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Swaran J.S. Flora, Abha Sharma
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Raebareli, U.P., India

INTRODUCTION measurements of biochemical, physiological, or

behavioral alterations as end results of metal
The term biomarker is used to measure the interac- exposure.
tion between a biological system and an environmental 3. Biomarkers of susceptibility. These biomarkers are
agent, which may be chemical, physical, or biological. strong indicators of the natural characteristics of an
They form the essential end points of cascade of events organism, which possibly contribute toward making
involved in metal exposure and progression of related them more susceptible to the effects of an exposure to
disease, analysis of which may contribute significantly a particular toxicant. These biomarkers can be
to the successful risk management against heavy metal genetic such as chromosomal aberrations,
toxicities. This chapter provides some recent updates polymorphisms, etc.
of biomarkers and their role in determining exposure
to some of the specific metals. It will also provide a
comprehensive account of molecular- and cellular-
based biomarkers of toxicity. SELECTION OF AN IDEAL BIOMARKER:

CLASSIFICATION OF BIOMARKERS Choice or selection of biomarkers needs to be appro-

priate to attain accurate results. An ideal biomarker
Broadly biomarkers could be categorized into three should possess certain specified characteristics such as:
categories: 1. Sample collection and analysis should be reliable and
1. Biomarkers of exposure. These are directly related to easy.
the measurement of dose and function of a metal 2. Use of biomarker is ethically proven.
exposure. They can be further subdivided into the 3. Biomarker should be disease and organ specific and
following: relevant intervention can be considered.
• Molecular lesions include formation of DNA and 4. It should reflect a subclinical and reversible change.
protein adducts, glycosylated hemoglobin, and
amino acid conjugates through induction of
electrophilic chemicals, chromosomal aberrations,
and micronuclei following exposure to metals. BIOMONITORING OF EXPOSURE TO
• Endogenously produced biomolecules include HEAVY METALS
production of various chemicals and enzymes in
response to metal intoxication. Heavy metals are known to cause oxidative deteriora-
• Cellular/tissue changes include alterations in sperm tion of biomolecules by initiating free radical mediated
motility, sperm count, macrophage activity, red chain reaction resulting in lipid peroxidation, protein
blood cell counts, and lymphocyte ratios. oxidation, and oxidation of nucleic acids such as DNA
• Unchanged exogenous agents include heavy metals. and RNA. Exposures to metals must be recognized
2. Biomarkers of effects. These biomarkers are also promptly, and affected individuals should be evaluated
known as “response biomarkers” include and managed without delay.

Biomarkers in Toxicology, Second Edition 529 Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

LEAD exposure. Another study showed that nail is not a

reliable biomarker of exposure for women using
Inorganic Pb is considered to be one of the oldest surma (Ikegami et al., 2016). Toenails are preferred
occupational toxicants and is widely used in industries because they are comparatively less affected by
and life because of its favorable properties such as various environmental contaminants, reliable, and
malleability, resistance to corrosion, and low melting noninvasive (Bakri et al., 2017).
point. Paints are the primary source of Pb exposure 5. Bone and teeth lead levels: Studies suggest the
and the major source of Pb toxicity. Formation of reactive cumulative measurement of bone Pb levels as the
oxygen species (ROS) and changes in glutathione (GSH) most important determinant of some forms of
as well as other antioxidant enzyme activities contribute toxicity. There is a strong association between bone Pb
equally to oxidative stress in lead intoxication. levels and blood Pb levels of adults exposed to lead
(Behinaein et al., 2017). However, an appropriate
selection of the bone type for analysis of Pb levels is
Biomarkers of Exposure necessary as different types of bones have different
1. Blood lead levels: Blood Pb (BPb) level (mainly characteristics that potentially contribute toward
erythrocyte lead) is the one of the primary and most their efficacy to absorb Pb. Though analysis of bone
verifiable biomarker used for the assessment of Pb Pb levels has been recommended as one of the
exposure and toxicity. Up to 50% of inhaled Pb is effective biomarker, still further research is
transferred to bloodstream in adult humans, warranted. X-ray fluoroscopy is considered among
measurement of which reflects both recent and past the most consistent and sensitive tools for assessing
exposures. Mobilization of Pb from bone into the this. Compared to bones, teeth have been shown to be
blood contributes significantly (45%e55%) in a superior indicator of Pb exposure as they also
enhancing the blood Pb levels, even in persons provide information about prenatal exposure and
without excessive exposure to Pb. Evaluation of blood hence could be valuable in the understanding of
zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) level can be used for various embryonic anomalies. The estimation of Pb in
determining Pb exposure (Yang et al., 2015). dental surface enamel by graphite furnace atomic
2. Plasma lead levels: Plasma Pb levels (PPb) have also absorption spectrometry may be used as a suitable
been associated with toxic effects of Pb as plasma biomarker of environmental exposure to Pb (De
fraction is rapidly exchangeable in the blood. Easy Oliveira et al., 2017).
exchange of lead from bone to plasma occurs via
exchangeable pool, whereas lead can move from Biomarkers of Effects
nonexchangeable pool to the surface only when bone
General signs and symptoms of Pb poisoning may
is actively being resorbed. Pb exposure affects plasma
include abdominal pain, anorexia, nausea and constipa-
viscosity and also disturbs the agreeability and
tion, headache, joint and muscle pain, difficulties with
deformability of erythrocyte (Kasperczyk et al., 2015).
concentration and memory, sleep disturbances, anemia
3. Urine lead levels: Spot urine specimen is subjected to
with basophilic stippling, peripheral neuropathy and
large biological variations rendering it unreliable
nephropathy. Some of the major biomarkers of effect or
along with precipitation of urate salts in urine, which
response biomarkers associated with Pb intoxication
serves as another complicating factor in the analysis.
are discussed below:
Inorganic Pb remains unmetabolized and is excreted
unchanged, primarily in the urine. Urine analysis is a 1. Systemic manifestations: Lead poisoning has been
noninvasive method and is favored for long-term associated with various hematological,
biomonitoring and is acceptable in Pb workers as gastrointestinal, and neurological dysfunctions,
biomarker (Sommar et al., 2014). resulting in progression of diverse adverse effects and
4. Lead levels in hair and nails: Hair as biomarker of diseases.
exposure has several advantages over other a. Hematological manifestations: Lead-induced
substrates, such as easy and noninvasive collection, hematological effects are mainly due to reduced
minimal cost, inert, and easy storage and life span of erythrocytes and inhibition of
transportation for analysis. However, the ability to hemoglobin synthesis. These effects result in
distinguish between endogenous and exogenous Pb anemia, which may be mild, hyper, chronic, or
is a major problem, and various geographical and microcytic. The adverse effects of lead appear even
ecological factors affect Pb distribution in hair. with blood concentration as low as 10 mg/dL.
Techniques such as atomic absorption spectrometry Basophilic stippling and premature erythrocyte
can be used for the quantitative determination of Pb hemolysis are the two common and promising
in fingernail, which indicates its environmental biomarkers exhibiting hematological


