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43.1106 46.6 474 a oe 51.8 4.110551 55,6062 8. 38.365 56.3 COMPREHENSION QU 59.B 60.C be eens 9. 63.B 64.C 65.0 66.3 | 67.B 68.D 69.4 70.B ML, 11.C 72.C B.C 74.D Wit T5.A 76.4 1c in 79.D 80.A SLA MATRIX MATCHING 82. (A-P), (B-R), (C-Q), (D-S) IS Tbogy 83. (A-R), (B-P), (C-S), (D-Q) 84. (A-Q), (B-P), ( S), (D-R) 85. (A-Q), (B-S),(C-P), (D-R) 86. (A-Q), (B-S), (C-P), (D-R) ; HINTS ers in ii z. es cal ly prec SINGLE ANSWER Q NS ]. Letanarranngement be x) Product ofany five consecutive d 4 ‘ 2,3,4 by 7. This is possible only when x5 =7-So not apt that total number of ways is 8! : Use the concept (total no.of permutations - permutations not repeated) 3. Dl) = sum ofall 3 digited natural numbers xed formed by using ie 35oas 2 i 225 x(143+5+7+9) x11) Because each digit occur in each of unit = 69,375 place, Consider dummy ball B, de-arrangment total no.of arrangements which f(1)= 1 kc, ee wehave GC, 2 C, (ee y s a gee =a fa Cy + Ca tL —1 (2 1524 ieee Tau +243 44) =15 10. 10¢3 - 8C3 = 120 -56=6 11. Case: 1: When all the selects the same letter. One letter can three letters in *c, ways => ways ofchoosing 10 coup same letter is °¢,x1=3 Case : IL: When selected ¢ letters only. The number of two letters from 3 is *c, in which selected coupon only="¢ (2° - 2) Hence required number 0 34c,(2°-2)=3(2" 12 a 13. (2008)* =2" x25 ie positive diviso 40,5440 ” - 1... (45) times (2008)* = {(2008)' - P) 1296 Qs7 R)420 $)210 86, Match the statements in Column-I with nos given in Column-II. ch the statements in Column-I with the s given in Column-IL. COLUMN -1 4) The number of ways, in which 12 red balls, 12 black balls and 12 white balls be given to 2 COLUMN-T ae children each 18, is A) Number of ways of distributing 7 books to) B) The number of ways of forming one team oa 4 : having 5 numbers choosen from 5 boys and 5 girls, so that girls are in majority and atleast Cm “GC one boy's there in the team. r bers nee - a C) The number of five digit numbers in whic ©) Six bundles of books are to be kept in 6 it exceeds the immediately preceding B)The value of CHC boxes one in each box. If 2 of the boxes are too small for three of the bundles, the number : of ways keeping the bundles in the boxes D) Number of permutations of {1,2,3,4,5,6} D)Abag contains 6 black, 6 blue, 6 red, 6 green sucht terns 13 or 246 do not appear 2 and 6 white balls, The balls are numbered | to 6 Concent ineach colour. The number of ways ofdrawin, a 2 balls from the bag such that the alls are of the Ry same colour or the numbers onthemare same, |) 128 s J} R)s82 5) 220 KEY: SINGLE ANSWER QUESTIONS. R) 135 DA 2D 3)D 4B GC 5) 144 OB )C 8B 9D 1B RD, ; IDA 12) B 14)B 15)B 85. Match thestatementsinColumn-Iwith the | 16) 7) 18)A_19)B_20)C nos given in Column-II. ohne C 24A 25)A COLUMN-1 ASSERTION-REASON QUESTIONS A) There are 12 points ina plane out of which | 26. C MULTIANSWER QUESTIONS 5 are collinear and no 3 of the remaining are collinear. Then the no. of lines that can be | 27).A,B,D 283)AB 29)C 30)A formed by joining pairs of these points is 31).A,D__ 32).B,C 33)A 34) DE B) Theno.ofangles that canbe formed by using | 35)A,B.C,D 36) A,B the points contained above is is INTEGER QUESTIONS © Theno.ofrectangles that canbe formed by | 37-1024 38.4 39.240 40.4 number of subsets havi a: ing at least one ae atleast one even integer for n=10, A)1600 B) 3200 ee ©) 1000p) 800 = Considering — the rectangular hyperbola xy = 15!. ‘The number ‘of points (a, b) lying on it, where | 74, a,be lis A) 2016 B) 4032 C) 4033p) 8064 75. abel’ and HCF (a,b) =1, is A)64 —-B) 785 C) 4032) 94185 76. abel’ anda divides b, is (A)96 B)SI1 ©) 1344) 4032 PASSAGE-VII: There are ‘m’ seats in the first row of a theatre, of which ‘n’ are to be ‘occupied. 77. Thenumber of ways of arranging ‘n” persons ifno two persons sit side by side is (m-—n+l)! A) (m—3n+1)! (m=n+1)! ©) (m—2n+1)! 78, If ‘n’ is even, the number of ways of arranging ‘n’ persons if each person has exactly one neighbour is (Pa)(r" Fa) BCP) (epay(r"F.) D) (nimp 9)" tn) ii f ways 0! 79, If m is even the number © A) arranging ‘n’ persons, out ofany ruse Jocated symmetrically in the middle of the row at least one is empty is Pua) 82. 