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Tutorial GIS Week 1 2023 – Soni Ragil K

Anatomi Stomach

Histologi Stomach

Regio stomach
1. Cardia → narrow transitional zone
2. Pylorus → funnel shaped
Cardia + pylorus → primary mucus production Gastric Gland cell
and similar histologically
3. Fundus
4. Body
Fundus + body → site of gastric gland
releasing acidic gastric juice

- Empty stomach → mucosa and
submucosa have folds → rugae
- Fills with food → flatten

1. Berubah di esophagogastric junction
2. Simple columnar epithelium
3. Invaginasi ke lamina propria → form
gastric pits
4. Surface mucous cells of lumen and gastric
pits → secrete thick, adherent, and highly
viscous mucous layer that is rich in
bicarbonate ions → protects the
mucosa from both abrasive effects of Parietal
intraluminal food and the corrosive 1. Parietal cells also secrete intrinsic
effects of stomach acid factor, a glycoprotein required for
5. Bicarbonate neutral acidic pH uptake of vitamin B12 in the small
6. Stem cell epitel di isthmus → menjadi intestine.
progenitor cell → bergerak ke atas → 2.
replace mucous cells (berganti 4-7 hari) //
bergerak ke bawah → sel sekretori gland
Fisiologi Stomach
7. Lamina propria – support gastric pits &
glands → contain : SMC, lymphoid cells,
capillaries, lymphatics
8. Fundus & body kebanyakan gland

Klinis Peptic ulcer

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