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Sec: SUPER CHAINA Date: 04-01-20

Time: 3hrs Max. Marks: 210

Name of the Student: ___________________ H.T. NO:


MATHEAMTICS : Present week

wee syllabus(80%):
llabus(80%): Hyperbola: Equation of Hyperbola
(Standard form,
fo , Foci, Directrix, Eccentricity, Parame
Parametric form
etc), Equation off Tangent and Normals, Rectangula
Rectangular Hyperbola
and Asymptotes
Asympto s
PHYSICS: Present week
wee ksyllabus(80%):
sy syllabus(80%):
Electric potential
Coulombs Law, energy,Field
Law Electric
lectric potential,
due torreelation between
point charge fieldibuted
and dis and potenttiial,
distributed charge and
concept of lines.
of field energy and potential
ines. Electric duue
potential to various
energy, continuous
potential, lation chaarrge
relation between
field potencomplete
and potential, electric dipole.
al, conservation EEXCLUDE
of energy : Gauss
and potential d
duee law, properties
to various
oof conductors,
continuous ch electro
charge static pressure,
ge distributions, electtrro
complete static
electric selfEXCLUDE
dipole. energy.,
XCLUDE + : Gauss
law, properties off conductors, electro static pressure, elec
o static self
energy.,+ CUMULATIVE(20%)
CHEMISTRY: Present week
wee syllabus(80%):Mechanism
llabus(80%):Mechanism of Nucleop
ilic Substitution
reactions (SN1
(SN and
nd NGP), Mechanism of Nucleoph
Nucleophilic Substitution
reactions (SN2 nd NGP) Aryl halides +Cumulative ((20%):
(SN and %):
Narayana IIT Academy 04-01-20_Jr.IIT_SC-60_JEE-Adv _WTA-35_Q'P
PHYSICS Max.Marks:70
This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of
which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
1. Two particles each of mass ‘m’ are suspended from two insulating threads of equal
lengths. When the particles are given equal positive charge Q on each then they hang in
equilibrium as shown in the figure now only charge on the left particle is changed from
Q to 2Q.

θ θ

Which of the following diagrams best presents the new equilibrium configuration ?
(Assume no mass change after charge is changed)

θ θ θ φ> θ

2Q Q Q
A) B)
φ φ φ>θ


θ φ

Q 2Q Q
C) 2Q D)
2. A point like electric dipole of dipole moment ‘P’ is placed on XY plane at point (1, 0)
in a region of non uniform electric field E  x 2 i  y2 j . If the dipole vector makes an
angle of 30 with the X axis then find the electric force acting on the electric dipole.
(x, y denotes x and y coordinates respectively)

(1, 0)

A) 3P 2i  2j  B) 2 3 P i C) 3 P i 
D) 3P 4i  2j 
Narayana IIT Academy 04-01-20_Jr.IIT_SC-60_JEE-Adv _WTA-35_Q'P
3. A thin rod of mass m carrying uniformly distributed negative charge –q is placed
symmetrically along the axis of a thin ring of radius R carrying uniformly distributed
charge Q. The ring is held fixed in free space and length of the rod is 2R. The time
period of the small amplitude oscillations of the rod along the axis of the ring will be

0 mR 7 20 mR 2 20 mR  0 mR

A) 3R B) 4R C) 4R D) 4R
Qq 5Qq Qq 5Qq

4. Two identical particles each of mass ‘m’ and charge ‘Q’ are attached to the two ends
of insulating, mass less rod of length L. The rod can rotate in the horizontal plane
about a vertical axis passing through a point of rod whose distance is L/4 from one of
its ends. Initially rod was in unstable equilibrium position in a region of uniform
horizontal electric field of field strength E. Now it is slightly disturbed from its
equilibrium position and released then find maximum angular speed attained by the
rod during its motion.
A) 4 B) C) D)
5mL 5mL 5m 7mL

5. A point object O is placed at a distance 2f m from a thin convex lens of focal length ‘f’
m and principal axis AB as shown in the figure. At time t = 0 the lens starts rotating
about an axis passing through its optical centre and perpendicular to the plane of paper
with constant angular speed ‘  ’ rad/sec while object O remains stationary and rotating
principal axis AB remains in the plane of paper then the speed of image at the instant
when angle turned by the lens is 1 with respect to its initial position will be


f f 3f 5f

A) m/s B) m/s C) m/s D) m/s
180 45 45 180
Narayana IIT Academy 04-01-20_Jr.IIT_SC-60_JEE-Adv _WTA-35_Q'P
6. In the figure shown block-A of mass 1 kg is neutral while block-B of mass 1 kg
carries a negative charge of (-1C). Initial distance of B from A was 2m when it was
released from rest in a region of horizontal uniform electric field acting towards right
and of magnitude 1 N/C. If B undergoes perfectly inelastic collision with A then the
amplitude of resulting of SHM will be (take spring constant = 1 N/m)

A) 5 m B) 3 m C) 7 m D) 10 m
7. Two identical beams A and B of plane coherent waves of the same intensity and
wavelength  fall on a plane screen. The direction of the beam propagations make
angles 37 and 53 with the normal to the screen and lie in the same plane as shown in
the figure. Find distance between adjacent interference fringes on the screen.

