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African nations can’t ‘adapt’ to famine or floods.

countries should pay us for the climate crisis they caused
Vanessa Nakate

Tuesday 8th November 2022

37 million people are facing starvation in the Horn of Africa. Time for
wealthier countries to adopt ‘loss and damage finance’
In September, I travelled from my home (£26bn); reconstruction will cost another
country, Uganda, to Turkana County in $16bn.
Kenya, which is suffering from a historic
Pakistan has contributed only 0.3% of
drought. One morning, I met a boy in a
global emissions, yet, like Kenya and
hospital where doctors see patients with
Somalia, it is having to pay, literally, for
the worst cases of severe acute
the greenhouse gases released by other
malnutrition. His family had not been able
countries. What’s more, these countries
to access the treatment he needed in
don’t have the resources to pay for the
time. By the time the sun set that evening,
damage being inflicted upon them. When
he had died.
Germany experienced terrible flooding in
The boy was one of 37 million people 2021, the government was able to
facing starvation in the Horn of Africa. instantly mobilise €30bn (£26bn) to pay to
After four failed rainy seasons, Kenya rebuild the towns and infrastructure that
faces the acute risk of widespread famine. had been decimated by the flood. In
This suffering is set to get worse; experts contrast, Pakistan has had to rely on an
predict that drought-stricken areas in UN emergency appeal that is only 34%
Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia will receive funded. Mozambique was forced to take
significantly below normal rainfall for the out an IMF loan to help pay for recovery
rest of the year. following Cyclone Idai in 2019, pushing
the country further into debt distress.
The entire continent of Africa is
responsible for less than 4% of historic The legacy of colonial extraction and
global emissions, yet African people are plundering by rich countries has left
bearing the brunt of the climate crisis. We countries such as Pakistan, Kenya and
are experiencing profound damage to our Mozambique without enough resources
societies, our economies and most to cope in the face of extreme climate
importantly our people. The same change. Without the money to recover
injustice is also crippling other lower- from extreme weather events, there is
income parts of the world; in Pakistan little hope for countries like mine to
earlier this year, extreme flooding survive the next few decades.
submerged a third of the entire country,
At Cop27 this week, the countries most
killing more than 1,700 people. The World
vulnerable to the effects of the climate
Bank estimates that the total economic
crisis are bringing a solution to the table.
damage to Pakistan sits at over $30bn
We’re asking those who have largely
caused this crisis to help pay for the way of getting this money to the people
damage they have created. This is called who need it is simply by giving them
“loss and damage finance”, in UN money directly. Such direct transfers
language. Already, it has dominated the could happen in the form of small and
talks and kept negotiators wrangling late accessible grants to communities in
into the night. urgent need.
Vanuatu, a Pacific nation that is among The one thing that is still lacking is the
the most climate-vulnerable countries in political will to make this happen. But as
the world, first proposed such financial climate disasters pile up, loss and damage
support in 1991. But the issue has been is becoming increasingly difficult to
tied down in technical UN negotiations for ignore. People have described Cop27 as
years. That has allowed rich countries to the “African Cop”. It can only live up to
delay any progress in getting money to that name if world leaders are prepared
people who need it to recover and to actually deal with the needs of people
rebuild. Now, the issue of loss and suffering from a crisis they have played
damage is finally becoming unavoidable. little role in creating. To the leaders
People across the world are starting to gathering in Sharm el-Sheikh this week, I
understand why this is needed. say: you cannot adapt to starvation. Stop
wasting time. Start getting funds to those
Some might say that such finance is still
who need them most.
unlikely amid the energy and cost of living
crises. But if we’re talking about who is to Vanessa Nakate is a climate activist,
blame, there is one culprit that stands out Unicef goodwill ambassador and author of
– the fossil-fuel industry. A new report A Bigger Picture
from the Loss and Damage Collaboration
found that in the first half of 2022, just six
fossil fuel companies made enough QUESTIONS
money to cover the total costs of extreme
1) What issue is the writer
weather and climate-related events in
addressing? Summarise her
developing countries around the world –
and still have nearly $70bn (£61bn) left
2) What is the solution that she
over in pure profit. Even the UN secretary
general has called for windfall taxes on
3) What anecdote does the writer
fossil-fuel giants to fund loss and damage
use in paragraph one? Why is this
a good way to begin their
Others argue that we cannot control how argument?
the money is actually used – that 4) How does the use of statistics
governments who receive it may not pass help the writer to make their
it on to the people in need and instead point? Use specific examples to
spend it on their own projects. But we answer the question.
know what works. A report released last 5) What does she think will be the
week by the Stockholm Environment barriers to solving the problem?
Institute found that the most effective

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