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article. Treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms in men in primary care
Correspondence to: M J Drake School of
Surgery and Cancer, Urology Department using a conservative intervention: cluster randomised controlled trial
3N, Charing Cross Hospital, London, UK Marcus J Drake, 1 Jo Worthington, 2 Jessica Frost, 2 Emily Sanderson, 2 Madeleine Cochrane, 2 Nikki Cotterill, 3
Additional material is published online
Mandy Fader, 4 Lucy McGeagh, 5 Hashim Hashim, 6 Margaret Macaulay, 4 Jonathan Rees, 7 Luke A Robles, 8
only. To view please visit the journal Gordon Taylor, 9 Jodi Taylor, 2 Matthew J Ridd, 10 Stephanie J MacNeill, 2 Sian Noble, 11 J Athene Lane2
Cite this as: BMJ 2023;383:e075219 ABSTRACT events (intervention seven events, usual care eight OBJECTIVE events) were comparable between the arms.
Accepted: 02 October 2023 To determine whether a standardised and manualised CONCLUSIONS
care intervention in men in primary care could achieve A standardised and manualised intervention in
superior improvement of lower urinary tract symptoms primary care showed a sustained reduction in LUTS
(LUTS) compared with usual care. in men at 12 months. The mean difference of −1.81
DESIGN points (95% confidence interval −0.95 to −2.66) on
Cluster randomised controlled trial. the IPSS was less than the predefined target
SETTING reduction of 2.0 points.
30 National Health Service general practice sites in TRIAL REGISTRATION
England. ISRCTN Registry ISRCTN11669964.
Sites were randomised 1:1 to the intervention and Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) relate to the
control arms. 1077 men (≥18 years) with bothersome storage and voiding of urine (box 1). The severity and
LUTS recruited between June 2018 and August 2019: prevalence of LUTS in men increases with age (as
524 were assigned to the intervention arm (n=17 much as 30% in men older than 65 years),1 with
sites) and 553 were assigned to the usual care arm greater numbers likely to be affected as the
(n=13 sites). population ages. LUTS can have a substantial impact
INTERVENTION on quality of life,2 with problematic LUTS referred to
Standardised information booklet developed with as bothersome. Men usually present with a range of
patient and expert input, providing guidance on LUTS that can relate to storage, voiding, or
conservative and lifestyle interventions for LUTS in post-voiding urinary symptoms, and most men are
men. After assessment of urinary symptoms initially assessed and managed by their general
(manualised element), general practice nurses and practitioner. LUTS in men can be caused by
healthcare assistants or research nurses directed obstruction of the prostate or bladder dysfunction,
participants to relevant sections of the manual and or both, but symptoms can also be influenced by
provided contact over 12 weeks to assist with lifestyle factors. The UK National Institute for Health
adherence. and Care Excellence and the European Association
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES of Urology recommend assessments to exclude
The primary outcome was patient reported serious medical conditions and to categorise and
International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) assess the impact of precise symptoms.1 3 Assessment
measured 12 months after participants had consented of LUTS is time consuming, however, and the level
to take part in the study. The target reduction of 2.0 undertaken in general practice varies.4
points on which the study was powered reflects the
minimal clinically important difference where Box 1: Lower urinary tract symptoms in men
baseline IPSS is <20. Secondary outcomes were Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in men can be
patient reported quality of life, urinary symptoms and caused by structural or functional abnormalities of the
perception of LUTS, hospital referrals, and adverse bladder, prostate gland, or urethra
events. The primary intention-to-treat analysis Voiding LUTS are problems passing urine, such as
included 887 participants (82% of those recruited) hesitancy, slow urinary stream, and dribbling
and used a mixed effects multilevel linear regression Storage LUTS include urgency, increased urinary
model adjusted for site level variables used in the frequency, and nocturia. Storage LUTS can be due to
randomisation and baseline scores. increased urine volumes from high fluid intake or
RESULTS systemic conditions (cardiovascular, respiratory, renal,
or endocrine)
Participants in the intervention arm had a lower mean
Patients may experience one or more LUTS, and the
IPSS at 12 months (adjusted mean difference −1.81
severity of each symptom may not correlate with how
points, 95% confidence interval −2.66 to −0.95) much patients consider the symptoms to be bothersome
indicating less severe urinary symptoms than those
LUTS can be measured using the International Prostate
in the usual care arm. LUTS specific quality of life, Symptom Score (IPSS), with scores of 0-7 categorised as
incontinence, and perception of LUTS also improved mild overall severity, 8-19 as moderate, and 20-35 as
more in the intervention arm than usual care arm at severe
12 months. The proportion of urology referrals
(intervention 7.3%, usual care 7.9%) and adverse

the bmj | BMJ 2023;383:e075219 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-075219 1


