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Executive Summary

This study is based to identify the factors that influence the consumer buying
behavior of the two wheeler Bikes at Chintamani, and Other. The survey is mainly
focused on the buying behavior of the consumer that motivates them to purchase
the two wheeler bikes.
Today lots of competition in two-wheeler industries Faced by marketer, so every
marketer must be know the consumer preference about two-wheeler and provide
them their want. This research measures the different components of consumer
preference, which are help and provide guidance to those decisions.
satisfaction, factors, consumer, buying behavior, two wheeler, respondents etc.

The marketing philosophy of business assumes that an organization can best serve,
prosper and attain profit by identifying and satisfying the needs of its customers.
This however, is a recent thinking, various definitions of marketing have been

given from different perspective, exchanges and utility being the two important




Consumer behavior is the study of how people buy, what they buy, when they buy
and why they buy. Consumer Behavior is the psychology behind marketing the
behavior of consumers in the marketing environment. Two major psychological
disciplines come into play when observing and trying to explain consumer
behavior. The first is Cognitive Psychology which is a study of all knowledge
related (mental) behavior. The attention, perception, memory and decision making
are the various aspects of Cognitive Psychology that play an important role in
consumer behavior. The second psychological discipline that has theories to
explain certain phenomenon of consumer behavior is Social Psychology. It is the
study of the manner in which the personality, attitude, motivation and behavior of
an individual influence and are influenced by groups.

A consumer making a purchase decision will be affected by following

1. Cultural Factors
2. Social Factors
3. Personal Factors
4. Psychological Factors
The marketer must be aware of these Factors in order to develop an appropriate
marketing plan for its target market.
1. Cultural Factors

Cultural Factors exert the greatest impact on buying behavior of consumer. A
buyer is always influenced by his culture, sub-culture and social class. Culture can
be described from the dawn of civilization, human beings have been looking for
ways and means to better their lives. Culture is the most fundamental determinant
of a person’s wants and behavior. Culture refers to the set of values, ideas and
attitude that are accepted by a homogeneous group of people and transmitted to the
next generation. Whereas Subculture is a member of a culture, shares most of the
core value, beliefs and behaviors of that culture. However, most individuals also
belong to several sub-cultures. Each culture consists of smaller sub culture that
provides more specific identification and each socialization for their members. Sub
culture includes nationalities, religions, racial groups and geographic regions.
Social class determines to some extent, the types, quality and quantity of product
that a person buys or uses. Social class is a basis for identifying and reaching
particular good prospects for products and services.

 About jai maruthi motors

Jai Maruthi Motors in Chintamani Market, Chintamani, Chickballapur is known to

satisfactorily cater to the demands of its customer base. It stands located at 1595, 4th
Cross, Anjani Extension, Market-563125. It has earned 90 reviews and aspires to
develop a loyal customer base. The business strives to make for a positive experience
through its offerings.

Boasting a range of branded parts, competitive pricing, and commendable after-sales

service, it has emerged as a leader in the segment. The staff at Jai Maruthi Motors is
known for their friendliness and cooperation, assisting customers in selecting the
most suitable products.

The establishment is distinguished for its outstanding after-sales service, enhancing
the overall customer experience. Whether in need of parts in bulk or in minimal
quantities, customers can confidently visit Jai Maruthi Motors to fulfil their
requirements. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, Jai Maruthi
Motors remains a trusted choice in the automobile part dealership industry.
Accessing the establishment is hassle-free, and individuals can reach out by any
means of transport during working hours, ensuring a positive and prompt response.
The welcoming atmosphere extends to both Jai Maruthi Motors and its staff. The
dealership is characterised by its well-managed and maintained environment. The
knowledgeable and polite staff exemplify professionalism, assisting customers in
selecting the right automobile parts.

Their guidance is comprehensive, providing customers with detailed information

about each product. Whether through a phone call or a physical visit, Jai Maruthi
Motors ensures a seamless and informative experience, making it a trusted
destination for those in search of quality automobile parts in Chintamani Market,
Chintamani. It has years of expertise in. The establishment prides itself on offering
automobile parts exclusively from reputable and trustworthy brands, ensuring
high-quality standards. Despite the exceptional quality, Jai Maruthi Motors
maintains reasonable pricing for its products, making them accessible to a broad
customer base. Each automobile part is certified and original, reflecting the
commitment to authenticity and reliability. The inventory encompasses a diverse
array of products, addressing a wide spectrum of automobile needs. For customer
convenience, inquiries about the availability and pricing of automobile parts can be
made through a simple phone call. Additionally, customers have the option to visit
the establishment to make their purchases in person. With a dedication to quality,
authenticity, and customer satisfaction, Jai Maruthi Motors stands as a dependable
choice for those seeking reliable and reasonably priced automobile parts in
Chintamani Market, Chintamani.