83, A) ("¢,)(2”)-! B).77F, anameM ifn a4 A! MATRIX MATCHING QUESTIONS . The number of possible arrangements tly one neighbour: B) 41¥" Cy Cab P, D) 4b 5 digit numbers are formed using the digits 0, 1,2, 3,4, 5. Match the statements in Column-I with the ven in Column-H. A) How of them are divisible by 3 if repetition is not allowed B) How many of them are divisible by 3 if repetition of digits is allowed C) How many of them are divisible by 3 but not by? ifrepetition isnot allowed 1D) Number of 4 digit numbers divisible by 5 (without repetition) COLUMN - I P)216 Q)108 —_R)2160 S$) 42 A 17 member hockey squad contain 4 particular players A,B,C and D. Players A and B wish to play together or be out of the team together. Players C and D are such that if one plays the other does not want to play. A team of all players is to be selected from the squad. Match the items in Column-I with thosein Column-Il. COLUMN: ‘A) No.of elections including AandB and one of C,Dis 8) No. of selections including Aand excluding both Cand D is C) No, of selections excluding A and Band including one of C and Dis 1D) No. of selections excluding all ofABCE Dis Band 1D) 62 number that B)Dyy, ©) Day DD, Consider the ‘MATHEMATICS? Possible number of words taking all letter ata time such that at least one repentiny letter is at odd position in each word is letters of the word ut ot 91 A) F101 2 ®) Sa D) 1 ds taking all letters h word both *M? s, id both *T? s ether 's are not to} 10! 63. Possible number of wo ata time such that are together a but both 1! 9! Db) 64. Possible number of words in which no two vowels are together is tn 4! agp 4 A) MCT Bs Os _, oe a! © 511 21 D) Frat “421 PASSAGE- III: Consider the network of equally (Ghorizontaland9 vertical) spaced parallel lin shown in the figure. All small squares are of the same size. A shortest route from A to C is defined as a route consisting 8 horizontal steps and 5 vertical steps. Since any shortest route is a typical arrangement of 8H and SY. The 13! number of shortest routes <7 37. Answer the following questions The number of shortest routes through the junction P..... 65. PU 2 Bsn A 66. The number of shortest rout 67. 68. 69, 70. A290 B)216 €) 560 following street PQ must De. A)324.-B)350.- ©) 512.) 256 +A ‘The number ofshortest routes which pass on through junctions P and Ro. Bo A)144 B)240 C)216 DY 286 ws |AGE = 1V im Let O=(aa,,ayyonnd,) be a given ss arrangement of n distinct objects re a). a, A derangement of @ is an % arrangement of these n objects in which none: 1h < ofthe objects occupies its original position. Let f 1}, be the number of derangements of the 15. permutation @ D, is equal to A) (1-1), , +D, B) D,, +(n-1)D, ©)n(D, +s) D)(n—1)(D,, +D,5) The relation between D, and D,, is given by A) D, -nb,, =(-1) ur: B) D,-(n-1)D,,, =(-1) C) D,-nb,, =(-1)" D) D,-D,,=(-1)"" ‘There are 5 different colour balls and 5 boxes of colours same as those of the balls. The number of ways in which one can place the balls into the boxes, one each in a box, so that no ball goes to a box of its own colour is father has 5 pair wi ise distinct ora is the number of ways he ghvesaet ol c oranges to his 8 sons such that cach one ornone. y is the number of ways gives away all the oranges to his § sons fhen each can get any number of oranges .- where [.] is step function ¢ number of distinct natural numbers pto a maximum of 4 digits and divisible 5, which can be formed with the digits 2 6, 7. 8, 9 each digit not curing more than once in each number Our of 100 people at 2 round path 3 people fo be choosen the number of ways so that jo two off the choosen consecutive is D0 06 i C,, then the value of k ii he number of de-arrangements of 5,6} to {1,2,3.4.5,6} such that “1° only i then the set contains (2”+1) elements. If the lumber of subsets of this set which Contains atmost ‘n’ elements is 4096 then he value of ‘n* four persons A. B,C,D are to be seated in Tow such that B does not follow A, C does ot follow B and D does not follow Cc. Then the number of ways of seating them is / jumber of quadrilaterals that can bemade jing the vertices of a polygon of 10 sides ing 3 sides common with the polygon ik+3), then k mber of triangles that can be made PASSAGE - I: D,,D,.