NICE and the European Association of Urology recommend using and were currently experiencing at least one bothersome LUTS were
conservative treatments for LUTS initially, including bladder potentially eligible for the study. Men were excluded if they lacked
training, advice on fluid intake, and lifestyle advice, although capacity to consent, were unable to pass urine without a catheter
evidence on effectiveness of these measures is lacking.1 5An NHS (indwelling or intermittent catheterisation), had a relevant
Evidence Update in 2012 indicated a role for self-management to neurological disease or referral, were undergoing urological testing
treat LUTS, based on a post hoc analysis of a single centre for LUTS, were being treated for prostate or bladder cancer, had
randomised controlled trial of 140 men.6 -8 NICE Clinical Guideline undergone prostate surgery, had poorly controlled diabetes mellitus,
97, however, recommends that a multicentre randomised controlled were recently referred or currently under urology review, had visible
trial would be needed to determine effectiveness in clinical practice.1 haematuria, or were unable to complete trial assessments in English.
Delivery of conservative treatments in primary care is also limited,4
The general practices conducted a single database search designed
which can result in men simply receiving drugs to treat prostate
specifically for the trial to identify potentially eligible patients, and
conditions, potentially being referred inappropriately to secondary
the general practitioners manually verified the findings using
care, or enduring persistent bothersome symptoms.
electronic medical records. To avoid any bias in patient selection,
As provision for LUTS in men in primary care is inconsistent, primary each site conducted a single mail out to potentially eligible patients
care health professionals require practical resources to support the before notification of its randomisation status. While masked to the
assessment of urinary symptoms and to enhance patient engagement allocation of the practice and to avoid bias, NIHR Clinical Research
with conservative management interventions. We aimed to address Network nurses or clinical practitioners trained by the trial team
this need in the Treating Urinary Symptoms in Men in Primary telephoned patients expressing an interest in taking part in the
Healthcare (TRIUMPH) study. The main objective was to determine study. Calls were conducted to confirm eligibility, particularly the
whether a standardised and manualised care intervention in men subjective criterion of whether LUTS were currently bothersome to
in primary care in the UK could achieve superior improvement of the patient, as initial screening by the general practices only
LUTS compared with usual care. The primary outcome was overall identified men coded with LUTS within the preceding five years.
International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) measured 12 months The telephone calls also ensured that patients understood the study,
after participants had consented to participate in the study. answered any questions, and confirmed their willingness to
participate in the study.
Patients deemed willing and eligible completed a postal consent
The TRIUMPH study was a multicentre, pragmatic, two arm cluster
form and questionnaire containing baseline measures. All patients
randomised controlled trial in UK primary care. The trial was
received the same consent form and questionnaires, but those in
conducted in 30 general practice sites, with participants recruited
the intervention arm also received a bladder diary to be completed
from June 2018 to August 2019. The trial design included an internal
before their face-to-face visit for assessment of symptoms.
pilot recruitment phase of four months’ duration, primarily to verify
Participants remained blinded to their treatment arm while
that recruitment was achievable before progression to the main
completing baseline measures and were not aware that completion
phase of the trial. Specification of an exact figure for the number of
of the bladder diary indicated randomisation to the intervention
eligible participants required by general practices to take part in
arm. Participants assigned to receive the intervention did not have
the trial, as determined by a pre-randomisation practice database
sight of the booklet until after consent had been obtained, and
search, was removed for the main phase of the trial to allow
participants assigned to receive usual care remained unaware of
flexibility according to patients’ response rates.
the content of the booklet throughout the trial.
The trial protocol was submitted for publication before recruitment
ended, and the trial was registered prospectively on 12 April 2018.9
The statistical analysis plan was finalised in July 2020, before The TRIUMPH intervention employed a standardised information
completion of follow-up (August 2020).10 booklet. Participants were directed to information within the booklet
that was applicable to them via healthcare professional assessment
General practice sites and discussion, providing the manualised element of the
Clinical Research Networks recruited the general practices from intervention. In collaboration with patients, healthcare
across the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR, now referred professionals, and health psychologists, the booklet was developed
to as the National Institute for Health and Care Research) West of for the study from patient information sheets produced by the British
England and Wessex Clinical Research Network regions. Practices Association of Urological Surgeons (see supplementary file). The
were eligible if they had an adequate number of eligible patients booklet provides targeted guidance on conservative and lifestyle
determined by a pre-randomisation practice database search (to interventions for LUTS in men and is water resistant and able to lie
achieve a target recruitment of 35 participants at each site), with flat for ease of use when opened. Sections are tabbed and colour
suitable space for treatment rooms and availability for training of coded for specific LUTS symptoms and advice.
healthcare professionals and baseline visits. In the final selection
Depending on site preference, participants received the booklet
of practices for randomisation, we also considered representative
from a general practice clinical nurse, research nurse, healthcare
practice list size, social deprivation score (index of multiple
assistant, or trial research nurse. The trial research nurses provided
deprivation determined using the general practice’s postcode), and
training and ongoing support to the healthcare professionals
preference for how the intervention would be delivered (practice
delivering the intervention. Before the participants attended for an
staff or trial research nurses) if the practice was randomised to the
intervention visit, the healthcare professional reviewed the
intervention arm.9 Groups of practices with shared nurse resources
participants’ baseline urinary symptoms, utilising their completed
were randomised as a single site.
IPSS, International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire
Participants Urinary Incontinence-Short Form, and International Consultation
on Incontinence Questionnaire bladder diary. During this visit the
Men aged 18 years or older who had presented to primary care with
healthcare professional discussed the participants’ individual
LUTS within the past five years according to general practice records

2 the bmj | BMJ 2023;383:e075219 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-075219