53 B


A) 5 B) 4 C) 3 D) 6.5
8. An electric dipole of dipole moment ‘p’ is in stable equilibrium position in a region of
uniform electric field ‘E’. One equipotential surface of this system is found to be
spherical in shape then radius of this surface will be
1/ 3 1/ 3 1/ 2 1/ 4
 p   p   3p   5p 
A)   B)   C)   D)  
 40 E   20 E   20 E   30 E 

9. The electric potential at the circumference point of a uniformly charged disc of

surface charge density  and radius R will be given by
R 2R 4R 6 R
A) B) C) D)
 0 0 0 5 0
Narayana IIT Academy 04-01-20_Jr.IIT_SC-60_JEE-Adv _WTA-35_Q'P
10. A cube made of an insulating material has uniform charge distribution throughout its
volume. Assuming electric potential due to this charged cube at infinitely distant
places to be zero, potential at the centre is found to be V0 . What is electric potential at
one of its corners ?
V0 V0 V0
A) 2 V0 B) C) D)
2 4 8
This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of
which ONE or MORE are correct.
Marking scheme +4 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
11. In a gravity free space a small charged bead of mass ‘m’ and charge –q can slide on
circular, frictionless, insulating fixed wire frame of radius R. A point like electric
dipole of dipole moment ‘p’ is fixed in the plane of circular frame at the centre of the
frame. Initially the bead is on the plane of symmetry of the dipole and released from
rest from this position as shown in the figure then select correct option(s)

Electric dipole bead

qp sin 
A) speed of the bead as a function of angle  turned by it is
20 mR 2

B) Centripetal acceleration of the bead as a function of angle  turned by it is

qp cos 
20 mR 3

C) Normal contact force acting on the bead during its motion is always zero.
D) Normal contact force on bead during motion is always of constant non zero
12. Two point charges A and B having charge of equal magnitude are placed on two
points of circle as shown in the figure 1. At time t = 0 A starts moving in
anticlockwise sense in the circle while B remains at rest. Net electric field intensity of
these two particles is considered at origin. Figure 2 and 3 represents the variation of
net electric field intensities E x and E y along x and y-axis with respect to angle 
Narayana IIT Academy 04-01-20_Jr.IIT_SC-60_JEE-Adv _WTA-35_Q'P
covered by particle A at the origin. Select the incorrect option(s). [(Speed of particle A
< < c (speed of light)]
Ex Ey

 2 2
  

Fig-1 Fig-2 Fig-3

A) Both the particles are negatively charged
B) A is positively charged while B is negatively charged
C) B is positively charged while A is negatively charged
D) Both the particles are positively charged
13. A very long hemi cylindrical surface of radius R and of uniform surface charge
density  is as shown in the figure. ‘O’ is a point on its axis and A is a point just
inside its surface and B is a point just outside its surface if O, A, B are far away from
the ends of hemi cylindrical surface and lie on same line then select correct option(s).


A) Electric field intensity at point ‘O’ is
 o

B) Electric field intensity at Point ‘O’ is
2 o

C) Electric field intensity at Point ‘A’ is perpendicular to OA

D) Point ‘O’ and ‘A’ are at same electric potential
14. Two non-conducting uniformly charged solid spheres of volume charge densities 
and  and each of radius R are brought closer and a cavity is created in their
supposed overlapping region as shown in the figure then select correct option(s).
Narayana IIT Academy 04-01-20_Jr.IIT_SC-60_JEE-Adv _WTA-35_Q'P

Overlapping region

A) electric field intensity in the cavity created is uniform and of magnitude

B) maximum electric potential difference between two points of the cavity created is
R 2
of magnitude
3 0

C) maximum electric potential difference between two points of the cavity created is
R 2
of magnitude
6 0

R 2
D) net electric potential at the centre of positively charged sphere is of magnitude
6 0

15. If a charge q is spread uniformly on a thin non-conducting square sheet, the electric
potential at its centre and corner are found to be v1 and v2 respectively. If six such
charged sheets are joined to make a hollow cube, the potential at the centre of the cube
is found be v3 and at the corner v4 . Then select incorrect option(s)
v1 v3 v3
A) 4 B) v 4  5v 2  C) 5v 4  3v 2  D) 3v4  7v2
v2 8 16

This section contains 5 questions. The answer to each question is single digit integer, ranging from 0 to 9
(both inclusive).
Marking scheme +4 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
16. A cubical wire frame is constructed using 12 identical, insulating, uniform thin rods of
charge per unit length  and length l. Now nine of these rods are removed, leaving rest
of the three such that they are mutually skew perpendicular to each other and also
don’t touch each other. Electric field intensity at the centre of cube due to these three

rods is found to be x . then x = ……
4 0l
Narayana IIT Academy 04-01-20_Jr.IIT_SC-60_JEE-Adv _WTA-35_Q'P
17. Two identical particles A and B each having charge q are released from rest in free
space with an initial separation ro between them and after time ‘ t o ’ separation between
them get doubled. If charge on A is made 2q and on B is made 3q and now they are
released with initial separation 6ro then time taken to double the initial separation (i.e.,
6r0 to 12r0 ) is kt o . What is k ? (Assuming no mass change after charge is changed)

18. Two point charges each of charge q and masses m and 2m are released in a uniform
electric field E with initial separation l  as shown in the figure. If the
40 E

maximum separation between them in subsequent motion is then x = ?
40 E

q, m E q, 2m

19. Imagine an isolated uniformly charged solid sphere of total volume charge Q and
radius R kept in a gravity free space. A smaller sphere of radius whose periphery
coincides with centre of original sphere can be scooped out as shown in the figure. If
the scooped out portion somehow is slowly kept back in its place, then the contact
force between this scooped out portion and rest of the remaining solid sphere is
then x =
x 2 0 R 2

20. In a uniform electric field, the potential is 10 V at the origin of coordinate system and
8V at each of the points (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0) and (0, 0, 1). The potential at the point
P(1, 1, 1) will be xV then x = ?
Sec: SUPER CHAINA WTA-35 Date: 04-01-20
Time:3hrs 2012_P1 Max.Marks:210

