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Final Test
I. Underline and correct the mistake in the sentences.
1 Are there a airports in Manchester? Are there any airports in Manchester?
2 Yes, there are an airport in Manchester.
3 There aren’t no parks in this town.
4 There is a school in Oxford?
5 No, it isn’t a beach in Madrid.
6 There are any cinemas in New York?
II. Correct the mistake in each sentence.
1 Paolo flys to Rome on business every week.
Paolo flies to Rome on business every week.
2 I doesn’t like coffee with milk.
3 Some doctors works in hospitals.
4 Aisla don’t want to go to university.
5 Sarah studys French and Italian at university.
6 We works in an office in London.
7 My friend design clothes for a big fashion designer.
8 You doesn’t come from Spain, you come from Portugal.
III. Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
1 Does / the / have / town / a / theatre ? Does the town have a theatre?
2 subjects / they / What / do / study ?
3 a / bank / near / Is / the / station / there ?
4 your / brother / like / his / Does / course ?
5 job / does / What / Mia / do ?
6 qualifications / What / do / need

IV. Complete the sentences with the past simple form.
Win see go drink get have read meet

1) Clint Eastwood _________ the Oscar for Best Director in 2005 for Million
Dollar Baby
2) I ________ some lovely wine at my sister’s wedding last month.
3) When he was 65 my grandfather __________ a big retirement party.
4) My parents ________ married on a secret weekend in Las Vegas.
5) I ________ the Eurovision Song Contest on TV last night.
6) We _________to Eduardo’s party last weekend.
7) I ________ the Da Vinci Code on holiday.
8) We ________ some friends at an Italian restaurant after work last night.
V. Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition: at, in or on.
Classes usually begin _______ summer, _______ September. Monday children
meet their new friends at school. Some of them have classes _______ the morning
_______ nine o´clock and others have classes _______ the afternoon _______ two o
´clock. _______ the 15th of September, the first day of school, they know their
VI. Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition: at, in or on.
1. We never go out _______ midnight.
2. Mary gets up early _______ the morning.
3. I always play football _______ the weekend.
4. It´s hot here _______ summer.
5. Classes begin _______ 8.30.
6. _______ Saturday afternoon we usually go to the cinema.
7. It´s cold _______ night.
8. See you _______ lunch time.
9. We have short holidays _______ Christmas and Easter.
10.The leaves fall from trees _______ autumn.
VII. Circle the correct variant:
1) Did you eat ___ interesting food in Brazil? some any an
2) Would you like ___ apple? some any an
3) Can I have ____ seafood risotto? some any a
4) I eat ___ banana every day. some any a
5) She didn’t buy ____ rice. some any a
6) We need to get ___ bread. some any an
7) The shop didn’t have __ apples, so we bought oranges. some any an
8) I need ___ cheese for my lasagna. some any an

VIII. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.
1 Hi, I’d like to buy some/any vegetables please.
2 Broccoli/Broccolis is very good for you because it is high in Vitamin C.
3 Do you have any garlic/garlics for the vegetable soup?
4 I’d like a/some rice with my chicken, please.
5 Can I have some butter with my bread/breads, please?
6 There aren’t any/some carrots in this salad.
7 My baby has some milk/milks five times a day.
8 We need any/some salmon to make the fish pie.
IX. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs:
Sleep Sing Run Walk Kiss Smoke

1) Why are you _______________? – I’m late for the train.

2) Why is she _________________? – She’s practicing for her music exam.
3) Why is he __________________? – He’s very tired.
4) Why are they ______________? – They are nervous about the exam.
5) Why are you _______________? – There isn’t a bus today.
6) Why are they _______________? – They are in love.
X. Complete the text with these verbs:
is living is eating goes is doing works
lives is travelling is working

Geoffrey Blain is a rich politician. He __________ in the Houses of Parliament

and he _________ in a big house near London. But this month Blain
__________________ something very different. He says he wants to understand the
lives of normal people. So he ______________________ with a family in small
house in Newcastle. He normally ______________ to his work in a limousine, but
this week he _____________ to work by bus. He _________________ in a
supermarket. He normally has lunch in expensive restaurants but this week he
_____________ with other workers in the company café. It is a difficult month for
Blain and you can see how he survives in this fantastic programme this evening.
XI. Complete the conversations using in, on or at.
e.g. Andrew: You only bought that book on Saturday. Have you finished it
Jessica: I read it in about three hours yesterday evening.
1 Vicky: Will the bank be open..................half past nine?
Daniel: Yes, it always opens absolutely ............ time.
2 Sarah: We're leaving……………. half past, and you haven't even changed.
Mark: It's OK. I can easily shower and change……………. ten minutes.
3 Laura: Your mother's birthday is ................Monday, isn't it?
Trevor: Yes, I just hope this card gets there ................ time.

XII. Write the correct name under the pictures.
Yoghurt, fish, pizza, water, milk, meat, cheese, juice, tea, sugar, butter, cake, eggs,

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

11) 12) 13) 14)

1)___________ 5)___________ 9)___________ 13)__________

2)___________ 6)___________ 10)__________ 14)__________

3)___________ 7)___________ 11)__________

4)___________ 8)___________ 12)__________

XIII. Choose a word from the box to complete each sentence.

expensive quiet dry cheap cold noisy wet big

1 It is always very cold in the Arctic and Antarctic.

2 Nightclubs and discos are ____________ places.
3 Libraries are usually ___________ places.
4 This watch isn’t cheap. It’s very _____________ .
5 Where is my umbrella? It’s raining and _____ today.
6 Chicago is a _________ city in The USA.
7 In the Sahara Desert it’s hot and ___________ .
8 There are some good __________ restaurants in London.
Total ___/ 100

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