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Shameless The Salvation Society 1st

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O. platensis, 473;
O. segmentatus, 473
Opiliones (= Phalangidea, q.v.), 440
Opisthacanthus, 307
Opisthoparia, 244
Opisthophthalmus, 307
Opisthothelae, 386
Opopaea, 394
Orchestia, 139;
hermaphroditism, 104;
O. gammarellus, 137, 139;
habitat, 211
Orchestina, 394
Oribata, 467
Oribatidae, 457, 458, 459, 460, 462, 467;
anatomy, 459
Orithyia coccinea, 524, 540
Ornithodoros, 469;
O. megnini, 469;
O. moubata, 469;
O. talaje, 469;
O. turicata, 469
Ornithoscatoides, 374
Orometopus, 226, 245;
O. elatifrons, 230
Ortmann, on Brachyura, 181 n.;
on bipolarity, 200;
on crayfishes, 213;
on Pycnogons, 513 n.
Ostracoda, 107;
pelagic, 202
Oudemans, 528 n.
Ovary, of Cladocera, 44, 45;
of Danalia, 132;
of Spiders, 332
Oxynaspis, 88
Oxyopes, 419;
O. lineata, 419
Oxyopidae, 419
Oxyptila, 412
Oxyrhyncha, 191 f.;
habits, 192;
enemies, 192;
habitat, 198
Oxystomata, 185 f.;
respiration, 186, 187

Pachycheles, 170;
P. panamensis, distribution, 202
Pachygnatha, 407;
P. clerckii, 407;
P. degeerii, 407;
P. listeri, 407
Pachygrapsus, 196;
P. marmoratus, 193, 194, 196
Pachylasma giganteum, 91
Pachylomerus, 388
Pachysoma, 69
Pagurian, 180;
eyes of deep-sea, 149, 150
Paguridea, 171
Pagurinae, 180
Palaemon, 164;
excretory glands, 13;
fresh-water, 212;
P. serratus, 158, 164;
Bopyrus parasitic on, 133
Palaemonetes, 164;
P. antrorum, habitat, 210;
P. varians, 161;
distribution, 212
Palaemonidae, 159, 164
Palaeocaris, 115, 118
Palaeophonus, 294, 298
Palamnaeus, 307;
P. swammerdami, tarsus, 304
Palinuridae, 167
Palinurus, 165, 167;
habitat, 198, 202;
P. elephas, 167;
P. quadricornis, embryo, 165
Pallene, 505, 537;
P. attenuata, 541;
P. brevirostris, 510, 524, 537, 541, 542;
P. dimorpha, 538;
P. emaciata, 541;
P. empusa, 541;
P. grubii, 538;
P. languida, 537;
P. longiceps, 538;
P. novaezealandiae, 537;
P. producta, 542;
P. pygmaea, 537, 541;
P. spectrum, 542;
P. spinosa, 537
Pallenidae, 537
Pallenopsis, 506, 511;
P. holti, 542;
P. tritonis, 542
Palp, of Pycnogons, 507
Palpal organ, 322, 378
Palpebral lobe, 227
Palpigradi, 258, 422
Palpimanidae, 323, 325, 398
Palpimanus, 398
Panamomops diceros, 405
Pandalidae, 164
Pandalus, 164;
P. annulicornis, 164
Pandinus, 307
Panoplax, 195
Pantopoda, 501 n. (= Pycnogonida, q.v.)
