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Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia


1 Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.1 Magnetic Media. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
1001 Report Format: Payments in Accounts and Tax Withholding in Source – Payed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1003 Report Format: Withholding Taxes - Payable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1005 Report Format: Deductible Taxes on Sales to Be Paid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1006 Report Format: Generated Taxes on Sales to Be Paid and Consumption Tax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1007 Report Format: Revenues in the Year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
1008 Report Format: Open Items of Balance Debtors on December 31st. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
1009 Report Format: Liability Balance on December 31st. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.2 Master Data Preparation for Magnetic Media Compliance Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.3 Customizing Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.4 Integration with Payroll Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.5 Archiving Magnetic Media Payroll Data with FI_DIANHCM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia

2 PUBLIC Content
1 Advanced Compliance Reporting for

You can use the Advanced Compliance Report (ACR) application to generate the report documents that fulfill the
requirements of the government in Colombia for the magnetic media.


You have pursued the license for SAP S/4HANA for advanced compliance reporting and applied the customizing
settings described in the Administrator’s Guide. For more details on accessing the license for advanced
compliance reporting, contact your key account manager.

You have made the following settings in ACR application to run the Magnetic Media compliance report:

● You have made settings in Customizing for ACR under Financial Accounting (New) SAP S/4HANA for
advanced compliance reporting Setting up your Compliance Reporting .
For complete list of role authorizations in ACR, see .
● You have made specific settings in Customizing for Magnetic Media compliance report under Finance
Accounting General Ledger Accounting Periodic Processing Report Statutory Reporting: Colombia
Magnetic Media (DIAN) . For more information, see Customizing Settings [page 16].

More Information

To learn more about SAP S/4HANA for advanced compliance reporting, see .

1.1 Magnetic Media

The Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales (DIAN) is a government institution from Colombia that oversees
fiscal obligations of companies, public institutions, and natural persons. To be compliant with the legal
requirements in Colombia, these entities report their annual operations by third-party to the government via
magnetic media.

To help companies effectively report their operations, SAP delivers the Magnetic Media compliance report that
extracts information from the SAP S/4 HANA system and organizes this data in XML files that you send to the
Colombian government.

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia PUBLIC 3
Report Formats

According to the Colombian government resolution, you have to report your third-party information via magnetic
media using report formats. Each of the report formats contains one kind of information, and some of them are
specified by item types. The Magnetic Media compliance report covers the following report formats:

● 1001 - Payments in accounts and tax withholding in source – Payed

● 1003 - Withholding taxes - Payable
● 1005 - Deductible taxes on sales to be paid
● 1006 - Generated taxes on sales to be paid and consumption tax
● 1007 - Revenues in the year
● 1008 - Open items of balance debtors on December 31st
● 1009 - Liability balance on December 31st

The File Split information in the Output section that you find under each report format section is only applicable
for releases above the SAP S/4HANA 1709 Feature Package 001.

1.1.1 1001 Report Format: Payments in Accounts and Tax

Withholding in Source – Payed

You use this report format to report payments in accounts and tax withholding in source that you have already

In the 1001 report format, the values that the Magnetic Media compliance report uses to calculate the minimum
amount are the ones that you reported in payments or credits in deductible accounts. This calculation considers
the item type of each third-party.

The Magnetic Media compliance report does not consider material account types (account type M) in the 1001
report format.

When reporting employees’ data that comes from the payroll system, the Magnetic Media compliance report fills
the AccountingDocument field automatically with EMPLEADO.


You have selected an amount classification for maintained values in Customizing for Magnetic Media compliance
report under Finance Accounting General Ledger Accounting Periodic Processing Report Statutory
Reporting: Colombia Magnetic Media (DIAN) Configure Data Sources for Report Formats :

● Maintain VAT Codes (FICODIANV_VAT)

● Maintain Withholding Tax Codes (FICODIANV_WHLDG)
● Maintain G/L Accounts (FICODIANV_GLA)

For more information, see Customizing Settings [page 16].

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia

4 PUBLIC Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia
Selection Parameters

You use the Run Advanced Compliance Reports application to collect all the data that you need for the 1001 report
format into an XML file as described below:

1. Choose the status or statuses of the compliance report you want to see.
2. Enter the Submission Due Date of the compliance report.
3. Enter the CO_DIAN_1001 report name and choose Go.
The application displays all the compliance reports whose due date belongs to the status or statuses you have
4. Select the row for which you want to create the 1001 report format.
5. On the next screen, choose New Run.
6. Enter the required parameters and choose Run.


