08 Eval-Intro Slides

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Lecture 08

Model Evaluation 1:
Introduction to Overfitting and Underfitting

STAT 479: Machine Learning, Fall 2018

Sebastian Raschka

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 1

Bias and Variance
Overfitting and Underfitting
Holdout method
Confidence Intervals
Repeated holdout
Resampling methods
Model Eval Lectures Empirical confidence intervals
Hyperparameter tuning
Cross-Validation Model selection
Algorithm Selection
Statistical Tests
Evaluation Metrics

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 2

Overfitting and Underfitting

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 3

Overfitting and Underfitting

"Generalization Performance"

• Want a model to "generalize" well to unseen data

("high generalization accuracy" or "low generalization error")

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 4

Overfitting and Underfitting


• i.i.d. assumption: inputs are independent, and training and test examples are
identically distributed (drawn from the same probability distribution)

• For some random model that has not been fitted to the training set, we
expect both the training and test error to be equal

• The training error or accuracy provides an (optimistically) biased estimate of the

generalization performance

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 5

Overfitting and Underfitting

Model Capacity

• Underfitting: both training and test error are large

• Overfitting: gap between training and test error (where test error is higher)

• Large hypothesis space being searched by a learning algorithm

-> high tendency to overfit

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 6

Overfitting and Underfitting

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 7

"[...] model has high bias/variance" -- What does that mean?

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"[...] model has high bias/variance" -- What does that mean?

Originally formulated for regression

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Bias-Variance Decomposition and Trade-off

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 10

Bias-Variance Decomposition

• Decomposition of the loss into bias and variance help us understand

learning algorithms, concepts are correlated to underfitting and overfitting

• Helps explain why ensemble methods (last lecture) might perform better
than single models

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 11

Bias-Variance Intuition
Low Variance High Variance
(Precise) (Not Precise)

Low Bias
(Not Accurate)
High Bias

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 12

Bias and Variance Intuition

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 13

Bias and Variance Intuition

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Bias and Variance Intuition

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Bias and Variance Intuition

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Bias and Variance Intuition

High bias

(There are two points where the bias is zero)

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Bias and Variance Intuition

High Variance

(here, I fit an unpruned decision tree)

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Bias and Variance Example

where f(x) is some true (target) function

suppose we have multiple training sets

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Bias and Variance Example

High variance

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Bias and Variance Example

High variance

What happens if we take the average?

Does this remind you of something?

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 21


Point estimator θ̂ of some parameter θ

(could also be a function, e.g., the hypothesis is

an estimator of some target function)

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 22


Point estimator θ̂ of some parameter θ

(could also be a function, e.g., the hypothesis is

an estimator of some target function)

Bias = E[θ]̂ − θ

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 23

Bias-Variance Decomposition

General Definition:

Bias(θ)̂ = E[θ]̂ − θ

( )
Var(θ)̂ = E[θ2̂ ] − E[θ ]̂

Var(θ)̂ = E[(E[θ]̂ − θ)̂ 2]

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 24

Bias-Variance Decomposition

General Definition: Intuition:

Bias(θ)̂ = E[θ]̂ − θ (we ignore noise in this

lecture for simplicity)

( )
Var(θ)̂ = E[θ2̂ ] − E[θ ]̂

Var(θ)̂ = E[(E[θ]̂ − θ)̂ 2]

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 25

Bias-Variance Decomposition of Squared Error

General Definition: Intuition:

Bias is the difference between the average estimator

Bias(θ)̂ = E[θ]̂ − θ from different training samples and the true value.
(The expectation is over the training sets.)

( )
Var(θ)̂ = E[θ2̂ ] − E[θ ]̂
The variance provides an estimate of how much the estimate
varies as we vary the training data (e.g,. by resampling).

Var(θ)̂ = E[(E[θ]̂ − θ)̂ 2]

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 26

Bias-Variance Decomposition

Loss = Bias + Variance + Noise

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 27

Bias-Variance Decomposition of Squared Error

General Definition: "ML notation" for the Squared Error Loss:

Bias(θ)̂ = E[θ]̂ − θ
y = f(x) (target, target function)

̂ = h(x)
ŷ = f(x)
( )
Var(θ)̂ = E[θ2̂ ] − E[θ ]̂
S = (y − y)̂ 2 (For the sake of
Var(θ)̂ = E[(E[θ]̂ − θ)̂ 2] simplicity, we ignore the
noise term in this lecture)

(Next slides: the expectation is over the training data, i.e, the average
estimator from different training samples)

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 28

Bias-Variance Decomposition of Squared Error

"ML notation" for the Squared Error Loss:

y = f(x) (target, target function)

̂ = h(x)
ŷ = f(x)
(x is a particular data point e.g,. in the test set;
S = (y − y)̂ 2 the expectation is over training sets)

