41263.601 The Use of Multimedia in Teaching and Learning of Computer Science 3063

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This project work has looked into the use of multi media in teaching and

learning of computer science, a case study of Oredo local government area. The

research sample consisted of 70 students from secondary schools the schools

were selected based on their location in the local government area. These

include St. Mary dedication school, Oredo Girls college, Immaculate conception

college, Edo college, Itohan Girls grammar school, and Iguodala primary

school.The researcher finds out that, majority of the students have the

knowledge of computer science, therefore the teacher as resource personnel

should be computer literate to enable them carryout effective teaching.




Background of the study

Statement of the problem

Purpose of the study

Significant of the study

Research questions

Scope of the study

Definition of terms


Review of related literature


Information and communication technology


Methodology and procedure of study

Research design

Population of the study

Sampling techniques

Research instrument

Validity of instrument

Method of data analysis


Presentation of data and discussion of results

Data analysis


Summary, conclusion and recommendation








A computer is an electronic device that can process data. Computer

system is capable of accepting input data (unprocessed data), through an input

device, store and processed the data and place processed data (information) on

the out put device generally called output.

Some people have always responded to as problem with some types of

solutions. The birth of electronic multi media like computer is no exception

when barter economy was replaced by monetary economy, the need for number,

computation and the keeping of records, become apparent. As early as 300 B.C.

number were in use in some parts of the world.

The concept of number and counting is said to have been initiated or

developed by Hardsman who after their animals, returned in the evening they

could be accounted for. Later other simple methods such as sticks and stones

were also used to count. The first real computations aid, abacus, was developed

in China as early as 2600 B.C.. Abacus is still commonly used in the world


In 1614 John Napier, a Scotish mathematician invented the Napier

logarithm. In 1768, Galvanic became the first man to identify electro mechanical

machine which is used to add stored data.

In this age of information and communication technology (ICT) where the

world seems to be reduced to a global hamlet, no country desire to be mapped

out for the relevant hamlet. Information and communication technology is

therefore an indispensable tool for global hamlet. In the context of this research,

ICT focused on the enhancement of students’ performance of school subjects

through the use of computer aided instruction in computer science. In that case,

knowledge and skills acquisition are necessary as a fundamental of ICT. Science

education in general and computer science in particular today, demand for

teachers capable of teaching the new technology and helping students interpret

and repackage information and provide information. Rich environment, for

communication to use ICT in the learning environment, there is need for

students to have access to multimedia like computer, fax machine, telephone and

electronic mail etc. Experts however believe that the educational sector is

suffering neglect towards effective access of information (Ofulure 1999). The

new communication technology has no distance and boundary and time so that

the remotest village in Nigeria has the possibility of trapping a global store of

knowledge. This development makes it possible to receive vast amount of

information from anywhere in the world in seeds. Although cultural

compatibility and the high rate of purchase and maintenances multimedia like

computer in developing countries may make the demand for multimedia

(computer) in science classroom seems luxury. At the moment, this state of

affair may not last for a very long period of time. The use of computer to

facilitate learning of computer science within the formal learning and teaching

situation will eventually enhance the acceptance of this versatile technology in

the developing countries, which are normally dominated by the indigenous

technology. All teachers are now expected to make use of ICT to support

teaching and learning environment. A few feel uncomfortable if asked to teach

in an ICT suite rather than their own laboratory that they will do anything they

can do to avoid it or will leave the management of the lesson to the ICT

technician or coordinator. Many feel that they could do a better job if the

resource were more accessible for the lesson and the scheme of work. Being

able to use ICT confidentially at home and as the teacher in charge of the lesson

are two different things. Apart from the general classroom management issues,

there can also be disconcerting technical differences. The extra demands of

simply working on a network can provide a large confident benefit. Many staff

and the school network security arrangement can make that aspect of using the

internet in lesson require a little more planning. For example, it is useful to be

able to write hyper link into a word document to make students directly to

relevant website but those may need to work in advance with the ICT technical

manager to make sure that useful websites are “book marked” or entered in

“favorites” for resource centred organizations who packaged folders for easier

access or data. Here, book marked sites with their favorites are directly chained

or linked to desire web pages of choice.