The application generates a new run whose status you can monitor in the Report Run Status column. If you want to
see the log of the run, select the row and, on the next screen, you can read the message texts.

When the report run is complete and the application generates the 1001 report format in XML file format, you can
access Legal Reporting to verify the generated file. You can also access the analytics to verify the data that was
extracted from SAP S/4HANA system.

The application also creates a Data Preview that you can verify and correct.

File Split

The output XML file is split when the maximum number of line registers is reached. In this case, the output is more
than one file, so you have to verify and download each one of the files.

You define the maximum number of line registers in Customizing for ACR, under Financial Accounting (New)
SAP S/4HANA for advanced compliance reporting Setting up your Compliance Reporting , by selecting your
reporting entity and choosing Enter Parameters Specific to Reporting Entity to change the value of the

1.1.2 1003 Report Format: Withholding Taxes - Payable

You use the 1003 report format to report payable withholding taxes.

The Magnetic Media compliance report only considers customer account types (account type D) in the 1003
report format.

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia PUBLIC 5

You have maintained values in Customizing for Magnetic Media compliance report under Finance Accounting
General Ledger Accounting Periodic Processing Report Statutory Reporting: Colombia Magnetic Media
(DIAN) Configure Data Sources for Report Formats Maintain Withholding Tax Code .

For more information, see Customizing Settings [page 16].

Selection Parameters

You use the Run Advanced Compliance Reports application to collect all the data that you need for the 1003 report
format into an XML file as described below:

1. Choose the status or statuses of the compliance report you want to see.
2. Enter the Submission Due Date of the compliance report.
3. Enter the CO_DIAN_1003 report name and choose Go.
The application displays all the compliance reports whose due date belongs to the status or statuses you have
4. Select the row for which you want to create the 1003 report format.
5. On the next screen, choose New Run.
6. Enter the required parameters and choose Run.


The application generates a new run whose status you can monitor in the Report Run Status column. If you want to
see the log of the run, select the row and, on the next screen, you can read the message texts.

When the report run is complete and the application generates the 1003 report format in XML file format, you can
access Legal Reporting to verify the generated file. You can also access the analytics to verify the data that was
extracted from SAP S/4HANA system.

The application also creates a Data Preview that you can verify and correct.

File Split

The output XML file is split when the maximum number of line registers is reached. In this case, the output is more
than one file, so you have to verify and download each one of the files.

You define the maximum number of line registers in Customizing for ACR, under Financial Accounting (New)
SAP S/4HANA for advanced compliance reporting Setting up your Compliance Reporting , by selecting your
reporting entity and choosing Enter Parameters Specific to Reporting Entity to change the value of the

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia

6 PUBLIC Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia
1.1.3 1005 Report Format: Deductible Taxes on Sales to Be Paid

You use this report format to report deductible taxes on sales to be paid.

The Magnetic Media compliance report only considers credits of input and output tax types (tax type A or V) in the
1005 report format.


You have maintained values in Customizing for Magnetic Media compliance report under Finance Accounting
General Ledger Accounting Periodic Processing Report Statutory Reporting: Colombia Magnetic Media
(DIAN) Configure Data Sources for Report Formats Maintain VAT Codes .

For more information, see Customizing Settings [page 16].

Selection Parameters

You use the Run Advanced Compliance Reports application to collect all the data that you need for the 1005 report
format into an XML file as described below:

1. Choose the status or statuses of the compliance report you want to see.
2. Enter the Submission Due Date of the compliance report.
3. Enter the CO_DIAN_1005 report name and choose Go.
The application displays all the compliance reports whose due date belongs to the status or statuses you have
4. Select the row for which you want to create the 1005 report format.
5. On the next screen, choose New Run.
6. Enter the required parameters and choose Run.


The application generates a new run whose status you can monitor in the Report Run Status column. If you want to
see the log of the run, select the row and, on the next screen, you can read the message texts.

When the report run is complete and the application generates the 1005 report format in XML file format, you can
access Legal Reporting to verify the generated file. You can also access the analytics to verify the data that was
extracted from SAP S/4HANA system.

The application also creates a Data Preview that you can verify and correct.

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia PUBLIC 7
File Split

The output XML file is split when the maximum number of line registers is reached. In this case, the output is more
than one file, so you have to verify and download each one of the files.