symptoms and how bothersome they were to the participant. The arm only—at the intervention visit and during the 12 week treatment
healthcare professionals were provided with decision tools (see phase to collect details on sections of the booklet recommended to
supplementary file) enabling them to direct participants to relevant participants, and feedback on the booklet.
sections of the booklet on the basis of reported symptoms. A
Sample size calculation
maximum of three sections were recommended to each participant
and tabbed with discreet stickers. The sections provided advice on TRIUMPH was designed to detect a mean difference of 2.0 points
drinks and liquid intake, controlling an urgent need to urinate, between arms on the IPSS at 12 months post-randomisation with
exercises for the pelvic floor muscles to help stop bladder leakage, 90% power, as this is the mean decrease in IPSS among men who
emptying the bladder as completely as possible, getting rid of the rate their condition as slightly improved when the baseline scores
last drops of urine, and reducing sleep disturbance caused by the are <20 points.15 As outlined in the study protocol,9 this value is
need to urinate at nighttime. less than the previously observed minimal clinically important
difference of 3 points for IPSS16 but allows for a difference in just
To encourage and gauge adherence to the intervention, healthcare
one symptom. Based on a scoping search of local general practices,
professionals followed-up the participants by telephone at one week
we estimated we would need a mean cluster size of 35 participants
and then by telephone, email, or text at four and 12 weeks, according
and proposed an estimated intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.05
to the participants’ preference. Participants retained the intervention
based on other studies in primary care.17 The experience of previous
booklet thereafter. Participants in the intervention arm continued
trials centres suggested it would be prudent to allow for up to 30%
to receive usual care for LUTS from their doctor.
loss to follow-up. On this basis, we estimated that 840 participants
The usual care practices were requested to continue standard local would be needed from at least 24 sites to achieve 90% power.
management for LUTS. At the end of the study, participants in the
Early in the study, however, we observed variability between sites
usual care arm were provided with the booklet along with a
in the number of participants recruited, thus necessitating a revision
summary of the trial’s results.
of the sample size calculation. Using recruitment data available at
Participants in both randomised groups were provided with progress the time, we estimated that the mean number of participants who
updates of the study at three and nine months via a newsletter to would need to provide consent at each site would be 26 and that
maintain engagement with the trial and encourage completion of the coefficient of variation of the mean cluster size would be 0.26.
follow-up questionnaires. Ignoring clustering and loss to follow-up, we determined that 263
participants in total would be required to detect a difference of 2
units in IPSS with 90% power assuming a common standard
The primary outcome measure was the validated patient reported deviation of 5. Our updated design effect assumed an intraclass
IPSS at 12 months after consent to participate in the study—a score correlation coefficient of 0.05; a mean of 26 patients consenting in
that is extensively used in LUTS research and widely employed in each site but only 70% providing primary outcome data resulting
urology services.11 IPSS scores ranged from 0 to 35, with higher in a mean cluster size of 18.2; and a 0.26 coefficient of variation in
scores indicating more severe symptoms. The endpoint of 12 months cluster sizes. Under these revised assumptions, the design effect is
was chosen to measure whether the effect of the TRIUMPH 1.92, meaning that 506 participants in total would be required to
intervention on LUTS was sustained after the initial 12 week delivery provide primary outcome data. Given our assumed loss to follow-up,
period. 724 patients needed to provide consent to participate in the study,
Secondary outcomes collected by questionnaire at baseline and six and as each site was expected to obtain consent for 26 patients, this
and 12 months after consent comprised the IPSS quality of life (LUTS translated to 28 sites in total. Allowing for some practices not to
related quality of life score, six and 12 months), the IPSS (overall perform as expected, 30 were ultimately recruited in agreement
score for urinary symptoms, six months), the International with the trial management group, steering committee, and funder.
Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Urinary Randomisation and blinding
Incontinence-Short Form symptoms score (six and 12 months,12
General practice sites were the units of allocation. A statistician
which supplements the IPSS with measurement of incontinence
blinded to the identity of practices randomised them on a 1:1 basis
and post-void dribble), the EQ-5D (five level version of the EuroQoL
to deliver either the TRIUMPH intervention or usual care.
index, EQ-5D-5L, measure of health status, six and 12 months, used
Randomisation was performed after the practices had completed
to create quality adjusted life years for the health economic
screening of patients and sent out invitations to eligible participants.
evaluation, which will be reported separately),13 and the Brief Illness
Randomisation was minimised by centre (West of England and
Perception Questionnaire (measuring participants’ cognitive and
Wessex Clinical Research Network regions), practice size (number
emotional perception of their LUTS, and which was modified
of registered patients), and area level deprivation of the practice
slightly, with developers’ permission, to ask about “urinary
(index of multiple deprivation score). We incorporated a random
symptoms” rather than “illness,” six and 12 months).14
element into the minimisation procedure such that there was a 40%
The number of LUTS related adverse events (prespecified as urinary probability that allocation was random, with a 50-50 chance of
tract infections, catheterisations, urinary retention, prostatitis), practices being allocated to either arm. Area level deprivation
deaths, and the number of referrals to secondary care (urology) at assessed at the lower super output area level (geography comprising
12 months post-consent were extracted from primary care electronic between 400 and 1200 households) can estimate deprivation for
medical records through trial specific automated database searches. individuals (using home postcodes to identify the lower super output
These searches were conducted a minimum of one month after the area level), but middle layer super output area level (geography
final participant for each site had completed follow-up. The sites made up of four or five lower super output area level) data better
provided the central trial team with anonymised data extracts for reflect the area level deprivation of general practices because the
analysis. catchment area of a general practice is generally wider than the
Case report forms were specifically designed for this study. area covered by the lower super output area level.18 As such, we
Healthcare professionals completed the forms for the intervention mapped the postcodes of the general practices onto lower super

the bmj | BMJ 2023;383:e075219 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-075219 3


output area level then middle layer super output area level. healthcare assistant delivering the intervention. The primary
Population averaged index of multiple deprivation scores (2015) analysis was then re-run using a single random effect for this level
were then calculated based on the scores of lower super output area of clustering.
level within each middle layer super output area level.
• Although the target recruitment was reached before the covid-19
To minimise selection and recruitment bias, staff who conducted outbreak, we wanted to allow for any influence of the outbreak and
telephone calls for patient eligibility were blinded to practice subsequent lockdowns on participation and symptom reporting.
allocation. Participants were blinded to their allocation until they To do this we repeated the primary analysis including a binary
had completed the baseline questionnaire and provided a signed variable for whether or not the outcome measure was taken before
consent form. or after 11 March 2020 (the date the World Health Organization
declared the outbreak a pandemic).
• A small number of recruited participants were subsequently found
General practices were responsible for reporting serious adverse
to be ineligible. They were included in the primary analysis, and a
events experienced by the participants; and participants were also
sensitivity analysis was performed excluding those individuals.
asked to report any inpatient stays in their follow-up questionnaires,
which would prompt review by their general practitioner. The study • A series of per protocol analyses were performed using different
independent data monitoring committee reviewed reported serious definitions of protocol compliance (see supplementary table S2).
adverse events every six months. All other adverse events were
• Recognising the biases inherent in per protocol analyses we also
collected from participants’ primary care electronic medical records,
performed a complier average causal analysis. Compliers were those
as part of the secondary outcomes.
participants who received the intervention booklet by the time of
Statistical analysis follow-up for the primary outcome. The estimates for complier
average causal analysis were obtained using instrumental variable
Statistical analyses were conducted with all consenting participants
regression with the same variables used in the primary analysis,
retained in the randomised arm of their general practice. Baseline
with the randomised arm as the instrumental variable and an
characteristics at individual and practice level were summarised
indicator variable for compliance.
using means, standard deviations, medians (interquartile ranges),
or number (percentage) depending on the nature and distribution • We explored the impact of missing primary outcome data using
of the data. different assumptions for missingness: “best” and “worst” case
scenarios as well as multiple imputation by chained equations to
The primary analysis of IPSS at 12 months was conducted on a
impute missing data.
modified intention-to-treat (ITT) basis, and comparisons between
treatment arms were made using mixed effect multilevel linear To explore whether the effectiveness of the intervention on the
models (individuals (level 1) nested within general practices (level primary outcome differed by participant subgroup, we performed
2)) adjusting for individual level baseline IPSS and practice level four prespecified subgroup analyses. In each case, effect
variables used in the randomisation based on those providing modification was assessed by including a subgroup-treatment
non-missing data for the variables included in the model. The results interaction term and performing a likelihood ratio test comparing
are presented as the mean difference between arms, 95% confidence the model with and without the interaction term. A significance
interval, P value, and model intraclass correlation (95% confidence level of 5% was used, but as these analyses were not statistically
interval). powered, they should be interpreted with caution. Subgroup
analyses assessed whether effectiveness differed by the nature of
The secondary outcomes were also analysed on a modified ITT basis.
LUTS at baseline measured by the ratio of the IPSS voiding score to
IPSS at six months were analysed using a mixed effect multilevel
the storage score; whether a practice nurse, healthcare assistant,
linear model (individuals (level 1) nested within general practices
or trial nurse delivered the intervention; the participant’s preferred
(level 2)) adjusting for individual level baseline IPSS and practice
method of contact at baseline; and the number of contacts between
level variables used in the randomisation. Additionally, and
the nurse or healthcare assistant and participant at intervention
separately, a repeated measures analysis was conducted using a
repeated measures linear mixed model (IPSS at six and 12 months
(level 1), nested within participants (level 2) and nested within Patient and public involvement
general practices (level 3)) adjusting for individual level baseline
Patient and public involvement (PPI) representatives have been
IPSS scores and practice level variables used in the randomisation.
involved at all stages from a patient co-applicant at the grant
Minimal clinically important differences for LUTS in men are not
application stage to help shape the project to patient representative
established in the literature for the secondary outcomes included.
members of our trial management group and trial steering committee
We planned seven sensitivity analyses to assess the robustness of who helped steer the trial. Wider patient advisory group meetings
the primary analysis to varying assumptions. Each of these were also held over the course of the study. Development of the
sensitivity analyses was compared with the primary analysis. TRIUMPH intervention booklet was one of the key roles for PPI,
resulting in important changes to aid clarity and usability and
• Descriptive statistics were used to assess whether baseline
recommendations on what patients would consider a manageable
characteristics were balanced between the two arms, and, if
level of advice to follow. PPI review of our patient-facing study
differences were observed, the primary analysis would be re-run
materials was also undertaken, including patient questionnaires
adjusting for those imbalanced variables. This analysis was not
to assess clarity and participant burden, newsletters, and the study
performed, however, because we found no evidence of imbalance
website. Further PPI involvement has included discussion of some
in variables not already included in the primary analysis.
of our initial qualitative findings related to men’s experiences of
• To allow for possible clustering of outcomes within nurses and the patient pathways for LUTS within the NHS, as well as routes for
healthcare assistants delivering the intervention, we grouped patient implementation and dissemination, and patients will continue to
level data according to the combination of practice and nurse or be involved.