Why Choose Jai Maruthi Motors?

Several reasons make Jai Maruthi Motors stand out in the automobile part dealership
segment. Firstly, its strategic location in an accessible area ensures convenience for
customers seeking high-quality automobile parts. With a focus on authenticity, Jai
Maruthi Motors exclusively offers branded and genuine products, providing
customers with a reliable selection. Backed by years of expertise, Jai Maruthi Motors
has established itself as a trustworthy player in the industry. The knowledgeable and
helpful staff contribute significantly to the positive customer experience, guiding
individuals in selecting the most suitable automobile parts for their needs.

Moreover, Jai Maruthi Motors distinguishes itself through its commitment to

excellence in after-sales services. This dedication ensures that customers receive
ongoing support and satisfaction beyond the initial purchase. The vast stock of
automobile parts and products available further sets Jai Maruthi Motors apart,
offering a comprehensive inventory to cater to diverse customer requirements. In
short, Jai Maruthi Motors stands out in the automobile part dealership sector due to
its accessible location, authentic product offerings, years of experience, customer-
oriented staff, excellent after-sales services, and a vast selection of high-quality
automobile parts. These factors collectively make Jai Maruthi Motors a preferred
choice for those seeking reliability and excellence in the realm of automobile parts.

Research Objectives:
 To find out the attribute which are consider by consumer while purchase

 To determine the perception of consumer about different Hero-Honda two-
 To know the image of Hero-Honda in the mind of consumer.
 To determine the degree of association between the different Hero Honda
two-wheeler models and demographic variables with respect to satisfaction.

Research Objectives:
 To find out the attribute which are consider by consumer while purchase
 To determine the perception of consumer about different Hero-Honda two-
 To know the image of Hero-Honda in the mind of consumer.
 To determine the degree of association between the different Hero Honda
two-wheeler models and demographic variables with respect to satisfaction.

Preference or taste is a concept used in the social science particularly economics, it

assumes a real or imagined “choice” between alternatives and the possibility of
rank ordering of these alternatives based on happiness, satisfaction, gratification,
enjoyment, utility they provide more generally. It can be seen as a source of
motivation. Cognitive sciences individual preferences enable choice of objectives
goals. In addition, more consumption of a normal goods is generally ( but not
always ) assumed to be preferred to less consumption.
Preference rank translation is a mathematical technique used by marketers to
convert stated preferences in to purchase probabilities that is into an estimate of

actual buying behavior. It takes survey data on consumers’ preferences and
converts it in to actual purchase probability.


Description of the Organization

Description of the Organization

Jai Maruthi Motors

Customer centricity is at the core of Jai Maruthi Motors in Chintamani Market,

Chintamani, Chickballapur and it is this belief that has led the business to build long-
term relationships. Ensuring a positive customer experience, making available goods
and/or services that are of top-notch quality is given prime importance. India’s
leading B2B market place, Jd Mart ensures engaging in business activities is a
seamless process for small and medium enterprises as well as large businesses. In a
wake to enable these businesses to reach their audience, this portal lets them
showcase their offerings in terms of the products and/or services through a digital
catalogue. Kindly scroll up for the address and contact details of Jai Maruthi Motors
in Chintamani, Chickaballapur.

The Indian industrial sector has undergone profound regulatory changes in recent
times as a consequence of the economic reforms program put together in between
1988 and 1991. Consequent to these reforms some of the industries that have been
influenced the most have been the consumer durables industry, the automobiles
industry and certain financial services. In an evolving industry especially in
emerging economies like India, it is extremely important to formulate optimal

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policies on competitions in order to promote both competition as well as growth.
India is the second largest manufacturer of two wheelers in the world. It stands
next only to Japan and china in terms of the number of two wheelers produced and
sold respectively. The Indian two wheelers industry can be broadly classified into
three major segments i.e:-
1. Scooters
2. Motorcycles
3. Mopeds.