You define the maximum number of line registers in Customizing for ACR, under Financial Accounting (New)
SAP S/4HANA for advanced compliance reporting Setting up your Compliance Reporting , by selecting your
reporting entity and choosing Enter Parameters Specific to Reporting Entity to change the value of the

1.1.4 1006 Report Format: Generated Taxes on Sales to Be Paid

and Consumption Tax

You use this report format to report generated taxes on sales to be paid and consumption tax.

The Magnetic Media compliance report only considers debts of input and output tax types (with tax type A or V), or
other values classified as consumption taxes (ICON) in the 1006 report format.


You have maintained values in Customizing for Magnetic Media compliance report under Finance Accounting
General Ledger Accounting Periodic Processing Report Statutory Reporting: Colombia Magnetic Media
(DIAN) Configure Data Sources for Report Formats Maintain VAT Codes .

For more information, see Customizing Settings [page 16].

Selection Parameters

You use the Run Advanced Compliance Reports application to collect all the data that you need for the 1006 report
format into an XML file as described below:

1. Choose the status or statuses of the compliance report you want to see.
2. Enter the Submission Due Date of the compliance report.
3. Enter the CO_DIAN_1006 report name and choose Go.
The application displays all the compliance reports whose due date belongs to the status or statuses you have
4. Select the row for which you want to create the 1006 report format.
5. On the next screen, choose New Run.
6. Enter the required parameters and choose Run.

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia

8 PUBLIC Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia

The application generates a new run whose status you can monitor in the Report Run Status column. If you want to
see the log of the run, select the row and, on the next screen, you can read the message texts.

When the report run is complete and the application generates the 1006 report format in XML file format, you can
access Legal Reporting to verify the generated file. You can also access the analytics to verify the data that was
extracted from SAP S/4HANA system.

The application also creates a Data Preview that you can verify and correct.

File Split

The output XML file is split when the maximum number of line registers is reached. In this case, the output is more
than one file, so you have to verify and download each one of the files.

You define the maximum number of line registers in Customizing for ACR, under Financial Accounting (New)
SAP S/4HANA for advanced compliance reporting Setting up your Compliance Reporting , by selecting your
reporting entity and choosing Enter Parameters Specific to Reporting Entity to change the value of the

1.1.5 1007 Report Format: Revenues in the Year

You use this report format to report the revenues in the year.

In the 1007 report format, the Magnetic Media compliance report does not consider values classified as returns
and discounts to calculate the minimum amount. This calculation considers the item type of each third-party.


You have selected an amount classification in Customizing for Magnetic Media compliance report under Finance
Accounting General Ledger Accounting Periodic Processing Report Statutory Reporting: Colombia
Magnetic Media (DIAN) Configure Data Sources for Report Formats Maintain G/L Accounts .

For more information, see Customizing Settings [page 16].

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia PUBLIC 9
Selection Parameters

You use the Run Advanced Compliance Reports application to collect all the data that you need for the 1007 report
format into an XML file as described below:

1. Choose the status or statuses of the compliance report you want to see.
2. Enter the Submission Due Date of the compliance report.
3. Enter the CO_DIAN_1007 report name and choose Go.
The application displays all the compliance reports whose due date belongs to the status or statuses you have
4. Select the row for which you want to create the 1007 report format.
5. On the next screen, choose New Run.
6. Enter the required parameters and choose Run.


The application generates a new run whose status you can monitor in the Report Run Status column. If you want to
see the log of the run, select the row and, on the next screen, you can read the message texts.

When the report run is complete and the application generates the 1007 report format in XML file format, you can
access Legal Reporting to verify the generated file. You can also access the analytics to verify the data that was
extracted from SAP S/4HANA system.

The application also creates a Data Preview that you can verify and correct.

File Split

The output XML file is split when the maximum number of line registers is reached. In this case, the output is more
than one file, so you have to verify and download each one of the files.

You define the maximum number of line registers in Customizing for ACR, under Financial Accounting (New)
SAP S/4HANA for advanced compliance reporting Setting up your Compliance Reporting , by selecting your
reporting entity and choosing Enter Parameters Specific to Reporting Entity to change the value of the

1.1.6 1008 Report Format: Open Items of Balance Debtors on

December 31st

You use this report format to report open items of balance debtors on December 31st.

The Magnetic Media compliance report only considers customer account types (account type D) in the 1008
report format.

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia

10 PUBLIC Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia
The calculation of the minimum amount in the 1008 report format considers the total amount of open items and
the item types of each third-party.


You have selected an amount classification for maintained values in Customizing for Magnetic Media compliance
report under Finance Accounting General Ledger Accounting Periodic Processing Report Statutory
Reporting: Colombia Magnetic Media (DIAN) Configure Data Sources for Report Formats Maintain G/L
Accounts .