LEAD 531
manifestations on Pb exposure. Impairment of the during childhood in women. In utero exposure of
activity of pyrimidine 50 -nucleotidase takes place, fetus to Pb might be due to the mobilization of Pb
which increases the concentration of pyrimidine from mother’s bones. Moreover, increased calcium
nucleotides in red blood cells, preventing intake may further mitigate this phenomenon
maturation of erythroid elements and eventually (Pant et al., 2014).
leading to anemia presented in two case reports g. Toxic manifestations on bones and teeth: Tooth
(Warang et al., 2017). decay, missed and filled teeth, dental abrasions,
b. Gastrointestinal manifestations: Case reports and significant increase in the prevalence of
indicate severe gastrointestinal dysfunction such periodontal diseases such as gingivitis and
as abdominal cramps, constipation, dilated periodontitis have been linked to Pb exposure. Use
stomach descending into the pelvis, small bowel of combined laser ablation lead isotope and
distension, nausea, abdominal pain, belching, histological analysis method for the determination
heart burn, loss of appetite hunger pain, liver of Pb level in children’s dentine and enamel of
damage as shown by liver biopsy (Verheij et al., deciduous teeth furnish information about timing,
2009). duration, and source of Pb exposure during fetal
c. Neurological manifestations: Lead mimics development and early childhood (Shepherd et al.,
calcium ions, which grants it the potential to cross 2016). Presence of “Lead lines” along metaphyses
bloodebrain barrier and interferes with the normal of long bones and the margin of flat bones is also an
development of a child’s brain and nervous important biomarker. The effect of Pb on bones of
system. High levels of lead are associated with female rats suggests that it can damage bone
impaired cognitive function and various biomechanics. Therefore, this finding would
neuropsychiatric symptoms such as short-term relate with the increases in the risk of bone
memory and attention deficit disorders. Lead level fracture in elderly women exposed to Pb (Lee
in blood and urine in pediatric patients with et al., 2016).
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder was h. Respiratory manifestations: Inflammatory
determined with the outcome that it is correlated biomarkers in blood (WBC counts, PLA2 activity,
inversely to neurological development in the early and total protein levels) of Pb-exposed guinea pigs
7 years of life (Sánchez-Villegas et al., 2014). were examined and signified that inhalation
d. Renal manifestations: Chronic exposure results in exposure to lead acetate may lead to asthma-like
renal ganglioside alterations with urinary disease (Farkhondeh et al., 2013).
microalbumin excretion; however, these symptoms i. DNA manifestations: Techniques such as comet,
are variable and lack specificity. Chronic exposure micronucleus, and chromosomal aberration tests
is associated with tubule interstitial nephritis and are applied to identify the genetic damage
progressive deterioration of renal function. The occurred in heavy metaleexposed population.
effect of low environmental exposure of Pb on Elevated mean percent tail DNA, frequency of
kidney can be identified by monitoring the activity chromosomal aberration, and micronucleus in
of lactate dehydrogenase. Proteinuria was also peripheral blood lymphocytes as well as in buccal
found in higher levels in Pb-exposed people epithelial cells were found in occupationally Pb-
(Cabral et al., 2012). exposed worker (Chinde et al., 2014).
e. Cardiovascular manifestations: Association 2. Biomarkers of oxidative damage
between Pb exposure and coronary heart disease, a. ALAD-d-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase: Several
heart rate variability, and death from stroke has enzymes/enzymatic processes responsible for
also been indicated; however, there are limited heme synthesis can be used as potential
reports and scientific evidence to support this biomarkers for the lead toxicity, primarily being d-
finding. High levels of serum asymmetric aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (d-ALAD),
dimethylarginine, adipocyte fatty acidebinding involved in catalyzing the condensation of two
protein, adiponectin, and chemerin have been molecules of ALA to porphobilinogen. Blood Pb
reported recently in women living in Pb- levels >20 mg/dL strongly inhibit the activity of
contaminated area of Mexico (Ochoa-Martinez ALAD, which makes it the most sensitive
et al., 2017). measurable biological index of lead toxicity.
f. Reproductive manifestations: Lead affects both However, there are two limitations in the
male and female reproductive systems and has determination of ALAD activity: (1) wide range of
been associated with decreased sperm count and normal activity, and (2) unstable nature of the
motility in men and miscarriage, prematurity, low activity during storage (La-Llave-León et al., 2017).
birth weight, and problems with development 8-Hydroxy-20 -deoxyguanosine as a sensitive and



noninvasive biomarker of Pb induced oxidative ALAD G177C polymorphism yields two alleles,
DNA damage (Pawlas et al., 2017). ALAD1 and ALAD2. Higher blood Pb levels are
b. ALA-U, ALA-B, ALA-P: ALA is synthesized in observed in individuals carrying two copies of
mitochondria from glycine and succinyl-CoA by ALAD2 allele; however, hemopoiesis and severe
ALA synthetase (ALAS). Inhibition of ALAD effects of intoxication in brain and bone are
results in activation of ALAS, which further results observed in ALAD 1e1 homozygotic individuals.
in ALA accumulation in blood, plasma, and urine, The role of ALAD genotype polymorphism in Pb
thereby making ALA a critical biomarker of early toxicity has been studied in Pb-exposed and
biological effect of Pb also (Saxena and Flora, 2004). -unexposed workers. They found higher level of B-
Effect of lead on bone marrow is more precisely Pb and U-Pb in ALAD2 carriers than in ALAD1
depicted by increased ALA in plasma or blood homozygotes. P-Pb values were found to be
than urine, although ALA-U has been a comparable in both ALAD genotypes, but ALAD1
recommended biomarker of Pb exposure. Lead homozygotes are more prone to kidney toxicity
interrupts erythrocytes energy homeostasis, (Tian et al., 2013).
resulted with decreased glucose metabolism, b. Apoptotic gene expression: Mitochondrion plays
which lead to cell dysfunction in Pb-exposed an extremely crucial role in Pb-induced apoptosis
people (Feksa et al., 2012). and is dependent on mitochondrial permeability
c. Zinc Protoporphyrin: ZPP concentrations are transition pore opening as studied in rat proximal
widely used as biomarkers for lead toxicity. tubular cells (Liu et al., 2016). Apoptotic signals
Ferrochelatase is another crucial enzyme that triggered by Pb are stimulated by caspase cascade
catalyzes the insertion of iron into protoporphyrin and extracellular signaleregulated kinase
IX. However, in the cases of Pb toxicity, this dephosphorylation pathway in hepatic stem cells
enzyme is inhibited and the pathway is of adult rat (Agarwal et al., 2009).
interrupted. Also, if sufficient iron is not available,
Zn is substituted for Fe, resulting in increased ZPP
levels. This alteration is an important diagnostic ARSENIC
feature coexisting with a limitation that these
elevations do not appear in the blood until Pb Arsenic (As) is a highly toxic metalloid, which poses
levels reach 35 mg/dL. The three enzymes of heme severe effects, and its use as a deadly poison has been
biosynthesis, i.e., ALAD, coproporphyrin oxidase, known and reported for many years. Arsenic in its free
and ferrochelatase, are affected by Pb exposure form generates free radicals resulting in lipid peroxida-
resulting in decreased level of erythropoietin, tion, depletion of antioxidant enzymes, and DNA dam-
consequently reducing hemoglobin synthesis age, thereby establishing oxidative stress as the major
(Mazumdar et al., 2017). mechanism of As-induced toxicity and carcinogenicity
d. Pyrimidine nucleotidase and nicotinamide adenine (Flora, 2011).
dinucleotide synthetase: Decreased activities of
pyrimidine nucleotidase and nicotinamide Biomarkers of Exposure
adenine dinucleotide synthetase in blood also
Assessment and quantification of As exposure usu-
serve as useful biomarkers in humans for
ally involves the measurement of As levels in environ-
diagnosing lead intoxications (Kim et al., 2002).
mental media (water and soil) and/or the use of
biomarkers of exposure (blood, urine, and nails). Anal-
Biomarkers of Susceptibility ysis of total As in blood, hair, or nails, and total or speci-
ated metabolites of As in urine is the most common
1. Cytogenetic markers: Sister chromatic exchanges
biomarker of As exposure.
(SCEs), high-SCE frequency cells (HFCs), and
DNAeprotein cross-links (DPCs) have also been 1. Blood arsenic levels: Blood As levels better indicate
shown to be reliable markers for biomonitoring lead recent and relatively high-dose exposures. Arsenic is
exposure. Genotoxicity of Pb was measured using cleared from blood within a few hours after it is
SCE, erythrocyte ALAD, urinary delta- absorbed. Blood As levels, however, may not be very
aminolevulinic acid (U-ALA), and BPb in workers reliable and promising biomarker of exposure
occupationally exposed to Pb (Sanders et al., 2009). because of its rapid clearance, particularly in cases of
2. Biomarkers of gene expression intoxication with very low levels of inorganic As.
a. ALAD, VDR, and HFE polymorphism: Several Examination of porphyrin profile provides an
biomarkers at the molecular level also exist, which indication of As exposure. Thus it can be a useful
help in estimation of Pb in exposed individuals. biomarker of As exposure (Hall et al., 2006).


