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Lời mở ầu
Giáo trình Anh văn căn bản 1 ược biên soạn nhằm giúp sinh viên tự trao
dồi kiến thức tiếng Anh ở mức ộ căn bản. Giáo trình này cung cấp cho sinh
viên nền tảng từ vựng tiếng Anh và một số câu dùng cho giao tiếp hàng ngày.
Bên cạnh ó, các ề mục ngữ pháp căn bản cũng ược giải thích rõ ràng với các
bài tập ứng dụng. Ngoài ra, các bài ọc sẽ giúp sinh viên làm quen với các bài
ọc tương ối ơn giản.
Phần áp án ở cuối giáo trình sẽ giúp sinh viên kiểm tra kết quả các phần
bài tập sau khi làm xong.
Để việc tự học ạt hiệu quả cao, sinh viên nên tra cứu các từ mới và
thường xuyên ọc lại các bài ã học ể ôn lại từ vựng và ngữ pháp.
Mong rằng giáo trình này sẽ phần nào hỗ trợ việc tự học tiếng Anh của
sinh viên ược tốt hơn.

Table of Contents

Unit 1: It’s Nice To Meet You page 01

Unit 2: What’s This? page 07
Unit 3: Where Are You From? page 13
Unit 4: What Do You Do? page 19
Unit 5: We Live In The Suburbs page 25
Unit 6: Does The House Have A Garden? page 31
Unit 7: Tell Me About Your Family page 37
Answer Keys page 42



The Engl i sh Alp hab et

Spell the names of these people ( ánh vần tên những người sau)
Names for males Names for females
Christopher Ashley
Joshua Jessica
Matthew Michelle
Steven Stephanie

R-1 Read this conversation

Michael: Hi. My name is Michael Parker.
Jennifer: I’m Jennifer Yang.
Michael: It’s nice to meet you, Jennifer.
Jennifer: Nice to meet you, too.
Michael: I’m sorry. What’s your last name again?
Jennifer: It’s Yang.
Michael: How do you spell that?
Jennifer: It’s Y – A – N – G

The English NUMBERS


Write the numbers for these words ( viết số của những từ dưới ây)

Three Thirteen Thirty Four Fourteen Forty

Five Fifteen Fifty Six Sixteen Sixty

Seven Seventeen Seventy Eight Eighteen Eighty

Nine Nineteen Ninety Twenty Twelve Two hundred

R – 2 Read this conversation

A: Thank you for calling. What’s your name, please?
B: I’m Michelle Jenkins.
A: How do you spell your last name?
B: Jenkins. J – E – N – K – I – N – S.
A: And what’s your phone number? B: It’s 555-
2491 (five-five-five _ two-fournine-one)
A: How old are you?
B: I’m twenty.
A: Thanks.

R - 3 Match each statement or question in column A with the best response in column B to
make a conversation (ghép những câu ở cột A với câu trả lời tư ng ứng ở cột B)


Hi, my name is Tony Kim. It’s Y-U-M-I-K-O. And my last name is

Sorry, your name is Yumiko? How do Sato. S-A-T-O.
you spell that? No. I’m a friend of Leanne’s
Nice to meet you, Yumiko. Are you a Pleased to meet you, Tony. I’m Yuniko
friend of John’s? Sato.

R – 4 What do people say when they meet for the first time? Circle the letters. (Người ta
nói gì khi gặp nhau lần ầu? khoanh tròn kí tự của câu)
a. How do you do? g. Nice to meet you.
b. What are you doing? h. What’s the matter?
c. Hi, how’s it going? i. Hi, my name’s Amy.
d. Pleased to meet you. j. Good to see you again.
e. I’m going now. k. Good morning.
f. Hello, I’m John. l. I don’t think we’ve met.

R – 5 Read the article. Then fill in the blanks with Mr., Ms., Mrs., or Miss ( ọc bài văn
dưới ây và iền vào chỗ trống với Mr., Ms., Mrs., hoặc Miss)

What’s Ms?
All men, married or single,Mr.are
Until recently, all married women were
and all single women wereMiss.
Now women can choose. A married woman
can beMrs. or Ms. A single woman can be

a. _______________________= a man, married or single.

b. __________ or __________ = a single woman.

c. __________ or __________ = a married woman.
d. _______________________= a woman, married or single.


Thì hiện tại ơn ( ối với ộng từ TO BE)

Forms (dạng)

Affirmative: (dạng khẳng ịnh)

I am a teacher. Short forms (dạng rút gọn) I am  I’m

We are students. We are  we’re

You are from Vietnam. You are  you’re
They are ten years old. They are  they’re
He is from Hanoi. He is  he’s
She is Karen. She is  she’s
It is a nice day. It is  it’s

Negative: (dạng phủ ịnh )

I Am am not
I’m teacher. I’m not a student.
He/ she/ it Is + 
NOT short form: isn’t
He’s from the US. Heisn’t from Japan. We/ they Are aren’t
They’re doctors. They aren’t teachers.
Questions: (câu hỏi)
Are you Kim? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
Is he a student? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

Are they Vietnamese? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

What’s your name? Who is  who’s

Who’s that? What is  what’s
How old are you?

(Question word) + IS + S + ...?

Use (cách dùng)

Simple Present Tense (thì hiện tại ơn) ược dùng ể diễn ạt một sự thật hiển nhiên, một
chân lý hay một dữ kiện khoa học.
We’re Vietnamese.
Vietnam is in Asia.
Barrack Obama is the president of the US.

Practice 1
Correct the errors in these sentences, if any. ( sửa lỗi của những câu dưới ây, nếu có)
1. It am cold today. 6. We is from Ukraine.