For more information, see Customizing Settings [page 16].

Selection Parameters

You use the Run Advanced Compliance Reports application to collect all the data that you need for the 1008 report
format into an XML file as described below:

1. Choose the status or statuses of the compliance report you want to see.
2. Enter the Submission Due Date of the compliance report.
3. Enter the CO_DIAN_1008 report name and choose Go.
The application displays all the compliance reports whose due date belongs to the status or statuses you have
4. Select the row for which you want to create the 1008 report format.
5. On the next screen, choose New Run.
6. Enter the required parameters and choose Run.


The application generates a new run whose status you can monitor in the Report Run Status column. If you want to
see the log of the run, select the row and, on the next screen, you can read the message texts.

When the report run is complete and the application generates the 1008 report format in XML file format, you can
access Legal Reporting to verify the generated file. You can also access the analytics to verify the data that was
extracted from SAP S/4HANA system.

The application also creates a Data Preview that you can verify and correct.

File Split

The output XML file is split when the maximum number of line registers is reached. In this case, the output is more
than one file, so you have to verify and download each one of the files.

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia PUBLIC 11
You define the maximum number of line registers in Customizing for ACR, under Financial Accounting (New)
SAP S/4HANA for advanced compliance reporting Setting up your Compliance Reporting , by selecting your
reporting entity and choosing Enter Parameters Specific to Reporting Entity to change the value of the

1.1.7 1009 Report Format: Liability Balance on December 31st

You use this report format to report liability balance on December 31st.

The Magnetic Media compliance report only considers vendor account types (account type K) in the 1009 report

The calculation of the minimum amount in the 1009 report format considers the total amount of open items and
the item types of each third-party.

When reporting employees’ data that comes from the payroll system, the Magnetic Media compliance report fills
the AccountingDocument field automatically with EMPLEADO.


You have selected an amount classification for maintained values in Customizing for Magnetic Media compliance
report under Finance Accounting General Ledger Accounting Periodic Processing Report Statutory
Reporting: Colombia Magnetic Media (DIAN) Configure Data Sources for Report Formats Maintain G/L
Accounts .

For more information, see Customizing Settings [page 16].

Selection Parameters

You use the Run Advanced Compliance Reports application to collect all the data that you need for the 1009 report
format into an XML file as described below:

1. Choose the status or statuses of the compliance report you want to see.
2. Enter the Submission Due Date of the compliance report.
3. Enter the CO_DIAN_1009 report name and choose Go.
The application displays all the compliance reports whose due date belongs to the status or statuses you have
4. Select the row for which you want to create the 1009 report format.
5. On the next screen, choose New Run.
6. Enter the required parameters and choose Run.

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia

12 PUBLIC Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia

The application generates a new run whose status you can monitor in the Report Run Status column. If you want to
see the log of the run, select the row and, on the next screen, you can read the message texts.

When the report run is complete and the application generates the 1009 report format in XML file format, you can
access Legal Reporting to verify the generated file. You can also access the analytics to verify the data that was
extracted from SAP S/4HANA system.

The application also creates a Data Preview that you can verify and correct.

File Split

The output XML file is split when the maximum number of line registers is reached. In this case, the output is more
than one file, so you have to verify and download each one of the files.

You define the maximum number of line registers in Customizing for ACR, under Financial Accounting (New)
SAP S/4HANA for advanced compliance reporting Setting up your Compliance Reporting , by selecting your
reporting entity and choosing Enter Parameters Specific to Reporting Entity to change the value of the

1.2 Master Data Preparation for Magnetic Media Compliance


To enable the Magnetic Media compliance report to effectively extract data from the SAP S/4HANA system, follow
the recommendations described below to create your company’s master data.

Business Partners (Customers and Vendors)

In BP transaction, define your company’s business partners to report these third-party personal information, such
as name, type of person (natural person or company), identification type (document types), and identification

Business Partner Type

Choose the Organization type to create all your customer and vendors business partners. Under the Organization
type, you can still choose to create a natural person or a company as business partner.

To create a natural person business partner, select the Natural Person checkbox, under the Identification tab, in the
Tax Number section.

To create a company business partner, leave the Natural Person checkbox blank.

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia PUBLIC 13
The Person, Organization, and Group business partner types do not define if your customer or vendor is a
natural person or a company. That is, you can have a natural person as business partner of type Organization.