Panulirus, 165, 167
Parabolina, 232, 247
Parabolinella, 247
Parabuthus, 298;
P. capensis, 298, 299
Paradoxides, 222, 232, 236, 247;
P. bohemicus, 246
Paragaleodes, 429
Paralomis, 179, 181
Paranaspides, 117;
P. lacustris, 117;
distribution, 210;
habitat, 210
Paranebalia, 242
Paranephrops, 157;
distribution, 213
Paranthura, 124
Parantipathes, Synagoga parasitic on, 94
Paranymphon, 507;
P. spinosum, 542
Parapagurus, 180
Parapallene, 537
Parapeneus, 162;
P. rectacutus, 159
Parapylocheles scorpio, eyes, 149
Parasiro, 448;
P. corsicus, 448
Parasites, in Tardigrada, 484
Parasitic castration, 100, 136
Parastacidae, 157;
distribution, 213
Parastacus, 157;
distribution, 213
Paratropidinae, 387
Paratropis scrupea, 387
Parazetes auchenicus, 533
Pardosa, 417;
female carrying young, 341;
P. amentata, 417, 418;
P. lugubris, 418
Pariboea spinipalpis, 534
Parthenogenesis, in Phyllopoda, 32;
in Cladocera, 44, 46, 49;
in Ostracoda, 108
Parthenope, 193;
P. investigatoris, 192
Parthenopidae, 193
Pasiphaea, 163
Pasiphaeidae, 163
Pasithoe, 532;
P. umbonata, 535;
P. vesiculosa, 535, 541
Pasithoidae, 532
Patten, 270, 271, 277
Patten and Redenbaugh, on Limulus, 266, 270, 272
Paturon, 319, 320
Peckham, 376, 377, 378, 381, 382
Pecten, 328
Pectines, of Scorpions, 302, 302;
function of, 299;
of Glytoscorpius, 294
Pedicle, 317
Pedipalpi, 258, 308;
habits, 309;
external structure, 309;
legs, 309;
internal structure, 310;
alimentary canal, 310;
nervous system, 311;
classification, 312
Pedipalpi (appendages), 263, 303, 309, 321, 422, 426, 433, 440, 458
Pedunculata, 84
Pelagic Crustacea, marine, 202;
lacustrine, 207
Pelops, 467
Peltiidae, 63
Peltogaster, 95;
structure, 95;
males, 99;
castration caused by, 100;
P. curvatus, castration caused by, 100;
P. sulcatus, 95
Peltura, 247
Peneidae, 162
Peneidea, 158, 162;
metamorphosis, 159
Penella sagitta, 74
Peneus, 158, 162;
metamorphosis, 159, 159, 160, 161
Pentanymphon, 504, 537
Pentaspidae, 87
Pentastoma, 488 n.;
P. denticulatum, 489, 494;
P. emarginatum, 489;
P. serratum, 489
Pentastomida, 258, 488 f.;
structure, 489;
habitat, 488;
life-history, 488, 493;
hosts of, 496, 497
Pephredo hirsuta, 535, 541
Peracantha, 43, 53;
alimentary canal, 43
Peracarida, 114, 118
Pereiopod, defined, 110;
reduced hind, in Galatheidea, 168;
in Hippidea, 170;
in Paguridea, 172;
in Dromiacea, 184;
in Oxystomata, 185
Periegops hirsutus, 393
Peroderma cylindricum, 75
Petrarca bathyactidis, 93
Pettalus, 448
Pezomachus gracilis, parasitic in cocoons of Spiders, 367
Phacopidae, 249
Phacopini, 243
Phacops, 223, 232, 235, 249;
P. latifrons, 227;
P. sternbergi, 248
Phaeocedus braccatus, 397
Phagocytes, in Danalia, 132
Phalangidea, 258, 440 f.;
habits, 441;
external structure, 442;
internal structure, 444;
nervous system, 446;
classification, 447;
British species, 453
Phalangiidae, 449
Phalangiinae, 450
Phalangium, 444, 450, 526;
mouth-parts, 443;
P. balaenarum, 502;
P. cornutum, 450;
P. littorale, 501;
P. opilio, 445, 446, 450, 526
Phalangodes, 449;
P. armata, 449;
P. terricola, 449
Phalangodidae, 448
Phanodemus, 535
Phidippus, 421;
P. morsitans, 365, 421
Philichthyidae, 73
Philichthys, 73;
P. xiphiae, 73 n.
Phillipsia, 251;
P. gemmulifera, 250
Philodrominae, 413
Philodromus, 413;
P. aureolus, 413;
P. margaritatus, 413
Philoscia muscorum, 129
Pholcidae, 336, 401
Pholcus, 320, 401;
P. phalangioides, 401
Phoroncidia, 404;
P. 7–aculeata, 318
Phoroncidiinae, 317, 404
Phosphorescence, of Copepoda, 59;
relation to eyes in deep-sea Crustacea, 150, 151
Phosphorescent organs, of Euphausiidae, 145;
of Stylocheiron mastigophorum, 151
Phoxichilidae, 539
Phoxichilidiidae, 538
Phoxichilidium, 506, 512, 520, 521 n., 523, 525, 538;
P. angulatum, 520;
P. exiguum, 541;
P. femoratum, 508, 524, 538, 540;
P. globosum, 540;
P. mollissimum, 517;
P. olivaceum, 540
Phoxichilus, 505, 512, 539;
P. australis, 539, 540;
P. böhmii, 539;
P. charybdaeus, 514, 515, 539;
P. laevis, 537, 539, 541;
P. meridionalis, 539;
P. mollis, 539;
P. proboscideus, 532;
P. procerus, 539;
P. spinosus, 505, 508, 510, 537, 539, 541, 542;
P. vulgaris, 539
Phreatoicidae, 136;
distribution, 211, 217
Phreatoicidea, 136
Phreatoicopsis, 136;
distribution, 211
Phreatoicus, 136;
distribution, 210, 211, 217;
P. assimilis, habitat, 210;
P. typicus, habitat, 210
Phronima, 140;
P. sedentaria, 140
Phrynarachne, 414;
P. decipiens, 374, 414
Phrynichinae, 313
Phrynichus, 313
Phrynidae, 309, 310, 312
Phrynopsis, 313
Phrynus, 312
Phryxidae, 130
Phyllocarida, 111, 242
Phyllocoptes, 465
Phyllopoda, 19 f.;
appendages, 24 f.;
alimentary canal, 29;
vascular system, 29;
nervous system, 30;
reproductive organs, 31;
habitat, 32;
genera, 35
Phyllosoma, larva of Palinurus, 166
Phytoptidae, 464
Phytoptus, 464 n., 495 (= Eriophyes, q.v.)
