Junior Model-A Wat-14 Chemistry Npyq

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SEC: JR_*CO-SC(MODEL-A) Date: 11-09-22

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 264

PHYSICS: PRESENT WEEK EEK (80%): Conservation of linear Momentum & 1 D
collisions ( )
EEK (20%): Centre of Mass
Ma & Collisions: Centre of
Mass -

((Exclude: Conservation of Linear Momentum, Impulse, Collisions

ons and
Variable Mass Systems))

CHEMISTRY: PRESENT WEEK (80%): Liquid Solutions and Colligative

Properties: Raults law and its application, colligative properties,
Abnormal colligative properties & Van't Hoff factor, Abnormal
Colligative properties, Henry's law, Different types of distillation, Ideal
solution and non ideal solutions, Azeotropic mixtures, DG mixing,
PREVIOUS WEEK (20%): Buffer solution & Buffer capacity, Solubility
of sparingly soluble salts and solubility product , Indicator, Acid base
titration curves

MATHEMATICS: PRESENT WEEK EEK (80%): Idempotent, Nilpotent

Nil & Involutary
, Solving system of
Linear Equations,, Solving system
sy of homogenuous equations,,

PREVIOUS WEEK EEK (20%): MATRICES: Types T of Matrices and
d their
properties, Algebra of Matrices,, Transpose
Transpos of Matrix, Symmetric &
Skew-Symmetric Matrix,, Determinant of a square Matrix, Adjoint and
IInverse of a matrix and
nd its properties
Narayana IIT Academy 11-09-22_JR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A)_JEE-ADV_WAT-11_Q’P
CHEMISTRY Max Marks: 88
This section contains 8 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
21. The vapour pressure of two pure liquids A and B are 5 and 10 torr respectively.
calculate the total pressure of the solution (in torr) obtained by mixing 2 mole of A and
3 mole of B.

22. The vapour pressure of two pure liquids A and B are 50 and 40 torr respectively. If 8
moles of A is mixed with x moles of B, then vapour pressure of solution obtained is 48
torr. What is the value of x.

23. The vapour pressure of a liquid solution containing A and B is 99 torr. Calculate mole
% of B in vapour phase.

(Given : PAº  100torr; PBº  80torr )

24. If 30g of a solute of molecular mass 154 is dissolved in 250g of benzene. What will be
the elevation in boiling point of the resulting solution?

(Given : K b(C H )  2.6K kg mol1 )

6 6

25. Calculate elevation in boiling point for 2 molal aqueous solution of glucose.

(Given : K b(H O)  0.5K kg mol1 )


26. Calculate depression of freezing point for 0.56 molal aq. Solution of KCl.

(Given : K f (H O)  1.8K kg mol1 )


27. What is the maximum value of van’t Hoff factor for AlCl3 ?

28. A solution containing 500g of a protein per litre is isotonic with a solution containing
3.42g sucrose per litre. The molecular mass of protein in 5 10 x , hence x is.

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This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all other cases.
29. When non – volatile solute is added to a pure solvent, the:

A) vapour pressure of the solution becomes lower than the vapour pressure of the pure

B) rate of evaporation of solvent is reduced

C) rate of condensation of vapour is also reduced

D) None of these

30. The total vapour pressure of a binary solution is given by

P  (100X A  260X B )mm Hg

Where, X A and X B are the mole fractions of components A and B. This indicates that
the :

A) vapour pressure of solution is less than the pure B component

B) vapour pressure of solution is more than that of pure A component

C) vapour pressure of pure A is 100mm Hg and that of pure B is 260 mm Hg

D) the vapour pressure of pure A and B are 260 mm Hg and 100 mm Hg respectively

31. Which of the following statement(s) is / are correct, if intermolecular force in liquids
A, B and C are in the order of A  B  C ?

(A) B evaporates more readily than A

B) B evaporates more readily than C

C) A evaporates more readily than C

D)All evaporate at same rate at same temperature.

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Narayana IIT Academy 11-09-22_JR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A)_JEE-ADV_WAT-11_Q’P
32. Which of the following is correct for an ideal solution?

A) H mix  0 and Vmix  0 B) Vmix  0 and Smix  0

C) X mix  0 and Smix  0 D) G mix  0 and Smix  0

33. For a non – ideal solution with a negative deviation:

A) H mix   ve B) Vmix   ve C) Smix   ve D) G mix   ve

34. For exact determination of molecular mass through colligative properties measurement:

A) Solute must be volatile

B) Solution must be very dilute

C) Solution must be formed by addition of volatile solute

D) Solute must not be dissociated or associated

35. For the depression in freezing point experiment, the correct statement(s) is / are:
A) vapour pressure of pure solvent is more than that of solution
B) vapour pressure of pure solvent is less than that of solution
C) only solute molecules solidify at the freezing point
D) only solvent molecules solidify at the freezing point
36. The cryoscopic constant value depends upon:
A) The molar mass of the solute in the solution

B) The molar mass of the solvent tin the solution

C) The enthalpy of fusion of the solvent

D) The freezing point of the solvent

37. Consider following solution:

(I) I M glucose (aq) (II) 1 M sodium chloride (aq)
(III) 1 M acetic acid in benzene (IV) 1M ammonium phosphate (aq)
A) All are isotonic solution B) III is hypotonic of I, II, IV
C) I, II, IV are hypertonic of III D) IV is hypertonic of I, II, III

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Narayana IIT Academy 11-09-22_JR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A)_JEE-ADV_WAT-11_Q’P
38. Which of the following statements is (are) incorrect?