Names for Business Partner of type Organization

Before you enter the name of your business partner, activate the Name fields 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Customizing for
Business Partner Roles under SAP Customizing Implementation Guide Cross-Application Components SAP
Business Partner Basic Settings Business Partner Roles .

Under the Address tab, enter your business partners’ names in the following way:

● If your business partner is a company, enter the complete name of the company in the Name field 1.

Your business partner is a company called Bogota Company of Trades. You enter the company’s name in the
Name field 1 as Bogota Company of Trades.

● If your business partner is a natural person, enter the person’s first and second names in the Name field 3
separated by a comma. Also, enter the person’s first and last names in Name field 4 separated by a comma.

Your business partner is a natural person called Juan Armando Perez Silva. You enter the person’s name as

Name 3: Juan,Armando

Name 4: Perez,Silva

Business Partner Address

Still under the Address tab, enter your business partner address in the following way:

● Street: Enter your business partner street and address number in the Street/House Number field.
● State: Enter your business partner state in the Region field.
● Country Code: Choose a country code from the list available in the system. The country codes follow the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
To enable the connection between your business partner country code and DANE (Departamento
Administrativo Nacional de Estadística) catalog, set a mapping in Customizing for Map System Country Key to
DIAN Country Code under SAP Customizing Implementation Guide Financial Accounting General Ledger
Accounting Periodic Processing Report Statutory Reporting: Colombia Magnetic Media (DIAN) Map
System Country Key to DIAN Country Code .
● City Code: Choose one of the city codes that you have created previously in Customizing for Create Cities
Individually under SAP Customizing Implementation Guide SAP NetWeaver Application Server Basis
Services Address Management Regional Structure/City File Cities Create Cities Individually .

Follow the standards of DANE (Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística) to create city codes.

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia

14 PUBLIC Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia
Document Type and Document Number
Document Number: Under the Identification tab, enter your business partner document number in the Tax
Number section. Use CO1 tax category even though your document type is not NIT (Número de Identificación

Document Type: Under the Customer/Vendor: Tax Data tab, in the Tax number type field, enter your business
partner document type that you have previously defined in Customizing for Define ID Type under SAP
Customizing Implementation Guide Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Master
Data Preparations for Creating Customer Master Data Accounts Receivable Master Data for Argentina Define
ID Type .

The Customer/Vendor: Tax Data tab is available only for system roles related to FI Customer and FI Vendor.

To enable the connection between your business partner tax number type and DIAN document types, set a
mapping in Customizing for Map Tax Number Type to DIAN Identification Document under SAP Customizing
Implementation Guide Financial Accounting General Ledger Accounting Periodic Processing Report
Statutory Reporting: Colombia Magnetic Media (DIAN) Map Tax Number Type to DIAN Identification
Document .

One-time Business Partners (CpD)

You can have one-time business partners for the Magnetic Media compliance report. When you post a document,
enter your one-time customer or vendor information using these same recommendations.

Posting Documents
G/L Accounts: For the 1008 and 1009 report formats, post your business partner transactions to a corresponding
general ledger account of Vendor (K) or Customer (D) reconciliation account types.

For the 1007 report format, post your business partner revenues to a corresponding general ledger account of
Revenue type. Also, post discount, devolution and rebate amounts in a separate general ledger account of Revenue

Withholding Taxes
For the 1001 and 1003 report formats, post retention and withholding amounts with a withholding tax code.

VAT Codes
For the 1001, 1005 and 1006 report formats, post VAT (Value Added Tax) amounts and tax amounts with a VAT tax

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia

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1.3 Customizing Settings

To enable the system to run the Magnetic Media compliance report according to the requirements in Colombia,
SAP delivers predefined configurations via the Colombia DIAN BC Set (FICODIAN_BCSET) business configuration
setting (BC set). This BC set contains predefined configurations for the following system objects:

● Define Report Formats (FICODIANV_FORMAT)

● Define Report Format Item Types (FICODIANV_CNCPT)
● Define Amount Classifications (FICODIANV_CFLN)
● Map System Country Key to DIAN Country Code (FICODIANV_CNTRY)

To activate these settings, access SCPR20 transaction and activate the BC set by selecting the Expert Mode option.

You can modify the entries delivered by SAP, however if you apply a new BC set in your system, this BC set may
overwrite the changes you have made.

You can also make further configurations for Magnetic Media compliance report in Customizing under Finance
Accounting General Ledger Accounting Periodic Processing Report Statutory Reporting: Colombia
Magnetic Media (DIAN) .