—— A _ vertices of a polygon of 10 sides as ir vertices and having exactly one side mon with the polygon is 10k, then he re were ‘n’ circles in a * ‘maximum number of regions obtained is equal to K +2521), then the value of . G ces of cube, The number of ‘equilateral triangles can be made using the vertices is The natural number N has exactly 12 distinct (positive) divisors including itself and 1, but only 3 distinct prime factors. If the sum of these prime factors is 2 compute the smallest possible value of N. Sum of the digits of total number of ways of selecting 5 letters from the letters of the word INDEPENDENT. . In an examination, the max mark for each, of the 3 papers is 50 and the max mark for the fourth paper is 100. The no.of ways in which the candidate can score 60% marks 1 and 10° and which have the sum of the digits equal to 12. The number of ordered triplets of positive integers which sati nequation 20sx y+2 S50 is then kis Number of pairs of positive integers (p,q) whose LCM (Least common multiple) is 8100, is “K*. Then number of ways of expressing K as a product of two co-prime numbers is __ How many even no. are there with 3 digits such that if 5 is one of the digits, then 7s the next digit? STIONS 090- and P, P,, _P,,,,are 1000 persons. Initially all the doors are closed, P, opensall the Then, P, closes D,,D, D—= Then P, changes the status of D. —etc. (doors having numb multiples of 3). i means closing it if it in which the books same subject are all together is 28. Number of different heptagons which can be formed by joining vertices of a polygon having 16 sides, if none of the sides of the Polygon is the side of heptagon is ay G6 B) G ©) 84 D)60 having 29. The number of divisors of 2'. two prime factors, is AB B24 (C26 ~—(D)60 30. The total number of ways in which a beggar can be given at least one rupee from four 25-paisa coins, three $0-paisa coins and 2 ‘one-rupee coins, is (A)s4(B)s3 (OS 31. For the equation x + y +z + w = 19, the number of positive integral solutions is equal to (A) the number of ways in whic things can be distributed 2 (B) the number of way things can be distribu (©) ¥c. (D) "C 32. Let a=i+j-K and let ; be a variable vector such that -.|,7.; and are positive integers. If ;.4<+2 then the number of values of ; is (A)"¢, -1 B) (©*c, (D)*C Ba uberA={x,,x,,x,..., x,}, B={ y3 the total number of functions f: 4 > B that are onto and there are exactly four element (x) in Asuch that f(x) = y,.is equal to (A)14 °C, (B)16 x C (O14 «°C, (D)16 x *C, 34. The number of ways of dividing 15 men and 15 women into 15 couples each couple consists of a man and a woman) when the order of the couples is considered = A) 7427 +......415 a CE CU 36. Leta, i= 1.2 of umber 0} ! dpstributed to the children so that the segments joined by them form a trig ons so that they fomagh ' so that they fon they fon 21 be the vertices "a2, sided regular polygon inscribed in ofa2 a circle with centre O. Triangles are formed otf by joining the vertices of the 21-sided x\ polyg val 3) The number of isosceles 46. A: T eral nu 2 sos a co INTEGER QUESTIONS aw c 47. F 37. In how many ways 5 different rings ean be i arranged in four fingers. (One finger ean ° hold all the five rings) t 38. Number of positive terms in the sequence The number of three digit numbers, whos middle digit is bigger than the extreme digits is 40. Ifn, and ». are S-digit no.s, find the total 49, no.of ways of forming n, & n, so that these nos can be added without carrying at any stage is 36(55)’ then the value of k 41. The no.of +ve integers from 1 to 1000, (32 (D)36 lumber of zeros at the end of 20024991 1) 0 B)I -O2 1D) 200 The sum of those factors of 7! which are of form 3n + 1 and odd (17 <1’) is Pm 44 B2 OR pes 17. How many integers between 1 and {0° have the sum of their digits equal to 18? A) 25927 B) 29527 C) 27592 D) 29572 18. In how many ways, two distinct natural t numbers can be selected which are less than or equal to 100 and differ by at most 10. ye (B) ‘C ) 7° i rc, (Dy 4c ( 3H C, 5 19. Leta bea factor of 120, then the number ! of positive integral solutions of | x ais (A) 160 (B)320 (C)480 (1D) 960 20. The number of integral solutions of the equation x,x,x,x, =210is Aa B) 6.4" 21. Four identical oranges and six distinct | apples (cach a different variety) are to be distributed randomly into five distinct boxes. Number of ways of distributing exactly two fruits into each box is © s4* D)10.4 (A) 8100 (B)70x5° (C) 8400 (D) 5400 22. The number of functions from the set A={0,1,2} into the set B={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7} such that f(i)< f(J)for i3 and A be a set of n elements. etre (9,2) were’ x,j,¢4!'Then bijections fromA onto A forwhich f(1) #1 47. ‘i the no.of points such that atleast two of ‘7 %,J.2 are equal is oe Cae A) 3n? -2n+1 B) O =n D) (n-1)! 