4 the bmj | BMJ 2023;383:e075219 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-075219


Results patients (mean=19 576) reflecting some of the larger practices in

the Wessex and West of England regions (combined regional median
Thirty primary care sites (32 general practices; one group of three
practice size in June 2019: 9440). Area level index of multiple
practices were randomised as a single site) were recruited and all
deprivation scores ranged from 4.22 to 33.62 for practices, and the
contributed to the intention-to-treat analysis (fig 1 and fig 2); 17
mean was slightly higher in usual care practices, suggesting greater
were randomised to the intervention and 13 to usual care. At the
levels of socioeconomic deprivation than in intervention practices
time of recruitment, the general practices provided estimated
(table 1).
(pre-screening) practice list sizes ranging from 7600 to 48 623

the bmj | BMJ 2023;383:e075219 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-075219 5


Fig 1 | Flow of practice sites and participants through study. *See supplementary table S1 for reasons for exclusion. EOI=expression of interest; GP=general practitioner;
LUTS=lower urinary tract symptoms

6 the bmj | BMJ 2023;383:e075219 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-075219


Fig 2 | Flow of practice sites and participants through study as continuation of figure 1. †Participants remained blinded to treatment arm through all screening processes,
until point of consent. CRN=clinical research network; EOI=expression of interest; IPSS=International Prostate Symptom Score

the bmj | BMJ 2023;383:e075219 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-075219 7


Table 1 | Characteristics of practice sites and participants at baseline by intervention group. Values are number (percentage) unless stated otherwise
Intervention arm Usual care arm
No* Estimate No* Estimate
Site level characteristics
Total No of sites 17 — 13 —
Mean (SD) practice size 17 20 694 (9714) 13 18 114 (7998)
Mean (SD) No of participants 17 31 (12.05) 13 43 (12.71)
providing consent per site
Mean (SD) area level 17 11 (5.02) 13 16 (8.39)
deprivation of practice based
on postcode
Participant level characteristics
Total No of participants 524 — 553 —
Personal characteristics
Mean (SD) age (years); 524 68.9 (9.3) (32-94) 553 68.4 (9.2) (30-95)
White 522 513 (98.3) 550 542 (98.6)
Black, Asian, mixed, or other 8 (1.5) 5 (0.9)
Disclosure declined 1 (0.2) 3 (0.6)
Marital status:
Single 517 21 (4.1) 543 25 (4.6)
Married or civil partnered 436 (84.3) 455 (83.8)
Divorced 31 (6.0) 32 (5.9)
Widowed 27 (5.2) 28 (5.2)
Disclosure declined 2 (0.4) 3 (0.6)
Index of multiple deprivation
1st (most deprived) 506 17 (3.4) 525 21 (4.0)
2nd 33 (6.5) 37 (7.0)
3rd 67 (13.2) 106 (20.2)
4th 141 (27.9) 136 (25.9)
5th (least deprived) 248 (49.0) 225 (42.9)
Median (IQR) index of multiple 8.80 (5.75-13.71) 9.89 (6.21-15.45)
deprivation score
Clinical characteristics
Mean (SD) height (cm) 518 176.72 (6.77) (152.40-198.12) 550 176.93 (7.41) (157.48-208.28)
Mean (SD) weight (kg) 510 83.36 (14.45) (55.02-152.41) 549 83.89 (14.29) (53.98-136.98)
Mean (SD) body mass index 508 26.71 (4.40) (18.91-52.31) 549 26.76 (4.00) (17.57-42.18)
No of comorbidities:
0 478 151 (31.6) 544 171 (31.4)
1 160 (33.5) 197 (36.2)
>1 167 (34.9) 176 (32.3)
Test results in 6 months
Urine analysis: abnormal 79 1 (1.3) 52 2 (3.9)
Kidney function: eGFR 170 — 215 —
eGFR measures:
Mean (SD) eGFR 170 73.5 (15.7) 215 74.6 (13.2)
Median (IQR) eGFR 76.5 (65-87) 75 (66-87)
Min-max eGFR 28-98 36-100
CKD stages based on recent
eGFR (mL/min/1.73m2):