In recognition of the significant role of ICT in the technology of the

nation, the federal government through the federal ministry of education

introduced multi media students in unity schools. In 1990 (Borishade, 2000).

The ministry did not stop there, it also organized annual holiday multi media

programme for secondary school students in collaboration with some oil

companies with a view to making every Nigerian citizen literate. It provide

some multimedia for the unity school and produce a syllabus for the secondary

school multi media (computer) studies. The national policy on education made

provision for multi media (computer) education for junior and senior secondary

schools as electives. After one decade of the introduction of the programme,

very little result to have been achieved. No examination has been written on

multi media (computer) education in JSCE. No wonder Jegede (2002) observed

that our society is too slow in the uptake of ICT. Lack of qualified teachers in

the area of ICT is a serious impediment to its implementation. Only a few

universities in the country such as (OAU, RSUER, ESUT) out of the whole lot

offer courses in either computer science or computer engineering. It is only

OSUT that gives information and communication technology as a course. Most

of the computer science STM teachers in our schools are not computer literates

and as such are not able not reflect any respect of ICT in their teaching as they

can not give what they do not have. Most of our secondary schools do not have

enough multi media (computer) for any meaningful learning to take place, even

the available computers do not function. Some multi media are not properly

maintained due to lack of fund, lack of qualified technicians and poor

maintenance culture which is a serious problem in this country.


The purpose of this study includes:

i.) To know the use of multi media in the teaching of computer science.

ii.) To know the meaning of information and communication technology.


The result of this study will enable the application of multi media in the

field of teaching and learning computer science carefully emphasizes and

heighten practical results to support stepwise knowledge building,

consolidation and claim of proactive education and development. It has

platform for designing both curriculum-related activities and computer-based

culture technologies, in terms of helping students on how teachers swing

within scientific theory and empirical evidence. This strategy will greatly

teaching and learning and hence increase understanding of the use of audio-

visual aids which shows diagrammatic representation of processed. It will

help students participate in the lesson. It will also help students to alleviate

the problem of large class size which typifies computer science class.


1. Will the multi media (computer) facilitate students to learning in

developing countries?

2. In view of the need to be mindful of cost, will cooperative learning

techniques with multi media help in promoting students’ achievement?

3. What is the level of achievement of Nigerian students when learning is

undertaking with the use of the multi media?

4. Do most SIM teaching lack ICT expertise and could not computers as

teaching aids?


The scope of this research work is limited to using multi-media as

necessary tool to teaching and learning computer science in some select

secondary school in Oredo local government area of Edo state. It covers the

problems encountered and the solutions to such problems in the case study.


J.S.S.C.E.: Junior Secondary School Certificate Examination.

ICT: Information and Communication Technology.

OAU: Obafemi Awolowo University.

RESUT: River State University of Technology.

ESUT: Enugu State University of Technology.

OSUT: Oyo State University of Technology.

STM: Science, Technology and Mathematics.




The world is moving at a jet speed as a result of advances in science and

technology and more importantly, in information and communication

technology-ICT may be defined as the handling and processing of information,

text, images, graph, industries etc. for use by means of electronic and

communication devices such as computer, cameras, telephones etc. According to

Grusen (1995) ICT is concerned with processing, storing, retrieving and

communication of data to users. Today information and technology has affected

the world in so many ways and has consequently led to globalization. The entire

world has now apparently been brought into a small village where people can

read and communicate with one another. Every aspect of the society is been

affected by the ICT: industry, education and business etc.

Today one can pick a phone and call around the world. With the internet,

store information on millions of multi media (computer) around the world can

be located and used; the cost of nothing when compared to the benefits. With the

internet one can communicate with anyone in the world and get an instance

response depending or whether or not is logged in. multi media (computer)

games are popular sources of entertainment.