Here in this study , by this research we are trying to analyse about the number of
two wheelers and how many people are using two wheeler. what motivates and
influence them to buy two wheeler what is the most preferable choice in two
wheelers in case of motor cycles and scooters and the most recent two wheelers
choice in the market .what are their preferences , satisfaction level, who
influenced them and the reason to buy.

Each and every work in our life is governed by some aims or objectives. Any work
without any objective is like a ship in the mid sea without a compass. So for every
work objective should be specific and focused. Our project is not an exception. Our
questionnaire tells about the objective of the study in a nutshell.
 To identify and analyze the market of automobile industry in two wheeler
 Giving conclusions and recommendations.

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The necessity for studying customer satisfaction arises because of the fact that in
today’s dynamic environment customers are the king and it is the customer who
determines the success or failure of any business organization. Customer
satisfaction leads to customer loyalty and product repurchase which is essential for
sustainability of any organization. This in turn enables the company to enhance its
stringent competitiveness in the auto components market.
• To know the satisfaction level of customers on two wheelers in Chinthamni.
• To know the grievances of customer while using Bikes.
• The purpose of this study is to identify the customer behavior, customer
perception, how often they are using and what they are expecting from Two
wheelers in jai maruthi motors.

Problem Definition:
“The know the preference of the consumer about Hero-Honda two wheeler in jai
maruti motors.”

Research Objectives:
 To know the perception about Hero-Honda two-wheeler in Navsari region.
 To find out the attribute which are consider by consumer while purchase
 To know the image of the Hero-Honda two-wheeler in the mind of
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 To determine the degree of association between the different Hero Honda
two-wheeler models and demographic variables with respect to satisfaction.

Research Design:
Here, I have selected the Descriptive research design because here we want to
study the behavior of customers about two-wheeler.

Sampling Design:
Here non-probability convenience sampling has been used.

Sample Size: The sample size is 200 respondents. However, I have considered 180
sample respondents.

Sampling Unit: The sampling unit has been considering them who can come for
inquiry at Metro Motors.

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My internship as a student customer satisfaction and sales coordinate for Motors

has been the most rewarded and motivational experience I have had during my
time as a student at the Government First Grade College. Since I was placed under
customer satisfaction one of the major responsibilities of this department is to
handle and solve queries of the customers. As an intern, I was asked to deal with
customers and help them come up with the best solution that can reduce or
ultimately solve their problems. Problems related to Information updates,
incomplete documents, replacement of Data and lost of parts were handled. I was
given a task with helping customers filling up the necessary forms and that is also
one of the key activities that I performed during my internship. Along with
opening and closing forms I was also responsible to look after Information update.

Lesson and skills learned:

Apart from understanding the banking activities, it helped me develop my

analytical and cognitive skills. It has thought me to deal different people
differently. In addition it helped me view things from several angles and not from
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only one point. Following are the details of some of the key skills and knowledge
learned during my internship period:

1. Practical implication of theoretical knowledge One thing I realized is that most

of theoretical knowledge; like for accounting, finance, marketing, communication,
statistics all were very much being applied in the industrial sector. Even though not
all these concepts were applied in every department, these concepts helped me
gain a better understanding of the responsibilities I was assigned with.

2. Communication skills

Communication is probably one of the most important factors for smooth

functioning of every organization. Banking sector is no different. But as I got to
interact with people from the cooperate world my communication and
interpersonal skills has definitely improved a great deal. In addition to this I also
learned to be patient and quite while dealing with difficult customers.

3. Technical skills

During the internship I had to use different technical devices like printers,
scanners, computers etc. for data entries, before the internship I had no clue how to
use big printers and scanner machines. However, after the internship I learned
some basic technical skills to work with such devices.

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4. Time management

the second most important is that to manage time accordingly it helped me with
reducing stress and increased the balance of my work life, it helped me with the
both professional and personal life. It minimized the interruptions and distractions
on my work life.

5. Benefits of team work

Another attitude I learnt during my internship that everyone has their own
responsibilities and working in a team help in improving the overall productivity
and performance of the employees. I realized working together can helped me in
better problem solving, improves customer service and unlocks potential for


Customer satisfaction is a term frequently used in marketing. It is a measure of

how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer
expectation. Customer satisfaction is defined as "the number of customers, or
percentage of total customers, whose reported experience with a firm, its products,
or its services (ratings) exceeds specified satisfaction goals.” Customer satisfaction
provides a leading indicator of consumer purchase intentions and

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loyalty." Customer satisfaction data are among the most frequently collected
indicators of market perceptions. The goal for every company should be to make
its customers satisfied. Satisfied customers will come again and might stay as
customers for a longer period. It is important for the company to actually care and
appreciate the customer. It is clear that if the company can make the customer
satisfied the customer will come back again and the customers might tell to some
of their friends about the good service they got. So through satisfied customers it is
possible to save in marketing expenses. Customer satisfaction is the overall
impression of customer about the supplier and the products and services delivered
by the supplier. Following are the important factors that could affect customer

 Department wise capability of the supplier.