S = (y − y)̂ 2
(y − y)̂ 2 = (y − E[y]̂ + E[y]̂ − y)̂ 2
̂ 2 + (E[y]̂ − y)2 + 2(y − E[y])(E[
= (y − E[y]) ̂ y]̂ − y)̂

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 29

Bias-Variance Decomposition of Squared Error

S = (y − y)̂ 2
(y − y)̂ 2 = (y − E[y]̂ + E[y]̂ − y)̂ 2
̂ 2 + (E[y]̂ − y)2 + 2(y − E[y])(E[
= (y − E[y]) ̂ y]̂ − y)̂

E[S] = E[(y − y)̂ 2]

E[(y − y)̂ 2] = (y − E[y])
̂ 2 + E[(E[y]̂ − y)̂ 2]
= [Bias of the fit]2 + Variance of the fit

(The expectation is over the training data, i.e, the average estimator
from different training samples)

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 30

Bias-Variance Decomposition of Squared Error

S = (y − y)̂ 2
(y − y)̂ 2 = (y − E[y]̂ + E[y]̂ − y)̂ 2
̂ 2 + (E[y]̂ − y)2 + 2(y − E[y])(E[
= (y − E[y]) ̂ y]̂ − y)̂

E[S] = E[(y − y)̂ 2]

E[(y − y)̂ 2] = (y − E[y])
̂ 2 + E[(E[y]̂ − y)̂ 2]
= [Bias]2 + Variance

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 31

Bias-Variance Decomposition of Squared Error

S = (y − y)̂ 2
(y − y)̂ 2 = (y − E[y]̂ + E[y]̂ − y)̂ 2
̂ 2 + (E[y]̂ − y)2 + 2(y − E[y])(E[
= (y − E[y]) ̂ y]̂ − y)̂

E[2(y − E[y])(E[ y]̂ − y)]
̂ = 2E[(y − E[y])(E[̂ y]̂ − y)]
= 2(y − E[y])E[(E[ y]̂ − y)]̂
= 2(y − E[y])(E[E[ y]]̂ − E[y]) ̂
= 2(y − E[y])(E[ y]̂ − E[y]) ̂

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 32

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 33
Domingos, P. (2000). A unified bias-variance decomposition.
In Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Machine Learning
(pp. 231-238).

"several authors have proposed bias-variance decompositions related to zero-

one loss (Kong & Dietterich, 1995; Breiman, 1996b; Kohavi & Wolpert, 1996;
Tibshirani, 1996; Friedman, 1997). However, each of these decompositions has
significant shortcomings."

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 34

Bias-Variance Decomposition of 0-1 Loss
Dietterich, T. G., & Kong, E. B. (1995). Machine learning bias, statistical bias, and statistical variance
of decision tree algorithms. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Oregon State

Domingos, P. (2000). A unified bias-variance decomposition. In Proceedings of

17th International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 231-238).

Squared Loss Generalized Loss

(y − y)̂ 2 L(y, y)̂

E[(y − y)̂ 2] ̂
E[L(y, y)]

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 35

Bias-Variance Decomposition of 0-1 Loss
Dietterich, T. G., & Kong, E. B. (1995). Machine learning bias, statistical bias, and statistical variance
of decision tree algorithms. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Oregon State

Domingos, P. (2000). A unified bias-variance decomposition. In Proceedings of

17th International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 231-238).

Squared Loss Generalized Loss

(y − y)̂ 2 L(y, y)̂

E[(y − y)̂ 2] ̂
E[L(y, y)]
E[(y − y)̂ 2] = (y − E[ y])
̂ 2 + E[(E[ y]̂ − y)̂ 2]
Bias2 + Variance

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 36

Bias-Variance Decomposition of 0-1 Loss
Dietterich, T. G., & Kong, E. B. (1995). Machine learning bias, statistical bias, and statistical variance
of decision tree algorithms. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Oregon State

Domingos, P. (2000). A unified bias-variance decomposition. In Proceedings of

17th International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 231-238).

Squared Loss Generalized Loss

(y − y)̂ 2 L(y, y)̂

E[(y − y)̂ 2] ̂
E[L(y, y)]
E[(y − y)̂ 2] = (y − E[ y])
̂ 2 + E[(E[ y]̂ − y)̂ 2]
Bias2 + Variance

Bias2: ̂ 2
(y − E[y]) ̂
L(y, E[y])

Variance: E[(E[y]̂ − y)̂ 2] E[L(y,̂ E[y])]


Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 37

Define "Main Prediction"
Dietterich, T. G., & Kong, E. B. (1995). Machine learning bias, statistical bias, and statistical variance
of decision tree algorithms. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Oregon State

Domingos, P. (2000). A unified bias-variance decomposition. In Proceedings of

17th International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 231-238).