2. I am at home now. 7. That are right.

3. They is Korean. 8. I’m OK, thanks.

4. There are a pen on the desk. 9. Clara and Steve is married.

5. My name is Nikita. 10. She is an English teacher.

Possessive Adjectives ( tính từ sở hữu) – My – Your – His – Her – Our - Their


 Their names are Keiko, Akira and Kumiko.

We are students.  Our jobs are students.

Practice 2
Write the possessive adjective (iền vào chỗ trống với tính từ sở hữu thích hợp)
1. I’ve got a comb. It’s ___my____ comb.
2. Sandra’s got a new computer. It’s __________ computer.
3. We’re brothers. __________ parents are in Korea.
4. The teachers have one cassette player. It’s __________ cassette player.
5. She’s eight years old. __________ brother is nine years old.
6. Peter’s got a grey wallet. It’s __________ wallet.
7. He’s from Spain. __________ name is Alberto.
8. I have a pencil. __________ pencil is yellow.
9. Joe and Mary are students. __________ mother is a teacher.
10. I have a house. __________ house is very big.

Practice 3
Complete the sentences
1. Hi. __________ name is Jae-won Park. This is my friend. __________ name is
Kun-woo Lee. We __________ from Korea. He __________ from Seoul and I’m
from Pusan.
2. Hi. My name is Nelson da Silva. I __________ a photographer. This is my wife.
__________ name is Gloria. We __________ from Sao Paulo, Brazil.
3. Hi. My name __________ Sarah Kilbane. I __________ an English teacher. I’m
from Toronto, Canada. But my parents __________ from Canada. They’re from
Ireland. __________ names are Paul and Maggie.

Match the following words with the items below (ghép những từ dưới ây với những vật
trong tranh)
1. door 6. piece of paper
2. window 7. desk
3. book 8. chair
4. pen 9. video
5. pencil 10. bag

R–1 Read the article and check the correct column ( ọc bài và ánh dấu vào cột phù hợp)
Both women’s purses
men’s pants pockets

miêu tả sau với hình tư ng ứng)

Men’s pants pockets

Women’s purses only


Both women’s purses

men’s pants pockets

Men’s pants pockets


Women’s purses only

R – 2 Read and match each description with a picture of a desk ( ọc và ghép những lời


Indefinited Articles (Mạo từ không xác ịnh) A – An ược dùng ể giới thiệu cho một danh
từ số ít ếm ược, chỉ một vật/ một việc.
Vị trí: Mạo từ A – An luôn ứng trước danh từ.
A: ứng trước danh từ bắt ầu bằng phụ âm.
Ex: a book, a car, a student…
An: ứng trước danh từ bắt ầu bằng nguyên âm.
Ex: an apple, an orange, an eraser… Ghi
Không dùng mạo từ trong trường hợp danh từ không ếm ược hoặc danh từ trừu tượng
khi nói chung

A cow gives milk.
Love is truth.

Health is precious than gold.

Practice 1
Fill in the blank with A or An. ( iền vào chỗ trống với mạo từ A hoặc An)
1. __________ door 6. __________ dictionary
2. __________ window 7. __________ desk
3. __________ English book 8. __________ chair
4. __________ pen 9. __________ umbrella
5. __________ elephant 10. __________ bag

Practice 2
Complete the sentences with article A or An (hoàn thành những câu sau với mạo từ A
hoặc An)
1. Would you like __________ cup of coffee?
2. Do you have __________ umbrella with you?
3. I have got two sandwiches and __________ apple for lunch today.
4. Have you ever seen __________ elephant?
5. Have you got __________ brother?
6. __________ apple a day keeps the doctor away.
7. Magda is wearing __________ blue dress with red shoes.
8. Bornholm is __________ island in the Baltic Sea.
9. Christmas comes once __________ year.
10. Tim __________ friendly person.

Practice 3
Add A, An when necessary (thêm mạo từ A, An vào vị trí cần thiết)
1. __________ cigarette is made of __________ paper and __________ tobacco.
2. __________ milk comes from cows.
3. __________ cows eat __________ grass in __________ summer.
4. I want __________ glass of lemon juice with __________ sugar in it.
5. __________ good student is never late for __________ lesson.
6. Give me __________ ink to write __________ letter.

7. There is __________ dirt on this plate and __________ dirty mark on the table cloth.
8. __________ bed made of iron is better than one made of __________ wood.
9. __________ lightning is __________ flash of light.
10. __________ man must have __________ food.

Plural Nouns (danh từ số nhiều) là danh từ chỉ nhiều hơn một vật hoặc một việc.
Danh từ số nhiều ược thành lập bằng cách thêm –S/ES sau danh từ số ít, ếm ược.
Thêm –ES sau danh từ tận cùng bằng S – SS – SH – CH – GE – X – Z – O – (Y) Ex:

An orange oranges A box b o xes

A watch w a tches A brush brushes

Thêm – S sau những danh từ còn lại không thuộc nhóm trên.
A car  cars A book  books
An apple  apples A map  maps
Ghi chú:
Danh từ tận cùng bằng Y:
- Trước Y là phụ âm: thành lập số nhiều bằng cách ổi Y thành I trước khi
thêm ES.
Ex: a story  stories a lady  ladies.
- Trước Y là nguyên âm: thành lập số nhiều bằng cách giữ nguyên Y và
thêm ES cuối danh từ.
Ex: a boy  boys a key  keys
Hình thức số nhiều của một số danh từ có dạng ặc biệt
Singular Plural
A man Men
A woman Women
A tooth Teeth
A foot Feet

A mouse Mice…

Practice 4
Write the plural forms of these following nouns (Thành lập danh từ số nhiều của những
danh từ dưới ây)
1. a key  6. a desk 
2. an address  7. a wallet 
3. a clock  8. a camera 
4. a telephone  9. a briefcase 
5. a calculator  10. an elephant 

Practice 5
Complete the sentences with the plural forms of nouns in brackets (hoàn thành những
câu dưới ây với hình thức số nhiều của danh từ trong ngoặc)
1. Study the next three ____________ (chapter)
2. Can you recommend some good ____________ (book)?
3. I had two ____________ (tooth) pulled out the other day.
4. You can always hear ____________ (echo) in these mountains.
5. They are proud of their ____________ (son-in-law).
6. Did you raise these ____________ (tomato) in your garden?
7. My ____________ (foot) really hurt.
8. These ____________ (roof) these house are tiled.
9. How many ____________ (day) are there in this month?
10. The ____________ (mouse) were running all over the empty house.