18- ore D) n-("2) 9. If C, denotes *C, , then the value of Let A be the set of all 3 digit natural ka a numbers ‘abc’ where none of the digits a, G+¢, is b,ciseven. Then the value of 2(*) = A)12 BIS. O14 DIS. . a | 10. An ice cream parlour has ice creams in Be 3) 59,500 ight different varieties . Number of ways ie pe of choosing 3 ice creams taking atleast same variety, is > af Among the 8! permutations of the digits 1, 2, -.8, consider those arrangements which have the following property. If we take any five consecutive positions, the product of digits in these positions is divisible by Then no. of such arrangements is. A)7! B) 2x OMS D) none of these Consider the eight digit number N 1111 6. Which of the following statements are true? I._ Nis divisible by 11 I. N-9isa prime III. Nis a perfect square A)I B)II C)I D)1, Mand 1 The no.of arrangements of n distinct objects taken all at a time is equal to k times the no. of arrangements of n objects which contain two similar objects of one kind and three similar objects of another two ice creams of the A) 56 B) 64 ~—-C) 100 _D)27 (Assume that ice creams of the same variety are identical & available in unlimited supply) An unlimited number of coupons bearing ul the letters A,B and Care available, then the number of ways of choosing 10 of these coupons so that they can’t used to spell BAC B) 2(3°=1) ©) 2-4 D) 2! 12. Using the points from 4x5 an array of equally spaced points how many distinet non-degenerate triangles (i.e, triangles with non zero area) can be constructed? A) 1056 B)1064 C) 1060 D)1024 acini” 6 64 OA B ) 6D — 10D) 11.(B) 12.) 5.(C) 16.(A) 17.(A) ee 0.(B) 21.(A) 22.(D)23.(A) 24.08) (B) 27.(D)28,(D) 29.(A) 30. (A) 32.(A) 33.(D) ASSERTION & REASONING QUESTIONS 34. (A) 35. (A) 36. (D) 37. (A) MULTI ANSWER QUESTIONS 138(B,D) —_39.(A, B,C) 40. (A,B,C, D) GpteAO 2Bo 43.) 44. (A, B) 45.(A,B,C) 46.(C,D) 47(A,D) 48.(A,D) ——-49.(B) INTEGER QUESTIONS bj. Bagsmesi.9 52.8 53.2 54.5 55.6 ae 56.8 57.5 58.2 Ti COMPI N UESTI 59.(A)60.(B)61.(B)62.(C)63.(B)64. (A)65.(B) 66.(C)67.(D)68.(A)69. (B)70.(C)71.(D)72.(C) 73.(AYTA.(A)T5.(B)76.(C)77.(C)78.(B)79.(C) lagonaly 39 (1-p)8 1.(B)82.(A)83. aa oe (A)86.(0) nol MATRIXMA riorpl g7, (A-R), (B-S), (C- P), (D- P) 88. (A-R), (B-R), (C-Q), (D-P) _ 89, (A-R), (B-S), (C-P), (D-S) sit cal! 99, (A-Q), (B-R), (C-S), (D-P) s onde! HINTS ie Any required number is of the form 0.x,x, X,, in which all the x,’s are distinct digits and +3] 1 ° divides P, then the maximum yalue of x is A)45 B) 90 ol If the sum of the recipro' 75. 35 D) 180 cals of all the replacement from th natural numbers. 78. ‘The number of ways of A)21 B)33 xo — is divisible by 5 Five balls are to be placed in three boxes. Each can hold all the five balls. The no. of ways of placing the balls so that no box remains empty. if balls and boxes are all different is 80. (A580 (B) 100, (C) 125. (D) 150 81. ifalls are identical but boxes are different is (a2 86 ©4 WS 82. Ifballs are different but boxes are identicalis ()25. @B)IS. (10 O)3 83. if balls as well as boxes are identical is 1 (B)2 (C)25_- (D) 150 Passage — VIIL Ifa set Ahas “n’ clements thenthe number of subsets of Acontaining exactly ‘elements The number ofall subsets ofAiS2". EG Now answer the following questions. AsetA nits, Asuibset PofAisselected. Aft et Qisseketed. Thenthe number of xi such that ysofselecting P ar 84. P,Q have no common element is B) 128 C) 3432 D) 2187 sly 3 clementsin common | 85, Pand Qhaveexa is A) 2835 -B) 128 ©) 3432 D) 218 86. Pand Q have equal number of elements is (P and Q may be null sets) 4) 2835 B) 128 C) 3432.D) 2187 76. sitive integral divisors of N is R then a ir] is (where [2] is the greatest integer MATRIX MATC HINGQL ESTIONS R) 87. Match the following: ‘ leeseimcn es D)4 Consider all possible permutations of the ms i “4 letters of the word Two abe x and y are drawn without MASTERBLASTERS ne set of the first 15 covet drawing them such that te tet a oe ents A family group consisting of wo _Imen, three women and fourchildren have front fm persons are arranged in stra