A) 0.1 M KCl solution will have the same osmotic pressure as 0.1 M glucose solution

B) 0.1 M KCl solution will have the same boiling point as 0.1 M urea solution

C) 0.1 m glucose and 0.1 m urea are isotonic

D) 0.1 m MgCl2 solution will have less relative lowering of vapour pressure than 0.1 m

This section contains 2 questions. Each question has four statements (A, B, C and D) given in Column I and four
statements (P, Q, Rand S) in Column II. Any given statement in Column I can have correct matching with ONE or
MORE statement(s) given in Column II.
For example, if for a given question, statement B matches with the statements given in Q and R, then for the
particular question darken the bubbles corresponding to Q and R in the OMR sheet. For each correct matching
will be awarded +2 marks ONLY and 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
39. Column – I and Column – II contains four entries each. Entries of column – I are to be
matched with some entries of column – II. One or more than one entries of column – I
may have the matching with the same entries of column – II.
Column – I Column – II
(Solute) (Van’t Hoff factor, i)
(A) AlCl3 if   0.8 (P) i  3.4
(B) BaCl2 if   0.9 (Q) i  2.8
(C) Na 3PO 4 if   0.9 (R) i  3.8
(D) K 4 [Fe(CN)6 ] if   0.7 (S) i  3.7

40. Column – I and Column – II contains four entries each. Entries of column – I are to be
matched with some entries of column – II. One or more than one entries of column – I
may have the matching with the same entries of column – II.
List-I List-II
(A) 0.1 M Al2 (SO 4 )3 (P) Solution with highest boiling point
(B) 0.1 M AlPO 4 (Q) van’t Hoff factor is greater than 1
(C) 0.1 M urea (R) Solution with lowest osmotic
(D) 0.1M MgCl2 (S) Solution with lowest freezing point

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Narayana IIT Academy 11-09-22_JR.IIT_*COSC(MODEL-A)_WAT-11_Key&Sol’s
2 3
21. P   5   10  8torr
5 5
 8   x 
22. 48    50    40
8 x   x 8
x = 2
23. P  PAº  x B (PBº  PAº )
99  100  x b ( 20)  x B 
80 
 yB  20  4
99 99
% mole B in vapour phase =  100  4
2.6  30  1000
24. Tb  2
154  250
25. Tb  0.5  2  1
26. Tf  2  0.56  1.8
27. For 100% ionization I = 4
Pr otein Sucrose
500 3.42
28. For isotonic solution   x  5  104
x 342

21 8 22 2 23 4 24 2 25 1

26 2 27 4 28 4 29 ABC 30 ABC

31 BC 32 ABD 33 ABD 34 BD 35 AD

36 BCD 37 BCD 38 ABD B-Q B-Q
39 40
C-S C- R

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Narayana IIT Academy 16-08-21_JR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A)_JEE-ADV_WAT-15_Q’P
CHEMISTRY Max Marks: 62
This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases.
19 The plot of 1/xA versus 1/yA (where xA and yA are the mole fractions of A in liquid
and vapour phases respectively) is linear whose slope and intercept respectively are
given as –
A) p°A / p°B , ( p°A – p°B) /p°B B) p°A / p°B , ( p°B – p°A) /p°B
C) p°B / p°A , ( p°A – p°B) /p°B D) p°B / p°A , ( p°B – p°A)/p°B

20 At 323 K, the vapour pressure in millimetres of mercury of a methanol-ethanol

solution is represented by the equation
p = 120XA + 140,
where XA is the mole fraction of methanol. Then the value of lim
X 1
is –

A) 120 mm B) 140 mm C) 260 mm D) 20 mm

21 The phase diagrams for a pure solvent (represented by the solid line) and a
corresponding solution (containing a nonvolatile solute and represented by the dashed
lines) are shown below.
1 atm


Choose the correct option.

A) A = Tb m and B = Tfm

B) A = Tf m and B = Tbm

C) A = Tf and B = Tb

D) A = Tb and B = Tf

where Tf, Tb and m stand for freezing point temperature, boiling point temperature
and molality.

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Narayana IIT Academy 16-08-21_JR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A)_JEE-ADV_WAT-15_Q’P
22 Consider the following graph. Which of the following statements is correct?


x y
Mole fraction

A) A liquid mixture of composition x is in equilibrium with a vapour mixture of

composition y
B) A liquid mixture of composition y is in equilibrium with a vapour mixture of
composition x.
C) x = y2
D) y = x2
23 Vapour pressure of C6H6 and C7H8 mixture at 50º C is given by P (mm Hg) = 180 XB
+ 90, where XB is the mole fraction of C6H6. A solution is prepared by mixing 936 gm
benzene and 736 gm toluene and if vapours over this solution are removed and
condensed into liquid and again brought to the temperature 50ºC, what would be mole
fraction of C6H6 in the vapour state. (At. wt. of C = 12, H = 1).
A) YB = 0.932 B) YB = 0.72 C) YB = 0.37 D) YB = 0.42
This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong
24 A weak acid (or base) is titrated against a strong base (or acid), volume v of strong
base (or acid) is plotted against pH of the solution. The weak protolyte (i.e. acid or
base) could be-

10 EP II
4 EP I

100 50 0 100%
A) Na2CO3 B) Na2C2O4 C) H2C2O4 D) CH2(COOH)2

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25 Which of the following mixtures will act as buffer ?