 Technological and engineering or re-engineering aspects of products and
 Type and quality of response provided by the supplier.
 Supplier’s capability to commit on deadlines and how efficiently they are
 Customer service provided by the supplier.
 Complaint management.
 Cost, quality, performance and efficiency of the product.
 Supplier’s personal facets like etiquettes and friendliness.
 Supplier’s ability to manage whole customer life cycle.
 Compatible and hassle free functions and operations.

The above factors could be widely classified under two categories i.e. suppliers
behavior and performance of product and services. The supplier’s behavior mostly
depends on the behavior of its senior subordinates, managers and internal
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employees. All the functional activities like customer response, direct product and
maintenance services, complaint management etc. are the factors that rely on how
skillful and trained the internal and human resources of the supplier are. The
second category is regarding all the products and services. This depends on the
capability of supplier to how to nurture the products and service efficiently and
how skilled the employees are. It’s all about how the skills are implemented to
demonstrate engineering, re-engineering and technological aspects of the products
and services. The quality and efficaciousness of the products is also an important
factor that enables compatible and hassle free functions and operations. This bears
to lower maintenance and higher life of the product, which is highly admired by
the customers. There are three steps to increase customer satisfaction. They are :

1. Justify the Sale with Social Proof

When most sales are made, chances are that the buyer will have to justify the
purchase to another person – a boss, spouse, or anyone that may pass judgment.

To make this go smoothly, you should arm each one of your customers with
testimonials from other people and companies. Alternatively, if you have a low
return rate, you might emphasize how few people returned it.

2. Surprise Customers with a Bonus

When people spend money on a product, the last thing you want them to think is
“was this worth it?” To combat this, you should surprise each one of your
customers with a little bonus. To elaborate, let me share the fascinating experiment
that helped waiters – service professionals – increase their tips by 23%.

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3. Offer Free Product Training and Support

This is a clear, business-winning decision. Nothing decreases customer satisfaction

more than being confused with how to make a product work. And free product
training and support will be how you alleviate this customer frustration.

The Bottom Line

Just because you made the sale, it doesn’t mean the work is over. Your job is to
turn one-time buyers into loyal customers.

Factors affecting customer satisfaction

The counterparts of satisfaction are always expectations and experiences. Level of

expectations level will create a basis and comparison base for experiences. For
example, if you have two hotels, one a five star hotel and the other just a two star
hotel, of course your expectations for the five star hotel are much higher than for
the other one. If the service level in both is equal, when a customer has high
expectations like with the five star hotel he might feel disappointed and with the
two star hotel with which the customer had lower expectations he would be
positively surprised. In customer satisfaction leadership when creating satisfaction,
it is important that you can affect both expectations and experiences. Still the
expectations are always a starting point when building action.

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 Expectations

When talking about the relationship between expectations and experiences,

expectations are usually seen as one whole field. In reality, there are several kinds
of expectations and one of the most functional classifications is tripartition of

1. Ideal expectations

2. Pre-expectations

3. Minimum expectations

Ideal expectations tell about person’s own values and hope for the action that
he/she expects from a company or from a product. Ideal expectations, for example,
of a shop’s services can be included:

 Cheap prices
 Friendly personal service
 Perfect assortments and selection
 High quality products
 Close location

When looking at ideal expectations it is important to see that different persons have
different expectations. Even persons in different segments differ from each other in
relation to ideal expectations. It is impossible for companies to combine all the
above-mentioned ideal expectations features. This is why the company has to
choose just some of these features, the ones that are best for the company and then
the company should fulfill these expectations as well as possible.

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Pre-expectations mean the level of expectations the person has on a certain
company and/or its product and its different features. Pre-expectations mean quite
the same thing as the company or product image. This way the customer
satisfaction leadership is connected to mental image marketing. There are several
factors affecting pre-expectations, such as experiences, mouth-to-mouth
communication, branch, business idea, basic elements of marketing, marketing
communication and publicity. All these factors are connected to each other, either
directly or indirectly.