TOW seats for a broad way show, where they aren! different ways in which this can] Millall sit next to one another in seats 101 When n persons sit round. circular table, ‘rangement will be equivalent toy, through 109. The decision as to who sits in circu Which seats must confirm to the following two arrangements in a Tine, so there are (qcjy Perak: ss -ments of n persons roundly oa ( "The four children must sit next to one another in four consecutive seats. Alternatively, we can regard any one per ay @)_ The two men must sit next to each other. as *head’ and place the other (n-1) person iy PB 59 Ifa man issitting in s. nd a won (1)! differentways, Merete hie 64, 4 round robin conference of prime 7” could be the seat that another woman eS eT Tes 3 ‘on is to be held. The number of ch prime ministers ean be G B) 102 ¢) 103 py 104 | o that prime ministers of India and nM 60. All three women will be sitting next to one n are never together P another ifa man isin which of the following x @) seme 7 oe x 38 (D) 35 38! A)104 BY) 105—«C) 10 D) 109 | 63. A round robin conference of prime n.} SPREE yommen are sitting in sents 103 and 109, ministers of 40 countries isto be held, The which of the following seats could be number of ways it ee | seated such that prime ministers of America and Bi together occupied by the third woman ? of Russia and India are alway A) 102 B)104 C) 106 D and tho: 62. Ifa child is in seat 101 and a woman is in together, is seat 105, which of the following pairs of {A)2 ! (B) 4x37! '§ must be occupied by people not of (c) 2x 38! (D) 4x38! 66, In the above question, if primen se: nisters the same sex.? A) 105 and 107 B) 106 and 10 | of India and Pakistan do not sittogether, C) 106 and 108 D) 108 and 109 then number of ways is 15 , (A) 36 * 36! (B) 72 x36! 63. Hnowomanissitting next to another woman, eiaceee >) 2a mM 14 x 36! (D) 288 * 36! fthe foll must be true ie eaicttof tie following ‘ 67. A round robin conference of prime isters of 40 countries is to be held, The 1 number of ways in which they can be seated so that prime minister of India D) Aman is in seat 108 neither sits with Pakistani counterpart nor is with Chinese counterpart, i ement round a circular table :A circular (A) 111 x 37! (B) 333 x 37! (C) 666 x 37! (D) 1332 x 37! age - III Let x, x,x, x, xx, be asix digit number find A)A woman is in seat 104 B)A child is in seat 105 C) A woman is in seat 106 table has no head and arrangements like these in the figures given below are considered identical. the number of such numbers oho eke Bm _— - te =e )} worl appt Hw ‘garden as often as she ean, hout taking the same kids more than | nce. Then the number of visits, the cher makes to the garden exceeds that ways in which she can inyite S of them to dinner, if yo particular of them are not on speaking. nd will not attend together is RA) "'C,-°C, (B) °C, +2°C, °C, (D) %C 46, Let N denote the greatest number of points in which 7 straight lines and les intersect. Then (Ayn/N-("C>) By © N-("Cr) isever (DN = "Cy —"P, iseven cL) Let n=pi py: -pyepe Where (P,.P, ++ P, ~ are primes and oy a, N) then number of ways in w hich n can be expressed as the product of (wo positive factors which are prime (o one another 1 (Ao (B)2*_ a2") an 48, The smallest number with 16 divisors is (A)15x sum of the coefficients in(l+x) (B)2' x3 (C)2°x3 (D)2°x3' x5! 49, Number of positive unequ 1 integral equation x+y +2=6is solutions of the (C) 51 (D)2*4! another kind is 51, ‘The number of ways in which 4m ‘couples can be sit four on each side of s Tong table so that males on one side and ‘males on the other side and no wife isin” front of her husband is k then kis 52, A guard of 12 men is formed froma group, of ‘n’ soldiers. Itis found that 2 particular: soldiers A and B are 3 times as often’ together on guard as3 particulars soldiers €,Dand E. Then(n-24) = The number of triangles that can be formed with the angular points ofa hexagon. Then. the no, of triangles in which none of the sides are to be the sides of the hexagon of positive integral solution 1050 is 375n The numb of the equation x,%%43.