A) H2CO3 + NaOH (1.5 : 1 molar ratio)

B) H2CO3 + NaOH (1.5 : 2 molar ratio)

C) NH4OH + HCl (5 : 4 molar ratio)

D) NH4OH + HCl (4 : 5 molar ratio)

26 Consider the following vapour-pressure composition graph SP is equal to –

Total vapour pressure pBo
pAo pA Q
pB R
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
XB 

A) PQ + RS B) PQ + QR + RS
C) SR + SQ D) PQ + QR
27 Which of the following solutions are expected to be isotonic with respect to
6% (W/V) solution of urea ?

A) 18% solution of glucose B) 1 M solution of NaCl

C) 1 M solution of sucrose D) 1 M solution of CH3COOH

28 Which of the following solutions exhibit

positive deviation from Raoult’s law ?

A) H2O + C2H5OH B) C6H6 + C2H5OH

C) H2O + HCl D) CHCl3+(CH3)2CO

29 For a solution containing non-volatile solute, the relative lowering of vapour pressure
is 0.2. If the solution contains 5 moles in all, which of the following are true ?
A) Mole fraction of solute in the solution is 0.2
B) No. of moles of solute in the solution is 0.2
C) No. of moles of solvent in the solution is 4
D) Mole fraction of solvent is 0.2
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Narayana IIT Academy 16-08-21_JR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A)_JEE-ADV_WAT-15_Q’P
30 Consider following solutions :

I. 1 M aq. glucose

II. 1 M aq. sodium chloride

III. 1 M benzoic acid in benzene

IV. 1 M ammonium phosphate

A) all are isotonic solutions B) III is hypotonic of I, II, IV

C) I, II, IV are hypertonic of III D) IV is hypertonic of I, II, III

31 5.3% (W/V) Na2CO3 solution and 6.3% (W/V) H2C2O4. 2H2O solution have same –

A) Molality B) Molarity C) Normality D) Mole fraction

This section contains 5 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
32. How many of the following solutions show negative deviation from Raoult's Law ?

Liquid A + Liquid B

(i) (CH3)2CO + CS2

(ii) CCl4 + C6H6

(iii) CCl4 + CHCl3

(iv) H2O + C2H5OH

(v) (C2H5)2O + (CH3)2CO

(vi) CH3COOH + C5H5N (pyridine)

(vii) C6H5NH2 + (CH3)2CO

(viii) C6H5Cl + C6H5Br

(ix) Cyclohexane + Ethanol

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33 . A certain mass of a substance when dissolved in 100g C6H6 lowers the freezing point

by 1.28°C. the same mass of solute dissolved in 100 g of water lowers the freezing

point by 1.40°C. If the substance has normal molecular mass in benzene and is

completely dissociated in water, into how many ions does it dissociate in water? Kf

for H2O and C6H6 are 1.86 and 5.12 K mol–1 kg respectively.

34. A mixture of (H 2 O  C 6 H 5 NO 2 ) boils at 99°C. In the vapours of mixture partial vapour

pressure of H2O and C 6 H 5 NO 2 are 733 mm Hg and 27 mm Hg respectively. The

WH2O / WC6 H5 NO2 is:

35. Two aqueous solutions as shown, are put in an evacuated chamber. When equilibrium
is attained, it is found that one solution contains 0.01% of X and other 0.02% of urea
by weight. If the molecular weight of X is (n × 10) amu, then what is n(X is non –
electrolyte and non – volatile solute)?

36. MX2 dissociates in M2+ and X– ions in an aqueous solution, with a degree of
dislocation ( ) of 0.5. The ratio of the observed depression of freezing point of the
aqueous solution to the value of the depression of freezing point in the absence of
ionic dissociation is:

19 B 20 C 21 D 22 A 23 A

24 CD 25 ABC 26 BC 27 AC 28 AB

29 AC 30 BCD 31 BC 32 2 33 3

34 4 35 3 36 2
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Narayana IIT Academy 16-08-21_JR.IIT_*COSC(MODEL-A) _WAT-15_Key&Sol’s
1  1 p oA p oB  p oA
or =   ×

x A  yA p oA  p oB

1 po 1 po  po
= Ao . + B o A
x A pB yA pB

 p oB  p oA 
Slope = p oA / p oB , and intercept =  o

 p B 

20. Sol.[C] P = 120XA + 140,

= lim .
x A 1 XA
120X A  140
= lim .
x A 1 XA
Put the value of XA in equation.
120  140
So we will get = = 260 mm

21. Sol.[D]
1 atm


Point A represent the elevation of boiling point and point B represent the depression in freezing
A  Tb 

B  Tf 

22. Sol.[A] It's liquid pairs of ideal solutions 

A Liquid
Vapour B
x y
Mole fraction

23. Sol.[A] First contain XB = = 0.6
78 736

936 92
VPC6 H 6 = 270
VPC6 H 6 = 90

P = 180 × 0.6 + 90 = 198

270  0.6
yB = = 0.82
second coutain X'B = 0.820
JR.IIT_*CO SC Page 5
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P = 180 × 0.82 + 90° = 237.6
270  0.82
Y'B = = 0.932

24. Sol.[C,D]
Na2CO3 & Na2C2O4 are the salts
Only H2C2O4 & CH2(COOH)2 are weak acids, which provide given graph with strong Base
25. Sol.[A,BC]
(A) H2CO3 + NaOH NaHCO3 + H2O
1.5 1 0 0
0.5 0 1 –
Mixture of weak acid & its salt with strong base
(B) H2CO3 + NaOH  NaHCO3 + H2O
1.5 2 0 0
0 0.5 1.5
HCO3– + NaOH  Na NaCO 3– + H2O
1.5 0.5 0 0
1 0 0.5 –
Mixture of weak acid ( HCO3– ) & its salt with strong base like NaOH
(C) NH4OH + HCl  NH4Cl + H2O
5 4 0 0
1 0 4 –
Mixture of weak base (NH4OH) & it salt with strong acid (HCl)
26. Sol.[B,C] MwQa = = 1 M Mglucose = 1 M

27. Sol.[A,C] Urea = iCRT  i=1

6 1000
=1 × × × RT
60 100
glucose = i × CRT
18 1000
=1× × × RT
180 100
= RT
NaCl = 2 × 1 × RT
Sucrose = 1 × 1 × RT
 CH3COOH = 2 × 1 × RT
So only  Urea   glu cos e  Sucrose are isotonic.