8 the bmj | BMJ 2023;383:e075219 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-075219


Table 1 | Characteristics of practice sites and participants at baseline by intervention group. Values are number (percentage) unless stated otherwise

Intervention arm Usual care arm

No* Estimate No* Estimate
≥90: normal 170 28 (16.5) 215 33 (15.4)
90-60: stages G1-G2 114 (67.1) 154 (71.6)
30-59: stage G3 27 (15.9) 28 (13.0)
<30: stages G4-G5 1 (0.6) 0 (0)
No of GP consultations in 12
months before baseline:
Mean (SD) 478 4.4 (3.7) 544 4.8 (5.0)
Median (IQR) 4 (2-6) 4 (2-6)
Min-max 0-23 0-58
Referrals to urology in 12
months pre-baseline:
0 478 464 (97.1) 544 525 (96.5)
1 14 (2.9) 19 (3.5)
>1 0 0
Patient reported symptoms and quality of life
Mean (SD) IPSS (min-max):
Incomplete emptying 512 1.7 (1.5) (0-5) 549 1.9 (1.5) (0-5)
Frequency 514 2.7 (1.3) (0-5) 551 2.9 (1.4) (0-5)
Intermittency 514 1.9 (1.6) (0-5) 549 2.0 (1.7) (0-5)
Urgency 513 2.1 (1.6) (0-5) 549 2.3 (1.7) (0-5)
Weak stream 510 1.9 (1.5) (0-5) 549 2.0 (1.7) (0-5)
Straining 513 0.8 (1.2) (0-5) 548 1.0 (1.3) (0-5)
Nocturia 516 2.6 (1.4) (0-5) 551 2.4 (1.2) (0-5)
Mean (SD) total IPSS 501 13.6 (5.8) (1-33) 541 14.6 (6.6) (2-34)
Symptom severity by IPSS:
≤7: mild 501 76 (15.2) 541 74 (13.7)
8-19; moderate 342 (68.3) 338 (62.5)
≥20: severe 83 (16.6) 129 (23.8)
Mean (SD) IPSS quality of life 516 3.5 (1.2) (0-6) 551 3.6 (1.1) (0-6)
score† (min-max)
Mean (SD) ICIQ-UI-SF total 513 3.6 (3.6) (0-14) 542 3.9 (3.7) (0-15)
score (min-max)
ICIQ-UI-SF urine leakage‡:
Never 523 185 (35.4) 553 161 (29.2)
Before getting to the toilet 205 (39.2) 237 (42.9)
When coughing/sneezing 24 (4.6) 24 (4.4)
When asleep 12 (2.3) 15 (2.7)
During physical activity 23 (4.4) 27 (4.9)
After urinating/when dressed 175 (33.5) 205 (37.1)
No obvious reason 36 (6.9) 42 (7.6)
All the time 1 (0.2) 1 (0.2)
Mean (SD) B-IPQ total score 440 38.7 (11.0) (1-75) 478 39.4 (10.4) (6-72)
Bladder diary§:
Incontinence 502 100 (19.9) — —
Urgency 507 364 (71.8) — —

the bmj | BMJ 2023;383:e075219 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-075219 9


Table 1 | Characteristics of practice sites and participants at baseline by intervention group. Values are number (percentage) unless stated otherwise

Intervention arm Usual care arm

No* Estimate No* Estimate
Nocturia¶ 261 222 (85.1) — —
B-IPQ=Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire; CKD=chronic kidney disease; eGFR=estimated glomerular filtration rate; IQR=interquartile range; ICIQ-UI-SF=International Consultation on Incontinence
Questionnaire Urinary Incontinence-Short Form; IPSS=International Prostate Symptom Score; SD=standard deviation.

* Number providing non-missing data at baseline.

† Question asked: “If you were to spend the rest of your life with your urinary condition the way it is now, how would you feel about that?”
‡ Question asked: “When does urine leak?”
§ Bladder diary completed as part of initial assessment in intervention arm only.
¶ For description purposes at baseline, nocturia is defined as waking to urinate at least once on two nights or to urinate twice or more. When data on waking or sleeping were not provided by participants, the variable was
set to missing.

The general practices identified 7872 potentially eligible patients between treatment arms. The median number of doctor
from database searches. A random selection of 160 patients were consultations in the 12 months before baseline was the same in both
not screened owing to agreed limits on screening numbers by large arms, but the proportion with a referral to urological services in
practices, and 97 patients were not screened owing to practice that period was slightly lower in the intervention arm (intervention
capacity. Of the remaining 7615 patients manually screened by their 2.9%, usual care 3.5%). Baseline IPSS was slightly lower in the
doctors, 2047 were ineligible (fig 1) (see supplementary table S1). intervention arm than usual care arm, indicating a lower symptom
Of the eligible patients identified, 4808 were invited to join the burden; but this was not reflected in the International Consultation
study, with a maximum of 150 (pilot phase) or 220 (main phase) on Incontinence Questionnaire Urinary Incontinence-Short Form
invited patients per site, to avoid over-representation of larger sites. focused on incontinence. Quality of life (IPSS quality of life) was
comparable between the two arms, as was patients’ perception of
Of the 4808 participants invited, 2300 (47.8%) responded to the
their LUTS (measured using the Brief Illness Perception
single invitation (no reminders were sent out). Of those who
responded, 1671 were interested in taking part (72.6%). On further
screening for eligibility (in particular for current bothersome LUTS), Primary outcome: IPSS at 12 months
1293 (77.4%) of those interested were eligible. Of these, 524
Overall, 915 participants (85.0% of those randomised) provided
participants were recruited from intervention sites and 553 from
primary outcome data, of whom 887 provided sufficient baseline
usual care sites (83% of those interested and eligible) (fig 2). Patients
data to be included in the analysis. Some improvement in LUTS
remained blinded to their assignment arm until after consent had
occurred at 12 months in both arms, but this was greater in the
been obtained. On average, men were in their late 60s, with a
intervention arm (difference in IPSS −1.81 (95% confidence interval
predominance of white and married or civil partnered men (table
−2.66 to −0.95), P<0.001) after adjustment for baseline values and
1). The distribution of clinical characteristics was comparable
minimisation variables (table 2).