2. Urine arsenic levels: Clouded urine is frequently seen b. Respiratory manifestations: Scientific evidence
in most severely As-intoxicated patients as absorbed from various studies/reports suggests the possible
As if primarily excreted through urine. Generally, role of As poisoning in the occurrence of lung
urinary As is analyzed as total or speciated; however, disease. Chronic respiratory disease in the form of
during inorganic As exposure determination of both chronic cough or chronic bronchitis because of
speciation and total urinary As contents plays a prolonged drinking of As-contaminated water has
critical role. Although estimation of urinary As is a been observed. In addition, reduced pulmonary
consistent biomarker of exposure, it poses few function and features of restrictive lung disease
drawbacks, such as accurate sample collection time, and combined obstructive and restrictive lung
volume of urine to be voided, etc. Arsenic can be disease were noted in individuals exposed to As
determined by measuring it and its metabolite (Steinmaus et al., 2016).
(monomethylated and dimethylated metabolites) c. Gastrointestinal manifestations: Chronic As
concentrations in urine of exposed people as a toxicity has been reported to cause symptoms such
biomarker of exposure (Laine et al., 2015). as dyspepsia, abdominal pain, gastroenteritis,
3. Arsenic levels in hairs and nails: Hair and nails are nausea, diarrhea, and anorexia indicating
also preferable samples to detect and quantify dysfunctioning of gastrointestinal system (Ahmad
exposure to As, as absorbed arsenic accumulates in et al., 1997).
both hair and nails and its elevated levels are noted d. Hepatic manifestations: Liver damage such as
within few weeks after acute poisoning. This portal hypertension, liver fibrosis, hepatomegaly,
elevation may account to binding of As to sulfhydryl and intrahepatic portal vein obstruction is
groups in keratin, and because hair and nails grow associated with arsenic exposure. Liver cirrhosis
slowly, their analysis may give an indication of past was observed as one of the major outcome
As exposure. Arsenic content in both toenail and following medication with inorganic As
fingernail has been significantly elevated among compounds. Various studies show that As toxicity
individuals consuming contaminated well water and is predominantly associated with hepatomegaly, in
was reported to be significantly correlated with hair which hepatic fibrosis is the predominant lesion.
As content. Dysregulated lipid metabolism, oxidative stress,
altered cytokine profiles, and enhanced
inflammation may be involved in arsenic-induced
Biomarkers of Effects liver injury (Arteel, 2015).
e. Cardiovascular manifestations: Exposure to As
General symptoms of As poisoning that develop
has been related to an increased incidence of
gradually include headaches, confusion, severe diar-
cardiovascular diseases, especially Black Foot
rhea, drowsiness, blood in the urine, cramping muscles,
Disease, ischemic heart disease, and hypertension.
hair loss, and stomach pain. Lungs, skin, kidney, and
Soluble thrombomodulin could be a specific and
liver are the major target organs of arsenic toxicity, and
stable biomarker associated with chronic As
coma leading to death is the ultimate consequence.
exposure (Hasibuzzaman et al., 2017). Arsenic
Moreover, As poisoning has also been associated with
exposure was also found to be associated with
increased risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic
increased blood pressure in pregnant women,
lower respiratory diseases, and diabetes. Such clinical
which could lead to risk of cardiovascular disease
manifestations form some of the important biomarkers
(Farzan et al., 2015).
of effect.
f. Neurological manifestations: Peripheral
1. Systemic manifestations: neuropathy, paresthesia, increased incidence of
a. Skin manifestations: Keratosis, hyperkeratosis, cerebrovascular disease, sleep disturbances,
leukomelanosis, depigmentation, and melanosis weakness, cognitive and memory impairment,
are the characteristic skin lesions associated with mood disorders, headache, and vertigo are some of
As toxicity. They are typically exhibited by diffuse the major outcomes of chronic arsenicosis as
thickening of palms and soles, alone or in observed in adults and children exposed to As
combination with nodules, and presence of from air and water as evident by epidemiological
numerous rounded hyperpigmented macules in studies (Tsuji et al., 2015).
the form of raindrops in the body. In severe cases, g. Hematological manifestations and induction of
cracks and fissures may be seen in the soles. diabetes mellitus: Various hematological
Leucomelanosis is another common skin lesion, abnormalities have been reported in cases of acute
consisting of hypopigmented macules with a and chronic As poisoning. A characteristic pattern
spotty white appearance (Zhang et al., 2014). of anemia and its accumulation in erythrocytes,



leucopoenia, neutrophil depletion, and measured as indirect indicators of oxidative injury to

thrombocytopenia were observed (Heck et al., blood and soft tissues (Chouhan and Flora, 2010).
2008). Also, significantly increased prevalence of Arsenic also alters antioxidative enzymes such as
diabetes mellitus was reported due to drinking As- malondialdehyde, catalase, GSH, and glutathione
contaminated water. peroxidase and elevation in hydroxyl radical (Guo
h. Carcinogenesis and other effects: Skin cancers are et al., 2015).
one among the most prevalent cancers due to a. d-Aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD):
chronic As exposure and might arise in the Arsenic has strong affinity for nucleophilic ligands,
hyperkeratotic areas or nonkeratotic areas of the which results in direct inhibition of heme
trunk, extremities, or hand. Apart from skin biosynthesis pathway through metalemercaptide
carcinomas, urinary bladder, liver, and lung bond formation with the functional sulfhydryl
cancers are also reported due to chronic exposure groups. d-Aminolevulinic acid dehydratase is
to As. Increased level of serum vascular found to be highly sensitive to the presence of As
endothelial growth factor may cause angiogenesis by virtue of its sulfhydryl moiety. Dose-dependent
in As-induced cancers (Rahman et al., 2015a,b). increase in urinary excretion of uroporphyrin and
2. Biomarkers of DNA damage: Excessive free radical coproporphyrin was observed following As
generation has been linked to enhanced exposure. Heme oxygenase too has been proposed
carcinogenesis/mutagenesis (Flora et al., 2008). as a biomarker of response to environmental As
Arsenic-generated free radicals have been shown to exposure (Flora et al., 2007). The role of ALAD
induce degradation of DNA resulting in genotype in determining Pb toxicity in children has
malfunctioning of DNA repair enzymes. been studied, which suggests that ALAD1-2/2-2
a. 8-Hydroxyguanine, 8-hydroxyguanosine, and genotype may have lower level of U-ALA in
8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine formation: For free environmentally Pb-exposed children (Tasmin
radical attack, guanine is the most sensitive et al., 2015).
base present in DNA, which gets converted b. Antioxidant enzymes: Antioxidant activity of
to various markers such as 8-hydroxyguanine, enzymes such as SOD, CAT, glutathione-6-
8-hydroxyguanosine, and 8-hydroxy-2- phosphate dehydrogenase, glutathione S-
deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) after oxidation. Among transferase (GST), GSH reductase, and GPx is
all other markers, 8-OHdG adduct is one of the directly or inversely proportional to As toxicity
most abundant base modifications excreted in depending on the dose and time of exposure
urine, and it is regarded as a suitable oxidative (Dobrakowski et al., 2016). After evaluating all
DNA damage biomarker because of its easy pulmonary biomarker-based alterations, GST has
collection. 8-Oxoadenine, the oxidized form of also been proposed as a potential biomarker for As
adenine, has also been detected in urine of As- toxicity. However, the techniques introduced to
exposed animals. All these markers are difficult to measure the oxidative stress have not yet been
detect through existing analytical methods as they fully exploited to monitor the status of exposed
transform into stable end products. Still techniques populations.
such as single cell gel electrophoresis or comet
assay has been extensively used for this purpose
(Azqueta et al., 2015). Another recent technique
employing immunospin trapping as in the ODD Biomarkers of Susceptibility
test detects As-induced DNA damage more 1. Cytogenetic markers: Sister Chromatic Exchange
efficiently. Maternal exposure to As leads to DNA (SCE) is considered to be one of the early biomarker of
damage that could be identified by measuring 8- As-induced genotoxicity. Along with SCE, presence
oxo-7, 8-dihydro-20 -deoxyguanosine and N7- of micronuclei (MN) in isolated bladder and buccal
methylguanosine, which serve as biomarkers. The cells has been considered as possible target tissues for
latter biomarker could be used for monitoring fetal direct exposure to As from drinking water. Reports
health linked to As exposure (Chou et al., 2014). indicate an increase in MN in lymphocytes in
3. Biomarkers of oxidative damage: At the biochemical individuals chronically exposed to As via drinking
level, increase in ROS levels and unsaturated reactive water or occupational exposure (Guzman et al., 2017).
aldehydes, such as malondialdehyde (MDA), 2. Biomarkers of gene expression: Growing evidence
4-Hydroxynonenal (HNE), and 2-propenal (acrolein) indicates the association of As with alterations in the
and isoprostanes are one among the first response to repair of oxidative damage, measurement of which
As-induced oxidative stress, levels of which can be holds great promise as a susceptibility biomarker