28. Sol.[A,B] H2O + C2H5OH and C6H6 + C2H5OH show positive deviation from Raoult's law because
don't obey Raoult's law
Hmix > 0, Vmix > 0, pA + pB > p oA x A  p oB x B

p O  pS n
29. Sol.[A,C] = = 0.2 … (1)
pO nN

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XA = mole fraction of solute
Mole fraction of solvent = XA + Xb = 1
= 1 – 0.2
= 0.8
= 0.8 … (2)
From eq. (1)/(2)
n  N = 0 .2
N 0 .8
n 1
n:N=1:4  
N 4
No. of moles of solvent N  4

30. Sol.[B,C,D]
glucose = iCRT = CRT = C1 RT = same
NaCl = iCRT = 2CRT = 2C1
benzoic acid = i × CRT = CRT = C1/2
ammo = i × CRT = 3CRT = 3C1
So (B), (C), (D) are correct.
5.3 1000 1
31. Sol.[B,C] M Na 2CO3 = × = = 0.5
106 100 10 2
N = 0.5 × 2
N Na 2CO3 = 1.0

6.3 1000 1
M H 2C2O 4 .2 H 2O = × = = 0.5
120 100 2
N = 0.5 × 2
N = 1. Both N and M have same.
32. SOLUTION[2] :-Positive deviation = I, II, III, IV, V, IX
Negative deviation = VI, VIII

33. sol. 3
1000  k 'f  w
Tf 
For the solution in benzene using the data given
1000  5.12  w
1.28  (mN = normal mol. Mass). ….(i)
m N  100
For the solution in water in which solute dissociates
1000  1.86  w
1.40 
m exp  100
Dividing eq. (ii) by (i),
m N 1.40 5.12
i    3.01  3.0
m exp . 1.28 1.86
Now, suppose that formula of solute is

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A x B y  xA   yB
1 0 0
(1   ) x y
 i = 1 – + x + y
 i = 3 and  = 1 (Given that  = 1)
 No. of ions given (x + y) = 3
34. Sol 4
PH' 2 O WH 2 O M C6 H5 NO2
 
P C6 H 5 NO 2 m H2O WC6 H5 NO2
PH' 2 O  733mm Hg , PC' 6 H5 NO2  27mm Hg m H2O = 18,
mC6 H5 NO2 = 123
WH 2 O 733 18
=   3.972  4
WC6 H5 NO2 27 123
35. Sol.3
At equilibrium relative lowering of vapour pressure of both the solution is same.
0.01 0.02
Then   M X  30amu, n  3
Mx 60
36. Sol.2

MX 2  M 2   2X

i = 1 + 2 (  = 0.5)

21. Sol.[B]pA = XA p°A , pB = XB p°B

pA x A p oA
yA = =
pA  pB x A p oA  x B p oB

x A p oA x A p oA
= =
x A p oA  (1 x A )p oB x A (p oA  p oB )  p oB

1 x A (p oA  p oB )  p oB
or =
yA x A p oA

1 p oA  p oB p oB 1
= + .
yA p oA p oA xA

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Narayana IIT Academy 30-08-20_Incoming.Jr.IIT_*CO-SC _JEE-ADV_WAT-14_Q’P
CHEMISTRY Max. Marks: 61
This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong
19. Effect of pressure at constant temperature, on the ideal binary mixture (liquid (or)
Vapour) A and B is given below

Among the following correct statement is/are

A) The vertical line aa1a11 is called isopleth

B) For the binary liquid mixture with the composition ‘x’, when pressure allowed
decreased at constant temperature, first vapour bubble formed has composition x 4 and
last liquid drop has the composition ‘ x1 ’

C) For the binary vapour mixture with the composition ‘x’, when pressure allowed to
increase at constant temperature, at pressure p2

Amount in liquid phase a1c1

Amount in vapour phase a1b1

D) For liquid mixture A and B, with any composition, mole fraction of ‘A’ is more in
vapour phase than in the liquid phase (when equilibrium exist between liquid and

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20. To a saturated solution of AgCl containing sufficient amount of solid AgCl, NH3 is
gradually added such that its concentration becomes 0.2M. Which of the following
options containing concentration of ions is correct? (Given: K sp of AgCl  1010 ,
K f1 of Ag  NH 3 2  103 , K f of Ag  NH 3  2  108 )
 

A) Cl    2  102 M B)  Ag  NH 3  2   2  10 2 M

C)  Ag  NH 3    10 6 M D)  Ag    5  109 M

21. Three urea aqueous solutions are taken. Pure and dry air is passed through the three
solution as shown below. Change in weight of solution is also indicated in the

pure dry air


wt loss=1.5g wt gain=0.5g wt loss=1.0g

A) The correct vapour pressure order of three solutions is C > A > B

B) The correct order of concentrations of three solutions is A < C < B

C) The correct freezing point order of three solutions is C < A < B

D) The correct order of elevation in boiling point order of three solutions is C < A < B

