Computer 2nd Year 8,9,10

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Computer 2nd year CHAPTER-8,9,10 TOTAL MARKS-30 OBTAINED MARKS:


Q.1 Choose the correct one and encircle it. (06x 01= 06)
Sr Question A B C D
1 Which of the following is a possible value of - + Space All
2 Which of the following is used to input data Scanf Printf Get() Getche()
in C programs?
3 The only binary operator is:- ? ++ + --

4 For A = 3 and B = 7 which evaluates to true: !(A<b) !(B<6) (A=3) && (B=5) (A=3) || (B=5)

5 The process of converting source code into Compiling Executing Linking Saving
object code is known as:
6 The “.exe” file is produced by: Linker Loader Compiler Interpreter

Q#2: Write short answers of the following: (06 x 03 = 18)

i. Explain header file?
ii. Differentiate between Syntax error, Logical error and run time error.
iii. What is data type? List different data types in types in C language.
iv. Differentiate between overflow and underflow.
v. What is range and precision?
vi. Explain “clrscr” & “getche” function.

Q#3: Write Difference between High level language and low-level language? 06
Q#4: Write a program that inputs 4 numbers and calculates the sum, average, and product of all the numbers. 05
Q#5: Write a program that inputs from user of three numbers and display the maximum and minimum numbers. 05

*******Best of Luck*******

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