1 D 2 C 3 C 4 A 5 B

6 B 7 A 8 A 9 A 10 B

11 AC 12 ACD 13 ACD 14 ABD 15 ABCD

16 0 17 6 18 3 19 8 20 4

1. Conceptual
  E
2. F  P.
3. E
3 0
4. 4
dv 2f
5.    2sin  
dt  2 cos  12
6. 2m
7. 5
1/ 3
 p 
8.  
 40 E 
 0
Narayana IIT Academy 12-02-22_JR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A)_JEE-ADV_WAT-39_Q’P
(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains SIX (06) questions.
Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is
(are) correct option(s).
For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen.
Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen.
Partial Marks : +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which
are correct options.
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks: -2 In all other cases.
1. A spherical shell of radius R is given charge 3q on its surface and a point charge q is
placed at distance R/2 from its centre C. Also there is a charge 2q placed outside the
shell at a distance of 2R as shown. Then

A) The magnitude of electric field at the centre C due to charges on the outer surface
of shell is before closing the switch S.

B) The electric potential at the centre C due to charges on the outer surface of shell is
  Kq 
  before closing the switch S.
 R 

C) The electric potential at the centre C due to charges on the outer surface of shell is
  Kq 
  after closing the switch S.
 R 

D) Charge flow through the switch in to earth after closing the switch S is 5q.

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2. Two concentric shells have radii R and 2R charges qA and qB and potential 2V and
V respectively. Now shell B is earthed by closing the switch S and let charges on
the shells changed to qA ' & qB ' then we have

qA 1 qA '
A)  B) 1
qB 2 qB '

C) Potential of A after earthing becomes V .

D) Potential difference between A and B after earthing becomes .

3. Two Non-conducting sphere of radii R1 & R2 carrying uniform volume charge densities
  and   respectively, are placed such that they partially overlap as shown in the

figure. At all points in the overlapping region which of the statements is/are correct
about the electric field and electric potential:

A) The electric field is zero

B) The electric potential is constant

C) The electric field is constant in magnitude

D) The electric field has same direction

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4. Two concentric rings of radii ‘r’ and ‘2r’ are placed with centre at origin. Two
charges +q each are fixed at the diametrically opposite point of the rings as shown in
figure. Smaller ring is now rotated by an angle 900 about z-axis then, it is again
rotated by 900 about y-axis, consider work done only by electrostatic forces is
considered, then finally rotated by 900 about x-axis, then correct options are

8 4  Kq 2
A) work done in first step rotation only is   
3 5 r

B) work done in second step rotation only is zero

C) work done total is zero
D) work done total is non-zero
5. Three point charges are placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle of side L as
shown in the figure.

A) Potential at the centroid of the triangle is zero.

B) The electric field at the centroid of the triangle is zero

C) The dipole moment of the system is 2 qL

D) The dipole moment of the system is 3 qL

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6. A spherical cavity is created in a neutral solid conducting sphere, inside the cavity a
dipole is placed as shown in figure. Then (  is distance between q &  q &   d )

A) Potential at P only due to charge induced on the inner surface of the cavity is
q sin 
4 0 d 2

q sin 
B) Potential P only due to charge induced on the inner surface of the cavity is
8 0 R 2

C) Electric field at P is zero

D) Electric field at P is Non-zero
(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains EIGHT (08) questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE
For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded off to the
second decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33, -.30, 30.27, -127.30) designated to enter the answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer.
Zero Marks : 0 In all other cases.
7. In the figure shown there is non-conducting disc of mass M = 2kg and radius R = 4 m.
On its upper and lower part of circumference Q and Q charge are uniformly
attached such that linear charge density is . The disc can freely rotate about an
horizontal axis passing through O. There is a uniform electric field E in the vertical
direction such that QE = mg. If the disc is rotated by a small angle it performs S.H.M.
its time period is given by T  then, P  n is (Take  2  g )

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Narayana IIT Academy 12-02-22_JR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A)_JEE-ADV_WAT-39_Q’P
8. There is a disc of mass M and radius R. A point charge +Q and of mass m is fixed at
the centre of the disc. The disc is held on a fixed horizontal rough surface. Another
point charged +q is fixed on the surface such that distance between +q and +Q is .
Now the disc is set free. If the disc does not loose contact with the ground at the same
intent the relation must hold is M   m . Find  . (Use  3mg )
256 0 R 2

9. A charge ‘q’ is placed at the origin of an infinite chain of thick spherical conductors,
whose inner and outer radii vary as (1m, 2m); (3m, 4m); (5m, 6m) and so on. The
work needed to take the charge ‘q’ from centre of the system to infinite separation,
through the orifice, is found to be kq 2 n n  4 . Find ‘n’.

10. A hollow non conducting sphere A and a solid non conducting sphere B of equal radii
R and masses m and 2m are kept at a large distance apart on a rough horizontal non
conducting surface. Charges at A and B are Q and 2Q respectively. Charges are
uniformly distributed and remain constant and uniform as sphere come closer.
Friction is sufficient to support pure rolling. Kinetic energy of the two spheres just
K 42 
before collision is K A and K B . Find  B   .
 KA 5 

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11. A positive charge +Q is fixed at a point A. Another positively charged particle of
mass ‘m’ and charge ‘+q’ is projected from a point B with velocity ‘u’ as shown in
diagram. The point ‘B’ is at large distance from A and at distance ‘d’ from line AC.
The initial velocity is parallel to the line AC. The point velocity is parallel to the line
AC. The point C is at very large distance from A. Find the minimum distance of +q
from +Q during the motion.
(Take Qq  4 0 mu 2 d & d   2  1 ) meter:

12. An infinite Non-conducting sheet having surface charge density  has a hole of
Radius R in it. An electron with charge ‘ e ’ and mass “m” is released on the axis of
the hole at a distance 3R from the centre. The velocity with which it crosses the
 eR
plane of sheet is K , the value of K is ?
m 0

13. A dipole is placed at origin of coordinate system as shown in figure, if electric field at
point P  O, y  is
n y3
 
iˆ  2 ˆj , the value of n is ?