22. For a solution formed by mixing liquids L and M, the vapour pressure of L plotted
against the mole fraction of M in solution is shown in the following figure. Here xL and
xM represent mole fraction of L and M respectively in the solution. The correct

statement(s) applicable to this system is(are)

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A) Attractive intermolecular interactions between L-L in pure liquid L and M-M in pure
liquid M are stronger than those between L-M when mixed in solution

B) The point Z represents vapour pressure of pure liquid M and Raoult’s law is obeyed
when xL  0

C) The point Z represents vapour pressure of pure liquid L and Raoult’s law is obeyed
when xL  1

D) The point Z represent vapour pressure of pure liquid M and Raoult’s law is obeyed
from xL  0 to xL  1

23. The vapour pressures of pure solid and liquid white phosphorous are given by the
Solid: log  
  5.36
 atm  T

2740 K
Liquid: log  
  4.95
 atm  T

Among the following correct statement is/are

(The T and P at which solid, liquid and vapour can coexist is called triple point)

A)Triple point temperature is 329.3 K

B) Normal boiling point of liquid white phosphorous is 553.5 K

C) Molar enthalpy of fusionof white phosphorous is 13.24K.Cal/mole

D) Molar entropy of vaporisationof white phosphorous is 22.8 Cal/K/mole

24. Among the following which is/are isotonic

With 2M urea solution

A) 1M NaCl (100% ionization)

B) 1M MCl2 (50% ionization)

C) 2M Sucrose solution

D) 2M KNO3 (100% ionization)

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25. 
When solid HgI 2 is added to KI aqueous solution HgI 2 s   2 KI  aq   K 2  HgI 4  aq  
A) Lowering of Vapour pressure of solution decreases
B) Boiling point of the solution decreases
C) Freezing point of the solution increases
D) Osmotic pressure of the solution decreases

This section contains 5 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
26. The molar solubility of N 2 in water exposed to air  80V % N 2 , 20V %O2  at 1 atm at 250 C

in the correct scientific notation is A 10b mole / dm3 . ‘b’ value is (Given for N 2 in water

kH  1.56 105 kPa kg mol 1 )

27. CD: Fixed wall, EF: SPM {Fixed wall: allows the pressure transfer but no mass

transfer}. If 16gm Helium present in ABCD chamber calculate the length of this

chamber in cm, if no osmosis takes place through SPM EF. Assume 75% ionization of

K 4[Fe(CN)6 ]

K 4 [Fe(CN)6 ]

Area of
cross He 2M Pure
section 300 K
300 K H2O
=100 cm

28. The plot given below shows P – T curves (where P is the pressure and T is the
temperature) for two solvents X and Y and isomolal solutions of NaCl in these solvents.
NaCl completely dissociates in both the solvents.

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On addition of equal number of moles of a non-volatile solute S in equal amount (in kg)
of these solvents. The elevation of boiling point of solvent X is three times that of
solvent Y. Solute S is known to undergo dimerization in these solvents. If the degree of
dimerization is 0.7 in solvent Y, the percentage of dimerization in solvent X is ____

29. Among the following how many statements are correct

A) For a liquid in closed vessel

B) For KCl solution lim
m 0
is infinity

C) For a solution containing non-electrolyte solute  b 
 .
 m  m  0 1000 SVap

Where M is G.M.W of solute in (g), Tb0 -Boiling point of pure solvent.

D) 0.9 (W/V)%NaCl is normal saline solution.

30. Vanthoff’s factor for 0.01M weak acid HX is 1.01. PH of 0.01M HX is ____

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This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
Answer Q,31, Q,32 and Q,33 by appropriately matching the information given in the three
columns of the following table.
In Column – I, mixture of volatile liquids given, in Column – II, thermodynamic property of
mixtures given and in Column – III other properties of mixture given. Nitrobenzene and water
are immiscible liquids.
Column – I Column – II Column – III
I) C6 H 6  C6 H 5CH 3 A) SSur  0 P) The vapour phase (when compared with
 A  B
liquid phase) is richer in the component whose
addition to the liquid mixture will results in an
increases in total vapour pressure
II) H 2O  HNO3 B) SSur  Positive Q) The liquid phase (when compared with
 A  B
vapour phase) is richer in the component whose
addition to the liquid mixture will cause increase
in boiling point of mixture.
III) H 2O  C2 H 5OH C) STotal  Positive R) The vapour phase (when compared with
 A  B
liquid phase) is richer in the compounent of
more volatile liquid (i.e., low B.P liquid) at any
composition of liquid mixture.
IV) H 2O  C2 H 5 NO2 D) PTotal  PA0  PB0 S)Azeotropic mixture possible.
 A  B

31. Among the following CORRECT match is

A) I – A – S B) I – D – R C) I – C – P,Q,R D) I – B – R

32. Among the following INCORRECT match is

A) II – B – R B) II – C – P,Q C) III – C – P D) III – C – P,Q

33. Among the following CORRECT match is

A) II – A – S B) III – B – P C) III – D – S D) IV – D – R

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Answer Q,34, Q,35 and Q,36 by appropriately matching the information given in
the three columns of the following table.
Given pKa of CH3COOH  pKa of NH 4OH  4.74 , for
H3 PO4 pKa1  2.15, pKa2  7.2, pKa3  12.35
Column – I Column – II Column – III
I) CH 3COONa  aq  (1mole) A) pH independent on P) When 0.5 mole HCl is
concentration of solution added, acts as buffer
II) NH 4OH  aq  (1 mole) B) Basic in nature Q) When 0.5 moles NaOH is
added, acts as buffer
III) CH 3COONH 4  aq  (1 mole) C) Acts as buffer solution R)Undergoes anionic
IV) NaH 2 PO4  Na3 PO4 D) Degree of hydrolysis (or) S) Undergoes Cationic
1mole  1mole 
degree of ionization hydrolysis
increases with dilution