of oxidative DNA damage in populations exposed the Zn finger proteins XPA and XPD. It has been
to As. observed that chronic As exposure leads to Ogg1
a. OGG1 polymorphism: At the gene level, chronic deficiency, which aggravates the normal cellular
arsenicosis is linked with reduced expression of 8- repair function process (Bach et al., 2015).
oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1) gene c. Genes involved in apoptosis: Generation of ROS,
encoding 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase, primary accumulation of calcium, deficiency of p53 and
enzyme responsible for the removal of 8- intracellular GSH, Akt/mTOR signaling pathway
oxoguanine from DNA (Fig. 30.1). Microbiomes inhibition, and ROS/JNK activation are the events
present in human gut, skin, and respiratory tract that collectively lead to apoptosis during As
have genes that are induced by As ppb level toxicity; and all these genotoxic and cytotoxic
exposure and precede detoxification process. effects, both in vivo and in vitro, can be determined
Therefore, microbiomes gene expression could be through single cell electrophoresis (comet assay)
taken as biomarker of exposure (Rosen, 2015). (Wang et al., 2017). Thus, various biomarkers exist
b. Polymorphism in genes involved in DNA repair for the rapid and efficient diagnosis of As toxicity,
pathways: A strong correlation was observed employing of which will definitely yield some
between the urinary levels of 8-oxo-dGuo and positive results. However, in spite of enough
monomethylarsonic acid. The ability of As to scientific awareness, As toxicity continues at an
interfere with various DNA-repairing enzymes can alarming level, thereby proving to be a menace,
be attributed to the fact that As reacts with thiol which could be possibly reduced by increasing
groups of zinc binding structures present in awareness, decreasing exposure to the toxicant,
Nucleotide excision repair (NER) enzymes, such as and better utilization of these biomarkers.

FIGURE 30.1 Major cellular interactions of arsenic, indicating plausible biomarkers of arsenic toxicity.



MERCURY in both hair and blood correlates well with the total
methyl mercuric content in the exposed individuals.
Mercury (Hg) is involved in causing serious public Hair measurement provides an indirect noninvasive
health disaster in Minamata Bay, Japan (Flora et al., method of measuring Hg levels in the brain. Prenatal
2008). Its toxic manifestations are also elicited in Hg exposure can also be assessed by analysis of
response to its binding with primary and secondary umbilical cord tissue or umbilical cord blood, and
amine, amide, carboxyl, and phosphoryl groups. maternal blood and maternal hair segments
(Sakamoto et al., 2016). However, in case of exposure
to mercuric vapors, hair is not a reliable biomarker.
Biomarkers of Exposure Along with all these, toenail and breast milk are also
considered to be important biomarkers of MeHg
Hg exposure could be complicated by the enhanced
toxicity. Hair samples of dentists were analyzed to
latency period of several weeks to months between the
determine the index of mercury exposure as they use
exposure and the development of clinical symptoms.
dental amalgam. The hair sample showed 10-ppb
Moreover, early symptoms are also hard to recognize.
mercury level, which is considered normal, so it is not
There exist several biomarkers of exposure for Hg
taken into account of an occupational hazard to
poisoning, determining of which helps in early diag-
dentists (Wijesekara et al., 2017).
nosis and treatment. Analysis of Hg levels in blood,
hair, and urine reflects recent exposure to the toxicant
but do not correlate with total body burden. The pres- Limitations of Biomarkers of Exposure
ence of micronuclei has been detected in lymphocytes
of exposed individuals and serves as an extremely All of the abovementioned biomarkers may surely
important biomarker of exposure. help in rapid and accurate detection of Hg intoxications,
but their selection poses certain difficulties influenced
1. Blood mercury levels: Blood mercury level is by number of factors that include (1) difficulty in obtain-
determined using whole blood analysis and provides ing blood samples post exposure; (2) variation in toxico-
accurate information only about recent exposure, kinetic, retention, and deposition; (3) extrapolation of
which renders it unsuitable for indicating prenatal low-level exposure data from animals to humans; (4) hu-
exposure during early periods of pregnancy. man exposure to other metal intoxicants, such as As, Pb,
Specifically alimental organic Hg and short-term etc., in conjunction with Hg; and (5) difficulty in specia-
exposure to mercury vapor are exhibited by the tion, and it is essential to use certified reference material
whole blood analysis, with organic Hg localized in for quality control and assessment.
erythrocytes. Thus, separate analysis of whole blood,
erythrocytes, and plasma is recommended to analyze
the presence of various species of Hg. Normally, the Biomarkers of Effects
quotient of Hg content in erythrocytes and plasma is
In humans, Hg toxicity has been implicated in the
2:1. A new method is developed and validated to
development of various diseases and pathological con-
measure MeHg exposure in newborns using dried
ditions, resulting in dysfunctioning of vital organ sys-
blood spots (Basu et al., 2017).
tems of the body such as nervous system. There exist
2. Urine mercury levels: Analysis of urine samples for
various biomarkers of effect or response biomarkers to
both mercury and creatinine determination also
detect systemic manifestations associated with mercury
provides a much more valid index of recent exposure
than the blood Hg level. A new method is developed
for the determination of urine Hg. Samples were 1. Systemic manifestations:
prepared using techniques such as vortex-assisted a. Neurological manifestations: Mercury poisoning
ionic liquid dispersive liquideliquid microextraction has been reported to cause various
and microvolume back-extraction, and for detection neurodegenerative diseases such as amyotrophic
voltammetric analysis was performed using screen- lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer’s diseases, and
printed electrodes modified with gold nanoparticles. Parkinson’s disease, exhibiting its strong
The Hg threshold level in urine is 10e20 mg/L set by neurotoxic potential. Its neurotoxic properties
World Health Organization. The detection limit of received labels such as “hatter’s shakes” in which
this method was from 1.1 to 1.3 mg/L statistically the individual experiences excessive tremors and
(Fernández et al., 2016). psychological disorders such as being
3. Mercury levels in hair, nails, breast milk, and hyperirritable, blushing easily, having a labile
umbilical cord blood: Mercury levels can be temperament, being depressed or despondent,
determined in hair, and total amount of this toxicant suffering from insomnia, and suffering from