P ˆ
14. Two point dipoles PKˆ & K are located at (0, 0, 0) and (1m, 0, 2m) respectively. The
resulting electric field intensity due to two dipoles at the point (1m, 0, 0) is  KP kˆ  ,
 8 

then  is :

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Narayana IIT Academy 12-02-22_JR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A)_JEE-ADV_WAT-39_Q’P
(Maximum Marks: 12)
This section contains FOUR (04) questions.
Each question has TWO (02) matching lists: LIST-I and LIST-II.
FOUR options are given representing matching of elements from LIST-I and LIST-II. ONLY ONE of these four
options corresponds to a correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the option corresponding to the correct matching is chosen.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases.

15. Electric field in a region is given by E   2 xy  iˆ   x 2  ˆj  V / m . Electric potential at

origin is 5V. Match the following two columns.

List – I List – II
P) Potential at point (5m, 2m, 1m) 1) 4 V

Q) Potential at point (1m, 1m, 1m) 2) 1 V

R) Potential at point (2m, 1m, 1m) 3) 3 V

S) Potential at point (1m, 2m, 1m) 4) 45 V

A) P  4; Q  1; R  3; S  2 B) P  3; Q  1; R  4; S  2

C) P  3; Q  4; R  1; S  2 D) P  4; Q  1; R  2; S  3

16. Consider a conducting sphere as shown in figure.

Radius of sphere = a
List-I gives the four points.
List-II gives the values for potentials.
If list-II gives potential only due to surface charge (on the surface of the sphere), then:

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List – I List – II
I) A P) Zero
1 q
II) B Q) 4 0 3a
1 q
III) C R) 4 0 a 10
1 q
IV) O S) 
4 0 2a
1 q
T) 4 0 3a

U) None of these
A) I  R, II  S , III  R, IV  Q B) I  Q, II  P, III  T , IV  Q

C) I  P, II  P, III  R, IV  Q D) I  R, II  Q, III  T , IV  U

17. The electric field E is measured at a point P(0, 0, d) generated due to various charge
distributions and the dependence of E on d is found to be different for different charge
distributions. List-I contains different relations between E and d. List-II describes
different electric charge distributions, along with their locations. Match the function
in List-I with the related charge distributions in List-II.
Column – I Column – II
E is independent
P) 1) A point charge Q at the origin.
of d
1 A small dipole with point charges Q at (0, 0, 1) and Q
Q) E  2)
d at (0, 0,  ). Take 2  d .
1 An infinite line charge coincident with the x-axis, with
R) E  3)
d2 uniform linear charge density  .
Two infinite wires carrying uniform linear charge
1 density parallel to the x-axis. The one along (y = 0,
S) E 4) z   ) has a charge density  and the one along
 y  0, z    has a charge density  . Take 2  d .
Infinite plane charge coincident with the xy-plane with
uniform surface charge density.
A) P  5; Q  3, 4; R  1; S  2 B) P  5; Q  3; R  1, 4; S  2
C) P  5; Q  3; R  1, 2; S  4 D) P  4; Q  2,3; R  1; S  5

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18. In the following diagram, the conducting shells are concentric. Then match the
column-I to column-II.

Column – I Column – II

P) Potential of shell A. 1) 16 0 R

Q) Potential of shell B. 2)

R) Potential of shell C. 3) 16 0 R

Amount of charge that flows when A

S) and C are connected by conducting 4) 8 0 R


A) P  3, Q  4, R  1, S  2 B) P  3, Q  1, R  4, S  5

C) P  3, Q  1, R  4, S  2 D) P  1, Q  3, R  4, S  5

1 ACD 2 AD 3 CD 4 ABC 5 AD
6 AC 7 3 8 2 9 6 10 5
11 1 12 2 13 2 14 7 15 D
16 A 17 B 18 C

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Narayana IIT Academy 12-02-22_JR.IIT_*COSC(MODEL-A) _WAT-39_Key&Sol’s
1. EF due to surface charges at the
K (2q) Kq
Cense = 
(2 R) 2 2 R 2
q surface = Q (let)
Kq Kq Kq KQ
   0
R/2 R R R
Q  2 q
 Q surface = 5 q
kq kq
2. 2V  1  2 …… (1)
R 2R
3V K  q1  q2 
 …… (2)
2 2R
4V  2q1  q2
3V  q1  q2
V  q1
2V  q2
Kq Kq2
V 1
R 2R
2V  V1 
3V V1 V2
 
2 2 2
V V1 Kq
 V1  V  1
2 2 R
V2 k ( q2 )
V  2V  V2 
2 R
After earthing
Kq1 Kq2 '
 0
2R 2R
q2 '  q1
Kq K  q1  Kq1 V
 1  
R 2R 2R 2
 , VR  0;  V 
2 2
3. Conceptual
 Kq Kq  
4. U i    q  2
 r 3r  
 Kq 
U z  axis   q 2 2
 r 2   2r  

Kq 2  8 4 
U  
r  3 
U y  axis  U z  axis
U  0

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WTotal  0
5. Conceptual
6. Conceptual
8QE 2
7.          2 
 mR T
 T  2
 P  n is 3
8.  M  m  g  FE sin 

