English Flanders Field

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‘Lest we forget’

World War I was a significant event in human history, with a devastating

impact on the world. An effect that it has left is that 8.5million soldiers died and
13 million civillians also died. It also impacted familiies and communties and
led long-term physical and phycologicalal pain. Parts of Europe, Asia and parts
of Africa were in ruins after the war. flattened cities and destroyed railroad
systems and bridges and a scorched countryside.

The horrors of the war inspired the creation of the league of Nations and
later the United Nations, which aims to prevent conflicts and promote
international cooperation. The aim of the League of nations was to prevent more
wars from happening which didn’t happen and fell after 2 decades. The purpose
of the United Nations is to maintain world peace and security, the promotion of
well being of the people on earth.

Moreover, the memory of World War I is essential for preserving our

cultural heritage. Cultural heritage is protecting the sense of who we are which
is important on certain beliefs, traditions which help us have a sense of unity.
The best way to preserve our cultural heritage is whatever it might be is to share
it with others around you.

In conclusion, keeping the memory of World War I alive is crucial to

understanding our past, learning from our mistakes and building a better future.
We need to keep in memory all those people who suffered because its thanks to
them we are here today

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