fatigue. Moreover, mercuric chloride was found to 2. Biomarkers of oxidative damage
increase free radical production in synaptosomal a. Urinary markers: Exposure to mercury elicits a
fractions suggesting oxidative damage and specific change in the pattern of porphyrin
contributing significantly to neurotoxicity and excretion, characterized by increased urinary
neurodegeneration. Brain stem auditory evoked concentrations of coproporphyrin and
responses were measured as biomarkers of subtle pentacarboxyl porphyrin. Elevation in urinary
Hg-induced neurological impairments. The people NAG concentration is also associated with the
consuming methyl mercury via fish are at risk to direct poisoning of Hg compounds. Urinary
suffer with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Andrew porphyrins (coproporphyrin and
et al., 2018). precoproporhyrin) may also be developed as
b. Reproductive manifestations: Mercury possible biomarkers of Hg toxicity in children
intoxication has been involved in causing various with autism spectrum disorder (Khaled et al.,
reproductive dysfunctions such as reduced 2016).
number of sperms, testicular atrophy, reduced size b. Metallothionein: Metallothionein, a low
of infants in one birth, reduced survival rate of molecular weight (6e7 KDa) protein, is one of the
fetuses, and fetal deformity. Inorganic Hg exposure major molecules playing critical role in
impaired gonads of zebrafish, and the mechanism scavenging and reducing the toxic effects of Hg.
involved is an alternation of sex hormone levels Metallothionein and genetic polymorphisms may
that leads to disrupt transcription of affect urine and hair mercury concentrations.
hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) Glutathione-S-transferase (GSTT1 and the
axiserelated genes (Zhang et al., 2016). GSTM1) genes deletion may be the risk factor for
c. Cardiovascular manifestations: Mercury exposure enhanced susceptibility to mercury exposure
increases blood pressure as it accumulates in heart, (Wang et al., 2012).
following which are abnormal heartbeats and
myocarditis. It has been reported to promote
platelet aggregation and blood coagulation, Biomarkers of Susceptibility
myocardial infarction, altering heart rhythm 1. Cytogenetic markers: Determining alterations at
and function, reduced sympathetic and molecular level due to metal intoxication forms
parasympathetic nerve functions of the heart, and another important category of biomarkers, helping in
sclerosis of the arteries (Gribble et al., 2015). precise identification and diagnosis. Metal-specific
d. Immunological manifestations: Occupational lymphocytes act as biomarkers of sensitivity among
mercury exposures among miners are more at risk patients suffering from health problems due to dental
of autoimmune disorder. A report suggests that amalgams. Respiratory burst and chemotaxis in
low level of organic Hg exposure is associated to polymorphonuclear leukocytes have also been used
subclinical autoimmunity among reproductive age to assess the extent of Hg exposure.
females (Somers et al., 2015). Animal studies 2. Biomarkers of apoptotic gene expression: Mercury
indicate adverse effect of Hg on immune system. significantly alters the expression of various genes
However, fewer studies represented the involved in cell survival and apoptosis, proving it to
immunotoxicity on human health. The be a potent genotoxin. It inhibits the activity of NF-
difference may be due to dose variations, exposure Kb, thereby enhancing the sensitivity of renal cells to
route, and dissimilarity between the immune apoptotic stimuli. Mercury-induced ROS generation
system of animal and human (Gardner and leads to p38, caspase, and TNF-a activation; alteration
Nyland, 2016). of calcium homeostasis; and inflammatory cytokine
e. Nephrotoxic manifestations: Glomerular gene expression that has a possible role in regulating
deposits of IgG1 and IgG4 are considered an both apoptosis and necrosis. Thioredoxin, an
important marker of mercury-induced antioxidant system, oxidized by Hg compounds leads
nephropathy; however, their distribution and to increased ASK-1 phosphorylation and number of
deposition varies according to Th1 and Th2 apoptotic cells along with activation of caspase-3
immune responses. An experimental study was (Branco et al., 2017). Disorders of apoptosis and cell
conducted to determine the effect of Hg on accumulation may play critical role in enhancing Hg-
rat kidney. Aldo-keto reductase and glutathione induced afflictions; however, their rapid diagnosis
S-transferase pi (GSTP1) are identified as new and measurement through biomonitoring may help
biomarkers that could be utilized for evaluating in overcoming lethal consequences. Development of
nephrotoxicity (Shin et al., 2017). potent and novel biomarkers and proper utilization of



existing techniques will surely lead to reduction in 2. Urine cadmium levels: Urinary excretion of Cd itself
cases of Hg intoxication. also serves for a good purpose and is regarded as a
marker of both Cd exposure and proximal tubule
injury. During exposure the concentration of Cd in the
CADMIUM epithelial cells rise until the all the cells die and
slough off into the urine. At this point urinary
Cadmium (Cd) is recognized as a potential occupa- excretion of Cd increases markedly. Cd level in urine
tional health hazard because of its widespread and is an indicator of a long-term exposure because of its
extensive dissemination in the environment. The good to excellent temporal stability in urine. The
famous itai-itai (“ouch-ouch”) disease of Japan charac- urinary Cd is being affected by factors such as
terized by multiple fracture, distortion of the long bones changes in smoking habits and increased excretion of
in skeleton, and severe pain in the joints and spine was a proteins in some diseases (Vacchi-Suzzi et al., 2016)
result of consuming Cd-polluted rice. (Fig. 30.2).

Biomarkers of Effects
Biomarkers of Exposure
1. Systemic manifestations: “The Cd blues,” often
1. Blood cadmium levels: Estimation of blood Cd levels collectively referred to in this way, show flu-like
is one of the major and promising biomarker to detect symptoms such as chills, fever, and muscle ache and
Cd toxicity and has also been shown to be an excellent are induced on acute exposure to Cd. Further
indicator of Cd body burden. However, levels of Cd symptoms may lead to inflammation, cough, dryness,
in blood mainly reflect recent exposure (Friedman irritation of the nose and throat, headache, dizziness,
et al., 2006). weakness, fever, chills, and chest pain.

FIGURE 30.2 Induction of metallothionein by cadmium in liver and kidney, followed by excretion in urine, a major biomarker of Cd toxicity.


2. Renal manifestations: Kidney is reported to be the induced nephrotoxicity. Some of the urinary
critical target organ as it is the main storage organ for biomarkers that have been used for this purpose
Cd. However, Cd exerts its toxicity only when critical include Cd-binding protein metallothionein and
threshold is reached, which is estimated to be low molecular weight proteins such as b-2
150e200 ppm. Measuring urinary cystatin C microglobulin, Clara cell protein-16 (CC-16), and
concentration is being evaluated as biomarker of Cd itself. These are some of the effective
various types of ischemic and nephrotoxic renal biomarkers for renal dysfunction. b2-
injury (Prozialeck et al., 2016). Microglobulin and CC-16 are lowemolecular
3. Bone manifestations: Increased risk of bone fractures, weight proteins, filtered at the glomerulus and
osteomalacia, pain in the back and in the extremities, reabsorbed by the proximal tubule. In addition,
difficulties in walking, and pain on bone pressure are Cd-induced renal injury can be identified by these
some of the common response biomarkers associated existing markers only its late stages and by the
with Cd toxicity. Effect of Cd on subchondral and time they are detected injury to the kidney
interradicular bone of experimental rats was studied, becomes irreversible and untreatable. This evokes
and it resulted in decrease in bone volume and the need for better and early biomarkers of Cd-
increase in tibial yellow bone marrow (Rodrı́guez and induced kidney injury. A study suggests that Cd-
Mandalunis, 2016). exposed rats showed increase level of urinary
4. Carcinogenesis: Increased risk of prostrate, renal, cystatin C because of disruption of megalin-
breast, and lung cancers has been associated with mediated uptake of cystatin C by epithelial cells of
occupational exposure to Cd. Cd exposure increases the proximal tubule that could be an early
the risk of breast cancer (Larsson et al., 2015). biomarker for renal damage (Prozialeck et al.,
5. Other manifestations: Cadmium has been reported to 2016).
cause impairment of pulmonary function suggestive c. Kidney injury molecule-1: Another sensitive
of obstructive syndrome, and no adverse effects on marker of cadmium-induced proximal tubular
hepatic, nervous, and reproductive systems has been injury includes kidney injury molecule-1 (Kim-1).
documented so far. However, at the same time, Elevated levels of Kim-1 appears in urine only after
enhanced Cd levels in blood were associated with a 6 weeks of Cd intoxication, whereas classic signs of
modest elevation in blood pressure levels. The effect Cd-induced proximal injury, which include overt
of Cd exposure on pregnant women was found to be polyuria and proteinuria, become evident only
associated with decreased gestational age and after 9e10 weeks. The ecto domain of Kim-1 is
increased preterm birth (Yang et al., 2016). shed into the urine as a result of renal injury
1. Urinary markers: induced by a variety of agents including cisplatin,
a. Metallothionein: Urinary levels of metallothionein Hg, and chromium. It offers several advantages
have been used both as a marker of Cd exposure over the existing urinary biomarkers: (1) it is a
and renal injury. For example, identifying critical more specific marker of Cd-induced proximal
level of urinary metallothionein indicates the onset tubular injury because of specific production by
of toxic manifestations. It plays a key role in injured renal cells and then shed into urine, (2) it is
transporting Cd to the epithelial cells of the highly conserved and upregulated after renal
proximal tubule and is a specific metal-binding injury in variety of species including mice, rats,
protein that makes it a superior biomarker. It was nonhuman primates, and humans, (3) almost nil
also found that genetic variation in the expression is observed in noninjured kidney,
metallothionein gene region and metal-regulatory making it relatively easy to detect in cases of Cd-
transcription factor 1 affects urinary Cd level induced renal injury, and (4) it is highly stable in
(Adams et al., 2015). Urinary Cd showed good to urine, without any requirement of special
excellent temporal stability in both sampling preservatives, even at the temperature of 80 C
methods, i.e., spot urine or first morning void for months. Recent study suggests that Kim-1
sampling. However, some factors such as increase might serve as a sensitive biomarker to assess
of protein excretion and change in smoking habits kidney injury in children due to Cd exposure
may bring short-term changes in urinary Cd levels (Cárdenas-González et al., 2016).
(Vacchi-Suzzi et al., 2016). d. NAG, alanine aminopeptidase, and a-GST:
b. b-2 microglobulin and Clara cell protein-16 (CC- Proximal tubuleederived enzymes NAG, alanine
16): Urinary biomarkers are considered to be the aminopeptidase (AAP), and a-GST are the other
best and most promising in the diagnosis of Cd- biomarkers, which have been studied. Reports