The role of information and communication technology in computer science

education is very important and it prepares pupils or students to participate

rapidly in a changing world in which education and other activities are

increasingly being transformed by access of technology. Information and

communication technology could be used for effective teaching and learning of

most concepts and principles in the computer science curriculum. For instance,

the computer science teacher could record the highlights of his/her lesson

illustration, diagram etc. on given topics on diskettes, CD-ROMS and have them

projected on a large elevated monitor or a screen, as he or she teaches. This

strategy would greatly facilitate teaching and learning and hence increase

understanding, evoke and sustain interest in them because of the use of audio-

visual aids which show diagrammatic representation and process etc. it will help

students participate in the lesson fully. This strategy would also help eliminate

the problem of large class size which typifies computer science class. Each

student would see the display on the elevated screen or large monitor and hears

the teacher irrespective of his position in the classroom. The use of ICT in

computer science now stands a better chance of being able to achieve the desired

goal in less time and resources economically as a result of multiple ways ICT

can be employed in the teaching and learning process of the subjects. The

prevailing policies and national philosophies which are at variance with reality

(Jegede 2002) are another serious impediment to the implementation of ICT in

secondary schools. The national policy on education (NPE, 1998) prescribed

that computer education should be taught as elective in both junior and senior

secondary level. That is the reason why Nigerian educators and leaders have

called for the reconstruction of our science, mathematics and teaching policies

(Odunusi, 2001).

Multi media education should as a matter of urgency be given its right place

in the national policy of education. Most of our secondary schools do not have

enough gadgets for meaningful learning to take place. Even the one available do

not have current software or the multi media are not properly maintained due to

lack of qualified technicians and poor maintenance culture, which is a serious

problem in this country. In some schools, multi media are either stored in

containers or used in school administrative offices. A visit to one of the unity

schools revealed a poor state of affairs. The school has five multi media

equipment against students’ population of about 900 in junior secondary

schools, J.S.S 1-3. The school has only two computer studies teachers. In such a

situation, assuming all the students offer multi media studies, the ratio would be

one computer to one hundred and fifty students, and one computer studies

teacher to four hundred and fifty students. The facilities are grossly inadequate

for any meaningful teaching and learning to take place. There is no way the

students could be adequately acquainted with the practical skills involved in

multi media education, since they do not have full access to computer or multi



The environment dominated by indigenous technology relates to Nigeria in

two ways: firstly, the technology is used in most places particularly in rural

homes in traditional and largely unrefined developed worlds. Secondly, the

modern technology and in the case of this study the multi media is a novelty and

this may have a positive influence if used in education. The second factor

emanates from typical Nigerian disposition of planning and development or lack

of it. The desire to keep up with countries using multi media like computer in

the educational system has made the government to under play the cost and

maintenance factor. Multi media studies i.e. computer education are now

planned to be key element policy on computer educational which become

operational in 1998. The multi media is used for its than books. This encouraged

students who are not only adverted to private learning but also support those on

further studies away from the core teacher. It is therefore imperative that these

technologies which are currently not be utilized be integrated into our science,

technology and mathematics classrooms.



In the context of this research, ICT focus on the enhancement of students’

performance in computer science through the use of computer aided instruction

(CAI). Therefore, the knowledge and skills acquisition of both information

technology and communication technology can then be said to be application of

multi media and telecommunication technologies to improve learning by the

students. It is the combination of multi media with communication.


A total of 70 students were used in this study. This consisted of computer

science students in seven selected secondary schools in Oredo local government

area of Edo state. The questionnaires were distributed on the following strata.


1. St Mary dedication school 10 6 4

2. Oredo girls college 10 5 5

3. Immaculate conception college 10 5 5

4. Edo college 10 4 6

5. Itohan girls grammar school 10 4 6

6. Iguodala primary school 10 5 5

7. Word of faith group of schools 10 6 4

Total 70 35 35

The interview covers the following groups.

1. Five female teachers, teaching at Aunty Maria school.

2. 10 students (5 males and 5 females) from university preparation school. in all,

a total number of 70 people constituted the population studies.


A total number of 70 copies of the questionnaire were distributed to 70

students from different schools. The questionnaires were distributed to schools

such as

A- St Mary dedication school

B- Oredo girls college

C- Immaculate conception college

D- Edo college

E- Itohan girls grammar school

F- Word of Faith group of schools.

Each of these schools is given questionnaire. The 70 questionnaires were

distributed to both male and female students in these schools listed above.

