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Creating Research Design activity

Weightage 5%
Activity type – Group
Due Date June 6th,2024

Expected Outcomes:
Students will gain practical experience in designing a research study, which will enhance their ability to think critically
about research methodologies and improve their skills in academic writing and presentation.
This activity not only reinforces the research concepts discussed in class but also encourages collaboration and peer
learning, as students discuss and refine their ideas in groups.

Choose one question, according to the group number you are in, to do this activity. Here are six research questions across
various aspects of global business that can provide a broad scope for inquiry and analysis:
1. How do cultural differences impact negotiation styles in international business deals between Western and
Eastern companies?
o This question explores the influence of cultural norms on business practices and can lead to insights into
effective strategies for cross-cultural negotiations.
2. What role does corporate social responsibility (CSR) play in consumer purchasing decisions in emerging
o This investigates whether CSR initiatives by multinational corporation’s influence consumer behavior in
less developed countries, potentially impacting marketing strategies.
3. How have digital transformation strategies affected the operational efficiency of multinational corporations
during the COVID-19 pandemic?
o This question looks at the effectiveness of digital technologies in maintaining or improving operational
efficiency during disruptions caused by global crises.
4. What are the main factors driving the outsourcing decisions of technology companies in Silicon Valley to
South Asia?
o This focuses on understanding the economic or strategic reasons behind outsourcing, including cost
reduction, access to skilled labor, and the business environment in South Asia.
5. How do exchange rate fluctuations affect the investment strategies of multinational corporations in the
foreign exchange markets?
o This question addresses the financial strategies companies employ to mitigate risks associated with
currency fluctuations, which are crucial for firms operating in multiple countries.
6. What impact does Brexit have on the supply chain operations of European automobile manufacturers?
o This explores the practical implications of a significant political and economic event on international
trade and logistics within a specific industry.
7. How do intellectual property laws in different countries influence the global strategy of pharmaceutical

 This question examines the effect of varying intellectual property (IP) regulations across countries on the
research, development, and distribution strategies of multinational pharmaceutical companies, focusing
on issues like patent protection, generic competition, and access to medicines.
8. What strategies have proven effective for multinational corporations to manage political risk in politically
unstable regions?

 This research question investigates the methods and strategies employed by multinational companies to
navigate and mitigate political risks when operating in regions known for political instability, exploring the
effectiveness of various risk management approaches and their impact on business continuity and
9. What strategies have proven effective for multinational corporations to manage cultural risk in multi-
cultural regions?

Each of these questions can be the basis for a detailed research project, encouraging a deep dive into data collection,
analysis, and the development of informed conclusions in the context of global business.

Developing a Mini Research Design

To practice formulating a coherent research design based on a given research question, focusing on methodology, data
collection, and analysis plans.
1. Preparation:
o Divide the class into small groups and assign each group to a breakout room.

o Provide each group with a general research question related to global business, which they can refine
slightly based on their interests.
2. Task Overview:
o Each group is tasked with developing a mini-research design. The design should outline the methods for
data collection, the types of data needed, potential data sources, and the analytical techniques they would
3. Components of the Mini Research Design:
o Introduction: Briefly restate and refine the research question.

o Methodology: Describe the research approach (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods) and justify
the choice.
o Data Collection: Detail the specific methods for gathering data (surveys, interviews, database research,
o Data Analysis: Outline the proposed data analysis methods (statistical analysis, thematic analysis, etc.).

o Ethical Considerations: Discuss any potential ethical issues and how they will be addressed.

o Limitations: Identify possible limitations of the research approach and suggest mitigations.

4. Activity Duration:
o Allocate about 30-45 minutes for the groups to discuss and develop their research designs in their
breakout rooms.
5. Presentation:
o Each group will present a summary of their mini research design to the class.

6. Written Report:
o Following the presentations, ask each group to submit a written report summarizing their research design.
This report should include all components outlined in the task overview and reflect any feedback or
insights gained during the presentations.
o The report must be submitted in Word/PDF format, about 3-6 pages.

o Follow APA guidelines for the format and referencing.

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