10 the bmj | BMJ 2023;383:e075219 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-075219


Table 2 | Analyses of treatment effectiveness on patient reported primary outcome and secondary outcomes
Intervention Usual care Adjusted analysis*
No† Mean (SD) No† Mean (SD) Difference (95% No analysed ICC (95% CI)
(min-max) (min-max) CI); P value
Primary outcome
IPSS: 12 months‡ 442 11.6 (6.2) (1-35) 473 13.9 (6.8) (0-32) −1.81 (−2.66 to 887 0.011 (0.001 to
−0.95); <0.001 0.086)
Secondary outcomes
IPSS (range 0-35):
6 months‡ 471 11.5 (6.1) (1-35) 501 13.8 (6.6) (1-32) −1.68 (−2.34 to 942 <0.001 (<0.001 to
−1.02); <0.001 <0.001)
6 and 12 months 913 11.6 (6.2) (1-35) 974 13.8 (6.7) (0-32) −1.70 (−2.35 to 1829 0.005 (0.0002 to
(repeated −1.05); <0.001 0.115)
ICIQ-UI-SF score
(range 0-21):
6 months§ 476 3.6 (3.5) (0-15) 504 4.5 (4.1) (0-20) −0.53 (−1.02 to 961 0.022 (0.007 to
−0.04); 0.04 0.072)
12 months§ 453 3.7 (3.6) (0-18) 480 4.5 (4.1) (0-18) −0.74 (−1.15 to 915 <0.001 (<0.001 to
−0.33); <0.001 <0.001)
IPSS quality of life
score (range 0-6):
6 months‡ 483 3.0 (1.2) (0-6) 511 3.35 (1.25) (0-6) −0.29 (−0.43 to 984 NE
−0.15); <0.001
12 months‡ 463 2.9 (1.3) (0-6) 483 3.3 (1.25) (0-6) −0.34 (−0.50 to 937 0.004 (<0.001 to
−0.18); <0.001 0.274)
B-IPQ score (range
6 months‡ 450 33.4 (11.9) (2-73) 430 38.3 (11.5) (1-76) −5.34 (−6.69 to 777 <0.001 (<0.001 to
−3.99); <0.001 <0.001)
12 months‡ 419 33.8 (12.0) (0-69) 427 38.4 (12.2) (0-71) −4.78 (−6.31 to 746 NE
−3.25); <0.001
B-IPQ=Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire; ICC=intraclass correlation; CI=confidence interval; ICIQ-UI-SF=International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Urinary Incontinence-Short Form;
IPSS=International Prostate Symptom Score; NE=not estimable; SD=standard deviation.

Higher scores for IPSS, ICIQ-UI-SF, IPSS quality of life, and B-IPQ reflect more severe symptoms, greater impact on quality of life, or participants’ poorer perception of their LUTS.

* Adjusted for baseline scores and minimisation variables.

† Number of participants in each arm providing non-missing outcome data except in repeated measures analysis of IPSS (six and 12 months) where this reflects the number of repeated measures of IPSS in each arm.
‡ Analysed using mixed effect multilevel linear model (individuals (level 1) nested within general practices (level 2)) adjusting for individual level baseline outcome measure and practice level variables used in the randomisation.
§ Analysed using a repeated measures linear mixed model (IPSS at six and 12 months (level 1), nested within participants (level 2) and nested within general practices (level 3)) adjusting for individual level baseline IPSS
and practice level variables used in the randomisation.

A planned sensitivity analysis accounting for clustering by nurse P<0.001) or adjusting for whether the outcome data were collected
or healthcare assistant had little effect on the primary outcome during the covid-19 pandemic (difference −1.89 (−2.69 to −1.09),
results (difference −1.79 (95% confidence interval −2.53 to −1.06), P<0.001). Imputation of missing data also yielded comparable results
P=0.004), nor did excluding three participants who were found to to the complete case analysis (table 3).
be ineligible after follow-up began (difference −1.81 (−2.65 to −0.96),

Table 3 | Sensitivity analysis comparing results of ITT analysis of complete cases with ITT analyses, with missing IPSS data imputed
No imputed No used in analysis Overall mean (SD) Difference in means* P value
(95% CI)
Intervention arm Usual care arm
Complete case ITT 0 0 887 12.79 (6.64) −1.81 (−2.66 to −0.95) <0.001
Best case scenario 77 78 1042 10.89 (7.63) −1.89 (−2.89 to −0.88) <0.001
Worst case scenario 77 78 1042 14.82 (7.82) −1.14 (−2.08 to −0.20) 0.02
MICE† 82 80 1077 — −1.61 (−2.57 to −0.66) 0.001
CI=confidence interval; IPSS=International Prostate Symptom Score; SD=standard deviation ITT=intention to treat; MICE=multiple imputation by chained equations; SD=standard deviation.

* Analysis adjusted for baseline IPSS and minimisation variables.

† Data are imputed using IPSS at baseline and six months, treatment arm, practice size, centre, and deprivation (index of multiple deprivation). To allow for clustering in Stata, imputations were performed separately for
each practice.

the bmj | BMJ 2023;383:e075219 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-075219 11


Secondary outcomes improvement in the intervention arm compared with usual care
arm at both six and 12 months (table 2).
The difference in mean IPSS was also evident between the two arms
at six months, although slightly less than at 12 months, and in the Similar proportions of men were referred to secondary care over the
repeated measures analysis of IPSS (six and 12 months) (table 2). following 12 months (intervention 7.3% (35/478); usual care 7.9%
Incontinence scores were also lower in the intervention arm (43/544)). After adjusting for randomisation variables and
compared with usual care arm at six and 12 months (as assessed pre-baseline referrals, a difference between the arms was not evident
with the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire (adjusted odds ratio 0.91 (95% confidence interval 0.51 to 1.62);
Urinary Incontinence-Short Form), with the improvement in the P=0.76; intraclass correlation 0.02 (95% confidence interval 0.001
intervention arm being greater at 12 months than at six months to 0.41)).
(table 2). Mean IPSS LUTS specific quality of life scores at six and
A similar, small number of LUTS related adverse events and deaths
12 months were near the middle of the range of scores for this
were reported in both arms (table 4). All serious adverse events that
measure but showed evidence of small differences between the
occurred during the study were unrelated to the intervention, such
arms (table 2). Patient perception of their LUTS (measured using
as those affecting a separate organ system (eg, bilateral epistaxis),
the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire) showed a greater
with the exception of five that were deemed unlikely to be related
to the intervention (see supplementary table S3).