The questionnaires were shared to 35 males and 35 females, provided useful

responses to each of the items which were used as the population for this

study. These were selected randomly from the schools under investigation.


The instrument used in this study includes both the questionnaire and oral

interview. Respondents were required to be objective in their responses to these

questions by saying only yes or no in boxes provided. The questionnaire items

were based on the purpose of the study and the assumption of the research. The

researcher had a free discussion with some people in form of oral interview.


The questionnaire was scrutinized by the project supervisor who is an expert

in educational administration. Necessary corrections were made before the

copies of questionnaires were administered.


The data collection were grouped together, tabulated and analyzed in

accordance with hypothesis formulated using percentage. In designing the study,

consideration was given to the method that would enhance accurate analysis of

result and to some extent enhance the clarity of ideas, concepts and data

discussed in each construct under investigation.




The chapter deals with data analysis and presentation of result from data

gathered in the process of finding out the uses of multi media in the teaching and

learning of computer science in secondary schools. The data were carefully

examined, tabulated and analyzed with statistical tools such as percentage

according to the hypothesis formulated in the first chapter of this research work.

Table 1

Frequency and percentage distribution of respondents according to the

constructs in computer science teaching.


1. Will the multi media (computer) in any way 100 92 10 8

facilitate students learning in developing


2. In view of the need to be mindful of cost, can 74 98 26 22

cooperative learning techniques with multi

media promote students’ achievement?

3. Is there achievement among Nigerian students 50 42 70 58

when learning is under taken with the use of

the multi media?

4. Do most STM teachers lack ICT expertise and 76 63 44 37

could not use computer as teaching aids?

5. Do you have computer laboratory attendants in 72 60 48 10

your school computer room?

6. Is computer study a compulsory subject in your 62 52 58 48


7. How many computer teachers do you have in 68 57 52 42

your school?

8. Do you have a personal computer in your 86 72 34 22

school or at home?

9. Some multi media are not properly maintained 72 69 48 40

due to lack of fund, lack of qualified


10. Can the use of multi media and information 80 67 40 34

technology help students to understand

computer concepts?

From the above table, 92% of the students agreed that multi media (computer)

can facilitate students’ learning in developing countries, while 8% said that

multi media (computer) can not facilitate students’ learning in growing

countries. In the second item 98% of the students agreed that in view of the need

to be mindfully of cost, cooperative learning techniques with multi media

promote students’ achievements, while 22% of students disagreed with that. The

above observation shows that multi media (computer) can facilitates students’

learning in developing countries and with cooperative learning techniques with

the help of multi media it can help in promoting students’ achievements. In the

third item, 42% said that there is achievement among Nigerian students when

learning is under taking with the use of multi media while 58% strongly

disagreed with that. In the fourth item, 63% agreed that most STM teachers

lacks ICT expertise, and could not use computer as teaching aids while 37%

strongly disagreed with other students. The above observation shows that there

is no achievement among Nigerian students when learning is under taken with

the use of multi media while in fourth item most STM teachers lack ICT

expertise and they can not use computer as a teaching aid. In the fifth item 60%

of the students responded that they do have computer laboratory attendants in

their schools computer room while 10% disagreed that they do not have

computer laboratory attendants in their school computer room. In the sixth item

52% of the students responded by saying that computer study is compulsory

subject in their school while 48% disagreed with the other students by saying

that the study of computer is not compulsory in their school. The above

observation shows that there is a computer laboratory attendant in most of the

computer room in the schools. And it is also agreed that in most of the schools

the study of computer is very compulsory. In the seventh item 57% of the

students said that they have (5) five computer teachers in their school, while

42% of the students said that they have two (2) computer teachers in their

school. In the eighth item 72% of the students agreed that they have personal

computer at schools, while 22% said that they have personal computer at home.

The above information show that in most of the schools there are computer

teachers, and it also shows that there are personal computer in the schools more

than home. In the ninth item 69% of the students agreed that some multi media

are not properly maintained due to lack of fund, lack of qualified technicians,

while the other 40% disagreed with what others said. In the tenth item 67% of

the students said that use of multi media and information technology can help

students to understand complex concept, while 34% of the other students

disagreed with the other students. From the above information it shows that

some multi media are not properly maintained due to lack of fund and lack of

qualified technicians. And it is also observed that the use of multi media and

information technology can help students to understand complex concepts.

