Thousand
Contrasting three approaches to situation awareness in the cock- Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
pit. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 12(6), 451-471. Weick, K. E., Sutcliffe, K. M., & Obstfeld, D. (1999). Organiz-
Stanton, N. (2010). Situation awareness: Where have we been, ing for high reliability: Processes of collective mindfulness.
where are we now and where are we going? Theoretical Issues Research in Organizational Behavior, 21, 81-123.
in Ergonomics Science, 11(1-2), 1-6. Wickens, C. D. (1992). Workload and situation awareness: An
Stanton, N., Salmon, P., Walker, G., & Jenkins, D. (2010). Is situa- analogy of history and implications. Insight: The Visual Per-
tion awareness all in the mind? Theoretical Issues in Ergonom- formance Technical Group Newsletter, 14(4), 1-3.
ics Science, 11(1-2), 29-40. Wickens, C. D. (2008). Situation awareness: Review of Mica End-
Stanton, N., Stewart, R., Harris, D., Houghton, R. J., Baber, C., McMas- sley’s 1995 articles on situation awareness theory and measure-
ter, R., … Green, D. A. (2006). Distributed situation awareness in ment. Human Factors, 50(3), 397-403.
dynamical systems: Theoretical development and application of an Wiener, E. L., & Curry, R. E. (1980). Flight deck automation:
ergonomics methodology. Ergonomics, 45, 1288-1311. Promises and problems. Ergonomics, 23(10), 995-1011.
Stanton, N. A., Harrison, D. J., Taylor-Burge, K. L., & Porter, L. J. Young, L. R. A. (1969). On adaptive manual control. Ergonomics,
(2000). Sorting the wheat from the chaff: A study of the detec- 12(4), 635-657.
tion of alarms. Cognition, Technology and Work, 2, 134-141. Zhang, T., Kaber, D., & Hsiang, S. (2010). Characterization of
Stout, R. J., Cannon-Bowers, J. A., & Salas, E. (1996). The role of mental models in a virtual reality-based multitasking scenario
shared mental models in developing team situational awareness: using measures of situation awareness. Theoretical Issues in
Implications for training. Training Research Journal, 2, 85-116. Ergonomics Science, 11(1-2), 99-118.
Sulistayawati, K., Wickens, C. D., & Chui, Y. P. (2011). Prediction
in situation awareness: Confidence bias and underlying cog-
nitive abilities. International Journal of Aviation Psychology,
Mica R. Endsley is the Chief Scientist of the United
21(2), 153-174.
Taylor, R. M., Endsley, M. R., & Henderson, S. (1996). Situational States Air Force. Prior to assuming this position she
awareness workshop report. In B. J. Hayward & A. R. Lowe served as President and CEO of SA Technologies and
(Eds.), Applied aviation psychology: Achievement, change and served on the faculty at Texas Tech University and the
challenge (pp. 447-454). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
Tenney, Y. J., & Pew, R. W. (2006). Situation awareness catches on:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She received
What? So what? Now what? Reviews of Human Factors and her PhD from the University of Southern California in
Ergonomics, 2, 1-34. Industrial and Systems Engineering.

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