Minimum expectations describe the minimum level that customer has set for
him/herself, what he/she requires from the company or from the product. There are
four different factors affecting the minimum expectations. These are:

1. Situational factors (e.g. buying situation, surrounding situation)

2. Customer’s background factors (e.g. values, income level, and personality)

3. Branch factors (e.g. competition situation)

4. Company factors (e.g. business idea, marketing)

And again all these factors influence on each other. When working in a service
profession a customer servant needs to be a good judge of character. All customers
cannot be served the same way. Behavior needs to be changed even a little with
every customer. Having a good customer servant is a huge bonus for a company.
Through a good customer servant, the company can win many competition

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 Experiences

Expectations are proportioned to experiences and this creates reaction in the scale
of satisfied-dissatisfied. This satisfaction scale is divided in three basic categories:

 Under expectation situation = positive experience

 Balance situation = match to the expectations
 Over expectation situation = negative experience

In the under expectation situation the service or the product is experienced in a

positive way, but when once positively surprised the level of expectations towards
the company rises. In this positive surprise case, the person is often eager to tell
his/her friends about a good service or a good product. If the company keeps up the
good service and/or good products, there is a chance that a new customer
relationship is born. When the customer gets a negative experience and the
company’s image lowers, it is more possible that the customer relationship will
break. Disappointed customers are bad advertisement for the company because
they tend to tell their friends and family about the negative experience.

Satisfaction levels

The customer satisfaction levels can be divided into different categories according
to how strongly and to which direction the customers have reacted. The first three
categories are: negatively surprised, expectations fulfilled and the last one is
positively surprised. The negatively surprised category can be further divided into
two subcategories: great disappointments and mild disappointments. In addition,
the positively surprised category can be divided in the same way into two
subcategories: mild positive surprises and great positive surprises.

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1. Greatly disappointed customers

These customers usually complain right away, they might break the customer
relationship and spread the negative word about the company. The customer
relationship breakage and the negative word of mouth occur most likely if the
company does not take action when the customer complains. The complaint
situation should be seen as an opportunity to fix the negative disappointment and
this way to keep the customer.

2. Mildly disappointed customers

This customer type does not react straight away; instead, the next time they go
shopping they choose any other product. If asked about this negatively surprised
company, these customers are also ready to recommend using another company.
With these customers, it is very important that the company has a system for
collecting customer feedback. If the company does not have a feedback system,
they might lose a lot of customers.

3. Experience according to expectations

Depending on the customer’s expectations level consequences are slightly

different. In high expectations case the customer relationship is strengthened
because the customer had very high expectations and the company could fulfill
these high expectations. In average expectations situation, even though the
company performs according to customer’s expectations it does not necessarily
improve or weaken the customer relationship. In this situation, it is possible for the
competitor to make a better offer for the customer and this way “steal” the
customer. However, without the competitor’s offer there is every chance to
continue the customer relationship with these existing customers. In low
expectations situation, when the expectations are fulfilled, you cannot really
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describe the customer as satisfied; the customer just found out that the company
answered his/her low expectations. Without any good alternatives, the customer
relationship can continue if the relationship is based on personal acquaintance. In
case a better competitor occurs and is active the customer may start to use this
competitor’s services.

Parts of Motorcycle

This diagram illustrates some of the important parts of a typical motorcycle.

Transmission controls, such as the clutch and gearshift levers, are located on the
handlebars or foot rests, where the rider can easily operate them. The rear shock
absorber and other components of the suspension system cushion the rider from
bumps and jolts of the road. The exhaust pipe carries exhaust generated by the
engine to the rear of the motorcycle. In their simplest form, motorcycles consist of
a gasoline engine attached to a two-wheeled steel or aluminum frame. A fuel tank
sits above the engine and usually sports the name or logo of the motorcycle’s

