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Written report (PAD120)

Government obtains power primarily through these two key mechanisms which are from
legitimacy and public support. Legitimacy is an important notion in governance theory,
influencing the effectiveness and normative judgment of the mechanisms that guide society and
the economy towards negotiated goals (Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, 2022). Public support and
legitimacy frequently reinforce one another. A legitimate government, considered lawful and
righteous, is more likely to obtain public support. In contrast, a government with great public
support can boost its legitimacy, as popular support is an important component of recognized
lawful governance.

In a democratic system, free and fair elections are the source of power for governments (Mat Ali
& Yusoff, 2022). Voting by citizens for the candidates or parties they support gives elected
authorities a clear mandate to rule. Frequent and transparent elections contribute to the
guarantee that the government represents the people's desire because a democracy is a form
of government where the individuals in charge prioritize serving the needs of their citizens (Mat
Ali & Yusoff, 2022). Public opinion and support are a very crucial part of how the government is
formed because high public approval strengthens a government’s position, making it easier to
implement policies and secure cooperation from various stakeholders. It benefits the
government, but more significantly, it strengthens the government's democratic legitimacy. It
acknowledges that the public has a major role to play and makes use of their knowledge,
abilities, and excitement to assist in decision-making (Manaf et al., 2016).

Governments gain and maintain power through a complex interaction of public support and
legitimacy. Public support is gained through election procedures, policy successes, and effective
communication, whereas legitimacy is generated through adherence to legal standards,
traditions, charismatic leadership, performance, and the social compact. Both elements are vital
and interconnected, and they serve as the foundation for governmental authority (Tambunan,
2021). Legitimacy secures the right to govern, and public consent grants the government the
authority to govern according to the rule of law (Tambunan, 2021). Legitimacy is fundamental to
politics and discarding it would result in failure to gain political authority (Tambunan, 2021)

Charismatic leadership is one of the effective sources of legitimacy. Certain leaders have
personal characteristics that attract dedication and acceptance from the people. These leaders
frequently emerge during times of crisis or transition, inspiring followers with their vision,
argumentation, and perceived personal integrity. Even when there are no explicit democratic or
constitutional institutions, the support they get can legitimize their authority. Also, when a
government is considered to uphold justice, human rights, and fair treatment under the law, it
gains legitimacy. The rule of law assures that all individuals are treated equally, and that
government acts are consistent and just (Franck, 1998). This develops public trust and
acceptance, which strengthens the government's authority.

Manaf, H. A., Mohamed, A. M., & Lawton, A. (2016). Assessing Public Participation
Initiatives in Local Government Decision-Making in Malaysia. International
Journal of Public Administration, 39(11), 812–820.

‌Mat Ali, M. F., & Yusoff, M. A. (2022). Malaysian Electoral System Reform and the
Challenges of its Implementation After the 14th General Election. Malaysian
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 7(1), 299–312.

‌Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, S. I. (2022). Legitimacy. Edward Elgar Publishing EBooks.

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