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Tutorial sheet 5 on Sequential Circuit

Sub: BECG 1002 Digital Electronics/ BCSG 0153 Digital Logic Design Modul:2
Q1. The contents of a four‐bit register is initially 0110. The register is shifted six times to the
right with the serial input being 1011100. What is the content of the register after each
Q2. Design The four‐bit universal shift register.
Q3. Using JK flip‐flops, (a) Design a counter with the following repeated binary sequence: 0, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6.
(b) Draw the logic diagram of the counter.
Q4. Using T flip-flop design flip flop which can store 0, store 1, toggle the previous value.
Q5. A sequential circuit has three flip-flops A, B, C ; one input x_in ; and one output y_out . The
state diagram is shown in Fig. P5.19 . The circuit is to be designed by treating the unused
states as don’t-care conditions. Analyze the circuit obtained from the design to determine
the effect of the unused states.
(a) Use D flip-flops in the design.
(b) Use JK flip-flops in the design.

Q6. Determine the output states forhis S-R flip-flop, given the pulse inputs shown:
Q7. Determine the output states for this J-K flip-flop, given the pulse inputs shown:

Q8. Determine the output states for this D flip-flop, given the pulse inputs shown:

Q9. Derive the state table and the state diagram of the sequential circuit shown in Fig. P5.8 .
Explain the function that the circuit performs.
Q10. Design Mod 8 Counter using T flip flop.

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