256 0 R 2
 M  m  g  3mg
M  2m    2

9. Electrical energy is present everywhere except the space occupied by conductors. When the charge
is taken to infinity, energy will be present in the entire space surrounding it. Hence work done by
external will be equal to the energy in the missing space.
10. Let v1 and v2 the speed just before collision. Using COAM about point O on the ground
2 v 2 v  42
0  mv1 R  mR 2 1  2mv2 R  2mR 2  2   v1  v2
m R 5 R 25
1 2 12 v12 1 2 5
KA  mv1  mR 2  mv1 
2 23 R2 2 3
1  2 1 2 14
K B  2mv22  1    mv2
2  5 2 5
K B 42  v22  25
  
K A 25  v12  42

11. Conceptual
17. (1) E.F. due to a point charge at origin.
kq 1
E 2 E 2
d d
(2) E.F. at any point on axis of dipole

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2 KP 4 KQL
E 
d3 d3
E 3
(3) E.F. due to an infinite long charge
2K 

27. The mono nitration is mainly att the para position to –NH group

25 1 40
29. fp    60
1 6 100
30. Anthracene:

Total no.of double bond = 7

JR.IIT_*CO SC Page No: 4

Narayana IIT Academy 21-02-21_ Jr.IIT_*CO-SC _JEE-ADV_WAT-37_Q’P
PHYSICS Max Marks: 88
This section contains 8 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
1. A thin uniformly charged rod as shown in the figure has a linear charge density  .
1  a  L  (a  L) 2  b 2 
Given that potential at P is n   . Where n is an integer.
4 o   2
 2 
 a a b 
Find n

2. A uniformly charged (thin) non – conducting rod is located on the central axis at a
distance b from the center of an uniformly charged non conducting disk. The length
of the rod is L and has a uniform linear charge density  . The radius of the disk is ‘a’
and surface charge density being ‘  ’.The electrostatic force on the rod due to disc is
 
given as F  ( L  a 2  (b  L)2  a 2  b 2 )kˆ , where n is an integer. Find n
n o

3. A non-conducting hollow cone has uniform charge density  .A part ABP is cut and
removed from the cone. The potential due to the remaining portion of the cone at
5 R
point P is Where n is an integer. Find n
2n o

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4. A point charge +Q is fixed at a point A. Another positively charged particle of mass m
and charge q is projected from a point B with velocity ‘u’ as shown in the figure. The
point B is at a larger distance from A and at distance d from the line AC. The initial
velocity is parallel to the line AC. The point C is at very large distance from A. Find
the minimum distance in meter of +q from +Q during the motion. use ( Qq  4 o mu 2 d ,
d  ( 2  1)m )(neglect effects of gravity)

5. Over a certain region of space, the electric potential is V  5 x  3x 2 y  2 yz 2 . volt.

Determine the magnitude of the electric field at the point P(1,0,-2)m in the units of
N/C. Express the answer rounded off to nearest integer in the units of N/C

6. A thin ring of radius R carries a non-uniform charge of linear density   o cos  as

shown in the figure. Magnitude of net dipole moment of the ring is n R 2 o , where n is
an integer. Find the value of n.

7. As shown in the figure the electric field lines for two point charges seperated by small
distance . Then the value of is

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8. Three equal positive charges q are at the corners of an equilateral triangle of side a as
shown in figure-1 and the corresponding field line in the plane of the charges in
figure-2. The possible number of neutral point(s) in the same plane is (other than  )

This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all other cases.
9. In the following figure, three point charges are shown occupying corners of an
equilateral triangle of side a

A) the net force on the topmost charge is in the +x direction

B) the net force on the lower left charge is in the direction 60o from the + x direction
clock wise

1 q2
C) the magnitude of the net force on the lower left charge is
4 o a 2

3 q2
D) the magnitude of the net force on the lower left charge is
4 o a 2

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10. Two charged small balls each of charge q and mass m when suspended from a
common point by strings of length ' l ' in air, then these strings form an angle of 120o
with each other. When the system is immersed in a liquid of dielectric constant ‘k’
(ratio of density of liquid to that of ball material is 1:3) then the angle between the
strings remain same. Mark the correct statement(s)

A) the dielectric constant of the liquid is 1.5

1 q2
B) the electrostatic force exerted by the liquid on one of the balls is
4 o 9l 2

1 q2
C) the electrostatic force exerted by the liquid on one of the balls is
4 o 3l 2

D) the total system if placed in gravitational free space then angle between the strings
will be 180o.
11. Positive charge Q is distributed uniformly through out an insulating sphere (whose
dielectric constant close to one)of radius R, centered at the origin. A particle with
positive charge Q is placed at x=2R on the x-axis

49 Q
A) the electric potential at x=R/2 is
96 o R

1 Q
B) the magnitude of electric field at x= R/2 is
72 o R 2

17 Q
C) the magnitude of electric field at x= R/2 is
72 o R 2

3 Q
D) the electric potential at x=R/2 is
2 o R

12. An electric dipole is placed in an electric field generated by an infinitely long uniform
charged wire

A) The net electric force on the dipole must be zero

B) The net electric force on the dipole may be zero

C) The torque on the dipole about its center due to the field must be zero

D) The torque on the dipole about its Centre due to the field may be zero.

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13. A point charge +Q is fixed at a point O. Another point charge +q and mass m is
projected from infinity towards +Q with speed vo. Minimum distance of approach is r.
If it is now given speed 2vo at infinity then(consider no effect of gravity)

A) minimum distance of approach becomes r/2

B) minimum distance of approach becomes r/4

C) angular momentum conservation will hold true about O.

D) mechanical energy will remain conserved throughout the motion.

14. Consider the following conclusions regarding the components of an electric field at a
certain point in space given by Ex=Kx, Ey=-Ky, Ez = 0, where K is constant. Identify
the correct statement(s) from the following.