Write the name of these following countries (hãy viết tên những nước dưới ây)

1__________ 2__________ 3 __________ 4__________ 5 __________

6__________ 7__________ 8__________ 9 __________ 10 _________

Match the nationalities to the countries (ghép tên quốc gia với quốc tịch tương ứng)

R – 1 Read the list of the largest cities in the world and match them with the countries.
(ọc danh sách những thành phố lớn nhất thế giới và ghép chúng với tên nước tương

R – 2 Complete this conversation with the words given. (hãy hoàn thành bài ối thoại dưới
ây với những từ cho sẵn dưới ây)


Tim: 1____________ are you from, Jenny?

Jenny: Well, my family is here in 2____________ , but we’re from China originally.
Tim: Oh, my father is 3____________ – from Beijing! Are you from Beijing?
Jenny: No, we’re not from Beijing. We’re from 4____________ .
Tim: So is your first language Chinese?
Jenny: Yes, it is.

R – 3 Read the story, then circle the correct answers below ( ọc mẫu truyện bên dưới và
khoanh tròn các câu trả lời úng)
New York

New York is the largest city in the United States. More than
eight million people live in the Big Apple. New York City is
also home of the United Nations. New York City is located in
the state of New York. New York City is home to two

hundred and fifty museums, four hundred art galleries, and the world famous Broadway for

New York City is the business capital of the world and many national and international
corporations have their headquarters in New York City, Wall Street, the world's leading center of
finance and the home of the American Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange.

As far as professional sports go, this city has two of everything. Two professional baseball,
basketball, hockey, and football teams are located in the city.

1. New York is the largest ______ in the United States.

a. city b. country c. county d. school

2. New York is home to more than _______ million people.

d. ten
a. two b. five c. eight

3. Which of the following is a true statement?

a. New York is a small city.

b. New York has a large number of arts galleries.

c. New York has little impact on the world’s economy.

d. none of the above.

4. How many stock exchanges reside in New York?

a. none b. one c. two d. three

5. Which of the following is NOT true?

a. Chicago is smaller than New York.

b. Chicago is larger than New York.

c. Little athletics takes place in New York because it is a city.

d. All of the above are true.


Adjectives (tính từ) là từ ược dùng ể miêu tả tính chất của một người hay sự vật/ sự
việc/ hiện tượng. Tính từ thường ược dùng ể bổ nghĩa cho danh từ.
Vị trí của tính từ:

Tính từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ nào sẽ ứng trước danh từ ó.


(Art) + ADJ + N
Ex: A beautiful girl
An orange shirt
Blue jeans

Tính từ ứng sau ộng từ TO BE ể bổ nghĩa cho chủ từ.

S + BE + ADJ
She is beautiful.
They are tall.
I am Vietnamese.

Match the adjectives with the pictures (ghép các tính từ sau với hình phù hợp)

Practice 1
Fill in the blanks with the correct adjective from the box.
Big Brown Broad Perfect Strong
Friendly Curly Tall Kind Shy

My brother
My 1__________ brother is very good looking. He is 2__________ for his age. He
has large 3__________ eyes. His hair is black and a little 4__________. He does a

lot of sport. He has 5__________ shoulders and looks very 6__________. He doesn’t
talk a lot and people think he is 7__________. In fact, he is very 8__________, even
to people he doesn’t know. He is 9__________ to me and lets me play on his
computer sometimes. In fact, he is a 10__________ brother.

Practice 2
Arrange the cues to make meaningful sentences (sắp xếp các từ ã cho ể tạo thành câu có
1. is/ game/ difficult/ chess/ a

2. this/ a/ book/ exciting/ very/ is/

3. sky/ the/ today/ cloudy/ is/

4. Shanghai/ big/ city/ and/ modern/ is/ a/

5. tall/ my/ is/ brother/

6. a/ it/ fine/ is/ day/ today/

7. she/ an/ woman/ is/ intelligent/

8. my/ and/ mother/ are/ sister/ sociable/

9. flowers/ beautiful/ are/ these/

10. is/ big/ room/ a/ it/

Practice 3
Circle the correct adjective to complete the sentences. (hãy khoanh tròn tính từ úng ể hoàn
thành câu)
1. Mountain climbing can be __________
a. danger b. dangerously c. endanger d. dangerous

2. A dictionary is a very __________ book.

a. use b. useful c. useless d. used
3. It is usually very __________ in Spain in the summer.
a. sunshine b. sun c. sunny d. sunless
4. Switzerland is a very __________ country.
a. beauty b. beautifully c. beautify d. beautiful
5. My brother is very __________. He is always losing things.
a. careful b. care c. careless d. carelessly
6. When I broke my leg it was very __________
a. pained b. painful c. painless d. pain
7. The film I saw was very __________
a. excite b. excited c. exciting d. excitable
8. Rowling is probably now the most _______writer of children’s books in the world.
a. famous b. famously c. fame d. infamous
9. I went to bed late last night, so today I am very __________
a. sleepy b. asleep c. slept d. sleep
10. How was your holiday? – I had a great time. It was __________
a. wonderful b. wondered c. wonder d. wondering


Student Engineer Artist

Musician Doctor Writer
Businessperson Accountant Homemaker (housewife)
Dancer Actor Lawyer

R – 1 Read the article and check the answer( ọc bài dưới ây và cho áp án bên dưới)

Chuck Hartman is a zookeeper in New York city.