Recent researcher Norman (1999), Triened and Lift P. (2002) have found out

that teachers that have professional experience in science technology performed

better than those who lack ICT competence. It is important that government

tames teachers technologically proficient as the training is important in her

educational policy, and to ensure that teachers participate in the ICT training

programme. Also worthy of note is the result reported in the table indicating the

highest score on attitude record by student work together cooperatively in the

use of multi media. The implication of this finding, with respect to the use of

multi media (computer) hardware and soft ware in the teaching and learning of

computer science are scare where cost preludes the purchase of many computer

units, students can work cooperatively on the few systems available. The

limitation of this kind of arrangement especially when group is large or

uncontrollable must be considered. The results are therefore indicative of the

fact that multi media have the capability of exciting from an environment

dominated by indigenous technology. It may not bring about remarkable and

significant gain in achievement when compared with the teaching method in

regular use in these setting. It needs to be borne in mind that the quality of

software of the popular peculiar learning environment and the obvious learning

style it supports are some of the variables that might have affected the result of

the study. Although multi media (computer) is involved and is used in a very

wide range in our daily activities and it has unlimited area of application in

industrial sectors, communication networking, defense management information

system (MIS) and educational sector etc.

Accordingly Johnson and Rising (1962) said multi media programme help

students to learn how to solve problems systematically, carefully and in details.

The introduction of multi media in computer science teaching and learning

motivates challenges and encourages the development of new skills, better

perspective and approaches to computer science problem. However, with the use

of the multi media this gap between the fast and slow learners is bridged as there

are no two individuals that are the same in terms of teaching/learning process.

Computer aids the mastering and understanding of the concepts in computer

science in three ways:

1. Since many learners need to learn and master computer science skills at

their own pace, traditional time and individual practice with feed back to

meet the needed objective, computer programme often provides such

opportunity at all time on a pace most suited to the individual learners.

2. There is also sequential arrangement from lower to higher and harder

level made available for fast learner and study at their pace with feed


3. Record keeping program can also help teachers keep track of learners’

performance to ascertain those that have or had not master the required

concepts. Multi media (computer) application in computer science

encounter other problems ranging from poor government policies to multi

media (computer) poor definition of aims and objectives, inconsistent

curriculum, poor understanding of computer language, algorithms

inability to formulate the pre-existing ones to suit the current needs and

aspiration of the users. Computer science teachers and administrators have

find computer quite useful as a result of its applications. The computer

has been effectively used in the general administrative process as it eases

the workload of the administrators by keeping all necessary records for

future purposes. However, computer also has some major problems

militating against its application in computer science education. This

process range from, poor management policies on the importance of multi

media (computer) devices, late introduction of computer literacy in

Nigerian education system, poor funding, instability of our political

institution, inadequate infrastructure, poor maintenance culture,

underutilization of computer to poor availability of qualified personnel.

Implication of the use of multi media (computer) in teaching of computer

science, there have been a lot of benefit derived by the students through

the introduction, teaching and learning of computer science through

computer inadequate use of personnel and material resources, which was

one of the major funding that hope to be useful to other researchers in the

same area and which will assist in the upliftment in the teaching and

learning of computer science with computer.

This is also in agreement with the findings of Omolewa (1977) who stated

that the major problem facing the teaching and learning of science in our

secondary schools was lack of basic science equipment. Under these

conditions, there may be no way students can develop the manipulative

skills, the power of observations and drawing of inference which practical

computer science aimed at. However, the computer science teachers used in

this study have resulted to make use of personal and electronic resource for

standing computer science teaching materials.