Pickard-Cambridge, F., 352
Pickard-Cambridge, O., 318, 321 n., 323 n., 359 n., 372, 374, 380,
385, 401 n., 436, 438, 450, 451, 452
Pillai, 375
Pilumnus, 191
Pinnotheres pisum, 195
Pinnotheridae, 195
Pipetta, 514, 533;
P. weberi, 533
Pirata, 417
Piriform glands, 335, 349
Pisa, 193
Pisaura mirabilis, 416
Pisauridae, 416
Placoparia, 251
Plagiostethi, 443, 447, 449, 452
Plagula, 317
Planes minutus, habitat, 202
Plankton, characters of, 203;
fresh-water, 207, 216;
Cladocera in, 50
Plastron, 316
Plate, on Tardigrada, 481, 482, 484
Plator insolens, 415
Platoridae, 415
Platyarthrus hoffmannseggii, 129
Platyaspis, 121
Platybunus, 450, 451
Platycheles, 535
Plectreurys, 393
Pleopod, defined, 110
Pleura, 234 f.
Pleurocrypta microbranchiata, 133
Pleuromma, 59;
P. abdominale, 59;
P. gracile, 59
Pliobothrus symmetricus, Pycnogon larvae in, 523
Pocock, 298, 308 n., 312, 328, 329, 425 n., 534 n.
Podasconidae, 130
Podogona, 258, 439
Podon, 54
Podophthalmata, 112
Podoplea, 61
Podosomata, 501 n. (= Pycnogonida, q.v.)
Poecilotheria, 390
Poisonous hairs, of Spiders, 365
Pollicipes, 84;
fertilisation, 86;
P. cornucopia, 85;
P. mitella, 85
Pollock, 340
Poltyinae, 410
Poltys, 410;
P. ideae, 318
Polyartemia, 36;
antennae, 26, 28;
range of, 34;
P. forcipata, 36
Polyaspidae, 84
Polycopidae, 109
Polygonopus, 539
Polyphemidae, 54;
appendages, 42;
ovary, 47;
reproduction, 49
Polyphemus, 47, 54;
P. pediculus, habitat, 206, 208
Polysphincta carbonaria, parasitic on Spiders, 368
Pompeckj, on Calymenidae, 244
Pompilus, 368
Pontellidae, 60
Pontoporeia, 137;
distribution, 212;
P. affinis, 138;
P. femorata, 138;
P. loyi, 138;
P. microphthalma, 138
Porcellana, 168, 170;
Zoaea, 168;
P. platycheles, 170
Porcellanidae, 170;
habitat, 198
Porcellio, 129
Porcupine, 540
Porhomma, 406
Porocephalus, 488 n., 495;
P. annulatus, 490, 496;
P. aonycis, 496;
P. armillatus, 496;
P. bifurcatus, 496;
P. clavatus, 496;
P. crocidura, 496;
P. crotali, 496;
P. geckonis, 496;
P. gracilis, 496;
P. heterodontis, 496;
P. indicus, 496;
P. lari, 496;
P. megacephalus, 497;
P. megastomus, 497;
P. moniliformis, 497;
P. najae sputatricis, 497;
P. oxycephalus, 497;
P. platycephalus, 497;
P. proboscideus, 493, 494;
larvae of, 493, 494;
hosts of, 496;
P. protelis, larva, 495;
P. subuliferus, 497;
P. teretiusculus, 489, 491, 492, 492, 497;
P. tortus, 497
Portunidae, 191
Portunion, 134;
P. maenadis, 134;
life-history, 135, 136
Portunus, 191
Potamobius (= Astacus), 157;
distribution, 213
Potamocarcinus, 191;
distribution, 213
Potamon, 191
Potamonidae, 191
Praniza, larva of Gnathia, 125
Prawn, 151, 153, 158, 164, 198;
fresh-water, 212, 214
Pre-epistome, 443
Prestwichia (Euproöps), 275, 278, 279
Preyer, on anabiosis in Tardigrades, 484
Prionurus, 298, 299
Prismatic eye, of Trilobites, 229
Procurved eyes, 316
Prodidomidae, 395
Prodidomus, 396
Proëtidae, 251
Proëtus, 251;
P. bohemicus, 248
Prokoenenia, 423;
P. chilensis, 423;
P. wheeleri, 423
Prolimulus, 279
Promesosternite, in Limulus, 264
Proparia, 244
Prosalpia, 450
Prosoma, of Arachnida, 260;
of Limulus, 260, 263;
of Eurypterida, 285;
of Scorpion, 301
Prosthesima, 397
Prostigmata, 471
Protaspis, 239, 239, 240
Proteolepas, 94;
P. bivincta, 94
Protocaris, 243
Protolenus, 247
Protolimulus, 279
Protolycosa anthrocophila, 383
Przibram, on regeneration in Crustacea, 156
Psalidopodidae, 164;
habitat, 204
Psalidopus, 164
Psalistops, 389
Psechridae, 399
Psechrus, 399
Pseudalibrotus, 137
Pseudidiops, 388
Pseudocuma, 121;
distribution, 215
Pseudocumidae, 121
Pseudoniscus, 279
Pseudopallene, 511, 537;