% Then when yc N Ifthe number of integral solutions of the 20 where 0 is 1k then k= A seven digit number made up of all distinet 6.4, 2.4, y is divisible by 3. The possible number of order pairs (x,») is Consider $= {1,2,3,4, 10}. Then sum ofall products of numbers by taking {k two or more from S is (11!) then | 7] | equation — 2x+2y+2 ¥>0,y>0 and = digits 8, where | | is GL, Fis 1 58. If then 2, then K= —ems (aya! (B)3! a.m ae eo es ue and statement 2is true fement 2 is not a correct explanation of statement 1. re (© Statement-1 is true and statement 2 is false (D) Statement-1 is false and statetment 2 is true. Select the answer from one of the above options 34. Statement—1 : The numberof ways of forming a quadtilateral by joining the vertices ofn sided regular polygon such that the quadrilatral has exactly odd number of side common with the n’,—11n? +32n oe ST polygon (n> 6) is Because Statement —2: There aren straight +) 21/9 linesisa plane such that n, ofthemare parallel 373 (S 5 inone direction , n, are parallel in different £ 227) direction and so on, n, are parallel another “J direction such that n, +n, Also no three of the given lin point Then the total number of points of intersection 35. Consider the word ‘SMALL’ Statement—1 : Total number of3 letter words from the letters of the given word is 33. Statement—2 : Number letters distinct = 24 and number two letters alike and third different = 9 of words. aving Number of non negative integral 36. Statement solutions ofthe equation x, Oisequal to34 Statement—2: Number of nonnegative integral solutions of the equation x, +x, +x,+...+x, =ris equal to ""™'C, 37. Statement-1: 51 x 52 x 53 x 54x55 x56 x 57 x 58 is divisible by 40320 ee AlCl words having allthe | of animals has to bri ee fvelions and four tigers to arena. The number of ways can be done provided no two immediately follow each other ‘ (A) 15 (B) 15 x5! «4! (C) 1800 @) 43200 ‘You are given 8 balls of different colours, (black, white,...) . The number of ways in which these balls can be arranged ina row so that the two balls of particular colour (say red & white) may never come together is (A) 81-27! (B) 6.7! © 2.61.7 (D) 2(7! 8!) 40. The maximum number of permutations of 2n letters in which there are only a's & b's, taken all at a time is given by (A) 2.6 10 4n-6 4n one 0 n 3 7) a n+l n+2 n43 ned 1 2 a oy 23S On 9 OnsD nt 41) Number of permutations of the word “AGROBEND" in which vowels appear in the alphabetical order is (ay'P (B) °C, (Cyr4! °C, (D) *C, 5h 42.) The continued product, 2.6.10. 14 sm to n factors is equal to } (A) 7C, (B) (C) (a+ 1) (n+ 2) (n+3) Do 43, There are 3 sections in a question paper ~ each containing 5 questions . A candidate has to solve only 5 questions, choosing atleast one question from each section . The number of ways in which he can make choices is (A)EC,-3"C, (a+n) PC. (B) 240 (C) 120 The number Bremen NSE Ueto bo drawn through any two points out of 10 points, of which 7 are collinear, (ays (B)30, (C35 (D) 45 Given six line segments of lengths 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 units, the number of triangles that can be formed by these lines is ; TC-7 BC-6 OC-5(D)C,-4 . There are (p + q) different books on different topics in Mathematics, where p#q-IfL=The number ofways in which these books are distributed between two students X and Y such that X get p books and Y gets q books. M=The number of ways in which these books are distributed between two students X and Y such that one of them gets p books and another gets q books. N=The number of ways in which these books are divided into two groups of p books and q books, then (A) L=M=N (B) L=2M=2N (©) 2L=M=2N (D)L=M=2N 20. The sum of the divisors of 2°. 3. 5* is (A)3°.7'. 1 (B) 3.7. 1.3 (©)3.7. 1.31 (D) 21. The number of numbers pq of the form | An41,where p, qs ¢ {1,2,3,5, 7,9) 11} is (neZ) (Aig (B36. (C)42_— (D) 49 22, The number of positive integers that are the divisors of atleast one of the numbers 101°,157,18!' is... (A) 1056 (B)528 (C)870 (D)435 23, The exponent of 2 in N=20*19%18%. - 11. is (Ay10 (BIS. (C)20. (O) 12 f distributing 8 24, The number of ways 0! ct boxes so that identical balls in 3 distin none of the boxes is empty yc, @B2i © (D)5 25. No. of d ‘A, B and C haying collectively. (al M3 (O47 (OP 26. There are three piles of identical red, blue and green balls and each pile contains at east 10 balls. The number of ways of selecting 10 balls if twice as many red balls as green balls are to be selected, is “Ws 4 ©o6 ©)s8 ‘he number of integral solutions for the equation x+y +z-+ (= 20, where % ¥5 %€ are >-1,is “~ 21. 