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(845) 467-1395

A published PhD data expert with experCse in ArCficial Intelligence, fraud, and tesCng, with experience
working for major technology and financial firms.

PhD in Electrical Engineering Polytechnic InsCtute of New York
Thesis on Sta,s,cal Image Processing using ANOVA Symmetry Masking
(sta,s,cal pa>ern recogni,on under Ludwick Kurz)

Master of Science in Computer Engineering Syracuse University

(Special research on test pa>ern genera,on using binary determinates)

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering University of Illinois

(special research on limita,on of microprocessor-based control systems under Ben Kuo)

Sun CerCfied Java Associate SCJA and Sun CerCfied Java programmer SCJP

Private Consul/ng October ’23 to Present

Enterprise data validaCon, fraud detecCon, data cleaning, syntax analysis, test architecture and strategy,
Smart Test AutomaCon, Data Science.

Python, SQL, Azure, AWS, ETL, ELT

Intellicheck, Inc. May ’22 to September ‘23

Data ScienCst/SDET

• Worked on a variety of fraud and security projects, like government contract and document
validaCon, credit card use, and idenCty verificaCon.
• Wrote complex SQL queries, using advanced SQL features and logic, Kusto Query Language (KQL)
and Transact-SQL (T-SQL); performed automated and manual data quality and fraud checks,
regression and funcConal tests; data warehousing with ETL and ELT; automated manual
processes. Data governance and quality
• Developed algorithms through iteraCve models; assembled paaern recogniCon of fraudulent
acCviCes in various formats for government contracts and idenCficaCon documents across North
America; used Alteryx and Google Looker for data format anomaly detecCon; ML-based Random
Forest algorithm, deep learning neural network process for Proof of Concepts invesCgaCons, and
PyTorch for building deep learning models.
• Designed and implemented a C#-based framework on AWS for fraud detecCon, Git for
distributed version control, and JIRA for upcoming issues and seamless project tracking.
Symitar (Jack Henry & Associates) February ‘17 to May ‘22

SDET Engineer and Architect

• Worked on integrated computer systems for digital banking for credit unions (loans, accounts,
transacCons, configuraCons, etc.): a content services hub (Episys sogware); Web Services API for
vendors, credit unions, and JHA products (SymXchange); a web service interface (SymConnect),
and PowerOn Marketplace™.
• Architected and automated various SOAP API complex types on Azure DevOps Server; improved
API quality; used Git and JIRA to ensure project compeCCon.
• Built a data-driven pipelines test framework with C# and regression pipelines to predict values of
user aaributes; idenCfied, managed, and minimized defects; flagged suspicious transacCons;
idenCfied improvements customer sogware prior to go-lives; developed test plans and
strategies, managing over 23K tests; tested database calls; managed core dumps, performed
boundary value analysis, and performed ongoing errors management.
• Worked with customers, trained and collaborated with 3rd-party providers, led offshore
contractors, and delivered story and requirements refinement with Gherkin.

IBM (Turbonomic®) December ’14 to November ‘16

SDET Engineer

• Responsible for Virtual Data Centers (VDC), Cloud services, like AWS, GCP, and IBM®
Turbonomic® plaqorm for public, private, and hybrid clouds with full stack-visualizaCon,
intelligent automaCon, and AI-powered insights.
• Created and implemented test strategies for a Java-based product, using Python, Jython,
Bugzilla, and JIRA with REST API for UI and back-end; performed automated and manual tesCng,
release regression and adapCve control system SDET; employed Python’s Robot for RoboCc
Process AutomaCon (RPA) and test automaCon; used Eclipse IDE and Gherkin keywords;
executed regression, integraCon, and funcConal tests; uClized VMWare’s vCenter for scalability
analyses; database tested on MySQL’s MariaDB
• Worked with global on/offshore Agile Scrum teams, providing training and documentaCon; won
internal awards.
• Tested data migraCons

Previous Experience:
Cisco Systems (Video Delivery System)

Harmonic, Inc. (Video Streaming and Broadband SoluCons)

Goldman Sachs (Trading AnalyCcs and Data Warehousing, data migraCons, reports, live data tables)

General Dynamics (RoboCcs Systems, image algorithms)

Volunteer Work:
MicrosoH Philanthropies Technology Educa/on and Learning Support (TEALS)

Informa9on on publica9ons, patents, and references available upon request.

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