He works with lions, tigers, and other big cats.
Chuck also works with animals from Australia.
“I work with some very beautiful animals.” Says
Chuck. “Some of them are dangerous, but they
know me and they like me – I think!”

Does Chuck like his job? “Do I like my job?” Chuck smiles. “No I don’t like my job. I love
my job!”

Helen Reed is a window washer in London,

England. She washes the windows on tall office
buildings in the city center. She cleans windows
eight hours a day, five days a week.
“One of the buildings is 40 floors high and there
are more than 5,000 windows,” says Helen.
“Cleaning the windows is like climbing down a
mountain, and the view of London is fantastic.” Is
she happy in her work? “Happy?” she says.
“I’m delighted! It’s the best job in the world!”
True False

1. Chuck and Helen work in the same country.  

2. Chuck works with lions and tigers.  
3. Chuck works in Australia.  
4. Helen washes the windows of very tall buildings.  
5. Helen climbs mountains at work.  
6. Helen thinks her job is boring.  
R – 2 Read the text below and answer the questions ( ọc và trả lời các câu hỏi bên dưới)
The man with thirteen jobs
Seumas McSporran is a very busy man. He is 60 years old and he has thirteen jobs. He is a
postman, a policeman, a fireman, a taxi driver, a school-bus driver, a boatman, an ambulance
man, an accountant, a petrol attendant, a barman, and an undertaker. Also, he and his wife,
Margaret, have a shop and a small hotel.
Seumas lives and works on the island of Gigha in the west of Scotland. Only 120 people live on
Gigha but in summer 150 tourists come by boat every day.
Every weekday Seumas gets up at 6.00 and makes breakfast for the hotel guests. At 8.00 he
drives the island’s children to school. At 9.00 he collects the post from the boat and delivers it to
all the houses on the island. He also delivers the beer to the island’s only pub. Then he helps
Margaret in the shop.

He says: “Margaret likes being busy, too. We never have holidays and we don’t like watching
television. In the evenings Margaret makes supper and I do the accounts. At 10.00 we have a
glass of wine and then we go to bed. Perhaps our life isn’t very exciting, but we like it.”
1. Where does Seumas live?

2. How old is he?

3. How many jobs does he have?

4. What’s his wife’s name?

5. What does she do?

6. How many people live on Gigha?

7. How many tourists visit Gigha in summer?

8. What does Seumas do in the morning?

9. What do he and Margaret do in the evening?

10. What do they think about their life?


Simple Present Tense (Ordinary Verbs)

Thì hiện tại ơn ( ối với ộng từ thường)
Forms (dạng)

- Chủ từ số ít: (singular Subject)
Ssing. + VS/ ES + O
- Chủ từ số nhiều: (plural Subject)
SPlu. + V + O.
He works in a bank.
I like my job.
They live in Paris.

Ghi chú: Nếu chủ từ của câu là số ít, ộng từ ở thì hiện tại ơn sẽ ươc thêm –S/ ES -
Thêm –ES: nếu ộng từ tận cùng bằng –S, -SS, -SH, - CH, -X, -Z, -O, - Y
Miss  misses go  goes
wash  washes mix  mixes
watch  watches fly  flies

- Thêm –S: trong những trường hợp ộng từ còn lại.

Run  runs Love  loves
Eat  eats Give  gives
Sing  sings Live  lives
Ssing. + DOESN’T + V + O
Splu + DON’T + V + O
He doesn’t work now.
I don’t live here.
We don’t know him.

Questions DOES DO + Ssing + V + …?

+ Splu + V +…?
(Question word) +
Ex: Does she speak English?
Do you understand?
Where do they go?
Ghi chú:
- Từ ể hỏi (question words) gồm có
WHAT cái gì HOW như thế nào
WHICH cái nào HOW MANY/MUCH bao nhiêu

WHY tại sao HOW FAR bao xa

WHEN khi nào HOW LONG bao lâu
Ex: Whom do you know? - I know all of them.
Why does he study English? - Because he wants to have a good job.
How much does it cost? - It costs 10 dollars.

- Thì hiện tại ơn dùng ể diễn ạt chân lý hay sự thật hiển nhiên. Ngoài ra, nó còn ược dùng
ể diễn tả thói quen ở hiện tại, 1 hành ộng chung chung ược lặp i lặp trong hiện tại hay 1
sự việc diễn ra theo thời khóa biểu nhất ịnh.
Ex: Nick plays tennis every day.
She gets up at 5.00 every morning.
They start work at 8.00.

Practice 1
Underline the correct verb form in brackets (gạch dưới dạng úng của ộng từ trong ngoặc)
1. Mike (play/ plays) football every Saturday.
2. (Do/ does) she like reading?
3. He (doesn’t/ don’t) speak German.
4. They (have/ has) a big apartment in the city.
5. Does he (drink/ drinks) tea or coffee?
6. We usually (go/ goes) to the seaside for our holidays.
7. You (don’t/ doesn’t) look very well today!
8. I (is/ am) very tired today.
9. It (isn’t/ aren’t) very warm today.
10. How many brothers and sisters does she (has/ have)?

Practice 2
Fill in the blanks with the simple present form of the verb in brackets
On Monday Mornings
Sally’s school 1__________ (start) at 9 o’clock. There 2__________ (be) a short assembly
with all the students and teachers. The first lesson is English at 9.15am. This 3__________
(last) for 45 minutes. Then they 4__________ (have) a break, but it 5__________ (not be)
very long, just 15 minutes. The second lesson is Maths. Sally really 6__________ (enjoy)
Maths. She usually 7__________ (work) with her friend Pam. She 8__________ (love)
Maths, too. The lesson 9__________ (finish) at 11.00 and after that it’s Social Science until
11.45 am.