This summary chapter is set aside to summarize the analysis done in

chapter one to four. It also presents the conclusion and recommendation for

the study. The finding reveals that the use of computer in the teaching and

learning of computer science has a great effect in our secondary schools. It

also reveals that teachers utilize their talents fully while students learn with

full confidence and do their work creditably with computers, it keep the

students busy, engaging them also in expanding the skills acquired in

computer science. Since computer science is such a subject that need the use

of computer, recent research as really done a lot from computer science

learners incorporating and improving their knowledge of computer science

through computer practical and applications. Information and communication

technology are part of globalization agents, which has transformed the world

as communication technology village. The importance of computer in

changing traditional orientation of the teachers and students cannot be over

emphasized. Opportunities are provided for scientific application of

computer using techniques such as stimulation and modeling. These also

involve the application of various software on single or combined platform.

The appropriate selection and use of these techniques and corresponding

software package will be found useful, for they provide indication on how

system such as human body, weather, among other react to changing



The findings reveal that the use of multi media (computer) plays a great

role in the students’ performance and abilities in learning computer science

to such extent of reducing computer illiteracy. It help the teachers to utilize

their talents fully, participate in all studies taken by their students’ innovate

and improve their methods of teaching through creating much work for them.

The rapid changes taking place all over the world pose a challenge to the

educational sector. No doubt that modern communication and information

technology tends to be contributive to rapid scientific advancement of the

society. The need to educate our teachers and students in modern ICT cannot

be over emphasized. This will facilitate effective knowledge transfer and

build proper media for scientific and technological acquisition for students.

An improved educational technology curriculum in line with current trends

will enable computer science teachers meet up the challenges for the future.

The computer obviously is an indispensable tool for the science teachers of

the 21st century. Judging from the statement of the hypothesis to the findings

and analysis one can see that computer studies have much role to play in

computer science in our secondary schools in Oredo local government area

of Edo state.


In view of the above analysis, the following recommendations were made.

1. For effective application of computer studies in any secondary school

there should be proper record kept on students’ performance in computer

science especially on the students’ cognitive and psychomotor

achievement in the school.

2. The basic problem of implementing computer science successfully in

schools is lack of sufficiently qualified teachers. For this reason computer

studies should be incorporated into teacher training programmes offered

in this country. If this is done, it will enhance the teaching and learning of

computer science.

3. Government should introduce a fairly uniform scheme of work, uniform

textbooks and standardized computer curriculum. The researcher suggest

that further studies shall be done to provide solutions to the problems of

teaching and learning or computer science in validating the results

obtained in this study.


Gusen W.S. (1995); concerning with processing, storing, retrieving and

communication data to users.

Jegede E. (2002); observed that our society is too slow in uptake of ICT.

Johnson and Rising (1962); multi media programme help students to learn how

to solve problems systematically and in details.

Norman (1999) Triened and Lift P. (2002); teachers who have professional

experience in science technology are better than those who lack ICT


NPE (1998); prescribe that computer science.

Odunusi (2001); mathematics and teaching education policies operational in

(1998) as been done in this study.

Ofulure D. (1990); the telecommunication technology has shirked distance and



This questionnaire is designed to elicit the role of multimedia in teaching and

learning of computer science you are required to answer the question truthfully

as responses given will be treated with utmost confidence please tick(√ )as


Age: ( ) 11-15 ( ) 16-20

Sex: ( ) Male ( ) Female

Religion: ( ) Christianity ( ) Islamic ( ) Others.



1. Will the multi-media computer in any way facilitate learning in a

developing country? Yes ( ) No ( ).

2. In view of the need to be mindful of cost, can co-operative learning

techniques with multi-media promote student achievement?

Yes ( ) No ( ).

3. Is there achievement among Nigerian students when learning is

undertaken with the use of multi-media? Yes ( ) No ( ).

4. Do most STM teachers lack ICT expertise and could not use computers as

teaching aids? Yes ( ) No ( ).

5. Do you have a computer laboratory attendant in your school computer

room? Yes ( ) No ( )

6. Is computer study is compulsory subject in your school?

Yes ( ) No ( )

7. How many computer teachers do you have in your school? 123 ( ) 456

( ) none ( ).

8. Do you have a personal computer in you school or at home? Yes ( )

No ( ).

9. Some multi-media are not properly maintained due to lack of qualified

technicians? Yes ( ) No ( ).

10. Can the use of multi-media and information technology help students to

understand complex concept? Yes ( ) No ( )


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