34. INCORRECT statement among the following is

A) IV – C – R B) IV – B – P,Q C) III – C – R,S D) IV – A – R

35. CORRECT statement among the following is

A) I – B – Q B) I – D – P C) II – B – Q D) II – D – Q

36. INCORRECT statement among the following is

A) III – A – R,S B) III – D – R,S C) II – D – P D) I – B – R

19 ABCD 20 ABCD 21 AD 22 AC 23 ABD

24 ABC 25 ABCD 26 4 27 5 28 5

29 2 30 4 31 C 32 A 33 D

34 A 35 B 36 B

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Narayana IIT Academy 30-08-20_INCOMIG JR.IIT_*COSC_JEE-ADV_WTA-14_Key&Sol’s
2  10
10 8    Ag    5  10 9 M
4  10  Ag 
2 

Agaq   NH 3 aq   Ag  NH 3  ; k f  103

5109 M 0.2 M
 Ag  NH 3   
103      Ag NH    106 M .
5  10  0.2   3 

2875 2740
23.  5.36   4.95
135 135
0.41  T   329.3K
T 0.41
 2740 .
26. P  kH  M
P 0.8  1.01325 105
M   5.2  104 mole / dm3 .
kH 1.56 10 8

27.   CRT  i
i 1
n 1
i 1
0.75  i 4
  2  R  300  4  2400 R
PV  nRT
2400 R  V  4  R  300
V  0.5lt
 l  5 cm .
28. Tb  kb  m
From the graphs,
 kb  x 2

 kb  y 1
Degree of dimerization of ‘S’ in ‘y’ is 0.7

1  i  n
n 1
0.7  1  i  2  i  0.65
Tb  kb  m  i
 Tb  x  kb  m  i  x

 Tb  y  kb  m  i  y
3  2
 ix  0.325  3  0.975
  1  0.975 2  0.025  2  0.05 .

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29. C and
A) Rate of evaporation remains constant.
B) 2kb
i  1 1.01  1
30.    0.01
n 1 2 1
 H    C  0.01 0.01  10 4 M
pH  4 .
31, 32 &33.
In Column – III, P and Q are correct for both ideal and non-ideal solution. ‘R’ statement possible for
ideal solution but for non-ideal solution not possible always.
34. NaH 2 PO4  Na3 PO4  2 mole Na2 HPO4
1mole  1mole 

 
20. AgCls Ag  Claq  ; k sp
  aq 

Asaq   2 NH 3 aq    Ag  NH 3 2  ; k f
 aq 

AgCl s   2 NH 3 aq    Ag  NH 3   2  Cl  ; kc  k sp  k f  102
0.2 M s

 s  
10 2     s  2  10 M  Cl    Ag  NH 3  2 
2 

 0.2 
Ag   2 NH 3  Ag  NH 3 2  ; k f  108

0.2 M  2102 M

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CHEMISTRY Max. Marks: 61

This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer, out of
which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases
19. To a saturated solution of AgCl containing sufficient amount of solid AgCl , NH 3 is
gradually added such that its concentration becomes 0.2 M. Which of the following
options containing concentration of ions is correct?
 
[ Given : K sp of AgCl  1010 , K f of  Ag  NH 3    103 , K f of  Ag  NH 3 2   108 ]

A) Cl    2  102 M B)  Ag  NH 3 2   2 102 M

C)  Ag  NH 3    106 M D)  Ag    5  109 M
20. 1 mole of a non – volatile non –electrolyte solid solute is dissolved in 200 moles of
water. The solution is taken to a temperature TK (lower than freezing point of
solution) to cause ice formation. After removal of ice the remaining solution is taken
to 373 K where vapour pressure is observed to be 740 mm of Hg. Identify the correct
Given data: K f  H 2O   2 K kg mol 1 .
A) 163 moles of ice will be formed
B) Temperature to which original solution was cooled should be K
37 18
C) Freezing point of original solution should be  C .
D) Relative lowering of vapour pressure of final solution will be
21. Which statement(s) is/are correct?
A) Antifreeze mixture of CaCl2  water ( f . pt.  50C ) is preferred over
KCl  water  f . p  10C  to melt ice or snow on roads.
B) The low freezing point of aq.CaCl2 solution than aq. solution of KCl is due to its
van’t Hoff factor i = 3
C) The use of antifreeze for salt solutions causes major problems of corrosion of steel
car bodies hence a solution of ethylene glycol in water is used as coolant in cars.
D) More is the amount of salt spreaded on road, easier is the melting of ice
22. Consider the following and choose the correct statement?
(P) 1 M aqueous glucose solution
(Q) 1 M aqueous sodium chloride solution
(R) 1M aqueous ammonium phosphate solution
(S) 1 M benzoic acid in benzene
A) All are isotonic solutions B) R is hypertonic of P, Q and S
C) S is hypotonic of P, Q and R D) Q is hypotonic of R but hypertonic of P and S
Narayana IIT Academy 06-07-19_Jr.IIT_SC-60_JEE-Adv_2017-P1_WTA-10_Q'P

