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1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous aspects of our lives, from virtual

assistants to healthcare diagnosis. However, as AI systems become increasingly pervasive, a

concerning trend has emerged: gender bias. AI systems are perpetuating and amplifying existing

gender inequalities, posing significant threats to social justice, equality, and democratic values

(Eubanks, 2018). This seminar aims to delve into the complex issue of gender bias in AI,

exploring its historical and social contexts, technical and design-related causes, ethical and moral

implications, and potential solutions and strategies for mitigation.

Gender bias in AI is not a new phenomenon. In fact, it is a symptom of a larger issue - the

gendering of technology. Since the early days of computing, men have dominated the field,

shaping the development of technology and perpetuating gender stereotypes (Abbate, 2012). The

gendering of technology has resulted in AI systems that reflect and reinforce existing gender

biases, often unintentionally but with significant consequences.

One of the primary causes of gender bias in AI is biased data sets. AI systems are trained on

large datasets, which are often skewed towards male perspectives and experiences (Bolukbasi, et

al., 2016). For example, image recognition systems have been shown to be less accurate for

women and people of color, perpetuating stereotypes and reinforcing existing social inequalities

(Buolamwini & Gebru, 2018). Similarly, natural language processing systems have been found

to generate gendered and biased responses, reflecting the gendered nature of the data used to

train them (Calmon, et al., 2017).

Another significant cause of gender bias in AI is the lack of diversity in the development teams

creating these systems. The tech industry has a long history of gender and racial imbalance, with

women and people of color underrepresented in key positions (Hill, 2017). This lack of diversity

results in AI systems that are designed with a particular worldview, neglecting the needs and

perspectives of diverse gender identities.

The consequences of gender bias in AI are far-reaching, influencing various aspects of our lives.

AI-powered healthcare diagnosis, for example, may perpetuate gender-based violence and

discrimination, leading to inadequate healthcare outcomes for women and non-binary individuals

(Chen, et al., 2019). AI-generated content may reinforce harmful gender stereotypes,

perpetuating objectification and discrimination (Gillespie, 2010). Moreover, AI systems may

limit job opportunities and career advancement for women in tech, perpetuating existing gender

inequalities (Hill, 2017).

To address gender bias in AI, we must adopt a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating insights

from gender studies, computer science, philosophy, and social sciences. We must examine the

intersectionality of gender bias with other forms of discrimination, such as race, class, sexuality,

and ability (Crenshaw, 1989). We must also investigate the accountability and responsibility of

AI developers, policymakers, and users (Cath, 2020).

1.2 Definition and Scope of Gender Bias in AI

Gender bias in AI refers to the phenomenon where AI systems perpetuate and amplify existing

gender inequalities, often unintentionally but with significant consequences. Gender bias in AI

can manifest in various forms, including:

 Biased data sets, which disproportionately represent male perspectives and experiences

(Bolukbasi, et al., 2016)

 Algorithms that reinforce stereotypical gender roles and associations (Calmon, et al.,


 AI-generated content that perpetuates gender-based violence, objectification, and

discrimination (Gillespie, 2010)

1.3 Significance Of Gender Bias In Ai

Gender bias in AI has significant consequences, influencing various aspects of our lives,


 Job opportunities and career advancement for women in tech (Hill, 2017)

 Healthcare outcomes and diagnosis for women and non-binary individuals (Chen, et al.,


 Representation and participation in political and social decision-making processes

(Gillespie, 2010)

1.4 Research Questions

This seminar aims to explore the following research questions:

 What are the historical and social contexts of gender bias in AI?

 How do biased data sets and algorithms perpetuate gender bias in AI?

 What are the ethical and moral implications of gender bias in AI?

 What strategies can be employed to mitigate gender bias in AI?


2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

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