A) the field is conservative

B) electric field lines are rectangular hyperbolas

C) equipotential lines are hyperbolic curves

D)equipotential lines are concentric circles with x=0,y=0 as origin.


Case-1: Consider a cube as shown in the figure-I with uniformly distributed charge in
its entire volume. Intensity of electric field(magnitude) and potential at one of its
vertex P are Eo and Vo respectively.
Case-2:A portion of half the size (half edge length)of the original cube(shown in
figure-1) is cut and removed as shown in the figure-II. At the same point P now
potential and magnitude of electric field is V and E respectively
Let O be the Centre of the cube and potential at O is V1 in case-1, V2 in case-2. Then

Eo 3Vo 7V0
A) E  B) V  C) V1  2Vo D) V2 
2 4 4

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16. A charged and fixed annular disc of uniform positive charge density  has inner and
outer radii R and 2R respectively. A negative charged particle of mass m and charge -
q is released on the axis of the disc from a distance x from the center. Then(neglect
gravity effect)

A) the speed of the particle when reached the center of ring is

 q 
v 

(R  R 2
 x2    4R 2
 x2  
 o
m 

B) the speed of the particle when reached the center of ring is

 q 
v  (R   4R 2
 x2   R 2
 x2  
 m o 

C) work done by electrostatic force till the particle reaches the center of ring is
1 q
D) if x<<<R, the frequency of oscillation of the particle is f 
2 4 o mR

17. The electric potential decreases uniformly from 120V to 80V as one moves from y-
axis from y=-2cm to y=+2cm. Then at origin(x=0,y=0)

A) magnitude of electric field must be equal to 20 V/ cm

B)magnitude of electric field may be equal to 20 V/ cm

C) electric potential must be 100V

D) electric potential may be 60V

18. As shown in the figure several equipotential curves(shown in dotted line) each
labelled by its potential in volt. The distance between the lines of the square grid
represents 1.00cm . Then

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A) magnitude of intensity of electric field at point A is greater than the magnitude of

electric field at point B

B) magnitude of intensity of electric field is 200N/C (nearly)

C) Direction of intensity of electric field at E is along positive y-axis

D) the electric field lines representation will be

This section contains 2 questions. Each question has four statements (A, B, C and D) given in Column I and four statements (P, Q, R
and S) in Column II. Any given statement in Column I can have correct matching with ONE or MORE statement(s) given in Column II.
For example, if for a given question, statement B matches with the statements given in Q and R, then for the particular question
darken the bubbles corresponding to Q and R in the OMR sheet. For each correct matching will be awarded +2 marks ONLY and
0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
19. Column I gives a situation in which two dipoles of dipole moment piˆ and 3 pjˆ are
placed at origin. A circle of radius R with center at the origin is drawn as shown in
figure. Column II gives coordinates of certain positions on the circle. Match the
statements in column I with the statements in column II.

3 Pjˆ  x
R P i 

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Column  I Column  II
The coordinate(s) of point on circle where R 3R 
A) P)  , 
potential is maximum. 2 2 

The coordinate(s) of point on circle where  R 3R 

B) Q)   ,  
potential is zero.  2 2 
The coordinate(s) of point on circle where
 3R R 
C) magnitude of electric field intensity is 1 4p R)   , 
 2 2
4 o R 3
The coordinate(s) of point on circle where
 3R R 
D) magnitude of electric field intensity is 1 2p S)  ,  
4 o R 3  2 2

20. Four charges, all having same magnitude are placed at the corners of a square of side
‘a’. A is the centre of the square. If the magnitude of electrostatic field and potential
due to the system of four charges are E and V respectively at A ,then match the cases
in Column – I with situations in Column – II
Column  I Column  II
+ +

A) E  0, V  0 P) A
+ +

B) E  0,V  0 Q) A

C) E = 0,V = 0 R) A
+ +

D) E  0,V  0 S) A

T) A

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4. apply law of conservation of energy and angular m omentum conservation about O



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7. no of lines of forces is the key

8. reference: (physics for scientists and Engineers by serway,Jewett 6th edition))



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12. theory based

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14. E=-grad v
15. reference Purcell, solved example

17. reference HC verma

18. concept of equipotential
 3P
 
3 P  P 2  2P at an angle   tan 1 
 P   60
19. The resultant dipole moment has magnitude
 
with the positive x-direction.


B C

Diameter AB is along net dipole moment and diameter CD is normal to net dipole moment.
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R 3R 
Potential at A  ,  is maximum.
2 2 
 3R R   3R R 
Potential is zero at C  ,   and D   ,  .
 2 2   2 2
1 4p
Magnitude of electric field is
4o R 3
R 3R   R 3R 
At A  ,  and B   ,  
2 2   2 2 
1 2p  3R R   3R R 
Magnitude of electric field is at C  ,   and D   ,  .
4o R 3  2 2  2 2
20. conceptual

1 1 2 2 3 6 4 1 5 7

6 1 7 3 8 4 9 ABC 10 ABD

11 AB 12 BD 13 BCD 14 ABC 15 ABCD

B – RS B-P
16 ACD 17 BC 18 ABCD 19 20
C – PQ C-T
D – RS D-R

JR.IIT_*CO SC Page 6
Narayana IIT Academy 29-01-23_JR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A)_JEE-ADV_WAT-29_Q’P
PHYSICS Max. Marks: 60
(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains EIGHT (08) questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE
For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded off to the second
decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33, -.30, 30.27, -127.30) designated to enter the answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +3 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer.
Zero Marks: 0 In all other cases.
1. The figure shows equipotential surfaces due to two point charges 3Q and  Q placed at
a separation d  1.862 cm . The distance of point ‘P’ from negative charge is ________
cm (Take 3  1.73 )

2. The electric potential in a region is given by V  x, yz   ax 2  ay 2  abz 2 . ‘a’ is a positive

constant of appropriate dimensions and b, a positive constant such that V is volts when
x, y, z are in m. Let b = 2. The work done by the electric field when a point charge
4C moves from the point (0, 0, 0.1m) to the origin is 50J . The radius of the circle of

the equipotential curve corresponding to V = 6250 volts and z  2 m is  m . Fill  2

in OMR sheet.

