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Read the text and answer questions 1 – 4. 5.

Observe a imagem, leia as definições e marque

a alternativa correta.
A Day in the Life of John
a. It is a time when the
Once upon a time, there was a man named weather is generally
John who lived in a small village. One morning, warm and pleasant, and
John woke up early to go fishing in the nearby lake. many people take
He caught a lot of fish and was very happy with his advantage of this by
catch. spending time outdoors,
In the afternoon, John went to the village engaging in activities
market to sell his fish. He met his friend James, such as swimming,
who invited him to come to his house in the hiking, camping, and
evening for a barbecue. John was happy to accept enjoying picnics and
the invitation. barbecues.
In the evening, John went to James' house and
had a great time. They ate delicious grilled fish, ( ) Summer ( ) Winter ( ) Autumn ( ) Spring
drank beer, and watched a movie. The evening
went by quickly, and before John realized it, it was
already night. b. It is a time when
On his way back home, John looked up at plants and flowers start
the sky and saw a beautiful full moon shining to bloom, trees grow
bright. He felt grateful for the wonderful day he had, new leaves, and many
from the peaceful morning fishing to the fun animals come out of
evening spent with his friend. He went to bed with hibernation or begin
a smile on his face, looking forward to another their mating season.
beautiful day.

1. Em qual período da rotina, John observou a lua

cheia? ( ) Summer ( ) Winter ( ) Autumn ( ) Spring
a) Evening.
b) Night.
c) Morning.
d) Afternoon. c. It is a time when trees
shed their leaves, and
2. Em qual momento do dia John foi pescar em many plants start to
um lago? prepare for winter
a) Evening. dormancy.
b) Night.
c) Morning.
d) Afternoon.
( ) Summer ( ) Winter ( ) Autumn ( ) Spring
3. Em qual momento, John encontrou-se com um
a) Evening. d. It is a time when many
b) Night. parts of the world
c) Morning. experience snow and ice,
d) Afternoon. and people engage in
activities such as skiing,
4. Quando John comeu peixe grelhado, bebeu ice skating, and building
cerveja e assistiu a um filme? snowmen.
a) Evening. b) Night.
c) Morning. d) Afternoon. ( ) Summer ( ) Winter ( ) Autumn ( ) Spring
6. Sobre as condições do tempo (Weather Read the text and answer questions 8 – 12.
conditions), observe as imagens e escreva em
inglês o clima. A Day of Changing Weather: From Sunny to

Yesterday, the weather was surprising. It

was cloudy and windy in the morning, making it feel
colder than it actually was. But then, by midday, it
became sunny and warm. Later in the afternoon, it
got foggy and then started to rain heavily, with
thunder in the distance. But the rain stopped
suddenly, and a rainbow appeared in the sky,
which was amazing.
a) b) As night fell, it became snowy and bitterly
__________________ _________________ cold with strong winds, making it a night to stay
inside and enjoy a cozy fire. The day was full of all
kinds of weather changes, from sunny to stormy
and from foggy to snowy, but the sound of waves
on the nearby beach was a constant.

8. Como estava o tempo pela manhã?

a) Nublado e ventando.
b) Ensolarado e quente.
c) Vento e chuva.
d) Nevado e muito frio.
c) d)
9. O que apareceu no céu depois que a chuva
__________________ _________________
a) Neblina.
b) Tempestade.
c) Um arco-íris.
d) Granizo.

10. Com que tipo de condição meteorológica

terminou o dia?
a) Chuvoso e tempestuoso.
b) Nevado e ventoso.
c) Ensolarado e quente.
d) Tempestade de neve.
e) f)
11. O que tornava a noite um bom momento para
__________________ _________________ ficar dentro de casa?
a) Chuva e trovão.
b) Clima ensolarado e quente.
7. Escreva uma frase em inglês, descrevendo as c) Neve e ventos fortes.
condições do clima da sua cidade hoje. d) Neblina e névoa.

Ex: The city is experiencing a foggy morning with 12. O que tornou o dia imprevisível?
a slight drizzle, but the forecast predicts a sunny a) Mudanças nas condições climáticas.
afternoon with a cool breeze. b) Mudanças no humor das pessoas.
_______________________________________ c) Mudanças nas condições de tráfego.
_______________________________________ d) Mudanças nos eventos da cidade.

1B / 2C / 3D / 4A / 5. a- Summer. b- Spring. c-Autumn. d- Winter. / 6. a- Fog. b- Windy. c- Cloudy. d- Sunny. e-
Snowy. f- Rainy. / 7. Pessoal. / 8A / 9C / 10B / 11C / 12A

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