indicate that NAG and a-GST outperformed CHROMIUM

traditional markers of Cd toxicity such as b2-
microglobulin. Chromium (Cr III and Cr VI) has widespread indus-
2. Biomarkers of DNA damage: Apart from all these trial applications such as chrome plating, welding inox
urinary metallothionein mRNA, 8-OH-dG, albumin, steel and other special steels, painting, leather tanning,
and creatinine were also found to be sensitive and wood preserving. Cr (VI) is classified as Group I hu-
markers of acute Cd-induced testicular damage and man carcinogen and transported inside the cells through
dysfunction. Measurement of 8-OHdG adduct in anion channels as chromate.
urine samples of exposed individuals has been used
as an early marker of oxidative DNA damage,
evaluated by the comet assay, immunoperoxidase Biomarkers of Exposure
staining coupled with a monoclonal antibody, and Analysis of Cr levels in various body fluids, such as
cytogenetic tests (Filipic and Hei, 2004). blood, serum, and urine, also significantly determines
exposure to Cr along with a measurement of the inter-
nalized dose of Cr and serves as important biomarkers
Biomarkers of Susceptibility of exposure.
1. Biomarkers of gene expression: In Cd-related 1. Blood, serum, and urine chromium levels: Blood and
carcinogenicity, various regulatory genes are urine are prominently used for the biological
activated, such as immediate early response genes monitoring of workers exposed to Cr. The levels of
(IEGs). Overexpressions of IEGs constitutively indicators for nasal injury, genetic damage, and
stimulate cell proliferation and induction of micronucleus were determined in low and high Cr-
carcinogenesis. Cadmium-induced carcinogenicity is exposed workers; this indicates that blood Cr could
also found to be induced by expression of several be used as a biomarker for occupationally exposed
stress response genes such as metallothionein (MT), people (Li et al., 2016). Recent study suggests that
genes for encoding heat-shock proteins (HSPs), measuring serum MDA level in occupationally
oxidative stress response, and synthesis of GSH. exposed workers could be a reliable biomarker of its
Identification of these biomarkers is involved in exposure (Mozafari et al., 2016).
detection of both early and late stages of Cd 2. Exhaled breath condensate chromium levels: Analysis
poisoning. of exhaled breath condensate (EBC) is a novel
2. Biomarkers of apoptotic genes: Cadmium-induced approach being utilized currently to quantify both
cellular responses include variety of molecular internal dose of toxicant inhaled and the level of free
markers that can be identified for the better and rapid radical production (Caglieri et al., 2006). EBC seems
identification of Cd-induced toxic manifestations. to be suitable biomarkers for assessing inflammation
Some of them include, identifying release of and enhanced oxidative stress and can be efficiently
cytochrome C from mitochondria, caspase-3 used to investigate lung tissue levels of Cr (VI). Also,
activation, intracellular GSH oxidation, inhibition in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is considered a
the expression of Bcl2 and p53, and involvement of good choice for monitoring of internalized doses of
Fas-FADD caspase 8 pathways and MT-3 in inducing Cr in lung tissues.
apoptosis in renal tubular cells. cDNA microarray
and quantitative real-time PCR results revealed
decreased expression of proapoptotic and DNA Biomarker of Effects
repair genes, suggesting enhanced carcinogenic
1. Systemic manifestations: There are various health
potential of Cd. lncRNA-MALAT1 was reported as a
hazards and systemic effects associated with Cr
novel biomarker of Cd exposure. It was observed that
exposure, which serves as important biomarkers of
Cd toxicity increases MALAT1 expression, which
effect or response biomarkers for effective diagnosis
regulates apoptosis, proliferation, and cell cycle
of Cr poisoning.
progression (Huang et al., 2017a,b).
a. Respiratory manifestations: The adverse effect of
Thus, as evident from the reports available there ex- Cr depends on exact dose, duration, and the
ists various biomarkers for the effective diagnosis of specific compound involved. Higher incidences of
Cd intoxications; however, few limitations exists, which nasal mucosa injury; dyspnea; urticaria;
has to be overcome to develop better and much more angioedema; pharyngitis; rhinitis; polyps of the
efficient biomarkers. Development of molecular bio- upper respiratory tract; cough; phlegm; wheezing
markers is the need of the hour, with a continuous in- and shortness of breath; nasal allergy; nasal septal
crease in the number of metal-poisoning cases. perforation; throat irritation; bronchial asthma;


alteration in lung function; and nose, throat, and Biomarkers of Susceptibility
lung tumors; tracheobronchitis; and
bronchospasm have also been observed in workers 1. Cytogenetic markers
exposed occupationally to chromium (Jamal et al., a. DNAeprotein cross-links: Quantifying
2017). DNAeprotein cross-links (DPC) in peripheral
b. Skin manifestations: Dermal contact with blood mononuclear cells of human subjects has
chromium compounds is known to cause various also been used as a biomonitoring tool. This
skin manifestations such as irritant and allergic technique provides a sufficiently sensitive
contact dermatitis, localized erythematous or approach to determine DNA damage in Cr-
vesicular lesions at points of contact or generalized exposed populations. Unique kinetic principles
eczematous dermatitis, dryness, erythema, involved in the formation of this adduct points
fissuring, papules, scaling, and swelling. toward the ability to detect low levels of Cr
Penetration of the skin by chromium leads to exposure. Few advantages including the cost
painless erosive ulceration known as “chrome effectiveness of cross-link assay and multiple
holes” (Buters and Biedermann, 2017). analyses of samples led to establishment of DPC
c. Carcinogenesis: Increased risk of respiratory measurements as one of the popular method for
system, lung, nasal, gastrointestinal, and sinus rapid screening of DNA damage among
cancers has been shown to exist in workers potentially exposed populations (Macfie et al.,
exposed to Cr (VI). In addition, the carcinogenicity 2009).
appears to be associated more with the inhalation b. Sister chromatic exchange (SCE: Blood may be
of Cr (VI) compounds (Welling et al., 2015). analyzed for the presence of SCEs
d. Developmental manifestation: Chromium (intrachromosomal rearrangements, SCEs) in
exposure to pregnant women is a threat because of lymphocytes. Lymphocytes play an important role
its potential health effects on susceptible embryos in biomonitoring as they come into contact with
such as premature rupture of membranes, and Cr(VI) while migrating through the blood, where
there may be increased risk of delivering low birth- uptake of Cr(VI) that has leached from the lungs
weight infants. The adverse effect of Cr on takes place. But at the same time they seem to be
developing embryo may differ by infant gender inappropriate for the monitoring of early biological
(Huang et al., 2017a,b). effects and effective dose of exposure. However,
2. Biomarkers for oxidative damage: Although the lymphocytes may be useful in monitoring
mechanism of Cr (VI)-induced toxicity is not clear, it exposure to Cr at high levels (Mamyrbaev et al.,
is believed that oxidative stress plays an important 2015).
role, suggesting MDA as a prominent biomarker for 2. Biomarkers of gene expression and apoptosis:
occupational Cr exposure. Hypoxia-induced factor HIF-1 plays an important
a. Biomarkers for DNA damage: 8- role in Cr-induced toxic manifestations. It is known
hydroxydeoxyguanosine and 8-Oxo-G: and reported to modulate the expression of several
Measurement of oxidative DNA base modifications cancer-related genes such as heme oxygenase1 and
such as 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG) and vascular endothelial growth factor by regulating
8-Oxo-G plays vital role in the identification of Cr- oxygen homeostasis (Rana, 2008). Both p53-
induced DNA damage, thus serving as a key dependent and p53-independent pathways have been
biomarker relevant to carcinogenesis. Estimation of shown to play major role in Cr-induced apoptosis
8-Oxo-G may not be wholly reliable and (Fig. 30.3). Generation of ROS by Cr (VI) activates
assessment of further oxidized products of 8-Oxo- upstream kinases resulting in phosphorylation of p53
G should be considered while evaluating and further DNA damage (Gavin et al., 2007).
chromate-induced DNA damage and mutagenesis.
Increase in DNA strand breaks as estimated by
comet assay is also suggested to be a valid THALLIUM
biomarker for assessing genotoxic response to Cr
compounds. Male workers occupationally exposed Thallium (Tl) is widely distributed in the environ-
to Cr (VI) were investigated to find out the ment in the earth’s crust and is present at very low con-
biomarker of oxidative DNA damage and lipid centrations in soil and sulfide-based minerals. It is used
peroxidation. Exposure to Cr(VI) was linked with in small amounts in pharmaceutical and electronics
increase in the level of urinary 8-OHdG and MDA manufacturing, the latter being the current major indus-
(Pan et al., 2018). trial consumer of Tl (Karbowska, 2016). Interaction of Tl