Table 4 | Expected adverse events identified from search of general practice electronic medical records
Adverse event Intervention arm Usual care arm
No of patients No of events per patient No of patients No of events per patient
Prostatitis 2 1 and 4 2 1 and 6
LUTS related urinary tract 2 3 and 2 3 1 each
Urinary retention 1 1 2 2 and 4
Catheterisation 0 — 0 —
Death 2 — 1 —
LUTS=lower urinary tract symptoms.

Subgroup analyses primary outcome (IPSS) was 1.81 points lower in the intervention
arm than usual care arm. The secondary outcomes measured using
No effect modification was found when including the ratio of storage
the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire and
to voiding LUTS at baseline as a continuous interaction term in the
IPSS quality of life also showed improvement against usual care,
model of IPSS at 12 months (P=0.971). Similarly, distinguishing
demonstrating the overall impact on LUTS through incontinence,
between those men who received the intervention via a study nurse
post-void dribble, and quality of life. In addition, participants’
(n=249) or a practice nurse or healthcare assistant (n=190) also
perception of their LUTS improved over 12 months in the
showed no evidence of difference (P=0.387). Weak evidence of effect
intervention arm (measured using the Brief Illness Perception
modification (P=0.094) was, however, found in relation to how
Questionnaire. Referral rates to urology did not differ greatly
intervention participants preferred follow-up by the clinical team
between the arms. Adverse events also did not differ greatly between
(telephone=310; text or email=121), with those opting for contact
the arms.
by text or email showing a greater improvement than usual care.
The response rate of patients invited to participate in the study was
Intervention delivery
48%, which could be because those men who were historically
Almost all the participants at intervention sites received the booklet coded as having LUTS in primary care in the previous five years
(98.5%) and 91.7% received all three planned follow-up contacts, were no longer experiencing bothersome symptoms, or that
with most (79.0%) received in the protocolised format (week 1 by inaccuracies were present in the coding. In addition, only a single
telephone, weeks 4 and 12 as preferred by participants). Given the invitation was sent, with no reminder. Of those who responded,
high level of fidelity to the intervention, numbers deviating from 73% were interested in taking part. Response rates were unrelated
protocolised follow-up were small and thus the planned per protocol to acceptability of the intervention as men were blinded to their
analyses were underpowered, although findings were consistent randomisation group until they had consented to the study, and
with a greater change in IPSS at 12 months in the intervention arm without sight of the intervention booklet.
(supplementary table S2). As only nine participants in the
The mean IPSS at baseline was 13.6/14.6 in the two randomised
intervention arm were deemed to have been non-adherent, the
groups, which is moderate by the accepted symptom severity
planned complier average causal analysis was not performed.
categories (scores 8-19). The TRIUMPH study accepted men who
Discussion were still experiencing any bothersome LUTS despite having
consulted their doctor in the previous five years. This included
This large, pragmatic randomised controlled trial in primary care
storage or voiding LUTS, post-void dribble, and monosymptomatic
showed that a range of bothersome LUTS improved over 12 months
nocturia (a symptom that can be caused by a wide range of medical
in men with mean IPSS scores regarded as reflecting moderate
conditions unrelated to the lower urinary tract).19 20 Achieving
severity LUTS, using a standardised booklet and manualised
improvement of symptoms in such a mixed population, using
approach to symptom management. The mean patient reported
assessments and guidance in the form of a booklet provided by

12 the bmj | BMJ 2023;383:e075219 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-075219


nurses or healthcare assistants, is challenging. The mean reduction (difference of 0.34 at 12 months) and possibly also men’s perception
in IPSS was 1.81 points greater than that obtained with usual care of their LUTS (difference of 4.78 at 12 months).
and was sustained for at least nine months beyond the final
A strong focus on drug management of LUTS in men persists,27
healthcare professional input into the intervention. Hence a
perhaps encouraging clinicians to rely on drug use; however, men
considerable number of men saw improvement in symptoms at low
have tended previously to express a preference for conservative and
risk and with low requirement for doctor’s input.
less risky treatment for LUTS.28 The TRIUMPH study found that
The target reduction of 2.0 points on which TRIUMPH was powered symptomatic improvement of LUTS can be sustained in the medium
was less than the more generally used minimal clinically important term using clear written materials. Key features were practical
difference of 3.0 points for the IPSS,16 as the threshold change for relevant assessment, interpretation by a suitably trained healthcare
“slight improvement” in symptoms is affected by baseline IPSS.15 professional, focus on the most applicable elements for the
A minimal clinically important difference of 2.0 points is appropriate individual’s symptoms, and supportive follow-up. The type of
where baseline IPSS is <20. The study pragmatically included LUTS healthcare professional (nurse or healthcare assistant) undertaking
in all in its manifestations, potentially including men with just one the assessment and intervention did not appear to affect outcomes.
symptom requiring treatment (eg, nocturia). For such men, the Accordingly, the intervention appeared to be well suited to delivery
baseline IPSS could be as low as 2 (ie, nocturia twice nightly, the by either type of healthcare professional in clinical practice.
severity of nocturia generally accepted as impairing quality of life).19
Strengths and limitations of this study
These men could see improved quality of life when the severity of
their nocturia was reduced to once nightly21 (ie, a reduction in IPSS This was a large pragmatic randomised controlled trial conducted
from 2 to 1). in a range of general practices in two English regions. Recruitment
of practices and men was high, and delivery of the intervention was
The observed reduction of 1.81 (95% confidence interval −2.66 to
successful, including follow-up contacts to 12 weeks. Follow-up
−0.95) was smaller than the predefined target reduction of 2.0 points,
was timed to capture whether the impact of the intervention was
thus the improvement in symptoms related to the intervention may
sustained, with low missing data for patient reported outcomes at
be small.10 The reduction in symptom score was relative to usual
12 months.
care, where a small overall reduction in IPSS was also seen at a
year. By taking part in the study, participants in the usual care arm Some considerations are needed in interpreting the findings. The
completed patient reported outcomes, received newsletters, and preference for conservative and less risky treatment for LUTS is
were potentially influenced to reflect on their LUTS, hence triggering potentially affected by baseline symptom severity,29 and the study
health seeking behaviour that could improve their symptoms. The randomised men to receive an intervention regardless of baseline
clinical importance of this result is potentially increased given that severity, provided they considered their symptoms to be bothersome.
this pragmatic study of a non-drug intervention was unselective of The study could not distinguish which specific symptoms improved
type or severity of LUTS and was based in primary care. In addition, the most. Nocturia was included, but it can also have multifactorial
the result was sustained, with an interval (minimum nine months) bases driven by several medical influences,19 20 and a qualitative
between the end of input from a healthcare professional and exploration has been published finding that men who have long
measurement of the primary outcome. term disruptive symptoms, perceive that the booklet content was
novel or worthwhile, and believe that self-management might help
We did not identify other studies of similar size directed at this issue.
were more receptive to the intervention.30 The study was not able
A non-randomised pilot study of men with uncomplicated LUTS in
to distinguish which elements of the intervention are necessary for
secondary care gave access to an online self-management
its success—for example, whether reduced follow-up contacts would
programme in the intervention arm, versus usual care from a
have been sufficient. The predominance of participants of white
urologist.22 No significant differences was found between cohorts
ethnicity in the study populations may restrict applicability,
for the IPSS, and uptake of the intervention was only 53%. A
particularly for other ethnic groups. This merits additional
randomised trial determined the effects of a health education
strategy for older adults living at home, providing a booklet on five
common health problems, including LUTS,23 and found that the Conclusions and future research
health education strategy did not change visits to a doctor within Guidelines recommend conservative management as the preferred
three months. Both these studies suggest primary care is the most treatment for LUTS in men. The TRIUMPH study showed that a
appropriate setting to support self-care in LUTS. standardised and manualised intervention achieved a sustained
Post-void dribble affects about half of men,24 and incontinence reduction in LUTS (difference in mean IPSS at 12 months of −1.81),
affects about one man in eight.25 These are bothersome symptoms,26 which was less than the predefined target reduction of 2.0 points.
so they were included in the standardised booklet used in the Future research will be directed at integrating the TRIUMPH
intervention. Neither symptom is captured by the IPSS, however, intervention into general practice infrastructure, adapting it for
and therefore we used the International Consultation on patients with low literacy or whose first language is not English,
Incontinence Questionnaire Urinary Incontinence-Short Form when including training materials, approaches to interpretation, and
men were assessed by healthcare professionals, to indicate who access to the standardised booklet. Potentially, many of the
should be directed to the applicable sections of the booklet. At 12 symptoms managed in this way are also experienced by women,
months, the mean International Consultation on Incontinence raising the possibility of developing an equivalent standardised
Questionnaire Urinary Incontinence-Short Form score was 3.7 in and manualised approach to managing LUTS in female patients.
the intervention arm and 4.5 in the usual care arm (out of a
maximum score of 12). This small difference is unlikely to be What is already known on this topic
clinically significant overall, but it does not exclude the possibility • Assessment of LUTS in men and use of conservative treatments in
that individuals may have obtained a useful benefit. Similar benefits
primary care are limited and variable
of likely low importance were observed for the IPSS quality of life

