Case 2 Part 3 Kalvakota

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Block-6 Septtnber badth

Jucust-21- Septmber-3
Cast-2 lad3
the ollowing Xalos aie qutd
ive a ziason why the pesence
is dne to check to
blod Coun kno iht
nlammaicn and to
qDq Siqns
s1qns o intchions o oi DL
patient is anemic

s anyhem aloloqi pmblems

-the loncenhafion and appeanene of

Uaine anadlysis done to check Lonknt
to check for the pveenu oh any
wine, and check i ne pahenl ha
also done to
in the
kidnu dista
any undenlying. evidenu
pathogen helps to
opaihogen; helps

done to ind -he n thons fom

etalysis- nkthons
tne distau,
ind tut he efiplop4
Vinus oi)
oses, qives
u1e pahenl
pahen ly yw loses,
Bled chunistry
to meo aie wokingr
ver and bthe o1qans
well pahiunu

Chec o measunts he atieity ond

1s Ho
hleial Blcod Gas AbG om an
blood om an
Cabtndicwde in Ihe

theues oomgen
babt imbalanu
antorr, aud
ie hypoBni,e and elerhrolyu fmbalane
12 ECG- ts
he patieni
evaluau candiotabnoimalihes
t good to u n foi and
b:hind t
Innpel he Jabovalony joulla. pwvide
tu he (a
hodings tn zeloben In
Hematorni and plauet
CBC t Rad B\oed cdls, hemaubio
mbalane ineythuu
Pahtrnl anmia deeluped beuaut oan
css elelve to prdut lien
wo a ,
Uainalyeis lin 1s Seen and ieent w
olerd cel ave Seen ond oacuna is &een
Dehydialln n show he traces of pwhun
As he patient resem with ne etion, this tause In
in ine
fn stomauh which can Xtads to prexnu obacunao

fecokia Reddish walwn stools wilth RBC omd lus cell6 which
Shnot he siqns inkthion inhammaion in otwel
feual lukou is posihve which indiuat in lamnation
in he qasmintshinad hacl
Blood chemistni Paesunu o tlyponaha.mia wih Na- lbo.5
and Hupokalemia with K- aol mmsl|L which ma
be du to elethrolua imbaloma dub to dianhua and
VBmiing , nd also Cause crtadin to eleval wih

Aana Bleod Cas -

As he paticnt ha Law PCo, omd t Co

which shws unLmpensalud Meaboi aidosis du to
the imbalomu abiop hen o walw and elecol wbih

du to diavn haa
L ECG shows nVed Tuwaves
and lanqe U wave nd
he patiem
the has hypokalemiau with ST
hevide a
plan ohis pchenl, ínihad
manaqement, deioi tive
hatmen. pllrvo up fov hea puic plans
piepant a n pha
atclog and
phanm aLolocrit appnath.
Inhial Management
Kehudiation vit
flund and Ekcbrolyke 1placemerlfov dehydaton
Hupetonic 3 . Salineo onechm oh hyponahemia

Iy kc Scluien follawed by oval pul- Conethenoo hypokale

Dihve teament
Koper amide
Anhbiote thenapyh amd

Suppoohve nrat
- -Uinayrs omd Blnd chemis to chuk h e Jeuove
and tunlhu dab sts

hama.calogic hunapy.
3 Salinw Sclution
Bismulh 5ub saliytob
NnpoonaLli heeP
Consumptim of a ol o luds jquloaly
Cnsume pods tha wrtou'n Salt and potdium
Avend duiay food
Sak foed piepanahen. washud veqtobles and nai
pel eooked food

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