FIGURE 30.3 Mechanism of Cr induced genotoxicity and associated biomarkers of susceptibility.

with cells at different level is considered as a major plasma emission spectroscopy. Measurement of Tl
mechanism involved in eliciting toxic manifestations. from 24-h urine collection is the method of choice for
Person consuming thallium-contaminated alternative diagnosis. A study demonstrated that qualitative Tl
medicine suffered from diffuse alopecia with gastroin- urinary assay is as important as quantitative assay in
testinal and neurologic symptoms (Senthilkumaran determining Tl poisoning that could be used in
et al., 2017). determination of Tl exposure in persons using drugs
such as heroin and cocaine (Ghaderi et al., 2017).
3. Presence of thallium in hair samples: A good
Biomarkers of Exposure correlation was found between urinary and hair Tl
concentrations, when both the samples were collected
Analysis of various body fluids, such as blood, serum,
simultaneously. Elevated Tl levels in hair can be
urine, and breast milk is a common biomarker employed
observed as early as 2e3 weeks after intoxication
for detection of exposure to Tl.
(Misra et al., 2003). Besides blood and urine, thallium
1. Blood thallium levels: Disappearance of Tl from the also concentrates in hair, making it an efficient
blood is observed within several days, but it is not biomarker of Tl toxicity.
considered to be a reliable biomarker as it reflects
only recent exposures. It can readily cross the Biomarkers of Effects
placental barrier and also excreted into the breast
Clinical manifestations of Tl poisoning can be charac-
milk; however, elimination from the body tissues
terized as acute, subchronic, and chronic, depending on
occur slowly through urine and feces (Blanchardon
the dose of Tl, route, and duration of exposure.
et al., 2005).
2. Urinary thallium levels: Urinary Tl levels reflect 1. Systemic manifestations: Tl exhibits adverse effects
recent exposure. Appropriate methodology for on various organ systems, which serve as useful
analysis of urine or blood TI includes atomic response biomarkers for the diagnosis of Tl
absorption spectroscopy and inductively coupled intoxication.


a. Dermal and ocular effects: Complete hair loss and cylindrical casts in the urinary sediment;
along with hair discoloration usually occurs after a however, in the later phase of serious illness, there
month of exposure, and characteristic pattern of is a fall in the concentrating ability of the kidneys,
black pigmentation at the roots of scalp hair may often with recovery afterward.
also be observed. Thallium interferes with normal g. Neurological manifestations: In very serious or
process of cutaneous keratinization, parakeratosis, even fatal cases, true “pseudobulbar paralysis,”
dilated hair follicles filled with keratin and necrotic with paralysis of the ocular muscles, facial
sebaceous materials, mild epidermal atrophy, and paralysis, amblyopia, and paralysis of the
vacuolar degeneration of the basal layer. Exposure recurrent nerve was observed. However, paralysis
to Tl for about 1 month leads to formation of of the vagal nerve may possibly be the direct cause
transverse white lines in the nail called as Aldrich- of death. Acute oral exposure to Tl causes
Mees’ lines or leukonychia striata (Zhao et al., disturbances of the peripheral and central nervous
2008). In early stages of poisoning, the optic disk systems leading to symptoms such as ataxia,
reveals the typical picture of neuritis with ill- tremor, multiple cranial palsies, numbness of toes
defined and red papillae, followed by the and fingers, “burning feet” phenomenon, muscle
development of pale or white papillae as a result of cramps, convulsions, and death. In chronic
atrophy of the optic nerve. poisoning, ataxia and paresthesia may be the
b. Respiratory manifestations: Acute ingestion of Tl outstanding symptoms, which may eventually
was reported to cause severe lung damage progress to peripheral neuropathy with weakness
resulting in diffuse alveolar damage with hyaline and atrophy of the associated musculature
membrane formation and pulmonary edema. (Osorio-Rico et al., 2017).
Bronchopneumonia was also observed. h. Reproductive manifestations: Reproductive
c. Gastrointestinal manifestations: Gastrointestinal system is highly susceptible to Tl and leads to
symptoms were reported to occur immediately various adverse effects, such as decreased sperm
within one to few hours after acute exposure and motility, inhibition of b-glucuronidase activity,
comprised of inflammatory reaction in the first histopathological alterations of the testes,
exposed tissues or organs causing glossitis, increased embryolethality, decreased libido and
pharyngoesophagitis, gastritis, enteritis, and impotence in humans, and lower sexual activity in
colitis. After 3e4 days of intoxication nausea and laboratory animals. Thallium has the ability to
vomiting occurs, followed by abdominal pain, cross placental barrier as evident by skin and
severe constipation, and stomach and duodenal nail dystrophy, alopecia, and low body weights
ulcers. in newborns of intoxicated mothers (Xia et al.,
d. Cardiovascular manifestations: Thallium toxicity 2016).
induces various cardiac complications, such as i. Developmental manifestations: Tl exposure may
myocardial damage, electrocardiographic changes, result in achondroplasia, leg bone curvature,
decrease in mean arterial pressure and heart rate, parrot beak deformity, microcephaly, and
sinus tachycardia, irregular pulse, hypertension, decreased fetal size. High-level exposure to Tl at
and angina-like pain. It is quite common for the end of pregnancy leads to the death of fetuses
paralyzed patients, often short of breath already, to (Mulkey and Oehme, 1993).
develop severe dyspnea and cyanosis, followed by
death (Cvjetko et al., 2010).
e. Hepatic manifestations: Tl compounds could
Biomarkers of Susceptibility
induce reactive oxygen species formation, 1. Cytogenetic markers: Chromosomal aberrations are
membrane lipid peroxidation, and reduced GSH considered to be sensitive biomarkers of genotoxic
oxidation and collapse mitochondrial membrane damage, such as DNA breakage. Thallium has been
potential. As liver mitochondria are a target of Tl shown to induce chromosomal aberrations and SCEs
toxicity, its mechanism of toxicity was investigated. following exposure. Thallium showed weak
It was found that Tl has disruptive effect on the mutagenic effect both in vitro and in vivo. However,
mitochondrial respiratory complexes, which lead no effect of the induction of primary DNA and
to the ATP depletion and reactive oxygen species chromosomal damage was observed. Cellular and
formation (Eskandari et al., 2015). genotoxic effects of Tl were investigated in human
f. Renal manifestations: Renal excretion of Tl sulfate peripheral lymphocytes by chromosome
is slow and may be detected as late as 2 months aberration assays, and it was discovered that Tl
after ingestion. During the initial stage of exposure induced clastogenic and aneuploidogenic effects
there is albuminuria, with erythrocytes, leucocytes, (Rodrı́guez-Mercado et al., 2017).



2. Biomarkers of gene expression and apoptosis: 3. Manganese levels in hair, nails, and saliva:
Exposure to Tl leads to opening of mitochondrial Manganese concentration in saliva is a noninvasive
membrane pores and release of cytochrome C, biomarker of exposure. However, reports suggest that
caspase-3, and caspase-9, resulting in cell death. Mn in saliva is not a more sensitive measure or better
Estimation of these proteins proves to be of immense indication of Mn exposure. Hairs and nails Mn level
value and serves as potential biomarkers of toxicity. on the other hand may reflect low-level exposure of
p53, p21, and Bcl2 estimation also play an important Mn (Ntihabose et al., 2017). Estimation of Mn in teeth
role in detecting Tl-induced apoptosis as Tl inhibits and hair indicate long-term low-level Mn exposure,
cell cycle progression at G2/M phase by suppressing which could be a reliable biomarker of exposure.
CDK activity through the p53-mediated induction of Several studies suggested that hair Mn is a more
the CDK inhibitor p21(Cip1), which in turn triggers reliable and applicable biomarker of Mn exposure in
the activation of a mitochondrial pathway and Bcl-2 school-aged children (Liang et al., 2016). A recent
family, promoting the formation of the apoptosome study suggests that the human toenails and tooth
and, consequently, apoptosis (Cvjetko et al., 2010). dentin Mn levels could be sensitive, specific, and
easy-to-acquire biomarker of Mn exposure (Ward
et al., 2017).

