Snow White and X Dwarfs

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Snow White and X dwarfs

2 narrators: Hare and Fox .

Hare: Once upon a time in winter a beautiful queen sat at the window listening to her favourite
English records.
Fox: She liked learning English very much so a lot of time she spent on improving her English.
Hare: The snowflakes were falling from heaven and the queen thought :
Queen: If only I had a child as white as snow and keen on English........
Fox: Soon afterwards she had a little daughter that was as white as snow so they called her Snow
Hare: A few years later the queen died and her husband married another woman who was beautiful
but very cruel.
Fox: She was very bad at English but wanted everybody to think she is the best in the world.
Hare: The stepmother had a magic mirror
Enter: Stepmother
Stepmother (looking into the mirror): Mirror, mirror on the wall
Whose English is the best of all?
Mirror (copying the queen’s gestures): Yours, my queen, is the best of all. adding: the castle,
of course.
Fox: Several years passed. Snow White grew up and when she was 16 years old she was very keen on
Enter: Snow White
Sitting with a book / listening to an English song.
Stepmother looking into the mirror: Mirror, mirror on the wall
Whose English is the best of all?
Mirror: Yours, my queen, is quite good (laughing at the side )
but Snow White (pointing to Snow White ) is more diligent than you.
Stepmother: Oh, no! She is better than me ?! I must do something!
(to Snow White) Come here, my little girl. I’ve heard you are not so bad at English. Sit down
and teach me. At once!
Snow White: With pleasure. So let’s start. What’s this? (pointing to the dictionary)
Stepmother: A bok.
Snow White: A book. But what kind of book is it?
Stepmother: I don’t know.
Snow White: A dictionary. Repeat, please.
Stepmother: dikshary
Snow White: dictionary
Stepmother: dishnery
Snow White: no, d i c t i o n a r y
Stepmother: dish... Oh, no, you can’t teach! I’ll learn on my own. Go away and don’t come back!
Never. Can you hear me? Never.

(Snow White leaves)

Stepmother: dikshary , dishnary? Eh, rubbish.
Hare: Poor Snow White left the castle. She was walking through the forest
Fox: and walking
Hare: and walking
Fox : and suddenly she saw dryads/ wood-nymphs dancing on the glade.

Dancing dryads

Snow White comes near the dancing dryads.

Snow White: Excuse me, could you tell me the way ..……..
Dryads dance
Snow White: Excuse me, could you tell me the way………

Dryads disappear
Snow White walks the forest for a long time. She comes across a little cottage. She knocks at the door
Echo: There is nobody here, nobody here.
Snow White enters.
Snow White: What a little small cottage! Who can live here?
Snow White eats off a plate, drinks out off a mug.
Snow White: I am tired.
Enter: Dwarfs
Dwarf 1: Who has been sitting on my chair
Dwarf 2: Who has been eating off my plate?
Dwarf 3: Who has been using my fork?
Dwarf 4: Who has been cutting with my knife?
Dwarf 5: Who has been drinking out of my mug
All dwarfs: Oh, heavens, oh, heavens, what a lovely child.
Snow White wakes up.
Dwarf 1: Who are you little girl?
Dwarf 2: Why are you here?
Dwarf 3: How did you find our cottage?
Dwarf 4: You can stay with us…
Dwarf 5:.. and clean our house…..
Dwarf 1: and cook and make beds and wash.
Dwarf 2: We come home in the evening
Dwarf 3: We spend the days looking for a job.
Dwarf 4: We are unemployed ……
Dwarf 5: …. because we can’t speak English very well.
All Dwarfs: Boo hoo ho …
Snow White: Please, stop crying. I’ll help you, I’ll teach you English.
All Dwarfs: Hooray, hooray, she’ll teach us.

Hare: Days, weeks and months passed on.

Fox: Snow White lived with dwarfs, cleaned, cooked and taught them English.
Hare: Every day dwarfs went to look for a job.
Dwarfs walking the forest
Dwarfs: We are looking for a job. We are looking for a job.
Prince: I can hear you are looking for a job. You can work for me. I need some people … ups,
or dwarfs who know English to translate my poems.
Who taught you English?
All Dwarfs: Snow White …..
Dwarf 1: ….who is very diligent…..
Dwarf 2: ….and nice….
Dwarf 3: ….and hard-working
Dwarf 4: … and lives with us .…
Dwarf 5: ….and teaches us English…
Prince: Oo? Could I meet her?
All Dwarfs: Yes, yes! Follow us.
In the castle
Stepmother: Mirror, mirror on the wall
Whose English is the best of all?
Mirror: Yours, my queen, is quite good (laughing at the side )
But Snow White, who lives with dwarfs
Is better than you.
Stepmother: Whaat?! I must do something.
Stepmother dresses up as an old woman and takes a poisoned apple.
She knocked at the door of the cottage.
Snow White: Come in. Good morning.
Stepmother: Good morning my dear child. I was walking around and came across the cottage.
I’d like to give you this beautiful apple. Try it, please.
Snow White: Thank you. I’ll try it later.
Stepmother: All right, all right. Good bye.
Snow White: Bye. See you. (reads a label on the apple): poi-so-ned.
Oh, so I won’t try the apple.
Enter: Prince and Dwarfs
Prince: Let me introduce myself….
Dwarfs: He is the prince.
Prince: I’ve heard a lot about you. I am happy to meet you. I think you are the girl
of my dreams
Hare: And now it is time for a moral.
Fox: Eh, you guess the moral by yourselves.

Ewa Kula

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