15 x, > x, > select K digits in 1 ..> x, 21 weean °C, ways and arrange them in descending order in only one way. No. ofrational numbers is (1) 756 3024 (3) 1512 (4) 6048 96, 49Cy icant Coo 52. The number of permutations by using all| 2 (1)acP&acQ (Q)ac P&agQ the letter of the word MONDAY, such that Ba gP&acQ GagP&a¢gQ which are not begining with M and not ending A= {a, a)... } Ifa,,a,eprQ with Y is Remaining (n-2) elements satisfy 2 wy my ed 53, The number of positive integers < 100000 | @) aa) in3 ey Ang 3 which contain exactly one2,oneSandone| 2 | Cot Cot Cio tenn t” Cho = 7 in its decimal representation is 10, +?C,+7C, +00 eee ieee ee | 38. A test hasty © Lo marks each and the 4th | marks, Assuming that m in fractions, then the n! which a candidate can get 30 marks out 11011 2) 1111 3) 999 39, Inan examination of 9 papers acandidate hhas to pass in more papers than the number of papers in which he fails in order to be successful. The number of ways in which he can be unsuccessful is 19255 2)256 3) 193 4319 40. Ifthere are five periodes in each working day ofaschool, then the number of ways that you can arrange 3 subjects during the working day is 41. Eight chairs are numbered 1 to 8. Two women and three men wish to occupy one chair each. First the women choose the chairs from among the chairs marked 1 to 4, then the men select the chairs from among the remaining. The number of possible arrangements is fo.0f ways in which 4 boys and six girls ‘sit alternately in a row D: No.ofsides of the polygon in which no.of sides is equal to no.of diagonals. 1)BADC 2)DCAB 3)CDBA 4)CDAB 31. The number of positive integral divisors 0f1200 which are multiples of ‘6’ is 32, IfN is the least natural number which leaves remainders 2,4,6,10 when divided up}) by 3,5,7,11 respectively, then the no. of Uni) divisors of N is st 14 = -2)5 3)6 ay °C, AC, Oj 33, The sum of positive integral 3)*C,.*P, 4)'P.'P, eo 600 which are multiples of 10 is 42. 18 guests have to be seated half on each wil 1840 2)3360 3) 1680 4) 420 side of a long table, 4 particular guests Iii} 34, The no. of ways can a group of 5 letters be desire to sit on one particular side and 3 im = formed out of Sa 's, Sb 's, Sc 's and others on the other side. Then the number ido 5d 's is of ways in which the sitting arrangements W°G,x5 2)°C,x5 3)°C, 4)*C, can be made jf 35. Inanelection three districts are to be can- (ol 2) #C,(9 vassed by 2,3 & 5 men respectively . If 3) 11C. (912 4". OL? th there are 10 men volunteer, thenumber of | 43, 7 here are 5 English, 4 Sanskrit and 3 they can be alloted to the different ‘Telugu books. Two books from each group 1 petals 2 are to be arranged ina shelf. The number ‘ hy 10! Q) 10! of possible arrangements is 7 srars1 we 2tst 1) (180) 6! 2) (12) 7! 3)7 4) 180 ] 10! 10! 44, The number of different combinations that GB) a @) Gears! can be formed out of the letters of the word ei ee "[NFINITE' taken four at a time is 136, Let xy.2-105 where x, y, 2 ¢ N. Then 120 2922-324 4) 120 | number of ordered triplets (* ¥ ) | 45. jrhere are periods in each working day satisfying the given equatio: ; | 37, The number of positive integral solution sets of the equation xy2 150 is of aschool, then the number of ways that you can arrange 4 subjects during the Te. da A OS used fo be | rether Bnet aarG other particular friends gation, library tickets and 8 books of {is interest inthe library, Out of these 8, 1e does not want to borrow Chemistry part _ I, unless Chemistry part 1 is also borrowed. The number of ways in which he can choose the three books to be borrowed is N41 232 16. Ay Ary Ay, Ayy Ali lie on Z, and if Z, is parallel to these points are joined and lines are formed, the maximum number of points of intersection that will form between the lines is 1)80 2)1003)120— 4) 240 17. The interior angles of a regular polygon measure 120° each. The number of diagonal of the polygon is 18 2)9 3) 18 18. The number of rectangles excluding squares from a rectangle of size 9 x 6 is 1)391 2)791 3) 84 4) 250 19. Inaplane there are two families of lines y=xtny=-x+1,wherer ce {0,1,2,3, 4}. The number of squares of diagonals of the length 2 units formed by the lines is 20. A rectangle with sides 2m -1, 2n - 1 is divided into squares of unit length by drawing parallel lines as shown in the diagram. 