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An internship is a professional learning experience that offers meaningful, practical

work related to a student's field of study or career interest. An internship gives a
student the opportunity for career exploration and development, and to learn new
skills. My experience of working with jai maruti motors is amazing, this is my
first internship. I got many life lessons which will be helping me to grow further in
my life. It gain skills that will enhance your resume and increase your career
options. Explore a business or agency and observe or participate in the tasks and
responsibilities preformed daily by professionals. Experience workplace culture,
politics, and business etiquette. Discover a career or new interest. Understanding
sales and how it works is very important for many careers, but doing high ticket
sales would not benefit a student because of the pressure time and inadequate
experiences we have. Also we don't get many opportunities either. The various
internship opportunity at jai maruti motors helps us understand how various
aspects of a career is or will look in reality. We can then make better decision on
career choices. Working at jai maruti motors is an opportunity up for grab. I
gained my 1st time ever real experience by taking to people and pitching them the
courses. I learnt at what stage my communication skills at and how should I
improve it for my benefit. The B2C corner really gave me a insight about people
and myself and I learnt client based service is a task which helped me to
understand my area which I should focus more on. My journey as a Employee at
jai maruti motors far has been amazing. The mentors focus on teaching new skill
sets which helps one understand how the real corporate world works.

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1. There is a Showroom or service centre in Chinthamani.

2. Promoters are Finacialy Strong & Capable to Run the Project.

3. Promoters have vast experience in the field of Marketing & Buisness.

4. They have New Ideas of Advertisment to increase therir sale .

5. There is projection of sale for 3000 Bikes in Ist year .This can be achieve.

6. Promotor Propose to invest sufficiaent Money which is 270 Lacs to run the

7. The G.P Ratio is Proposed 4.24 which is generaly followed by the dealers of

8. There is Groth of 20 %-30 % in Sales.

9. There is Projection for Stock of 250 Bike & Store & spares for RS. 35 lacs
which is sufficient stock to run the project smoothly

10. Promters know the Value of Custmers so that they have Decided to Establish
Custmer relationship with the help of many offer /Scheme .They have arrangment
of feedback form to maintain the quality of sales & services and custmer

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This report provides an analysis and evaluation of the current & prospective
perception of almost all the brands related with two wheeler segment in India. Via
market survey on various brands we had made this project in proper way with the
help of pictures, charts, graphs & comparison tables etc.

The purpose of this report was to analyze the strategies that are used by every
particular brand to attract the customers towards them. Total sales of two wheeler
bikes mopeds over different cities, states had also been included in this report.


While going through this market survey we analyzed the demand of the two
wheeler bikes and mopeds is definitely increasing every day. People from all the
age groups have adopted the two wheelers in many different ways. However there
is great demand of two wheelers among youths.

The information collected in this report has been prepared depending upon our
marketing survey on:-


 From various brand showrooms

 Promoters
 Market analyzers
 Customers
 From various age groups
 On the basis of profession

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In this report we had made some assumptions on the basis of our research through
books, magazines and internet. In best possible way we had shown the comparison
among all the brands depending on market survey.

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Bikes sales on jai maruthi motors

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From this report with the help of market survey, charts , research we had analyzed
the demand of the bikes mopeds in various cities and states in India. The customer
perception has also been taken so as to determine the popularity of different
brands for different products. With the help of charts, comparison tables all the
possible conclusion have been made. However every brand have used their own
way of promoting their products & their strategies had reflected a great affect
towards their products.

In India, the demand of bike mopeds are rapidly increasing everyday and this
report has helped us to make the conclusion that what product can be launched in
best possible way according to the various conditions like market location place,
and meeting the demand of the customers. Our further conclusion have been
presented through the product that we had decide and prepared in this report.

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As we had seen the various elements that reflect the features of a product via
simple product tagline or the punch line, these elements usually creates the 1 st
impression in the mind of the people and as said, 1 st impression is the last
impression. The product 1st impression definatey leads to great demand of product.
The various strategies depends on :-

1.way of promoting the product via advertisements

Designing the product for almost all age groups

3. providing various offers

4. Using various programmers for customer retention

These are some strategies that not only help to attract the customer towards the
product, brand but also retaining the customer for longer time, so as to make them
believe the best thing about their product and brand.

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 Principles of Marketing Management By Philip Kotler.

 Research Methodology By C.R.Kothari.
 Hsieh, An-Tien and Li, Chung-Kang.2008.Themoderating effect of brand
image on public relations perception and customer loyalty. Marketing
Intelligence & Planning Vol. 26 No. 1, pp. 26-42
 Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal Vol. 13 No. 3, 2023
pp. 309-323 Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1352-2752 DOI

 International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management Vol. 40 No. 7,

2023 pp. 528-543 q Emerald Group Publishing Limited 0959-0552 DOI

News Papers:

 Times of India.
 Economic Times.

Web Sites:

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