What 10__________ you __________ (do) on Monday mornings at school?

Practice 3
Correct the error in each sentence (sửa lỗi câu)
1. She don’t study on Friday.
2. My students isn’t hard working.
3. He haves a new haircut today.
4. I usually has breakfast at 7.00.
5. She lives in a house?
6. Where is your children?
7. My sister workes in a bank.
8. Dog like meat.
9. My mother frys eggs for breakfast every morning.
10. The bank close at four o'clock.

Means of Transports Match
the following words with the correct pictures.
a. On foot d. Canoe g. Tram j. Tractor m. Helicopter
b. Motorbike e. Hot air balloon h. Train k. Skateboard n. Truck
c. Plane f. Car i. Coach l. Van o. Bike

Talking about travel BY + means of transports

How do you get to work/ school? - BY car/ bike/ bus
- On foot

R – 1 Read the paragraphs and answer the following questions. ( ọc những oạn văn dưới ây
và trả lời các câu hỏi)
How the World Moves
Ben Wilson takes a train from his home in Manhattan. On the train, he usually makes
telephone calls or works on his computer. Then he takes a taxi from the train station to his
office. He doesn’t have time to walk.
Pierce and Arlette Gigot get up at five-thirty, and take two buses to their jobs in Paris.
They don’t talk much on the bus. Arlette often sleeps, and Pierre reads the newspaper.
Ming Li takes a ferry across Victoria Harbor every morning to her job in Hong Kong. It takes

about ten minutes, and Ming enjoys the boat ride. She listens to music, relaxes, and looks at
the view. “it’s a wonderful way to get to work,” she says.

How do these people go to work? Fill in the blanks.

1. Ben __________ 3. Ming __________
2. Pierre and Arlette __________
Write the correct name in each blank
Ben Pierre and Arlette Ming
4. __________ works in Hong Kong. 7. __________ takes a train and a taxi.
5. __________ lives in Manhattan. 8. __________ take two buses.
6. __________ get up very early. 9. __________ likes the ride to work.

R – 2 Read the postcard and answer the following questions (ọc bưu thiếp và trả lời các câu
hỏi dưới ây)

Dear Fiona,
Here we are on the island of Mykonos in the south Aegean sea, and we’re
having a wonderful time. We’re staying in a villa in the mountains, near a
beautiful beach.
I’m writing this postcard in the hotel you can see in the picture. Jacqui is learning to
swim, and Terry is lying in the sun at the moment. We’re enjoying the holiday Fiona

Graham very much. 22, Park Street

See you soon! Stow-on-the-Wold
Love, Gloucestershire
Janet and the kids ENGLAND
1. Who’s writing the postcard?
2. Who’s she writing it to?
3. Where are they staying?
4. Where’s she writing it?
5. Are they enjoying themselves?

Places & Directions

Complete the sentences below with words from the box (hoàn thành những câu dưới ây với
từ cho sẵn trong khung)
Baker bank bookshop car park chemist’s
Cinema florist’s greengrocer library market
Newsagent phone box post office railway station restaurant Supermarket
pub swimming pool station taxi rank

1. You can buy stamps in a __________ 5. You can get a taxi from a __________
2. You can park your car in a _________ 6. You can take the train from a _______
3. You can borrow a book from a _______ 7. You can go swimming in a _________
4. You can make a phone call from a ____ 8. You can buy bread at a __________

Asking for and giving directions

Excuse me, where’s the station?

How do I get to the station?
Go along Wall Street.
Turn left into Prince Street.
Take the first turning on the right to
Valley Road.
It’s on the left./ It’s opposite

R – 3 Put the sentences in the right order to make a conversation (sắp xếp những câu dưới
ây theo thứ tự ể tạo thành một cuộc àm thoại)
a. Thank you.
b. How do I get to East Street?
c. Go along Prince Street. Turn right into East Street. The newsagent is on your left.

d. Excuse me, where can I buy a newspaper?

e. There’s a newsagent in East Street.

1. ______ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. _________

Prepositions of Places

Prepositions of Places ( trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn) ược dùng ể xác ịnh vị trí của một vật/
người với vị trí của vật hay người khác.
He’s standing on the ball.
The cat’s under the chair.
Practice 1
Fill in the blanks with AT, IN or ON ( iền vào chỗ trống với
giới từ AT, IN hoặc ON)
1. Her brother lives __________ a small town on the south coast of Spain.
2. The sports results are __________ the back page of the paper.
3. They got married __________ Birmingham.
4. Vienna is __________ the river Danube.

5. His office is __________ the third floor.

6. Tom is sitting __________ an armchair.
7. The picture is __________ the wall.
8. We meet __________ the station at 7.
9. She was ill and stayed __________ bed.
10. Are there any good films __________ the cinema this week?

Practice 2
Fill in the blanks with the missing preposition (iền vào chỗ trống với giới từ thích hợp)
1. The clock is __________ the pillow.
2. The trousers are __________ the bed.
3. The animals are __________ the room.
4. The desk is __________ the wardrobe and the
5. The wardrobe is __________ the desk.
6. The picture is __________ the wardrobe.
7. The sock is __________ the shoes.
8. The desk is __________ the wardrobe.
9. The magazine is __________ the guitar.
10. The cat is __________ the wardrobe.