Chronic exposure to manganese (Mn) leads to neuro- Biomarkers of Effects

degenerative changes resembling Parkinson’s disease
Manganism due to an increased Mn concentration in
such as movement disorder, referred to as “mangan-
brain regions is a neurological syndrome similar to Par-
ism.” A meta-analysis study revealed that elevated Mn
kinson’s disease (Rivera-Mancı́a et al., 2011). General
level in plasma, whole blood and low level in serum in
symptoms associated with Mn exposure include behav-
people are at higher risk for neurological disorder (Du
ioral changes such as increased anxiety or nervousness,
et al., 2018).
apathy, loss of memory, decreases in concentration, bra-
dykinesia, less-frequent resting tremor, rigidity, frequent
dystonia of the trunk and extremities, extrapyramidal
Biomarkers of Exposure
movement disorder with characteristic “cock-walk,”
The measurement of Mn in biological media (blood, and difficulty in walking backward are observed (Ola-
serum, plasma, urine; and less frequently in hair, nails, now, 2004).
cerebrospinal fluid, feces, and saliva) have been sug-
1. Nervous system: Manganese can readily cross the
gested as biomarkers of exposure. Blood and urinary
bloodebrain barrier by facilitating diffusion, active
Mn are the most widely investigated biomarkers of
transport, divalent metal transport 1 (DMT-1)e
exposure. Half-life of Mn in blood has been reported
mediated transport, and transferrin-dependent
to be 10e42 days, whereas it is less than 30 h in urine.
transport mechanisms leading to accumulation of
1. Blood Mn levels: Elevated blood Mn concentration Mn in various brain regions (Au et al., 2008). Use
accompanied by a progressive, symmetric of excessive amounts of Mn-containing herbals and
Parkinsonism (characterized by prolonged L-dopa supplement products by the people could lead to
responsiveness) and a reduced [18F]FDOPA uptake neurotoxicity (Schuh, 2016). MnB could be
by Positron emission tomography has been reported diagnosed by a sensitive, feasible, effective, and
in few cases (Racette et al., 2005). Report suggests a semiquantitative index known as Pallidal index
link between Mn exposures with serum prolactin (Li et al., 2014). A study was performed to
level that could be a diagnostic marker of its exposure evaluate the low-level exposure of Mn on central
(Tutkun et al., 2014). Investigation of Mn in blood cell nervous system function. It was found that T1
and plasma revealed that the former could serve as a signal intensity in various parts of the basal ganglia
potential internal biomarker. However, further significantly increased with Mn exposure,
validation studies need to be performed for its suggesting T1-weighted MRI a possible
establishment as biomarker (Ge et al., 2018). biomarker of exposure to Mn (Baker et al., 2015). An
2. Urinary Mn levels: Studies suggest urine Mn as a effect on the levels of serum prolactin, luteinizing
potential noninvasive marker of Mn intoxication. As hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone,
Mn gets mainly excreted in feces and only a very testosterone, and thyroid-stimulating hormone that
small proportion in urine, measuring urinary Mn is of consequently influence the metabolism of
little interest as biomarker of current exposure (Hoet neuroendocrine hormones has been reported (Kim
et al., 2012). et al., 2007).


2. Cardiovascular effects: An epidemiological study MeHg, may produce additive or synergistic toxic effects
conducted among ferroalloy workers reported due to their binding affinity towards same biological
decreased systolic blood pressure. Similar studies pathway such as NMDA receptor, NaþeKþ ATPase
have also been reported where potential pump, biological Caþ2, Glu neurotransmitter (Flora,
cardiotoxicity in 656 workers (547 males and 109 2016). They have common mechanism of toxicity such
females) engaged in Mn milling, smelting, and as oxidative stress, variation in hematopoietic system,
sintering to Mn dioxide exposure has been reported and disturbance in neurotransmitter function. The
(Jiang and Zheng, 2005). toxicity of heavy metals and their correlation with dis-
3. Hematological effects: Chronic Mn poisoning caused ease in humans have been studied by gene expression
alterations in erythropoiesis and granulocyte profiling. Heavy metals exposure may express genes
formation. An increased level of erythrocyte that are responsible for detoxifying toxic metals, en-
superdioxide dismutase and plasma zymes metabolizing xenobiotics, and repair DNA.
malondialdehyde in men working in Mn smelters has Heavy metaleexposed people are more prone to renal
been reported, whereas an elevated level of serum and urological diseases. These genes could be validated
prolactin and the increased activity of lymphocytes to establish them as early biomarkers for renal damage.
Mn-dependent superoxide dismutase have been The mode of action of concurrent metal exposure and its
suggested as useful peripheral biomarkers of Mn mechanisms to induce cognitive dysfunction have been
exposure. Children with iron deficiency were linked reported (Karri et al., 2016). Study showed that urine
with increase whole blood Mn concentrations (Smith excretion of ALA can be established as biomarker of
et al., 2013). exposure and may also assist in evaluating onset of
4. Reproductive effects: Impotence and loss of libido are neurological diseases linked with exposure to heavy
the two common problems among male workers metals (Andrade et al., 2015).
exposed to Mn. Another study suggested that Mn
affects pituitary gland function, which is reversible
when exposure stops. Welders with lower inhibin B CURRENT CONCERNS AND BIOLOGICAL
level indicate impairment of the testicular sertoli cells RELEVANCE
(Ellingsen et al., 2007). Consumption of Mn-
contaminated drinking water by the pregnant women Biomarkers are one of the keys to quantify the interac-
may impair fetal growth (Rahman et al., 2015a,b). tion of metals and its potential impact on living organ-
5. Immunological effects: Suppression of T and B isms, including human beings. Previous reports suggest
lymphocytes, primarily CD4þ and CD8þ long history of use of urine and blood as established
T-lymphocytes leading to the reductions in serum matrices for biomarkers, but the advent of molecular
immunoglobulin G (IgG) and alterations in immune biology has opened up new vistas. Introduction of novel
cell number have been reported following pulmonary analytical techniques and instrumentation led to recogni-
exposure to welding fumes containing Mn particles tion of specific compounds of metals in biological sam-
(Antonini et al., 2012). ples such as fluids and tissues. Detection of speciation
of metallic ions and complexes marks an important step
Biomarkers of Susceptibility because only specific species of a metal has the ability
to be transported into cells and across the bloodebrain
Altered RNA expression and cytotoxic markers: An and placental barriers. Data obtained from biomonitoring
increased expression of GS mRNA has been observed can be utilized for a variety of applications eventually
because of Mn-potentiated cellular overload of iron. leading to enhanced assessment of exposure mitigation
Overexpression of GS mRNA reflects a change in intra- strategies. As a common surveillance tool, biomonitoring
cellular levels of Mn(II). An increase in proinflammatory helps in identifying baseline exposure levels, trends in
genes (tumor necrosis factor-a, iNOS) and activated in- exposure levels over time, and unique subpopulations
flammatory proteins (P-p38, P-ERK, and P-JNK) in pri- with higher exposure levels. Various exposure and ki-
mary rat glial cells has been reported after Mn netic models have been developed to estimate the dose
exposure (Chen et al., 2006). Polymorphism has also of exposure to the toxicant; however, results get greatly
been suggested as a genetic marker with no direct phys- influenced by many sources of variability and uncer-
iological relevance to Mn neurotoxicity. tainty. Biomonitoring helps in eliminating those errors
and has been recognized as a valuable quantitative tool
to improve dose estimates, thus helping in improvement
Concurrent Exposure of Heavy Metals of the human health through early risk assessment of
Human exposure occurring simultaneously to more metals. In conjunction with the existing biomarkers and
than one heavy metals such as Pb, Cd, As, Mn and technology, the advent of “omic” molecular technologies



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comes associated with low-level manganese exposure in an incep-
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immense spur to implement more biomonitoring tools Blanchardon, E., Challeton-de Vathaire, C., Boisson, P., et al., 2005.
into the field of exposure science, for which traditional Long term retention and excretion of 201Tl in a patient after
methods should be improved and supplemented with myocardial perfusion imaging. Radiat. Protect. Dosim. 113 (1),
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Branco, V., Coppo, L., Solá, S., et al., 2017. Impaired cross-talk between
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