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I love animals

Sam: Hi, Lily! Do you like animals?

Lily: Hi, Sam! Yes, I love animals. How about you?

Sam: I love animals too. I like cats a lot. They are so soft and friendly. I have a cat
named Whiskers.

Lily: That's nice! I like cats too, but I really like rabbits. They are so cute and fluffy. I
have two rabbits, Fluffy and Snowball.

Sam: Rabbits are cute. I also like dogs. I have a big dog named Max. He likes to
play catch with me.

Lily: Dogs are great! I like them too. But I don’t like spiders. They have too many
legs and look creepy.

Sam: I understand. I don’t like snakes. They are scary to me. There’s a small snake
in our garden, and I always stay away from it.

Lily: Yes, snakes can be scary. But we have so many animals that we like. What do
you do with your animals every day?

Sam: I feed them and play with them. Max loves to run around the yard, and
Whiskers likes to nap on my bed. How about you?

Lily: I do the same. I feed Fluffy and Snowball, and I like to watch them hop around
their cage. Taking care of animals is fun!

Sam: It really is. I’m glad we both love animals, even if there are some we don’t

Lily: Me too! It’s nice to have animal friends. Let’s take care of them together.

Sam: Yes, let’s do that!

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