the bmj | BMJ 2023;383:e075219 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-075219 13


• Evidence that conservative treatments are effective for LUTS in men The lead author (MJD) affirms that this manuscript is an honest, accurate, and transparent account of
the trial being reported; that no important aspects of the trial have been omitted; and that any
are limited, despite being recommended in national guidelines discrepancies from the trial as planned (and, if relevant, registered) have been explained.
What this study adds
Dissemination to participants and related patient and public communities: Participants of the TRIUMPH
• This study developed a standardised and manualised intervention study will be informed of the results through its website ( and will be sent
that provided a practical resource to support symptom assessment details of the results in a study newsletter. Findings will also be disseminated through the media.
and conservative treatment for LUTS in men in primary care
Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
• The intervention achieved a sustained reduction in LUTS in a UK
primary care setting (difference in mean International Prostate This study was registered prospectively (12 April 2018) before enrolment of the first participant. It was
Symptom Score of −1.81 at 12 months), which was less than the designed and delivered in collaboration with the Bristol Randomised Trials Collaboration (BRTC), a UK
predefined target reduction of 2.0 points Clinical Research Collaboration registered clinical trials unit which, as part of the Bristol Trials Centre,
was in receipt of Clinical Trials Unit support funding from the National Institute for Health and Care
Research (NIHR). The University of Bristol acted as the sponsor for this trial and the trial was hosted
AUTHOR AFFILIATIONS by the NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group. The
TRIUMPH research team acknowledges the support of the NIHR Clinical Research Network. Study data
1 were collected and managed using REDCap hosted at the University of Bristol.
Department of Surgery and Cancer, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College, Hammersmith
Hospital, London, UK We thank all participants and the principal investigators and their teams at each of the TRIUMPH study
2 sites for their involvement, and the West of England and Wessex Clinical Research Networks for their
Bristol Trials Centre, Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School, University of role in the study. We also thank the members of the Patient Advisory Group, Trial Steering Committee,
Bristol, Bristol, UK and Data Monitoring Committee.
Department of Nursing and Midwifery, Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences, Ethical approval: This study was approved by the National Research Ethics Service North West Preston
University of the West of England, Bristol, UK Ethics Committee (18/NW/0135) on 11 April 2018 and applied to all National Health Service sites that
4 took part in the study. All participants provided written, informed consent to take part before entering
School of Health Sciences, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK the study.
Data sharing: All data requests should be submitted to the corresponding author for consideration.
Oxford Institute Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Research, Oxford Brookes
Access to anonymised data may be granted following review.
University, Oxford, UK
6 1 NICE. The management of lower urinary tract symptoms in men: National Clinical Guideline
Bristol Urological Institute, North Bristol NHS Trust, Southmead Hospital, Bristol, UK
Centre; 2010; Last Updated 2015. Clinical Guideline 97. 2015.
7 ance/cg97 (last accessed 29 Dec 2021).
Tyntesfield Medical Group, Brockway Medical Centre, Nailsea, Bristol, UK 2 Hunter DJ, McKee M, Black NA, Sanderson CF. Health status and quality of life of British men
8 with lower urinary tract symptoms: results from the SF-36. Urology 1995;45:-71.
NIHR Bristol Biomedical Research Centre, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston doi: 10.1016/S0090-4295(99)80116-2 pmid: 7539561
NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Bristol, University Hospitals Bristol 3 Gratzke C, Bachmann A, Descazeaud A, etal. EAU Guidelines on the Assessment of
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Supplementary information: Additional tables S1-S3

Supplementary information: Administration checklist for study
Supplementary information: Intervention booklet: Helping you
control your waterworks

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