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AY FIRST SEM 2023-2024

NAME: ______________________________________________
3 2 1
YR AND SEC: ____________________________

Pronunciation is excellent; good effort at accent

PRONUNCIATION Pronunciation is good; Some effort at accent, but is
and ACCENT definitely non-native
Pronunciation is okay; No effort towards a native accent
Excellent level of description; additional details beyond
the required
CONTENT Good level of description; all required information
DETAILS included
Description lacks some critical details that make it
difficult for the listener to understand
Accuracy & variety of grammatical structures
Some errors in grammatical structures possibly caused
GRAMMAR by attempt to include a variety.
Frequent grammatical errors that do not obscure
meaning; little variety in structures
Speech is effortless and smooth with speed that comes
close to that of a native speaker.
Speech is mostly smooth but with some hesitation and
unevenness caused primarily by rephrasing and groping
FLUENCY for words.
Speech is slow and often hesitant and irregular.
Sentences may be left uncompleted, but the student is
able to continue.
Student presented excellent background knowledge
from class topics and was able to add more information
in his/her response.
Student displayed knowledge of class information and
KNOWLEDGE topics well.
Student showed decent background knowledge of class
material, making his/her responses incomplete.
Rich, precise and impressive usage of vocabulary words
learned in and beyond of class.
Student utilized the words learned in class, in an
accurate manner for the situation given.
Student was able to use broad vocabulary words but was
lacking, making him/her repetitive and cannot expand
on his/her ideas.

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