Empower B2 - Unit 2 - Lesson B - Vocabulary (Handout)

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Read this story and notice the bold words.

In a big, green forest, there was a creature that was very special. It was the only
one left in the world, which made it a rare species. This animal lived in a part of
the forest that was protected so it could be safe. But the forest started to
become at risk because some people came to hunt and that was not good for
the environment. The natural home of this creature was in danger, and it could
become endangered or even extinct if no one helped. So, many people who
loved the forest worked hard to keep the habitats safe. They made sure the laws
were strong so the special creature could live without fear.

● At risk: Exposed to harm or danger.

● Creature: An animal, as distinct from a human being.
● Endangered: Seriously at risk of extinction.
● Environment: The surroundings or conditions in which a person,
animal, or plant lives or operates.
● Extinct: Having no living members; no longer in existence.
● Habitats: The natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other
● Hunt: To pursue and kill (wild animals) for sport or food.
● Natural: Existing in or derived from nature; not made or caused by
● Protected: Kept safe from harm or injury; preserved or guaranteed by
means of formal or legal measures.
● Rare species: A group of organisms that are very uncommon, scarce, or
infrequently encountered.

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