The main prediction is the prediction that minimizes the average loss

y¯ ̂ = argmin E[L( y,̂ y′̂ )]


For squared loss -> Mean

For 0-1 loss -> Mode

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 38

Bias-Variance Decomposition of 0-1 Loss
Dietterich, T. G., & Kong, E. B. (1995). Machine learning bias, statistical bias, and statistical variance
of decision tree algorithms. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Oregon State

Domingos, P. (2000). A unified bias-variance decomposition. In Proceedings of

17th International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 231-238).

Squared Loss 0-1 Loss

(y − y)̂ 2 L(y, y)̂

E[(y − y)̂ 2] ̂
E[L(y, y)]
E[(y − y)̂ 2] = (y − E[ y])
̂ 2 + E[(E[ y]̂ − y)̂ 2]
Bias2 + Variance
Main prediction -> Mean Main prediction -> Mode

Bias2: ̂ 2
(y − E[y]) ̂
L(y, E[y])

Variance: E[(E[y]̂ − y)̂ 2] E[L(y,̂ E[y])]


Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 39

Bias-Variance Decomposition of 0-1 Loss
Dietterich, T. G., & Kong, E. B. (1995). Machine learning bias, statistical bias, and statistical variance
of decision tree algorithms. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Oregon State

Domingos, P. (2000). A unified bias-variance decomposition. In Proceedings of

17th International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 231-238).

Squared Loss 0-1 Loss

E[(y − y)̂ 2] ̂
E[L(y, y)]
P(y ≠ y)̂
Main prediction -> Mode
Main prediction -> Mean
Bias2: ̂ 2
(y − E[y]) ̂
L(y, E[y])

{0 otherwise
1 if y ≠ y¯ ̂
Bias =

Variance: E[(E[y]̂ − y)̂ 2] E[L(y,̂ E[y])]


Variance = P( ŷ ≠ ȳ)̂

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 40

Bias-Variance Decomposition of 0-1 Loss
Dietterich, T. G., & Kong, E. B. (1995). Machine learning bias, statistical bias, and statistical variance
of decision tree algorithms. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Oregon State

Domingos, P. (2000). A unified bias-variance decomposition. In Proceedings of

17th International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 231-238).

0-1 Loss Loss = Bias + Variance = P(ŷ ≠ y)

{0 otherwise
1 if y ≠ y¯ ̂
Bias =

Loss = Variance = P(ŷ ≠ y)

Variance = P( ŷ ≠ ȳ)̂

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 41

Bias-Variance Decomposition of 0-1 Loss
Dietterich, T. G., & Kong, E. B. (1995). Machine learning bias, statistical bias, and statistical variance
of decision tree algorithms. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Oregon State

Domingos, P. (2000). A unified bias-variance decomposition. In Proceedings of

17th International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 231-238).

0-1 Loss Loss = Bias + Variance = P(ŷ ≠ y)

{0 otherwise
1 if y ≠ y¯ ̂
Bias =

Loss = Variance = P(ŷ ≠ y)

Variance = P( ŷ ≠ ȳ)̂

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 42

Bias-Variance Decomposition of 0-1 Loss
Dietterich, T. G., & Kong, E. B. (1995). Machine learning bias, statistical bias, and statistical variance
of decision tree algorithms. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Oregon State

Domingos, P. (2000). A unified bias-variance decomposition. In Proceedings of

17th International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 231-238).

0-1 Loss Loss = P(ŷ ≠ y)

{0 otherwise
1 if y ≠ y¯ ̂
Bias =

Loss = P(ŷ ≠ y) = 1 − P(ŷ = y)

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 43

Bias-Variance Decomposition of 0-1 Loss
Dietterich, T. G., & Kong, E. B. (1995). Machine learning bias, statistical bias, and statistical variance
of decision tree algorithms. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Oregon State

Domingos, P. (2000). A unified bias-variance decomposition. In Proceedings of

17th International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 231-238).

0-1 Loss Loss = P(ŷ ≠ y)

{0 otherwise
1 if y ≠ y¯ ̂
Bias =

Loss = P( ŷ ¯̂
≠ y) = 1 − P(ŷ = y) = 1 − P(ŷ ≠ y)

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 44

Bias-Variance Decomposition of 0-1 Loss
Dietterich, T. G., & Kong, E. B. (1995). Machine learning bias, statistical bias, and statistical variance
of decision tree algorithms. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Oregon State

Domingos, P. (2000). A unified bias-variance decomposition. In Proceedings of

17th International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 231-238).

0-1 Loss Loss = P(ŷ ≠ y)

{0 otherwise
1 if y ≠ y¯ ̂
Bias =

Loss = P( ŷ ¯̂
≠ y) = 1 − P(ŷ = y) = 1 − P(ŷ ≠ y)

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 45

Bias-Variance Decomposition of 0-1 Loss
Dietterich, T. G., & Kong, E. B. (1995). Machine learning bias, statistical bias, and statistical variance
of decision tree algorithms. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Oregon State

Domingos, P. (2000). A unified bias-variance decomposition. In Proceedings of

17th International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 231-238).