23. Dry air is slowly passed through three solutions of different concentrations, c1,c2 and
c3; each containing (nonvolatile) NaCl as solute and water as solvent, as shown in the
figure. If the vessel 2 gains weight and the vessel 3 loses weight, then incorrect
statement is

Concentration: C1 C2 C3
A) Vessel-I solution is hypertonic than vessel-II solution
B) Elevation in boiling point of Vessel-II solution is greater than that of elevation in
boiling point of vessel-I solution
C) Freezing point of vessel-II solution is greater than that of freezing point of vessel-
III solution
D) Vessel-I & vessel-III solution have same relative lowering in vapour pressure
24. The variation of pH during the titration of 0.5 N Na2CO3 with 0.5 N HCl is shown in
the given graph. The following table indicates the colour and pH ranges of different

P H7

Vol.of HCl

Indicator Range of Colour in Colour in
Colour change acid base
Thymol blue 1.2 to 2.8 Red Yellow
Bromocresol red 4.2 to 6.3 Red Yellow
Bromothymol blue 6.0 to 7.6 Yellow Blue
Cresolphethalein 8.2 to 9.8 Colourless Red
Based on the graph and the table, which of the following statements are correct?
A) The first equivalence point can be detected by cresolphthalein
B) The complete neutralization can be detected by bromothymol blue
C) The second equivalence point can be detected by bromocresol red.
D) The volume of HCl required for the first equivalence point is half the volume of
HCl required for the second equivalence point.
Narayana IIT Academy 06-07-19_Jr.IIT_SC-60_JEE-Adv_2017-P1_WTA-10_Q'P

25. 83.33 gm of 117.6% oleum is added to 1 litre of 3 M K 4  Fe  CN 6  and further 2 litre

of 33.6 volume strength (at 1 atm, 273 K) H2O2 is added to it resulting in the formation
of K 3  Fe  CN 6  as per reaction:
K 4  Fe  CN 6   H 2SO 4  H 2O 2 
 K 3  Fe  CN 6   K 2SO 4  H 2O
If final volume of the solution is 3 litre, then select the correct statement(s)
A) H2SO4 is limiting reagent
B) 2 moles of K 3  Fe  CN 6  is formed
C) If 2 ml of resulting solution is heated then 37.3 ml of O2 at 1 atm, 273 K will be
evolved from H2O2
D) If 3 ml of resulting solution is heated then 48.8 ml of O2 at 1 atm, 273 K will be
evolved from H2O2
This section contains 5 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
26. Calculate the pH at which the following reaction will be at equilibrium in basic
I 2  s  
 I   aq   IO3  aq  when the equilibrium concentration at 300 K are :
 I    0.1M ,  IO3   0.1M
Given: G f of OH   aq   150 kJ / mole
G f of H 2O  l   233 kJ / mole
G f of I   aq   50 kJ / mole
G f of IO3  aq   123.5 kJ / mole
R J mole1K 1 ,log e 10  2.3
27. How many of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
1) For a spontaneous process H system  0 at constant temperature and pressure
2) For a spontaneous process Esystem  0 at constant entropy and volume
3) For a spontaneous process Gsystem  0 at constant temperature and pressure
 qrev.
4) For a spontaneous process  T
 0 at constant temperature and pressure

1 1  P2V2 is correct relation in adiabatic infinite free expansion of gas in cylinder

5) PV
6) For H 2O(l )  H 2O( v ) at 1000C, 1.1 atm pressure, G  ve , H   ve, S   ve
7) In irreversible isothermal expansion of gas in cylinder, S surroundings is calculated by
 Vf 
2.303nR log  
 Vi 
8) In the boiling of egg, S   ve and H   ve
9) For H   aq  S   0, H f  0 and G f  0 .
Narayana IIT Academy 06-07-19_Jr.IIT_SC-60_JEE-Adv_2017-P1_WTA-10_Q'P

28. Depression of freezing point of 0.01 molar aqueous CH3COOH solution is 0.020460
K. 1 molar urea solution freezes at -1.860C. Assuming molality of solution equal to its
molarity, pH of CH3COOH solution would be
29. Electrons in a sample of H – atoms make transition from state n  x to some lower
excited state. The emission spectrum from the sample is found to contain only the line
belonging to a particular series. If one of the photons has an energy of 0.6375 eV, find
the value of x.(Take 0.6375 eV = 0.85eV )
30. A solution contains 0.01 M concentration each of A2+, B2+, C2+ and D2+ ions, they are
to be precipitated as their sulphide by passing H2S gas (0.1M) into the solution.
K sp ( AS )  1018 , K sp ( DS )  1022 , K sp ( BS )  1020
K sp (CS )  1016 , K a ( H 2S )  1021.
The minimum pH required to prevent the precipitation of AS, BS, CS and DS are
x, y, z and p respectively then x+ y+z-p is

This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
Answer Q,31, Q,32 and Q,33 by appropriately matching the information given in the three columns of the
following table.
Assuming all the solutes are non -volatile and all solutions are ideal.
Column – I Column – II Column – III
I) When solid HgI2 is (p) Osmotic pressure of (i)van’t Hoff factor (i)
added to Aqueous KI solution increases remains constant
II) When NaCl solid is (q) Vapour pressure of (ii)van’t Hoff factor (i)
added to Aqueous NaCl solution increases Increases
III) When glucose is added (r) Boiling point of solution (iii)Van’t Hoff factor (i)
to 0.1 Molar glucose aq. increases decreases
IV) When extent of (s) Freezing point of solution
dimerization of benzoic increases
acid in benzene increases