3. A particle, of mass 103 kg and charge 1.0 C, is initially at rest. At time t = 0, the
particle comes under the influence of an electric field E  t   E 0 sin t i where

E 0  1.0 N C1 and   103 rad s 1 . Consider the effect of only the electrical force on the

particle. Then the maximum speed, in ms 1 , attained by the particle at subsequent times

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Narayana IIT Academy 29-01-23_JR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A)_JEE-ADV_WAT-29_Q’P
4. A small bob of charge +Q and mass 5kg is suspended from a spring of force constant
K  104 N / m and is held at rest 50 cm above an isolated point charge –Q fixed on the

ground. The spring is just unstretched initially. When the bob is released, the maximum
elongation of the spring is 10 cm. Then Q =_______ C .  take g  10 m / s 2 

5. Two point chargers – Q and Q / 3 are placed in the xy-plane at the origin (0, 0) and a
point (2, 0), respectively, as shown in the figure. This results in an equipotential circle
of radius R and potential V = 0 in the xy-plane with its centre at (b, 0). All lengths are
measured in meters.

The value of R is_______meter

6. An inverted hemispherical bowl of radius R carries a uniform surface charge density  .

The magnitude of potential difference between the ‘north pole’ P and the centre C is
n  R / 2 0  . The value of ‘n’ is_____



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7. The electric field strength depends only on the x, y and z coordinates according

 a xi  yj  zk
 , where a = 122 SI unit and is a constant. Find the magnitude of
 
3/ 2
x 2  y2  z2

potential difference (in volt) between (3, 2, 6) and (0, 3, 4)______

8. A hemispherical shell has a charge, uniformly distributed on its surface with density 
as in figure. The electric field intensity at the point ‘P’ due to the charged

hemispherical shell is n . The value of n is_____ (Take 2  1.41 )

(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains SIX(06) multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong
9. A small charged bead can slide on a circular frictionless, insulating wire frame. A point

like dipole is fixed at the centre of circle, dipole moment is p . Initially the bead is on
the plane of symmetry of the dipole. Bead is released from rest. Ignore the effect of
gravity. Select the correct options:

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Qp cos 
A) Magnitude of velocity of bead as function of its angular position is where
20 mr 2

 
    
2 

B) Normal force exerted by the wire frame on bead is zero

C) If the wire frame were not present bead executes circular motion and returns to
initial point after tracing a complete circle

D) Bead executes periodic motion

10. A charged particle of mass m , charge q moves with a speed v in a circular path of
radius r around a long uniformly charged conductor having charge density  .Then

1 1
A) v  q B) v   C) v  D) v 
m r

11. For the situation shown in the figure (assume r >> length of dipole) select the correct

A) Force acting on the dipole is zero

B) Force acting on the dipole is approximately and is acting upwards
40 r 3

C) Torque acting on the dipole about its centre is approximately in clockwise
40 r 2
D) Torque acting on the dipole about its centre is approximately in clockwise
20 r 2
12. The electric potential decreases uniformly from 120V to 80V as one moves on the x
axis from x  1 cm to x = +1 cm. The electric field at the origin:

A) Must be equal to 20 V/cm B) May be equal to 20 V/cm

C) May be greater than 20 V/cm D) May be less than 20 V/cm

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13. Two infinitely large plane sheets separated by a distance l carry a uniform surface
charge densities  and   . The planes have identical coaxial holes each of radius
R  l  R  . The potential and the field at a point on the axis of the holes at a distance x
from the midpoint O between the holes is V and E respectively. Then

 lx  lR 2
A) V  B) E 
 
2 0 R 2  x 2 2 0 R 2  x 2

 
C) V  D) E 
2 0 x 2 2 0 R5

14. Under the influence of the electric field at charge +Q, a charge –q is moving around it
in an elliptical orbit, with +Q at one of its foci. Find out the correct statement(s).
A) The angular momentum of the charge – q about +Q is constant
B) The linear momentum of the charge – q is constant
C) The angular velocity of the charge – q about +Q is constant
D) The linear speed of the charge – q is constant

(Maximum Marks: 12)
This section contains FOUR (04) questions.
Each question has TWO (02) matching lists: LIST-I and LIST-II.
FOUR options are given representing matching of elements from LIST-I and LIST-II. ONLY ONE of these four
options corresponds to a correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the option corresponding to the correct matching is chosen.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases.
16. Four charges Q1 , Q2 , Q3 and Q4 of same magnitude are fixed along the x axis at x = -2a, -
a, +a and +2a, respectively. A positive charge ‘q’ is placed on the positive y axis at a
distance b > 0. Four options of the signs of these charges are given in List I. The
direction of the forces on the charge q is given In List II. Match List I with List II and
select the correct answer using the code given below the lists.