Practice 3
You are at the X place. Write the directions to the following places on the map. (bạn ang ở vị
trí X. Hãy viết lời chỉ ường ến những nơi sau trên bảng ồ)
1. to the supermarket
2. to the cinema
3. to the church


Match the words with the appropriate pictures (ghép từ cho sẵn với hình phù hợp)

Furniture and Appliances

Match the words in the box with the correct pictures. (ghép từ với tranh phù hợp)

Put the items above into the correct rooms (hãy ặt những vật dụng ở trên vào phòng thích
Kitchen &
Living room Bedroom Bathroom & toilet Diningroom


R – 1 Read the description of a house. Answer the following questions ( ọc oạn miêu tả
nhà dưới ây và trả lời các câu hỏi bên dưới)
Home Exchange International
Our home is on a quiet road in the heart of Scotland.
We are about 90 minutes from Edinburgh.
The house has six bedrooms, a dining room, a large
living room, an office, a kitchen, and three bathrooms.
There is a TV, a VCR, and a computer. There are
beautiful views of the countryside from every room. We
have a large garden with many beautiful plants. This is
an excellent location for walking, golfing and fishing.

1. Where is the house?

2. How long does it take them to go home from Edinburgh?

3. How many rooms do they have?

4. What furniture do they have?

5. What can they do when living there?

R – 2 Read the paragraph about Pete Nelson’s office. Decide whether these following
statements are true (T) or false (F).
An Unusual Office
My office is in a tree house outside my home in Seattle.
It’s a great place to work. There are a lot of windows, so it’s
very bright. There are two desks, a computer, and a
comfortable armchair for reading. There’s also a bed for
visitors. When my friends visit, they always ask to stay in
the tree house. It’s small, but it’s quiet and relaxing, and it
has a beautiful view.

1. __________ Pete’s office is strange because it’s on a tree.

2. __________ There is not much light in the office.

3. __________ There are desks, a computer, a bed and an armchair in his office.
4. __________ His friends sometimes stay in his office when they visit him.
5. __________ Pete likes his office a lot because it’s quite big and beautiful.

Cấu trúc THERE + IS/ ARE dùng ể giới thiệu có sự hiện hữu của sự việc, sự vật, hiện
tượng hay người nào ó ở hiện tại.
THERE IS + Nsing …
+ ARE + Nplu …

There’s a book on the table.
There are ten chairs in the room.

THERE + ISN’T + Nsing …

AREN’T + Nplu … Ex:
There isn’t a sofa in the living room.

There aren’t a lot of beds.


IS +THERE + Nsing ….?

ARE Nplu …?
Is there an armchair in the room?
Are there a lot of windows?

Practice 1
Complete this description with ‘s, isn’t, are or aren’t (hoàn thành bài miêu tả dưới ây
với các ộng từ ‘s, isn’t, are hoặc aren’t)

In Roger’s house, there 1__________ a big living room.

There 2__________ two bedrooms and two bathrooms.
There 3__________ no yard, but there 4__________ a
balcony. He has a lot of books, so there 5__________
bookcases in the living room and bedrooms. There
__________ any chairs in the kitchen, but there
__________ a big table with chairs in the dining room.
There 8__________ a stove in the kitchen, but there 9__________ a microwave oven.
10 11
There __________ two televisions in Roger’s house – there __________ one
television in the living room, and there 12__________ one television in the bedroom.

Practice 2
Circle the correct answer (khoanh tròn câu trả lời úng)
1. He’s there/ their/ they’re teacher.

2. Is their/ they’re/ there a computer in the classroom?

3. They’re/ their/ there French.

4. They’re/ their/ there are some keys on the table.

5. There/ their/ they’re calculator is Japanese.

6. There/ their/ they’re lots of restaurants.

7. There/ their/ they’re teacher is Indian.

8. She gives there/ their/ they’re mother the report.

9. There/ their/ there is just one small shop.

10. There/ their/ they’re best students in their class.

Practice 3
Compare the two pictures below and write the ten differences between them.
(hãy so sánh 2 bức tranh dưới ây và ghi ra 10 iểm khác biệt giữa chúng)

Practice 4
Write a description of your home. You may answer the questions: (hãy viết một oạn mô tả
ngắn về ngôi nhà của bạn, trả lời những ý sau)
Where do you live?
Do you live in a house or in an apartment?
How many rooms does your home have?
What furniture do you have in the rooms?...


Family Relationship
Write these words in the correct place (viết những từ sau ây vào úng vị trí)

brother father daughter wife nephew aunt grandmother

2 4 7
Boyfriend Husband Son Uncle Grandfather
3 5 6
Girlfriend Mother Sister Niece

R – 1 Read about the family of Patrick Binchey. Decide whether the sentences below are true
(T) or false (F). ( ọc oạn văn sau về gia ình Patrick Binchey. Xem thử những câu dưới ây là
úng (T) hay sai (F))
This is a photo of Patrick, his wife, and his children.
His wife’s name is Brenda. She’s a teacher. His
daughter’s name is Lara. She’s twenty-one and
she’s a nurse. His son’s name is Benny. He’s
nineteen and he’s a student. Benny’s girlfriend is a
nurse, too. Her name is Marie.

1. __________ There are five people in Patrick’s family.

2. __________ Patrick’s wife is a teacher.
3. __________ Patrick has two daughters.
4. __________ Lara is Benny’s sister.
5. __________ Benny is a nurse.
R – 2 Read the family tree and complete the sentences below ( ọc sơ ồ gia ình dưới ây và
hoàn thành các câu dưới ây)

R – 3 Complete this conversation with the given words (hoàn thành bài ối thoại sau với từ
cho sẵn)

wife cute who museum old do

Kate: 1__________ ’s that?

Jim: that’s my brother, Tom, his 2__________ , Eliza, and their children.
Kate: what a nice family! How 3__________ are the children?
Jim: Matt is six and Polly is three.
Kate: they’re 4__________ . Where do they live?
Jim: in Chicago.
Kate: oh. What does your brother 5__________ ?

Jim: he works in a 6__________ and my sister-in-law works for AIA.

Kate: I’m sorry. She works…where?
Jim: AIA. You know…the insurance company.
Kate: oh, yeah.