See the available customizing activities listed below:

● Define Report Formats (FICODIANV_FORMAT)

● Define Report Format Item Types (FICODIANV_CNCPT)
● Define Amount Classifications (FICODIANV_CFLN)
● Map Tax Number Type to DIAN Identification Document (FICODIANV_DOCTYP)
● Map System Country Key to DIAN Country Code (FICODIANV_CNTRY)
● Define Minimum Amount for Report Formats (FICODIANV_MINAMT)
● Exclude Report Format Item Type from Minimum Amount Rule (FICODIANV_EXCCPT)
● Maintain VAT Codes (FICODIANV_VAT)
● Maintain Withholding Tax Codes (FICODIANV_WHLDG)
● Maintain G/L Accounts (FICODIANV_GLA)

To learn more about the customizing activities, see the documentation available in the system.

Once you modify the standard configurations delivered by SAP via the Colombia DIAN BC Set
(FICODIAN_BCSET) in the Define Report Formats (FICODIANV_FORMAT) and Define Amount Classifications
(FICODIANV_CFLN) views, the code of the solution does not reflect your changes. That is, if you modify the
entries in the views mentioned above, you will need new development to cover the changes.

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia

16 PUBLIC Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia
1.4 Integration with Payroll Systems

The Magnetic Media compliance report can work integrated with payroll systems to report employees’ information
to the Colombian government in the 1001 and 1009 report formats.

In the SAP S/4HANA system, the Add HCM Payroll Aggregated Data to Magnetic Media
(FICODIAN_HCM_RFC_REPLICATE) remote function call (RFC) adds the payroll data described below to the 1001
and 1009 report formats.

● Company code
● Report fiscal year
● DIAN report format
● Report format item type
● DIAN identification document
● Tax number
● Business partner name
● Country
● Address
● Base for calculation of amount to be reported
● Reported amount
● User in payroll system

To modify the data that is automatically added to the 1001 and 1009 report formats, run the RFC again so the
Magnetic Media compliance report considers the information that was last received from the payroll system.

Integration with SAP HCM Payroll Colombia

The SAP Human Capital Management Payroll Colombia (SAP HCM Payroll Colombia) is integrated with the
Magnetic Media compliance report via the Magnetic means - DIAN (HCODIAN0) report.

The Magnetic means - DIAN (HCODIAN0) report uses the Add HCM Payroll Aggregated Data to Magnetic Media
(FICODIAN_HCM_RFC_REPLICATE) remote function call (RFC) to send the SAP HCM Payroll Colombia data to the
Magnetic Media compliance report. To enable this communication between the RFC and the Magnetic Media
compliance report, select the Send via RFC checkbox on the selection screen of the report.

See the integration between SAP HCM Payroll Colombia and Magnetic Media compliance report depicted in the
figure below.

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia

Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia PUBLIC 17

You have applied the SAP Note 2520868 .

More Information

To learn more about the Magnetic means - DIAN (HCODIAN0) report, see the documentation available in the
system, and refer to the documents in PDF format attached to the SAP Note 2520868

1.5 Archiving Magnetic Media Payroll Data with FI_DIANHCM

You can archive Magnetic Media payroll data and generated report logs using the Archiving Magnetic Media Payroll
Data with FI_DIANHCM archiving object. This archiving object also allows you to read archived payroll data.



You use the F_CO_DIAN authorization object to read data from the following tables:

● Employees selected per report run for DIAN (FICODIAND_EMPSRI)

● HCM information for DIAN (FICODIAND_HCM)


The following programs are delivered for the FI_DIANHCM archiving object:

Table 1:

Program Function




Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia

18 PUBLIC Advanced Compliance Reporting for Colombia

You can archive Magnetic Media payroll data on the following criteria:

● Company Code
● Fiscal Year
● Report Format
● Item Type
● Identification Document
● Tax Number

ILM-Related Information for FI_DIANHCM

You can use the FI_DIANHCM archiving object with the DIAN Employee Payroll Data (FI_DIANHCM) ILM object as
part of SAP Information Lifecycle Management.

You can configure how long payroll data is available by accessing the IRMPOL transaction and selecting the
residence period of the payroll data according to Company Code, Item Type and Report Format.

You selected the fiscal year of 2017 for archiving payroll data and you selected 3 years as the residence period.
The magnetic media payroll data is archived in the year of 2021.

Authorizations for FI_DIANHCM

The archiving processes of the Magnetic Media compliance report use the standard S_ARCHIVE authorization

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