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List I List II
P) Q1 , Q 2 , Q3 , Q 4 all positive 1) +x
Q) Q1 , Q 2 positive Q3 , Q 4 negative 2) -x
R) Q1 , Q 4 positive Q 2 , Q3 negative 3) +y
S) Q1 , Q3 positive Q 2 , Q 4 negative 4) -y
A) P  3;Q  1; R  4;S  2 B) P  4;Q  2; R  3;S  1
C) P  3;Q  1; R  2;S  4 D) P  4;Q  2; R  1;S  3
17. The electric field E is is measured at a point P (0, 0, d) generated due to various charge
distributions and the dependence of E on d is found to be different for different charge
distributions. List I contains different relations between E and d. List II describes
different electric charge distributions, along with their locations. Match the functions in
List I with related charge distributions in List II
List I List II
P) E is independent of d 1) A point charge Q at the origin
1 A small dipole with point charges Q at (0, 0, 1)
Q) E 2)
d and – Q at (0, 0, -l). Take 2l << d
1 An infinite line charge coincident with the x-
R) E 3)
d2 axis, with uniform linear charged density 
Two infinite wires carrying uniform linear
1 charge density parallel to the x-axis. The one
S) E 4)
d3 along (y=0, z=l) has a charge density  . Take
2l << d
Infinite plane charge coincident with the xy-
plane with uniform surface charge density
A) P  5;Q  3, 4; R  1;S  2 B) P  5;Q  3; R  1, 4;S  2
C) P  5;Q  3; R  1, 2;S  4 D) P  4;Q  2,3; R  1;S  5

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18. For the electric dipole shown in figure, match the facts in COLUMN-I with the facts in

Column –I Column-II
P) Electric potential is zero 1) Point A (along the axis
from A to B)
Q) Direction of electric field strength is opposite 2) Point C (on the axial line)
to the direction of electric dipole moment of
the dipole
R) Direction of electric field strength is the same 3) Point O
as that of electric dipole moment
S) Electric field strength at C and D for OC  a 4) Any point on the
and OD  a are EC and ED equatorial line of the
5) EC  ED

A) P  3; Q  1,3; R  2; D  4 B) P  4; Q  3, 4; R  1, 2; D  5

C) P  3, 4; Q  1,3, 4; R  2; D  5 D) P  2,3; Q  2,3,5; R  2,5; D  1, 4

1 2.55 2 6 3 2 4 100 5 1.73

6.90 0.29
6 0.41 7 to 8 or 9 ABD 10 ABC
7.00 0.30
11 BC 12 BC 13 AB 14 A 15 C
16 A 17 B 18 C
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1. At p electric field is zero.

Q 3Q dx d
K K   3x
x 2
d  x 2
x 3 1
a  2 a
2. V 0,0,0   0 and V 0,0,0,1  
100 50
Welect  a  V1  V2   50  106  4  106 
 a  625
   
6250 volt  625 x 2  625 y 2  625  2  2 

 6  x 2  y 2 . Thus R  6
3. qE  m
qEdt q sin1000ti
 dv   dt
m m
Maximum speed is attained when force becomes zero for the first time at t   /  thus we have
v /
 dv  m  sin1000t dt
0 0
  
 v   cos1000   cos 0     1  1  2 ms 1
 1000 
Q 2
Q2 1
  104   0.1
4. Energy equation:  5g  0.5  5g  .4 
40  0.5 4 0  0.4 2
1 45  2
 Q 2  9  109   50  5  Q 2   109  108
2 9
 Q  10 C  100C
5. Potential at a general point P as shown in figure below can be calculated and equated to zero as.
VP  V1  V
 Q 
 
K  Q   3
 VP   0
x 2  y2  2  x  2
 y 2

 
x 2  y2 3  2  y 2  y 2
 x 2  y 2  3  2  x   y 2 
 

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 x  y  3  4  4x  x   y 
2 2 2 2

  x  3  y 2  3  0   x  3  y 2  3
2 2

 x  3 2  y 2  
3  R  3  1.73
 1  1  R
6. Vcenter 

4 0 r
da 
4 0 R  da 
4 0 R
2R 2 
2 0
 
1  2R 
 /2
sin d R
 
Vpole 
4 0 R 2
 
1  cos  2 2 0
2 1  cos 

R R R

2 0
1  0  
2 0
 Vpole  Vcenter 
2 0
 
2 1

 qr a a a a a 2a
7. E  2 ;V  ; V     
r r r2 r1 5 7 35
8. Use solid angle concept.
  1 
E:  1 
2 0  2
1  p cos  
9. mv 2  Q  2 
2  40 r 
circular motion of bead requires a centripetal force
V 2p cos 
Er   
r 40 r 3
mv 2
note that QE r  thus wire frame does not exert any force on the bead to sustain circular motion.
Bead will reach the point opposite its starting position and then repeatedly retrace its path executing
a periodic motion.
mv 2   
10.  qE  q  
r  2 0 r 
q 1 Qq a
v 2
2 0 m 40 r 2  a 2   r2  a2
40 r 3
 PQ
  F cos  2a in clockwise direction 
40 r 2
dV 120  80
12. Ex    20Vm 1
dx 2
There may be y and z components of field also.
13. The potential due to a pair of rings each of radius R and carrying charges +q and –q at a distance x
from the midpoint along the axis is given by
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 
4 0 R 2  x 2
Now, consider a pair of rings of radius z and thickness dz . If dq be the infinitesimal charge on each
ring, then
dq  2 z dz
And if dV be the potential due to this infinitesimal pair of elements at P
 dV 
 2 z dz  lx
 
4 0 Z 2  x 2

 lx zdz  lx zdz
 dV  V  

2 0 Z 2  x 2
 
2 0 R Z 2  x 2

3/2 3/2

 lx
V 
 
2 0 R 2  x 2
V  lR 2
Since, E   E
R 
2 0
 x2
14. Electrostatic force is passing through axis so angular momentum is conserved, so torque is zero and
so angular momentum is conserved. Linear momentum is not conserved as velocity keep changing.
As distance of object from axis is changing so angular velocity is changing and it is not conserved.


JR’S-WAT-37_21.02.21_FINAL KEY

1 PHY 1 1 DELETE "ln" term is missing


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