P. circularis, 540;
P. spinipes, 537 n.
Pseudoscorpiones, 258, 430 f.;
habits, 430;
external structure, 431, 432;
internal structure, 433;
development, 434, 435;
classification, 436;
British species, 438
Pseudo-stigmatic organs, 467
Pseudozoaea, larva of Stomatopod, 143
Pterocuma, 121
Pterolichus, 466
Pteronyssus, 466
Pterygometopus, 249
Pterygotus, 283, 291, 292;
P. osiliensis, 290
Ptychoparia, 247
Pucetia viridis, 419
Pupa, of Cirripedia, 81, 82
Purcellia, 448
Pychnogonides, 501 n.
Pycnogonida, 501 f.;
body, 505;
chelophores, 505;
palpi, 507;
ovigerous legs, 507;
glands, 511;
alimentary system, 513;
circulatory system, 516;
nervous system, 516;
eyes, 517;
integument, 518;
reproductive organs, 519;
eggs, 520;
development, 520;
habits, 524;
systematic position, 525;
classification, 528 f.;
British species, 540 f.
Pycnogonidae, 539
Pycnogonum, 503, 539;
P. australe, 540;
P. crassirostre, 540;
P. littorale, 501, 540, 541;
P. magellanicum, 540;
P. magnirostre, 540;
P. microps, 540;
P. nodulosum, 540;
P. orientale, 540;
P. philippinense, 540;
P. pusillum, 540;
P. stearnsi, 540
Pygidium, 235
Pylocheles, 180;
P. miersii, 173
Pylochelidae, 180;
habitat, 204
Pylopagurus, 180;
relation to Lithodidae, 177, 178
Pyrgoma, 92

Rachias, 388
Railliet, on classification of Pentastomids, 495
Ranina dentata, 188
Raninidae, 188
Rastellus, 320, 387
Ratania, 68;
mouth, 63
Réaumur, 360
Recurved eyes, 316
Red spider, 455, 472
Red-water, 456
Regeneration, of Crustacean limbs, 155, 156
Regillus, 414
Reichenbach, on embryology of Astacus, 12
Reighardia, 495, 497;
hosts of, 497
Remipes, 171;
R. scutellatus, 171
Remopleurides, 232, 247;
R. radians, 229, 248
Reproduction (incl. Breeding), of Cladocera, 43 f.;
of Anaspides, 116;
of Lobster, 156;
of Limulus, 274;
of Spiders, 365; of Ticks, 461;
of Pycnogons, 520
Reproductive (generative) organs, of Crustacea, 15;
of Phyllopods, 31;
of Cladocera, 43;
of Arachnids, 257;
of Limulus, 271;
of Scorpions, 305;
of Spiders, 333;
of Solifugae, 428;
of Phalangidea, 446;
of Acarina, 461;
of Tardigrada, 482;
of Pentastomida, 492;
of Pycnogons, 519
Respiration, of Crustacea, 16;
of Anaspides, 115;
of Albunea, 170;
of Corystes, 170, 189
of Birgus, 174;
of Oxystomata, 186, 187;
of Catometopa, 194, 195;
of Arachnids, 256.
(See also Respiratory organs.)
Respiratory organs, of Arachnids, 256;
of Limulus, 269, 270;
of Eurypterids, 288;
of Scorpions, 305;
of Spiders, 336;
of Tardigrada, 482;
of Pentastomida, 491.
(See also Respiration.)
Rhagodes, 425, 429
Rhagodinae, 429
Rhax, 429
Rhipicentor, 469
Rhipicephalus, 469;
R. sanguineus, 470
Rhizocephala, 95 f.;
compared with Monstrilla, 66;
with Anelasma, 89;
castration caused by, 100;
males, 106;
association with Entoniscidae, 136
Rhomphaea, 402

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