Possessive ‘S and S’
Hình thái sở hữu (Possessive) của danh từ số ít chỉ người ược thành lập bằng cách thêm
‘S giữa 2 danh từ thay vì thêm OF ể thể hiện sự sở hữu.
Nsing + ‘S + N Ex:

The name of my husband is Philip. S  My husband’s name is Philip.

The son of my sister is a doctor.

 My sister’s son is a doctor.
Ghi chú:
Đối với danh từ số nhiều tận cùng bằng S, hình thái sở hữu ược thành lập bằng
cách thêm ‘ giữa 2 danh từ.

Nplu + ‘ + N Ex:

The names of my sons are Andrew and Steve.

 My sons’ names are Andrew and Steve.

The major of my students is English.

 My students’ major is English.

Đối với danh từ số nhiều co hình thức số ít, hình thái sở hữu ược thành lập bằng
cách thêm ‘S giữa 2 danh từ.
Ex: The teacher of my children  my children’s teacher

Practice 4
Complete the sentences with appropriate words (hoàn thành những câu dưới ây với từ thích
1. Your father is your grandfather’s __________

2. Your grandmother is your __________ wife.

3. Your __________ is your daughter’s mother.
4. Your uncle is your __________ brother.
5. your nephew is your brother’s __________
6. Your __________ are your husband’s sons.
7. Your grand daughter is your __________ daughter.
8. Your niece is your __________ daughter.
9. Your __________ is your mother’s sister.
10. Your daughter is your __________ niece.

Practice 5
Put the ‘ in the right place ( ặt ‘ vào chỗ thích hợp)
My parents names are Michael and Paulette. My mothers a journalist and my fathers
unemployed. Ive got two brothers and a sister. My brothers names are Pierre and Thierry.
My sisters names Patricia. Shes married to Jean. Shes a teacher and hes a banker.

Practice 3
Look at these sentences. Are they possessive ‘s or contraction ‘s? (xem những câu dưới ây. ‘S
nào mang hình thức sở hữu, ‘S nào là hình thức viết gọn của ộng từ IS)
1. Holly’s mother is Jenny.
2. Andrew’s married.
3. Jenny’s husband is Philip.
4. Her children’s names are Andrew, Steve and Holly.
5. Holly’s family is quite big.
6. Antonia’s her brother’s wife.
7. Her sister’s very intelligent.
8. Kate’s mother works in New York.
9. Harry’s teacher’s from Paris.
10. The boys’ ball’s made from China.

Practice 6
Write a short paragraph introducing your family. You may talk about: (hãy viết một oạn văn
ngắn giới thiệu về gia ình bạn. Bạn có thể nói về:)
Numbers of members
Their names
Their ages
Their jobs…


The English numbers
3 15 70 20 40
5 17 90 14 60
7 19 4 16 80
9 30 6 18 200
13 50 8 12

A: Hi, my name is Tony Kim.
B: Pleased to meet you, Tony. I’m Yuniko Sato.
A: Sorry, your name is Yumiko? How do you spell that?
B: It’s Y-U-M-I-K-O. And my last name is Sato. S-A-T-O.
A: Nice to meet you, Yumiko. Are you a friend of John’s?
B: No. I’m a friend of Leanne’s


a. Mr b. Miss c. Mrs d. Ms

Practice 1
1. It is cold today. 6. We are from Ukraine.

2. I am at home now. 7. That is right.

3. They are Korean. 8. I’m OK, thanks.

4. There is a pen on the desk. 9. Clara and Steve are married.

5. My name is Nikita. 10. She is an English teacher.

Practice 2
2. her 3. our 4. their 5. her
6. his 7. his 8. my 9. their 10.
1. I
6. A

Practice 3

2. J
7. F
2) am – her – are

Both women’s purses

1) my – his – are – is

men’s pants pockets

Men’s pants pockets

3. B
8. H
Women’s purses only


9. E
4. C

Both women’s purses

men’s pants pockets

Men’s pants pockets

3) is – am – are – their

5. D
10. G

Women’s purses only


3 3

3 3


3 3

1. C 2. A 3. B Practice 1
1. a 2. a 3. an 4. a 5. an 6. a 7. a 8. a 9. an 10. a

Practice 2
1. a 2. an 3. an 4. an 5. a
6. an 7. a 8. an 9. a 10. a

Practice 3
1. a - : - : 2. : 3. : - : - : 4. a - : 5. a - a 6. : - a 7. : - a 8. a -
: 9. : - a 10. : - :

Practice 4
1. keys 2. addresses 3. clocks 4. telephones 5. calculators
6. desks 7. wallets 8. cameras 9. briefcases 10. elephants

Practice 5
1. chapters 2. books 3. teeth 4. echoes 5. sons-in-law
6. tomatoes 7. feet 8. roofs 9. days 10. mice


1. Vietnam 2. Brazil 3. Britain 4. Canada 5. Australia
6. The US 7. Korea 8. France 9. Japan 10. China

2. Chinese 3. American 4. Turkish 5. Italian 6. British

7. Polish 8. Australian 9. Japanese 10. Korean 11. French
12. Russian

1. Japan 2. Mexico 3. Brazil 4. The United States 5. India
6. China 7. the United States 8. India 9.Argentina 10.

1. where 2. the United States 3. Chinese 4. Shanghai
1. a 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. b

1. easy -difficult 2. cheap – expensive
3. new – old 5. clean – dirty
6. long – short 7. good – bad
8. right - wrong 9. near – far
10. fast – slow horrible 11. the same – different 12. nice –

Practice 1

1. big 2. tall 3. brown 4. curly 5. broad

6. strong 7. shy 8. friendly 9. kind 10. perfect

Practice 2
1. chess is a difficult game.
2. this is a very exciting book.
3. the sky is cloudy today.
4. Shanghai is a big and modern city.
5. my brother is tall.
6. today it is a fine day.


7. she is an intelligent woman.

