You Are Welcome To Class: March, 2024

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You Are

Welcome To
March, 2024

Year One
At the end of the lesson, I should be able to:
• Define Program
• State the characteristics of a good
• Observe precautions taken during
program development
Definition of a Program

A program is an organized list

of instructions that, when
executed, causes the computer
to behave in a predetermined
Characteristics of a good
1. Accuracy
2. Simplicity
3. Testability
4. Efficiency
5. Modularity
6. Transferability
7. Generality
8. Flexibility
9. Ease of Maintenance
10. Extensibility
11. Reusability
12. Portability
13. Leanness
14. Standard techniques
Precautions in Program Development
1. Patience: One should be
patient enough and should not
rush during program
2. Step following: All steps of the
program should be followed
religiously without any
skipping of steps.
3. Execution Order: Order of
execution should be followed.
4. Fresh Mind: Being free from
any kind of fatique.
Programming Process
Software development can be
divided into several stages.

1. Problem definition
2. Problem analysis
3. Program design
4. Desk checking
5. Coding
6. Compiling
7. Test/Debugging
8. Documentation
Problem Definition
This stage is the formal definition
of the task. It includes
specification of inputs and
Problem Analysis
This step is the process of
becoming familiar with the
problem that will be solved with a
computer program.
Designing a solution
The term design describes a final
system and the process by which
it is developed.
Desk Checking
Executing the statements of the
algorithm yourself on a sample
data set.
The process of transforming the
program logic design documents
into a computer language format.
In general, a compiler will go
through a few steps:
1. Lexical analysis
2. Syntactic analysis
3. Code generation
4. Code optimization
This stage is the discovery and
correction of programming errors.
This stage is the validation of the
program. Testing ensures that the
program performs correctly the
required tasks.
This stage is the documentation of
the program so that those who use
and maintain it can understand it,
so that the program can be
extended for further applications.
Home Work
1. Describe the following
translating programs.
b. Compiler
c. Interpreter

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