0-1 Loss Loss = P(ŷ ≠ y)

{0 otherwise
1 if y ≠ y¯ ̂
Bias =

Loss = P( ŷ ¯̂
≠ y) = 1 − P(ŷ = y) = 1 − P(ŷ ≠ y)

Loss = Bias - Variance

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 46

Bias-Variance Decomposition of 0-1 Loss
Dietterich, T. G., & Kong, E. B. (1995). Machine learning bias, statistical bias, and statistical variance
of decision tree algorithms. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Oregon State

Domingos, P. (2000). A unified bias-variance decomposition. In Proceedings of

17th International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 231-238).

0-1 Loss Loss = P(ŷ ≠ y)

{0 otherwise
1 if y ≠ y¯ ̂
Bias =

Variance can improve loss!!

Why is that so?
Loss = P( ŷ ¯̂
≠ y) = 1 − P(ŷ = y) = 1 − P(ŷ ≠ y)

Loss = Bias - Variance

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 47

Statistical Bias vs "Machine Learning Bias"

• "Machine learning bias" sometimes also called "inductive bias"

• e.g., decision tree algorithms consider small trees before they consider large trees
(if training data can be classified by small tree, large trees are not considered)

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 48

Hypothesis Space (From Lecture 1)

Entire hypothesis space

e.g,. decision tree + KNN

Hypothesis space
a particular learning
algorithm category
has access to
e.g,. decision tree

Hypothesis space
a particular learning
algorithm can sample
e.g,. ID3 Particular hypothesis
(i.e., a model/classifier)

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 49

Dietterich, T. G., & Kong, E. B. (1995). Machine learning bias, statistical bias, and statistical variance of decision tree
algorithms. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Oregon State University.

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 50

Bias-Variance Simulation of C 4.5
Dietterich, T. G., & Kong, E. B. (1995). Machine learning bias, statistical bias, and statistical variance of decision tree
algorithms. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Oregon State University.

• simulation on 200 training sets with 200 examples each (0-1 labels)
• 200 hypotheses
• test set: 22,801 examples (1 data point for each grid point)

• mean error rate is 536 errors (out of the 22,801 test examples)
• 297 as a result of bias
• 239 as a result of variance
14 14

12 12

class c0
(remember that trees use a
8 8 "staircase" to approximate

class c1
diagonal boundaries)
4 4

2 2

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
x1 x1

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 51

Bias-Variance Simulation of C 4.5
Dietterich, T. G., & Kong, E. B. (1995). Machine learning bias, statistical bias, and statistical variance of decision tree
algorithms. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Oregon State University.

errors due to bias: 1788

errors due to variance:1046

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 52

Bias-Variance Simulation of C 4.5
Dietterich, T. G., & Kong, E. B. (1995). Machine learning bias, statistical bias, and statistical variance of decision tree
algorithms. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Oregon State University.

errors due to bias: 1788

errors due to variance: 1046


Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 53

Bias-Variance Simulation of C 4.5
Dietterich, T. G., & Kong, E. B. (1995). Machine learning bias, statistical bias, and statistical variance of decision tree
algorithms. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Oregon State University.

errors due to bias: 0

errors due to variance: 17

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 54

Bias-Variance Simulation of C 4.5

Domingos, P. (2000). A unified bias-variance decomposition. In Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 231-238).

L = Loss
30 L
B = Bias
V = (net) Variance

Loss (%)
25 V
20 Vu
0 5 10 15 20

12 B
10 Vb
Loss (%)

0 5 10 15 20

Figure 4: Effect of varying k in k-nearest neighbor: audiology (top) and chess (bottom).

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 55

Recommended Reading Resources
for Bias-Decomposition

Dietterich, T. G., & Kong, E. B. (1995). Machine learning bias, statistical bias, and statistical variance
of decision tree algorithms. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Oregon State
0-1 loss

Domingos, P. (2000). A unified bias-variance decomposition. In Proceedings of

17th International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 231-238).

includes noise
and more general: Loss = Bias + c Variance

or more precisely c1N(x) + B(x) + c2V(x)

where, e.g., c1 = c2 = 1 for squared loss

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 56

Bias and Variance
Overfitting and Underfitting
Holdout method
Next Lecture
Confidence Intervals
Repeated holdout
Resampling methods
Model Eval Lectures Empirical confidence intervals
Hyperparameter tuning
Cross-Validation Model selection
Algorithm Selection
Statistical Tests
Evaluation Metrics

Sebastian Raschka STAT 479: Machine Learning FS 2018 57

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