3)51 4) 26 on 1. BB B,.B,.B. if 4) 10 The number of rectangles with odd side length is )(m+n+l) 2) mn(m+1)(n-+1) 3) mn? aan" 21. Nine points lie in a plane forming a square IfNis thonumber of area, haying three of thes Vertices, then the last digit of Ne 27 3)8 22. ‘The number of ways of selecting two 15<1 squares from a chess board such that they. neither have a common vertex nor have a ‘Common side is N then last digit of N is 13 24 3)5 46 23, Three Indies have each brought thelr one child for admission to @ school, The principal wants to interview the six persons oye by one subject to the condition that no mother is interviewed before her child, The humber of ways in which interviews can h arranged is 16 2936 © 3)72 4)90 In the next world cup of erieket there win pe 12 teams, divided equally in two groups, Teams of each group will play a match against each other, From each group 3 top. teams will qualify for the next round, In this round each team will play against other . Each of the four top teams of this .d will play a match against the other three. Two top teams of this round will go to the final round, where they will play the best of three matches. The minimum number of matches in the next world cup, will be 24, of ordered pairs 100} that 25, The number such (m,n),myne {1,2 “ is divisible by 5 is 1) 1250 2)2000 3)2500 4) 5000 26. The number of ways of dividing 15 men and 15 women into 15 couples, each consisting ofa man and a woman is 1) 1240 2) 1840 3) 15! 4) 2005 27. The number of ways of choosing 3 squares from a chess board so that they have exactly one common vertex 1) 195 2)196 3) 197 4) 198 as shown —< 2A a A 5x7 game board 28. Number of squares of all dimensions of 2. J ‘ I t r 33. 34. ae, Wah aie 124441 =17 is divisible by 1>'7 ‘are ofthe form 4m+ 1. i.e. id divisors. Among odd divisors fad eo s which leave remainder | when divided EXERCISE -1 he number of rational numbers lyi the interval 2002, 2003) allot hoses ‘gts after the decimal point are non-zero and are in decreasing order is pyre YP 3) 29-1 4) 2) Ais a set containing n elements. A subset PofAis chosen. The set A is reconstructed by replacing the elements of P. A subset Q of Ais again chosen. The number of ways ofchoosing P and Q so that P-\Q contains exactly two elements is 1)9."C, 2)3*-"C, 2. *C, Ay-C,3 There are 10 bags B,, B., By... By Whi contain 21, 22, ..... 30 different articles C respectively. The total number of ways to bring out 10 articles from any one bag is DCs," C, 2)7'C,, 3) A Tennis tournament is to be played by 10 pairs of students and each pair is to play with every other pair one set. If four sets are played each day then the number of days should be allowed for the tournament is 112-2) 16 3) 80 4) 90 The results of 21 football matches (win, lose, draw) are to be predicted. The no. of different forecasts that can contain 19 wins is n bit strings are made by filling the digits Oor1.The pombe ct St in which there Ne Cy 4) °C 4. 5. 127378 2) 27405 3) 27504 4) 27387 Given that ‘n’ is odd, the number of ways in which three numbers in A.P ean be selected from 1, 2,3, 0 sm is Y= /2 2y(n+ 1/4 3) (4 8/2 4-1/4 A child attempts to open a five dise-lock (each dise consists of digits (0, 1, ~-» 9}) He takes 5 sec time to dial a particular number on the dise, Ifhe does so for 5 hrs. every day, then the number of days he would be sure to open the lock is 10. The number ofways of selecting 3-member, subset of {1,2,3,....,.25} so that the numbers form a GP. with integer common. ratio is 10-2) 3) 12 4) 1s The number of n digit numbers, which contain the digits2 and 7, butnot the digits 0,1,8,9. 8 9%. ML. 1) 6" —5"=5"+4" 2) 6" 45" 5" 3) 6" +5"-5"-4" 4) 6"-5" 4" Let N be the number of 4 digit numbers formed with at most two distinet digits. Then the last digit of N is 16 2)7 3)8 4)9 Two teams are to play a series of S matehes between them. A match ends in a win or Joss or draw fora team. Anumber of people forecast the result of each match and no two people make the same forecast for the series of matches. The smallest group of people in which one person forecast correctly for all the matches will contain ‘n’ people, where n= 181 2) 243 a 3)486 4) 144 14. A delegation of four friends are to be selected from a group of 12 friends. The

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