8. my mother and sister are sociable.
9. these flowers are beautiful.
10. it is a big room.

Practice 3
1. d 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. c
6. painful 7. exciting 8. a 9. a 10. a


a. businessperson b. an engineer c. doctor

d. artist e. writer f. homemaker
g. lawyer h.

Musician Engineer Actor Homemaker
Businessperson Doctor Artist (housewife)
Dancer Accountant Writer Lawyer

1. T 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. & 6: F

1. He lives in Gigha, the west of Scotland.
2. He’s 60
3. He has 13 jobs.
4. She’s Margaret.
5. She has a job and a small hotel.
6. There are 120 people living on Gigha
7. There are 150 boats visiting tourists visiting Gigha in summer.
8. He gets up, makes breakfast, collects the post and delivers it to all the houses,
delivers beers

9. They have a glass of wine and go to bed

10. They like it.

Practice 1
1. plays 2. does 3. don’t 4. drinks 5. go
6. I am / is 7. don’t 8. am 9. isn’t 10. have

Practice 2
1. starts 2. is 3. lasts 4. have 5. isn’t
6. enjoys 7. works 8. loves 9. finishes 10. do - do

Practice 3
1. she doesn’t study English
2. My student is hard working
3. he has a new haircut today.
4. I usually have breakfast
5. does she live in a house?
6. where are your children?
7. my sister workes in a bank.
8. dog likes meet.
9. my mother fries eggs for breakfast every morning
10. the bank closes at 4 o’clock.


1. C 2. E 3. B 4. D 5. A
6. K 7. F 8. G 9. I 10. J
11. M 12. O 13. N 14. H 15. L

1. TRAIN 2. BUS 3. BOAT 4. Ming 5. Ben
6. Pierre and Arlette 7. Ben 8. Pierre & Arlette 9. Ming

1. Janet is writing the postcard.
2. She’s writing to Fiona.
3. They are staying in a villa in the mountains, near a beautiful beach.
4. She’s writing the letter in the hotel.
5. Yes, they are.

Places & Directions

1. Post office 2. Car park 3. Library 4. Phone box
5. taxi rank 6. Railway station 7. Swimming pool 8. Baker

1. D 2. E 3. B 4. C 5.A

Practice 1
1. in 2. on 3. in 4. on 5. on
6. in 7. on 8. at 9. in 10. at

Practice 2
1. under 2. on 3. in 4. between 5. behind
6. beside 7. near 8. in front of 9. under 10. on


1. bedroom 2. living room 3. dining room 4. kitchen 5. bathroom

6. toilet 7. pantry 8. garage 9. garden

Furniture & Appliances

1. table 2. bed 3. desk 4. fridge 5. bath
6. chair 7. wardrobe 8. bookcase 9. cooker 10. washbasin
11. cupboard 12. armchair 13. computer 14. oven 15. toilet 16. sofa 17. chest
of drawers 18. telephone 19. lamp 20. shower
21. TV 22. alarm clock 23. sink 24. microwave 25 toaster
26. stereo 27. rug 28. freezer

1. It’s in Scotland.
2. It takes them about 90 minutes from Edinburgh.
3. There are 13 rooms in their house.
4. There is a TV, a VCR, and a computer.
5. They can go walking, fishing and golfing.

1.T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F

Practice 1
1. ‘s 2. are 3. ‘s 4. ‘s 5. are
6. aren’t 7. ‘s 8. ‘s 9. isn’t 10. are
11. ‘s 12. ‘s

Practice 2
1. their 2. there 3. they’re 4. there 5. their
6. there 7. their 8. their 9. there 10. they’re

Practice 3
Picture A
There is a TV __________ the right of the room.
There are 2 tens in the room There
is a small tree on the table
There are three pictures on the wall.
There’s a lamp next to (near) the table.
There are two pillows on the floor. There’s
a coffee on the table.
There’s a VDR under the TV
Picture B
There’s an ashtray on the table.

There’s a book and a vase on the table.

1. wife 2. father 3. daughter 4. brother 5. aunt
6. grandmother 7. nephew

1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F

1. Malcolm – Claire’s – Carrie (Esther/ Kevin/ Gil)
2. Esther – Carrie/ Kevin
3. Claire – Sam
4. Sam – Gil
5. Kevin – Sam’s/ Karla
6. Karla – Gil
7. Kevin – Malcom’s/ Claire’s
8. Carrie/ Esther- Andrew’s/ Lin’s

1. who 2. wife 3. old 4. cute 5. do 6.

Practice 1
1. son 2. grandfather’s 3. wife 4. father’s 5. son 6. sons
7. daughter’s 8. sister’s 9. aunt 10. sister’s/ brother’s

Practice 2

My parents’ names are Michael and Paulette. My mother’s a journalist and my

father’s unemployed. I’ve got two brothers and a sister. My brothers’ names are Pierre
and Thierry. My sister‘s name’s Patricia. She’s married to Jean. She’s a teacher and
he’s a banker.

Practice 3
1. Holly’s mother is Jenny.
2. Andrew’s married.
3. Jenny’s husband is Philip.
4. Her children’s names are Andrew, Steve and Holly.
5. Holly’s family is quite big.
6. Antonia’s her brother’s wife.
7. Her sister’s very intelligent.
8. Kate’s mother works in New York.
9. Harry’s teacher’s from Paris.
10. The boys’ ball’s made from China.

- The end -


1. English Know How 1, Angela Blackwell and Therese Naber - Oxford

University Press, 2003.

2. English Know How: Opener, Angela Blackwell and Therese Naber - Oxford:

Oxford University Press, 2003.

3. Life lines: Elementary, Tom Hutchinson.- Oxford: Oxford University Press,


4. New Interchange 1, Jack C Richards.- Cambridge University Press, 2000,

5. New Interchange Intro, Jack C Richards.- Cambridge University Press, 2000,

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