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Lesson 1

Where is my brain?

Your brain is inside

your skull!

Can you point to

Let’s learn about the brain! your own brain?

What does my brain do? What does my brain do?

Your brain is Your brain is important or …...EATING

What does my brain do? What does my brain do?
Your brain is
important or

…...SLEEPING Your brain is important or

…...feeling happy, sad, or surprised

Can you brainstorm THREE other How does my brain do it?

things your brain does?
Your brain sends
1.) __________ messages to the
2.) __________ rest o your body,
3.) __________ just like sending
a letter!
How does my brain do it? How does my brain do it?
your spinal cord
These messages are and nerves use
sent through your diferent routes to
spinal cord and carry ino rom your
nerves. brain to your arms,
legs, hands, & toes!

This sounds familiar? Just like trains carry

people to diferent
Think o the parts o the city.
nervous system
just like the Nerves carry neural
nyc subway messages to diferent
system! parts o the body.
1.) I want to What’s an But wait… that’s only half the story!
Catch the ball example?
Your brain sends
2.) Message carried messages to move
through the diferent parts o
nervous system your body. But it also
3.) hand told to move receives messages.

But wait… that’s only half the story! 3.) I’m What’s an
touching ice! example?
Your brain receives messages about things
that you ... 2.) Message carried
through the
nervous system

see hear taste smell touch 1.) brrr….cold!

We’re done! Can you name one
thing that you learned today?

1.) ___________

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