31. The only incorrect combination is?

A) I-p-(ii) B)II-r-(i) C) III-p-(i) D) IV-q-(iii)
32. The only correct combination is?
A) II-q-(ii) B) III-r-(iii) C) IV-s-(iii) D) I-r-(ii)
33. The only correct combination is?
A) II-p-(i) B) III-r-(ii) C) III-q-(i) D) II-s-(i)
Narayana IIT Academy 06-07-19_Jr.IIT_SC-60_JEE-Adv_2017-P1_WTA-10_Q'P

Answer Q,34, Q,35 and Q,36 by appropriately matching the information given in the three columns of the
following table.
Column I contains concentration of aqueous solutions and Column II contains Colligative
propesties of aqueous solution
Molar mass of glucose =180
Given Kb (H2O) (molal elevation solution constant,)
=0.52 K Kg mol-1 Assume non-volatile solute and ideal.
Column – I Column – II Column – III
(I) 11.11 molal aqueous (p) The boiling point of the (i) van’t Hoff factor (i)=1
solution of non volatile solution is 101.040C
solid solute which is the
100% dimerized.
(II) 26.47 mass% aqueous (q) Relative lowering in (ii) van’t Hoff factor (i)>1
solution of glucose vapour pressure is
(III) 1.5 molal aqueous (r) Osmotic pressure at 270C (iii) van’t Hoff factor (i)<1
solution of NaCl which is is more than 1 atm
95% ionized
(IV) 2 molal aqueous (s) The vapour pressure at
solution of Urea. 1000C is 691 mm Hg

34. The only incorrect combination is?

A) I-q-(iii) B) II-p-(i) C) III-s-(ii) D) IV-r-(i)
35. The only correct combination is?
A) I-p-(iii) B) II-r-(i) C) III-p-(ii) D) II-q-(i)
36. The only incorrect combination is?
A) IV-q-(i) B) III-r-(ii) C) I-s-(iii) D) I-r-(iii)
Narayana IIT Academy 06-07-19_SUPER CHAINA_JEE-ADV_2017-P1_JR'S_WTA-10_Key&Sol’s

19 ABCD 20 AC 21 ABCD 22 BCD 23 ACD

24 ACD 25 ABC 26 8 27 5 28 3

29 8 30 8 31 A 32 C 33 A

34 C 35 B 36 A

19. AgCl  Ag  Cl , K sp  1010
 

Ag   2 NH 3   Ag ( NH 3 ) 2  , k sp   108

AgCl( s )  2 NH 3   Ag ( NH 3 ) 2   C l , k eq   102

At equilibrium:0.2 x x
x2 x
 102   0.02  0.02  x
 0.2  2 0.2
x  0.02

  Ag  NH 3 2   Cl    2  102
k  AgCl  1010
  Ag    sp   2
 5  109
Cl 2  10
 Ag   NH 3   Ag ( NH 3 )  , K f  103

 Ag ( NH 3 )  NH 3   Ag ( NH 3 ) 2  , K f  105
 

2  102
  Ag ( NH 3 )   106

105 
 Ag ( NH 3 )  0.2

20. T f  ik f m
21. Conceptual
22. Conceptual
23. ps1  ps2  ps3 , C1  C2  C3 , c.p  i.c
24. Conceptual
25. 2K 4  Fe  CN 6   H 2SO 4  H 2O 2 
 2K 3  Fe  CN 6   K 2SO 4  2H 2O
3moles 1moles 6moles

26. 3I 2( s )  6OH  aq.  5I aq.  1.I 03 aq.  3H 2 0,
G o    G f 0     G f 0   2.303RT log K eq
p R

 5  1
 I   IO 
K eq    
 6
OH 


Narayana IIT Academy 06-07-19_SUPER CHAINA_JEE-ADV_2017-P1_JR'S_WTA-10_Key&Sol’s
27. 2,5,6,8,9 crrcet
28. T   iK f m
id  1  (n  1) d
 H    c
29. 0.6375eV  Ehiegher n4
1 1
 0.6375  13.6  2  2 
4 x 
X= 8
 M 2  ka  H 2 S  . H 2 S 
30. K sp   M 2   S 2    2
 H  

 2
 M 2  ka  H 2 S  . H 2 S 
 H  

X=3, Y= 2, Z=4, P=1

31. I-q,s,-(ii) II-p,r,-(i) III-p,r-(i) IV-q,s-(iii)
32 . I-q,s,-(ii) II-p,r,-(i) III-p,r-(i) IV-q,s-(iii)
33 . I-q,s,(ii) II-p,r,(i) III-p,r-(i) IV-q,s-(iii)
34. I-q,r,s,-(iii) II-p,r,-(i) III-r-(ii) IV-p,r-(i)
35. I-q,r,s,-(iii) II-p,r,-(i) III-r-(ii) IV-p,r-(i)
36 I-q,r,s,-(iii) II-p,r,-(i) III-r-(ii) IV-p,r-(i)


37. Conceputal
38. The point A  ,   lies on y = 2x + 3. Hence,
  2  3
A   , 2  3
 2  3 1
Area of ABC is 1 2 1
2 3 1
    2  3   2  3 2  1  1 3  4  
1 1
   2  3  1    2  S
2 2
 
S  2 or 2  S  3
2  2 3
4 2 6
2 6
or 6    2  6
or 8    4 (i)
and   2  4
i.e.,   2  4 or   2  4

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