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The road to wealth is a process and a journey. It is only a process and journey because wealth
is not gotten or achieved overnight. To be wealthy one must be intentional about his/her
every decisions; especial financial decisions; at some point calculated risk and decision is
taken. No one is promised instant wealth but for a man that has burning desires for financial
success, nothing is impossible and no risk is too much.

The financial market is a volatile one and the crypto currency market is not exempted. Lots of
people call this crypto space scam, well I call it opportunity. While others doubt, I see
opportunity. My tutor once taught to see chaos as a ladder. Yes lots of people have made
huge loss but at the same time, lots of people have made lifetime wealth, wealth as vast as
ocean still in this crypto space. What is the difference between those who made huge loss and
called it scam and those who has made wealth? The difference is in their decision.

The ones who made loss, at some point gave up. They didn’t persevere, they wanted to turn
rich overnight, they failed to realize that failure is a lesson and not a setback, they failed to
seek more knowledge to help them standout, they came with the wrong mindset, attitude and
approach, and most importantly a lot of them were so impatient.

While those who has succeeded also made loss (some huge loss) at some point, they believed
still and kept on persisting till they succeeded. They sought for more knowledge, picked
themselves up and kept on trying, they possessed the “Never Give attitude”, they learnt
invaluable lessons from their failures and persisted further till they succeeded.

The crypto market has not promised anyone wealth, yes but that doesn’t mean there’s no
abundant wealth in the technology. Those who believe in the innovations of the blockchain
technology has brought are already starting to take positioned because adoption is
inevitable… more adoption equals vast wealth.

Yes you have made losses and you will likely still make loss. But does that change the fact
that there’s still opportunity in this space? No of course. What then must you do?

1. Have the right mindset.

2. Be ready to learn (if you must pay to learn, do so! Pay the price)
3. Note your past mistakes and start doing things differently)
4. Study, study and study.

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5. Connect with the right community.
6. Know exactly when to start buying, accumulating and getting positioned.
7. Add more value to yourself because value attracts money (wealth)
8. Be patient enough even if it takes time to play out, be patient. There’s no rush to
Do you know it took most top coins today 2, 3, 4 and more years to get to where they are
today? How about bitcoin that took more than 10years to get the attention it has today? I will
show you practical examples of coins that flourished after the last bear market; they pumped
so hard in the bull run of 2020 and 2021. But before then, do you know a lot of persons were
so impatient they sold off their portfolio, some even called it scam, some sold off and
invested in Ponzi schemes. They couldn’t see the future neither did they understand
innovations nor opportunity. People like CryptoCoach, Sir Chris Ani, Bitcoin Chief,
Pmoney and even Cz of binance believed and held on. Today they are in wealth while the
impatient ones live now in regrets.

GOOD NEWS! Crypto is still early. It means you and I are still early. Estimate has it that
not upto 500 million people worldwide have adopted crypto. Now imagine how big it will be
when 1billion people and even more alongside more banks, more tech firms, companies and
more nations adopts this technology.

GOOD NEWS AGAIN: Blockchain technology will be here for a long time. Just like only a
few believed in internet in the early 90s and stayed positioned, that’s exactly how it is now
with blockchain technology.

Having laid these foundations, let’s take a look at some projects that made insane wealth
for people in the last bull run…

1. Imaging buying $50 (N25,000) worth of AXIE INFINITY {AXS} on or before the
1st of January 2021 when it was trading for $0.53 (N300), you would have gotten 95
AXS and if you sold on December 31st 2021, you would be going back home with
8789$ (N4,965,785) in ROI(Return of investment). When your initial investment
deposit was $50.... Insane right?

2. Or how about you bought SOLANA {SOL} with 50$ (N25,000) on the 1st of January
2021 when it was trading for $1.5 (N700), you would have gotten 33 SOLANA and if
you sold on December 31st 2021, you would have gone back home with $5685

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(N3,212,025) in ROI (Return of Investment). When your initial investment deposit
was $50.... Insane right?

3. Also, how about you bought AVALANCHE {AVAX} with $50 (N25,000) on the 1st
of January 2021 when it was trading for $3.16 (N1500), you would have gotten 15.8
AVALANCHE and if you sold on December 31st 2021, you would have gone back
home with $1726 (N975,190) in ROI(Return of investment). When your initial
investment deposit was $50...

The examples are coins with utilities right? But how about meme tokens?

4. Or how about if you had also bought DOGE COIN {DOGE} with $50 (N25,000) on
the 1st of January 2021 when it was trading for $0.0046 (N2), you would have gotten
10,869 DOGE COIN 2 and if you sold on December 31st 2021, you would have gone
back home with $1861(N1,051,465) in ROI (Return of investment). When your initial
investment deposit was $50...

5. Lastly let's look at SHIBA INU {SHIB}. Imagine getting SHIBA INU {SHIB} with
$50 (N25,000) on the 1st of January 2021 when it was trading for $0.00000000100
(N0.000004), you would have gotten 5 billion SHIBA INU COIN and if you sold on
December 31st 2021, you would have gone back home with $168,600 (N95,259,000)
in ROI (Return of investment). when your initial investment deposit was $50....

KEYNOTE: Understand all the above were all trading very low during last bearish run
before the pump. Infact the total crypto market cap as at the last bear run was less than 500
billion US dollars. During the bull run, it soared to more than 3 trillion US dollars. Damn!
Imagine the insane money here. Currently we at about 1.1 trillion market cap in total.

You may ask but how do I know which and which will eventually do well? This is where
research comes in. In carrying out research, it will be easier to spot out projects that have
high chances of playing out well in the next bull run. You don’t know how to research? Then
Learn it. Invest in knowledge and connect to a community of value where you can interact
with like minds.

Wealth is a process and sometimes takes time to achieve. It is never an easy journey. You
must be ready for the rough ride, ready to take loss and learn from it, ready to celebrate wins,
ready to accumulate, must be ready to stay patient, you must believe in your chosen field and

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work hard and be disciplined enough to succeed. Moreso crypto is a get-rich-slow-scheme
hence patience must be applied.

Also understand that crypto is risky and you can lose it all in one night. Therefore
always INVEST WITH WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD TO LOOSE. No one is responsible
for your financial management. You are responsible for your financial decisions.


Analysts have predicted the total market to soar to more than 9 trillion market cap in the next
10 to 15 years and some have even predicted it to flip the forex market cap due to the
innovation of the blockchain technology.

You may invest now and stay broke but imagine your investment paying off eventually even
though it may take some time. Five to ten years is not far compared to the years of agony and
regrets one may live in for not seizing the opportunity now. FEAR IS A DREAM and

 Know what works for you.

 If leverage trading works for you, learn the skills and be a master at it.

 If spot trading works for you, learn the skills and be a master at it.

 If investing midterm or long term, learn the skills and be a master at it.

 Invest in knowledge

 Don’t borrow money to invest

 Don’t invest with all you have. Keep some for other expenses so you don’t put more
pressure on yourself and your portfolio

 Just know what works best for you and be a god at it… seek more knowledge, study
and show yourself approved and wealth will be inevitable.


Yours passionately,

Twitter handle: @WisdomMatic

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